ll I if ,f I r & 4 6 WILLAMETTE FARMER. pT,Wl!3 ofHJsBHDy- DinUOTOIlY. Ol'FICEItS oftho NATIONAL OIIANCE. itaUr-John T. Jones, Barton. PhllltpB. Arte. Oomttr-J, J. Woodman, I'nw l'aw, Van Uurcr,, Ltclurtr-K. II. Hmcdlcy, Crcsco, Howard, la. 8Uward-. J. Vaughn, Mcinii iIk.Toiio. Im7 .MMrrf-Morilmer Wn lit head, Mlddlcbusb, Tn'tturtr-V. M. McDowell. Wayne. Meubcn.N.Y. MeerttaruO. II. Kelley, Lotlsvlllc, Ky. (fX"?mr-. Dlnwfildlo, Orchard (froyc.In.l. (-MrJr John T. .lone. ItJrton, IMiljlIt. Arc. '.oni-Mri". Hamuol 15. Ailam. Monllccllo. Minn. ;WM- Mrs Harvey (ln.nlaHl, Nei ' ""''.'.S V 1MJ Aultta.it Steward-iUf Caroline A. Hall, Loiilavlllu, Ky. rrcuTivn committm:. I). Wyalt Alkcn, (Chairman.) CnUcebtiry, S. 0, K. Il.-Shaiik'nod. l)nlni(no town. D-ntluy T. Chase, Clarem.int.M. II. Alijno O .Ider, Itock Kalis. Wliitcsido. 111. W. It. Chambers, Uswcicliec, llUf-cll. Ala, OlllrorM ofOrcson Slntc Grange. MatUr-W'm. Cyrus, Hclo. fvtruMT-A. H. Slnpluy, Ofwoifo. Aecruw-Mr. It. N. Hunt, Sublimity. terttaru-H. W. Hindall. eleven City. Mwirl-W 11. Tlioma. Walla Wall., W. T. ?! tftoward-O. W Riddle, t'auyouvlllo. tJHaitola-Vt. II. (Iray, Astoria. 7Vitr-8. I. Leo. Portland, fAi'AVwr-Danlol Clark. Halem. (Vr-Mrn. II. A. Miller. Jacksonville. iCwr-Mw.H. I). Durlmm, McMinrivllle. MfoiVi-Mrs. K. A. Kelly. Kant I'ort'and. ijy"l' Mani-Mrs. acrla Bmltb.Hood State Grange Doputieo for 1877 lUt OJtei. Kxprtu. AH.W". Corvalll, Corv.llis KnoehHMiyK.: ""V:"" Gra Notes. .Itatt Portland .......... ....Malum .Jacksonville N W Randall uruaunv.. JWIImm"""'. Myrtle Creek... O M "ifdnr..........Ir'ln,a Hlallon IMyIninmiTKX,.,:....Ka.tl,ortlan.I.. MARION. ... PPO.Hlcin.lii ."!V. i.L IW Hunt Hubllmlty JN t'C": Jacksonville Jaektonvlllo PAI'atSm lUekrc. '"" J J chant!.'. o.o i-aUo Tackfonvillo JIHI.I'IIINK. ., . Daniel Hcslur Kcrbyvlllc Jamo WMitlock OoMicn nAIrvlniT:. Lebanon Albany Jol.n Bnj Th The Dalle. I) 0 Durham..'.'.' MeMlniivlllJ J HajplnKton t'" D it llliK'. anron City Canyon City K W Coi'Yfrx Columbia City II P noi!iur.?: Tillamook North Yamhill J H While": W,lo "'' lima. JIUnryHhrouder.... Oil wAKiitNHTiiN -renin roar. CI.AIIK. 8 W Itrown Vancouver -.it tiMIIIA. HPHiolu Dftjlon WHITMAN. I, H Rlinr Ooi IIIMIIAIla. M . timid tin Klma 8B Ma sham?.' Cliehalla Po'nt TllllimTON. I. e Abbott oiympia KlArMiulro "ielm... Jullun ll'irtun Heatt'o LM Mciixin CIaiiiato J p t'uuV.I.'.".'. KllciiKhunr polnliil n .Colfax ..Olympla " . tkattle i. ... .....ui whiirn the llrnuty a, Ih m .t Vuiiible. ua the llniw ' 'f ',', kr.in.iiiv tuilluita to mo a chulctf. I will bo pii'a w, tor K' ' 'yi.' !,. I h.lu obllfi-l t rnako ap. m In ntittm. Ill U..M, "'""--- t-.-..., poluimooiH wuwiut """ wil HYItllH. Matter Orwim Htatntliaiii:. P. of II. Mootinu oTsubortlluate QrauBos I.INN COUNTY. ml aHtnriliitH or ..ali '"""'.,tt,l1l" ,' ! 0W l'Uln, No. il, l lUlwy. 'JihUihI ltd B"!M,li,!.l".,,Jl,,,i.. f!rnrdkvlllo. 1.1 "ris,,N:.:yn!.rriv.ra.uto,.,th !d uml -til" UIii..I,iV. lit t II. III. l.oimnoii No. HI, t Lolmtton, """'y.-."1..1," Vin. .1.1. HAtiinUr. tfriUIII I """':' .' .- i ...., U.lnr. NO, .., Il " "" Jail uml ltli SulttrUuyr, Kuox llutto il'iyi" SAntUm No. .V, "MmwiiiVlllo No. 10, lit .l and Salur ''"Jtei'iKont. No. 7, ltn.iaril 1-VllnyH, ut 10 ijftriltimrit. No. 11. lilnmlSril Salu XnU,No:,Htnull3lHM,,rdl.y,,ttO "'lll'ppy He tim No. HI, lxtHiiil 3.1 Sturilyfc In oAuii inoiilli from Ooiolmr in Juntt.atittl on Ihn Int K.ilunUy Hi" In inioo o Um ur. lUrmowv No. 