ttaeatn'.a.tfiMtsiac WILLAMETTE FARMER. if. fr n k JfvJMsai&wmatmittttx V X v Jno.W. Gilbert 0FFKJ18 TO THE COUNTRY TRADE UW JUL Boots Tlio BoHt over jXatlo. AN EXTKA QUALITY OP Xadies9 Calf Shoes, Jntt tbo tiling for our Orecjon winter weather. SF'gt.s'rri ers7 Fine Kip and Calf Boots, Wlilch art oxprcrriy mado fr our trade, of different qualities, to rait customer. All good Mold by mo arc GUAR ANTIED to bo what I recom mend them, or I will nt any time mulio It good to tho pnr- ' dinner. J. W. GILBERT.: Salem, Oct. 12, 1N77. . tl. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer la FAMIJiY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, COMMERCIAL. STREET. Balera, April SO, 1075. rlftwtl Good Farms FOR SALE. 60 r7 AOItES OP LAND IN MAIIIQN COUNTY. O 4 Oregon, ton miles north of Patent, on tho Uayum m.d Wheatland roa t; I a boaull'ut location, and U tbo vny be'llaml In thu Stato Can bunlvlrtcd Into lino cood fano. Wo have an offer fr a part of thla place at f Vi per aero, wlilch would Icavi, thn bal ancu of tho laud In a nuaro body of 500 cro. sou of which I under cultivation; I'M acre Flatbed, Joining tho cultivated field, that could bo eally got r ady for tho plow, h.trltitf been flatbed rora rive hi ten year. All 1 ho hiilldinv are ou tbo 600 aero tract, and for which w only ak (3U per ucru. Thoi who are In noarclinf unod lund should go and tea till place. For pirtlcuMf,&tli and tee tho proprietor. AUO, aOOAUltEil OP I.ANOIMMAMON COUNTY, OrcKou, two and a half mile from Iorvuti, and shout tbo ramo dUtanco from Worwlburii.lylUirmi ihellnlto Title road. In a delrblu locatloii; la the very hert JiuOlty of land. arknriwledHd to be ono nf the bet arm on French l'ralrle by ad who aro aciualrted with the cunlry. 8.13 acre of Oil tract la unritr cul tivation; the bilince of the tract, W arret, Utlinher. There U a toierablo iroud dulllrur houo ou thl place; two good birn. with plenty of ehed room fur etoek. I-or lull paitlcular. go tt,"i ... H.I) jfc S. T. NOTHCU7T.. On the premle, or aridrcr them at Wheatland, Or. Nov. 3d. IcTI. Imp'd. XLAttlo Olaiit GRUBBING MACHINE. We wish to inform thn people of Oregon that wo havo purchased the patent of "The IiUtloUlant G'rubbitig Maonlno," nntl that wo aro now prepared to Mtpply aoy'itumber of thttin at a wry roiu-omtble price. Tho sub joined testimonials of tlio superior qualities of these machlnoa and Iholr comparative cheapness should recomonded Ibutu to all thoso tloslrous of clearing nir lurid at but trl 11 1 1) ix expense. For further particulars apply to Frank Cooper or Wru. Delaney, Salem, or Albert Urlggs, Selo. Bcio, March lOlh, 1877, This la onrtlfy that we have used "Tho Lit tie Gl.tnt Grubbing Machine" and found it superior to anything of the kind over uod in thla part of the country: Preston Munkers, Win Irolatid, Ilonry Isley, J N MorrtH, A Davis, Jltlrvlno KlUldwIn, IJ KDrlggs, iieury T Haro. Wo thn undersigned havo soon "tho Little Olaiit drubbing Maohlno" work mid can usstiro the public thitt Itis tho hot miohine of tho kind we havo overetn working. M Alexander, O W Hamilton, JO Johnson, I'eterSmith, J M Hrown, Win H McKulght, F Jlllyeu, L) 1' Miuou. Ecto, May 25th 1877. 7. O. SUZaZaTVA. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPERA IIOUBE, SALEM, fl. E. corner, at head of a talra. f rt97 Farmers. Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. Tn vr old n.ow op Ynimi can ik madk a r.vd a nn at JOIINNV KMdUTrt Black KralUi Shop, on Commercial L. below Wade'a bard war" More, for a rinall outlay uf coin. Bring In your old Plow, and tee If I Con't do at I ar octsui JOHNNY KNICI1T S1200 tmiarf. WMmraMkOTw mJi. HJI.M H. A. falUNT CO, i,iai a-, rmiiiia, a, Tho following s?nslblo sontlmonU are the ntterancea of Tliurlow Weed, on thegreon bickquostlon: "Wo agreed to pay tho na tional creditors the interest and principal of their debt In coin. We havo for twolvo years been paylntr Interest, in Rold, upon tnoro than ?2,tM)0,000,000. Tho bondholders, while Rold is nt a premium, rooeive largely more than tho (1 unr cent, nomlnatnil In Ihn bond. And theso premltiins, ns has been truly stld, wero 'fqttoezcd, drop by drop, from the sweat of lubotl' Now, labor Iibh homo, with oxetnplary patience, 'qtiile onoiiRh of justlco and oppression, Htid it Do hoovea Cmigrens aud the ndmlnlHiratloti to brltiKthoir bent Judut3Uts nttd their pfttnf nal HympAthliid 10 thu uotuldera'.luu or this quoutlon." SUatlKSTIONSTO lloi'Onowiiits. Tho fol lowing oxtrnct front n private lettor noalvcd from London, conlRltiH BiiUKCt-tloim of inter ost lo our hop growors. Kor thoKitldunco of any hop rjmwora your frlondi In California mydtJiil with, I may mention ono crlllulxm I havo mot i Ith nioro than outtn In 3eklng with practical inon hero. Thoy btato that many bales Irotn California come to hand uuuveuly pHcktd; that lo, green and brown hops running almost in voltis In ono bale. The hops Will cotnn down from tho poles In this way, butlho Kent growors tako caro to mix their growth after drying, or else to pick tho greener kinds In Bet o'ate bate. Wba' over tho actual color may bo, they ruu pret ty oven in balci. Veins ol dlireront colored hops in ono bale certainly detrttut from their vnlun In this market, out of all proportion to tho llttlo trouble rcqdlred In woll mixing prior to packlrj. (JumiNK and AitaKNio lorm tno basis of many Aguo rcmedieH lu market, and arotho last rexort of pbyslolans and pcoplo who know no better niodlcltio to employ for this distressing complaint. ThotttVolBof cllhor of these drugs aro destructive to thoayatora, producing headache, Intestinal dInotdoiH. vortlgo, dinzluots, ringing of tho ears and depression of tho constitutional hoaltb. Aybu'h Aouk CunK is a vegetable dlicovery, coiiinlnlng nolther qulnluo, arsenlo. nor any delotorloutlngredleut, and Is an Infallible and rapid euro for overy form of Fover and Aguo. ItKiffeotHiuo pormanentnndcortaln and no injury ran rosnlt from l'-s nso. Ilosldesbuiiignpoaltlvoctire for Fover and Auuolnall itri forms, It is also a superior remedy for Liver ComplnlnlH. It Is an oxcellent Inula end proventlvo, ns woll as euro, of all complaints pi otillar to malarious, marshy and mUstnatlo districts. It acts dlreallynn tho Liver and biliary apparatus, thns stlmultilngthe"ystom to a vigorous, healthy condition. For salo by all doalers. .t.uuu Kimruvmu! 1 8 JO l'nuc Qnartol 1 0,000 worth and meailngt imt la otnr Dlctfoiiarlii I'Ollll I'AUKN i:OLltKD II,,TICS1 INVAI.IMItLi: IV ANY IMnill.Y! AM) IN ANY .NOIIOOI. t More than HO Ootl riiple havo Iiclu placed In tho public rrli ol- uf bo United Mateo. IffCom-ncnUcd by Statu tiuperltiteudeiita of School lnUOdlrVeirntKUiia 'i ho niln of Wer.-tcr' D'ctlonsrle la 0 time a great u thu "".In nf nny other erlenof llatloiiHrte. Contain :i,(IO(l II In tuition, nearly three time a miny awaiiy nili-r Hrttuniry lfirI.t)IC tTtho three ptc'urenof aSiirr, on pao 1151, tueo alinic lUurttat. thu meaning ol moro than 1"0 wo da and term far better than tboy UD bo denned In wonK) "AvTurt I, Jim The WMonary ued In tho Oov eminent I'rimlnir-onieol" Wn,)tr, linabrldeed." I'ubll.hed by U. &. ItlKIIKIAin, r)irlncflld. Hat. O. A. IIkbu. Notary Public. T. ". Cox KEED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance Loans negotiated on Favorable Torms. Buy and Sell Gold and Silver, State, County, and Ci'y Warrants. Agent