Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 08, 1878, Image 1

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v?-, js'iaif c nrc m-c'
$2,50 per Year.
Borao of oiiivo'j5bcribers nro ono or
more ycnrs inairenrs, and wo nsk such
to respond tit nn curly tiny. Any sub
scriber can tell how much is duo us by
reading tho duto on tho tag. Money
can bo remitted us by mail, through
money order or registered letter, or
sent by express, or can bo paid to any
of our ngents.
Fort Rtn Jail, Fob. 2. Eight hundred Uetl
Cloud Indians havo loft, the ngenoy, going
' north. Tho Indlnsosort tlmt nil tho light
ing Indians nt that agonoy WM cut loose
Vnrly In tho spring nnd lollow tht gonoral
nortuwost trail. MDOitoii jail imiiaun are
ccrolly buying fit ponies ami malting otn-
r suspicious moves. ,
Itlstimruk. Feb. 'J. Goti. Mllos. under (into
Fnf ilui "Mil tilt., renorls from Tntimin rlvor In
'the Held, nnd hoonly walla for !!() recruits
from FortSnelllng hoforo proceeding In per
son against Sluing Still, who Jutoonlldontlv
bolluvcH Is In U. S. torrltory. ills force will
opnrato from Fort Pock us n contral point.
Now York, Feb. 2 Tho Herald's Wash
ington special ways thorn Is good reason to bo
llovo now tlmt tho llland bill cannot bo pass
ed over thn voto. Hllor men Ihomsolvns
bogln to 11 In oil n little, nnl talk of admitting
un amendment ralslntr tho vnluuof tho dol
lar, hut It becomes llly tunro osrtnln tlmt
no bill utlacklng tho dubt and tho Intercut or
Interfering In past transtotlous will be able
to paspovor tho veto.
Washington, Feb 2 Ffrtv thousand bids
havohoen reoelvod for enrrj leg tho mull for
tho next four years In nearly Hll of that por
tionjof the United States lying went of tho
Mlmlnslppi river ami exienumg to mo ra
ulllo ocean. The awards will bo mado bv
March 30. Hal
Wa.hlnatnn. Feb. I, Tho Miiual ssrvino
...,... ..... .... I if ttinalt miiim. Vfnt. nnl In
fvinjr.R nsfollows: Five o'c.ook a.m. Total
number or passongors, 200, of whom 100 wero
drowned, tho remainder wrro ntvod. Tho
stoamerUa to'il wrnclc. Nothlni: In left
sto o water, Ho bodies obnurd thontoAtnor,
Tho wreck wsh ctuied by tho veiel being
untQAworthv. 'HiieHpriiiiTHlenKHbouluild
nljlit nnd htrnndod at 7 o'olnck a. m., Jan.
:ilst. 'I lie only way orsuxtng nro won iy
running ashore ah tho vil wax In n sinking
coudltliin. This U tho rttutcmont ol Lon Mo
QullUn,ono of the -ivt)(l.
CIght o'olook Tho ntn o? nlTilrH this
morning H terrlhH, Dend bodlos nro lying
uloiin tho bnnnli for a dlttiiuunof two mllos.
Omaha, Fob 4. Information Unuelvod nt
nillltary t)ea(Jqimrler that tho Hiiporlntond
out of tho mountod rrorult hnrvlco he be-n
ordored to forward to S in Fr.inolt.oo 2."0 r
crultM, 100 being loi tho lit cnvnlrv anil 1.10
for tho tl h (iivalry. A dlspntoh to drtyatnteB
thatSO more lodges of Hgenoy Indiana have
left tho now agencies on tho Mnwnurl, Interd
lug to io on tho warpiith. Thin iiiaka fiOO
lodges that have lelt nltogtlmr. Military
otllcors hero predict another Indl.iu war, and
that It will ommt'iico early In thoeprtng.
Thoy oxpoot that Morions depredations will
becoinmlttetl on tho northern and north.
westorn bordor of Nebraska.
New York, Fob. A A V'nshInaton dls
patch saya tho houco oommlttoo has Agreed
to report bill extnndlng tho time for tho
completion of tho Northern IMolfio railroad.
Nsw York, Fob. -1 Ur-Senator Harrv
Oenot, of lUrlom Co-jrt lloun untorletv and
onooftho rlnit fiuitlvoi, aurrendred this
morning and gavo hull m twenty. II vo thou
sand dollar.
