Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 08, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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1 ' ri 11a
ft 3 7 ACHES OF LAND IN' MA1U0NU.,,,.
iVY ' ,rirTn' ".Ue north of AlVNTY.
uaiton and Wheatland roai: Is a hotitilftilun
and Is the very ben lan.I In thn Stale Can btto:'j
Into uee cooil farais. We have aii offer Nr Xlde
i'i. P'Jont AJ'i per aero, which would leave. I1 "f
aneu or tho land in n fqiiaro body or 60) acroiS"1
v ililch a under c.Utlvation; lot) seres ila.hcd. Aof
tho cultivated Hold, that could bo cam" Cot r ak
thn ninu' linvtti. tiArtn -I., .. ... f- 7' -" ...
in Vi. J ii iV ueu -roni live lo tin yr'
A Mho bulldliw aro on lie GoOaeni trart. ..,71
wmen wn
HaaJ "Bi
-"'" s.iwinirie uy mi wno aro acmia rtoil
tlxatlom the balincc or the tract. 3(1 acres, in timber.
Ti.r,? .'? a ,0,r,",,l w'd lellliu' twuc on thU
stock. F,or full paitlcular. go and m
n ,, , " ! t 1. T. NOTI1CUTT..
On the premises, or addrets them at Wheatland. Or.
Nuy. 3d, ls?7. lmp'd.
Little Ginut
Wo wish to Inform tbo pcoplo of Oregon
that wo havo purchased tbo patent of "Tho
Little Olaut Grubbing Macnlne,"and that
wo nre.liow prepared to supply any number
of them at a vory reasonable prlco. Tho sub
Jolnod testimonials or tbo fiuporlor qualltlos
of these tnaoblnos and their comparative
cheapness should rocomonded tbotn to all
those doairous of clearing oil' land at but trl
lllntr expense. For fimtior partlculara apply
to Frank Cooper or Win, Delanoy, Salem, or
Albert liriggs.Sclo.
Bcio, March 10:h, 1377.
This Is certify that we havo used "Tho Lit
tlo Olant GrubbltiR Machine" and found It
Huporlor to anything of tho kind overused
In this part of tbo country:
Prsston Muukers, Win Iroland,
llonry Iiloy, J H Morns,
ADivis, JUIrvIno
E IUIdwin, It p Urlga,
Wo the undHrslfrned havo soon "tho Llttlo
Glaot GrubbltiK Machlno" work and cau
asstiro the pnbllo that It U tho host machine
of tho kind wo have over npn working.
M Alexander, W Hamilton,
JOJohllon. Potnr.Smlth.
J M llrown, Win H McKnlght,
Pnilyeu, UP Mason.
Sao, Alay Mlh 1877.
H. K. corner, at head of talra. Uir
3&L 1 1 -mr ?, xx 3s. i o
.X rery. btjj leave to call thu a'tentliiD of Krult
men. una all others who with to procure coud. Ileal.
'.hyTrec., to their IMMENSE bTOCK or
Apple, Pear, Poaoh, Plum, Cher
ry, Prune, ,
And many other mlrcrllancoiK arletle. the prlccn of
hlch wo havo reduced to tult the time.
toad for u lataloxuo.
ocllO HIlluntiKle.
Between Portland and San Francisco.
Can ho ourchated at the nrliiclpal b'tallonn of the
O. .V: C. It. It , at
Ilocluoocl Xlatos.
.-Itcameta leave both Portland and San FrancUco about
Every Fivo Says,
curving I'a'iciiKcrii and I'icljht at the LOWEST
ItATKS. It If thu only lln canyln? Iho I'. S. MAILS
Tho Ktramthlps of thi Company aie rated A 1, and
are new, elejrant, and complete in every particular,
ind cunltt uf the
State of Oregon,
(Now bulldlug.) -'. ton harden,
George W. Elder,
ttin iviir.
of Chester.
(liV) ton.)
OX, (laM ton.)
BFor freight or paje, apply at tlm Company' of
ice, coriur I' aud front .tjtcie, I'oktlanii,
no2tf OF.O. W. WEIIILEH, Agent.
3.UOU ItueruiluK't 1840 I'uge Quartol
10,000 imnitunJ winning u(A In otur Dic'loitaU
More than 30 OiiOeonle hare been placed In the
lUbllcfdi olnf he I'nlted Male.
Hrtonmenilt-.l In state tiupcrlntenJenti of School
In aOdllToierit Stuff.
Tnoialeof U'eirtrN IKctlonarlo In 'JO time a
reaia tnualo oranr'thrr irrlcnollJiciiontrie.