for Heed'. Opera Ilooae. tVOrJco. at the comer of Reed'a Opera Uouae, rei HALKX, Oil. 33yi IVUirSIOKY. SETII LUELLING & SON, PIlOPItlKTOHH OPT11K AHOVRNVVBI) NUR. try. ben leave tn call the attention of Fruit, men. and all other who wlih to procure pood. beaj thy Tree, to their lMMKNSB HTOC'K P FRUIT TREES, coxairriNQ or Apple, Pear, Poach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, And many other mleellaneon tarletre. theprleeaof which we have reduced to rull tbe time. tuud for a cataloKne, BETH LUELLINO A HON. octlS nillwauUlc. OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. JtCaULAIt LINK Botween Portland and San Francisco. TIIKUUKIl T3CKKTN Can bo purchased at thu nrlnclpal btatlons of tho O. & V, K. Jt , at liocluoocl 3?lntos. Steamer leave both I'ortland and San 1'rancUco about Every Five Days, rarrylnB Paienger and Kielaht at the I.OWKHT KA'fKS. It I the only liui tarn in? the U. H. MAILS and WKLLS, I'AltOO & CO b KXl'JtESH. The Hteamnhlp of thla Company aio rated A 1, and aro new, elejrnM. uud lomplcte In every lurtlcuUr. andconilalof the State of Oregon. (Now bulldloe.) 3.000 tun. burden, George W. Elder, (1100 tou.) a City of Chester, (l0 ton,) AjaX, OK0 ton J Tor relxht or pinti, apply at the Conioy' of uc, comer F awi Frost iUhii, Poarrumii. Boat 00. W. WUDUM, Agmt. OREGON AND ITS FROSPOTS. Wo proposo to say a few words regarding tho Inducement held out by tho Statu of Oregon lo people in general who aro In search or homos, and shall bo studiously careful to refrain from exaggeration, so as not to ml load tho unstispootlng. Flret, as to climate. In Wet tern Oregon, which comprehends the valleys of tho Wil lamette, Umpquaitud Itoguo HUor, Is mild and equable, na may be Hen by rtfertince to tho observations ntndo nt tho United Bute Signal Sorvleo office, which, In Spring, is put down nt 52 dega,, in istitnmor G7, in Autumn fi'J, timl lu Winter 39, Fahrenholt. Tho ther mometer Beldotn rlacsHbovoD'Jdi'gs. In Sum mer, and rarely falls below 20 In Wlntor, so that out-door labor mey bo performed nt all seasons ot tho year. It may with propriety bo mid that in Oregon thero aro but two Boa eons, tho wot aud tho dry. Tho rainy kirhoii usually begins about tho mlddlo of Novom ber, and lasts until early In May, with Inter missions of lino weathor for days, oven for weeks. Thoso rains, although dleagrroablo, aro a blessing, slnco they Inauro abundant crops and plentiful natural pisturago. Such a thing as a failure of crops in Oregon from drout has novor been heard of, whllo in California it Is of oommoaocaurionce. Ao oordiug to tho records kept by tho United States Signal Sorvleo oflloo during tbo last twolve years, tbo averago yoar lu Oregon ia ooniposod of two hundred and thlrty-thno ralnlos, a hundred and twenty-two rainy, and ten snowy days. In Mlddlo aud Kastern Oregon there ia loss rain in Winter, hut it Is much ooldor, and In Summor It Is dryor. As health is, or should bo, tho tint consid eration with all peoplo Boeklng a now coun try to locate In, wo vflll. sU'.o upon the au thority of tho Stale Doud of Immigration, that tho cllmato of Western Orogon is unu sually cotiduotvo to health, tho air being peculiarly pifj ail mill. yi. braolng. Tho Coast Ilango affords protection from the ocean galet, whllo tho Ciuoado Mountains kcopoutoold wind and Mtiow storms from tho north and east to a groit oxtent. Tho exemption from sharp winds and vlolont ehangos of tomporature, thus securod, ron dors tho Inhabitants far less llablo to throat and lung troublos, rhouniatlsin and Inflam matory dlsoascH gonontlly. Wostorn Oregon Is not ontlrely oxompt from fevers, but tboy aro of a milder typo, and yield readily lo