Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 01, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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tiHanutt Marnttr.
Terms or Niibrrlp(lon
Ono copy, one year (Mnnmben)..... $2. SO
Ond copy, Ms inonthi (26 linmtivir) 1.25
On rouV thrno months MM nnmbors) .7fi
BALKM, I'KIDAY, FKII. 1, 1878.
Wheat Growing.
Mr. McCulloch, ex-Sccrctary of tlio
TroiiKury, BiiyH Hint In tho western
nnd Inr WcHtorn Htatos, tho yield nor
aero Is Htcadlly dccriiiiHln, excepting
on tho now land when, first cultivated.
Tho fiatno can bp Bald of California, for,
although thcro nro rich valloys which
nomc people will nrguo cnn'bo success
fully cropped without rent or manure,
vet it is tho hlcht of imbecility to ox
poet it, as thoro is no noil in tho world
which can havo crops matured and tak
en off without losing fertility.
Thoro 1b a great deal of nonsensical
BilsstatcmontH in tho writings and say
ings of many in tho United titntca, who
t tho prcsont day attempt to teach tho
body of agriculturists now to farm.
Thoy havo ono old-tlmo, thrcadbaro
complaint of farms being too largo;
whorcaH tho real fault is that tho enp
ital employed is too small, or that tho
occupior knows nothing about good,
eolf-sustalntf farmlnc: for If there is
plenty of livo stock und tho produce of
mo lanu is cnicny useu in raising or uu
toning cattlo and sheep, it matters not
how many acres nro untior ono man's
euro; as ho can, with good men to at
tend to tho different departments, work
a mammoth tract of country to bettor
sdvantago than tho small farmer who
docs all tho labor himself in tho winter,
It is tho small farmers who cause tho
largo number of farm laborers to remain
unemployed during tho winter, for thoy
Invariably hlro n man in tho npring nnd
dlschargo him in thoautumn; or, which
lu tho sarno thing, ho Is engaged only
lor the summer. If all tho land in tho
United States was in small farms, tho
farmers and their families would bo all
rcnulied on them in tho winter, thus
throwing all tho hired men out of em
ployment. If those men wore all thus
forced to engage in other than farm la
bor, or to quit tho country, then those
Jlttfo farmers would bo uimblo to culti
vate thJr Jajirt proporly for want of
help. If It would bo advantageous to
reduce tho farms to from f0 to 100 acre?,
it might bo well to do nwny with all
gigantic business, put astop to railroads,
allow of no such stores as A. T. Htow
nrt'H, liord it Taylor's, etc., and in short,
permit no man to employ more than
ffi.OOOor $10,000 at tho outside. Cor.
Jiitral A'cw Yorker.
Amorican Booka.
Knglatxl still afreets an unfavorable
opinion of Amorican literature. In
IR'.'OHytlnoy Kmitli Hneorlngly iihIcpiI,
'In tho four quartern of tho world, who
reads an Amcnlcan bonk?' Kchoes of
this nuimadvcrftlon sfill occasionally
greet our ears. In 1870 tho Westminster
JtevtrwHixUU "Thoro Is not a score of
Our correspondent at Bticna Vista fiend no
tho following news items under date of Jiuiit
ftry 25th:
Tho fino weather has ir.ado our farmer
liappy, and thoy arc making prejiarntionfl to
commence plowing.
Mr. James Smith and Ids crew arc running a
lot of fino logH to your city, from the Ltickio-inutc.
I utidcntand that n man by the name of
Tutk and I1L1 wife havo "split tho liL-inkut," by
mutual consent. Too much whisky is tlio
Tlio county seat qucrtionis not behig agitated
just now to any great exUnt, Lut "still waters
run deep."
Tlio District School under the management of
J, T. Fletcher and Prof, llomor, is progressing
finely and they ore giving general satisfaction.
Tho population of our little burg had an in
crease of ono last Wednesday morning. Tlio
stranger is boarding at tho house of J. W. Ho-
txirt. Ifo don't like tins country very well and
occasionally indulged in a few squall.
Ilio sowml of tho pottery bell is no longer
heard in tho land. Wo long to hear the music
of its chimes at morning, noon and at night
once more,
Tlio mw mill that is lc,iiig erected by Mr.
Joseph Smith of tho Smith family will noon
Ixi completed. It will have capacity to cut
about twelve thousand feet of lumber per day.
