Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 25, 1878, Page 7, Image 7

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trr-fiMiiiiirn rmrrrMrwn n-mmi
TljE HofAE Circle.
BALUM, FltlDAY, JAN. 23, 1878.
Tho sotting sun, wllh dylnt boam,
Ilad waked the purplo hills to lire;
And oltndol nnil dome unit splro
Were Klldcd by tho Tur-oir Rlentii,
And In arid out dark plno Irtcs crept
Kull many a Mender lluo of gold;
Gold inntoq nlliwart tho rlvor Mrort,
And klsed It ns It onward rolled.
And BUiilljtlit lliiRand, loth to go.
Ah, wclU Itcausetli sorrow
To purl fioni thoso we lovo bolnw,
And yttthoBun as bright shall glow
The tide was ebbing on tho f.trand,
And stooping low lis silver crest,
The crimson sea woed lay at rest
Upon tho amber-rlbbod sand,
Dasti'd o'er tho rocks and on the shore,
Flung parting wreaths of pearly spray,
Then fled away. Yet turned once more
And sent a sigh across the bay
As tbounh It oould not bear to go.
Ah, well! It cause th sorrow
To part with those we love below,
Yet thitherward tho tide shall flow
Two hearts bavo met to say farewell,
At even when the sun went down;
Eaoh llfo sound from the busy town
timoto sadly s a passing bell,
One whispered, "Parting Is sweet pain,
At morn and ovo returns the tide,"
"Nay, parting rends the heart in twain."
And still they lingered side by side
And Mill they lingered, loth to go.
Ah, well! it causetb sorrow
To part from thoso we lovo below,
For shall wo ever meet or no
To- morrow T
Bridal Outfit.
Jonnio Juno writes upon tho subject
of economical bridal outfits ns follows:
Many young Indies writo to know
how a small amount of money can bo
used to tho bust advantage in procuring
a briuai outtit. anu a row general sug
gestions may bo found moro usoful than
tho narrowing down of such directions
as can bo given to special details. Of
course tho question Is greatly simplified
If tho underclothing has been provided
nt homo, and has not to bo taken into
consideration, and this ought always to
bo tho caso where economy is an object.
Next, it Is well to sec what may bo at
onco set asldo U3 not practicable, and
under this hend, in such case, should
always be put tho white bridal dress,
tho white shoes, tho traditional orange
blossoms, wreath, veil, and tho like; for
tho orango blossoms aro of no uso at nil
after tho ceremony, and tho veil is only
good to tear tif. into fancy bonnet-strings
and neck-ties, while tho whlto dress
may novor ho wanted and may, as it
often does, lay by until it is yellow, and
then, after It has been dyed, servo for
an ignoble lining. Tho most ecouoml
cal nrldul dress is the modern costume,
or what Is technically called u traveling
drcs3. This Is always of such material
and design us in an ordinary wardrobe
adapts it to church or visiting purposes
afterwards, and tho necessity of having
It complete insures tho possession of
ono well-made, proseutublu suit nt least.
Iilghtund fancy silks may also bo net
aside. If btitonosilkdrosscan honllord
ed, that should he black; if but two,
black and navy blue, or black and
brown, or dark mossgrcon, the leading
color the present feoiuon.
Cashmere is no f.ishlouahln now (hat
n cashmere costume, which has become
Indispensable, is also perfectly safe and
ladylike. It may bo united with silk
on velvet, or ono of tho now fancy
woolen materials; mid if tho complete
co.it umes are not to be thniightof, noth
ing hotter could be sclented for the
wedding dress than some such combi
nation us has Ijooii mentioned. Tho
welMHtlng p.tpor patterns now obtain
able of out-door garments render It tin
necessary to pay tho high prices de
manded for handsome rcady-mado
1n:ilc4 nnd lackets. ns nnv ominlrv
seamstress can make ono and trim ft
faultlessly by following directions.
