'? MJWft!WSffi?aiWM I r 'v .1 J i v ? i. ? r h r1 f"-; h' .rs v'n-h ' s V V .4 J I WILLAMETTE FARMER. ItSVKD TKIIT rnlDAT, BT CLARKE So C3XA.IGV, rUBMRHKIlB AND I'lKHflMBTOIW. H. A. OIiAIIKK. I. W. (IIIAIO. Term of NiibncrliUlon. OnA nnv. nrin vp.irfM lltltnhi'r! Ono cony, fix montli ( iininbi-r) rr ? Onn ropy, thren immthMianwiimTai ....$2..',V 2 0 7 BAIjKM, FRIDAY, KK1I. 1, 167B. BXVEK TRANSPORTATION. "Wo nro not of thoso who coino to ssm guino conclusions and ndvlso people to rush into bunlnesH matters with 'which they nro unncqunlnted, with licedleBs presumption. Tho Initiation of tho Qrnngo in Orcgon.brouglit with it ex pcctationHon tho pnrt of many that thoy could easily rovolutionizo tho bus iness of tho country to thoir own profit. Whllo it is truo that much good hns resulted from tho Increase of tho order in tho United States, it Is not truo that tho vislonnrieB who Joined tho order with these wild anticipations hnvo re alized what thoy hoped, nnd it is no doubt best that thoy bhould not, Tor thoir hopes aro illusory nnd revolution ary, nnd not based on tho findings of eomman sonsq, developed with tho his tory of man. Lessons of oxpcrlcnco nro vnlucd, ovon if not always directly profitable. Tho building of farmer's warehouses has proved successful and tho running of steamboats on tho Willamette river has brought freights down to a fair liv ing price. Tho People's Protective Transportation Company seems to bo successful in maintaining its organiza tion, nnd in securing other subscription.-, nnd whllo tho results may not be largo dividends on tho Capital stock, still It Is no doubt truo that many of tho Htni'kholdors hnvo saved mnro than tho whole vuluo of their stock, merely from tho reduction of freights on trans porting their products to market. Tho pcoplo's lino of boats no doubt nro a full check upon monopoly nnd unrensonablo charges for transportation. Another fact In connection with this lino of bouts is of homo Importance. It is very like ly that the runners novor would hnvo been ablo to rcallzo'tho vuluo of trans portation and tho prlca n steamboat company ought fairly to recuivo, If thoy had not this personal experience togutdo them. Owning and running two boats ol their own, thoy have no need for Information on that head, and can act In tho future, to extend their operations, or hold tlit'in whoro thoy will check unmiMHinhlo rate, us thoy think bust. Wo know that many stock holders consider UioiiihoIvo.h more than repaid for tho outlay by tho incidental honullts already derived from tho on-torprlso. t.) visit numoroua friends nnd relatives, nnd wont to different parts of Califor nia to do so. Ho represents tho farmers of Oregon ns far tnoro prosperous nnd moro money In circulation here, with more certainty of successful farming. Ho comes back well contented to bo an Oregon farmer, nnd says very many peoplo whom ho met contunplato re moving to Oregon in tho spring, nnd many others would If they woro a' le. Hfiwley, Dodd & Co., of Portland, offer tho fanners of Oregon and Wash ington tho L'cst class of articles in tho lino of agricultural Implements. Thoy hnvo the lnrgcst trade In this lino in tho vrholo North Pacific region, with 8evornt branch houses, and their most seasonablo wares just now aro tho cel ebrated Schuttler Wagon, which hns no superior; tho John Dcoro MoIIno plows, nnd nlsoa superior chilled iron plow thnt has now a good reputation with this trade, nnd their Iluckoyo Droadcast Boeder possesses excellence long established by use among us. Iicsldes which thoy hnvo nn unrivnled assortment of hnrdwuro to suit overy demand. Tho Commercial Herald, of San Fran cisco comes to hand with nn enlarged edition contnining a yery useful and interesting tablo of facts relative to tho commcrcoaf that city, for tho year 1877. It is tho custom of that Journal to sum