r , n--" ' " f ' y i Pi 14 It ur .r r J h WILLAMErfTE FARMER,. laci northern Paciflo Kallroad. r P,-tilitn to tho Senate aud Ilnuaoof Itepro hcimnivea, In Congress asaeniblKl: Tho undorhlgnod, oIIUoiih of the United Statea and resldonts or tho State of Oregon, nnd county of , earnestly pray ynin hotioniblo body lo nxtond Ibo tlmo uhorciln tho North IMulfb lUllroad Company tun construct (heir Irans ronllnnntal line Bni) mini lliolr tills lo tlio proceeda from llin ! orpubllo Isnds hrrfltnforo uraiilKtl lollifiin bylaw undor tho following oondlilotw, m wit: 1. Hindi cxluriMon of Huh to on to ald North Paellu IUdro.ul, ImIi pendent of tm uny other prJ' 1 trntis ccinitini''Hl rl rond or ninw' "ins i'ii'rtli " HliJ North Pttoiflo IlitlromJ I'niiipsnv 10 uv. Hitnrmitri-'itliat a will rot mnn-: ii'l tnvl i nun tin li'?Hnii'lni I tee. '! 'I'll.1' nii North I'tiPtlll Da Irmil ()o will (son MliU ) lino down tho anmii aide of II t. ColtinUila, i Portland, Oregon. 1. I'liV tlio IhikIh I'liint od In Bid olaunh Norih P.totfin lUtlr.mil Co. bo wild by llto Unliod State Government lo actual eottlora thereon, itt llin maximum ol 32 GO per acre, nud tho proceeds paid to mud Company. Tlio abovo Is tho form of petition that Is be ing circulated, Recording to the rosolullonH Adopted at tlio last mooting of Marlon Coun ty Pomona Grnngo, nod haa already boon almost unlvoraally algnod by cltlaetih or Salom. Its points nro plainly stated and v.o oommond tho tntttor lo all our rnadoro w? ol irroat Importanco. Wo havo prosontrd the Importance or tho Northern Pad flu road too often, of lato, to nood ropotillnn bore. The othorpotltlon, circulated lu Ibo Inlerostol Senator MltohoU's bill, rocolvod manyalgna turo, but alnco understanding the tiiHltor moro fu)ly,tho slgncri of that petition hayc, nlmoHt without exception, lu thb vicinity, put lliolr names to this ono. O-All those Intonated aro urgontly re lUCHtod to copy tho forrgolng petition, and prociiroalgiierBtothiisimc, and forward, iim hooiihh possible, to Hon. Diehard VIIII.iiiim, Washington, D. O., our Doptoscntatlyoln CongroxH. Nkwhi'APKIiciianou. Mr. K. L, Drlstow roslgnshls oonlrol and pmnHilon of tlin McreHty lo Moaara. V. K. Cornell unit Wal ter Moss, well known lo tho printers frater nity of our Mate. Wo wish Ihiaogootleinon iilllliio aiiccons thoy can merit, aud bulbvo they will do tholr best to iiihIio n good nows puperand anolaln tlio rn,ititatlon tbn Mercury lia Bimilll'd liniier iir. iiriHiuw, w iiimn course litis been marked by ability ami genu luo courtesy. Wo regret lo Iom Mr. DrMnw from llin profession ol'Jouriialliii,anil hoe Iio will coutluuo to reside among us for the futuro. Pancv Poim.tiiv. Lovum ul lino fols will road with groat Intaroit llio u-lvcrtlsoinont ol Mr. I.uthor Myers, whosi fowls midn hiicIi uii excellent hIiow in thu Uto Hlntell'Mr, end who has extended his HyMoiii or nrecuuiK fowls until Iio has muUo ii Html iiucusss It. ol Business Council. The Muslnnxs Council or Mnn eoiiuly, P.i troim of llusbundry. whhh oonvennd tit Knox Hullo on Jn. II. 1S78, wns Ibo laresi nud moUnnthuHlutloineeilnt; ever held lu this county beruro by thu Patrons. Tlieri' was lu attouilanoo from onobundro:! and liny to two hunilrfd niniulmrs of llio orlr. The moetlui: oonllnued two iIkth mill the Iiumiio that was Irannacted whnoi ureal linportaiice to tho order and gave uenoral htlfaoilon. On the lat day of the meeting lbn olcotlon ofolllcoralook plaeo whloii nsulnid n fid Iowa: PreMdenl, M. II. WIldKI Vice Presl (tout, John Hrvaiiti Tresurnr, . Parrluhl M.Hiro'Jiry, 0.0. llurkhrl Ualo Korepor, 1. iTomsii. , Af.iirthoolflQtlon llio Worthy Htalo Maitor, Win. Cytuw, Hildru-ed the men'.lu. Hix xpoooh wus greatly apprtoUlcd uud u-uelved the Mtrlutett