Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 08, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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tflanuttt Sfarnur.
PCBLlPIIEnS and raorniETons.
Term of (subscription.
One copy, ono year (in iiuiuIhut) f 2.A0
Ono copy, six months (yiiinmbers) ..... l.itfi
One copy, thren months (IS numbers.) .75
tti. Faiimkii: J hco n great deal in
your paper about the 1'nlotiso country,
and think something from the Cliclialiy
country would bo of Inloroat to your
many readers. As to tho will of tlio
Chehaliy and Its trlbutnrlca, it can't bo
Ixmten In any part of tho country. Wo
can raise from thirty to forty bushels
of wheat por aero on an avcrago. There
has been tw much as 100 bushels raised
to tho acre, but not common. Oatn
grow from GO to 70 bushels per aero on
nvorago. Potatoes do splendid here;
they grow from four to eight hundred
bushels per acre, and of tho finest kind.
Timothy, clover, raf.top and all kinds
of grass do well haVS Means and peas
do well, corn dqys 9nly tolerable, but
this Is no corn country, but wo are sec
ond to nono for all kinds of vegetables
and small grain. -As to timber, on tho
high land It Is Mostly fir and cedar,
which Is very thick on tho hills where
tho flro has not been. As to tho bottom
lands, tho river bottom is generally
covered with (' thick growth of vino
maple, with sorn'b ah and big leaf ma
pie, with a profiy good growth of bnlm
of Qilead of very fine quality, which
will bo very valuablo some day. Tho
creek bottoms aro not so thickly cover
ed with brush as tho river bottom, tho
brush Htunding up straight in most
places. Tho creek on which I lmvo
settled is very easy clearing; wo cut
tho brush down when tho leaves come
In tho spring, then wo let it lio until
J my or August, wiion wo set nro to it
and burn oil" all tho brush; then wo
throw up tho chunks in piles and burn
them; and then it is ready to sow tho
wheat and harrow It in, and thou It is
wo got tho biggest crops. Wo have
plenty ot good water in nil parts of tho
country; nearly every forty acres has
a spring branch on it. Tho Clmlinlls
river is navigable from IIh mouth to tho
.N. I. railro.td, and wo need homo en
terprising men to put a boat on tho riv
er; r think one would do a good busl
ih'sh. Ill thu fall tlio river Is full of
salmon or a lino minlity. Mr. Jliiinu
cuiiuiy ot Liuu, ttio road will hardly lo
completed lotlio lattor placo before stops will
bo taken to continuo It to hor limit. Nor
can tho proporly-lioldors and moneyed men
of Salom bo disinterested spectators whllo
cIlbrtH aro being mado to ralso tho means to
construct this road, so necessary to tho wel
fare of tho peoplo of this section of Stale.
When it Is considered that by way of Ya
qiilnaBay tho travel from Han Francisco to
Portland Is sbortonod uioro than 48 hours,
anil tbntall tho freight and travel nfono half
of Marlon, all of Linn, Lane, Ronton, Folk
and DoujjIbh, to and from Watt KrHnolco,VIH
pans over this rond when built, it ennnot be
doubted that stock in tills enterprise will
command a bleb premium. When it is
completed tbo travel into our State will be I
greatly Increased, tho towns on tlio lino of
tho road will all rocolvo tholr quota of pas
sengers, and Salem bolng tho capital, will
recelvo moro than any of thorn. What wo
horegay aro facts, not speculations, which
all can comprehond oaslly, and we hope will
operate to influence our moneyed men of
this city to aid In this work. If some prom
inent man would make a move to this efleet
wo bavo every confidence that material aid
would bo rendered. If those having author
ity would send an agent hero, ho would not
go awsy empty-handed.
Set at Liberty.
Lin Sum, tho Chinaman who wan arrested
few days since and held to answer on a charge
of tcaling Itoots, yesterday gave bail in the sunt;
of $100 for his appearance before the Grand
Jury, Kuong Yek Iouug and Kuoiig Leu being?