It is Mr. Smith's intention after awhile to erect
in connection with tho saw, a jrriBt mill. Tim
citizens in this vicinity need just such an insti
tution as a grist mill and I feel confident tliat
tlio mill would do a tiod business. Jckxt.
Evidently On of Thorn.
"A rough customer," says the Corvallia Demo
crat, "supposed to liavc bocu with Uio thieves, in
Hftlom, on tho night of tho raid by tho police
force of that city, ono night but week, and es
caped on to the boat and came up here. He
had an ugly gash on tho aide of tho head, and
another on his face evidently having been in a
close place. Ho told several stories as to the
cause but was seen to make tracks away from
thin city. Ixok out for such fellows." Wo will
wager a second-hand tooth brush that the man
referred to nlxjve is tho identical "roosttr"
thatJolm Minto knocked down with his cane
the night hoattunpttd to rob Mr. Grey's
Recorder's BfJAtlnee.
This morning as the hnl
over which is presided
eyes, had just reached
in 4 of tho town
li . woman wit
tlA wur of ten,
th soro
I to his Honor, tho
took a scat bcBidc
whirl his hat on
Rogers," said his
it of his mouth,
wo ever had the
officer John Minto introdu
person of John Ilorcra, vli
tho table and commenced
the tip of his finger. "Jj
Honor, aa ho took his pin
"this is tho first time thai
plcosuro of leholding tho carrot-colored hair of
yours and tho wart on your left car; you nay
you are a tlTCAgcr in a ntrongu land without
friends or money, and no visiblo means
of support; you havo walked tho streets
of Salem until your loot heels arc
almost worn oil; the base of your pantaloons
look as though you had been sitting on the rag
ged edge of tho sidewalk; in fact, you arc
charged with that miserable crime, 'vagrant.'
Yes, Mr. Rogers, that is tho charge, and I
shall see that you exert the energies that the
Lord hath'given you by sawing wood for tho
citv for five davs. Tho door closed unon him.
and His Honor was alone; and shortly after
ward the sound of the saw was heard in the
wood-shed, making about three strokes to tho
Tlio following is a list of letters and packages
in Wells, Fargo A Co's office in this city uncalled
Rov. Atkinson, D. I).
Hugh Fields,
(Jeo. Hoharmon,
J. Foster,
David Wheclan
J. HtonGeld
Minnie Glcoson,'
W. H. Gardner,
Shell Gordon,
yiias. Logus,
Johu Paulsen,
Did not Bind Tnem Over.
'die Chinamen who madu tlio assault on the
person of Mr. William O. Higgs, ia Spring
Valley, had an examination before Kstjuiro
Pcarco, of Kola, last Wednesday, anil were
discharged. Fmm whnt wo can learn of tho
oiniir, the justicu did very wrong in (Uncharging
tho ('hiiinmeu, as it was a direct assault, and
tho .Squirt! so odinlttod after thoy were din
charged; but did so on tlio ground that ho did
not want to hind them over and setul them to
jail -iu thoy had no money and run thecouuty
in debt to keep them.
Articles of incorponitinn of tho Kiigcnu Ileal
IvtUto Company, have Ihuii tiled in tho Secre
tary of State's otlice, with (leorgo llcbhaw,
Mathow Wallace, l V. lUvis, .1. It Holt, H.
II. C. Druoe.
George Bold,
L. IkooT.
Robert Otborn,
Gca K. Carter,
Jos. Craven,
J. W. Foaltr,
A Olasser,
L. Gardner,
K H. Stcge,
Miiw Olive ICaitcr,
M. E. Tnncr,
W. Green,
Mclrill Lone,
II. Paulsen,
G. Simmons,
O. M. VaU,
I). II. Voddcr,
Wra. Wright,
liirdie West,
Miss M. K. Young,
H. Shoemaker,
G. W. Hunt,
A. Prcsoott.
llllllies III Alliorlciin literature that may i D. Holt, It. It. Hayes, Jacob Gillespie und Jas,
bo placed In tho front rank among pools, ' A. r.lwrt. as incorporators. Tho niital stock
historians and novelists: thoro is not N $.1,000, divided into ten shares of $500 each
mm to vlo witli tlio loiullng mimes
In tho old world." Tho Loudon 'J'iinen,
lu an article on tho samo subject n short
time ag, declared that luoiio huudrud
years of national existence America
had advanced but little beyond produc
ing those simiilo elements of animal
existence food and clothing; while
tho London Spectator argues that our
institutions havo not proved favorable
to originality of thought. Hut these
critics prefer not to observe that since
tlio national existence or America mi
Tho principal ollieu h at Kugeuo City, and tho
ImsiuotM of tho coqoraUm is tho buying, hold
ing, selling, and leaHing of real ivit.ito.