Washington. Fob. ft Tho tilll reported tr
day by Itoprecenlatlvo Hire, from tho com.
mltteo on I'aulllo rallrnAds, extends for ton
reara thotlme foro unpletlon oftho Northern
Paoltto railroad, Iiprnvldes forthoeonstruo
tlon of not los8lhin KK) tnlls o year, and
that tho nitln lino hetwn l'ortland Hinl a
tiolnt as far eastas Umrtllltf, Oregon, flmll be
located and constructed on tho eouth xldo of
tho Columbia river. Af'usl -KtlliH on sur
voyod laiuN v. illn the Mini 3 oftho rsllrosd
urantareK'ourid In lhlr rlgh'x by p(lng
32 60 perneio. Fro emp'o'- ol hoin'tad
hio ul" protou'ud. Tho ooinpmv U author
isftl in I'hiio bonds and hociiro tho ariiu bv
mor givooii thowholooranv partol ItHMid
and property. Tho bill does not ( xirnd tho
time to build a branoh lino Uiroucii Waxhlng
ton torrltory from tho mnu'ti nf.Hnakn r'ver
to Fuget Hound but only irlves 'he omnpany
land earned by It on tho thirty ouo miles al
ready D'tllt, .... ,.
Tho hill agreed upon by thohousooommlt
teoon Paeltlu rallroNilsfor tho benetlt oftho
"Ortliern MCIUU ranrimu, tiAtnuii um nmn
im for Its completion ten jeira, aud ioduee dm
! land grants In Washlnirion Territory, tiklntt
away mioh portion ot lanu nn'otoioro
embnued In tho approprlathu for tho con
etruotlouot tho road from Pen d' Orelllo to
Pucet Sound. ..... ...
Morrison and liiittrell will probably a'cna
o.innrliv roiiortdeeUrlnirsi;aln.tlho pafsaro
oftho bill for extenulnp the Hinu of building
the Northern Paolflnrallroaii.
WllllnmH, of Oregon, voted against tho
Matthnws joint reoljtlon declaring Kovorn
tnont bonds payb.eln Mlver. Davis, of Sn
FrancUco. voted the same way. Only ilvo
mombeis from the south vpted against the
resolution. Eastern Dcmocrata went almost
nnanimoiislv aacalnst it, and western Itepub.
llcaos and western Democrat were almot
olid lor It.
South Umrq"n" ln n'lth' recently
'than fer M.vtrl yeaw before.
Tho Ruslan-Tnrklh War.
Hostilities Coased for a Tuno.
London, Fob. 2, Tim antbltusslan eontl
mout has unqiiCHilonnbly developed laruely
here this woeK. Whllo tho Rituatlon looks
soinowhat more critical und more llko n pon.
Blblo extenelou of tho war and Knalaud's
parllcltittlon theroln, thora U etill little real
reason for approlionslon. Knghurt Isdnm.
onatrallng to forro Husla lo ahow hor hand.
Sho voclleratos that Itussla ehall not oloso
peaeo negotiations without tho approval or
lta terms by tho powurs. This Is safe, bo
causa KiibsIa maintains her pendlnx nr
ranRonients with Turkey are provisional
only. This meana that they will not bo con
nldered tlnal until aftor tho great powers
ehall have time lo consider them. When
this consideration Is had Hmrland will euro
ly find horsolf without an ally aastnst Hus.
sla,beeatifolho latter will yield to all tho
other whenover It shall uo neuosry to oi
ftct that end. Th extra polloy Is to laiiato
both Tin key nnd England, and ho will euo
ceod. Hogland b s nolllled blm of tho oon
illtlnnsupon whlnh alonoMio will tntervono,
and ho will theroforo render ainih Iniorvnn
tlon linpasslhln. Turkey, eeelng this, hH
onlv to Mirroudor nt dlsorotlon ami miuept
tbo'hpst tonus eho otn get. It Is Iipumim)
Itussla's poUloii Is really u giMranteo ror
poHC that tho Htigllsh war pirty e-mms to
bogalnlng strength. Parltimint c.tn nffjnl
to uiniino9 KiWNia when th latter nlo.irly
nolther needs nor will njoept hor nhallongo.
Itunm, Fob 2 Tho propossl of Italian a.
llano with tho powers which nro opoosod lo
Itusalan iitrcrandlr.'Miiont bill at Ihomtmn
tlmo miTinieoltiglho trendom or Utiristlan
nationalities l mot favorably oniortslnod.