munition. It wus oxptoted that SUtnr Hunt, Htale IjOJturor. would In pr-HiiiH, and would ds liver a IrclnroUi tho l'.urou, but elm was uuablii loeomuoiiitoxiuuiof MUikuiixu In her f4mlly. This was very innrli ii-Krniii'ii ny hii prestiut, and wn hope M koine liuuroilay he limy bo alilo to kIvu litis oouuell n lixitum. Mr. IMItor, I eaunot e!om Ihls arllclo with out xpimUIiik t'l' llio two dan' dinner fpruitl by the xlMers of Knox lliiile (Iiaiu'e. It wiisHttrvetl up in manlier Ibal could not tinywhoro bo excelled In beauty end Ui iiutl will Ionic bo reinembmiMl by ovpry hrothor and sUtpr who hnpeued to be HC4- Hilt, Wi!MOWlf. Klkmn, I)ounuHln.Jiin. Ki.IH7S, Hii. I''.umi:h: Purmirs lu this locality uro Improving this Ann woalher In plowing nud .owing. Thoro will be a greater acreage howii this year than any previous ouo. The oarly-sowu winter wheat looks iplcu.lld. Tvho htmlih ortlili. loikilliy Is excellent, ltu Hpoiulblo parties have llio matter of erecting n grist and hiw mill under loiwUuratiunivt (his plnue, nu Improveiueul much needed, Thu Masonto fralornlty give a pulilla lu xUlUtltmon thn'J7th of UH mouth, there was a gmib atteudaiuti anil a good time gen orally, Hinting oilier tlilniis a latilti bounti fully llUed with the liixnrltHof lite, pri pr od liy tho gooil ludlui, which newmed lo bo rulUhed by all. Tint lollowliignrtt'etN w.mi duly Installed (n M'rvtt for ihe enduing MamiiiIo ywr: W, M IMl.Hmltlt; M. W J. M.Maikt J. W., A. Wood its. U. W. W. W.ll-t J. I)., John ll.iudtooKt Tie.iH , A. (I. lMtm'lon: Si'o'y , W. N. Ihiots; Tlr,.l. . Ileckleyt H.V U lUiiey; J.M , S. U. Uivkfrvm. UtIIIKUT IUnkv. CltKiaf-AOK CLUB AT 2XALSEY. HALRm, JanuarySl, 1878. Piirmmiit (o announcement llio citizens of Hfilsoy met nt Vulcan Hall, Saturday, Jan. Ill, 1878, and organized n Greenback Club of 21 memlicrs. Tho following platform was adopted and requoated by tbo tluh ti havo it pubii?licd in tho Sam:m IliMOlti), I-abor World, Willam ette Farmer, State Iilght3 Democrat anil liar riaourg Nuclc-uai ' rwfpottti. 1. It true oliJrTts nnlpnrpo8oi nain tbo cotmidtnitinn of nil tbo material Khtical ivucs a'lo.ting Urn mterrall of the At'ioriL.an pople, anl imiro esf-oowlly to tliscu'H tho pre nt nn juifc (mui'cial nyaU-in inaugurated by tlio lie pulliiT.u K.rty, and now bout;,' mippoitod in iifl usscn'.i il fcaluriM by the Dciuocratio pirry, that glvod a tlntigcrou.'i increase of jiower to the rulew, anil is tnincferriiig llio wealth of tho country into the hands of tho favored few, at tho expense anil Imimvoriiilinicnt of tho many. 1. To co-oiierate with all the Independent CrccnKick ('lul. that uny bo foriiietl in the county and .State, to alluet such concert of action that in the forthcoming county aud State campaign the necessary tneasurcH may bo inaugurated to select auitahlo peiTtms to 1111 all the ollicial ponitinns of trust and pmllt. .'I. As fundamental to the principles of llin Indeitcntlcnt Orcenback party, wo favor and li.,niiwl tlin rein-id of thu Hiieelo Hestiiniition act: we favor nud demand the repeal of the act iiutlioriing the prcKeut National ISankiug ays- tern, and lavor ami ilemunu uio repeal oi i te net that demonuties the eilvc-r coin of the llnilnil Ktalr.M. .. We favor and ilcniand that the govern ment inMio tllrectly a currency in amounts i suf ficient to nt once discharge the public debt of thu country, that shall le a legnl tender for all debts, public ami private that shall on demand by tho government bo received in full payment for all ft. M. Iloiid at par. f. Wo ileinainl the tiuioiulitionnl repeal of tho law that exempts U. .S. Itoiuls from taxa tion and that every kind of property, every IhiiiiI, note or other evidence representing a tangible value, ahall bo taxed so as to 1-ear lU just proportion of the necessary oxpciwo to sup port ami administer the government. 