"SMyw m n I- !' J m' fc ADDRESS Continued from fith pago lluruoioro thiH Inlluunno liaa l)ton divid ed and tho monopolists havo Inkon advtn taKO oftho division to f.uten tholr yoko ol opprcHHlon upon tho pnoplo nd nation, and aro still seekinK by Itilliiontlal lobblos to gal parsed Ihrouuli ConRroi cIiarterH and KratilH giving thorn inilltnltod powor ovor the peoplo through tho gallon or country thatiupy propim liuildluir railroad". IJv pro'dntlui a hold front nil ovor the Union, upon (jtiuitloiis vltnl to tlioiii, nnd by uotlntr. ni ono tn in In tho hour of conflict with Iho otiomv, innftriiiiir.n' huccO'M will bo Ricor tain h llm rulnn ol" Hm mm. Tim boit op jnrtilMKv 'Vtr prcfin'il to tlm furtm M for corilbi'itd .'li'l i iihivhIic) kiMoii it Ii'jIihII' 'I their rUlil. N hull out in tlim by ihu mtii;", wlili'li N UburhiK for I bo good of tho wholti i)iiplr. Tho ):rxii( lias l)nn, and Is now, an In caloulntilij b"ii('llt Id Hid iariiiHrx In thu Mwto of Orison. Nit KrufiuuiM hIoiio have bmiti biiiolltml by tlmlr work, but tho onllro poo plo. Thoy liavo rntliioul tbo rates of trans pmatlon by plaolnir npou thn Wlllatnotto Htid Yauilnll rivers a Haul of Ktuainors. car rvlnir rmhsoDKurH ami frnlulits at nttlucml rutn, tboroby compelling tho monopolies on tho rivers, an well as tho rallroailn, to rnduco tholr carrying ratos. 'ibry havo ealablhliwl niorcautllo nnd co-opnratlvo Htorus and wurobousen al tho principal trading nnd shipping polntR throughout the Stato, wliero they (toll Koodi at a low rain of per eontKO, for oaali, toall tiltl.onnnH woll at granfe-era, no (INcrlmlnatlon ol porsons. Oo on with your labor t lot no member liwomo alaak and lukewarm In tho wotk 1 You must labor for othors km well a for yournolvoa, and when In tliograiiKO you ltbor for Just Htul worthy oauao, you hitnolU thu otitalilo aw woll asyouoolvo. Wo miiht llvoforotliors m we,l an forourwilvos. aX no potty dls noinIotHor .pcminlarv Intorests Induco or drive you (roin tho obligation and duty you havo undertaken to dlnuIiarKo. Hut, oayn ono", 1 have btt'n a member of thoKritnuufor overnl years and J don't koo that It hnit dono mo any uood, and I am uo ln lo draw out. Hut hold on I If by your labor, In connection with that ofoihorx, you havo done muuh uood lo 'ho 'vholo people, roinntii wueroyou aro in leiiii .vour mil to vanN a noble anil JiihI cnui. Attend .tour ineiitliiuh rcuular mid boa llvonuil working inetubur, nnd In uonuliislon nay I am well ptld lor my ilmonnd tMtiy iIiiiih paid. And you who havo en bierlbeil and lakeu utook to wnrehouxeH and uiorcitullle iikmicIuIIoiim, pay your subscription promptly: place your jnoiiey whom It will draw interest, until the amount Hllbxcrlbod Is puld up, The nub Ncrlptlnn draws no Imprest and htanda Kalnat tno party Mihurlhlii;, In liw, nsn note, Iuerpuxn your atnalt in your o opr.i tlvo stores and Ntreuulheii thn iisnodlatlon no thai thty can carry nil a healthy, llrm, and proll able hiiliis and enable theui to be jiropariul to take atlvanle of tho markets in piiii'lmfiu and hale, l'umliaM nothing on oredll that you inn niawuiablv d i wlih out. Do uway with the ((rowing evil and nliiiso of tho credit HyHtom, I'a.y osh Fir what ynu Kit, .Support home Iniluilry and umuina'i liiriiniiiid kexp your money In your own country. .Ship your prmlueo illrini (liroiuh your gringo aninelnH to a geiifral agent of tho grange of thn .State, l'uv vour uenninl ngenta stated Hilary, not a oouimi-slou, planing him under ample and Mifi'uloot Itonds as will t-eiiuro every faniMr and granger lu '.heir Jut.' reiurti or themirket value ifftlielr proiluco. It will be no trouble for a proper and ooui potent general agtuit to glvo nikiIi mi lor.ukliig, In purclmslug di rect from tho nroilucer and inanufsuurer you do uway with the service and cominU hIoiih of tho thousands or useless middlemen whollvo and feod tip'iu tho Isbirot'ibe honest and uiMUkpiH) lug farmers like vul tures iii)ii the remains of a dead uarnaxs. 