Tho pope and Cardinal Hlnionl, nontlllu.il
necrelsrv of state, nro aureeil m to the iioims
vlty nfoiiitniirtgliik; tho allUneo oi Italy with
Knulaud, Franco and Vuslrla.
Atlions, Feb 1. Tho Crete n Insnrconts
havo declareil that Island annexed in Oworo.
Inthoehambor of doputlss ye'enlav M.
Courmtundoiir, Oreol: premier, Indloated
the' fc'it notion would b. nrmwl naoiipation
n hiIv nnil Knlruntiil Itartof Maeedn.
or.fej' ti protect IPo OrooKstheto Iroiu
t I rages or tho Turka, driven there by
t, 1 slan advanco. Ho Kald that when
nntrages ooourrod provlouhly the govorn
ment nought tho aRsUtanoo of Kurope, but
Kuropo did nothing beyond making Inquiry.
I'hlMtlmn Oreeco would lake the matter in
her own hands. This Ih considered tqual to
a declaration.
Constantinople. Fob. I Tho Sullan has
telegraphed the cztr demanding nn urmU-
tloo. ...
iiondon, Fob. 1 A speoUl from Itomo
stales t hat a private telegram of undoubted
authority nnv tho Kusslans arowltblu2l
hours' march of Constantinople.
Italy Is proparod lo make nn alliance with
Hnv power to opnoin ltoRt.1 in supremacy .
A Pern dlstmcn aiurms uiav inn iiiim'ormi
counell has dniermluoJ to defoudud Iho city
If It is attacked.
Purls, Feb. 1. OimboMn declares tbatany
engiigements undo at Kr.uilik mmlirylntr
the treaty of 16.MI must bo considered null
and void. Tho Itusslsn conditions, nxeepl
tho demand for Indomnlty, involiia lUg
rant violation or that treatv. French Inter
cms Initio ea. ho comddore, havo liardlv
ohanued Hlnco 1W1 Tho war cut only bo
terminated bvo l.nropesn oonitro'H.
Constantlnoele, Feb 2 Slllltsry delegates
havo fixed tho linos r.f demarcation. The
ItussUiiM will provisionally occupy l.r.o
room and Slllstrla.
MehemetAll bus b:en appelated com
mander of Pera.
Tho fallowing Is tho text of Iho rra tele
Krnm to thofiilian: ' 1 drsiro peaca es much
as you, but It Is neeenrv for us that it
should boa solid and (tumble peice '
llrussels, Feb. 2. Journal do IJruxellH an
noutices that It has received n dUpatah from
CouNtautlnnpIo saj ing an armistice was sign
al yestordBy.
Constantinople, Fob. 2 Tho czir has lelo
grapdd the niltnn promLluu nn armistice.
Serler Pasha, lorelirn inluNier and on or
tho plenipotentiaries, telegraphed je-lerday
tint tho Orand Duke Nicholua nasrendvto
lun Iho protocol of piaco preliminaries un
der refer o of ultoi lor neuot'ot Ions
The u'rund vU'er In reply toServler Pa.
slm's dispatch iiulhorl7.'tl him DMiwutho
armistice and peace prollmln irlee. All mil
iiary movements and emigration of Mus&ul
mans hao ben Mopped.
London, Feb. 1 A Pera correspondent
mvh apprehont-lons ol rioting bv dnbindcd
KoldlorR aro increasing. Circassians ure
niaskereini' and nlllaulnir nM,ir Cnnstantlno
iiht. Manv rttsldeots deblre the arrival of
foreign (Lets, Diplomat. hesltal lo lake
coiieenlr.tted aetion for fear jflLcrcat-ltig iho
A Vienna dispatch Rive Autrh would
only protest niinst Itusklau oecapiiiou ot
Tho Bceeptauce by Germany nnd Itusilaof
tlm Idea of u coufereuco at Vieuim Is aunoiiu
ced es certain.
Adispstch Irom Pera, iltled Wednesday,
savs tint Husslaus have taken Keshan.
