viM3asi!wfeNia! WILLAMETTE FARMER il Good Farms FOR SALE. fr7 AOItEi OK LAND IN MAMOK COUNTY. DO I Orecon, Um mile notlh of Nilem. on the Dayton and Wheatland roalj in a hcamtful location, ami 1 tho rciy Itoit land In tho State Can lm divided Into hro (jontl farair. W'o have nn i Kit tot a part or tills placo at $1 1 per aero, which would Uat tlm hal or ttio Itud In n qtiarn body of 61)0 Keren. 200 of -xhlchlti uudarcnUUatlou; 109 ecre slashed, joining tho cultivated fields, that crnilil be iM'llyirot r hdjr for Uio plcw. having been slvhud mm fire iotnn year. All lli'J uulldlti" or it on the COO aero tract, and ft r which wo onl) akfMjnr acre TIiojh who arc In iL4rchif yooil land slmoid goaud ei-o this For particulars, cah aud tec tho proprlitors. alo, HSG ACHU OF L N'0 IK M K!ON COUNTY. Urciou, tuoand a Inlrinllc- fr nn Oervul. and shunt tho same distance front Wu'Vilburn. rjrliunu the lltUlo Tlllero.Kl. Ira ditdrablo locaiton; I I ho rrrbcrt (iinllly of Utid, srl.nfiwlinltcil to tuonoof the best rarms on 1'rcuch I'rnlrle by nil who tro -.cquiili'tul with thu country. SWac'ii-ofthls ttct In timlir cul thatlon; tho bahneo of Hi" tract, to ncrcs, lstlmlivr. There I n tolcrnblo co.d ri.wlllni: hoti'C nu this place; two irood birns, with plenty of shed room fur stock. For full particulars, go and ns H. D Jt i. T. NOT1ICUTT . On the premises, or addrets them at Wheatland, Or. Nor. 3d, loTT. lm p'd. Little Gluut GRUBBING MACHINE. Wo wish to inform tho pooplo of Oregon that wo bavo purchased tbo patont of "Tho Little Ulant Grubbing Maonlno," and that wo aro now propared to supply any number of thotn at a vary roasonablo prlco. Tho sub joined testimonials of tbo superior qualities of those machines and their comparative cheapness should rocomondod tbom to all those deMrous of oloarlnu olf laud at but trl fllntr expense For further particulars apply Co Frank Cooper or Wm. Delanoy, Salom, or Albert Brlggs, Solo. Bcio, March 101b, 1877, This Is certify that we have used "The Lit tie Giant Grubbing Maohlne" and found It uporlnr to anythtug of the kind over used in thin rinrt of tho countrv: Preston Munkers, Wm Ireland, Henry Isley, J S Morris, A Davis, J D Irvine B Baldwin, BF Brlggs, ilenry T liaro. Wo tho underslgnod havo soon "tho Llttlo Giant Grubbing Maobino" work and can assuro the publlo that It Is the host machlno of tho kind wo havo over sosn working. M Aloxandor, O W Hamilton , JO Johnson, Peter Hralth, J M Brown, Wm H McKnlght, V nilyeu, D P Mason. Kcio, May 25th 1877. p. o. sxrmvAJx. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPBRA IIOTJBK, 8ALKM. 8. K. romer. at head of stairs. f jUf HUE 1 1 -7r EL IX 33L i NUKSERY. SETH LUELLING i- SON, PHOI'ItlKTOnS 01' TIIK ABOVE N VMKD NUK rery, bdi luaxo to call th attention or Fruit men, and all other who with to procuru irood, heal thy Trees, to their lMMK.Naa HTOCK OF FRUIT TREES, conhstino or Apple, Fear, Poach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other mlscellaneou arlotle. tho prices of wnien wo navu reuucea 10 run lac.uuics. read for a catalogue. BETH LUELLIXO A SON. ocU'J Tlllwaukle. .0EEG0N STEAMSHIP CO. ItBOULAlt LINE Between Portlnnd and Sun Francisco. TIIIIOUOII TICKItTJt Can bo nitrihascd at the urlnclpnl Stations of tho O. A C. It. It , at floducod nntoa. steamers leave both I'ortland and Han l'nnclco about Every Five Says, carrylni Tatseneers and Freight at tlo I.OWKT KATES. It Is the only lln- ctriylnj the II. a. MAILS and VYELLU, FAUOO A; CD.'b KXI'KEMS. Tho Htcamshlps or this Company aio rated A 1, and are now, elegant, aud tomplelu la evtry particular, and constat of the State of Oregon, (Now building.) 