From the Dally Record, Feb. 1
Whllo Walking upon tho North Salem
Bridge, by an Unknown Person Ho wni
Seen to Leave his Ambush and rioe.
The most colossal inheritance sued for in the
courts is that of tho Mcbrger family, in Hob
land. Lieutcnant-fJoneral Mctrgcr dc Wei
baitm died at Tho Hague, in 1C07, leaving a
fortune of ?2S,O00,00O. Tiio Holland Govern
ment look tho estate to itself, on the alleged
ground of want of heirs. General Metrger uas
of Aln.icc. Some of his distant relatives then
Intel claim to tlio property. The suit lasted 1M)
years, until 17'JI, ilien William III, of Orange,
declared it outlawed by time, and continued
tho original seizure- by tho State. New proof
having recently been discovered, tho Mctzger
heirs have petitioned the French, .Swiss, anil
American covernincnts to assist them in recur-
ing the rigliti of branches of tlio same family
living under their protection. Withsiinplo ami
compound interest, it is estimated that thu
estate in question equals in uluethe whole
umount of coined gold in the world. San
IVancisco Chronicie.
Yesterday, Mr. Emanuel Metrgcr, who re
(ides in this county, near Marion Station, came
to this city, and secured the services of Mr.
Henry Janko&ky, to open up a correspondence
with the Holland Government in regard to the
estate, as he believes himself to be a lineal de
scendant of Lieutcnant-Ueneral Metrgcr dc
Moro Recruits.
Sheriff W. H. Twilight and Deputy Sheriff
a U. Turley, of Clatsop county, arrived hero
is morning with three men, sentenced to tho
litcntiary from that county at the last term
Court, and delivered them over to the un
ities of that institution. Their names arc,
ctivcly, It K. Herring, Hugh Mullen and
: Anderson. Tho two first aro sentenced
,. one year each, and the last to two years.
Coat of tho Nor Forces War.
' A dispatch informs us that the late Ncz
1'erco war cost tho government $031,320. Tho
Two of our Cltlocna Fired at Last Bvenlng.jcost of supplying the troops engaged in excess
,'ittnu around from the Columbia rlvor
witlf'JlJ.s- nets ami eailntug imp.initus
and caught rjnttu a fine lot of lisli, in a
short time, thirty thousand dollars
worth. I am told. Other tlsliormun
woiihhlowell to notice tho (Jliehalis sal
mon and try them thoy aro very nu
merous and aro easily caught. To all
who wish to got good homes, 1 would
Miy, thero is plenty of good land hure,
to bo taken by homestead or preemp
tion. Wo haven hdiool in our settle
ment. Wo have not had any snow this
whiter, and not very much rain. 1 pick
ed roses on Christmas day, In tho oiion
air, iinsheltero.t from the cold. Any
one wishing to coino hem and wants
any further information, can obtain it
by addressing me.
IKAAC ('. (UltltAltl).
Oakvllle, Chehalls Co., W. T.