Contain 3,000 lllii tialioo, ucar!j tliuc lluicaf
many t any nih-r I'lctlnnry
1553TLOOK IT the three pie'urea of a 3im, on
pane 1751. Ihoo alone lllutiali- the ineai.lns nl more
I bun lnO wo rUat.d teiux fir betlvrthan they can he
de3nHl lu wor.l.
"AtiyutH, Ifllt The ni'tlonary nfed In the Oov
ernment triii'lii!r-0(Hcel WnS-trrV l'iabridi:ed."
i'abllrhed by i. A O. .HKItill.m, bpilniflsld.
Farmers, Take Notice.
aroda n at JOHNNY KNUHITri Black
rahh Hhop, oa Conme rrtal rU. 'belw Wade' bard
warn More.-for rmall oatUy of cola. Uring In )o.r
oM Vtnww, tud Kt If I don't do m I tar
onm innrj nt. , ............... . umiiug inn iieweiM iiivtuuuiia mm uiu limn
ffi.S.la0. a; 'l M K OTTVcenrAdwuceH In the Art and .air...,.,;
iii1?; ,nl01dlVs"C0,frn,,,, Wondbttrn.Vloa. .1 o iiu "' Vu'd,uK Mtolmii'is and 1-3nittiiorItir.S:t:Hiii
lllo road. Is n do-lrahlc Iicitloi: In the vcrybwt JK,nor,,'S Hallway, Mining. OlvJl. O-ts
.imlltyoMand. nrkiii.wi.Md to booaoof ibol.e-t ft Ilydratlllo KtiKliicorfup, Mill Wolk,
Jmcntific mmcitu.
The most popular Scientilio Paper in
tho world.
Only 3.90 a Vir, Inrltidtnjr Pnalngc.
Weekly. oVt N tun hern a Vcur.
t.COfl Itook l'uiica.
Tin: ?cikstii'10 Amiiiucan Is n large First
Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pscos,
printed In the must leautlfiil stylo, ;)-rfM'(7
uiuttuit((i trutt tiucnaiu cviiruvuitji, reprf
I. .1 ---. ". t ..!-- I". I'. .- .
- Sim
,', ,'uiprovoiuootfl portalLlntt to Tcxtllo
. v. ii'aa Minir I lUAlMtv- itm nrirtir ivnrv
iV "Vji Prodiiotn, Animal, Vagetablo, and
.i moral v-.., ,i ti.,.o.i.,,. c.ni. i., ..-i
ew aud Intorca'tntt Facts in Aurl
Mo iiiii Vrtlon'ture, tho Home,
Mpdleal rv. u' i.i !.., '
iristnrv i?!rosi tiocM Soionce,
tii n iii nXrW?' AMtronomy, cct.
lnnniw,,'l Ptical papen, by em
will taniu dV dPrtmrits of Soionce,
wholo nre "enlihn ScWtillc Amerloun ; tho
?,nm?JifS?i iJn pop"!" laming, froo
f'm l.0.chn,.caLSs.lllustrated with tnorav.
Thi "S n M8' "Paders, old and young.
K" fcteASlwn la promotive ul
wi.rTir?,,i-.T B n vor community
where it c rculates. K.hn,,i,i ',... u !..
"'ia In overy oouim un Ity
''., 1Sboulrt havo a place
cnol!e7eryorI'l.1 0 Vor'fe
Single conies ten cents. dK brail Now",
dealers, itomlt by postal Sll?jrl mijSv
& CO., Publldhori., 37 Park It" n0w York
PATENTS. fcKfJns?1Ph;
Messra. Munx ,V Co. Bro MollelloKof Amer.'
lean and Foreign Patonts.and havoHn larueM
oMablishmont in the world. Putet?" rH ob'
talned on tho beet tonaa. Modols r New
Inventions aud Sketches examined, aa B,i.
vice ftpo. A npeclal notice Is made ii thu
HciKNTino Amkkican or .11 iuvi.utionaVat.
onted through the Agency, with tbo ntuio
and rosldonoa of tho Pateuteo. Publlo atteq.
Hon is tbUH dlrocted to tho merlta or tho ue.
patent, aud aales or Introduction often af
fected. Any person who has madoa now discovery
or invention, can Bfcertaln, free of charge,
wueiuer a patent onn probably bo obtained,
by writing to tlm undoreluned. Addros for
the P.itr or roncornlng Pa'euta,
MUNN ,V CO., 3U Park Itow, New York.
Branch Ollleo, Cor. F A 7th Sih., Wanblng
ton, I): 0.
"J Vint Slixct,
Nur Kwirt
.tin t'niwiHY. Cut.