up trado statistics for sotno Jauuury number, nnd tho offort of tho present year shows entorprlso commensurate with tho Importnnco of San Francisco ns a gront commercial point. The Jlcr aid furnishes us with much vnlunblo information and takes high rank ns a commercial newspaper. Mcequuo Grass. Considerable intortvsl has boon excit ed in favor of tho nioMiulto grass, said to bo the native grass of Texas, based upon favorable reports made con cerning It by different persons in this State and California, who have made trial of It. There is no doubt (hut Mr. Mluto Is correct In classing it as ideutl eal with the Kugllsh velvet grass, and what ho quoted In relation thereto, last week, from Flint's dlscrlptlon of velvet grass, In his work on grasses, would give tho Impression that mosquito or velvet gras, Is not a very valuable pro duct. Hut It may be, nevertheless, a very valuable pasture grass for our use, so it Is well enough to give it, us well us other grasses u fair trial, to deter mine Its value. Those who grow It assure us that all stock like it and thrive upon It, and that the grass, itself, yields a groat amount of fodder, and if this proves to be the case, and the grass kittles successfully with the fern, ns we ure told it does, If may be the grass bust suited to our soil and climate. Mr. K. (J. Hood procured a quantity of this grass from California and has made some trial of It. lie says there is no doubt that mosquito ami velvet gmss are identical, but he does not yet up qoar to be positive at to the value of It. As Mr. ltecd has experimented consid erably with grasses wo should like to hnvo his coucluslons, and we shall be obliged to any person who has made trials of various grasses if they will be good enough to write tho results. It is an impoituiit subject for all Oregon far mers to bo informed uoii,uud we shall consider It ii favor to roceivo communi cations giving practical experience or suggestions in that connection. Fuom Gamkohnia. Mr. Thomas Edmondsou, and family, of the Waldo 1IIIU, returned from n three months visit to Cull forn la, Saturday last, on the Steamer Klder. Mr. E. came orig inally from that Htuto, and went buck Poultry Baiting by Boys and Girls. Salem, Jan. 28, 1878. Hd. Faknkk: I deslro to add n con tribution for your excellent pnpor. My subject Is Poultry Keeping by Hoys and Q Iris. How mnny boys thcro nro on farms and In villages who having a natural desiro for pets and wishing to Indulgo their fondness by keeping n fow fowls ure Htopped short In their plans by :i quick answer ' too much trouhlo; cant have them hero, thoy destroy moro than they nro worth," nnd n hundred other rebukes. Now in tho first nlaco let us seo how wo can prove that tlieso are nil luiso abortions. Tue average amount of eggs laid by a hen in one year Is 10 do.., the average price paid is 20 ets. per do, which Is sum total in VJi mounts $L'.uo, now ll we are raising fowls for the market wo will have to set. uii average prk'o, which will bo!MK) pordnK.; now we have one hen worth to us ?'J.l'5 in one year, but hold on, we have not added the expense of keeping the fowls for one year, and also the trouble In raising, which is calculated at $1.00 per head, which is a liberal price. 1 dure say that most any furmci wotild agree to raise and keep 100 fowl for one year at $1. dO each, and in ,ur accotiut we Unci that we have a clear protlt of $1.25 per head; now, what her stock can beat It Willi the Mime capital Invested? In future comniunl callous wo will try and show how easy ve are to accomplish this prnlituhln en terprise. Fowls ought to be looked after and eiiiod for better on the farms, for I say that there is no stock that pays belter than fowls when veil cared for. Most farmers fowNure fed irregularly (and 1 dare say some are not fed at all) which is very unreasonable, for