&j9hk.tUi iM&laijuMUdl i ... "'if '' tv t Li TtjE l-joptE Circle. 8ALBM, FK1DAY, FEB. 1. 1878. W0MAFS WORK. Woman's work, whero 13 It pray? Ob ! 'lis vory hard to nay, In this frvo eullttlitenod day. Whero sho may not labor. Home's llio rightful plaoi, nays one, Bat supposo that duty dono, Sho who tulla till not of ma, llath no homo, my neighbor. Or mippo?o In your homo nest, Every comfort, evoiy reft, Oomoa from hnr own labor hloit, In BOtno round of duty. TtaouBh sho oarnu with finger nllpbt, Means to make that homo mora bright, Hhall we deem Ihm fair and whlu, Woman's robe of beauty T Woman's work Is everywhere, By tho bod of pain and oaro, In the cabin scant and bare. In' the princely dwelling, Where the little children play, Whero the feeble old folks slay, Where tho homeless wanderers stray, Sin and sorrow quelling. Woman often finds her place, Filling It with modost grace, In the factory, at tho case, As her taste may load her. Woman's work Is never dono, By the woary whou bosun, Ohl because beneath tho sun, Many, many need her. Old Maids and the Like. Now, ray dear Editor, I am not nn old maid mysclf,but expect to be one, Bomo of these days, wheu tin foolishness or my eighteen years has departed. As wo girls havo long known what to rend, Will not BOtno ono kindly tpll us how to llvoand what to learn, that wo may .support oursclvcB in a blessed Btato of single peaccfulno39,audllvo Independ ently. I should liko to hear that ro mark of Fannlo Forn'd explained, in regard to woman's rights opening tho way for old maids to mako tholr lives mnro unviable. I know 60veral old maids who have freshness without ma ny curves and dimples. I do not know of their having llvo poots and philoso phers in thoir.trains, but I know they havo good books In their libraries, and aorno of them llko cats too, and all or them havo flonso enough to know it " Bnuir box from a patent rosier," thoy nro not woman's right supporters elth "or. Thoy aro full of fun and llfo, and can go to church and lectures alono if It Is necessary. "Why shouldn't thoy? or girls either, for that matter, lie cauho ono docs not havo n big brother, and does not euro to monopollzo any ono elso's, who has to slay at homo with only a few blocks bulwcun her and tho church. For my part, I cannot seo why tho gcntlomon generally prefer the society of a giggling girl in her tcons, to that of nu intelligent woman of moro nmttiro years, fonts Jim Kon ton" says, " She's heard It thunder oft en enough not to gel frightened, and aho's hud tho measles, and th) whoop-Ing-cough, and llio chicken-pax, and tho mumps, and has got through with hor nonsense." Perhaps It Is because tho "old maid" beats him In so many of his pet arguments, and does not comlcHcond to smllo Hweotly at all llio soft nonsenso ho Is pleased to utter. O.ST. OF THE GlKi.H. Soino Other Rights of Women. ' From Hob lngorsoll's now lecture: "I bellevo woman Is the equal of man and has all tho rights of man, and one more, that of protection. I bollovo tho insti tution of marriage to bo tho holiest and most sacred Institution among men. Yet It tnok thousands of years to ad vttiico from slavery up to tlio marriage institution. I hate a man who thinks ho Is tho head of tho family. I do. I desplsu him. I hato ono of those dig nllled galoots. I nevor saw a dlgnlllud man who was not a dunce. Solemnity Is a breastwork which mediocrity throws up to defend Itself from the oyes of tho world. 