This leaves half tho formorcost for rib
bons. rIovcs and lingerie, Tho latter
should ho confined to neat, plain linen
collars, with goires and cull's, with u
few yards of crepe llsso milling for tho
neck and wrists of best dresses. Laco
Hhould ho put out of tho question, as
real cannot bo thought of, and tho cot
ton Imitations aro not only an abomina
tion, but a delusion and it snare very
costly In tho aggregate, bocauso so
Tho best bonnet should bo of a kind
that would do to wear with nil best
dresses, not made strictly to li'irmonl.o
with one. Tho rulo of dark or quiet
colors, not conspicuous, medium de
signs and porvlcenblo material, should
bo strictly adhered to, and will servo a
test for the settlement of any question,
when there is a doubt as to Its advisa
bility. Artificial llowors, bangles, met
al waistbands, mounted pockets, showy,
gpoueu, uiiiitfy veus, uru uu to no marK
fid oil' without reservation, nnd in place
of tho first a breast of a bird or somo
ostrich tips selected for tho bonnet,
and ribbons for ornamenting tho neck,
dress or hair. And in regard to the
latter, real and imitation fa I so hair may
bo also discarded if tho bride to bo has
an nvorago quantity of her own. Tho
method of arranging tho hair Is now,
and lu been for somo timo very &Im
Ele a crimped fringe across tho front,
ulvcd on the top, and braided knot,
broad or Hat, loop at tho Pack, pinned
close to tho head. Allddlongcd ladies
surmount this with a comb, u few pull's,
or braided coronet of hair, but the
young brldo has tho privilege of her
J rears, for some time at least, in keep
ng herself freo from all such acknowl
edgements of insufficiency.
As wo stunil b the aea-.slioro nnd
watch tho rolling tides conio in, wo ro
treat, thinking w? nliull bo overwhelm
od; soon, however, they flow hack, h'o
with (ho waves of irouhlo in (ho world;
thoy threaten in, hut a firm redistunct
wakes them break at our feet.
Krtrriago of Norrls H. Looney, Esq., and lllaa
XXattlo B. Clarke Tho Beauty and Chiv
alry or Salcrn Assembled to Wltnccs tho
Auspicious Event Full Particulars of tho
Evont List or Prcacnts, Etc
It is probable that no rwcial event in tho
Capital City lias been anticipated with more
interest than tho wedding reception at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Clarke, last oven
iug. As was expected from tho extended circle of
friends and acquaintances of tho ho3t and
hostess, a largo number of invited guests were
present to witness tho marriago of Mr. Norria
II. Loonoy to their daughter, Miss Harriot D.
Clarke. Tho decorations were of ivy, ever
green, and myrtle, prettily arranged over
brackets and pictures; not in profusion, but
with exquisito toatc.
At tho hotlr fixed tho bridal party entered
the parlor, tho "observed of all observers."
Looked petite and fair, attired in a robe of rich
white pros-grain silk, inado in princess style,
with trimmings of tho samo material, tho bod-
ico being embroidered in hand work, and long
vraiui a vcu oi ncccy tune, wuii orange uuus,
urn a veil oi Hcccy tulle, with orange buds,
ng buttoned kids, and white kid slippers,
innlctcd the elegant costume. Tho brides
lids, Misses Jenny M. Griswold and Sarah
maids, Misses Jenny
W. Clarke, looked verv charmino- in ilrrnnoi
of white tnrletan, with sleeves and trimmings
of blue satin, finished with rows of rich whito
lace, and llowcrs of palo tints were arranged
about the neck and corsage: Tho robes were
made en train, and also in princess style. Tho
groom, attended by Mr. Will T. Gray, of this
city, and Mr. Harry Boyd, of Portland, woro
handaomo broadcloth suits, vests, neckties and
gloves of white, looking proud and handsomo in
tho xsition of groomsmen. The ceremony was
performed hi an itnprcssivo manner by Itov. P.
8. Knight, of tho First Congregational Church;
after tho solemnity which always attends tho
cabalistio words that mako two one, "until
death do part." congratulations were extended
and received, and a most delightful timo of so
cial enjoyment followed.
Tho array of presents were largo and many of
tho articles very handsome, as will bo seen in
tho following list of
Judge P. P. Prim and daughter .Silver cako
Mrs. 8. It. Jcssup Gold lined card receiver.
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Craig Uuttcr dish of
silver and glass.
Mr. ntuOln. W. W. Martin-Gold and sil
ver frosted napkin rings.
Mr. J. V. Gilbert-Set of silver forks and
ivory handle knives.
lltirry Hoyd Perfumery casket in crystal
mid gold.
Mr. T. Mel'. Patton ami daughter Cako
Mm. 0. V. Gray Gold lined sugar spoon.
Miss Jennie M. Uriswold Silver satin lined
jewel ease.
Mr. W. T. Gray OHvo dish nnd fork inglars
and silver.