treatniont. A roaldunt physlulan for twenty years says: "For our cxemptlon.from mala, rial disorders wo aro Indebtod to our north ern latitude, to tho dally no broezt), to our cool, bracing nights, and to thn modiuut tomporaturo of our warmont days." Tho soil of Orogon, for fertility, Is unsur pnssod by any Statu in tbo Union. At tho Contennial Exhibition In Philadelphia, tho Stato was distinguished by moro awards for the cxcollonoo and variety of Its products than comparatively any otbor Utato. What ovur seed Is put Into tho ground and cultiva ted, Isburo to return n rloh roward. Thero rover yet havo been any failures. This In a moat Important counldoiatlon no drcuis, no blighting winds, no grasshoppers, no any thing elso to destroy tho fruits of the hus bandman's Industry. Good lauda can bo cheaply acquired, and held undor stmplo and Hecuro tltlos. Unliko In our ftlster Hiato of California, tho lands aro not monopolized In enormous tracts by few owners, with ho Moxicanor Spanish grants to rondor titles Insocuro, Lauds can bo had uf tho Orogon and California Itallroad Company, at low prlcos, and on favorable torms, and an abundanco of government land can bo bad undor tho homestead law. For limber and wator Oregon is unnur paused, aud challenges comparlsou. HohI1o hor navigable rlvorr, so woll known, beauti ful streams of pure, clear, cold water, Ira- vere tho Stato hi evory direction. Hprlngs alho aro to bo lound In great numbers. Im mense forests of hard and soil timber are lo bo found In ovory part of the State, which supplies thu markets ot California, South America, Australia, Japan and China with lumber. In the valleys aro to be found dlf. foront varieties of ash, oak, maple, balm and alder, as well as fir, cedar, spruce, plno ami yow. In tbe foothills Muttering oiks and ilrs, with a thick nocond growth aro found, The mouutalns aro mostly covored with tall 11 r, pine, spruce, hemlock, oodxr, lurch, aud laurel. Two kinds of codar, threo of fir and throo of plno aro indigenous to Orogon. Trees hero attain to an onormous height aud great stralghtness, firs measuring from one to two hundred and fifty foot in holghl, with trunks measuring nice foot in dlamoter, and olear 'of brauohes for one hundred to one ono buudrod and fifty feet. In mlnorals Oregon U extremely rlnh, but for tho want nf capital imperfectly deytl oped. Gold, nilver, iron, copper, coal and many other minerals exist lu great abund ance. Iron oro Is plentiful' and from tests huK pruvod of superior quality. For tbo raising of livestock no country oan excel Oregon. Tho natural grasses are of a Hue quality, uud retain their f.ittonlng qualities until Uto lu tho reason, Tho wild pea ttlno grows In great abundanes. Innou'.h eastern Oregon there aro tt3,000,000 ncrou of natural pasturago, Ono very lmror'.autadvantago Oregon jo soeaes oyer California is tho lowor ruto of taxation, whioh, per capita, Is fl, 40, whllo In California it Is (U, Tho only drawback t) Oiegon is tbo wet weather In Winter, but tli Id U compensated for by tho certainty ol crops and the loveliness of thn country lu Spring and Summer. Daily Record, Kxaminatlou of Mrs. Leonard, at tbe DalloM, who was arrotted some day agoon a charfto of bavinX attempted tbo llfo of her husband, 1). 