1 hato a man who is an aristocrat in his family, and whoso wlfo Is obliged to bo it beggar. Sho says, I wuut a dollar,' and asks for It as if sho was standing on u bomb-shell, and he replies, ' What did you do with tho fifty cents I gavo you'." How many women aro obliged to bo continual beg gar?. How can you raise children In such an atmosphere? It's a terrible thing; It's wretched and infamous. I bellovo In tho democracy of tho family. Kvory homo should bo it littlo republic in itself. Lovo is tho only thing that will pay ten per cent, to both borrower and lender. Lovo is tho only thing where tho least iosslblo extravagance is qlio height or economy. What right lias man to bo tho head of tho family? A man should bo cheorful and pleasant on coming Into a house. When you euslavo anybody, you mako him dis honest. A hut with lovo Is a palaco for a king. A littlo whilo ago I stood ot tho tomb or tho dead Nupoleon, and when I thought or his past lire, I thought I would rather havo been a French peasant and worn wooden shoes, living In a hut with a littlo wire I loved, with children upon my knoe, and their arms about my neck, and died unnotic ed and unknown, loved by those who know roe, than to havo been that king. It Is not necessary to bo great or rich or powerrul to bo happy." Beautirul Circassian girls can now be bought in Constantinople for $200. each. Tho Art of Listening. The art of listening 13 a dellcato and difficult art, and ono that Is seldom practiced. It Is dellcato became It de mands, If not sympathy, a show of sym pathy, and continuous attention, as well as nn nir of Interest. It Is dilllcult because self assertion Is natural, and a stato of passlvoness without manifesta tion of weariness Is irksomo to main tain. On account or its delicacy and difficulty, not leas than from want of knowing how to manngo it, It is tho rare art In society. Tho few listeners who understand listening nro invariably liked, even admired, and not unlro qucutly chnnn tho talkers to whom they give oar. Tho nlco listener Is pret ty buro to eot a name for Intellect, cul ture, wit, roadlncs for any sort or quality, indeed, which he or sho docs not reveal and may not possess. Tho porson fond or talking usually endows tho porson who listons with whatever attributes he thinks ho has himself; and his rood opinion or tho listener grows steadily, until sometimes it amounts to positive worship It is not enough to listen merely In a negative manner; for this appears liko resigna tion, llko silent suffering, liko uncom plaining mariyruom, nnu uosiaes, may be mistaken for stupidity, which is Al tai to tho listener's hopo nnd object, in society, but his listeners must dis guise liis stupidity, ir thoy would bo accented; anu,nbovoall,novet Indicate or intimato to anybody elso that tho speaker has any possibility. "Wo can bo dullness and commonplaco itself with impunity, provided wo seem to think well of our acquaintances. Har per's Bazar. Husbands and Wivks. An ingen ious young lady, who has been making her observations on society, asks: On what prlnclplo do men behave toward1) their wives, and vice versa, after marri age? l must confops I havo been stun ned frequently, nnd nothing has terri fied mo so much as tho thought that, In marrying, I, too, might bo subject to tho cold sarcasm, lndifforonco, and of ten brutality shown by many of tho ap parently best husbands. I havo been taught to bollovo that mnrrlago Is the lilencst condition of life: that truly uni ted couples moot again in heaven, never to part; that there Is no greater happi ness on earth than that of husband and wife but how rarely do wo find it, or oven hear of It! Tho papers teom with