Tho I'ont announce In orilcUl firmlh.it
up to a hie hour last nlghr no po-hlve now
had reached the roruli.ii tttlse of Ittulng ot
tho basis of p9ae and armWtlco. There ia',
however, ground to believo tho terms would
be signed to-day,
Httlirrade. Fob. 1. Tho ill f-ellng excited
by tho Itusnlan peace conditions Is Holnien-o
that It appeara decided thatSorvIa ehall dis
regard tbem, and continue the war till che
holds the whole of Old Servla.
Ouobareal,1 Feb. 1. UussUn troops are
continually arriving atJ.sxy.
Bolgrade. Fn. 4. I be g vernmsot , hav.
Ing received a dispatch Irotn ItuHlan bead
quarters announcing that ihearmL.ico tiu
been signed, has ordered tho dllTerontSer-l
vlsn commanders lo stnn hostl.ltlCH
Now York, Fob. 4. A OohsUntlnoplo d
patch save tho blnokade oftho lllack Sea
tween Odessa and Constantinople tins bt
St. Petersburg, Fob. I. Tho Caryost
day,atter lnpeollon, addressed tho troop
follows: "1 comrratulato you upon an
mistlco, tboettlsfictory condltlotiHof w
are duo to our bravo troops, who proved
for thorn nothlnir Is Impossible nf nn
pllshmnut. Wo aro still, tiowovor, far i
tho end. end nuiBt coniluuo to hold outfolvr
prepared unui wo
obtain h durable
worthy ol I.oNia.
Vienna, Fob. 4 Tho oblnot yesterday
Issuod form.ll Invitations to tho signatory
powora to tno treaty of raris, to.ennu repro
suiniivo3 to too con let unco to
St. Potormurg, Fob. 4. Publlo opinion
horo,aud oven more nt Mnsoow, rouards tho
projsalod cmferenco, with dIfivor. Homo
ianrH snoik nf tho (nufarenco as a mote
dovleoof tho l.uropeau powers to deprive
ltii'slii of all thn aalnod nfter eo heavy nn
expenilltura of blond and Ireasuio without
tiKiuuoivos epjuaing a uouar or insing n
Athens, Fob. 4. Tho fJreek troops who en
tered Thcsssly yos'orday under Oou.Sotilxi),
encountered no reslstanco from tho Turks,
who wllhdtow to Uitnocn. Thn Greeks will,
advance to diy on 1) imoco. Tho gtrrlsou ot
that place numbera 2,000.
Ilunharest, Fob I Till cblnetdollbor
nled four hours Sunday under tho pro-ddonny
ofi'rlnco Charles upon tleueral lupatlelFa
formal iirnmslilon fir it cession of llesiinra-
lin to ItitS'la Nothing was resolved but
tlmreare liulliutlons that Houmanla will
iMtogorlcallv rolit'o.
Vlonna, Fob. 4 1'olltlc d Corrospoudcnoo
states that nf er Mining tho peace pa llmlna
rled, f-teps were ImtuedUtely token at Adrl
nnoplo locotcmnneo negotiations firedefl
nltivo tro'ity of peaeo. Oen. Ignnth IT and
Htfvet Paslu will bouutrtited with tho.ono.
C'Uiktautlnnple, Fb. 4
at Itodostn, Tchorlan and It uirgati
Cottlttgo, Feb 4 Tho UasBlundlploinnllq;
roprettonftHo, M.JouIn, Ins given notice
Ht .,onet.-t the-anl F,v . tb Vrlutil ?
nt iMimienogro ami rrquenou mm io nuspuua
Delsrailn, Feb. 4 Tho dispatch of tho Grand
Duko Nicholas, notifying tho Servian eov-
eroiuentof tho ormlstlce, added Iho asur
ance that HervU's luterostH would rcculvo
every cinslderst'on.
London, Feb t In tho houso of nommons
tbh uf.oriioru, (ilailitouo snirtrn-lod sn ad
dress to the crown from both houses assuring
the Q teen of supiort In the cjufjrenoo In
tttesd of vte of orttlit.