Tho Secretary of tho Interior, in compli
ance with a resolution of tho Senate, 1ms scut
lo that tsxly a report drawn up by Indian
Inspector Watklns, recommending tho eon
MtlliliUloii of tho Indians of Oregon raid
Washington Territories and tho restoration
to llio piitilluiloiuuin of all tlio vast area oc
cupied by thorn. Tho rcKrt rec-oiumonds
that all Indium wist of the Casrstlo moun
tains bo consolidated nt Neali May nod Pay
ullup rtborvatlons; tlio llHh-eivtlug Indians
on tlio former, and tho ngricultural i-!u-n on
tho lattor. That tlio Warm Siirlngauil I'uiii
tlllu liidhius be removed to Yakima rosorva
Hon, Wuililtigton Territory. That nil tho
bunds in tho northern portion of WkhuIiii;
ton Territory bo consolidated on the C'oluin
Ida river on the inou'.horthnSpokiuio. The
NlleU "d other Indians on tho eat of On
gon bo ceinsollihited on the Grand Hondo
reservations and that buforo tlio rnservn
lions thus vacated ure itu-loted to tho iniblli)
domain such Indians ni aro qiialllletl for
citizenship snd desire It, should lo permit
ted to select homesteads Irom thu lauds lo
bo v-iratt'd,
The Yakima reservation is estimated to
contain rOO.OOO acres, one half of which Is
excellent agricultural Uuds, and that sit thu
Indians now on It aro loos tod nn separata 0
aoni farms, cultivating tho soil, and entirely
self-supporting. Sooretary Schurse.xproises
bluibelflavorablo to the rtH)rt, mid says It
proiotes what would bo greatly lo tho d
vaulsge of the Indians and tho government
as well. Tho expense of removing tho ludl
kits is estimated at f'0,000. What a Held
lll bo opened for bouieotoad and prts)mr
llou clalmsl
I.at evening aliout half-past eight o'clock
tho average citizen in the vicinity of the long
hriilgo in North Salem was aroused from his
revcrio at the rcjiort of three pistol shots and
tho cry of
MUKIlKKl MClttlRttii
And on repairing to tlio place from whence the
sounds emanated, discovered Mr. Hcrlx-rt Dm-
m.t on the bridge, who informed them that he,
in company with Iiuis George, were taking a
walk, and concluded to cross over on the new
bridge, as neither of them had seen thu struc.
tin u since its completion; and when within
uiHiut twenty feet of thu north end, n man
raised up from beneath the bridge, drew his re
volver, and Mug out, in a very hoarse voice,
you s II II -s IIAl.Tl
And Immediately I! red two shots, in rapid sue
ccsiioii. As Draper whirled to run, his foot
slipped, and his companion ran ugaiimt him,
knocking him Hat 'ii n the bridge, when thu
an-utsin tired rJioi!. - shot nt them, which
enured the pnudratu ..i.m tu helievu that he
was hit, and ho mug out to George, who wan
making good ure of his legs,
that in: WAHHitor.
Geoige came on up town and obtained tlio (Mi
lieu and a his.u of men and returned to thu
bridge, exjie-clmg to tiud his companion either
dead or in thu last ngouie-s of death. When
they arrived at the bridge tlu-y found Draper,
in compuiy with several other men with I.m
teriH, e-xamiuiiig the tracks where the man
stixid when ho did thu shooting. Mr. Draper's
wounds proved to bo only imaginary, as ho was
not heart tu the least, but was severely fright
emsl. When the third shut was tired tho man
Off in the direction of the old woolen mill, lie
was rather n tall man, and woiu a white hat;
Uiyoud that they could not giveruiy further
description of the would-bu assassin. Mr. Dra
kt says that he caimot imagine what cer
r.-iticed thu man to do tho shootiug, as ho had
ample tunc to nib him, oruviu eoiiio eu the
bndgo and fire another shot at him if ho felt so
disposed. It is rather u strange ullair, and one
that will pnikibly never Iki fully solved, r.l
though our (Kilieo w ill do nil in their power to
briii;; the matter to light.
of supplying the same number in peace, was
i'25,410. We supposed it hod been wore.
Joseph still wants to come back to his beloved
Wallowa, l'crhaps he doesn't rcallzo that he
would live a great deal longer where he is.
Moro Bullion.
To-day Mr. I'hilip Grigsby, County Trcas-
urer, of Linn county, finished jwiying into tho
State treasury her quota of taxes from that
county. He turned over to Hon. A.H. Ilrown,
tho mm of $13,7-10 in silver and gold enough
to swell the grand total to nearly 310,000. Hur
rah fur IJnu county.
The election of officers by tho Alka Society,
last evening, drew a full attendance. The fob
lowing officers were elected for the ensuing
term: Itobcrt A. Miller, President; George v.