Dr. li Y. Chose .Silver goblet lined with
Misses Ada Hrcyman and Allhca Moorcs
Silver knifo rest,
Mr. 11. II. Giifry-Solid silver soup ladle.
Mrs. J. D. Loouuy !kt of knives nnd silver
Messrs. Ii Meyer nnd X. X. Sleeves' Silver
Mr. Ala Harris Silver castor.
Mr. and Mrs. Cnusmaii Panel picture of
Greek Slave.
Mr. 1). H., nnd Mian I'rouUio Loonoy Sot of
China, clear white IfiO pieces.
John M. Lund Horry dish in glaus and
Mr. Ii 0. Norton Hilvor and gold lined
cream spoon.
Kllr, and Mrs. A. W. Kinney Pair of gold
until sau-iunars), in rami mini ease
Miss Ixma Williams Blue imiin fan, with sil
ver handle.
Mra. I J Buckingham Set of tcii'tiooni,
Kirs. 11. M. Smith Set of teaspoons, en
graved. Will and Cyrus Woodworth Silver butter
Mr. Myor Harris Pair of napkin rings.
Mr. T. B. Truvitt Gold lined berry bjwon.
Mr. Snuiro Parrar Carver, fork und steul.
ivory handles.
Mr. Warner Uroynian holul silver llsh knife,
in caso.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. It. Ijco Ilnndeomo cako
Miss M. I. Lindsloy Silver syrup pitcher.
Mrs. It. 11. Dearborn China toilet set.
Miss Frankio Jones Gold lined salt sioon.
Mr. T. Davis Silver butter knife, engraved.
And that tho happy hi ido nud groom might
not forget tho year of their inaniago, somo ono,
supposed to bo not unconnected with tho bank
ing business, presented a "trade dollar," bluo
ribhoucd anil engraved with date. A basket of
rare exotics was scut from Portland by Miss
Carrio Harris and tho Misses Jacobs. This
gift, so raio for tho season, was much admired.
If, according to thu old adage that tho newer a
broom is tho cleaner it sweeps, Mrs. Loonoy
must needs Iks tho tidiest of housekeepers, and
wo judgo that sho is expected to lw so, from
tho very taujriblo hint irivcn her in tho ahano of
a broom of undoubted quality and finish, duly
twined with tho colors emblematical of truth
and purity, adorned with thu following poetical
effusion, which bears tho stamp of a native
Accejit this token of reganl,
Our much cstccineil fricml;
In suiishiiio uso tbo liuufliiY part,
In storms tho inriieii cml.
Iicspccting well tho family man,
I'ray don't respect 'bovo that,
'nr Airilll fltla lllnml,, iriui'll oy
For with this "wand" you'll soon mako him
llcsnect tho family "Hatt.1
Should ho forget, mid scenes of life,
Your station or condition,
Our rift, well used, will make
A "Nod" of recognition.
After tho nbovo wo may eafely conclude that
we havo entertained umoiiy us, uiuuMrej, a
hard who will give our State a name and famo
wo hail not drcauied of j but according to tho
noines do plume, there is a pair of them
"Wicked Slan," "Old Hoy."
A strawlerry set lu thrco pieces, dish,
creamer and sugar bowl, in IJohcmian glass and
silver, were from several friends, whoso names
were on illuminated cards. Tho sugar bowl
and creamer, of beautiful pattern and work,
manship, were gifts from Mr. and Aire. Geo. A.
Kdcs: tlm dish was presented bv Air. and Mrs.
Jos. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. P. Holman,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Albert, Mrs. I. IL Moores,
Mre. J. V. fciaitb, Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Joiur, I
Mr. and Mrs. Eugcno Drayman, Mr. aud Mrs.
J. II. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Gilbert, Mr.
and Mrs. D. II. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Stei
vcr, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy.
Among tho noted guests were Gov. Chadwick
and wife, Judges Prim, Mc Arthur and Watson;
Miss Genevieve Wilson, of the Dalles, was
present. Miss Lena Williams and Mr. Il.wy
Jloyd, of Portland; Miss Vnllina Nesmith, of
Polk county, and Mr. Mycr Harris of Albany.
Many of the toilets were now nnd handsome,
tasteful and becoming to particularize would
seem invidious; dancing was kept up until n
l.ito hour. Thu refreshments w ero in keeping
with the reputation of the hostess jib a notable
housewife, and in every way tho wedding re
ccptlou was one of tho gayest nud most brilliant
ever enjoyed by tho fashtonablu and social ele
ment of our city.