'il, :ir. h.iliinUy, rrKiilHrly, i"ii n Nov. IKh,', J.i.. FV.,uiia Mnroh, hon tlioy ittnot ttm iHiiTiiy. HP.NIXIN COUNl'Y. Hoati OrnnU No II, - HtMrtly t " WllltuWln No. W WlTlmrUy, t 10 .m lnillouiftUi, Ntiia,4ihSAtur.Uy,t lU.m. LANK COUNTY. Or.M-.woll. No. ill, SuinlH.v, In. m. Kn.ini, No M, in r..iKmo City, Jnl l Uv,'il 10 . in. Uinrliy, No 70. 'J I 8liin1ny. t.oihon, No. Ull. WtStmnWy.Ht 10o otmk Juimtloii Ulty, No. H, .nl tur.Uy, m I ''mIiiUhw. Ni. M, tlr.U SMur.l y l oaoli ,UMUulili, NoI'lOT, Oainji Cnu.k, 'il Hatur l I'OI.IC COUNTY. Oik IMlnl, No. a, Ut hihI Jlr.l HilunlayH. MAUION COUNTY. H U.ou (lMii, N. 17, Nl l l ' dtyt In ni.ili inoniu, nxo.p Aiuim', N-p lniili.tr. uml Oiiiolitr, whi.n H iiniMiilyoi tun l-.tSUinliv '. ilmlr IihII In Salfin. Aliiiii,Nii:il, t liSiOiiMlnv. link I'.ilnt, N4S a.lStiir.lny,U . m llutto UrortU, No. lt :if.l Saturd.iy, ui U m W.VSIUNUl-ON COUNTY. ltotvniton No. 100, nieoti lit, SMtir.Uy, 10 o'clock. Polk County Pomoua Qraugo Will n'OTl U on thrt iooiiil KrliUy InKiliriurMlhuMh,) B7S,V IftoVliwk li: the rorsnoou. Uohkut Ci.nw, Master. Tlio CaplUl Iu nlinrlnic Comnv will kin ini wrok.li Sn Knnolt, flfty tnow Mad fMt of aih lumber, to e. furniture making aUbMaka it. Oswego Gnilif imU a publlo installation ofoOlcoraon tl.y ii'nth of January. Many Invited guests uero protont, which sddod much to tbo lntorost of tbo occasion. Patrons met brothers and slstora with whom thoy had walked fultlifully and trustingly during tho four years of our cxlotonco hh a grango, and tlio warm clasp of tho hand and clad stniloof recognition ubowed that tlio inuro niriualiitatiuo of fortnor yoars, had by closer Intimacy rlpotiod lntohtron friendship and brotherly lovo. Many now uonifcM avnllpd tl)Puisolve of ll' invitation to bo present mid iimko tho aetittilntnnue of tholr nlt;li hors. l-'ivoorHlx of thoeo woro persons who hud formerly belonged to granges In tho lUat. They rxprtsst-d tboiiiKtlvos highly pleadod, and somo of tbctn romarktd that tlioy bad never passed n ploasantor day In tholr lives. Tbo morning was dovoled to uncial Intercotirso. Tho dinner tublo was bountifully biippUed with tboso luxuries which Oregon so lavishly bestows upon tho careful and prudoul husbaiultn.in, and which tho thrifty matron lovos to preparo In ways lompllng enough to ploaso tho ejo and Hatlsfy the appotllo of tho most fastidious. Jjlvoly sallies and witty ropartoolontlnler. oat to tbo dinnor hour, and all hcemed dolor mined to bu as buj py and agrecablo os pus slblo. Tbo Installation was conducted by J. A' lllobardson.doputy lor Washington county, assisted by II. K. Ilayos, Master elect ol Tiulalln Urango Iloth of tboso gentlemen uudersliind tbo business and conducted it with rapidity and tasto. Ttio retiring Master, Otto Kruso, madoa loniciby and oloijuunt nddross. Ho ntld it wns prop9r on this occasion to tlmnk tbo Almighty Kulor of tlio unlvorsu that our llviHhad boon sparod, and that wo bad on oyod so good n degroo of prosperity during tho year, and thai wo ought to doubly thank lllm that our chlldron bad beon kept from tailing by that torrlblo acourgo which bos desolatod ho tiuuy homoj In other atalos as well as In our own bolovod Oregon, lie snokoof tbo almost Impassable gulf which separates tho nobility from tho laboring oiimoH In Curopu, nud said that tho former