Hughes, Vice President Kok-it Harrison, Sec-rc-Ury;
Holly A. Cornell, Treasurer; Wm.
Stump, 'Librarian; Hugh Harrison, Censor;
HeulMjn Boise, Scrgeant-at-arms. Under the
nlwve efficient coriw of officers, the Alka So
eiety is dcitined to materially enhance its repu
tatiou as a literary society.
Tho election held by tho Athcnrcunu, I'riday
afternoon, resulted as follows! Marj Strong,
Prcs. ; Addic Scriber, Vice 1'res. ; Nettie Skill,
Sec; Mary .Starr, Treas.; Minnie Cnnuingham,
Librarian; Muinio Shaw, Censor. The Athen
leuuis have every reason to congratulate them
selves on the efficiency of their officers elect.
Sad Affliction. .
For a few days past two children of tho
household of Mr. L. W. and Katio Mauzey
have been afilieteJ with that terrible scourge,
diphtheria. Medical aid and the watchful
nursing of pircuts and kind friends pioved to
Ik: of nt avail, and this morning about 7 o'clock,
tho eldest daughter, Maggie, aged about ten
years, breathed her lost and her spirit took its
flight to Him who gave it. Then little Cora,
aged nhctit ten months, whom it was thought
would mirvive tho plague, but in tiiis tliey
were doomed to disappointment, and as tho
hand of timo pointed to the hour of nine, it,
too, closed its eyes in death, and her little
spirit winged its wav to the homo beyond the
skies. Tlio doubly bereaved parents have the
sympathynf the entire community in this, tho
Mul hour of their afilictiun. Tho funeral will
take placo to-morrow at '-' J o'clock from tlio resi
dence, on the vomer of Front and Trade
Although our neighboring city of Albany
boa done nobly In her subscriptions of money
to the Ysimlua Hallroad fund, sbo might, In
viow of tho present emergency, that but a
abort tliuoJs allowed to ralto thu remaining
fS,tx0, swell tho amount a few thousand
moro. Hhe Is murly as much Interested In
this enterprise n Corvallls, ben-ause, being
the) grautry of tbo great whoat growing
Kou, Feb. I, IS7V.
During Jan. IS7S, tlu-ro were 1(1 ela.vs on
w Lie li nun fell, with an nggregat of O.ItS tnc-lu s
of water; -I clear and 1 1 cloudy days other than
thiw-o on w hioh rain foil.
Meun temperature -tl.7l. Highest daily
inevill tenipemtim', W nil tho 0th, 1Mb and
"0th. UiwiMt daily mean tomporatun 'Jl'eui
the 1st ami (ith. Daily mean Uiupiratnte at '.'
e.Vloekl'. u., -11.141.
HigheMit thermometer, .Wat 'J o'clock p. i.,
em tho"0Ui. Uiwe-st thermoiuetei, 17 at 7 A.
vt., on the 0th,
Frosts occurred on tho I, 'J, 3, I, . t! and 7.
A light sleet fell on tho moruiiig of tho 7th
whii-h bevamerahi alsmt 10 a. m. I jj;ht hail
tin thu Ifith.
Prevailing winds were fnuu tho North It
days, Seiuthwest II days, South ti days.
During .Ian. 1S77, there were 7 days on
which rain fell and an aggregate of 3,'.'Siuehoa
of water; K clear and 1(1 cloudy days.
Mean tcmiK-nUuro lor tlio mouth 30. ut.
Highest ehily meanjteinperatute', M en Oth and
;UHli. U)West daily mean teiuorature 31 mi
the'JOth. 'l 1'r.iKcu,
Tho fleet Footed Foster.