Luudon Fob I. A Vlmtia dispatch esyc:
Kirn In tholr Immsturo form tno Ilussuti
inndltlonshnil to contain much that osn
sjariely be broiiuhtln'n harinnuy with tho
InteresiN of Au-trla, being rather oaluulacd
io eowsoods of Iresli troubles tlinn promote
real or Mslliiitpeiica. They ilpstrov the Otto
wan power in IJntopo without substituting
anything In Its place r)n)diig u cuirauteo
ofsiahllltv, TlioMiitllorstn es would recolvo
Jiistoneiiuh (o iuhI.0 tbein wish for morn,
wniio uuiipiria would nicoiuo niiio iiiuro
tlinii a IliiHlnn dondency. Tho restoration
to Iho (7. ir nf 11'iisnrahU, vlthnut n duo
Univalent to Koumnula, 'louhi mako Kussla
iniwtKHi of ll.o mouth oftho Dauubo, Thus,
In tho ery prolliuinsiies themselves, (hero
Is much that mint lend to a discussion be
t ran AuMrla Hint Kmnla. Hint tho fame
must bo thouu'r.thniiuli perhnpstnalfHsdo-
greo, with tho other poweia. Mian Imn ltou
mania has already iiiinouncod her claim to
ttiho part as n bMlllgerent In tho nncliiMun id
posce, hor mlnlMer of foreign ill'slrH halng
IsNiied a circular to Ihlstllt-ct. TliHSorvlanH
aro irruuly di-appnlnt(d with tlio lioutler
rcdUliosiiunaiillnwtd thom by tho Husslau
iirellmluHrhe, und proclaim lint, in ttplto nf
tliosrmlstlre, limy wilt not elnp operations
until t hey hsMtpo.NFHIounfOldSrr via down
to tho rlwr I.om. Tuikbh innii nr-war have
been o-dered In Athens to lake oiTtho minis
tor. Thus thaeaNtorn question ban riow been
rii'ed In Its full ex'ent.
Vienna, l'uli. I, The situation Is Mill ro
cardeil hero ss nirlnns. It his tr.iunplrod
that Itushla Is concentratliu; liiutps In the
Interior of It'iumaiila, hud 120.000 men w ill
bo maksi-d towanl thtweitand north, ovl
iIcmiIv lor ih Ijtieeitciliist Austiln.
Most of (lie powi-re nut pit-d the Invltiitlon
to put o putt In ib ui'ifor tiifo; It issU con
MiiiN'il iii t.t iliooiil.et In pilno'plo. but has
not el foriiinllv accepted.
ilulln, Feb ,"i Thn klltiatlou is Mill con
sldired irldoil. Tim czir's addro.a loins
irints at St. Petersburg on "tt'iday, and tho
nailing out 'f I'iriv new bittallnnn. ham
further (iheikHl pnbllocoiifliieiico In uneaily
ro Miblidimintir pe-tc.
Allien", Feb I The OrelH (npltir-d Do
moo ml Hie point ol the I.H.oi'ct. Ono hun
dred and fif v tJreiksvtte killfd.
FUo Turkish inen-of.wnr fusi-cd Ihe Dar
ilsnelles Sunday on their wav lo tho On ok
coast. Tlieee ere only WW troops In Alliens
and a Miull IC'iulMi gunhost at I'lrfii".
Hundred, ol milliliters uro iesvlugdaily fwr
the froutier, ,
On reeelwtnf lliHi:cwof Ihosli'tllncrofllO
Turci ltusslan nrmU'Ino an extra fining of
tho chamber was held. and tho iiilu'Hliy and
liinwe ii l' r i-fd i'o coutlllllti tl e l)(t-t nt lolicy.
Theisirtnr rireiis is neienues Dy inrpe
dos, Tnnbejs of JCplruH hao suomltted
to Gre (ho.
O-iHthoussnd throe hundrod Tnrki woro
taken prUouers at Domooo.
Tho Tmklt-h mln'Mrr hero do H-nates Iho
action of Ur-He as HdecUmt'"!! of war, lie
telegrephed to ('nehtanilonple In tlio minis
lerof war for a khlp to oinmv blm htnee. in
ronxqnetuft of which iho Turklih Heet under
Hohtrt Paalm has arrived. 'J be (.in k gov
ernment U In consternation, and Intend, ap-
pealing to tho Intervention of thn guaranteo
rtnir powern a gresi panic provaua.
V The ooucluslon of the iinnlstluo has caused
sonnternnllnn, thniiKh tho ltusslan mlnloter
jovoa erbal promlsp that tlreeco should bo
(Deluded In tho nrmlstlco. Tho only rational
lultig for the (i reeks to do Is to stop tnllltnry
.......... . I ... ... ml 1 f. .vl a. B...1 MaIh .... lliln
wviH"i..iuiib .wii.iui.m'i'i v ntiit amj uii .tun
Apromlsoond Iho uood otllrcs of Knropo, but
no otder has vol been eent to thonrmvnnd
It ho gonorAl ftellngruoms In favor of contlu
fulntcatuny sacrltlco. Tho fiosliion of tho
id rooks Is bad. Thoy csn claim tho rownrd
nellhor of warlike nchlut'omoiita nor uf a
penna fnl policy.