0. In view of tho fact that neither the He publican or Democratic parties with their es tablished ttollcy and avowed political principles oiler any assurance of relief to the embarrassed indtistueaof tho country ami a long suHenng ptnplo, wo hero and now avow our declaration of principles, and call upon all who feel that lalwr Hhotiltl lsj resecteil and receive it.i just rowartU, to organize in ovcry prccinci in i.tmi county, and evi ry county in the State yith tho view of electing meinlsjM to the lei;islatiiru, r..nri.m,il.ltivi, Id PlIllLTI SI mill till) V. S. Senate, who will legislate to carry out these princ pics conforming to Uio wishes of the people ami the protection of tho rights of lalsiring taxpayers. vm. i. STirw.iiiT, iresiiicni. Fiuncm Lr.i:rKii, .Secretary. MuniiV, Jan. ."th. 1878. You aro lequeatetl by thijclub topublNh tho followingl Meetings of tlili club will lw held at tho Aux iliary school hoti.io, in district No. 2J, Denton county, Oregon, on the first Saturday in each month. All interested in tho wor'c aro cordially invited to attend. ii.Tronv. 1. The rep-:al of tho llesumplion Act, 2. The calling In of all U. .S. Government Ixnuls anil paying tho aamo principal and inter est in legal tenders of tho U. S. SI. Tho currency of the Govennent to lw a legal tender for all debts both public ami pri vate. ..... i t. All property Uxisl aecortling to its valu ation, including Statu and National Isinds, and the Ugislaturo shall have thuHiwer to regulate fn-igliw anil lares on r.iuromis w iititn mu oi.iw, nntl all other imliutrles that derive their char acter from tho legislature of thu State. That there shall bo no enri smite pnirty oxeniit from taxation in railroad, nor any corisirale en- A BEMUilSCENCE OF THE LATE WAR. BY A HVI.KMITT. Von wanted mo to tell alxuit tlio occapo of that prisoner from Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas. I nupjioflo you remember that Maj. Gen. Ilankfl wai defeated at Sabino X ltoads, Li., on the 8th day of April, ISO. Oa that day our c!i vision, tho 4th Div. 13 A. C, wan in advance, and fought (leu. Taylor'a whole army. Doing overpowered by nu army that l-irgsly oulncm Iioroil then, they wore r.tirronn led and cut oir from tho main n-my, and nearly all cnplitrcJ. xMy regiment, ISOth I)'., " all capturo-1 l"-t abiiit 7fi, ntoei of who-n wcro men not able for duty. Sor;o few of t'eom mado their cieapo Tiinotmii ttti: ncnr.r. mm pa These prisoners were nil taken to Camp Ford except tho wounded, and in that miserable den they had to live lit you can call it living) until after tho end of tho war, with tlio exception of a few who were so fortunate as to make their escape. Their modes of escaping wcro novel and various; some by tunneling under the stockatle, and semo wcro put into carts and old clothes and dirt from piles in camp were thrown over them in the tart, hauled out ami dumped In tho dirt pile outside of camp. They would lie thcro until after dark, and mako their es cape, often to lsj liey-mi mjwn with ixh And brought back to camp, or Hent to other camps, where punishment w-aa more acvero ami uscaiKi moro uncertain. From thh camp ono Job Deach, of Co. "I," 130th Degimcnt, 111., mado his escape in the following manner: Jle mado neveral attempts More ho succeeded. His llret plan was how ho should get out of tho stocluitle. JIu found a stick with a fo k on it, nlsmt half of its length. Ho then got all things ready; then ho took his stick, put it up against tlio stockade, watched until tho senti nels had turned their backs to himi then ho got upon his ftick, got upon the stockade tim ber.", then got out ami hid behind a stump ami waited for a favoniblo opportunity, when the guards were nut looking in that direction. Ho tin.