Wo clip the following from a C.diforula ex
change! "Tho stallion Foster, and winner of
the four mile race in February, IS77, hs ar.
rived in Kentucky, and will make the kuaou
near Uveiugtou. like tie monarch after the
sanguinary Iwttlo of Chvy Cluise, when ip
(onneel of tlio death of some of his bravest no
bl4 and lamenting their Us, consoknl himself
that ethers of as much prowess were still left,
so California, rveogniring tho merit of Foster,
still eon say, 'We have many good a he.'"
Thought It Waa a Burglar.
Thero is a young medical student in this city
who is nf aid of K-ing robbed by burglars and
foot-piils, and for whoso benefit he carries a
young Catling gun. A few nights ago this cm
bryo Ivsculapius being absent spending the
oveniug with- well, it wasn't ins sister and
while ho was gono somo of his chums made up
a dummy and placed it on tho inside of tlio
fence, near the gate, and secreted themselves
fcloso at baud, to await further developments.
1 The front elr IjiUrcrto had nlwnyn v n loft
iiiuiKjiiui, jiiKi, i.ir iiih iteneiii! oil I on Hie OVCll
ini; in (iiiestiou it was locked, also for his beuu.
.lit, Soon the iiatteriug of his feet was heard
upon tho wall;, at ho whistled - ho always was
r. great whistler "We won't go homo 'till
morning," and just as ho finished tho lost strain
ho entered the gate. His eyes fell upon tho
figure of a miilllod man standing but n few- feet
from him. Visions of lomcj Iwuml mid gagged
tlittcd across his smooth face. With a iles.
porato Icaii he lotindLil pvtt the llgnro
and landeil "kerchunk" up against tho door,
wiucli lie lountl to lie locked, and lijs "retreat
in goenl older" cut oil' in that dire'Ction, 'twas
thero th.it ho thought of his littlo Catling gun.
and ho immediately brought it into use and fire-el
two snots r.t tlio liguru ami came near hitting
o:ioof tho Ixiys who was but a short distance
away, enjoying tho joke. Well, to make u long
storv short, he stotxl the soda water for tlu
crowd, but vows that ho will liave one of their
bodiiu for a subject Ivforu the Winter is over.
Cuict joaopn ana Ma Onnel.
According to r.n exchange, tho Ne-z IVrces,
numWringS7 braws, lfrt sipiaws, 78 boys and
fi'Jgirls, n total of IIS beings, which ngiees
with our correspondent's statement of their
iiuiiilier of tho captured, except tho 80 warriors
and ll'O women and children that White bird
tool; across tho line, aro camped em the race
course at lcavcuwortli, Kansas, having tho ruu
of the country near by. Nations nro ii-auc-d to
them. They have dug a hole forty feet in di
ameter beside tho Missouri river, wheic, having
pratimisly wanned the water by raiting heated
tonei into it, they Iwtho daily, no matter how
cold tho weather. Chief Joseph wants to bo
mitt Kick to hie old luerwvtion and take hu
tnle with him.
Went rnst.
lesirs. James Smith & Co., who for the i-ast
eight j ears lmvo been engaged in luuning aw
logs inun ditierent points uithoner, jester
day euro elownwith.i very largo raft of log
from tho mouth of tho I.uckiamute, intended
for tho Capital Lumbering Company, but etw ing
to tho swiftness of tho current in tho river at
nrociit, they wcio unable to make tho usual
lauding, nud were lorno on down tho river.
Mr. .Smith will doubtless make a landing at the
Lincoln saw mill, aa tho current puts in to tlio
Kink but a thort distance above tho mill, and
thus ho will save his logs.
l'aclfla Thrcshlns Machlno Company,
Wo understand that on or about tho 10th of
Fcbiuary the Pacific Threshing Machine Cow.
lny w ill employ a largo force of cou iets from
the State IVimiii, and put them to work em the
manufacture of stows. They expect to receive
the patterns from the lvi-it by that time. We
expe-ct during tho coming Sini'iner to bee frimi
,'i0 to 'i't hands employed at this manufacturing
Mora Oplua Smokers,
Officers Minto and Barker succeeded in mak
ing a raid upon n Chinese opium den last even
ing, and captured three Chinamen who were
smoking tho vile drug. All three of them
wcro placed in the calaboose, but subsequently
one oi them got lull and was turned out.