Meeting or tLo Lltorary 8oolotU)s.
Tho ditrerent societies of thu Uiiivernity held
their annual reunion last oening, and n moro
cnjoyablo tiiuu could not liavo Kcu anticipated.
Quito n l.irgo mnnlior of invited guests were
prosent. Tho uxeroisos wuroof a literary char
acter, and tho mumhers who t-ol; part in them
nciiuitttsl thumsolve with credit. As these
Iran lOiii'liinil 1i:ik raised nolltenirv ninii-, joint nieetiiiiw occur but once a year, of cnunto
: :: .. .. y . :, i ... . .. i i... , . t .
thOSO WHICH llllVO ,m,y "ro ig'y upprevuuiu uy uiu uiiien
iiini'iilN irrcntor tlinii
lieen oroctcd liy tho country wlioco In-'-'lti1"
tellest Is thus decried. All tho great
I'llt so-
.. ... ... . I'.
names lu tlio literature ol r-;uglauu that
surpass those of America nnd belong
to too world as n possession forever,
must bo referred to a period anterior to
America's national existence. Tho
criticisms above noted therefore are
not Just. Take half a dor.on supremo
names nut of tho literature of Knglaud,
nil of which belong to tho creative era
of the ICuglish mind, and there Is noth
ing loft with which the literature of
America may not bo successfully com
pared. And as wo are of Knglaud our
selves, those great monuments of geni
us are our property as much as hers.
it America in now producing nothing
that can bo ranked with tho grcatcM,
neither Is Knglaud; nor has Knglaud
produced anything of this kind hliico
tfydney .Smith uttered his momorablu
ttiioor. It Is not Just for Kuglhh critics
to try to force American literature to it
comparison with .Spender. Shakspeare,
llacon and olllton; for where are their
Sponsors, Shuki-pearcs, Mucous and
Miltous of tho present tlmoV Oreyo
The London Times publishes a teller from
ConnUnllnoplo, written by hii KukIInIi Ken
tlvuun hokllug position of high trust ud
contUlenco In tha Uttoiunu empire, which
fortuitiadowa tho teriiiM upon which Turkey
will treat with HusnU ror pence, which will
tomewlikt sstonlsh the other powiuh of
i:urrw. Tho writer bays that Turkey tt
liutly ludlKiiaiittliat KuroiK'.snd partmUrlv
KiiKlstnl.sbsiKloiuxl the Ottouisiia In their
ktrtniKle, mid that iu 4 lone they tmve fought
tho Hukhlsns so alone will ttioy neKollate
rmt with their enemy. If oiler uiloiit
hiklit that there are Keneral IntereeU wuloh
must Ik regard I'd In the eitlemeiit, they wilt
not bo listened to, no matter what thn eonse.
queuce may le. IMrkey will aavothetuxe
ratntyol ber Kuroean poseulens, nlvo up
tho Ires navlKutlon of the ltosphnrua to litis
ala, ami place hermit" under a ItussUn pm
ttclorate. Thee terms Itukila will readily
accept. No attrmpt will ts3 made to occupy
Hand Sawed Otr.
lAst S-ktimlay a man by thu namo of Win.
Sleppy, hiiig over in Polk county, while work
iag about an edger accidentally slipped his
right hand upon thu saw ami literally ut thu
hand oil'. Hi. Oiuuo dressed tho uuuud and
placel it 111 us tine condition as eirciiiiiktauces
would H.Tiiiit. Mr. Sleppy loses his whole
right hand, there not letiig even to much m a
A ltoautirul LlRht.
Tho furnitiiie storo of Mr. Arnold Myers was
"lit up" last euMiiughy gat, uiauuf.ieturi'd by
a machine invented by Johu I'urrott, of this
tity. Thu llaiuo prxHlueed by this mnchiue is
Ix'uutiful, and iIik'S not dauJo tho eyes. Tho
coat of this light is but ono dollar ami a quar
ter cr tluuu.iud feet. As you pass by the
ktoiv, dmp in and take a look at it.