woro dalormlned to koop tho latter down at all ha.inU. Ihitt they might In sotno way bo enabled to appropriate tbo oarnlngs of tbo down-troddflti tillers of tbo aoll, lo enrluh tholr already wnll.fllled purses. Ho thought that pooplo working nlono could do but llttlo toward froolng tbrmsolvts from nny yoko of Imudago which ontlnalls them, but by com bluing with others much might bo done, and that In this country tnuuh hud been done lit tills direction by moans of the grango. A. It. Sklploy, tbo newly lunlallod Master, then followed with homo good ail vloo lo tho grange, after whloli ho cxpbilned brlt-tly tho chiidch which led to tho organiza tion of tho Oribr, and what thoy hoped tj iccomplUh, and KmiothltiK of what tlioy bad already done; and Invited outsiders to Join ua and help In tbo great work of olovatlug tlin firming (Dintnnnlly lo an (ullty with tlioan who, having had thoadvantngei which anoriio to pooplo who asioolate together In Iowiih, havtioulslripp'Xl us In social and In tolhioliul o'jlturo. Ho could not promise such great pocuulary advantages as many in tholr al had exp'ctml, but Ibeybadal- mudy beon tho utrtlclpunts of many or tlio benefits which tbo grango has Recured for UimtirH In gnnoral, aud that It would be for tholr fin iiwr wulfaro to Join usnud oharoull tho HdvautHgos which tho grango can bestow, and more tbal It was their duly lo do to, and not lot others light tholr Irntllo lor Ihtitu. IIii.ilOKod with an ciirneat apical to Uioho who had lormorly been connected with our Order. II, ll Hayes npokn of our reaponslbillty at patrons, and cspiolally or our obligations lo our children. Ho Raid it was a lamentable fact that, in this country, many young pto pin woro growing up without education or culture, and urged ihoiiocHlty ofeiicourag lug a taato for study in our children and also of atlording thorn ovory potiblo advuiitango for llte.-ary and socUl Improvtuuont. He ts inminonddd tho grango aa a ineatiH of ad aucomeiil within tho reach of all, J, A. Hlohardaon noticed some of tho ob jfolloim which aro urged ngaliixt the grange, llotlioiight thono who objected becatuo It was a Hooret order, wero warring agHlnat unttiro, for Individuate wero all secret eoolo. lies ol ihouiNelve, and ho woro tamllio. Ho had not, from tho oommoncemoni, ooon so sanguino of great aud Immediate rtuulisas many, but knew fiat iutiy failures inuat bo .xpoctod. Hohald lliti tlrt great work to lo undertaken waa n educational one, and that wo oould hopofor no groat success until tbo pisiplo worn tnado to son tbo d laud vantages under which they labor, and tho irmedles to bo applied. Wo could not hopo to acooiu. .iti. i iiir iniriioaes In a mouth or a jtar, bill mush bad already luen dono, and tho woik would progress renter lu tho fuluro than It Imd In tho 1 tHt. Mucvctdlng genoratlona mould ilorlvo grealer blihslugs; from the grango movement, than wo can over hopo lo r.llu. It n very apparent to him that i-imiilH ougMKod In I In dlllVrent branehesol .gnoiil uro i-oiilil derlvn urnit heui III front in tiling tngoihor and talking oor their kiio mi. inl lallurf n, uud that it. IhW way llio miui .iti.kllirnl may avail thomsMves of Uio ...x.Drl. not tholr inoiomiveniliil iHlgh (ioim. he. oral who oro not paticins o ..r.'ed llumimlvivi hltfi.ly ptiannl with AiiatilifV linl Hrten and heaid, and wlahed uskiiuo.'h. As tho .lay wi f.r spent I lit. li-tM ng