Thoj made their appearance before Itecordcr
Ikiwie this morning, and were fined $r and
costs, each.
In tho Clerk's Offioe.
Through the jwlitcness of our friend and
efficient County Clerk, Mr. George A. Eeles, we
aro enabled to place before our readers tho
amount of business transacted in that office for
tho month of January: Numler of deeds re
corded, 85; mortgages, -10; chattel mortgages,
Hi; marriage licenses issued, 8.
COX--Nonr Junction (,'lty, Janunry 30th, of tv
ptioM pneumonia, Holotnon Cox, nijed sbuut CO
Agent for tlio WlUmctte Psrmre,
Albany "V JK Ilsnnet
Amity ..KIjfcHrappon
ColtaRoOrove . J II Hliortrldue
Ilclhue A....,.....JciriJaYl
llucnaVlftft Welts, J V Ilobsrt
Uiownflllu W 11 Kirs
ISiittevllle -....J V Jlaclicldet
Csnyoiitlly ....Dllhliicbart
Uiliyonviue v w t jitleiie
cv.-ullls City -...rH MnttcN.i,
ColesVnllcy .....WIJ Clnrkt
Clatsop...... V"llJMelsoti
Cnewf.mlllU . Ki.btrt Qlam
Covo X..1U' Kt-iitlall
Corvalil A.K Woodward
Crcs'ee-ll ' -ulosriie Km
Clnciiiinss v. ..W AM ,.
I'si.uiL'icck ,. "VHniniPir....,
Ili.Ha J U ukvj ji (),,( ,
Jlclter lliiiidmtt(,i
Dwlics KuwX,, ,v j)r()n
Uamfltcas -.A.l'.Peitie-
JJ)1"' Kjllailaway
Wkion ;-Ml Ualnes
fcoene;- Jo.htMcClanir
Fox Valley A LOanlni-i
Forest Uruva 8 HorLcs, W cartls
Qophcn..... ........... ............. ......J Iif(pfiLe,
'"vols "Mpalne,
Halscy TJjijac
Hnrrlabutg Illiam Vnliii
HllUboro ALbuIde
Hcpncr Morrow & llr,r
Independence W L Homc
Junction Smith. UrsiOcld & Co., W I. Lerlr
Jacksonville M I'cterciX
Klne's Valley Conner A CresA
Jefferson John Wltolaiil
Lewlsvtllc II O McTlmmondV
Larsyetlc Dr l'oi-jOcton. A Illcsry
Lebanon i 811 ClanahtOL
Monro? Jos Kelsey
Melt inii villi- .a.. J I) Morris, A Held
.Moiimimlh L W Wsterhonsf
Mill Plain, W'J- k Dsvldbnenp
Needy sV. Win Moretanet
New I'.rn .4 J Cstto
Newellsxllle... I' K Castlcmsi.
NorlliXsmlilU DOBtenan
Oakland 8 K Ilaymond
Oi-wi-ko A It rfblpli-j
OH J II Sthiwder-
OreironClty M Bacot
Fcniileton W A Whitman
r.,r,: Dr J 11 Irvine
Pilot Hock K OtllLam
Portland 8 I' Lee, Agent Stale O ranee
Prlncsvllle OM Prlneli-
Pmydalc McOrew'i More
nlck"al KAPatlerson
Hiisebare Tim HmiiK
jjf.lo F I Junes, ThosMnnker
g""r0D yi'V. TRIIIhbard
2hla"' WM 1'owe-rs, t'HWheler
2plM.c,d AOHovey
Nnbltmllj John Downlnc
2weiJIUme Ben Marks
Hnerleian... , ,
Tanesnt..... js g partec
The Dalles 8 L Brooks
Tamer w M Illllran
Vancouver...... 8 W Ilrown
Wats Walla JK Brcwci
wsldo. J C Elder
YoucsUa J n KUIson, ItH Applcgtto
PiiyN CtiNlt ibr
Hides, Furs, dc Pelts,
fie21 Commercial st., SALKM.