-ti arose and STAitrr.n o.v iu jocuxky, Passing directly through tho country, for Grand Kchore, on Ded Diver, Ia, depending upon such iHjrrica and nuts a ho could gather for Ins food, anil when ho found a favoniblo opporlu nity ho would go to a houso aud get somo food from tho negroes many days doing without a morsel of mi) thing t eat. I forgot to state that previous to having camp ho had, by the alii of inatts, marked out his course- on a piece of paper. Alter traveling ior iu uj found that ho hail not pi-ogrc-wed very rapidly. Ho found himself near the State line, south west from Shroujiort, Ia Ho thin changed hiscourso and came to Dcd river, near Grand Mchore. It Iwing alKUit tlark, and thu river up, ho concluded to go down the river and not erois until innroing. Turning around, ho saw a man coming up on honi-lock. He went oil Into tho HWAMI'S AM HACK WATKII, Finally getting upon a log out of tho water, and thcro ho camped for tho night. Soon after gutting on tho log lie heard llio familiar sound of tho hound, warning him that hu was par. nued. Then followed the loud blast of the master's horn ami thu clattering of horses i,,wf- ,m nn i.i I'm w.it.T! then a halt: then ho could li-wr them riding up and down the road for a long time. Ho apeut an almost iiiccpiom night. In tho moniing ho ventured out to tho road, a negro nun mm iiium i"'p " told him what oiiinw to take. Ho then fol lowed down the rni-r for some instance, Appointments. W. K. Dunbar, O. W. C. T., will lecture publicly at LilKrty School House, (south of Salem) on Friday evening, February 1, 1878. Ho will confer tho degrees on tho charter mem bcrsof Dattlo Creek Islgo on Thursday even ins, January Mat, and Liberty lagoon Fri day evening, February 1, 1S78. He twill visit Union Lodge No. 1 CO, at Turner's Station, on Saturday evening, February 2d. v'.i.ni"T'77inrr- Theronro B12 tocls M,8iSWSSKa PcrrydHlp. ThearofM eai ulugsol the oompa ny for 1877 was ?:n,0C0. Go H, farmers J Grant Countv Tnncv Tliexmliiatlon of Caiir. W. Wallucofortho killing or Si nut 1 Do'dvo. in Warner valley, s .included last Saturday at iinnn. Tho dofenilant wnn heltl for manslaughter, aud his bonds lxed ntSt,000 for appearance ottlio Juno Iprui oi Circuit Conn, nllacogavo ball and atari od for bis homo in Warner valloy, Monday. Tho full report of the Grover Investigating committee has beon printed. The committee unanimously exonerate Senator arcner Irotn uny complicity In any altompt at briu oryaud corruption In curing Itlseloollon to tho senate of tbo United States. Adylcoj frtm all parts of Umpqua valloy .,.,n tiioi ilinm will hn moro oralli sown tills year than evor beroro Tlio wssiuoruunins tlio past month has boon very favorable or tho larmora nnd tho plo va havo boeu run ning pretty regularly fortbopaat month. pacily, nubile or private. :. Tin Com- ng to a favoniblo place he tok out his butcher info and cut some grape vines, then rolled mt wu onenlv nrotesl aeftinot tho pr.ie? ... . .-:i-.. . r .- r Hctf of class legislation ittii ni.ue ami nauoiiai as Uiug centr.dixiiig. and not in eonfonnity to a Kepublieaii form of Government. (i. ruin we hsk ny 'iiiniu n"i ijii' nbrogiilu cr amend the treaty w ith the l.'hine.e government so thit the aaid treaty shall Iv ouo of eninincrcu and not iiiigmtion. 7. That wooiK-nly opsii the action of the lait Legislatnro in increasing the salaries of State and County ollicers, while that of thu common laltorer is reduced, as tyranieiu ami oppressive, and liable to leail to lalstr troubles. s 'flint w it favor the alsilition of tho Na- tluiial Hanking system and Udiuvu that tho cur reiioy of the nation should IvUnuti direct from (hu (iovernnu'iit, SI. That wo will support no man forolheo who will not within endor.e or support the Mhivii principles. 