was HAiig and w. all went home I'liiluvlv well pleahod with tho day's rccr.). turn., Many luifresting r ihhikh i'ii'unu wl.leli I have not iiuulloiied, an nn miliw ( taken at tho time. ThU has b.on writ en (torn memory after tho Upmr .veral ljH Miw C. K.Siui'LUV. Letter from Cnrrv County. Kn. FAnMEn: I wish to give a few sketches of our lonoly hills and mountains, through your pnpor, If you havo room for Huch re marks. Tho country hero Is loo rough to farm much, so tho greatest portion aro rale teg stock some raising cattle, somo hogs, nud olhera sboep, but a great mnny or tho sboop aro dying rrom leech In tbo liver or fiuko-worin. Somo havo lo.t all tho sheep thoy lud, wlilUt others havo lost from ono to two bundled sinco last June. A low binds lure havo weapon so far. hut perhaps thjlr turn has not nrrlvod jo;. Thiro are also g ild mlnort In thli outintry, and miiiiu of tho m nors are doing vory well. Thero has Loon Mount oxoltetneut about tho dUcoviuy or toil not nny uilh.-s from here, by Capt.'IVInior, butllioirilnnrvn-wlini'st i-av t was only n thick ns a man's thumb nnll, but there Is a grpat deal vt g.s nbout Cap., nnd he IdowH I- ihlcl.-flr. Tbw Is a groat country (or irult, nuoh as npples, poars and plums, rolato.is Iiolii linnrlv all rnllnfl. llllt WO linVII rHotl ninntliatwnlahpd threo nounds nud a half when thoy woro dug, and I plowed tho ground up myself with a mattock, and arm strength was my horses. a ..rout trmnr nt itm women In this coun try havo bard 'timer. I havo been bore nino yeHrs, and I havo never In that tlmo been lo asloroortochuroh. and havogono visiting nnlv iiluht tlinnn. In the nlno years I bavo not boon sfck two wotks at a tlmo, and I work all tho time; tho moro I do. tbo moro my lord ox poets mo to do, and I nover do anylhlng that pIohros him It Is alwavH wrong. Tho older be grows, tho meaner ho gote. Ho thrown the wshh-tub out of doors, aud kicks tbo favorite dog, and talks Jargon when ho gots angry. Ho has novcr been a widower yet, or ho would know bow to treat a woman, for I have often heard people say a man was better to hw second wllo than his llrHt. If lhat Is thn Iruth, I would rather be his urcond wife. I might turn him away for a while, and then marry blrn again, so I could be bis nooond.wlfo. Tho nolghbors all think very well of Mm. because thoy don't know him as woll bs I do; but somo ofthein oro n llttlo Rmplolnus of his kindness lately, nnd thoy don't t-ny to inn now, ""ion havo Ihn kindest husband In tho wholo country. I think kindness la about run out; there hns tmriH tint rlo latelv.and It Is.cotllng lo be a scarce article, et-peoially In tboso mountains, wliiiro men nevor go in society. They go to tho s'oro and buy iholr provlnlons and pack thorn homo, aud bless mom on tho way. Somo of Ihom goa groat denl, and ir thoy have no excuse they nni.o one; arm nen thoy co mo home they look an g rum as a hun gry, Moro-lioacird bAr, and a woman ilaro not speak, lor reir tT get'ing a ronirh nil swor. Mm. Tiiouiilk. Ants' Hills. Kn. 1-V.itMKit: As tho winter nights aro tlroHomo, on account of tholr lougth, aud thinking that a dlscrlpllonor tho mammoth i.nt houso, or hill, would bo road with Inter est by tho rertdorsof your valuable paper, I will write. A frtw miles Houthenat of Oregon City aro ant hills four or llvo feot high, from tlvo to six ftot at tholr bat.o. Theo bills aro mudo up of llr leaves