lot tho Fcoplo Rejoice,
P'or I bo Lotintlful harvost of 1877 hut now
plaeud In tho b.inda ot tho people tho golden
coin, that thoy may iloo to W. 1 JohiiAoi.
.t Co. nud kecuro such pictures as will
tliom and tholr; rrloiidM. and bn a blrs o
geiiftmiloiiH locoino. lloinonilicr thej
oyer Willis' Ilookstoro, Htato St., Hao -.
XXyvtt'As Xslfo Oulrvlmevxxx.
Ah a conqueror of lthoumntism. Gnur. Neil
Mlgln, nud euro tor S-'eroiulu unit nil l Urines
iirlslng from Impurity of blond, the oMiind
reliable. Kiimlly Medlcluo, Jlyutt's J.ff JUU
m, htnudrt uiiKiicilcd, us proven liy over
S(.x),C0O creat cure a during tho pust 00 years.
Is h radic.U vegetablo Compound olh'ars.ipa
rilln, Dock, Ounmcitiu, ito., nud a periuatont
euro. Sold by all druggists and country
uroeor. Take nothing lso, and If thoy
haven't it wn tond liy oxpmN, boxed, nvory
tvlioro, atSl hikI $125 per bottlo; S'lCOniid
?il CO hair do., Uvatt it II VATT, Ilia Grand
St., Now York.
H$$r "ol sr s 3
liouM call at Hits Nursery, nud mve the Ai-cut's
iio7ihI MJllUMlTYTe'r
For Visiting Cards I
Ca ds with any nnmo nostlv nrlnti-,1 tln.rrnn
sent fO Rliv address nr.nn tirr-lnt nf'j. ij...im.
Antl a !Lfc.if .... i.i.l...UJ '
..ir.;mp nuuivrr, .
. O.
Ci-aiike, fnlcin, Orak-on.
THU8H.- This ereat luieu.
uua is uoini: suocK-u ny uioieui
Inc I'liystclans and huictons sit
owr tho land. (W We would
respectfully caution il.u Public
si-iiliin certain fuiululont and
worthies Imitations which dim
now In tho market, llewsra of (hem Send for II
iiisiraieu hook aim rnro List. .MACiMCIIU KI.Mj.
TIM THUS8 CO.. ton 8acrameuto itreet. up stairs,
hau Frsnclrco. de-cey
T, A
l"N JU
Rntt Dcstroyeet.
Vestenlay moruiiii; Xlr. ihck AVclTs'
freiui ltuen.1 Vista, with a raft of twenty-thrve
lob-s and attempted to laud them at Independ
ence, but iu this thoy failed and pawed on by;
they had gono but a short distance, when tho
raft ran afoul of a l.iri;o suaj and broke tho raft
all to pieces, Mr. Wells succeetleel in reaching
here last exetiuie villi two kgs ef the entire
1'attou's lllock, Stats street, Salem, Oiifon.
. scrlctluiis, aud all oiJcrs by mill or express filled
pruniftly and srcuralely.
I'heslclans and Country Dealers will sae money by
examlnlni; our lo-k, or procurlue our prices, K foro
purchsslu e-lselie-ro. notS-tf,
l'.trtles desirous or coRaslui; frclubt or pasrsee,
will upply to
W. J. I1EHRBN, Acent.
no30 Famiers' Wharf. SALKM.