Mr. and Mrs. Loonoy have taken up their
rcsmeuco wiiu .airs. uos. Jioyt, wiicro Uiey ex
pect to remain during tho winter.
In our report last evening there was on acci
dental omission of mention of somo of the wed
ding gifts, owing to their being brought in alter
our list was mode out A solid silver pio knifo
was presented by Mrs. Jos. Hoyt; a handsomo
silver cord receiver was tho gift of Mrs. J. L.
Parrish and Mrs. Johtr Holman; a neat glovo
box was tho work of Miss Nettie Cooke; and a
siiaviug case anu nanusomo wuct class, liv -Mr.
It. A. Pratt. '
Tho Telephone. In a Nutshell.
The Now York World explains, In a
wny that any ono should bo able to com
prehend, tho telephone in Its simplest
construction, ns now exhibited in Now
York, thus: "Tho telephono Is oper
ated entirely without tho usoof tho gal
vanic battery, being thus simplified to
the last degree. It is in appearance n
pear-shaped nleco pf mahogany, with
an orifice at thu largo end, und with a
flexible, silk-covered wlro emerging
from tho small end. Being opened, it
Is seen to consist of a powerful steel
magnet running nearly through tlm In.
strument longthwiso, and wound with
a coil of fine insulated wiro, which is
connected with tho line. In front of
tins magnet, but not in contact with It,
is a disk of soft, thin iron. Tho voico
strikes against this disk and causes it
to vibrnto. nnd ns it approaches and re
cedes from tho magnet a current of elec
tricity is gonernted In necordanco with
u well-known law. This current passes
over tho wlro and attracts nnd repels
tho disk in tho telephono attached to
tho other end or tho line, this samo
simple iustrumont being used in send
ing und receiving messages, or rather
in talking und listening.
"This is tho wholo apparatus; but at
tho head olllco of tho company thoy
have some simple switches and an at
tachment for attracting attention by
means of an electric bell, tho electricity
being generated by u magnet, as Is tho
case with tho telephone. Ily attaching
any number of telephones to tho lino
ns many peoplo can hear tho message
spoken at the other end.
"Attracting tho attention of thu gen
tleman at tho Uro.id street olllco, tho
reporter was directed to apply tho in
strument to ids enr while a conversa
tion was held hotween tho two points.
A roaring houud like, that purcepllblo
whon a shell U applied to thu ear was
all that was noticeable at Hist, Then a
voice was distinctly audible, saying, !
hope tho gentleman lsploasud with thu
working or tho instrument.' The voice
sounded exactly nfll'tho words had
been spoken froth tho floor bolnw,
through an ordinary speaking-tube.
Tho roaring noise, it wits explained,
was tno uolso oi tho street, which tho
wiro picked up on Its way botwuou the
two points.
"Tho switch wa.t then called Into re
quisition, and tho tele nhouo nlnced in
connection with tho olllco at Droadwuy
and thirteenth street, and a young man
answered tho call, who not only spoko
audibly, but sang a rollicking song and
whistled 'Tommy, Muku lloom for
Your Auntie,' which was m audible
that It hoomed as though ho must be in
tho next room. Ho wasn't. Tho re
porter looked. This tohiphono has boon
tried a distance of oitrht mile.-) wlib
equally satisfactory results, and tho
owners aro confident it can bo worked
it much greater distance."
WIipii (ho patriarch Is Hlurvoil, ho
stoala Hko tiny other man.
Tho truliic-r roinuIiiHhountl. whllotho
hor.su (lion.
Ho Is (ho richest mini, who In con
tout wllh wlmt hy already hus.
Work for other pcoplu'n vanity, not
your own; that U tho art of arts.
Tho bust law for man Id tho thlnt;
that Ih mid iih it N; and moro beauty
can bo jot out of truth, rlf-htly tukon.
uiiiii wu.i ovur 'iven ny ncllon.
Peoplo in Jtichmond, Va., complain
that thoy can't sleep at nlghtd on ik;
count of tho tinkloof tho bar-room bell
punch nil over town.
It has boon found thnt korosono oil
will romovo (landruirand jlvo tho hair
a fino ulos-s, but tho aristocracy will not
uso it on account of It cheapness
A Kentucky ninn poisoned somo wat
ermelons for thieves, nnd then, by mis
take, fcttld them to customur.-i. Lnukiu,;
tho nervo of u drugf-Ist, ho has lied.