(ii:iVAis, Jan. Ulth, 1STS.
lturglark hroku into tho utore of S. U Gaines
lost night und tHik letweeu 00 and SO p-iir
of p.tuts, two pUtols and a lino coat. Thu lo
amounts to U'tween three and four hundred
dollar. M. M.
P. S. Parties are on track of the robbers.
Thu ltuena Vista pottery has again In-en
closed, bv thu khcritr, wo understand. Mr. C,
II, Myers Uio of thu establishment liawug e
Wbo Owns It?
A few days ago a lady on llcty Hill was on
her way-down to the city and in passing near
barn n littlo bullock of about eighteen months
or two years old became enraged at the drcis
tlio lady had on, It Wing red, rtud ho camo at
her on tlio charge, bellowing and throwing big
head. Fortunately there was a board fencu
near at hand and tho lady went on top of that
fence in tho twinkling of an eye, anil only in
time to prevent bcina cored by thu bullock. A
noted expounder of lilackstono happened to be
ruling past that way, ami aucrscvcraiaiicmpis
liu succeeded in driving the infuriated animal
nway. Tins is tlio second time tnai wu navo
heard of a liko occurrence in that itortion of tlio
city, nnd donbtlesi by tho sauio lieast. Who
evur ho bcloiii:s to. tho owner had letter do
something with him beforo hu hurts eomo one
and is killed for it.
It ViKt Cato Hoon VTorso.
Mr. Henry Myers, who lives near Dalian, in
Polk county, took his gun nut to shoot soinu
ducks that had "lit" near his placo. Tho gun
ha I been loaded for coinv time, and when' Mr.
M. fired tho barrel bunded, ono pioce of it
striking him on thu check, and cutting a aovcru
posh. Kortunatoly Mr. Myers saatainod no
ether damage, with tha exception of a good
Notloo to Oar ClUiorn.
The clerk of this School District, J. W. Cox,
Wigan tiking tho census within thu city limits,
this moruiug. Tho enumeration includesLL
in each family between thu ngca of four and
twenty years, whether attiuding school or not.
Head of families will ideaso bear this iu mind
when called upou. As our niiportionineuU
from thu Ktatu ami county I inula oru lusea upon
this report, it is uisscssary that every vcmou of
tcluMii ago l on the lut.
Tho "itcatnen Chlncc."
Ihu inhalutanu ol thu ! lowery kingilom in
this city, are making great preparations for tho
coming Chiuctio Now Year, noxt Tuesday, when
oureitueus may prejiare themselves with a
mull wad of cotton to stop up their ears from
the continuous rattle of tiro crackers and Chi
iicpu bombs. This statu of proceedings will
l.u-t aliout one week. It's fun for thu Chinamen
but lightning on tho American citizen.
One of thu workmen at Oregon City engaged
in reiiairing IVment's building found a copy of
tho Chronicle and New York Cadet dated Mav
10, 18.11, between thu ceiling, where it ha laid
over -.1 years. '
A man, kupjwsed to be the fugitive Grayson,
who icaicd ilytectivo Cherry, a few days ago,
in Portlautl, is thought to nave Wen teen 011
t-'auvie's Ulnud.
A ship of fifteen hundred tuus measurement,
tho largest ever built ou the Sound, will li
constructed at SeaWvk, ou !Vgt Sound, this
There are yet 00,000 bushel of wheat in tho
graucrie betweeu Sheridan aud Mc.Miunville.
No Rubbtn' It out-Kot Gwlno to leauo
Wore tcr riny snor uniu
.Since thu different iMiiera of late have been
divusaiug whether or not there was any hell or
eternal puiiiihuient, wu overheard a couple of
gentlemen of African descent father and sou
Tho old man is a consistent church memlier
whom wu shall call "old Tom," ami while our
clergymen and other theologian aiv wrestling
with thu devil and other kindred subjects "old
Tom's" conclusion may have some weight.
While they were resting from work jesterday
noon, in thu shop, Ned said;
"I licali'd er white man reedin iu do taper
dis moniiii' dat folkes wuz 'batiu now whedder
dere wue eny hell or iiotl"
"Shucks; said old Tom; "you'se got
w rung cemt tomost, uo"
"No sah; dat wur what ho red in de papers!"