1'ilJfOl fllllfll 111 murt In ,1m lilnur. ulltl lllal II. nv xill. I i.IiIi.ip Imt.l .,r il.luu .ml m.Ul In ' supplying Iho wants of Inner man, ami as 1st to Ull anil repleillsll thu empty purse or. the husbandman which I hey havo diligently unoriM to ti'oii us eouieiits; anil wuen su coiiipIInIiihI, extend your rluht bauds ami say In a united voice, well done thou good and faithful servant. l.tlthofariiir, through thu mud n m or tho gtauge, tske iaetlve iiHssures inwards glvlux the rllng genera tlotisiiuellliiient eduoitlou and leseh your ohllilreii to li'jit.iiii'i hoimst Indusirluus lariu uih uud h'liise keiipurs. The various proles, sinus aio useful and no'-ns-ury, In uuuibers sullljliuit to supply the ileuiiuilsorthecouu try. There are Ion many young men titling themselves lor luielmrs cluiks, salesmen, decors, lawyers, ileutlstM, leoiurers, uud various noon piitlnu, upin which thsyex poet in mtkoa livelihood In hoiiui way or other than by cultivating the soil. The rar uier In many Instances Is ediiiialliig his son In fiat for a middleman. Too iiiuiy young ladlei are being educat ed liir the parlor, teachers, lenturers, muslo touchers, inlllhiers, dres' makers, ,Vo., In Nte.nl or eduiMtlng themselves at the cow yard, dairy, wssh-iub, kitchen, and prepar ing t'loiiisolvoslo luoomo lutolllguiit house keepers. No person nan predict the future prosperi ty of the grange, but It seems safe to assert th it at no distant day It will embrace, Ifnot the entire, a large lusjnrlty of the farming ti-uiimunliy. Thone Mui havo the firmer interest at heart should strive lor such an eml, for Urn grange has proven ItseU the far ii'ors btwt frUuul, There is nary reason why the htrmers of the country should work for Us suoofsa and It will be a great inNtaktion their part to hold al'of rrom It. When its obl-'o. shall have buen aciiiinplSheJ the re suit will be such aa will alleei thn condition untie country lor future generations as ls foniHla'el. It will have broken the power nfthn railroad motinHilles and secured to the farmers oheap means or traiiMportallnu, It them remain iteidrmt In their purple, and, above all, lot them con lino their mem bership to their own class, Uiiaonmiueudahle feature nr ihuitrange Is Itt benevolence and sociability. It Is Iho niraus of brluglug Its ineiuliers touelher mice a uioulh or ofener, male and female. Too granger with his wife, dnicliter, fl-tr ami moiiier, an niemneis eijoying npisl riuhls and privileges lu the Orur with hlo. olf, proceed lo their grange. Uxm arriv ing there I buy mel their brother and isier KrangeiHandexidiauun friendly salutailous, and the news nt the day, new Ideas, ,tn,, ills nusi the mrltsnr dill'. rent, machinery, the miallllnsaud murlts of ddl'ireot grains and hikmN; the pntner tluni ami manner various He.ls should be hown on dlllereiil snll; the proper time to sow anil plant, the culture of all kinds of frnlls and vegetable; tbe bet and most prolltable kinds of stock to rabe; the miinuer or reeding and grsr.lug stock; how to tnausge iho dairy mt fowls In be