Imparts a thorough and practical eduuatlon
in hII comtnerclat and Kngllwh biancho.
rriuiuu, uermiii, Kpaniaii, Urawing nnd
lt-lurapby. Thin icboil having giealiu
raollltlrtN, Miul frjnylng n iniint xxtMiitvt
patninauoiipoii t tie good i-eiiho nnd oiillght
unod Jtidgtuuut or Iho publlu.
13 P. Hnld.
F. u. Wocdbury,
A. II, I'app,
T. It. Southern,
Mra. W. J.Uamlllon,
I.- "Vnl.
(Jen. Ji.beua,
A. Vandernalllsn.
It. M.iSti'Mrns,
W. II. II. Valentino,
Mra.O. Woodbury,
Mra. A. M. Hwich.
A. P. DuUfot,
0. F. Morel,
Tho attootlontogentl6inanly mannorNand
correct buslnoxH habits, and the fact that the
Ilualnoss l'Muuatlon la not vontlnrd to Hook
keeping, Peniuanlilp and Arithmetic, but
Imtmrta uoh broad culture as Iho tlmea now
demand for u high position in tho Mercantilo
The employment of only flrt-cIa(H Teach
era In every Uepartmont, and In snfllolent
iiumburHMiaM to givo rorsotml uttcunou to
ovory pupil.
Its comploto syatrm of
by whloh pupila are lilted tonnler thoCouot-liin-llouxo
directly from tho Hotinol.
Tbo high t-laudiiig of its Graduutea in the
IIusluesH Community.
The I'.iln.i taken to kooiim poilllona for
Gradtutealn good Htilnoss KMiibllshmeutM.
Tho admlHuion of pupila ot both tex(Hanl
of any one, bo that young boya nro rendered
mom manly by iho athcolatlon of tho pupilh
of an older no.
In having tho largeat and beat ventilated
ami arranged School rooniH, and tho largeat
vearly atleiidanco of any Ituslntss Training
School In America.
Tbolmmedlato notinoallon of parents In
caaeofuhiencoot any pupil, aud the pains
taken to keep them Infoiiiud of the progress
and deporttimnt of their Mont,
Thn Fact that ccch pupil becomes an olo
gant ItiislneNH Penmin liiifore Graduating.
Ita department of Modern Ltngiiagea and
Drawing, In which each pupil cm receive
Inalructlona frteofcharue.
Its comploto Department of Telegraphy,
In which student are titled to tnttr at otico
upon their dutlca aa Operutora,
D?OHiiot Ihmuii l.iroSuhoUiHhlps, but gives
thorough iii'-tructlnii at reaaouablo rates.
InvltnH exnmlnallon from all Intf rehled.
Tho "Collegn Journal," giving full partic
ulars regarding courae of Instriiotlon. it-rnm,
h'o , may bo had at tboOlllco or tbo College,
'J I Post htreet, or by addref)liiK
Prealdent Iiualnt-aaCollpgp.Sin Fraiiflhrn.
Attorney at Law,
OITr. on Htate Streot.Jopporlto ths Uennett Honoe.
A 1 i:lt. AfrenUwantcd. UusN
Ait4riJ irOnTHCO,ClLouU.U
C. A. Rich. Notary Public. T. l. Cox
Real Estate and Insurance
Loans negotiated on Favorable
807 and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County,
and Ci'y Warrant!,
Agent, lor Ue4a Optrn Hoo.e.
UrOfflce. at tho corner of Reed's Opera Iloute.
HALKX, OR. aayi
mm,. Mm M. a. AaaJIT tot,
. num. 4, riM.iniV
; mill Aliilkl vntl(. lllinmuirv ntul
o'viloil Processes; ISIcotrluity.Lliehl, Heat,
? ": TechnoloKV. I'liotnuraiiliy, Prlntlnt:,
. Now Procissoi, Now Ito
It is somewhat singulat that tho criminal, tho
immoral, and "unwashed" element of every
city of any importance in the Stato should lo
cato itself in its vory midst, anil as a general
thing within a atono'a throw of the moit re
apoct.iblo atrecls and buaiusM center. It is so
vith Portlandi thero within a few Hooka of
stately resilience, nnd oven on the priivip.il
streota along with drj' gooia, millinery and
fancy store i, anil on the promenading avinuci
in the Summer time, thejo nlmoiul-eyml
omooi'KiMus OK OIIUIA
Aro a'lo'.rcd to carry on their Iiouslm of prosti
tution and t!tc opium smoking dena. Vho Mine
can nJmo.it Iks said of tliia city, tho Capital of
Oregon. Alongidoof thriving lntsinr4 hotisc,
tlioy ore rented buildings to use M wanh homes,
and tho suds, slop, and tho ofl'al aro poured
lictteath the lloora of tho buildings, there to
hecomo a fetid nuisance and a breeder of dis
ease. In these houses they sinuko tlio poison
ous drug; in theso dens some of our young men
aro frequently seen, nnd for-aught we know,
partako of the maddening poisons of the drug,
with scarcely any otio to
Aside from the opium, they have the gam
bling delta contrary to tho laws of the State.