and small stltikN; tho ants, In building, uro, or stom lo bo, careful to lay ovory llr loaf or Mick In Hhspo with ull Ihojiulgmtut of a mason lay. lug brick; tiny will gather all tho llr loaves within u rod or two of their homo, thou thoy will rommonco on tho small sticks, and 11' ono nut cannot carry or drag tho (.tick, an other ono wCI Uko hold and help; thoy will work at It until thov cct It lo place. TIimo nut hills havo been hero fur tlmo unknown; tiro does not disturb them; joumaysve M"Voral of those hills pretty close together; them rro Milliter; Uimi those that stand alone, for the w.tui or material no doubt. TiiiiuiitH unine out near tho ton of their homo. Thrlr places oregrna aro Just largo enough fir nun at a limn, Gives their homos a tew blows, nut thoy come by tho Ihouaandn ni.tly for battle. Tlioso uuta ato ot mam moth sir,. II. II. M. THE PRESO AND THE PLOW. Wo envy not tho princely man, In city or in town, . "Who wonders whether pumpkin vines Turn up the hill or down. Wo caro not for his marble halla, Nor yet his heaps of gold; Wo would not own his sordid heart For all hia wealth twice told. Wo arc tlio favored onca of earth, Wo breath pure nir each morn. Wo bow, wo map tho golden grain, Wo gather in tho corn. Wo toil wo Hvo on what ivo earn, And moro than this wo do Wo hear of etarving millions round, And gladly feed them. too. Tho lawyer lives on princely fees, Yet drngs a weary life. Ho never knowj u peaceful hour, His atmosphere is strife. ( A merchant thumb liis yardstick o cr, Grows hagganl at his tod, He's not the man Hod meant hmi for, Why don't ho till tlio soil t The doctor plods through snow and rain l'lods at his patient's will; When dead and gone ho plods again To get his lengthy bill. Tho printer bless his noble soul I Ho grasps tho mighty earth, And stamps it on tho daily sheet To cheer tho laborer's heart. Wo sing tho honor of tho Plow. And honor to tho Press Two noble instruments of toil, Each with a power to bless, Tho bono, tho ncrvo of this fast ago. True wealth of human kind; Ono tills the over faithful earth, Tho other tills tho mind. The Orange and Temperance A Chicago liquor firm Is was'lngatamps In sending circulars and prlca-ilsts of his goods lo Booretnr'os of grangos throughout the State. For bis bsnellt and that or others In tbo buslnoss wo will inlorm thoin tlnit Ujui porauco is ono of the mainstays of our Oriter, that it is taught Bt overy meoting, ana tin intemperate man cannot remain inoriioer or tho grango. So radio. I Is thn Order lu this Stato on tho subject or temperance that a resolution calling ter n strlngont prohibitory liquor law waa passed by a unanimous vjuiht tho last meeting of the Suite Clraiigo. At tho meeting hold in thla city In January, 1S75, tho following resolu tion on tho subject was adopted! Itenolved, Tuat, wharons ItituuipoMUOi) l tho gnritest caUK of misery, crime nud waste or health, wo plodge onisolvos to uho all proper tneaim todUoour.igo luteinporance and to promote tho weli.vro or tho pa-plo or our Statu. . , ,, Tho grangos or Indiana aro sound on tho tempnrauco question, nnd wo prodOt that tho whisky circulars alluded to will yield but a poor return from this section. mmiia far mer. Tho remains or a mnn supposed to havo been ono or those killed by tho explosion nt Umatilla Haplds two years ago, havo been tound two miles abovo the Dallos. Thore wan nothing by