cruelty, witty stories about their mutu al misunderstandings, tho greater part conveying most painful slurs against tho wives; criminal courts bear terrlblo evidence or the unhnppluoss that reigns over too many domestic hearths: and theso aro but a tithe, compared with tho sufferings that aro endured to si lence scandal ' for tho sake or tho chil dren." And married people will tell you marrlago Is only a lottery;" that "tho poetry or marriage fades in a few thiyn, or weeks at most." Clearly, with many it is a constant wnriare an un seemly strugglo from day to day. How low can sign themselves n happy bride groom of twenty years' Ntandlngl With those ladles who complain that " gen tlemen don't proposo" I havo no sym pathy. I am ashamed or thorn. Such women do not know what marriage Is. Twenty Impolite- Things. I. Loud and boisterous laughing. 'J. Heading when others aro talking. !l. Heading aloud in company with out being asked. 1. Talking when others nro reading. ft. Spitting nbout tho house, smoking or chewing. (I. Cutting finger nails in company. 7. Leaving church before worship is closed. 8. Whispering or laughing in tho house of God. 0. Correcting oldorporsous than your self, especially parents. 10. Leaving a stranger without a seat. II. Gazing rudely at strangers. 12. A want of respect and rovoronco for seniors. 1!J. Receiving a present without an oxprcssioh of gratitude. 11. Maklngyourself horo or your own story. 15. Laughing nt tho mistakes or oth ers. 10. Joking others in company. 17. Commencing talking boforo oth ers have finished bpcaking. 18. Answering questions that havo been put to another. ID. Commonclng to cat as soon as you get to tho table. 20. Not listening to what ono is say ing In company. Loving Fiuunds. Never cast nsldo your friends ir by uny possibility you can retain thorn. Wo nro tho weakest or spendthrifts If wo can let ono friend drop off through inattention, or let ono push away another, or If wo hold aloof from ono Jealousy or heedless slight of roughness. Would you throw away a diamond because it pricked you? Ono good friend is not to bo weighed against tho Jewels or tho earth, ir thoro is coolness or unkindness botween us, lot us como race to face and havo it out, quick, before tho lovo grows cold! iilfo is too short to quarrel in, or to car ry black thoughts of friends. It Is easy to loso a friend, but u new ono will not como for calling, nor make up tho old one. Though Mr. Gladstone was born nnd bred ut Liverpool, and has passed tho latter portion or his llfo within easy reach or Ireland, ho only visited it for tho first timo last month, whilo Lord lieaconfield has, In common with thous ands or English gentlemen, never set root on Its shores. ritnt tlirna.fniirf liu tT fill fhn linnrr ings in Missouri within ten years havo been by mobs. WILLAMETTE FARMER CHOICE RECIPES. Wedding Cake. Tako three lbs. butior, four nnd a hair lbs. Hour, thrco 1 os sugar, six lbs. currants, ono and a half lbs. candled lemon, hair a lb. al monds, hair a pound citron, thirty eggs, a pint of brandy, and a pint of milk. Heat the butter and sugar In n pan, un til It Is llko thick cream, but bo sure not to mako It too hot; then ndd the eggs by degrees, till thoy nroqnltollght. Next beat in hair tho Hour; then put tho milk nnd brandy in. Grate tho rinds or six lemons, and then put In the rest of tho flour, currants, candled lorn- oii-uool. almonds and hair an ounce or mixed spices, such as cloves, mace, cin namon, nutmeg antl allspice, lxaton nnd tirtcd through a fino sieve. If you bake tho whoio In