protliablc; Hie Allure prcicci nf Ibeorops; IiroHwctsi rihsiutrkeis; Hie rates or rreUhts, abor, Ac, and everything that lulerests the faruiMr, li or which sdds sociability and as aUta In driving away the dullness aud mo. notony oftho rami. The Order sett I us all minor effoupea and dllfi'nnce ImiIwcsmi Its members iu the inauge ami dispense with aervutst or law yers anil Judges, and like other secret ba MAVOlont asnoUtlnns, It promptly looks after aud lka diligent oare or the ick and aMPcliil inembr seil mneral rites. wltlallon reeai tl mnutblr dueanf llingramre ra lower thsu most anyolutr benevolent eoolety. l'ariiiia f"-iid In your petit ons for mombsrshlp! I ounot eeo the objection that any farmer nil ralso, why bo or hit wife and dauuh'i-r unnot all be nmngers and thua all Btrlko toBotbor and mastor u powerlul and Rlgantlo enemy. Arouse ve eono oftoll and Industry I The nation looks to vou fa true and prompt an tlon. ThlnkoritKrangorel Tho power 1 with ynui wield H with honor and linniHl pridoj let your heartHHwell with irMthn-'o lo theulver or all pood; cunt off your IVars; look upward; uticctM awaits you; yourcaue In Just; vou havo It In your power to help yourelvtH: now uio that power. It Is jour rlKln, vonr prlvlloo to store your liraln wuere it will lie under your own con rol. T'leriiare many road.i to Hiic:f: oput to uU" elioci'j nun H cnn'roUng t0 8rt!o rf vour own pfoilti".) Tiiac U vou' ng'it You piy for iv.iry extra iihii'h Hum In hnd lluir our Krain; but out the thousands or iMileHiniddiem inj.MitiriMUi'i is g.llninl' and trliiiiiplmiuly workiuc Hi wav to jnH nuiice. I'lish onward I Lot It couinl In thuriduritiK Ioiiin to jour ehlerH lies, 1)0,000 htrnng, that jou are marchlnir ouwar I; lha your watch word Is power, liojio, prcsorvu tlon, uud frlenri-hli to all. Camp Chva.k. Lank t'o. ) Jan. 23' 1878. At tho rosnlar meoting of McKlnale Orange held at tholr hall on January 12ih, IH78. the following oincors was Installed by K. Will mot: T. J. Duntoti, M John MoLean, O Holly Hlmmon,8 Jo-oph McLean, Treat. j Isaac Whitoaker, O Klmore Dtvlc, O. IC, I'erry Kdmonslon, A. 6 Mra. It. Meljuan, Coreni Mm. M. HainmorMy, Flora: Mrs. J. Smith, Pomona; Mra. Fanny liavln, L, A.H.j H. II. Hammersly, Secretary. Wo havo a clan nfulnetoen to Initiate at tbo noxt meet ing-" how la that for ulghT" a. u. u. Thn oltlzanx of this neighborhood met at the MoKliu'o Orange Hall, Jan. lU.h, and or ganl.d a Greenback Club, with Mr. John Uokhwell, president? and O It HammeiMv. secretary. Wo start with 17 iiieiiibun-s and I belle vo tho entire community will J tin, wl.b a fnwnxntiDtlons thoso exoentlons are luva rlably staunch ltepubllcans.aud tho most of tliem III ilebt, and tuny say mai money mu-i he scarce and high In order to have gmid times, then wo could hlrn men to work oheap end prnllt r.fl of their labor. I hop'i t ho time will como when niicIi doctrine will not be heard, e-poohlly by pioiluu rjaud laboring men. Throughout the county the cry In " H monetlxt Hilver," and alo Is beard by a goodly number ' ICnough Dreeubicks, good honest legal tender green banks, in nay off oyorycontof bonded dehi;"'n which I My Mill Out rtlllont O. It lfAMMISHHr.KY. AMho UxtrfgulnrmKetlnKnf MonoQranpo No 'Sri, I', oT II, the following otllCHrs were IiihImIIhI for thiieusulmr var. It J (Irsiu, M; I .Slants, O; U.U. MiiTlmninnds. ,j II I.. Slant-, H; II M. Horry. A S; I). It. I.w fs, C; I-iiiiHiiillli,T' I) I'. Tarter, Hc; Jo seph I'rlne, (t K) MiiryClirr y, Ceres An nie llnrrv, Flors; It. II. Smith, rotnotw; Mary