2.000 tou burdeu, George W. Elder, (1T00 ton,) City of Chester, (1230 tons,) AjaX, (!" tons,) For frelKht or dome0, apply at Ihn Company's of 6ce, conur F aud Front Mjee te, I'ohtlanii. noitr UKO. W. WKIDLElt, Agent. U.uuu Uuuravloc! 1840 Paces Quarto! 10,000 uonlt a ml mtanlnyi tuf In oiitr Pletlwiarl VOlfll YAiiKH ROLOUKD PliATKM INVALUAHLIJ IV ANY irA.1III.Yt AND IN ANY SCHOOL! Mort than UO out) rotile havo been placed in the pabllc rh ols of he United huh. iteeoni-nende! by State tiuperiattndents of Schools JnaOdiffetentSUtrs lheialMOf VeiiU r' D'ctlonarles Is SO times ar trreat as the ale or any olhtr series or Ulcttonsrles. Coutatns 3,000 lllu fatlons, neur!) three Hues as many acy oih-r Jilctloniry iif-ltOOK. AT tho three pictures of a 3mr, no nu...i iTSi. the-e alone illuntratr the tneaiilncof more than 10 n daud Urina fi.r bttltr than they tin be ieanU lu woroj "Awju't 4. 1ST. The Dictionary nsed In the Oor tmmit t l'ritii IriL'-Ofllcu 1 Wdhstrr'a 1'nabrldired." 1'ablUbcd by U. AC. MKU11IAM, bprlotcld. Mas. Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. TlUT OLD PLOW OF TOURS CAN BB MADE aairoodasnl" at JOHNNT KNIonrH BUck tu ttknu. aa Oosamarcial St.. below Wads' hard- war store, for a maan oatiay of cola. Briag U yoar oi. Flow-, aaa im U.14o;'i do h ' law. -mmmmmm mm.mmwtmmm 1HB tewntific Mmttitm. TIIIRTI'-TBIIRD YEAR. The most popular Scientific Paper in tho world. Only (3.90 a Tear. Incttidlnar Postage. Weekly. fi2 Numbers m Tear. 4,000 UooR l'uKcs. Tni! SciKNtrirto American Is n largo First Glass Wttkly Newspaper of sixteen pages, prlnied In the most beautiful style, prouelt illuatutial tvith tplcnrtid cngrawvga, rorre touting tbo newest luentlous ntid tbe most recent Advances In the Arts mid sclruro; Including Mtohnnlcs and lJt)gluoorlng,Sitain Kuglnpotlng, Hallway, Mining, Olvll. Gts mid ilydntullu Lngineorlug, Mill Work. Iron, Hloel and Metnl Work; UlioinNlry and ('lutiilctl l'rocossts; lCleolrlulty, Light, Heat, Sound j Ttichnolosy, 1'hologritpby, Printing, Now Machinery, Now Prooeiej, Now Ho cIpeH, Impr.iVoninnts portalt.itig to Textllo luJuitry, Weaving, Di'olng. Coloring, Mow Industrial Products, Animal, Yagetablo, and Mineral; Now aud IntereslluK Knots In Agri oulturo, Horticulture, tho Homo, Hoalth. Medical Progress, Uooial b'cionce, Natural Ilistory, Goology, Astronomy, ect. Tno most raluablo practical papers, by em Inout wrltets In all departments of Science, will bo found In tbe Scientific American: tho whole prosontod In popular language, freo from techul.-al te,rms.(llustrated with engrav Ings, and so arranged as to Interest and In form all classes of readers, old and young. The Scientific American is promotive of knowledge and progress In every community where It circulates. It should have a placo In every Family. Reading Room, Library, Colleito or Hohool. Terms, 3,20 per year, 91 00 half yoar, wbloh Includes prepayment of postage. Discount to Clubs and Asents, Single copies ten cents. Said by all Newa. dealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN A CO., Publishers, 37 Park How, Now York. ) A WrtinPS! I" connection with the A im. JL MUl JL bcixNTino amihioan, Motwrs. Mumn A Co. arn Solicitors of Alitor lean and Forelsu Patonts.and havo the lariresl ostablUhment in tho world. Patents are nb tained on the best lorns. Models or Now Itiventlotn and Sketches ozatnlned, and ad. vice freo. A special notice is made in tho Scientific Amkiucan of all Inventions Pat. outed through tbe Agenoy, with tho name aud resldsnca of the Patentee Publlo atten tion Is thus directed to tho morlu of the now patent, and nalfcH or Introduotlou often of fectod. Any person who has made a new dlsoovory or Invenllon, can ascertain, freo of oharne, whetbor a patont can probably bo obtalued, by writing to Ihn unrlerslaiieU. Addross fur tho Paix-iJ or