ono cako it will tako three hours and a hair, it must not bo baked too quickly. Indian Cakk. or pone, as it Is some times called, makes a delightrul break fast dish. Ono auart buttermilk, four tcucupfuls of Indian meal, twoof wheat Hour, four tablespoon fuls or molass-s or brown sugar, ono oven tnblcspoonrul each or soda and salt. Ilako in a quick oven. This rule makes two handsome cakes. CiiANiiEitrtY Itoix. Stew a quart or cranberries in sufficient water to keep them from burning. Mako it vory sweet, strain and cool. Mako a pasto, and when tho cranberry Is cold, spread it on tho pnsto nbout an inch thick, roll I , tio it closo In a tlanncl cloth, boil two hours, and servo with a sweet sauce. Am I to Blame. Am I to blame, Mother?" asked a young lad the other day, who had Join ed a tomperanco society. Ills futhor and mother appeared to bo displeased with him. After n long sllcnco. tho boy broko forth, "Am I to blame, Moth er? Sister Mary has married a drunk en husband, who abusos her every day; sister Susan's husband was Intemperate und has gono off and loft hor; and you arc obliged to tako hor homo and tako care or licr children. Hrotlior James comes homo every night drunk; and locauso I have Joined tho cold water army, and you arc likely to havo ono sober person in tho family, you nro scolding me. Am I to blame, Mother?" Tho mother, ovcrcomo by tho argu ment of her child, replied, " You nro right, my boy. May God blo.H you, and help you to keep your good resolu tion." Phopanitv. we aro um uphatlcally it seems to in the ag of profanity, and It seems to us that wo nro on tho topmost current. Ono cannot go on tho street any whero without having his ears offended with tho vilest words and his reverence shocked by tho most profane uso or sa cred names. Nor does it emtio from tho old or middlo aged alone, for It is a fact that tho younger portion of the community are most proficient in de grading language. Hoys havo an idea that It is smart to swear; that It mnkcu them manly, but tliero never was it greater mlstako in tho-world.- Men, oven thoso who swear thcm-clves, nro disgusted with profanity In it young man, liccattsu they Know bow, of all bad habits, this clings tho most clotcly mid Increases with years. It Is tho most Insidious of habits, growing on ono hi invisibly that a. most before ono Is aware ho becomes tin accomplished cursor. A NKW A HOT 10 NXI'KIHTION. A whaling steamship, the Vega, lias boon bought for tho Swedish Arctic expedi tion, which is to start next July from Gothenburg. Tho vessel Is vory strong ly built, and can carry coal enough for a cruise or 8,000 miles; she is to bo sup plied with tuiMclcnt provisions tonervo for thrco years, dipt, ralauder will bo in command; less than .'10 persons will be on board, in all; thrco or four wl'l constltuto tho scientific corps. Tho King or Sweden, tho Government, Oscar Dickson, ornothonburg, und Mr. Slbarlakoir (a Ittit&lan) conjointly de fray tho expenses. Tho projected voy age will circumnavigate Asia and Kit rope. brevities! Harvest novor comes to such as sow not. Tho only way to mako n friend is to bo one. Ho who boastH or friends bath none. a multltudo of Ho who gives n trlllo meanly Is for meaner than the trlllo. There is no such thing as nn easy chair for a discontented man. Men nro liko words; when not prop orly placed, thoy lose their virtue. A man's own good breeding is tho best security against other people's ill manners. Good company nnd good conversation nro tho very sinews of virtue. Good character Is above all things else. Never tell