I'.xperiincnta In n mlito in Cornwall,
England, with tho telephone, point to
uiu (irjiiiuiiiitv in iiM uum, ompioved
In conveying hlgnals from deep mlliud
to (ho distance.
A grub of it boring upccioH was found
in a four-foot lath tho other day, in
Berlin, Conn., thut must havo been in
tho wood 111 years at least. It had enten
almoht tho whole length of (ho lath,
leaving only a shell.
Samuel (J, lloblnson. who diod a fiiw
days ago al Augusta, Me., ut tho ago of
iv, w.ts tne cnampion piayor upon tho
flfft. nlccnlfi nnrl rlnrliiir In flint rnnlun
and could play J.tOO tUUCS from luem'
Corn Dodgkks, Salt and scald sift
ed corn meal. When cool wet tho
hands in cold water and mould into
cnke8lIko biscuits, but not very thick.
Bako rather slowly, on a griddle, li hot
fat, browning flrston ono side and then
on tho other, tipllt open mid cat while
hot, with buttor and syrup, or with
meat and gravy.
Jkli.y (Jakk. Mix two cuds Hour,
ono cup of milk, ono cup of sugar,
hair cup or butter, two eggs, ono tea
spoon ful soda and two or cream of tar
tar. Divide into six parts, and spread
each ns thin ns possiblo in pans of uni
form si ko. Bake about thrco minutes;
whon done, lay together with layers or
Jelly between; cover the upper layer
Willi plenty or sugar sprinkled on, or
with u thin frosting.
Neukalqia. Whero tho pain is
mostly in tho temples and upper part
of tho face, tho following will glvo im
mediate relief. Put two tablespoons
of cologno intoa bottle with two tea
spoons af fine Bait, and shako well to
gether. Apply it to tho nostrils in tho
sumo wny as you do a smelling bottle,
and tho pain stops at onco.
German 8yrap."
No other motllclne In tno world was ever
Slven such n tofct of Uu curative qualities us
oscboe'H Gorman Syrup. In threo years
two million four hn nil red thouiand small
bottles of jhls ineiilclno woro distributed
free of charge by DrutglslB In this country
to thou) ill ictod with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, seyero Coughs, Pneumonia and other
diseases of the Throat nnd Lungs, giving
tho American pnoitlo undeniable proof that
German Syjup will enre them. The result
has been that Druggists In every town and
village in tho United States are rocommnnd
Ing It to their customers. Uu to your Drug
gist, and vk what they know about It
Sample Ibttles 10 cents, ltogul ir also 75
conls. Three doses will relieve any case.
Agent at Lebanon.
Mr. S. Luttrell, will hereafter sot as agent
for tho Willamkttk Faumku at Lebanon.
P. C. ADVOCATE, $2,60,
American Agricalturist, 53.50,
Splendid Mieroscopo, $4,00,
Ono Yonr, lr OiinIi.
ttST All Methodist Ministers aro Agents.
J. H, ACTON, Editor,
nini.rti in
Head-Stones & Monuments
LtaSian and Vermont
All IiIikIh ol Cciuutrry and other
Stotiu vorJi !() Willi nt'Ut
Jucm atul (lisiiatcli.
CSV- Orders from 1' part of tlm Htnto nnl Wli.
Intnn Tcriltory no h.,1 and forwarded piempily
hAl.UU .l.vi. 18 I i7nn
.c ttu5vM0riNU:
Kncli Niiuibcr contaliM Tiiimtv two 1'xikh i
rc.nllii. iiiiny lino U'iukI Cut llluttrailiMii. and (no
OtMiiieit 1'hti:, a liii.iiulfiil lUrdou .Muk'kIiik,
nrlntodon tlii;siit liipcr, mi'l full nf iMfuriii.ihm
In Knlluli iiikI (iurman I'flcu, $t.!U u nur; I'lvo
cotilen $',(Kl.