concerning Painnts, MUNN A CO., 30 Prk How, New Yi-rk. Branch Olncc, Cor. F A 7lh S:s,, Washing ton, U: U. wm Business COLLEOE, M Pott Street, ttmr Knij. Stn Fnttrimw, CU. Imparts a thorough and prantloal wluontkin In all romuiprolal and Ktigllxh branches. French, Gortutn, Spanish, Drawing and Teleurnphy. This fol.ool having grestet faallttleM, and crjoylng u tnoro rxtflitlvo patronnKo upon ttio good seiibo and oullght enod Judgment of lite publlo. MHT OF I'ACUUY, K P. Ilesltl, II. M. StHrim, W. U. II. Valentine, Mrs. (J. Woodbury, Mrs. A. M. Halob, A. P. Dulllel, 0. F. Morel, F. V. Woodbury, A. It. Cspp, T. It. Southern, Mr. W. J. Hamilton, F, beregnl, Geo. Jenens, A. VandornalUen. ITS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. The attention to nentltmanly manners and correct bulneks habits, and too fact that the IluslnoHs Education is not confined to Hook keeping, Penmanship and Anihmetlo, but Imparts such broad culturo as tho UmHt now tlemand for a high position In the Morcanttlo Cotnmunltv. Tho employmont of only flrat-class Teich era in evory Unparlment, and lit anflloieut numbers no as to givo peraonal attention to otory pupil. Its complete system of ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE, by whloh pupils aro fitted to enter tbo Oount iiDfllouhe directly from tbo Sobool. Tho high standing of Its Graduates In tbo niiHlneHa Community. Tho Pains taken to seonro poaltlons for Graduateiln good Iluslness Establishments, Tho adinisHlon of pupils ol both sext a aud of liny atco, so lhatyouug boys are ronderrd more manly by tho athcclatfon of tho pupils of an older age. In huviilgtho largeat and best ventilated and arranged Sohool-room, and tbo I argent yearly attendance of any Iluslness Training School In America. Tho linmodlato notification of parents in caxeof uhienceof an) pupil, and tho pains taknn to keep them infoinud of tho progroa unil denortmnnt of tholr inns, Tho Faot that oach pupil becomes an elo gant Iluslness Ponman before Graduating. Its departments of Modern Languages and Drawing, in which rach pupil can receive Instructions fnttnf charge. Its complete Department of Telegraphy, In which studoots aro lilted to enter at onoe upon tholr duties as Operators. Does not UtuoLltoMcboUiahlps,bnt gives thorough Invtruction at reasonable rate. InltcH oxauiltiation from all IntentMed. Tho "CoIIpko Journal," Riving full partlo ulsrs regarding uotiras of ItHtruiitfnn, terms, a'o , may be had at the Omen of the College, -1 Pobt atreot, or by addreHnloK B.P. HKALD. President nuslnFisC'ollrgc,SHn Francisco. J. A. 8TR.4TTO.V, Attorney at Law, SAUKM. OUKOON. Oflke on HUto Stret.oPPoslie the Dennett House. S2SS0 A 1 Kll, ARsntsantl. Ilusl. nt-sclerltlmati., rartlrulirsfrm. AS4. J TTORTIIA'CO.BtUxiU.U- C. A. IIeed. Notary Public. T. . Cox REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENT8. Loans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Ci'y Warrants. AgestU for He4'a Opens Hoom, t3T" Ofllee, at tbe corner of Keed't Opera Unas. se HAIKU, OR. Syl S1200fens eaar'SesC THE BBOOS ASD THS BTaII. TWrilten for the Ilecord.l Tis Mid that a bright, pArttcuLr' From its gloriottt homo in a world atir, Look'd down uiwn cartlt ono OTCaltig in Jono, When lantrw hrul been lighted by raothor Moon; One, brighter than all, on a uioasy rock hung, Anil low .it its feet a pearly brook sang. Twos a cool recess; its archos wcro lined With wild flower bolLs witlt grocn U-avcA twinctU Tho bright fcotoom woro pinned to tho tree.i, Ami lightly they danced to tho hum of thoboe; Tho hawthorn Iwwcd with iU wealth ot flow ers, And left lovely gifts in fragraut showers. Never hail brook such a delicious retreat As hero in tin covert, in midsummer heat. Hich lianqui-U were spread