K. Hiaats, L. A H. Mono Isoueof the HvedranueH, iintwiHistauiliii r we live In the back-woods and havo not had the h merit ol a hoi ii re iruiii unv iiiinb'r of the Slate Oraege since oiiroiganlrMtlou. Autwotesd the Faiim:u uud am nretiv well posmhI Aunt ll'p- 'a leMers lire duly epnreolili-il, would like to lioir Irrm the old lady's nhco Itlrali. II. 0. MoTl.M.MONIi.4. Lewlsvllle, l'olk Co. MJlu, .Ull 'M;, 1878. At a reirulur Hireling of Si-ln Oranuo held D.'ii. ti'J, 1877, Hie fullowiuu' Ulcers wereelen ted rir the iK'sulinr year. JoMii Hurl, Ml A (l.Crisman.O: Mrs M. K l'tr, L; A. F. Heard, S; K II Jeter. A. ; It. II I'ollonl (': J.J. Kelly, Tj Tiios.J.Miink'irs Hen ; It. F. Dirhv, (. K Mis, Htt'rlot l)iby, Ores: Mrs. I'.nthenlaCalavan. Flers; Mrs. Itschrl Hfrtl. I'lltllOIIS: MIH MhV iMulCllluht, I). A l. Sololraiig No 3D. miwts tho HalurdajM "einrn iuuwwuuhuu iuunu.iuim.)iuiu mouth, Death of John L. Fryer. LarAYKTrt:, Jan. S3, 1878. Kit. Faumiui I'loasu putillsh the death of John L. Fryer, llrotlicr Fryer died nt Ma residence on Noith Yamhill, January 113-1, 1878, agol M years, (I monls, 'S ilsys. Ho wus born In Orion county. Ky , June .'10 I8JI. Kiulgralcd to Oregon Ih.'ii, aud settltd lu Yamhill, where ho had most of Iho time resided, lie was n member of Lafsyeltu ; Orange, No. 'M, V, of II. A. II, 11 UN u v. Lane County Council. Kuoi'.NK City, Jan. as, 1878. Ki. Faiimiiii. Hy order or tho Council, I send jou tho following notice lor publica tion. "The Lane County Counoll P. or II .will meet lu Ktigiuio City, on Tuesday, Feb. l'-th, 1878, nt which meeting, olllcers for (tin cunn ing year will be elected, and other Import ant buslhoss transacted. " II, Kvnx, Secretary. Labor and Financo nt Sclo. I'.n Fahmkh. I'ltstMi give notice In your puHir that A. 0. 13d wards, of the Labor H'urtd will moBt with sltlxens of Sclo and vicinity, for discussion on tho labor and llnanclal iiiestlou. The meeting will bo Held Satur day, February Uih, at 1 o'clock, p. iu, AnooblUo many, JAMKrt Cll.VtlTUKIt. NoiiMAN-l'ininmto.N Hohmh. Two very Hue horses of thl bretd weie brought Hsin the last trip nf the Khler. One was the tine bred horse, Liuls Napoleon, that hsa won an excellent reputation lu California aa a sue ottsuful breeder, Tills horse IikIouks to Mr. Thomas lMmomUon, of Wali'o hills, who lias lately returned from California, and will nuke the aeason lit this vicinity. Tho other was one of (ho best hordes ever brought to California, and will be lekeu to Colfax, W. T by the owner, Mr. lluwman, of that re gion, who has. uood faith lu its future, when he will Invest 1,000 In a horco to tske there. It Is evident that some live men are finding their way to the l'alonse countiy, aud that peaks well for Us future prospects. CoMMUNUUTioNs. We have on hand a number of very Interesting communications that will appear next week. Our friends havo written with such lilorality that we ae under many obligations, and they well have a Learlngjat tbe earliest plblomt meut. Farciera and other In lUker have nrffsnlt- Tba'ed a lolutatock rouitvnv which will build a larira tlourlnr mill. Such au eutblUhutfnt i much wasted. WILLAMETTE FARMER. biiKEP auEAiH. Mr. Geo. D. Goodhue Is azent for salo or a very useful Improvement In sbeop shoars and advertises the sanio In this Ihmio. Mr. Goodhuo is an expert tt s'iorlng fiboop, nnd our roaders on doperd on it that the Impnoved shears are well worth their attention. Orders cau be eentto this ofllc3 or to hi address, IrXusTiiATKi) Annual. Tho