which tho rcmalna could bo Identified. PA- Expectorant eCW3l Sy" T Olttcere of Cove Orange, No. V. DouKher tv, M; W AMoCully, O; U 11 lie, T;J Slleknev.S; JO HlehartUon, AS. J Hager, lllm..; D t.wsll, T; MI- '.olla lteeae.Bec; I Connor. O Kj Mm J Dougberiy, 0 M I'hy, P; Mr Uioae, V; Mre Joaee, LAS. 0unA.M7.Kii. On WoilnoBday ovonlng, Decern bori'dth, J. W. I'arrlsh organized a lodge ortho I.O. O.T., with -U charter mem bera to bo known a. Idborty Lodge, No.IUl, or the I. O. G. T., ami olooted and Installed tho following clllcers Air ibo present term: OT, (J I' I'uilerlon; V T, AdaThompon; S,J A Mclnllre; A S, Mark Kullerloti; FS, N..nnlo Jury; T, Juo. O Jory: M, J K'Thomp Min; I) M, Marv CJorj; U, K M Molulire; IO, Lu.-y l'"ullerten;0 0, W II Hash; P W 0T,G W Jory; LU.UFJory. S, 1). List of olilcers elocle.l by Union Grange, No. 10, for the yoar 1878: J Crolghton, M; A U Craig, O; Win Hutchinson, L; J Dob. bliiH.Sj C L ItUkosIue, A Hi D Hilt, Chap; Mary Crelghton, T; N Schoonover.Src; It Slmw, G IC; Mrs Dobbins, O; MrsSilio no ur, 1'; Lny llluke-lHi, F; M Ames, LAS. Tho "Soiling" System. Tl o farm of John Hawtey, llrant.N. Y., who has practiced Ihn tnlllmr systi in i feed ing for homo limy, contain Illiy seres, all ot wnlch, 111. the bxcepilon of piece or tim ber kiul rough land, N under a very high state of cultivation. Upon the placo are Hlioiit ten head ofoilllo, two hordes, and per haps a few IihsiI of loose stock attunes, i'lieio are about ton acres devoied to small frtilis, such as straw borrhH, raspberries, liluckberrlea, eto . leaving but forty acres to titrnl-h let d for tho horeH uml cattle during the year. To udopt this t-yMem, prejwratlons llilikl bleguil lu the fall, It appeals, aseomo pUi.ts inu-t be rtady to cut tarlyliilho Mirliie. A ultra ol winter no, large enough to tiiinUh a month'H feed or solsi-owntn the fall, which is ready to cut the latti-r part ol April, or beginning of Maj; then follow millet ( woorlhito virlelle,) clover, sowed coin, tin. As fust as a ciop la taken oil an other should l kowii, thus kteplng tho laud under crop all tho while. Mr. Hawley cl.iiuiN that bis soil liicreiifcixi lii fertility every year; In fuel, It leuks leabonablo that a lot of weeds will ixhatibt tho boll Junius much as homo protlatue I'lani. i lieu tno manure pile U b.luir wnslanlly increaMd, uud the moro crops raited the more tendl--lug material Is there returned to It. Great care i.liould be taken to tavo all the liquids. ChuuUiuqun .Mirmer. Mursthal Cattle. This r.co or catllo aro natives of Austria, though they are considered to be closely al lied to tho ll unitarian oaltlo. They aro much pn.ed for lUeir milk giving proportion. The oomh have boeu kuowu to produce 3,100 quarts of milk per annum, where 1 $50 quart u nlven a the mual average. The oxen are especially aultenl to draught purpoa, ana afler being worked from three to six yean are ratted and wOre excellent beef. The enter of the hair of the race la badger grey, wlih brlu-ttr atrlpe round the nuule, color rlnittt round their eyea, and dark colored belly .