Thcro aro about a dozen gambling houses In
this city, "Tan" is their chiof game, as a hog
ging game of faro is with the Americans.
"Tan" nicatia "funds spread out," or a "spread
ing of tho hide." Tho Chinese h the advan
tage of the jtnioricau faro dcal ' . ii that they
can nihertiau their game lj' J 7, and the
latter cannot. When tho Mo V ui gambler
geta ready to spread tho hide I ft .quently has
cntcrpnsu enough to announce y A
l'l.miNO 111:0 1
. I.
flu llio i-nnirr4 mill 1111 nt t
it is a
average American cannot t.
funeral ticket or a wash-bill.
It is not a mistaken idea that Celestials eat
uothirtg but roast rats aud riee, and a few other
articles of plain and cheap rcgitahlo food.
This is about tho extent of, jthu hill of fare
among the tailoring classes, jet it is strange
that, tliey can perform such hard work on such
wc.ii: (iioi. iiiifl tqisoia tuo iiieory 01 inc 110
producing iiiiihcIo of a homeopathic diet. (
course they all eat hog all Chinamen, rich 1
poor, do. It is n lurt of their religion. Tin
wcau diet. 1 us upsets tlio tnenry 01 the non-
favo such abiding faith in its virtues t lint they
nil only eat it wlnlo living, out taste it utti
S1ion a Chinaman dies, among other tilings
placed on IiU grave ia a Miunptiiotn dinner, or
whatever they may call it. Tho chief feature
of these edibles is a whole hog, roasted.
In largo citica their Unit-class restaurant are
beautifully adorned with red paint, red paper,
ami other gingor-broad work, and at evening
dozens of Cliincuo lanterns aro swung from thu
veraudna and entrances. Tlio edibles arc
temptingly displayed to a Chinaman. Hut aa
thu rodent and the ruptile sccics form an in
congruous ingredient 111 theso spiced and sea
soned edibles, tlioy aro not calculated to tickle
tlio Caucasian palate.
' "hoa'l- CJuiuw. i.. ",r 15
Acoonling to previous notice, tho citizens of
Soap Creek preoict, met for tho purposu of tak
ing Him eoiiBiiierniiuii mo propriety 01 orgauix
ing a Greenback Club. Thu meeting was largely
attended by tho host men of tho precinct,
tho largest tax-payera lieing represented
ami a degree of enthusiasm was manifested
rarely fwn at a meeting of this kind. A tem
porary nruauizatiou was tllcctcd by tho election
of Win. Well, Esq., as Chairman, nnd W. K.
Calloway, Secretary.
On motion of John ItodgcH, a com mi t tec of
three, consisting of .Messrs. Itodgers, Wells and
(.dloway, were apoiiitcd to draft a platform.
Tlio committee rejiorted thu following plat
form which woa unanimously adopted:
To tho fanners, laWera, mechanics ami all
other citizens of Iicnton county interested in
good government nnd an economical administra
tion of public allairs!
Wo, tho citiena of lteuton county, declare
our belief in, and adherence to thu following
1. Wo demand tho repeal of tho Itcsiimp
tion act.
2. Wo aro in favor of calling in all outstand
ing U. b. IhiiuIs and paying the name, principal
and interest, in legal tenders.
.'I. Wo are in favor of tlio rcmonitiation of
silver, making -Hi! grains a dollar.
4. Tho currency of tho government should
ho a legal tender fur all debts, public and pri
vate, 5. All property should bo taxod according
to iu valuation, including stato and national
C. Tho legislature should have power to rog.
ulato freights aud fares on railroads within tho
Statu, and all other industries deriving their
charters from the legislature of the State. Tlioru
should lu 110 corjiorato projerty exempt from
taxation in railroads nor any other corporate
cniwioitv. public or private.
7. Wu openly opiioso class legislation, lwth
State and National, as having a tendency to
centralization aud not iu conformity t ith the
spirit of Itepublirau institutions.
8. Wo ask, by jictitioii, that Congress abro
gate or amend tlio treaty with tho Chuiero gov.
eminent so that it shall lo a treaty of com.
mcrce, and not of migration.
V. Wo deuouneo acts of tho last legisla
ture iu increasing the nuLirits of loth Statu and
county otlicers, while the price of laUir is re
duced, as lieing tyranical and oppressive, which
has a tendency to load to Itilior riots.