valuablo "Annuol HeitlMcr of Hnral Affairs, for I87S" Is received. It Is publUhod by Luther Tnck or A Son, nf Albany, Now York, of the Coun try UcnUcmnn. It contains much useful mat tor. An llliivra'nl art'c o on burn bnlldlng should in exmnltiui by all wJio contorupmte tmpioveiiunts. On. J. IJ. rn.tci.NotoN (irPortlrd,n blll Till iccuM.t nrd aurlit, m well known In onno.'llon with uicrossful treatment of the Kyoand Kir for many years past, has his professional crd In our columns this week. From Ihe IJaker Danocrut: liiHorti Or ogou Is famous for bur pleasant wlntors, nnd the present Is only a samplo of tltoio In gel -eral,onlya little moro so. Wn have not Had to excoad one inch of snow this wlnlor and thn ground Is baro now, and Iho mercury has nnt'bren to zero hut nne morning. B oik Is making Its own living In the Valley and on the foot hills. The snow In the mountains Is not as doep as usual, and tho prospects for a good mining season are not as flattering as wo could wish, but tbcro la still t Utnoftr moroHuow. At Kiglo l'oliit, Jackson county, some days ii go, n little boy naineu i; my nict'oru. neveo or oliht years ol ago, fell on a sharp .itub of uhHpiarel which penetrated the lower part of tnu oojiy, cauHiug a wouuu wuiou tuo surgeon siya must prove fatal. Tho Governor of Washington territory has Issued a proclamation calling for tho elect Ion of dtditratos to tho constitutional con vention. Thn elro lou will lako place on tee (J b of April and tho convention will ussemblo at Walla Walla on tho 11 or June. A man named Stroutt, who worked at gun smithing In Olyinpla aoout two yearn ago, was shot aud killed on tho 1-ih lust, near New Westminister by ono John Jurdon. It is said to bn u caso of wilful murder, Whlloa party or "boys" wero annoying Mr. and Mrs. Inaan Thornton at Itoseburg the other night, an old inuskot hurst and torn off ono nf tho bauds of Thomas Strattor, a morn boroftuo pirty. I'rof. Tlornan hnisevoral mon employed on the Wo.ifmt ipnri, mlno in .lospplnno ouinty, sud has f.iiiu.l tho old ledge which was lust feoveral years ago. lv. I'.H, Knighton Friday night deliver ed KlecluroatOregnnCitynuthouontrast be tween oroMilug the plains by ox power nnd by s ton in. About a mllooftlin (Irarocroek dltoli has heu lluWhed. On eonipletlon of iinolher mile Hiocompuiy oxpso.s to upon p.iylug gold placers. Jjttst your IIiitc wlto granted in Kwllzorlutitl 1.102 divori'os and 11)0 sop unttioiM. It is L'stiinittt'd tlittt r pur cunt, of thudo miirrlod ttru divorced. Twenfy-nino women woro ndvorllz cd In ii ruci'iit IfHtic of it (JlilciiKO mpcr nsitliotit to prciiL'lt utiil conduct rollIoua services on thu following titinday. Cliicno liiiHHplrllimllstiu tnatcrlitll.u tlcuis in which only tho apparitions of Indians appear. ''Timo flics," Huprpoalod aho. "Yos," liuuitHWcrcd, Hiitlly tnklni n tlark object out of tho cream, "Timo flio.s wero KIH10," Many tnnn rosrard a nowsp'i.er ti8 '.hey tin a (trick-lint; they Itko to havo ono handy when they nro mud, hut pay no nttuutlon to It nt any ntlior tlinc. Alter Many Days. Our citizens will rcinuiulwr that in tho early imrt of hit April the little IxKit slioji, that st'sxl nt th.it timo on CommerclM street, near Mr. 0. W. Soiibcr'a blnuksmitli shop, was en tered by some person, and six irs e( lands ono piir Issinuiiltiiislied -taken tliercfrom, lx) longing to Mr. O. W. Kaenkcr. After a long nnd frnitleiis search, Hie iiiiHRing articles were given up mid no clue to the thief obtained, l.ut Monday a