no stock will do well without food: and most are fed on dumaged grain, because it is cheap, and have stagnant water to drink; trees, sheds, wagons or fences tnrnostoii where ttioy are exptsed to wind and rain. Theso must not ho ex pected to lay well, or even furnish any eggs in winter months. Now, I say, do not refuse your boys iiud glrU a chance to earn their pocket money or clothing by engagi ig in the poultry biNuoss, but rather en courage them, and by so doing thoy will engage In u protltable enterprise. Now, if you can get your patent's consent, 1 will In my next communication plan our hculn uing lu thocutorprNo, houses, location, ac. A Poultry Fanuiku. Poui.THYOiviatiuunc Uktuunt. Tho Irishman makes a savings hank of his pig, but a number of months must elapse before butchering time comes una dlvedonds ure declared. Halting cattle Is still slower work. Hutachlck eu Is eatable at three mouths old, and money uld for wheat can Ik) turned to cash lu three da,s through the medium of the well-tilled egg-basket. I'uuUry World, Syramtae GrmiH", Ku.KI l of II. hold thn'r flr-t rt'ttular inenlliiK for ihtt year on Suttir- dy Jan, 1M, 1878, mid llm following olltcvia were luitiuioti lor ilia iiuinir ytju, n. T. Join. Mj Win. tUP, O; T. II. Farewell. Lj Joliunn,S; 1 uiodker, A. S; J. P. Wil Hon, U; John SVIh, T; t), A. Mlllffr, Seo.; K M. Miner, u, iv: Mm t;tur iirtweii U-m-at Mrs Nanuy Mlllur, IMmoti; Mrs. Nanny Vela, Flora; Mm, Mary Mwkr, Huiwaniraa I'liB oorunwiy of luatallatloti wa coiiUuotHtl liv llro. H A. IrviBn. 8ial Deputy aWt.t by Itro, Thoiua Froiuan, of No, ID, Manv vwiili'K eMilliera ami auiora vtrn nrt'twnt Ironi othor (.-ratlin. After Itio otireiuony, all mriok nl h aphindlii rept a pro J by Ilia mxvl al-lent' of Ibn Uraniie, aa calUni In nrtler by Worthy Mauler Jouea, a ii tj abort atlrf" a vr uiailu by lh fllo - Inn brother-; l)won, hiaier. liurktiart, rowoll.aiul lrvlim At a. lain hour In tlio KVenliiK llit tlrniili a-l, hdi! all 8ratt)d fe.illiiK that tlio day l.a-l bocii well ajtnt. . DIED. HINDER In Hllvcrton, January 27th, nfron niiiiptloii, jlrn. fcurnh Hinder, axed 30 yearn. If ASK Tntlilncltv,.InluiHry 80lh. I.lzr.lo Joso. phlno Kutif ni;i'il2 J'cl.fK, 1U UlutilliH untl 10 dayo. a fci m J. B. PILKIiNGTuN, M, D., I.ato Profocunr nf Dln-af r c.f llic Kyc and Ear la the Salum (Oniroii) Mcdlul College. UOIce. DckHiii'x Itlnc-H, t'ortlatul, or., All SurlMl Operation InrllVcarcf ol the E r 9 3E5 a, ar'g, NOSE, AND THROAT "i.lu.riiiLr rpiir(ii:r!). G'ATAHAfT extracted, in. i CKUHS VVkH .Itnlnlilolicd. Art flC'al EiCf a lor v anorwont of tho licrt French luamitActuic, ou Dekttw, ml All dlfcha'pci" from tUe Kar, anil Nn, Ml Calnnli, paJtlcnlaily triatcd fely MARKET GARDENERS Send for Hoot' Oadim Madl porilKB, fulof practical Information on Oardenlnc Top c: alro price llftnl Choice Meeda. MTIIoth aentforlO ccntf, which will be allowed on the flmt order. Addreaa jiOmH J. D. ItOOT Hockpoud. Itx. OALLINGr CARDS, with name neatly printed thereon, for 25 cent and 'eent rump for po tacc. V. M. WOODWOKTU. Saxkm. On. R. Xi Y. CUAHB, RRVXT LtCol., Ute Burgeon U.S. Voloatee. - ilium imrmn-ii wnr, mi m rw 40 Adi'rou B RUPTURE! HAWIiEY, DODD & CO., X3irlaiil Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the Lowest Pousiblo Prices, a Full lino of AGRICULTU R AI IMPLEMENTS. WB AitE SOI.H AQEN1S TOIt THE CEMSHItATFt) Which combine tho greatest strength, exlrciiiu liglumps. mid dtm.On.ty.