on mosses and fern, And white morning glories, witlt delicato tints, Presided with grace; tho' by somo it was stated That thoy and their court became dissipated. Tito trees told tho tab becauso not invited Liko people, you know, who feci thennelvea slightcil So I.vly Brook's homo was'known far and wide, And worshipped was sho by tho wholo sjlvau rf trilsj. Ono evening a dopr had Iwcn left ajar, Which attracted tho oyo of a radiant star; A tcuderuvM born in bright realms abovo, Was twined with a beautiful earthly love. Lady Brook smilod as sho opened the door To let tho guest in; for novor beforo Had prosonco divine, from tho aroro dome, Sought for her lovo in hor emerald homo. A pnro, mild beam, liko a soty caross, Poll on tho ravcs of her sparkling dress. Ono fated night a mist of wliito laoo, Concealed tho light of tho starry face. An owl who was jealous of young Lady Brook, Catno forth from her homo with treacherous look I Sho hoarsely said, "I thought I'd como bore, Fearing j ott might bo louuly, my dear I If trouhlo should prey on your iuuocent mind, Yon can tell it to mo; in my heart you will find A sympathy truoj I am ofteutimos grioved To know that sweot natures liko yours aro de ceived I Listen to me, you'll liavo nothing to fear, I'm your lwst friend don't yon thiuk so, my dear! Yon tltink yourself love;, 'tis but an illusion, So pray do not livu in a s,V of delusion. Tho glorious star that has spoken to you Of heartfelt lovo every word h untruo! And would you Iwliovo, ho gavo mx a gianco, And ono lovely night ho aiJtcd mo to dnnco. I gravely said, 'tho' you'ro lom in high station, Your thouglits only ilwoll on an evening flirta tion I' You hao heard I was cruel! Bless me, how queer I All idlo goasipi don't you think do, my dear!" Alas! Ixdy Brook behoved all sho hoard, Altho' vulgar malice was breathed in each word- Not unliko frailties ot cold, human hearts, Who dcxtrously throw their poisonous darts. I.ady Brook sighed as sho swept through her bower, " And tlrearily said, he shall novrr havo power1 To sway my ioor heart when it suits his plea suro; I am only a toy iu hid moments of leisure. Madam Owl, said I, should bo greatly admiral, If I loft this retreat of which I am tired. Aud thon my friond said I liad "Rights" which to claim That wo, lovely creatures, woro bound with a chain. Wo must break them; just liko ladiut, you know, Who say vile fetters liavo injured them sol I. shall join them, I'm suro, in their work of "Bight," And scold naughty men with all of my might. Lady Ilrook'd toilet was charmingly made, And birds warbled forth their last uorenado; Tho flowers ltowod down in a passion ot grief, Which touched tho heart of each quivering leaf. A little pet squirrel came out from tiio trees, Aud said, "Lady Brook, oh, will you not pk.vio To stay hero forever! None but you will c'or think To gUo this poor little squirrel a driuk." Iady Brook glided thro' meadows of green, Aud drearily sighed, "Shall I never bo seen! King .Sun was to meet mo ho'll come, I am sure, Yet longtr sutqxuuo I can scarcly endure." His Majesty cameto htr quickly did speak, And softly ho wiped tho tears from htr cheek. As thu hours swept by sho was quite ill r.tcasc, Ilia lwlil, fervid glances did her displiaso. Shu thought of htr homo .it was beautiful now Aud longed for tho sludo noath tho hawthorn IhjuuIi. "Alas!" sho exclaimed iu heartfelt contrition, "1 greatly fear l'vo inutLtkcn my mission!" (), that my dear stir amid take mo from hero; I am doomed to fado iu this atmosphere. Next morning His Majesty apoko to a maiden, Wlio gracefully lxjweil, while her arms were laden With evergreen leaves, which ho graciously took, Ignoring thu presenco of sweet lady Brook; Her fleeting charms