3R. -A. IDLi H. O Al. X
Nurseries. ij
I hnvo tho r,:irircF)t SlorK nf Frnlli ,
TrucN In Oi'Kon! '
200,000 Plum ami 1'runo Trees,
X uiid I will sell Hum from
f(l(l lo $25 per Hundred.
i.,.1, ??)' 'l'.c,cIal Mtcnjlen lo my AMSDEN JONB
'. ' :AS"UtB'':?-. ' '"", Vl acl" " ' rle'ty rlpr
July B. J6il. snd they are of excellent ipulliy. 1 hno
nlsi soveii i.thi-i vsrivtlrs of lV-nches. snd a. eeneril
variety of i itiiT Krnlt Tires and Shrubs. Also, n
IstKufotof I'JJACH HUKULINUn, at $30 per l.tCO.
2 ?,M,cjr. l'0lan,, " Vvnr. McMlnnvIllc.
K Whipple, CottiKO Mrs K A JudUlns. Kuee-ne.
... .?r?,0 . I. Michael Wlieatlsml,
W M stcsie, Turner, N. Ijicroli. Sublimity,
A Jones, Slayton, J Moirls. Jli-lamn. '
I. (Irabe, Ilslsey. A Wluilcr. Hlmlil.
W Hhunun, Hharon, W T I) W KllidKe. Ilowel Pr.
i ' "i0!" ",brjf, .1 A Hunt, Oakland,
II Mortis ,t Son. felo, A Inluir. Woolen Mill Co..
Oil Holarid, Jellersdii, llrownsvlllo.
wvt$. ' V,,c.r.l tfa'1'". Jsson Hoyal Washington Oo
W m V Cielts, Tmu-lliij: acent catl of the Wlltatce-ttt
1 'n. xv. rnnTTirivTAN,
... l'roprle-tor of Hallrnad Nurseile.
Capital, $300,000.00
Acsots, - - $568,547.45
Income, 1875, - $465,904.29
Losses paid out sinoe organiza
tion, - - $1,137,367.60
"3T 72 I'Irst hi.. VOKIXAND.
Llboral Xermts!
Tae Orepton and California and Oregon
Central Hallroad Companies
OPFEH their Lands for talcupon the followlnc libe
ral terms: One tenth of the price In cash; Interest eo
the balance at the rate of seven per cent, one mi
artir sale; and each following year one-tenth of the
principal and Interest on the balance at the rate ol
wren per cent per annu-n. Both principal aud Inter.
nt payable In U. S. Currency. v
A dUcoupt of ten per cent, will he allow! for cash
. VW" Letters to be addressed to V. SCHULZE. Lan
Aaut O. c. It. It.. Portland. Orison. '
anrsstn or
m.KES pleasure In otrerlne; to tbe Wool-Growers ol
a. Oreuon and the adlolnlntr Terrltorl" the chance
to purchase THOHOlTOHUKKD MKHIN03 and I."
5q.!ivi:.Vr,,ei'it'.,crct?,ihM lhey n. and will en
tvnit niiMi'nm,1.',0 "me qosllty and ialuear
MUCIICHKAPEltllATES than such cun possibly
le lmtiortt-d. Kxamlnatlnti iml m. (... u i.t. n.vT
erSheep otTered Iu tbe market aro cordially Invited.
v n pi. n . n . . Saltni, Oretroa.
H. a. The Hams and nam Lambs of tho flock can
be seen on the ISLANDFAItM, adjoining Salem.-
HiieiE,J.7.??.n,ba SCS ' ,h0 Mm Plt. or t le
J1ILL FA1IM four and a hall mlka south of the city,
balein, bepteniber JO. 187.V
Trust Investment Company
rpni8 Company Is rrepwed to negotiate loans in
X sm Ire-ra J5CO to J.te.000 tt curea over IMPHO
nx"l periods of yeais, or retayable by half yesrl'y la-
no9r a First Strett Fcrtod.
k - '-
S t .r M f " L
4 fc-ws-"si.ww-'r -"4-ssji
Ufisll! I J SH I.I 'I m '