Vlck flower nnd Veuelublo (.'iirdcii,
60 ivnn In pipurctmrr, lu hio.'am cloiti cuvur
VleUn Cntiilouui', .JTO lllutlratloiu, only 2
ccutD. AaJiiv,
JA.MKS VICK. Ruchffter, N. V
llllllliul CululoiiiiH of ViL'.lnliln
Khmer Hoed fur 1B7H will liiiKunt 1'ltKK. In .lai.ni.rv
to all who apply. Cutonierof lam reapou need not
wrl'oforlt. I olfiirouo of tho Urvent roller.) Ion of
vet;rlable reed ever en out by any til liiiito In
America, a Uro nortinii of whlehweroKrown on my
rlx scud fnrmi I'tliit'd il p-rllon for uHlvallvn uu
each iiacsai;)!. Allreidrold from my eiUbllhmiiil
wariatilnl to bo bolli f,'eh ami trim lu nmnej ro fur,
that rhould't prove othcrwlno I willrellll llio order
K'nl'. r tho original liilnlurT nf tlm Hubbard
and Marblehetd Hiiuinlie. thu Jlarlililnnil Calilia
cer, aiidarrortfiir olirrnow trc.itableii, I Invite tho
patrmiaKU of all who ore aniliiun lolu llicir ried
directly rom thoifrnwir, fnrli, irue.andof Iho vtry
bert nrln. Sw Veetble a rne (ally,
JAMBS J. II. (IHKUO'tY. lrble(ied. Ma
KKW DARK Itlt'tllMAH ant ItUOV.'.V
J.X. horn Vo'l. from tke Le-t rlr 'p in Id- I tilled
niatrr. KCK18 In Searon.
c. i.'. wiki:i,kj:
dec If, ti,
Sirrtd, Orei on.
TVfAaa JIB. rlprlrtx LtiU free. K. E
atcbai iui
1 uwnix, li.'oumluitt'in Numorr. It)
tlnnjqr) oa t BSiiaiv) v -twjppv 'tivtBy,
0 ttiJVJto.M nUutvy '" UUU1 MIJIUl
&? -;Gw a
LV-i' vgMi -" .
itivTaVi tl'Jy? ' . swiwsji m..
jffu"!1 fiWft- N"!l!jl
BlllllKBllllllllllllllrB "rLlllim.
Offlco moved ovor BnCYMAN DUOS.' NEW STOIiB
COmco hours from 9 a.m. to B p.m.
" cl a full srsortmentof
G ouoral Merchandise,
Dry Goods.
Boots & Shoos,
CMcnUUd for the City sad CountrrTrsdt. BoovhtM
tow.aad wUI 1m sold st as SMALL A PROFPr. s!
inv Drt ol tae cltr free of ehsree. Notflr
Rohrer'g New Itomedv
no eaaal In the relief and enro or Conohs. Oold.
Afthma, llrpnehltls, Cronp, Whooplnc Cough. MeS
.? il ", Proceed ,ome remarkable cote.
Bold by ilraeglf U genrrtllv. Prepared only by
JOHrTb. hwitl'HY, Wmoafh:)r.,
To whom aU letters of bnilncts should be addrrsfed,
Farmi and Land tor Sale.
... W ,cre! t?.f.n,llr,it ln' f0011 orebsrd. sltnaVs4m
tho l'leaant Hill rod. about !4 Bile tfom Xomni
Cly' A1.V0' J?60.01 h00 ppe" MIXED LaKd"
lomsofthebcftvallity and bcarcr-dam Laed In tho
county, surrounded hy hill and brush land. Thmi or
four very good farm tan be mado out or It. Good
place for a colony. Want liil tbo whnte lot toceth.
jr. This Lynd Is situated In Leno county, abwrt II
ro lea from Kuerne City, and six from CrJJr.li
JQM Addreas F. II. UUNN, JCHgtin UU
Direct Passage from New
York'to Portland, Oregon.
Lam DifAiiTMXNT O. A O. R I
rniiK orkoon BTSSfiW' &na?Wi7- L
completion, on or aimut llio lBtli day of January.
m78 ' ccfl., iwswnifcrs Iriuii Now York to 1'nnUnd!
direct, via thu Htralta nf MairtllsM, at tho otlrouioly
low rate ur 75.00 currency, boird Included.
comforlnlily arranrd ship uvrr built In the Unltod
flairs. Nurod, iS.V kimti'. l)lmcnIon: a0 lectin
"'l!,,,!'8..te t"1","i9 doplliofhoM; opacity,
". :j "l',;", '"" 'V',r"K" w'ii rvrrivn rprcui nl-
muntHind ll vimilU
tuuoiij ii win uuiiniwiit'o ttiiiiniltnixnriilnipi
alum will liu perfect.
teiitlou vvlll bn jmUl to (lis comfort of
and tho rum will tut nt Ihn L-.i mi. in.