failed her face thiu and palo Tinu her life languished out, jvoor maid of tho alu! Kni death's sable pinions had homo htr away, Night shadows parted; from the aruro above She caught a bright beam from her starry love. Perhaps the soft mist that rose o'er her bed Was a pure, sweet spirit, by starlight ltd, Thro' realms of space; love and music combine To clothe earthly matter with tocenco divine. CiHBta J. PciaobY. BY TELEGRAPH. Dps Molns, la. Jan, 23. Tho gpnoral as nembly to-day took a vnto for U. S. snnator. Iu thH senate the yoto stood Allison 32, Mil ler 12. Iu the llonso Allison 07, MlllorliS, GHtay. Bhmarck, Jan. 21. OlHotal Information from Oon. Miles' pint ntl'ort Kentth, nys nowH is rfcolvi-d that Slt'lng Bull Is at Frenchman's crook with over n tiiou-und lodge1, including tho i-mmped Ntr. Pouai and rerugrpR from huoucIim. Theso lust nutnbored SCO WHrrlnts sttd SlttltiK Bull's own camp, 2,300, nil woll armed. Tho prlnclplM I os'.llo chlefi aro with lilin, Hd llotrMtulluo cotnptnlea of infantry huvo li.nn sent to Fort Ptck In hold It. ItnlUiw Indians front fitting Bull' cMinp bau boon f'.'f n within ton nilloi of I'ock. An at Inok upon both that and KookIi is ntttoug the p mlblllth's. Miles ha- only fiOO men. Yrekn, Jan. "i It cotutneitced ralnlnu horeHunin slightly this nftoriioou, ttnd l-t still mining. Tho ditto rent htrcams In thu county havo risen considerably, btttsHyot all nro pasabl and no damsgo ha.s boon done. Stngos from Hedding havo como in as usual slnco Monday, .but bring- no malls from south of that point. Considerable snow has fallen on tho high mountains up to dato and tho prospoct for a good mining season Is oxcellont. High winds bavo prevailed cif and on for snveral days, and barns havo bton blown down; no otbor damage Washington, Jan. So The sonalo, .by a voloofyoas 13 najs22, passed tho concur rent resolution of Matthews declaring that all bonds of tho UnltodStatos issued or au thorized to bo Issued are payable, priuolpat and Interest, at the option ortbeirovernmont of tho United States In silver dollars of tho colnago of tbo Unltod Statos, oontalti Ing 1 I2K grains eaoh of standard sllvor.'and that tu restore to Its coinage attoh allver coins aa a legal tonder In paymeutof said bonds, prin cipal and Interest, Is not n violation of pub llo faith, nor In derogation of tbo rights of publlocrodltors. New York, Jan. 25. The Tribune's Wash ington special says tho nub committoo oftho house ou Pacific railroads, whloh baa tinder consideration theapplloftlonofthe Nortborn Paclllo Company for an extension of time within whloh tt shall be allowed to construct Its linen and recoivo tho land originally grant ed, bavo substantially roached a couoluslou. A report will probably be adopted recom mending that the tltno for complotelng tbe main lino ofthe Northern Paclllo from lis western terminus at Dlsmark, shall be ex tended for ton years, provided that 100 tuliea of road shall bo built during each yoar, and that 25or30inlleaofthlsahail boonuitruotod on tho Paollloend. It Is not probable the land grant for branch lines will tie ronowod. Washington, Jan. 25 Senator Mitchell has mado application to bo heard by full house committoo on Paclllo railroads In support of hit bill to extend the time for completion of tho Northern Psoitis Hallroad by readjust ment of land grant tu aid tbo construction of tho Portland, Dalles A South Pass Hallroad lo Salt Liko City. San Francisco. Jan. 21. It rained heat lly In the oily nil day, culminating about p. in. Inn sharp hall nltowor. aftor which It cleared up for a while, but now Is raining again. Dlspatohen from tbo Interior report heavy rain throughout the state except In the ex trtmti uppor portion of Sun Joaquin valley and neighboring