10. That wuwillio.ojHTate with all county and State eluU Mani.V Cuiuiikii, President. Fiiask Wii.kinso, Secretary, Alien Joii.nmim, Treasurer. ,N.MM OP MI'.MUGIUI. .1 ,M Currier, A Johnson, G D Smith, W Post, W II HerUrt. G W Herbert, W O Keudoll, 0 Smith, J Poster, V M Srtitt, M l. Currier. 0 Daumgardiior, J 1 Dright. W It DavU, J I, Kane, II Dunn, W G Porter, D 1. Wilkinson. 1 New houso, F Wilkinson, W M Uiwe, F II Kelly, A It Mitt ton, .1 M WilWiiifm. .las M Taylor. Scin, Jan. lUlh, 178 Do. FAUMr.i,: Saiitlam Graugimet lutiiulr hull on Thursday, Jnu. lit!', 'or tho purpoto of liKsrlmr llio ill.titiHslon or oivopttrutloii lt Worth v D-initv H. A. Irvine and lirolhei Win. Autlerion and tittiorN. Wo bad h lull house and atlur Ibo illtcut'.liiii lirotlierH Ir vino ami Dryaiikl proceeded tu Install Ihu lot lowlig olDotrs lor the eosulug tir. M, llaiipy Cyruj ), J. J. llsrrUi 1,, Ii. W PonerayiS, llmiry Dliihar(Uoii A.N, l 11. Curl; Chap., JhiiiiCmusj i'.J. W HsIiiim Hoe, Frank Cnibtreei J K, Hlloy Uurl; i, yUies K. K llaliK's; P, K labuli Coiiipou; I', M.l) MlllurjDA S. JoiopuiiKt Garland, rliiiitlain Grango ino-ti on MatunUy befuro tlio stHHinit and lout lit Sunday lu each iiutnlli.aiid Is lu many I ep ota tbo model gruugo of the county, Fhamk CiunriiKi:, A STATnMEIfr, Sam:m, January 23, IS7 Jaekannvllle 7Hfira: Uahlor.V. Co,, of the Foil I.Htto inliix, ato now sinking tlown In (hu luniiel ruu last jcr and Uklim out oiiin tinineii-ely rlob ore. Gold oan l atru In UigH quaulliiMt all ihroiiRii lharotk, T. P. KaVtlr, nun of th proprietors, Hundt up a lot last waak and ratlMH) ftl) worth ol cold aa tbo rtault of Hire da ya labor. KMTflii Dixxmm Some il.iv ago certain nimora werofirentel coreeming Allwrt S. Dow Und, which I deem it my duty, in his father, incorrect. rrt, the repoit win circulated that ho had obtained money by false repreontation; accomtly, that he hml colhvtoil lirgo sunn of monoy K-loug-nig to tho lirfl tf D. H. Price ami himself, ami had given no account of it, Tliwo twoaUito menu are false, first and last, I mako this statement bowuiao I lue avvii all tho liuainesa settled amicablv ami to tho perfect satisfaction of 15, II. Price,' in which settlement it was uvi. dent Allwrt S. Dowiand had done nothing but what he had a perfect right lo do a a partner of tholirm. Thirdly, Alberts. Dowl.uid was ntt arrested in San Franciscti or anywhere else; ami I wish to atate distinctly that rtltvrt ! Dowiand wa never chargetl with aeductiou, nor neither could it lw proven a-ninst him. W, II. Dovui!r. Tha an Alllaon. who Wl rH)rl4t lo b i'owb Ilk th aruall-pox at Si. Joseph. dleU HUurday uurslag iu m buiUd Sunday. i irnifi iLiiil rut Mtitao eraoe some logs into the river anil tied inem together, making a raft. Ho thou cronod over, nn,i iMi.lim. ii iil1 nl.ii-ti to hide, waited until night for you must romeinW that almost tho entire distance hu traveled, from Tyler, Texa. i.. :,.. I,... Vis.. .iiMiut ".ill or SOU miloi, was travele.1 after night, except tho evening ho came to ii'id tha day ho cnwuotl Deil river, and the cauntry wm tilled with RKnKI. HOMllKIM ANI JAYIIAWKKI'.I, Aud their alliea, who wcro tlllel full and lo overlliiu-ing with joy over their revent victory over Gen. Danks. After crouin ; tho nvor ho .im. near wttinr- ill anioili: rebel scouts suver.il tinieu, and tho night ho erostscd Uio Wachita river he crwed so near to where a Ui.lv of r,l..ls u'in iTimiii - that ho coultl hear their o.iw strike in tho water. Ami a.aiu ho had to vit'k a liiding place for a part of a nigiit ami day, mid again ho coultl w them pacing Kick ami form. Jlo iiaui unv no n.