10. Wo favor thu abolition of tho national
banking system. Wo bcliovo tho currency of
tho country shoalil Ihj iiaucd by the govern
ment. Tlio platform was numerously aigntil, after
which tlio club proceeded to thu election of
crma:i.ut ollicere, with the following rtmilt:
Jo!m Itodgers, I'mtidci.t; W. It. Cidloway,
1 lie club v.'.is addresied y several of those
prtMeiit, who very forcibly act forth the tnio
prineiplt'3 of tlnaiice and lal-or reform.
John Uodoeiw, Chainnaa.
W. It. Calloway, Secretary.
A Boss rreDii,
Iter. It. A. Hill, who was driven from Port
land for villauies, turned adrift by the Dulles
people, and finally rejecUd by tho church goers
of Seattle, hi lawn recently tried at a Tittle
place called him Urnve, Amador county, Cali
forma, for improper conduct, and expelled from
the Baptist Ciinrch there. The wolf in shaep's
ctotliif it bemad to bw itself sooner or Utor.
Now York, Jan. 30. Thn general nntl.
ment in lliiunoial clrclrw bore, In anticipa
tion of tho pasoago of Itlaud'x bill, despito
tho veto, laexprofsed by thoTrlbtino In an
article showing that gold goes up and tdlver
down beoiuteo that mnamro will drlvo gold
outof thn country but insure tho rnnonotl
zition of silver without adding materially
to Un uso hero. Paper will bccoinon, proin
lse to pay wllver, nnd will f.xcluda silver
Ironi 10. Sllvtr will fall, nnd paper will
Mnk bolow It In value, a tlio protulsH surely
falN behind lliu thing promised. It must
be plain lo overy iniiti who l:ioiva bow html
nisi Is dotio ntul v.'horn aclivo capltnl M
found to coiHliict It, that tho pcudltu: bill, If
pas'ol, will eiUAeatlmo of Irlubifiil dima
tortmlca buslupsH men protect tlifinaelvea
by pulling their business at ouco 011 n gold
1mIm, us Calllornla does,
New Orleans, .Inn. 110. In tlio Anderson
trial lo-ilaW'ltirk Smart, of Vernon parish
court, lea tiled to tho identity of electhn r.
turn and bis signature. Mr. Itay, couhmiI
for dofeiise, c,ljctul that this document was
not tlio ono sot torth In the chargo, and was
not properly boforo tho court. Tho court,
how over, decided this was n technical ob
jection. A bill of oxooptions waa tiled,
counsol contending mat lulu uociuiunt, pro
duced by tbo prosocutlon, was a forgery, and
that, consequently, tbo Indictment waa null
and void, Tho leforinallon was, after sotno
dlsoussion, nmoudod iu a few particulars,
and tbo trial proceeded.
Chicago. Jan. 30. Tho Journal's Washing
ton speoial says tho National ltopubllcan In
timates that thero is a plan afoot to oust
Socrotary Sherman nnd put In Ilrlatow, nnd
that Halsted, of tlio Cincinnati Commorulal,
is engineering tho matter.
Washington, Jan. SO. Tho houso publlo
lands oommlttoo to-day agreed to reoom
mond tbo pasnagoof a bill providing that In
all cases wbero tho Northern Paclflo Kail
road Company relinquishes to sotlleranny
lands which have been fettled upon In goo'd
faith, nnd without tho knowledge of their
having been granted, tbo company ahall bo
entitled totakolleu lands loan equal amount
wliuln lis Indemnity limits.
Tbo Horald'a Washington special aayx a
lotter was received within a few days from a
frlond of Gen, Grant, who has boon with hi in
latolynnd win reportx that ho approves
Hayes1 southorii policy. Ho thinks it was
both judicious nnd neoossary and has no
doubt of its complete success.
Chicago, Jan. III. Tilbtino nnd Inter
Ocoan Washington specials discredit entire
ly tbo rumors of tbo Indlotmotit of tbo Now
Orloans vlaltliigltopiiblieatiH, although they
detail thn alleged proceedings,
Tbo Inter.Oceau'a Washington apaolal
says: AHsoclato Juatlcn Cllirord surprised
tbo Democrats by nccoptliig 1111 Invitation lo
dliiont tho Wbltn Hotiio last ovonlug. Ho
has boon onool tho most bitter lu assailing
tho tltlooftho provident, and Ins declined
to call at tbo Whlto Houso with thorcatnf
tho Nupromo botinh on occasions of corcino
WfcHbliiclon. Jan. ill. Tho cabinet dls
otis'oU tbo Satnoau treaty about kalian hour
and npprovnd It, Theso troitltn are never
mnUa publlo until tlio cxulmnge of rallll
cation has occurred between tho two coun
tries. Chicago, Fall. I Thn Tlinos' lllsmarok
Hpeclal aayn: A ptlvatotelograin from a rolla
bio source at Tongtio rlvor post reports Goti.