regions, San Francisco, Jan, 2a. The ship Western Shore, for Seattle; bark King Phillip, fur Port Gamble; aud tho Bollvsn bark, Don Nicolas, for Victoria, were towed to aoa this morning. Tho tuns loft tbom inside tbe bar which was broaklug heavily, and tho wind was ten light to enable the ships to work across agalust tbo heavy rollers, and all three were carried about a mile south of tbe heads wborotbe broakersBro continuous from beach to bar. All anchored In the breakers. This afternoon thu King Philip parted her cable and went ashore. Tbe others are still hold ing on but liable to go at any moment. A heavy sea la running, owing to the rnoenl gale. The fate or the crew ot the King Philip Is not jot ascertained. She will undoubtedly soon go to pieces. Sho Is a bark of l.lbO tons, owned by Pope A Talbot, ot this city. All tbo vofsnls wore lu ballast. A portion of tho crow of the King Philip havo roaobed shore It a boat; others remain on tbo vesssl. Tbo Western Hhorestlll holds on. Soveral tugs attempted to rcsoue her from her perilous position without success. Capt. Bllnn, her commander, was killed by tho parting of tho hawser, whloh struck him on tho rebound. The bark Don Nloholas, which lay In a more favorable position, has boon towed olf and Is now enterlnir thu har bor. At last reports oa Inoreasluir. Tho King Philip was valued at about JM.OOOj un insured. FOBEIQR. Kezfcnllk. Jan. 21. A portion or Suleiman Pdshu'H train consisting of 2,000 wngonw, was capturtd on tbo 18th Instant noar Ilertuanll, about 40 HilleM west from Adrianoplo. From details reoelved by the Husslan atalf, Gen. Gourko's victory at Phlllppopolls was more com pleto than at Jlrst annouuceJ. Suleiman Pasha's whole army, 40,000 strong, was engaged and finally split Into two parts, ono commanded by Farade Pasha, fled to the mountains, ami the other, under Suleiman Pasha, retreated in tbo dlrootlon of Hasknl, pursued by Generals Skobelefl and Scarsotf, Tho Husslans raptured 07 guns, list It frac tions of tho Tuiks SMtn to bavoroaubed Drama, A Husslan ofllclal dispatch from Tlfllsssys Gen. Komorsira detaoiiiuent from Ardan titsck stormed Artven on tho 13th. The Turks lott hsavllv, the Htmslans slightly. IiOndon, Jan. 'Si Dispatches from Vienna say Hussla has taken tliu fate of Hnumaula, SorvU and Montenegro into hor own banc, and none of them will be represented In tho negotiations with Turkey. This Is causing mu nn 111. fueling at Bucharest, whllo tho Hor. viansaroemhiavlna; to occupy as much as pnt-hlblb of the territory known as Old Hervla bofuro hostilities aro at an end, which they Intend to claim hs their compensation. A Husslan olllolal dispatch from Ktr.inllk sasHtJon. Gnurko f.Huht Suleiman Paxba fri'iui tbo 15th to the Tho Turks wero finally driven Into the Hhodopn mountains. Their loss was I.CGO klllbd and 8,000 prisoners and 10 (tuns captured, Constantinople, Jan.23 The porta claim-; to havo Insinuation that tho Hti-slans will atttck Ottlllpoll by January 2'I;h, a', tl e litem. In diplomatic circles this approhtu slon Is rgnled ai exigaoratd. t;hlcgo, Jan. 21 The Tiuioa' Loudon Hpeclnl says thu situation is nguln bouomiug very crilloal. There U uuthorlty lur tho htatt inout that Itusila Is Indignant ut the attitude of Knglandutid lsdlKed lo break oil' no k'oilatlniiN alt gethur, or olnn deUy them un til prso-Kod of military ndvantsiies whloh vlll tusblu her to intHsn attack f.oui lliitf Nnd. Advices from St. Petersburg received this morning, t-how a marked obar.go lu tbo lone oftho sml nln iU) prsss, Indicating a los;blo ohango of programme on the part of tbe government. H Is asmirtod from Baoharest that the march on Oalllpoll Is a military nsoossliy for the purxHe f culling off the retreat of