-. DEERE Is the bole Patentee of the Wrought liloek ant Welded Frog, and their Plow Is tho only Plow so imiIp. .The Plow si mouW 'ord and Hlmro aro burdened by a Patented Process PECULIAR '10 THE DEERE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. A PKOMINKST C1TUEN CUUED. ' 8iS FHlcriaco, September 3, 1KT. Dn. riKncB-Dcar Sin Th TruM I purchaf ril of yoa last fall ban tared me of Hnpture. from which I have auffertd for tie pat TwiNTT-rira tiaii. and 1 feel confldcnl'hat any rapture can be cured by your . AONKTIO KLA8TIO THUSS, If the patient will only hate rufllelent couraco to wear It until the In flammation cauaed by the friction ol the pad ctaiiK, nd ttm tnatnbrana hpall. I am, dear fir, yonra truly W. C. QUINDY, Cor. Editor "Journal of Commerce," Sau Franclico. Mr. Qolnby la a gentleman well and farorably known ail over thlacotal. After eipcndlDR hundred! of dollar ou worthier mcUl Troaaer, and baring euffered for twtutyflTO year, he was completely cured In a few month by the Magnetic Rlaatlc Treat, Tho remamali o .euro performed on Dr. J, Slmma, the popular lecturer and phyalclan, who I known and rcrpected all orer the United btttra and Kurope, I beat eiplalntd by the fcllowlng letter: DR. J. SIMMS, The Itenowncd I'byrlojnnmlat of Now York, CUUKDI Coi.tiA, Cal., AnTnUM, 1R7T. Vin! l'irnrr A Hut. liuu Sacramento Street. Ban Kranclrco: 1 lake great pleasure Informing you thattnTru I purchased of your Arm laet Norum. ber completely cured the rupture with which I hid runVrcil fumteun ycarc Within ihreo yeara part my hernia or ruptnro had grown rapidly worae while wearing an ordinary trn, and tho Intcatinra patted town whenever 1 coughed, blowed my noe. or r trained to lift. Ko common Irutt could prereni It, and then the pain waa torture. After I woro ono of your PATENT MAONRTIO KLASTI0 r USSES fur tour monthn. I noticed that Ihe bilcntlnca did not patr down In tho leant, even wlun I ttralncd to my utmort, and what waa trouble porno hernia waa cntirily cured, aud io rvinalut to thlt day. I freely wrlto yon concerning my euro, because I feel It to bo n duty I owe In ym and other fellow-kind who are tlmllarly altllctcd Yon are at liberty to print Hi In letter rhould )ou think proper. 1 am, inott respectfully, jcur J. bIMMS, M. II, Eipcrlcncorhwf thlt all tempered tprlnir truarct ncct't rarity preta upon tnd often dlcaru pa ta of tho body Hint bi'Turo were In a perfectly healthy condition. Iiiiiuliago, Kidney ami hludder Allettionv, 'ervou Dublllty, ami a gradual Uidirmliiliig of Hit toiif tltu Hull, aiuaomo iff thu evil fleet- produred by uch luri'li ami cnntlnuc d premr. and in view of ttil fuel It bicomc it matter of derided contcquctico to avoid llkaca'nmlltc. If jxirnllilu. Hit. rim.K' MoNXTial'.uaTio Tnura at d M cu IGATRU IIUI-TUI1K I'Aiia inn bu oiiihIiio i nM.Y of the tindi'irUuuj, uunuro aid remember tho iiaino and uiimber t" Our Illntratril Hook ctvlng full Information Villi ho pint fiec many ml!rin MAtiNKTIU i:i,ASTIt)Ti:ibS CO 511' ANY, No. 1109 Sacramento ptteet (up Main), Sun I'rauclrco, felVMBiOaLuaiHllaWK iKEHRflHliaLBHBHbMK aapjVv.pEaMaBBfca an waiBa9Q3bLKu1 aaaal raMrf!SiBllC9t' UPHtnHB9rJajiH-i3 W. JffEflflSLWaWaWSkSEiiar JrJKSSf'jRJS'alay Tlie greatest Lnlmr-Havlntr Iniplcincnli" yot Ii, vented. Vaitly Improved for Fall of 1877. COO Sold lii Orogou xx Ono Yonr. p& I'-vnrv Krrii"r Interehteil. 'llio Dfnru Hulky in th only Mlnirl(-Lvur Plow made. EmILY OPKUA1ED. So cnimtrurftd that by a ullglil. motion or Ibn lvt-r Ihn Plow la run nut. of tlm urotind nnd raised clear, by boriso- Inaiend or iivin-pnvier. It la BtroDgerand leaa coiDpllcHtoil than any other. Sole Agonts for tbe well-known IOUTB SfcXTD OBlXLBS-imOX VLOWaf. BUCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCAST SEEDERS Tho most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. o3xrz"y Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FARM GRIST MILLS, wll'atylew and prices. FAN MILLS. Sond forSpfoml Circular- -LllllHLnaH -T-imr HVHBaHyi i ,3Bf3-i 1 can Kill you A No. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S -rott- Six Dollars and a half! A. PAIll, Manufacture out of lht IIKST QUALITY of O.VK-TANNKl) LKATUKK. JOHN W. GILBERT. Salem, Dec. 21. Sin LUTHER MYERS, BRUM 1)1311 OF HIGH -CLASS POULTRY, 19 Alexia., OroRon. Ula atock cnmprlica tho fullowlni; favorlto varieties: I'lymoutli Hecks, ISlltt'COChlUN, L'glit Bralimis, - D.VKK IIKAHMAS. .S Mlnck-breuatrtl ItlSU UA.MKH, 1 t ..!' Amoricnn uonu-niqucs, Aylesbury Ducks BROZiS TURKEYS, Weight. 40 lbs. llio folliiH lntr.iiamed vario lic art AU IVoti'SlttvrM. rOlltfUuoliUpuiiKUil Hamlinrff 8,fe. ami (loMen-Span;',lcil. White Leghorns Brown Leghorns, WlllTK-t'ACK DUCK SVAX1SII. Single, Pulrs, unit TrloN lor Sale. Mo, a fine collection of Singing Birds, & Shepherd, Bird, and Terrier Dogs. All of ray roultry are of the IIKST STItAINS ever nhippetl to Oregon, ami hreil In ceparato yird. XXtSfSH carefully pvckul ana eut accuidlnj; to dlrectloii nn receipt of pilce. Imperial Uau Food alry on hand. tir AKtM tor J it lmltry Uvrbt, Mi'int tliree-ceut utauip lor circular aud price lift. l'o'al enl will notaimuer I" Write ) our name plainly. Any one HUhlng to ettablleh a Toultry and Ptt. Stock Attoclatlon Mill pKaiu erd lit name in me for the ataie, ami oblige. LU1 11EK M YEUS. Salkm. Jan. V3, 187H. WOODBURN To Sheen-Shearers and Wool-Growers. r??SBkBT7SlWV m aaaWIV- iwmr v Kim ti: 1L nWSLs aLIIIIVaWaBBBkBW Vv r t -M liiiiiiiiiiaaWi'mBN.Bak. W S vgW afla j0000' iBBBF m BBBTiaVBVBBBBBBBBBF f BBBTBBBBT LVBBBBBBBlaaV VaW BBBI Thla cut lepretenta an Improvement on Sheep Klaeara. patented by J I.. fMlTII, ofTurcoia, ItUnolf. amlcitiWtir ailot ou t'io p.lnt of the lower Mailo nudo fat by 'older. Thin cuard pre. enl the rhear ruitlne or tcailfvlni; tho akin of 5 the nhvep, arid ab 'ar lore at.d hiukiiIi, without uniinHvcuiiuii; lur uerce, nicii lannui ooavoia ed without the utonf lhlj;u4nl. Tbe tapporter, at reeu lu the cut, on the ban .l otf e tho hand wntie aneatlui;. The Acut ror lluo Mirarn nad apalrof them thepart Keaaoii wlih enllrd all fieiioii, and t'OIt NKW UKtll.NNKKS T11KX AKE Uuequaled. I wl'l he preparM In furnl.h the two leading braudaof rthi-an, with the Improvement attach ed, at tbe f jllJalnjj priced : Kannroa, fi 25 WllklHUUU. - it 60 For tine and medlum-wooled Sheep, I recom" Write plainly yonr name and addreci, which tlnd of a hiar wanted, and what leugth or blade. loney tent, to reach na r ly, mat t b forwatiled byP.O. Order or by Kxpre.a The tihetra will ' b t by hi alt. or by Kxuieaa C. O. D. PT Bend la your .order IMMKDIATELY. Noa will be rcK d later than tho firt or aUrch. aa they arc dllad fur ate at Tuscola, 1 1. CBHK . COBHI7K. AttuU SALEM, OltKGON. Order cn be IcA at the Fiuaia OOIce. fel NURSERY KKEP3 A. Full Stoolc FRUIT, SHADE, OMAMENTAL, ANUta a NUT TREES, ""ixi.osi nxxel Slirulalaory. Snd for I'rlco Lift end ("aln'oiruo. AiHick . . J. II SKTTI.KiniKU, ocitumn Woouiiuni r. JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Durhlu'a liwv, K jf t opened a Larco amc plelo Stoikot i-k-i :- ' "ITKJ 1X Carpets, Oilclo.hs, Mailings, Ml Houso - Furnishing Goods. NV.xt to Djlrjtnpla it Hrown, ST.lIJKi:S KI.OOU, - - KALKM. OH. wllicit win r.s torn at Lowest Cash Rates! r-fpJIIf 7?x ATTENTION ?&&Sheep Growers i i .AtuhKM V v .l or tjVi a6te&WWNClCRODTft'e6l sSftflsssat Sce.b, a sum; iiSTii to Screw Worm. Foot Rot- Parasites AND ALL that infest Sheep. T 13 8AFKH. BKTTKR and VASTLY cnEAFEB rilAJi ANY OTUER PRKPAIUTION FOb'tUK TRE.VTUENT OP SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF TUB ANIMAL, AND TUR Duality of the wool. IV One gallon la enocgh for one handred to two hunlred Steep, according; to their age, atrencth, an condition. It V put up In FIVE-GALLON CANS and In BAR- Send for circuUr, to HOBGE DAVIS & Co., PORTLAND, ORSOON, Wkaleaate. Aceata tor Ike Mate. Or to tour naarcat Retail Druattat or dealer Jal ADVERllSINCaCENCYy3 t 174 ELM STREJ3T. , CINCINNATI. OHIO., AdrarttMBtBto InMTted la maj paper. Bdbct 4TertUing gend for 07 caUlogua, n - & ,1, K , J t A " 1 janwaawM"