Kvory at-
dick ri oin will bo lilted up fur nrrlKitnllnu purros.
i. wllh aylijw toluriiUiipiftcuircra frch meat du
I'rtrt nf tho
..! inn nuiiiv viirniru.
I ho vmnRo will bo mado In about alstydayr.
In sli pcrnoin who delru lormUrntotoOraiou.
acilcnlturat anil other lui.fm,m will bu UKuuat
veir low laton. ,
1 or permins hero who bavo Mends Initio Atlantle
SlaicwlMntora.ai(i Oregon tills oilers a tare
opportunity, n. tbo niiuojiic.'i and fjttluno of llio
iivvr'aiul route by rill nru voIdd, nud thu iiauasu la
conrlderslily los.
i H.M",wimUr f'nni.tlr)n sildrets Y. C. Hctaldt,
1 Hmitli Wllllain Uruit, New Ymk, or
Jjinlll i, HnilUf.5'13
l-and Ateut U. A O. II. It, Co . 1'nrilniil, (Urn.
Al'KTITION lijvliij: been riled In tho ronntr cnutt
oi lliohlntoof Onwon fKrtliocniiotyiif .Miilou.
iirihini.oliitr.ieiiliir K. H. (Inwi'roa. inrdl.ii or
ihe t.tiiti; or Joteph Hum., n u,u rvridint iiiluor, nnd
Monday, IMmnry -Itli, JHT3. at II o'clotkln ihVfcro
iionii, haviiii: beun nppuliiieil for lirarlnir IIih aae.
appointed at men cuarJIan,
J01IN C. I'KRlil.E'l.
Vuuty Juilcv.
Piual Sottlomont.
jJOTIOi: Is hereby nlvi n tint W. M. (!orllnn an
J.1 llinma I., .liinot.nilmlnlMrstiirsol thu i'ute
K .lone, lulu of llarlon rminlv. .In..u..l.
I.'IVO I III (Jnv ll'l'il llulr Hi il Hirimm In l... i,i.n.,r
;ihl estate, m,d Hatiirday thu Old day nr February.
INM, nt ten o'clock In thu forenoon n ,ald day lit
net ii lUed U4 tho timo for IiihiIiiu Dm miiid, All per.
nn tnloreded In tald elto aro lliereforo rcnnlrrd
i.i i-iijuur unuro ino niuiiiy rutin or llio nta'ii nf Or
econut tho day and hour afnriiiilil, and ktow rum,?.
If a'iy exist, why raid acrnuut fliuulj not Lu allow l J
uu j raid admliilrtratun dlrcbarvu.1.
.Ia.,fl.lHTSwl KMMA L. JONKSl
Patented April 1S77.
,.,l?,",,l'r',1r,,',y.l,!l,r I'(.rvliiR Krult and
Vvsetahlca of all klmlr, and nru cnlructed ai d iur
ulthed complete In fourdlllvreut rlxca, iiamuly;
The. Toiii Tlninib Dryrr-capaclty of )i
biKhul of appler per liuur-prlct ,j 75
Tho Nmull I'umllf Uryor-caraclty of yt
luliul pir hour-price ..(138
Tho Fuiully Iiryer-iapaclty of 3 buiholn
per hour-price .. jjojj
Tho Fnetory lirjrer-capaclty ofObmbeU
per nour-piico
ThiiielJrjcrs were awarded tho Centennial Medal
and Dlplgioa at 1'hlladnlphla In UA. Alro. the Gold
SI rial ol the HUM of Oregon for IbTfl. for excelleuco
of flavor, color aud condition nf KiulL
All rises cotirtantly on hand and furulihed-on ihort-
Vfk IM-WbUe
FHru and Coouty lllcbto for sale.
For further iirtlculari and dtrrrlptivo catalotat
IV.cntro and ANiiufucturer.
ICiet I'brtlaml, Oregon.
l. D. Il.UflUIliK,
3E3C Jk. 3EL JXT E8 & S-
S addles,
cjiJmlionpm'rtrlnraMcoiirl. m tho tuarMou o In
wlm. In ntltl cnutily. Html. I llmotlivii mid tli.rcto
CIIHW rilUHO Ulur Ullll K. M l!r...r,,U.. -I, ,,1,1 .... I ..
n(,iiw ruvuiu irvt uv
Btc.,Btc. F
, i?S
1 11
j -ii
1 .'.a
a 1 il