Sulslnian, whose trooivs are bslug embarktd at Jennlon the Gulf ofBaros. There la considerable apprehension here that iroui this military neoeliy may grow the military occupation of Oalllrxdl, which would greatly embarrass tho English troops In casool hostilities. A Cnntantlnoplo dlspntch of yesterday says: Tho Porto has recoivod a telegram sonlbyH'jrvler Pisha from Kezanllk Mon day, stating tho It ndan condituus had not yntboeii tormuUted, but ho oxpootod to learn that on Tupthy. Negotiations show tidlhnt tho cotidttlons would havo wider bearing tli tn wm u Hch. Hii'ipjsod. A ooti versitlon bitwren thu iieb'o.latou had boon sotuowhatuulttia'cd. A Pern cirrepoudnut hv Sulolman ntlll h left a firoo of Co it 20 000 to 30,000 mon. With tliesti ntid hiioIi fiian-i an can bo ralyod nt Constantinople, bn tlilnUn u defonso or tho eliy could ba m ml it for m u or il woek lu uio liHtlotorinlnuit tn rnako rMhtanco. Thero Is so much uunaMtio-s tl.u tnutlor will prolnttly cntno up lit unir-ow In parlltttuout a to KusMi's liiuii.loti, now tltnt tho nrmls tlcn Is m lotu- dels) ml and K'ltnl olllchl Hus situ oruitni limp Ucomo tiieuncltig In tono. Sir Stafford Norflitiotn hits uo'.lflod tho linimo of oomiiitim thai he will ou Monday itimolor MipnlMueiimrv Huppllos for tho imnlHii(l uilllinrvMnriliiM. If tho Husslans attomnttn go tn Ualllopoll vr Constantinoplo tin ro Is bardlv n tltiulu tlm ltrltlsh ministry will lutorlsrn if t-upporDil bv ii majority of parliament mid they tirobably wilt be. liondou.jHU 21 The tlreicnmmanded by Martborpo Boy has xiarisd for Kavalla to embark Sulotinan Pjsba's troops. Half of tho rrmy will bn nouvoyod to a.illlpolinud balftoCousiautlnoplH. ,' London, Jan. 21 In the hqnsn, of com mons, after Sir SlalTurd Nortbcote's notlUca tlon, tbo Marquis of Hartlagton', lesderof the Llborat party, asked how Sir Stafford wpuld reconcile the inaonslstenoy.or this, with the promise inado the first night of tho sosiilon not to make a proposal until tho conditions of peace woro rooelvod, and whothor ho would niako any other statemoutcalculated to allay the anxiety sure to be raised by the notice. Sir Stafford reminded thq hotmo that bo, ox pooled the, tlrst night to know ihe terms of peace within two daya. A week had olapsod, and not only wort tho government not In poaioRslon oftbotermsnf peace, but consldor ablo Hnsslan forces were still ail vanning, 'an J therefore tho govern mont think thoy cannot lonirnr delay the proposal. h Lpudoo, Jan. 25 Tho DillyTolngniph prints tho folio ivlng from Constantinople: Tbo Turkish delegation have boon ordered toulgn poare preliminaries and tho arralsttoo will probably be concluded to-dy. Thecon dlllons are stated to Inoludo tho following: Servla tu bo Independont without compensa tion; Montoitogrn to rocnlve Antlvatl,Nlo sirs and Spur, and tbe ortloa of Turkey bor dering ntt Lsko Scutari; Hussla to bold Ua ton in, Kara and lCrroroum until u war In demnity of 20,000,003 Is paid; tho Dardan elles to bo open to Hitslan men of war; Bui garlsn atitouotnv to ba oonootlod, Turkey to notnlnato a Christian governor for a long term of ) ears, sublnot to ratification by the powers; Bulgaria Is not understood to bo in cluded In tho truce, but onlv tooxtond to the line oftho Btlkans; part of thu Husslan army to embark at Constantinople fur tholr rottirn homo, and the Ilnal treaty of to be signed at Conitautlnnplo by tho Grand I) n kit Nicholas, This arranaainant will sat- Isfy Husslan military honor without luvolv ing tho ocoupattoii of Constantinople. Coiistiinlluople, Jan. 25 Tho Porto hav ing yesterday accepted tho HushIaii condi tions, pcaco is rogarded as virtually oouolud oil. liondon, Jan. 25, It seems certain that tho Kirl of Carnarvon and Lord Dorby