"Wheilder deru wus any hell!" repeated
"Yes kali, whedder when er man cive out un
heah, he went ter hell, or jess dissolved ter
dun agin!"
"Uktkeo heahl I dout want no 'imte wid
iioWhIv, but ef enny man como a foolin 'round
mo wid dat korter skripter he's gwinu ter heah
mo git up yonder inter shoutin tones!" said
"Why is dat!"
"Kaiso taint gwiuo tcr do; ycr jet make cr
nigger blebe dar ain't 110 hcaharter an see what
yer comes ter. Kbory sicon' house 'ell W a
court house, an' de houses twixt 'em 'ell lie jalc
house. Hit mighty hard tcr keep 'em ktrate
uow, wid de sherilf au' hell bofe 'fore dar eye!"
"IK-it you'se on do side ob de tiali au' brim
stone!" 'You'se right honey I Ef you tink you'eo
gwine to lebe di worltl tcr play snowball some
w liar, you'se 'rong. Dor's er warm place jess
Wvvant heah fcr de mauievrs of di hell busines
au chicken-lifters generally, else l'se gw ino tcr
hhjj iuy oyuui uoo
A dry-goods clerk nt Mtiscoda, Wis., was
engaged to two girls Bt tho saino llmo, and
madn dnsnerato lova to each. Out love, like
murder, will out; the gills hocamo aware of
his perlldy, and nice, tflrln tirstntiemptfiu 10
scratch his oveH out, and then united lu an
everlasting bond of union to seek revoniso.
Purchasing a revolver apiece, thoy wnltod ou
him nthisplRco or business, tho other day;
be lit out of thn bnck door and hassluco kept
hlmsolf locked in his boardlug-house apart
Taxes. Treasurer Brown says that tho
several counties aro pylDg Into tho treasury
their quota of taxes moro promptly than
ovor boforo.
lot the Feoplo Rejoice,
For tho bountiful harvoat of 1S77 has now
plaood In tbo hands ol the peoplo tho golden
coin, that thoy may 1I00 to W. P. Johniot.
A Co. and socuro such pictures as will pleaso
them and their friends, and bo a blessing to
generations to como. Kemember tho place,
oyer Will Is' Bookstore, Stato bit., Salem. Or.
Xsrott'a Xalfo :oas-m..
As n coiirjueror of Ilhoumaiism. Gout. Neu
ralgia, and euro tor Scrofula and all diseases
arlnlnK from Impurl'y of blond, tbo old and
rellxbWt Family Medicine, llyatt'B Mfc Bal
mm, HJands nnpqualed, ns proyon by over
:;w 000 vn-at cures during tho past 30 years.
In redloal vegetable Compound ofSarsapa
rills. Dock. Gualaeum, to , nnd a pernmnont
cure. Hold by nil druggists and country
urocpr. Tako nothing else, and if thoy
hitveti'l It wo send by nxprei-H, boed, every
whore, atll and 1 2fi ner boltlet 800 and
SO SO halfdoz. Hyatt it Hyatt. LM0 Grand
St., Now York.
Machine Shop,
B.'F. DRAKE, Prop'r.
a tkax xnamss, saw mills, grist mills,
9 Reapers, Pomps, and all kinds and styles of Ms
SBlnerj made to order. Machinery repaired at a short
doUcs. Pattem-Biakuiff done In all Its rations forms,
and all kinds of Brass and Iron Castings farnlf bed at
short notice. Also, msnnfsctarer of ENTERPRISE
wot "AnTto
send for oar New
Cnujoirae. It ron
UIim Tslasolo Infor
nutlon for fvrry
pfnran content
platlDf the pur
chM of snr srtlcls
for nrnonsL fsinlur
orsfricalturt ne. Pre to anjrAdilreM.
-. Orlctosl Orsniro Supply Route, A
j. w, wxATHanvono.
Weatherford & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
JE erfum ery
Etc, oto.
Por Medicinal purposes.
Modiolnos Compoundod, and
Proscriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
Cotnmcrctsl street. NAI.U1M.