Chiuninau who roosts iu ono of tliedciiaon State street, carried :i pairof unllu isheil IkKtt.s to the tannery of Mr. K. Strong;, fur the purpose of having them tiuiihed. Aa Mr. S. ilitvs not do that kind of work, lie made some trivial excuse for the moment, ami tho aluioiid-cjcil thief allow cd him to rvLiin the hoot for u blunt time. Mr. S. scut for Mr. ZiU'iiki'r, nnd ho immediately recognized the unllninlioil Ixiota :u the pair taken from his shop laat April. OHicor .lohu Miuto was made acquainted w ith the facts, nnd late List evening he miccrcdod in liiuling his num. This after iiimiii he mas brought laifore Justice Howie, and lt.nl an examination, ami. was bound over in the sum of $1W) to await the notion of tho grand i'"-y liUoliy Quocn Mtnlaj Company. The aumi.il mci-tin;; of tho stockhelilers was held nt lloacbur,; on Saturday laat, nt which tho following pcrtoiu wero elected Diivctoni for tho ensuing yean 1). lam-iia, J. ltr.milt,.lr., S. Cliadwick, V. It. Willis, W. II. lloyal, I. H. Sinilli and 11. Mallory. Sulmijucntly at a mooting of tho IVxinl of Dirvctori, V. It. Willis was elected l'rvaident and W. T. llodly, Soviv(ary. A TUlamoolior. "U Oovuriior t-hadwick in?" imjuircd n soody liHking TilI.uniHkcr of Major Tom It. J.icUmui, tho genial Assistant Secretary of State, a few nights since. "Ho is," replied tho Major. "OI.nl to hoar it," responded tho Til lameoUer, ns he walked out "it's a wet night, and hu mejht catch cold if he was out." Tom hulwiiled. Wo letirn that Sio.OlX) ot tho $3,000 rcipilred for the puroliHse of Iron for the Ilrst ten lulled nf tho Ynipilua railroad, liava IK'en subscribed, leaving $10,000 yet to be raised, ami that too, In shmt time, to comply with Iho conditions of tho company for which Col. Hogg la agcut. Tbo Steamship Ancon In a Gale. Tho steamship Ancon, of tho Ooodall, Per kins k Co. line, from Portland, Oregon, arrived in iort last evening (Sunday) at 5 o'clock, says n San Francisco cxcliango of the 21st, after an unusually rough passage of flvo days. Tho Co lumbia river kir was passed nt 5 o'clock Wed nesday r. M. in safety, but just outside the bar Mhcro thoro was nine fathoms of water, the vessel shipped n sea that crtatcd the greatest consternation ntnong tho pa93engcrs mid did considerable damage, to the liht work above tho liurricano deck. Tho wave win nt 'cut fifty feet high, r. vertkal v.a!l of water, wl.iro crest boforo breaking wai at least till feet hi jher than tho pilot house, crushing a Lum ber of the rafters of tho liurricano deck, ncavly destr wing thu pilot house, getting into tho rooms of the Captain and first olilecr, sweeping ovcrlwanl a number of boxes, etc., en tho iipior deck, wrenching off iloora and blinds with terrific force, and filling many of tho staterooms and tho cabin with water. Several passengers narrowly escaped being w ashed over board; tho Captain and pilot only saved them selves by clinging to tho forward most alsivo tho pilot house. Tho vessel was entirely unin jured about tho hull, not parting n scntu or leaking ono drop, and that it ro well withstood tht severe strain speaks well for its stattneh ms 3. OUR SIIiVJCRTON UCTXXR. "' !. Sit.VKiiioN, Jan. 20, 1S78. The literary entertainment under thu man agement of Mr. Oco. A. IVeblea, of which you gave notico a fow days ngc, camo off last even ing w ith undoubted succces. As wo havo nut time nt this late hour to give you the particu lars iu detail wo will just simply say, without flattery to our new nnd genial friend "Overgo," that