Miles preparing to movo agalnstrjlillng Hull
nbont tho 10th of February, with a foreo nl
olght companies of cavalry and nix or eight
companies of Infantry and all obtaiuablo
Crow Indians. This nnems to favor the .'Idea
which was bollovod rldloiilou, In oillolal olr
oles In Washington nnd Chicago, that Sit
ting Dull baa really crossod Into thu United
London, Jan. 30. Tbo Vienna Prasso says
Servla demands as ono or tho oondlt'.una of
peaco all of old Hervla exoept that.psrt
comprised In Ilosnla, a hundrod and llfty
thoiitand Turkish pounds as war Indemnity
and tho ItnmedUto appointment of a speolal
coiiimliiKloiier to examlno thn respective
olalms or ItnuiimnU and SorvU to the Puah.
alio or Widdln.
Tho central oonimlttro or tbo Ited Cres
cent Hocloty telegraphs from Constantinople
an appeal to all tho kindred committees of
tho Itnd Cross, ull beuovolont Institutions,
and all kind-liorlod mon of all countries.
Itasys nooiulilfiriililo numbttr of wounded
soldiers aro Hooking Into Constantinople
from all parts of tbo country. Nearly fir
oen thousand refugeoH, victims of tho war,
Hying from thoacono uf military operations,
deprived ol all mans ofoxlutmico and al
most iihkoU constltuto 11 Mlitrttlon, which,
considering tho limited resources 01 tbo Htd
Crescent soulety might end In a general ca
lainliy: tliat mall pox aud tj pints have
cnmiiiHiioiHl among the refugees ami f Hurls
aro making to send them lo Asia, Itlsap
prohouded that thn incressed populatlo'i
ofComitaiilliioplo will occasion a so entity ol
provisions unless there is aoino tpeulal t'llort
trom without to replenish tbo store" ; 800
rpttiBecsarrivrd Monday. It is linpni-Nllilo
for nil to tlnd shelter. Many am huddlisl In
open sheds, kueo deep lu mud ami water.
1 no wiioienaie exodus noui Jtoumeiu Is un
abated. London, Jan. .'50. It la stated Mint Austria
has declined to commit herself to Joint action
with lCncland, umIhhs she Is previously as
sured that tbo British ministry isstfa aalnni
asaulis or tho nposlilou, which might
leave Austria Isolated at n Interstage, aud
that tlio ministry Intend, pending tbo vote,
to furnish ri-quLlto guarantees. If tho min
istry obtain a largo majority a very import
ant European combination will appear.
Chicago, Jan. 30 Tho lulor-OceHu'a Wash
liiRtin special say: J, Madhon WelW lsex
pectetl hero by tlio ovoulng train, (Iu has
besii heard from IvnIconIiico ho Inlt New Or-
leaiiH, and Is mining hero to nocurn prote-o
tlmi lor liluitf IT miii other iiiembeis of the
ro'urnliig board. Dirnucrailn members ol
Congress from Louisiana havo received let.
Iith from New Orleans, slating that tbo mem
tiers or Iho returning board aro desperate,
ami mat wens nus (iireuiemni nisi 11 iim nai
tohiill'Hrlor his services lu makliur Hayes
Primldimt, Hayes will bsvo to hiiHir with
him. Onn Louisiana member says Wells
will turn States'' nvldeix'H unlets the Presi
dent protects him In Miiiin way, and if hii
do, (Jaitlsld, Secretary HhnriiMii, Numley
Matliows ami otiiers, or thn ltpubllcan visi
tors who went lo Now Orleans during the
count, will be indicted also, Tills, however.
Is rccoivtd wllli much Incredulity, le
tenunouiiced by telegraph that a delegation
is on Its way hero In tho Interest of the other
mombsrs of the ro timing board, Wells'
frimids hero sy ho will conceal himself lor
foarof kidnapping or requisition.
L'uidoo, .Ian, 3) C'lrriMpniularics from
0llioll Wndnesdsy stys the Itusslau worn
at Dedeagateh emt Ferldjlco, Telegraph
lines were interrupted and 11 is reported they
are ad vanning hither.