-A"entMCy Xiw -JtocA Jttconl, WIT.T.AMETTE VALLEY AND CIFIO COA&T RAILROAD. Among tho many railroad projects now agitating tho minds of tbo people of Oregon the ono named at tho hoad or this article must not bo forgotten. Its Importance may bo Judged by tho facts that it would render tributary to Yaqulna nay tno vory uoari, u, tho Wlllamotto Valley, aud shorten tho dis tance from San Francisco to Portland, which Is CO! mllos, ill hours. To establish this much let a few facta bo eubmltted. Upon an avorago It takos a stoamor threo days to run this distanco, while from San Francisco to Yaqulna Hay, -151 miles, the distanco Is run by steamers In -10 hours. From equina Hay io PuitUnd, 1 TJ miles, by way ot the mad, tho ' Islam o will be run by cars In Mx hours, thus making a raving In I mo be tweou H.4U Fratiuloco nnd Portland of 1 hours. In iltix faslngoiho tu.vln.ror time Is lonsldert.il hII Important, and no one will ship rredglitor iske pi-s-hgeovera loutotliat will require l hnurs lonuur to travel than another. In mldltlnii lo tills, ln crossing ol tho bar at tho mouth ot the Columbia Is al ways atteiiiled with danger, nnd tiiiuiolliiius a delay or daya, white no such drawback Is encountered ut the entrance to Yaqulna ll,y. "I huso r.clH, Ifailml.leil and nd in It ted they mimi bo Ittuiiimi b)doubtcil thai all. or neai'v all, Ibo freight uud pHengere for Orevou norili of it lino Ibrough the soul horn portion or Douglas oouinv. Irom Han .'ran. cls.o, w 11 pans over Hie Yaqulna Hay route, TboMiuup lo-do of facts estaullsh thla uiuoh, und Ittituiiot begalnaed. At tho lust tension of tlio Lnglslalurn nn not wim pas-ied giving the company already rormod.all tho Stale lands in lleutenonunly, and exempting tho road from taxation for twenty years. In addition to this another company, with Col. Hogg at lis head, atand pledued.aa soon as teti miles of tho road la built nnd equipped, to complete tbo remain lug distance, without (Inlay, securing them selves bv it mortgage on tho wmo. Ten miles ortho road Is already graded, nnd tbo balance or tho route cm bo gradod with but llttlo labor. Consldsrlng this enterprise in all Its ont. Hues, It Is big with Importance, ami Is des tined to Mtect a complete revolution in the transportation and travel or this State. No safer Investment for capital can be found, and It Is mailer for womur that the road mis not been built long ere this. If there bo any pluck about tho ponnlo of Ilouton county, throuh wboMi limits tho oiitlro road runs. they will oxer: theinoelves to tho utmost to socuro lis completion. Itecord. Mrs, Sarah Josephs Halo, now In hor DDtli vmr, haw retired from Ihn oditerahlp or Ooitty'it ItHilk'n Hook, a posltlnn wh'oh sho has held withe honor to herself and to tho satisfaction ortho publlo for fifty years. There has bo'Ui no tlmo wltnlutwonty-Cve years that lands In Kentucky blue grass reutou have sold at suoh low prices as at pienont. Sixty dollars to ninety dollars nn snre will buy lands that aro really worth hIOO to $150 an aero, Last Thursday the City Auditor of Port bind IsNiied 112 llnense, addles: to tbo city treasury tho handsome sum of 32,130. Stubborn Counhs and Colds yioid promptly to tho healing nnd euro tlvo proportlos of Dr. Jt.yno'n Ex pectorant. It loosens nnd promotes tho oxpcctornllou or lrrltatinrr mat ter, mitigates much pain nnd dis tress, and chocks Inflammation. Asthma. Bronchitis, and Throat Troubles nro nt onco rollovod by Dr. Jnync'ft Expcciormit. It re moves constriction of tho Ilrnttcli.nl tubes, loosens phlegm, soothes nntl hoals tho mucous mombrano, nrrcsts any fovorlsh tendonoy, and holp to forward a gradual euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung Affections nro