it was certainly n rich feast for the happy denizen of our village and surrounding com munities, being, as it vcrc, thu first dramatic performance especially of homo material of this place, of course ovoryouo felt a special in terest in tho welfare of tho occasion, and cm sc ipicntly perfect order i orvailed during tho en tire performance. Mr. Peebles promises us another similar en tertainment ere long iu which we heartily wish him success trusting also that tho nttthuritiea of tho Silvciton school will be justly proud of hav ing obtained tho services of oiiojo well qualified as a teacher ns well as an ingenious amateur beforo tho "foot lights." (Sam: Mac. Cr.mjo Elootton. IIowoU Prniriu Orange mot nt their J In'.!, January 2!lth, and installed thu following olll cers (except (i. It. and Ores) for the ensuing year: M. .1! II U'liightiMu, O.; Win. Sappiug field, L; II. 1). .Mount, S.; John II. .McCorklc, A. H-l Albert MeCorklc, T.j Geo. F. MeCer klc. Sec: J. W. Unwell. O.: IC. W. l'orshay. C.j Sister Mary Orccnwocd, P.j 0. A. New- some. V. a. Howell I'raino Oraniju meets the fourth .Saturday in each mouth, and is in a prosperous couilitioii. Qologatcs Eloctod. At tho Inst regular meeting of Silver Iaidge, Nu. :i5, I. O. 0. T., located in tho town of Mil vcrton, iho following named persons were eloctod as delegates end alternates, to attend tho State Temperance Alliance, which convenes in tho city of Albany, on tho L'Othof February: Delegates Her. H. (J. Hamsby, Frank Simeral, Mary Mcschcr, W. H. Dunbar, Nellie Uiel.n, lMna.l. llrov.iij Alternates John Hicks, l. 0. 0. Simiison, Marg.uvt Simp-ton, Ollie I lib bard and K.i-i t.ihby. North Snloia DrlUgo. Wo interviowed Mr. J. U Kline, tho con tractor of tho nbovo named bridge, and he s.i.s that tho work ns fur aa ho is concerned, is tern plcted; hut owing lo wimo defects iu the plans, the South tud of thu npreii will he raibcd rmnu two or three feet. IVacou Hatch is nt work with his little "jack screw" raising the kills. Tho bridge will lie turned over to the authori ties sometime during tho lat-t of tho week. T&lxo Caro of Vour Horses, Any iu:ui that would ridoiu from tho country and tie his horse out in thu cold rain, ns wo noticed one hut Sunday, while tho owner thereof played Lig lwdro nil day, would Ik a fit subject for Hcv. P.'s hell. This applies equally well to thoso attending revivals whUa tholr ioor liorsw aro obliged to stand tied up to maple tree. Not much Christian, that. TlE flrtryCEJS. ITho Wheat Market. Wlillo Liverpool qu nations ere not male rlslly ohsngt-d we llnd a great decline lu the wheat market on this coaM, Two wtoks ago San Frauehoo llguros wore JM percental for good wheat and they have dooilned to $.!0os the Portland quotation weroashlgb aJil percental not long lnceaml have declined lo $1 IH). Heie, In Salom, J1.13JJ pr oushol has been pild, aud nowjlls oll'rtioljas hltdi as I05 whs paid up to Wednesday morning. This decline Is caused by aitvaicefn freight?, due mainly to tbe tact that abundant rains in CalliornU Insure a good harvest and set loose at Ie,st 75,000 tons that would otherwise cot have been shlppf d this yecr and so ciuse a ilomaud for freights. r.gal Toiuiera in PonUul-buylos 03: selllnir.OTJj ' SllerCoui-3M0UJ lor cent.dlseount. The Salem Markets. 8l.KJj,Jn.3l.lS7S. llutter, fresh rolls, ilu to sou nr n , 20J per de ; potatoes 37Ko per bush.; apples 60o per bush.; no new bacon yet in market; laril lln rer lh hav. r. ri..i.i. .. m. . "j , " v.tuiiiui river. 