A Pra itorrf spondent av: A council of
war waa held to doy (Wednesday,) Hobart
I'anha was presont Tho oounnll iletermln
ed in ttko ineMurea for the dtfenaa of tbe
I'aria. Jan. 31. The Gaulola declaiea it has
gool Inforuiati n If m Borlui that tbo tbrea
emperors' alliance is r MtUblUbcd, Itaaala.
m io mnwH 01 iNirmanT. oaTinc Bioainaa 1
HpoeoudltkMObBOJiioutlQ AiutrU.
Vienna, Jan. ;ii). Tho Austrian noto pro
testing against anything BlTeotliig Austrian
o- l.uropoan IntorosU bolng nltorod without
tlieionoiirreticnofnll thoalgnatory powora,
will raoh St. I'oiershurg Monday night.
London, Jan. 30. Foreign otlloos publish
nillspitcli from Mitilater I.ayard, doted Con
Mtnntltioplo Will, which .sain tbo Grand Vizi
er In tVu-med hint that tbo Pnrlo telegraphed
tboTiirklah plmlpotnitlarleson tho2.tdnnd
onlernd ihein lo accept tlm basis of penco. It
""""ra luioiiriiiuiHii inreo limes nsitiu
iiiriii 10 report tlio result, hut uiiavailliigly,
although communication with Ketanllk la
sun opon.
A Hdrltii 1'iirrrsnnniipiit henrsfrom n trust.
woithy eotiict) tbat I'rarico baa confidently
declared abo stands on tbo fsine side hi Oof
many lu rrgaid 10 tlmeMn'Mrn question, nl
tliougii rtsuived tu avoid rjrolcn compllcn.
A dlspalcb front WooIp Mb reporta that a
number of Whltohnnd n rpedoos and appa
raltts lor dlcliarliig claiionary torpodoos
Itiwibeen sblppi.,t 1, r tho Mediterranean
lluet, and to 000 barre's of cannon powder
havo been brought tram tbo resorvo timea
rlntantSouibainpton to tho Thames ready
lor HhlmiiHtit.
Tho HotuudHtii f'mirsnt publishes under
reservo a tirlvatn tolearam from ConnlantU
nople, which do's not obtain credenco, as
sorting that iHiaeo negotiations havo been
broken oil, and that tbo Turks will resist to
tho last extremity, and that foreign ambas
sadors an, taking moasures for the protec
tion ofchrlstlans.
Jan. 31. Tbo situation does not lighten
any this morning. Tho secrecy concern Ink
thodolay In concluding an armistice Btlil
continues nnd will Inereaso Irritation nnd
suspicion. Thero nro singular contradictions
In official nnd somlofllclnl statements. Onn
from thn Porte is that tbe Turkish envoyn
accepted tbo tortus nnd concluded poaeo
oluhtdays ago, alnco whloh time nothing
nlUciat has been hoard from tbetn. Tbo otb
or Is from Ilusstau source nnd scmloflloltl,
that everything is all right, but there has
been delay In tho transmission of the results.
Somothtng Is wrong. Ono explanation la be
ing received, that a secret understanding ox
Ists between tbo portnand Itussla, mid that
Iho aunouiieemont nf nil arm 1st Ice Is being
delayeJto allow llussla to oompleto her
military preparation necessary to carry tho
Hgroetnyui Into etloct. Thorn has boon a
largo and nwlH concentration of troops south
ortlio IUIkans, which. If negotiations aro
lining made In good raltb, nro not uendeel .
Tho grt Jest secrecy soein, to provall ovory
wherbalMhe i'ront. A good deal or angry
protest Is bolng board from Austria,
A St. Petorstmrg correspondent telegraph
ed yostordayi I on atato positively t list tho
Itusslati.govornmont bus received no intolll
gcuuti at tho slfiulng M tho urmUtlco
Adrlanaylu, Jan.. tl, Grand Duko Nichol
as arrlveu on tho 'Jdtb by rail fioin ller
inatill. .
Tho Kukslati vaiiguartl liasncoupled Dot
bnske, Pasklsl, Damatlcoand Elrkklllssa.
Too e.irowltuli's army crossed tho Loin In
foreei. Tbo Turks nro overy wbero retreating
uj wu mo loriiucaiious 01 1110 quiurilliterai,
London, Jan.. 'II. Tho alto has brim cho
sen for tho Cleopatra obelisk on tho Tlimne
embankment at tbo top of Adelaide mops,
bo'w-ou 01 nrlng Orrsa ntul Wnturluo lirldgu.
Vlvttua, Jan, 31. Tho Austrian amb3satlor
tSt. PeleiHbtirg Is understood to buvi. dj.