-wi i mig mu ground close. After leaving Hit place ho pro ecoilcd with but little trouble to Natchez. Once inside of tho Union lines tin noon found his regiment and served out his time a true and faithful soldier, mid is now a good citizen. Tho fnllowlnn Itoius aro from tho Itecord, Jau. Slih; 'Almost a Fire. From parties who c.imo down on the after- noon train, yesterday, we leam that oa tho evening of tho 21st, mo person attempted to Are a Kirn belonging to a .Mr. Cooper. Some riersena were iwumiitk', and diaojvored the tire .i!ul put it out before any damig) wa doue. The Kirn w-us tilled with hay and a wagon aud buggy were alan sUndin.'; in tho Uirn. No clue lias Ikhjii obtaimil to tho guilty parties. A ro-aril of SHX) has Iven oTcred for tho arro.H ami eoiiviction of tho guilty parties. Troublo with CMaacioa. Veatenliy a company of Chinamen grubing for Mr. Dissin Spring Valley, Polk county, made a demand for money. Di,;g did not ut ouco respond to tho cill, when tho Chinamen mado hoetilo dumonstiations. Jmt huw far they went we are not advised, but tho tlU'.tir'o. anoa was of ausli magnitude that a warrant waj om oat ajaint ai of the Ccleataits, chargin them wi:h assault and Uittery. the exvuma tion tiwk place at Kola )oteruay. IncorpcratUa Artieloa Ifloit, The following articles of incorporation hi bx-n illwl In tho otlico of Secretary of State; First Society of Humanitarians of Aatoriv, cap ital stock-dues ami voluntary contributions; incorporators, J. Taylor, I O. Fruit and John A. Gos. Lelvuton Independent Drasa Hand Asuviation; principal oUice 1Uuioii; capital stock, Sl.ftOO; IncorporaUus, J. M. Daliton, W. D. lUMwin, 0. 0. Oompton and nine others. Tho regular Uuis of meeting of Ls.ryett Grange, No. 33, laSISattmWy of each naoutb. N. H.OIda MaaUr.and A. U. Ucnry Secre- 1E WKEXS. Wncat and Oats. SAI.KM, Jan. 21, 1873. The doollno wo prodioted In our brlofmur kot Brtlclo last woek has olroady takon placo In wheat. Liverpool quotnllotiH for cargoos on tho spot havo declined from Cos n quarter, which It commanded a few wooka ago, lo 5."n and 60 and tho poaoeablo aspoot ol Euroro Jnstlflea tho bollef that tbo declluo may con ttuuo. Yeatorday Sau Franolsco quotatlona dropped to $2 10 per cental, against 82 33 laat week, probibly due na much to advance of frolghlH thero bh to docllno In Liverpool. Tho plentiful rains now visiting California Insuro n good crop thoro next year, and to Hots looo every nvallablo bushol of wheat over und abovnlhat aoiuully noeded for oou Niimiil ou iiiiiiI lnrvdst. This w (jMiiso n rapid Htlvance In Iroluhts. Ponland lIuurcH In tho Ovetjottdtnet Wdlnesday uro ?2 10 per i-Hiital. Ion probably ibat Is an fxtrcxo figure. Kiolghla are not advancing much thoro u)u . btiesiiie our surplus has inrwtly uono. It la predicted bv an oxporlonced wheat buyer lioro that wheal will drop to 1 pur Iitia-lifl hero bcfuin miioUkt week. (Mia Hiitl-r n docllno ami IMrlland nnd Sn Franolsco llanres nitit It. They cannot I o .l- plaivil hi re at moro than 15 cunts per ltiliHlaiidGAtiiil Mlo Is tint prle'i immed for litem in lucks ami laid downiit Portland. Mi'inloolii", Jan. 21. It organ ralnlnc nsMii iliU P. M. wllli proeoi for another alorm. Strong gslo Irmil tho KUlh-eust. San Frantilseo, Jan 'Jl.Comiiieticod rain Ing boro about 7 this evening wllli atrong wind irom luo aoutu, onu inu caiiouu oi nu other storm. The Salem Markets. HM.F.M, Jan. 23,1878. Hotter, freah rolls, 25a to 30o per lb.j egpa 20a : r dox ; po'.atoea 37Mo por bush. j opplra ftOo per buali.; no now bacon yet In rnarkot; lard lto per lb ; bay, from Columbia river, 317 per ion; oats 4:o per buh ; wheat 81 10 otrOiixh. At Salem Mills Hour Jll 25 pr itbl.; bran 10 pr t'tu; shirts J.J) por ion. Portland Frodnco Markot. Wn copy tho following irom Uio Oregonlun of tho'JP.h : Wheat 2 10. Flnur ltact brands J8 7.07 u'l-i nuf-ldo nnd cnutttrv brands, $3 00; line and Miportlne, 5 255 M. I lav Choice llmoiliy, baled, ?12il3; looeo ?iiv3u ro Dim Dsst ir(3, common, M. lltcon Sides Ual2;o, ban w 1315:; flltotll derH.'