Vtonna, J.'ob. 0. No attempt Is mado In St.
Petersburg to remove thn suspicion that tho
ltusslan loinmnndors In Houmanla deliber
ately nrocrastlnated negotiation In order to
bo held atllnko tliogrealost piMlhlo ndvantapn oftho
1 ... Illl.ta.. hll.aakllAl. .. 1. .... iMm.bmk i.ai. .!.
iiuinnry Biiiiebiiiu. im nit' uiiiiiinrj-, iiiiiiimi
to clear tho Kuslan government nf the
charge which otherwWa might attach lu'lt,
that the delays occurred, If licit by its ontoic,
at leist with Its connivance; tlie merit Is
claimed for It nf having tlually overcome by
Us peremptory cotnntnnila tho reshtauce
and unwIllluKtiess of tho army tofootho
nrmlstlco slutted, ctuslng It to stop boforo
thn (lilies of Constantinople.
A Paris correspondent nys ()n ms recel vrd
on high authority voiim continuation of the
rumor Hint ttnu.ii is ncRutiating lot ttio istir
render oftho u hole Turkish Heel.
London, Fob. 5 A St. Petersburg dl
patch says tho i'intihti of hoittlltlos naa
producd more anxiety than rejoicing.
lUgusa, Feb. 0 Thn Prince of Montene
gro has acaepted the armUtleo and ordered a
cosatlon of liostllltles,
Letter iroin Lino County.
Ohkhwku., Feb. i, inS.
It has been somo time allien a young lady
'orrespondontof tho Fahmkii promised Its
Traders a treat In tho stiapoof an ox position
of the vlllaluliH oftho P. of II. In Lane, but
Uii'slans rouivlnins that exposition liaunotyot appeared, Ills
. I hrerttmiAil fti-il. Itm nullinr Iimm exterlellced
,..,, ,,.,,,, . ,h -,.n-,i.iii
of4'' """""'"' """' .
of'fictj.uo uwrmt-rj-.to imtVn eiir-ys.fjil
ox position . tiu we proposo to furnUh aomo
data, from which eny dedlroua ol doing o
may have tho bunntlt.
Onooftho llrst, and perhaps ouo oftho
most Impoitunt, acts of whluli Iho P. of II.
havo beeu guilty In Lino county, vo rally.
Ing to their asalalsnco when thst (iieruetlo
board of dlru'toretr the t-te.tn Unlveieliy
whm wading ueuk id op in lite Moiigu or mu
ll re, nnd Juit when thoy had about gUou up
end announced ttioir Insblllty to promiro the
lundsntoeMHry io Its com pint Ion, who win.
it that was appealed (o then to mivo Lane
comity Irom tnodlfgrxco or blind stupidity
and unparalleled pIcHj uulnhnofhT And who
came lo tho front and entered lulu contract
with that persevering board of directors,
whoreby that building was to bo, and waa,
completed, hi as to boMcceptahlHtnthn State
It was no other than the P of II ; and much
more mlnlit hero bo truthfully dald or thn
merltoiloiisuud uiiholllsh action of Individ
ual mombo-H of tho gratino In intslsllnu' to
aecuro this lintitutioii to Liuu county, but
bpsco forbids.
Again: tho grange has been gulltvnfes.
tablMiliK a lar.jo H.ipply etoro in Ihigeuo
City, which gives all (oiiMimere, whether
Patrons or not, the bemlUol compotltlmi In
i)i.rcluulii.r L'oods. ( tlilmr huretotoro enjoy
ed to a very l'mlled extout ) AIno, In addi
tion to Ibis, a numbur nt Iho promlnoiil
members ol the Order ham purchased ono
oftho most commodious lira-proof buildings
In Unpen.', In tho iiiest iniblnoM part of iho
town, which wo Ihlt.kepoJks woll for Iho
hushus InienstH o Hio Ordor. Scolslly,
tho Order is uImi nilianuliig, na jnu would
diJiilnlecs ague bad jou bseu present at
Croswell GrMiipemt lasiSitunUy, when the
Installation nfoincera look place. JSIplnnow
nppllcrtlons for membership were presonled
on that occasion. Hut enough for this tlmo
in (hat Hue,
Tho firmera have found It rather damp for
iilnwliiL'. din ntkt week, suit needing initol
the quehtlon, though more plowing his been
umiii up to lllisiimo man inimi, in
Unity. !'
tills Vi-
Mouthly Ropori.