KT to. xr s ar y
srtoiiM cull at tUl Nnrsrry, snd svn the Accnt's
coiumt.luii, CSp. W. HTJWT,
uo7k! bUllulMlTY, Or
TIllla.-TliU treat Inven
tlou If being sdopted by the lead
ing Pliyrlelans slid Kurcvons nil
over tlis land. ISy We would
rt'fiicctfutiy eantion iho Public
SKSlnt certain rraadulcnl and
Morthlcta lmltatlona which ant
new III tin) market. Reward of them. Send for 11
InMralrd Hook and Pncu Lift. MAd.NRTlU ELAS
TIC) TRUH8 CO.. C0U Sacramento street, up ttalrs,
San FrancWco. denly
Patten's lllock, SUte street, Saloin, Oregon.
fCriutloiin, and all orders by mall erexpreif filled
prcmpUy aud accurately.
Plmlclans and Country Dealers will rae mosey by
eiainlulut our tto'k, or procuring our prlcef, btfore
purchatlni; eliewbere, uo5-tf.
Parties detlrou of enjjaBlni; frelfibt or pairace.
will apply to
W. J. HERREN, Arent.
no Parmers' W'barf. bALEM.
fcr er jvick er Uyeard.
XUiloral Tonus!
he erfgoi aid CailforHla aid rcgoR
Cfatral Railroad .'opales
2f .SJ.V'Vf U.adtibr. !f le u?o the foUowlng libe
ral terma: One tenth of the price In eath; lnteret on
the balance at the rate of eeren per ceit. one year
after sale; and each following; yeaf one-tenth of the
principal and interest on IhS balance at the rate ol
ien per cent per snnu-n. Both princlDalandlnt
si payaoie in u. s. Unrrency.
Atmcount or ten per cent, will he allowed for caa
Aiwnt O. c. K. U Portld. Oreioo. """' M
Aueuts lor tbe Willamette Farmre.
Albany JB Hannen
Amity. KLbinipeun
Cottscearove J1J Shortrideo
Ilollvuo JeU IitIs
Mucna Vista Win Wells, J W llobart
UrowUFVllle .....WR hlrlr
l)utteillo M), nacheldcj
Canyon t'lty UllRhlucliart
Cnnyonvllle " T UilfRU
CoqullluClty PS JUltceon
Colo's Valley WU Clarke
flat pop.. .....It JMorripon
Craivfurdsvllle ' lurtOlnw
Cove I KendaR
Corvnlll KMoud'AarU
Creiwull Rir'cc Kiipx
Clackamas W A AiIIIm
Camp Creels U R llrrutnorclcy
ualiar.... -J u i.i'. v .-i uuiiine
IJe.xter b llnudtaket
Drain's Ktewrcm & Drain
DnmnecuB.. K Pot ben
Dayton...... ,.K C lladawny
Elkton A It Ualnee
Kuitcno John McClnoi;
Fox Valley AD rjarduci-
ForettUrove S Hushes, W L Cnrtle
Oorhen J llsndrakor
nervals DM Unlne
Half ay TJ lllack
Harrlebmg .Illrftm Smith
lllllfboro ALuclIIng
llcpner Morrow .t Ilerren
Independence W L Hodt;lrk
Junction Smith. Uraffleld A Co,, W L Lemon
Jnckfonvlllo M Peterson
King's Valley... Conner Crrr-no
JeOerpon John W Roland
LewltvlUe II OMcTlmmonde
Lafdypttu Or Pnpplcton. A HKcnry
Lebanon b II Clannhton
.Monroi-... Jor Kclecy
McMinnvlllr J U Morris, A Rclti
Monninulh W Watcrhonse
Jitl.l Plain, W'r David Stamp
Needy. Wm Morcland
Now Pis .... J Casto
Newell llle I'P CnMlcman
North Yamhill DO Stewart
Uakland S K Raymond
OKwepn AR Shipley
Ott J II Srbroedcr
Orcirnn City .; M Bacon
Pennlrton W A Whitman
Peorls Dr J II Irvine
Pilot Rock B Ollllam
Portland H P Lee, Actnt State CI range
Prlnervllle OMPilncle
Pcrrydsle McGrcw's btoro
Klckresl FA Patterson
Roseburj? Thos Smith
Mo F p Jones, Thos Mnnkers
Stlrerton T R nibbartl
Shedd's... WM Powers, OK Wheeler
gPfiniteld A ! Hovey
Sublimity... i.John Downlnr;
Sweet Itsme Ben Ilsrke
Tangent PH Banco
Dalle SLBrooko
a u rurr. . . ......... .......
walla Walla
.............. vt w iiiMrarr
.B W Brown
M Wllklne
MMMiMi.MiiMttJF Bcwc
...J C Elder
"""", j u itiuer
Yoncalla JRKlllfon, R8AppIfrat
PuyH CiinIi ibr
Hides, Furs & Pelts.
ne21 Cotnmorolal at., SALKM.