generally controlled nnd -meliorated by Dr. Jityiic'n i:x lectorant. It navos tho lungs from much irritation nnd dlstrnns, !y rc ltoving thorn of tho Irritating mnttcru by which thoy nro cloggod, It nlso Hupprcssca Inflnmmiitlon nud irlvon tho affoctod imrts a chance to heal. Whooping Cotinh.Croup and Honrso- I10SB nro cnicaclously treated by Jr. Jnyiie'n Expectorant. It removes eliniculty of brcalhlni; nnd opprcs slon in tho throat or lungs, promotes tho cjoctlon of mucus und subdues tho vlolonco of theso complaints nt tlio outset. It is n Hnfo Family Cura Uvo, of long-ostabllshod reputation, and -where promptly administered, has enabled many to cscnpo sorloua Lung Affections. IIODa'. DAVIS & CO.. Wholeiulo Agents, rort Una, Oreiroii. '""i'a'i ESTA5t,tinr.I 1056. MARRIED: ltUANDKNIlima-At llnrrliburc, Jan. lltli. to Ills wifn of tleirH W. UruniloubUf. Kiq a a boy orlhntlux wehihl. PKTTYJOllN-tn thlsnltv. January Hthr.f,dlph tlnrlu. Win. K. I't'ttylohn, aci'il a eais aivl .1 miMitlm. f'nii. rat will twkc p oue to marrow at i U'UIOCU. t DIED. SKAIW-In tlil-cltyjamiary 17ib.Mm.Carollno feurn, );eu .u year auu i inniuus. I'HATr In this olty, Januarv U'h, of conjeh Hon of tuns, liif.mt kuu of Mr uud Mr, it. A Piutt. Willamette Nurserv 0. W. WALLING & SON, I'KOPKIHTOHH, 03V9 0go, Olaokamas oo., Orogom. WALLING'S wWWfllt Wy?f-C5-iihV e To tlio lUUjtsMl IutlleH in imrtltmluv. Vhy nscd you sutr-r with Paralysis when you can be cured 7 Why will vnu suffer with Hlioiiuutism when you can tie cured? Ann wny nave so nutty acubs ami pains when It is within your reach to be cured T I am now cttiblUhed In Halm, prepared to treat sllChroalc r)ie-ue,uch3 KbonruatUm.Nenra'gia, Contumptlon, Kidney UUcaics, and In fact all dlteinv c tUil banian (loth U heir to, BpecUlatlectlon paid to Female Woikum andncrrout prottritlon, which la to common to Ladles, C-lldren'a dUeanea not ex crpted. In connection with niy practice, I hate one of tho celebrated Medicated Vapor Lightning Cream llath, which aldi vastly In removing all chronic dla ea.H's. It open the pores of the akin, and throws off the allrny, morbid matter, whlcU U one of the great causes of io mnch tufferlce. When we once think that two. third of all we take Into ocr irttem pattca on thrnnga the port of the akin, we need not stop long to wonder why we are lck, when we pay ro little attention to the eiott Important emnnctory of our bodies. Baring the pat nine months I have bad tnla bath to operation, and many can tcatlfy to It efficacy. I treat patient by th week, or br slncle UeatatenU Ladle win do welt to gtv me a call. Residence, oaUtaatl corrMT of CanUr aad -suaaet eHrveU, w W. CIUIQ, m. m. .PEACH PLUM, Tlio Ituliuu Xriiuo, And the best varieties of ' l'luni, Prune, l'cacli, Apple, rcai', Clierr7 Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOnTJIENT. Send for Descriptive Oatalogu. Salem Flouring Mills. DKST PAUILY t'LOOlt, DAOKlfa KXTJU, XXX. SUPKUFINB AND OIUHAM, IHUULINQS, DllAN, AND SHORT. OouHtuntly on riniid. riltflioKt I?rlco in CASH Paid for Wheat It. 0. KINNEY, Bept IStr Aent B. V. M. Oe XtUOZUu ETTTtTi, BncceMor to J. M, Kaii.au X Co., tS fctassrtf at., - - NKW YHKt ComRiisNlon Affont FOR BUTINQ AND FORWARDING FROM Maw Tnrk via Inthmn. raelflc Rallrcid. aa4 Cape Horn, all kind of Mercaandlae, and f tke sale of Vrodatcu lN-a Uui Paclac coast, (at u tidtmnni ef awacr, c .. mmmfmmmmmwww'n rim