n man bo's a fool; in tho llrst place ho won't bellevo you; la tho next, yon mako him your ouomy. During tho cholera epidemic at Ilan galoro, India, n gentleman holding n high oillciul position in that city, was ono morning informed that his horse keeper had been seized wlththntdrend ed disease. Ho at once sent for tho doctor, who found tho patient inu stato or coma, nnd pronounced tho case to be tlesjHjrate. Disinfectants were profuse ly sprinkled throughout tho house, und every precaution was takon to provent tho spread of tho disease to tlio other inmates. Tho unfortunate man was himself tenderly removed to liowdon Hospital, whoro tho usual remedies were noplied without producing any effect, for tho patient still remained in- sensible. At last, his situation appar ently hopeless, It was thought bettor to desist from further attempts to reklndlo tho faint spark of lite that was rapidly dwindling. Lato in tho night, linv over, to the surprise of tho hospital at tendants, tho patient suddenly recov eaed consciousness, and In strong voice nnd language demanded to know where ho was. Ho was Informed that ho had been III with cholera and was now In hospital, and implored to remain per fectly quiet ns his only chance of recov ery. "Ill with cholera!" ho shouted indignantly; "I have only been drunk;" and, to tmi consternation of tho doctor and his employer, who had given him up for last, this statement turned out to bo true. MARRIED: In Palem. January 17, 1878, nt the relder,re of the brlde pareulis by ltcv. 1 S. KnlRbt. Mr. Nonnm II Loonet Mill MImIUmiiot 11. I'LARKC. dao,cbUirof b A. CUrke, Kq.,-aU of Matlon cuuu'y. 8TKWAltT-Kt.Ut-In this city, January S3iJ, by JamcCutty,J. i..Bt bM Ulrica, Mr. h. J. Stewart anil Mlaa Bnrah Kill all o' this county DIED. STAttKKV-At o o'clock lost rveulnn, January SUM Httierretlilcncnln ttil clly. Mn. Jane h, Hturkey, lined 61 tetirrud SmonthH. A Gentle Hint In our stylo of ollmato, with Its sudden changes of temperature, rain, wind, and sunshine often ltitfrinlnu.lml In a frluglnday, It Is no wonder that our children, frirnds and rolatlvcs aro 60 Irrquently taken from us by neelectod cold, halt' tho deaths i-ARiiltlnir ilir.inllv from thl causo. A hot- tlo ol Hoccheo'a Gorman Hyrup kept about your homo for Immediate uao will provent serious sickness, a large doctor's hill, and perhaps death, by tho use of threo or four doses, For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, Its sucoesa Is simply wonderful, aa vour druggist will tell you. Gorman Syrup la now sold In every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for trial, 10c,; regular alr.o 75o. Agent at Lebanon. Mr. S. Luttrell, will hereafter act as agent for the Wn.LAMKTrn Faumkk at Ihnnn. P. C. ADVOCATE. $2,60, WITH American AKricnlturiHi, $3.50, AN II Splendid Microscopo, $4,00, Ono Ytnr, I'ov CiimIi. COT All Methodist Ministers nro AgcntB. J. H, ACTON, Editor, lalmt PORTLAND. Or. MARBLE WORKS. WM. STAIGER, l) HA I.I II IN Head-Stones & Monuments tXCLTJTtl) IM Italian and Vermont All KlndN ol Cemetery ami oilier Stunu work dottf Willi neat' Bu!HU ami llspuU:li, XVT Onlrr from all port f tho Htnlo nml WrtU liiiltim TVriliory rt'ci'lvnl nisd forwirik-U pfoniplly, hALUU .1'i. is ISIHtiu ,-vs- .mi.vwft v '-"...RATrr'r..'Ui v ('"'""'uUuUiv liWJil WMM&EWm Ilacli Number coulnln- TiiniTr two l'ni: of rcuilliu.', nuny nnu Wood Cut lllntrllon. ami nu Coioiiki) 1'l.tTU. A licmitllul (Union M4i;iirliiu, nrlntud on iletMiit impur, nnd mil or luioruumm. In KikIIIi and (lurmuii. I'rlco, JI.'S a yi-sr; 1'lvc conic :,wi. Vlck'a iHou-rr Riul VckI"I' .ruVi, SO ct'iits tn utugr covcrf, In fcliyuiil tlotli covur I " Vlt-k'M 'ntnlosui',-:)ft0 lllmtrailoui, only a ceut, Addrrx, . . .... JAMES VICK. Itochoitcr. N. V 2tly Hiilltiiil rolnlosilP or Vcj;clalilo and "lower Ht-ed for 187s v.U ho .cut KltK.K, In January to all who apply. Uutoiner of Ut n-aroii m-ed not wrlluforlt. I offer oijn of the larcmt (ollfctloim of vrcelablo f ed ever ent out by any feed homo In America, a largo portion of which were jjrown on my lx aced farmi. Printed direction for cultivation on each package. Alt n-ed eold from ray citablUhment wanautrd to bo bnlli frvrh and true to nnme; ro fur, that Miould it prove otlierwlm I will refill the order cratla. Ai tho original Introduce or tho llnblmrd ami Marblchrad SiUiuibeii. tho Marblehead Cabha Kea, aud a tcxira of other new veritable, I Invito tho patronage or all whoaroanilouii liiluvo their reed directly irom the ((rower, frerli, trae.audor Ihu very beitilrtln. New VriielHlileiiecllty. JAMBS J. II. OltKOOItV. Marbleiiead, Ma. FOR SALE. A FEW DARK IlItAIIUAH tnl liltOWN LEO. horn Fowl, from li.e bet uriln I" ih Unlud butci. EOOhlnSeaton. V. If. wiikelkk. dec, 13.11. Khedd, Orrton, "I.... Flauta. Hprlnif Wt free. XrGcSt riiotMX, Bloouilnitm'i Nnwonr. 111 rm.') nJO v Bi-ncco y Vwjppv i'i 'M M JJlJWM wduicy 'i NO uaogii qi to'M'u.'ixvjuuifxvidcrio HIFKMinOl II BaBBBBBVBBaBaA-rni!- - vBBBaPBBBBBBBVvJaBBBBJBi2jL." Dr. H. SMITH, 33 E3 3NT T I JS T , SALEM, OREGON. Ofll:o moved over DRRYMAN BltOS.' NEW BTOEB .".T.. Office bout from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. ST0RTH SALEM STORE. A T TUB I1K1CK BTOW5, HAS JUST 11KC21Y uL cd a full SHortuivutof Gtoneral Merchandise, Dry Goods? Grooories, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing uucauuca tor me myana t'onntry Trade, lionsh low, aud will be fold at s BM ALL A rtlOVIT, DonshtM thote who 8KLL AT COST. tVQoodii delivered to unAiiu J. iLirri ma. b.b M ut pan 01 ins gut iree 01 coarse. Novttt Mrs. Rohrer'i New Romedy FOK TUB X.UXCM Iff MRKT1XO WITH WOXDKRFUL SUCCESS t rrcilH PURELY VKORTAIILB HKMKDV HAS JL no efliial In the relief and euro of ConRhn, Coldt, AHhm, lironchltlK, Croup, Whooping Conch, M( tlM, Ac. It Iirh prodnccd omo renurkibid euro. Hold hy rirugglit ecnf rally. Prepared only by JOHN V. SlUHa'IIV, Monmouth. Or.. T whom all lettera of bonnet thould bo acldrr i cd. Farmi and Laud lor Sale. I OFFER FOR SMK ONE FARM, 380 ACI1K8. 100 acre In cnltlvat'nn, good orchard, fltna'cdon tho t'lea.ant Hill roirt. abont !4 mile from Kncrne Ctty. Alo, about 1400 acres rf MIXED LAND, tolas of the. bett valley and bearer-dam Land In th county, tuirounded by hill and bruth land. Three or four very koo.1 farm tan bo madd out of It. (lood place for a colony. Want tn tell tho whn'o lot tnirvth. er. Thla Land u ultuatvd in Leno county; 'about It mnr irom nurtne niy. ann tix irnm crercn, Jet AiiurvM F. II. DUNN, Kutfrti City. NOTIOB TO PKKSeXS INTKNDIMi KMIGKATK TO OKEtlON. TO Direct Passage from New York to Portland, Oregon, LAN DCI'AHTMKNT O. A (J. It,, I l'miTHNi), June !, IPTI, f THE OIIKOON HTICAMfllll' COMPANY ll.VH agrved to carry on lt Iron I tcnmohlp, now being Diiiii ai i.nciicr ra , oy .ioun itoacn ,v mm, utinii nor cnmpieiion, on or nnnm inn loin nay or .iiiniary IhTH eteerijo pi'iicrlrom Now York to Portlnuit, direct, via Ihu Htrnlti" of JIuiellfn, nt llio vxireinily low rata of 67ft 00 currency, board Included. Thla nemnor Mill bo tlio brt, Mrnngett mil moil comfortably arranged hlp ever built In the I'nltcd MAIec. Npeeil, I MX kuoii). l)lmcinlonii V!0 leet In length; ru feet Im-niii; 'Jif dil!i or hold; Mptcily, 1,'i 0 totm: ItiXI eablii unn tit) rtcerau pinFiiKeiii. Tim lilting u)ol llio Mermen w'll recolvn Hclal nt- leiiiiciu; ii win oviniMoi uiinnii moiitrniinpMrv. mentand ll veiilllillnu will bo perfect Every .it tentloii will Im intd to tho romrort or nnt.cnver. nnd tho faro will hn of the bed iiiHllv. V.ut of thu oecK reoin win oo mini r.p nir leiriKernumr inirpo. en, with a view tolurnlrli pemer frirli meat du rlmrtho whole vnrnro. 