.lj. Diril Orcgon-mide, freah, In loth tins, I lo; In itegs, l.HHo. Chickens JioOiMoO psrli7."n. Diilior ISaSOe; Cheese, lalOo. DgiSf ;i5.i pr do.. llirloy Chulco browing $1.15; food, 1.55 porewt. Wool-Dull aalo nt 22Jj2lo. THE jtimtifit mtxhiw. TMIRTl'-TIIIUD 1'BAR. The most popular Scienlilic Paper ia the world. tVcokly. r,2 Niiiiilicis Venr. I.UOa OuuK t'llKis. Tlin KciiiNTii'io Ajimiiioam la n l.irRn Khnt Cls Weekly JNewspaper f a.xteeii icis, printed In tbo moiti.eaiiiiftil 'vl. prounly UluttidUd wt.'i tjiietidnl agtawvyi, lot.re htitill'i'I mo lieoiHt IuMtiiiio .s a.t.i i.'.n limit ricmt Ad'niieea In Ibo Ails mJ i-oImiws; InoludlngMiehiuiloinnil D igitieitrlnil o.un Kngliiiwitig. ltallway, Mining, Civil, Gitu aud Hydraulic 13tilni'irlnir, Mill Woik, Iron, Sieel and Metal Work; Uhoiiilstry and CheinIo.il Processes; IClectrlcity, Light. Hoat, Sound; IVohnoiogy, Photography, PrlnilnE, Now Maohlnory, Now Prooessoj, Now ltp oIpph, ImprovemoutM portalnlng lo Icxtllo Industry, Weaving, Dyeing. Coloring, Now Industrial Produon, Animal, Vagolubio, and Mineral; New and IntorfHtlinr taota In Agrl oulturo, Hortlctilturo, tho Home, Health. Medical Progress, Sooial Science, Nutural Hiatory, Geolojry. ABtrouomy, ect. Tho tiiovt yaluablo practical papers, by om Inont wrltora In all departments of Hclonoo, will bo found In thoSolontlflo Amerloan; tho wholo presented In popular language, froo fCOmtOCUnijai I0rins,iuusiraiuu iiu y.iH'- IncH, and so arranged as to Intereat and In form all classes of readors, old and young;. Tho Bclontlflo American ia promotlvo of knowledgo and progress In ovcry community whoroltolrculatea. It ahould havo a placo In oyory Family. Heading Room, Library, Collogo or School. Tonus, ?3.20 per year, SlCOhalfyonr, whloii lncludos prepayment ofpoatago. Dlseouut to Clubs nnd AoouU. Single coplea ten cents. Sold by all Nhwh dealers. Kern It by postal ordor Ip MUNIf CO., Publlhora, 37 Park Dow, Now ork. Ik WTCMIWi I" connection wllli tho i J. 11H JL C HeirsTirio AMauiOAM, Mossra. Munn & Co. aro Solicitors or Amor lean and Foreign Patonta.and havo tho largoat OHtubllshmontln tbn world. Patent am ob tained on tho best tonne. Modots of New Inventions and SUittuhbH examlnotl, and nd vlco fri-o. A apeelal notice Ih mado In Iho SoiKNTinu Ajikiiican or all lnvnilloiiM Pat ontod through ibo Agenoy, with Ibo uamo nud rosldenei ofiho Palentio. Public Htlon llon Is thus dlrtcted lo llio merits or iho now patent, nud aalfH or lutroduotlon ofteu nf- fectou. ... - -, - - . - , , whether a patent uan prounuiy im uint, rttiuicm ior Any poraon who has mado a now discovery Invontlon, can aieerialn, firo of charge. hot hor a tiatont uan nrouaoiy no o by writing to llin undnnilirned, Adt itm lAtiu,np rnncnrnlllir !' tit' . MUNN A CO., 30 Pa ik How, Now York. Drnnch Olllce, Cor. F & 7.li Sis., Washing ton, 1):C. mvfK7 Si I'utt .'.icif, Itiipurts a ihiirinmh and praeilenl iduoolmi lu all eoiniii-rcUl nnd Uofjllsli IiiaiiuIhih. 'reiieh, German, Hpanlsli, Drawing ond Telegraphy. This fchoul having unwlor faullllleM, Hnd enjoying u mum .xihikIvo patronauo upon tlio good Muibu i.ud utilight euud Judgment of the ptil'lm. uar oKfACUi.rv. ' K IMIeald, II. M.HIennis, W. II. II. Valentino, Mra, O. Woodbury, Mrs. A. M. Hatob, A. P. DuDlot, C. F, Morel, V. t). Woodbury, ,'. D. Cspp, T. It. Hnuiliorn, Mra. W. J. Hamilton, F, Seregnl, Goo. Jcbeiis, A. Vauderualllcn. GALEM MARKET. MONBTARY. ,xoAi.TaNDEiw, bajrlng, !5i : clllnj, 07C. FLOUIt. OUAIN Ao. Vhrat.bt white V bmbd fl 10 O&tt, la. ............................ ... Q$ U Coin Mesl, T1 lb 1 Flour, bet, T) tack. (V barrel) (AX Ci lluckwboat Flour, V E.... Cfc a llrn. V ton - 15 OOUti IS SliorH. ) ton !W 00C4 :u OUCaku Meal, l ton 35 CAft.... r njr ntou, pr s.... ,...... s.m llay, U ton, new $15 WIT baloU, V ton,, ,,,........ .....20tf 3 anOCKRlF.8. 8tw;ar, Hsn Francisco rcflned, V bbl WXW ' flinit .........,,,,,..... .....- ! '-1, rrnbed '"in H powdered JJjlj -J irreunUtvd ,,... ' Simp. I, nl "J'- rr, Tca.Jupnn.V B... ,,...,,.,,.,,,, WKJJ !!! IutporUI..... 1 -- "" Coffee, I'osta Hlc, V 8...,,, ,JW Kouo ...m...... ........ Java... ....... ...... ....--... & - Salt, Carmen Wlaml, per cw 75J ' l.tvrpool,core.. ...... ....., ...... ..oil en dilry ..(hi "3 riiy.. .............. ..- ........... .Ci b. FHOTTS, VEaETABLES.'.ic. pelci..... ........... drle.1. O .... I'esrhet, dried, V 0 riaia. lV.r, ,.c. vrbu muni, v Kt.. ...... ................ ......... Oolatoe-'. )) bu,hfl........ liittonv. v ta..... ......... ........ ....... Cabbai, l d(i.. ...... ................... BUTTEnrKaas, .to. ITS SPECIAL ADVANTAGIW. ' Tbniiitentlontogfiutltmhnly manneraRtid comet bu"lnoa habits, and tho (act that tbo Dustnohs Klticntlon la not conflno! to Dook keeping, Petimani-hlp and Ariihmnlle, but lintmrta auoh bromt eiilluro aa tho limes now demand for a lilgh iowltlon In tho Murcautilo Community. Tho employment of enly tlrt-c!asn Teaoh- ora In ovory Dapartmonl, ami In nofilolout iinmborsKoas to give pertoual nttenilon lo ovory pupil, lta roniplatn ayalem of A01UAL DUSINKS3 PDACTICK, 'by which pupils nr titled lo cuter llio Count- lutr-iinUHii uirccuy iioui uio nuuooi. Tho high ataudtng ol lis Gruduutca In tbo Duslnesa Community. The Palna taken to aoeura positions for Qrsdiiates lu good Dublin cs IC'iblUhmonte. Tho adtnlsoluii of pupllt ol both k-jih iiurt of any aue, to Ibat young bnya aro ntiutorod moro manly by lltu ukcolailon ol Iho pupilu of an older age. In having tlio lnrgflxt nnd beat ventilated and arranged School rooms, and tho largest yearly attendaneo of any Dualucas Trulninu School In America. Tho Immediate notlllcallon or parents in caHoofabiencooi any pupil, and tlio palun taken to keep litem Infuiinttl of Ibo progreaa anil deporlmsnt of their -tins, Tho Faot that esoli pupil become nn olo gant Duslueas Peuinan lnTortt Oraduatiug. Its departments of Modern Languages and Drawing, lu which eeuh pupil can receive, luairuolloim rreoorohargo, Ilaoomplote Department of Telegraphy, In which atudonta aro tilted lo enter at one upon their duties aa Operctora. Doea not lasuu LireSeholaiahlps, but Rlvoa thorough Innrucilon at reasonable ratea. InvltMHnxaininallon from all Interested. Tho 'Collegn Jollrnal," giving full partlo, ulara regarding oouraa of Instruction, let ma, nto-, may be bad atthnOOlen of tbo Colli ge, 21 Post atreot, or by addressing K. P. HUALD. President DuaIneaCollege,Hsii Franolsco, ta lary for Ik cbmIbk 7r XA 8 iA is IM 11 .,C .. a -i a .. 75l 0U :aa so sva 1K Bitter, freh rolli, V CKPU.... t'e. W doxen.... CliecM OreL'OU Prims. V t Urd, t UQ U OlwTjkc UaMd OU, boiled, V eaUon 1 1CVJ11 Si LAid UU, nlloa 6i&l 75 UdIUiI Tifc t Vrat-ftxt Oil, fl , 1 SOJM 01 Tallow, V ft 6 10 Tho P. P. T. Co.'s Steamer J3. "37. OI3CTJ:F-.03a LS WILL LEAVK lr XSumm Vlxta. EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATUUDAr, J7ottlaiul itiiil Feople, Patronize Your Own Protection nsaltint lllli Gurnteetl I Boat Hute J. A. STUATTOX, Attorney at Law, SALKM. ORKAON. n"r ett Ijtate Rtreet,)oppol( tbe Bannrtt IToaaa, A TEAR. A(BUMtl.DiMt DM ! ItlmiUK. PuttaHlaisrfMk kUnml W0ara4C0.MlMta.ltk Jm