Ilvorod yesterday to Prince Gortsuhakoirtho
uolodoolatlng Austria In 110 way disputes
Turkey's right to coiioluila treaties In lierowu
Intorrst, but tiiuiitcotisldorthuarranuemonU
at Kt.anllk no far as ttioy may intidlly pres
ent treaties or touch Austrian Interosls as not
falling within tho right of Tmkov, until now
arrangomonts havo been made with tbo nig
nalory piwnrs of tlio troaty or Pari.
Tho now Free Presto nays Count Andraasy
has taken steps to bring about tbo Joint notion
of Europe In prni-out n prejudicial policy oa
tVo psrior KussU. Austria, with this object,
would viko tbo InltlJtlve laabtttuibllng the
Luiopoan roufrrncA u Vienna to dlscum
ami deter niiiie all points of the ittCb eondl
tlons ntreoting the comtuoii Intereala of Eu
rope. London, Feb. I Tho prlnclpilcausoof
Iho tlolay of tbo nrmistlco Is stated to bo tbo
dllMeulty about tbo mllltarv conditions iui
peaod. Vienna papers say tbeso lucludoou
cupatlon ot'CoiiHtsntlnopfi).
A rellefageiit who arrived ntGalllpnll with
Suleiman IWjb, teUgrsphs-I will stoii
hereto rollovo 0.000 refugees liiurestdla
tress. I havo seen vast numbers of relugees
allovortlm country ilylug from 0 ld aud
hunger. Tliera la a gro at movement toward
.i. lUfugee arrive inrttsitly doHiltute,
having generally lost half of each family. It
Is a nation moving without means or trans,
porlatlou aud without homes to go lo. Eng
lishmen cannot Imagine thu MiflVrliigniid
iimiiimioii in iiionh lUNi ninu wee its to inno
cent and Indus rioui peoilo.
Vienna, Jan. 31 Tho intention to bring
about a conl'erenco rjrtlie purposoof teltllng
points preliminary lo peaco. which Ireiicli
upon international (nioresis, Is UNstimlug
more positive huo. No objeetlotis seem to
have boon raised 011 tbo part ol Itussla, The
Itmsisu answer lo tbo Au-lrlsn nolo has
been receivml. It roistgnliMH tho fret that
pressntor fuliiro atlpulHlloiis belWM'ti llus
sla and Turkey aro subject lo modification,
and aro not deliullu until laticlloiied by tbo
Constantinople. Fob. I Hobart Pasha'M
lleet has arrived from Jlitoiiio, brlngltur ten
bntlalllons, Dorvlab Pa.ba isjixiituti-d sliort-
No news Irom tlio poari plenlratcntlarlnu.
Tlio government Iihh ttlHRrhpbbd Its repio
sontatlvesat European capitals Hiking for
lnfoimatlciii. Itussluiis coiilinuo to advunuo.
Atl-niis, Feb 1. Tho Cretan lusiirKOtilii
have declared that Island annexed to Gruoon.
Ill llio chamber of dupulUs yeslerdiy M.
Couimiuiidour, Greek promler, liilluitutt
that his aciioo would hi armed omu union
ofTheksily 11 ml Eplrtisaml partof Macedo
nia, lu order to pinlna ll.o Gieeki.ibero from
the outrages f thu Turks, driven Ibero by
the ItiiHslan advance. Ho stld diat when
out rages oceuriod previously iho govern,
mem Nought llio unsMrhco ( Enmpc, init
Europe did nothing bi-ymid nuking Ii ijulry.
this time Greece would lako the uialier 111
llir OWII Imilds. TIiIh Ih cmiklilinoil , mi..l iw
a deolaratloi',
Conslaniliiople, Feb. I Tlio Sultan has
telegraphed tl.o t.jr deiiiiiudlug uti arriils
tiuo. London, Fab. 1 V spool tl from IMiun
.tauslliata prlvatu islogram of uuiloubli-d
Hiilboil'v as tbo llusalans aro wliliin Ll
hours' muoh orCoiiHtsiitinoplo.
Italy Is prepared lo make an alliums with
any swer lo oppoo Itusxlan stiirimaoy.
A lVradlMpaleh uillrms that tlio mintaiurlal
"ouncll hsstlmeriuiued to dbt'eiided tun ouy
It Itlsittlaukbd.
Railroad Hoounss,
Die citizens of l'olk and Vamliill eoniitk-a
aro la-coming in dt-ad earnest iu the .matter of
a railroad from St. Joe to Dixie, and there will
Ih meetings of the citizens along thu line of
tho proponi-d roid, aa foljous: At Dixie, on
Weduealay, the ttliiiuit.i at I'errydale, on
Thursday, the 7th iust.j at, Amity, on Friday,
the 8th, aud at McMiniivUle, on Saturday, tlit
1 j
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