1. lrioii;oaU&j per bush 5 whr l in Kij 7, .? ""! am nmr fuss nor bbl. ; bran f 19 par Loa; .b.ru M paMoa.' Portland Produce Market. Wo ropy tho following from tbo Orogonlan of tbo 39:k : WboJt-1 00. Flour Heat brands W 7o7 Pr bbl.; outside and cnttnirv brands, 1)0 00; lino aud superfine, ?5 25s5 50. Hay Obolco timothy, baled, S)12j13; loose ?I1U m. Ot'H Itsst 45o, enmtnon, 55. IJjcin-Sldes llal2Jio, bams 13il5c; shoul ders, Oj, Ijird OrpRon-mado, frosh, in 101b Una, li; In ki'iif, liJiHi'. Ciilcki'iis Si!Wi?.t50 per doznn. It.tr er-18. 20c: Cbiaiso, ISjIGo. 1 w- "" or ifr. H.rloy 1 b'lo browing l.l."j fcod, $lb& lh-r cw ". voui uuii sain nt i;;i!ia-io. Mm I'cumiNco Plni'Uct. lUV TCtmillAt'll. Ban rraticifco. Jan. 39. Wluat-ShlpplP" O0i5C5: mlllliu:2 Wifa 07X SALEM MARKET. MONETAHY. bzeAL Tihiisos, baylrig, 9Gc : selling, me. FLOUn, OUAIN Ac. Wheat, best white V buthel tl 10 Oatr, Wbu roruMcal,9 tb O Flour, bepi, TJ sack. (V band) Gil W Ilnckwh cat Flour, V tb fj IV Bran, y ton IB Ooa ! Hhortii, Ion SO OOrt 99 Oil Cako Meal. N ton 33 0O4..,. flaxttced, par tb 9tf.... Usr, W too, now lfi (itH bslod, V ton 9ft OROCK1HK3. Sugar, Ban Frsncuco reaneil, ft bbl lOXJt " Irlanil niXQW crushed HXCS 1H powdered JSCt It sranulatcd 1Kb It Hlrup. 9 cat 1 mil at Tca.Jipsn.W n WX1 09 Imperial 1 S."M ISO Coffee, Cnta Illca, V " -X Itlo a-7 .. Kono 3&Ca Java !tv --' Salt, Cnrmrii If lnnil. per cw 7Jfl 00 l.lvereool, fonro ((1 off dairy 1 75 Day O HT FHUIT8, VKOETAULES.tio. Apple t") s drled,V!b R4 H Peaches, dried, V 8) tOio 1& flimn, " " loft J 1'carp, .c. prbu .s - lloanii, 1 lb... ............... ........ . Cb 4 t'otntoo. XI tiuthet ST Onlonii, Sj) to................... .......... .. Gb - Cabbage, V ilnx,, .. ..... 7SQ.1 00 IlUTTKItrKOOS. Ac. Bitter, rrch rollii, V tt toa parkrd ? Bget V docn J ' Cliecm Oreuon prime, V J' ;i Uml, t B.. 1 OILS, Ac. Uniced Oil, bnilcd, J callou 1 JOJt S rair, " ' ,VV Laid Oll.yinllon 1 5VH TO Coal (HI, J sj vniurmit cm, w sal 1 frr'! Tallow. V 1U 't0fT fJTX WflWWtWB aosi. Z070. H068E, DAVIS SO. (Consolldalirjti 1 f Ilculft". i-l V Co. Hiid , T. A. Davis it Co.,) 71 I'ront Street, PORTLAND, OKKOON, OFFKIt TO TIIK DTIUO AND OKNKIUL JttBr chandlio trade a complete awortroinl ot Drugs, Patent Medicines. Fine Chemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture. end Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINBOW GLASS, Of all tUnt aud qtullltf WHITE LEAD, Or nil tho lending brand, lu Una and ktRH, COLORS IN OAKS aud DKY. Putty, Lampblaok, Bed Lead, Gluo. VAFINISHES, frcludlne tho niivrt brniid for Coach raln'.ert' DM. I'ulnt, Hhllcwasli, aad VarHlsb Bruk LINM:i:D 411b, In barreU and can. Turpcntlni', Coal Oil, CnMorOlI, Lard 611 NcafsMoot Oil, Fish Oil. AlOOHol, In barren and rare.. Uluo VMi-ImI, Sulphur, CaRllto 8uai, C'oncL'iii rated Lye. I'olaah. ZUttors All licdaadai. Quicksilver and Strychninfu In Quart, Half Gallon, One-i-illon, and F'.T-Oall Can uu J UarrtU, etc . etc. We art Agent ror Oregon ind WartlnBton Torrt tory for THE RUBBER PAINTt THE BEST MIXED I'AIKT IN USE. Vnlll;rkr di rbi lo Mkcp tin. Wakflrt'a mm liaia and nut rti c ij, m.a nr nut J4)ue lr.irltl ry itcalclie. tST We buy oar uood. from nrt handt. tbn iu Input in comjuic ith any raarletou tbe (!dmW a a toanurlioo of onr pilce Mill prove. JaTO-tr The P. 1 T. Co.'s Steamer WILL LEAVE Portland Jor Ouim VImIm unci AVy Portw, EVEUY TUESDAY, TnUHSUAY, A 8ATDKDAV. People, Patronize Your Own Boat rrtec(lM affalftnt II Iff k Rat Guammtccd I "l, !,. "mmmnmmmu !:i- m.iie,. K .-..