Tauv.h, Feb. I h,IK;s.
I.H. Faiimkii. Will jnu pleaso publUli
my monthly report of ( lor January, nl
Ilvo vurlollo. of tow Is, and oblige;
Q p
rr f
'A Vi
1 .Ii
2 .'II
(I 21
Golden SpsiiRled IIumbnrgH .
" Pllllnll
Silver .Spangled Poluh
I'l moth Uncus
A ltbbury Ducks
Total I 16 17 205
Met ono hen Jan. 8th, mi Kicgg; and sho
came oil Jan. 'J'.tth, wim 1 niiickeiiM hue
ono lieu Jan. 1U.I. wiin 1J pullet exile; al-o
hatched !) chicks Fnu.a I. j.UTllim wrmii,
The following aro Iho otllcers for oii'iilug
If nn ot lUliii. Treok LodkU, 1 O 'I.T.: II.
r-rnith, W OT; Sarah Smlili, W V T; J. M.
Wsguer, Sec; Mury Itodgee-, F h; S.ullo
Itodgers, 'l; John iJlaik. C; W, M. Muln
tire, M; Klla Wapner I Hi John Hilierlaou,
()G; A. O. UtMid-uir, PV 0 T, Itegtilar
meotlng held on HeLOiiU and fourth Satur
day evunlnp of each moutti. AlAajh.lad
to meet with Ultiug members.
1 .. IIIIIMIMI"'1" '" "il'l" ' ' '"' 1 "
Volnmo IX. Nnmbor 52.
Coi.vax, W. T., Jan, 23, 1878.
Editor Wlllametto Farmer:
1 am receiving every fow days letters or
Inquiry about this rrl4ntry, and I present
tho follow Ing facts lor tho benefit of those
setklng Information iiiott It. It Is of a roll
ing pralrlo or hilly nature Tho first thing
that It puts a man In intud of on 'sight is th
waves of the ocean, wbi now and then ona
ehnwlng Its boad aboiu-cJio others. Though
tho country looks rough at tho first glnnco,
a great portion of these hills prodtiises the
best of grain, and the rest' Is good grazing
ground. There In a groat deal of levol bot
tom lands, a good portion o whloh Is takon
up. You would be nurprli-jiiT to see some of
tho ranches In this counte. whllo thoroare
ho many holler ones yet to bo taken tip.
Our winter, up to tho i-Vosont writing, Is
on lino as any person could woll ask. At no
tlmo this winter has tho thertuomoter been
lower than ten degrees above zero, and only
ono day has It been that low during the
present month, ntid thn month of Docombor
was lullv as nice as thn present month. Tho
grass hsM hoKUii to grow; stock of nil kinds
nro doing Hue, and wo do not oxpoot very
hstd weather during February. I Imvq kept
a wintlmr record, and shall do so durlngtho
mouth nf Fohrutrv.and I will let you know-
alt about how cold, It gots during the winter
moiiins, i nnvo iinu a iiuk wuii n man won
has lived in this country and on thnTouchot
lor the last eovonteeit years, nnd ho eyr this
Is tho llnnst winter ho has over seen except
one up to thn presBtitdato. Ono of our towns
men went out to tsko up a ranch the other
day, ntid the weal her was so pleasant that ho
nnd bis wife camped nut all night.
Wo hao a splendid market at homo this
vosr ror all of our produce, except pork and
bai'uu ntid lard, and I fear that btcon will be
too clirap to Jiutlly any exportation this sea
son. Grain tins boeii H'oadily advancing the
tHt mouth; whn, 70 cents cash, or B0 cents
In trade: oats, "fioj potatoes. 1; beef, by the
quaiter, II to 4 J per lb,, from the block o to 8
ins; pork, 4c; bscon, 10a; butter, 2ni; lard,
too: etrn. '0u heans. Qe: onions. 2Jio: ap
ples, green, from warron, ;1 b3KQ P"r "N. .