'I ho viimiko III ho mnilo liiftlmnt ftxtyda)'. ToaM Krou whoiterlroloeinlEralotdflri'iroii, Krlcultiirnlnud other ImplcmriiK will ho InLiual very low rate. For pcruii hero who have rrlemli In thn Atlmllo Hlate wl'lilmt to rnti.oto Uri'tj.in lhl oirer n rarti oppnrtunlly, tho nnuoytue" and fallcuo or tho over'niid rontu by rail nro molded, and tlio p.irrii;o la conrlderahly '(. FnitiaillriiUT Inroimtllon d lrei K. O. tmldt, 1 Houlli Willi mi troet. Now Yoik, or IJjmG) P. HCMirt.Zi:, Liiu.t A tent O. A O. It. It. Co . l'oillnid, Umi. Notice. A PETITION havlnt: been filed In tho ro-iiity court ol llioHlntuor Oroyon for tho county of Mu Ion, lorlhinpiiolntmi'iit or E. H. (Irrjjo'riMin punrdljii or tho i'Uio of.l.'repli Hloiiu. ii innri'i'iilunt minor, nnd MomUy, rebrunry 1th, 18, nt It o'dotkln iho foro lioi.ii, hivnin beeii nppoluied for benrlni; tln aiau, now, I'lrrernrc, an uumm imennifn aro nvieiiy ro- mired to npiietr In i"ild court, nt tlio cuil-houfO In btiem. in ini county, ni rnui llmo men ami there in rluiH-lau.e why ald II. H. llreolro liould not ho I county, nt rnlil llmo t lien and there In uppoliilid am iiitli KuaiuIAU. JOHN U ITCKIII.IM, Cnuiity .ludiio. Jacllul Final Sottlomout. ATOTICi: In heruby Klen tint W. M. (lorrllnx nnd ll Kinimt I.. Joni,ndiulnlMrntiiior tho tnl of IKIoh C .Innix, I ilo of .Mirlou county, ili'iea.ed, Invu ltd ilny ll'ed llulr ill nl nceoiint In th iiulirrof pld eMnli', mid Halun'ay Iho Dili day or February, IK7H, nt ten o'clock In llio forenoon il v.itil div Imh hi( ii fued n I Im tlmj fur litarlni; Ihu inmo. All er conn lulerenled In mid erlnto nro thereroro ii'iulrnl tonppenr beforu tho routily court of Iho hln'o or Or ei;oii nt Iho day and hour nrorer ild, nml tluvr reiifO, If any exlut. why puld nreount thoula i.ot bu nllonul nn J raid ndmlnlttratori ulthari.'d. W. M (10ESMNB, Jan. 8. 1878IVI EMMA I.. JONES.- THE PLUMMER FRUIT DRYERS, l'uloiifcd April 1877. rinii:M: maciiinf.h aiii: iinhi;iii'.hhi:i) hy L my oilier for llrylni; or Prifervlni; Frulle and Vet'elnhli-i' or all kind, nnd arucnlruclvd nudlur nlthed comjilctu In fourdlllcrehl ele, namely: Tim Tom Tli ii nili Dryer-rapacity or . bu'hvl or apple per hour price.... $ TO Tim Miiull I'niiilly Drycr-cupaclty or 1 burliel perhour-prlco...., IM Tim l'umlly Iiryer-cnpaclty or 3 huhcl per hour prlco -t- The Factory II rycr-rapaclly of buabila per tour pilco.... Theiie Drjora wcro awarded tho Centennial Medal and Diploma at Philadelphia In lhN), A In), Iho Uold M da) ol tho Htato or Ort-von for lb"U, fur vxcelKnco or lUvor, color aud condition or Fruit. All Mzea comtantly ou hand and rurnlthed'onrhort. et notice. farm and County lllghtv tor aale. For further particular and dorrlptivu cntalotau addreta W. H. PI.UMMEIt, Patentee aud Manufacturer, JelStf Eait Portland, Oregon. A COMPLETE LINE Of Ji. HV3SS, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, Spurs, Etc.,Etc. DEAR iiORNfe, ON CIlMMEICIAl STREET, HUltlllS'n BI)CK, SATjlBM - - OREGON. apr2 ',! f . I ! J' "I 1 i'. i ii Ji ' 1 n