For Visiting Cards I
A A Ca'ds with any namo ncatlv nrlntel ihoronr
JM ent to any addrere neon receipt or 25 Ceuu.
llJandaaccntitnmp. Addrepp, '
mp. A
. J. Ci.
AHKE, Salem, Or.igon.
I havo tlio LnrRCKt Stock of Fruit
Ti'ccn in Oregon!
200,000 Plum and Prune Trees,
Th.MtW,.!;l A,VRAan six pbct ix mniiT
and I will sell them from
fl(l lo $23 per Iluudrctl.
tYTI enll.r
..,. . .... ..:. i
rr.M-ll l lIHtM. 1 liml l'oirlira ..r III. u..l. - .1..
. . .. . . ---.....-.-. HI,. I.IILI, llljt.
jiiiv . JbTT. nnd tney are of i-xcclknt nualliv. I havn
i, u
xatXTt run jcr NuniKnirB.
k Jw 'u 7,' ,0;.t,?.,,a ?. ,le.ry- McM Unv le.
K AV Whipple, t'otu'u Mrs K A Judklns. liuccno.
1 T."rncr' Vi 'rrolx. Mibllmlty
AJan.Matou. JMoirls, Mttamn. "
L tlrabi-, Ilalscy. A S heeler. Sin dil.
w'i 'I'iT' ; ,lr1n' W T .,v KllJo. lluwulPr.
imi1 "A01",', WHl)rsk?.8llTerton,
i vf.iieS' na"'burff. J A Hunt. Oakland.
i .. ,,0i??,,,t.Jl,rS,n'.on BrowntTilie.
iSllUv'h 1V.1,St HlxUlP Jl,'0 "ysl WaMrL-len Co
rive t,clwT,au,ll"Ki'nt.tof the Wlliiuiitte
.... Proprietor of Rallread Nurscilc.
iMiC?.c,M..,,c.nJ!on .,0 W AMSDKN JUNK
ritbUH. I had Pi Hclirsnf Hits v.rlitv rim
.un o. is,,, nun inrv arc hi xcciient nualliy, I bat
als.i tevoii othei varieties of lVatlie. nnd a mncr
variety or . t her K'rult Tices and bbriibs. Al-ii.
lrKofotof PhACIl UEUliLINtl-.at JUO per 1,W
fonw ffitthtitl
Capital, $300,000.00
Assets, - . $668,647.46
Income, 1875, . $465,904.29
Losses paid out since organiza-
tioia, . $1,137,367.60
" 72 First HI.. PORTLAND.
BMEDin or
TAKES pleas ore in offerine; to the Wool-Growers of
Oregon and the adjoin mrTerrltorl-ij the chance
topnrcha.e TilOROUtlllBRED MKIUNOS, and a"
iartoir parties intcre.tedtbat they canand wlU e
MUCH CIIKAPHR Wyfe ?Hme ""$ " vilueeSt
J , u yl?AV.E, KATES than such can ponlbly
U Imported. Examination and comparison with oth'
er Sheep odered lu the market are cordially in ted"
fc. Address j0UN MINTO.
N. B.-The Rams snd Ram Lambs of the' flock" can
be seen on the ISLAND FARM, adjoining Salem.-
nii iEw''nrb0 ,ee5 'I 'A' Ptace, or at Uie
HILL FARM four and a hall ml cs south of tho dry.
balem, September 10, J875. '
Trust Investment Company
THIS Companr if prepared to neeotUte Joans ia
,.?IViJ.romi"0,0J;'.MsecurBl over 1MPBO
n!2lSZ,rliW'ai "d LANDS. "w
fliftjt periods of yeais, or re
tsuisvuit, rot icruis
', or renayable by halfyeulyin-
i. spply to
x us i street iMtuana
. T.-.