have re signed. Tbe catiso of tholr resignation wan notaomtmh tbo dstHrnilnallon tn ask for Mipplotnmltary suppllos for tho military aor vloe as tbo Intention to take steps whloh will be suro to lead In war, which Lords Derby and Carnarvon aro not jot prepirudto admit Is unavoidable. If either resignation is ac cepted It will probably lead to an explana tion In tho house of lords tO'iilghl whloh will msko tbe whole dear. Meanwhile exaggeration and alarm aro premature, but the danger Is Increased by Inn motive this new action of Kngland will furiiUh Turkey for rejecting Hussla's condition. Cologne, Jan. 2a. Constantinople news confirms the report that all the Husslan con dltlonN were accepted by the norteyrstoiday. The appeal will be road todiy lu thu mos quosto prepare the publlo mind for tho news, msetiwhlle tbe conditions aro kopta profound aonrot. Slstova, Jan. 25. Tho Immemo atores of provisions and material tiero bavo hardly been touched yet, showing that the depots at Blela, Tlrnova, Gabrova and Selyl aro not exhausted, and this ooluoldes with Informa tion from those places. Neither Husslan soldiers nor horses havosulforod, but boasts of transport contractors in towns nu the Diiiubu whom the forago wusextiausfxl havo died by thousands, Thero Is good crossing on tho Ice now, and thousands of ladou wagons nnd sledts on tho north shore will come over In roplnnl-li thudspots. Tho Pall Mall Gjrtte, lu lis leading inllto rial articles, says it uonsiilnrs the alleged terms of poacoauout as bard as thu V on Id well bo, unit asamtiuuilnglolho lrtual de struction of the Turkish empire inula reduo tlon of iho sultan to the comllllon of a Hus slan vassal. If, after the iulillutlon of thoito terms, iho reslguuti'ins of Lord Dm by and Carnarvon arn withdrawn, we miv oonulude no elfuotlve ro-'Utuncsi will bo iimiIo by Hug land to whatever agreomuiit tho aud sultan may come to. Ills stated that In April the P.S. S. Co. will put on a steamsr lo run monthly trips from Astoria to points ou tho coast as lar south aa Umpqua, The )lula touched at will be Til lamook, Notarts, also, Ysqultia, Hluslaw, aud Uinis'titt. Tlio annual oxportn from Orogon ropro hont nn iivontKoof tliroo litintiroil itntl oiL'titcon (lollitM, golf), to (ivory voter. Abundance of kooiI nnil cliaup uovorn iiien'rnilroiulfiiiKi jtrlvuto lutid InOro Kon. Noliiml nionopollui, in in CilU'or nl.t. Vurloty of tltnbur tn Oro'in of exceptional exccllunco for liuliHtrlnl purpoicn. Oroj?ou litw Kry" mlni'ral luiourcori, oipouliilly coal, Iron, lead, Kold and silver. Kino natural wutor power. Oregon wuter.i nbuunil wltli llrib. iNTIlll WIIOI.K Illfl'OKVOI' MKlllOINl!, no preiiarstlou hits ever porfciui'jd Miioh mar vellous (turns, or iiMlntaliifiil r.' wldeu rupu tatlon, ns A vini'n Ciii.iiuv TKcroiui., which Is n cognlaeil hs tho world's round v lor nil dl'ossys of thu thriiiit and luiigH. Its long I'ouilntit'd series of woiilrfol ouriis iu ull clImatcH has niadii it iiniveroslly known us a niIh snd reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are tbo fnruruniiera of more serious disorders, It nets Himbdlly nud surely, always relloving Miliurlni.', and olten hiivlug llf). Tbe prnlecllou It air.irdM, by Its timely vhi In Hie throat end lung dhordens ot children, mskis It su luvsluutilo remedy to be kept alwas ou hand luxv-ry home. No person can afford to lit wl bout It, and tliOHUwho have once nwl It nevrr will. From tholr knowledite of Its rouimltloa ud etlscU, Physicians uo the t iikbry I'kotoual extensively In their practice, and Clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely oertsln lo IU remedial etTscta. and will al ways cure where cures are posslbls, For sale by all dealers. fl ?i ! .! V rjMMM V, i 'At 14