The r-ilniito CAiA-te prniM iha faUiiwIcai-
luini: "uur entorprising rarinor, Mr, ii. a.
Iliiwmsn, wetitM California after a fine tho
roughbred horse or tho Pereheron-Noriutn
stni lc. nml has piirohssod the uelobraled
Itoyai Duke, nf Mr, Jas. Perry, a gentleman
nf long experlont-o us a breeder and import
er of draft horses, Tho horse Is a dapple
gray, Wi hrnds high, nix years old, anil
wkIuIi 1,000 lbs, Ho wis imported from
Franco lust August. The prlco paid waa
j.1 000
If any parlies wlh any Information about
this country, letl'ihein euhsctlbe for the
WiM,Aiurri: Faumi:u or iho PnlouioOa
seltr, lor In tlnmo papers limy will gttt all tho
Inlormalidi thai i'hii bo glon by any pa
pers, and thoy are all reliable.
Forfmirof wearying your readers, I will
close by hoping for n glorious future lo tho
Faumi.ii. Jah II. Klnimiv.
Tho Question of Holl.
Is Hell n bugbear, and tho ibvll a .caro
crow? It is startling In llnd so msny preach
ors now trying to lend people lo believo that
they nro so preMoliera who havo slwas.
been considered sound In their Protestantism
Kiide'ilid In lluilr orthodoxy. Fow people
will piy iiinuli h ed lo II-W. Hoechor's
hociiMtociiN about hell last Sunday, though
soon, or his rustic hotrcr wore doubtless
Htuiusd at the way ho fell foul of It. Hut wo
llud t'laithn Ituv Dr. llorlou. and Ihe Hov.
Dr. Illauvelt,and tho Hnv. Mr, Miirrliuati,
who wore but lately uinniu the pillars of or
thodoxy, havo luriiid npalnst tho anulent
iireetl ol (Uuiuatlon; thoso two great lights of
Cougreuniloual thoology, the Itov. Dr. Porter.
President of Yalo College, and tho Itov. Dr.
Hopkins, ox. t'rosldout or AIIIUms Colloge,
havo given It lo tie understood that they do
not consider hell an essential feature ofthelr
Initiator they lism Just sustained tho Install
allouoritov, Mr. Mungor, who Ishetorodox
mi tho Mil'J'tot; Iho In vontlgatloiiH rooonlly
iii.idobya lollglouspeporsliow that notions
httreinloio consldend lit rollout inspecting
eiernul loruuoil uro tolerated ainonp'iho
clergy (iflhoConungatlousI ileiinmlnatfou;
while, over In London, that distinguished
KplMopal dUlne, Canon Farrar, has ut
mi netted a cmiiilu ol i Mraorilllinrv e-oriliotis
in Wistinlr.lsterH At boj ; taking ilioprouml
Itu.t nviii tho words hell nuJ dumuutlon
kIiiiiiIiI hoetilcketi from tho Scriptures.
H Is highly Important not only to church
itiiiiiitjern nnd till, religions nubile, but Id all
Clirlsttiidouuud beaitienilom, tliattheelergy
ofllinchuicheH and or theeo times should
clearly ..iiuouucn the position thev propo.o
lo maintain In loxpiuto the artlolo of laltU
that his thus beceimn an ol Ject of unhhiiH or
ol doubt. Tlie(iii)illou la a tie mentions ouo.
It iHiehiled to tno iiiliitlaiid lliollfoHiid wol
faro ol tho htimsn ihcii, l$y Iho coiiimiiii
oius'jnti f tlioorihoilox thsologUns, It has
beoii hold that tho doclrlno rescues to tno
verv round itlous ofrohploii, and that with
out It iho Christian unuruu must totter lo
Tnefsct thhlso many leurr.eddh Ires bum
lieu n ii to throw doiiht upon the eloatrlue, i
Huroiu lotd muliltudosof pajplo lustily lo
todUetrd It altogether, There aro not a fow
men and women who aro anxious to tlud
reasons lor discarding hell, and who llko to
tlud them' The prospttoi of darenstloii for
the wicked and unrighteous Is an alarming
one, and they dutch at any straw that give
tin m a provpeoior promises litem au as
furuueoofesospa from It. V Y. Hun.
Homo parties In and about Oakland pro
pom Inlying op a Urge drove ufusiile dur
ing the tarlj spring and drive them lo Kat
em Oregon,
: I
i wdMte . i 'I A
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