1. Ieonaru, has resulted in her being bold to answer lu the aum of f5 Our. It UMldtha evidanae went to show thai Mr. Leonard d threatened tba life of her husband, but nothing deflolu m proven. It U (bought ah will hava to sUy in Jail till June, aot being able to obUla oall. Some Matrimonial Wrecks. Tho week Jms brought forth nn ox numher of mntrlmonliil trnordlnnry comnlictitionH, and must loud to tho grave reflection that nuptial things uro not nlwahs what thoy seem. Tho Con necticut woninn with ecven hushamls, nearly all of them now on earth, has reasonably good company In the person of a Now Jersey woman who has three, only two-thirds of whom, however, are still in existence. Tho encouraging fea I tiro of this last enso Is that tho wo man has apparently not f.iirly eulerod upon her career of hnslmiid-gathei'lng. Doing still yonng, and having boon thrice led to the attar as a bhislilt.g maiden. hIio hones and believes thai the start which she has got will unable her to compete with any known wo man in tho matter of husbands, aud if she makes no seriously fale step the promise of hor young life will doubt less bo realized, In spiti of tho frowns of those women for whom thero aro no husbands toft. Ono of tho most inter esting features of tho weok, too. is tho flight of n Brooklyn man, who ran away under the niimo of Marfleot, and established a precedent which it will bo perfectly safe for any husband, who thinks he has as much inatrliriony ns ho wants, to follow. It was n simple act of kindness In leaving his wife ton thousand dollars, with the hope that "sho wouldn't bother him any moro," anil she, liko a sonsiblo womnn, has caused it to bo understood that she wouldn't.nUhoughshomlghthavodono so had ho been less thoughtful. Ten thousand dollars is not very much money, but thero are, no doubt, many wives quito willing to bo deserted Tor a far smaller sum. Hut Connecticut, that sober old Stato which Is furnishing somewhat moro than its fair share of matrimonial sen sations, turns out it e.ts.e that for real devotion and pathetic ingenuity excels anything over heard of on thlssldn of tho globe. A Now Haven young lady some timo ago became well enough ac quainted with a changeable young man named ltoo to run away with him. -Things went on well enough until ho got pretty well ucquiiliituu with her, when ho runaway without her; then for u uhango ho came back and lived with her again for some time, after which he ruddonly changed his mind a id mado tho hold announcement that ho had nover been murrlid aud never expected to be to her. Under such circumstances us these tho ordinary woman would havo been mad, but Connecticut never produced an ordinary woman, so far as heard from, and Airs, ltoo was not oven an ordinary ono of tho Connecticut klutl. She wasof a hopeful disposition, and hor beatltlo lovo lor tho eccentric ltoo was the mainspring of her life. 8ho didn't go to a nunnery; hIio simply wont to court and sought to establish her claim to ltoo as a husband, scorning to follow tho example hot by home tther Connecticut women, aud seek ono or moro husbandssomewliero else. When slut had tiled her claim, and had been informed that (too was about to marry another glri, slio sat down and poured out her unrequited lovo in rhme, and ltoo must havo been a small copy of tho Htono man packed in Ice to resist this pathos. Thu sweet singer of Connecti cut writes: Talk about your picnics and nay 'What lots or fun," Whllo I talk of my JCiMy and how niter him I run; I toll you he' worth having, Is such a man as KJ, Who dantod a nnllor'n hnrnplpo when ho heard his wife Mas dead. This beautiful poem is unfortunately too numerous to give in full at this timo of tho year when holiday business crowds our columns. Tho explanation of tho last lino Is very Minnie. Airs. ltoo had caused anotlcoof her death to be printed in tho village iiopupcr.i, and tho happy ltoo seeing tho notice returned with Joy to tho town, where lie was taken possession of by tho police according to programme. A trial en sued, when thu deserted lady, ils shu records In Iter phlutlvo verso, under took a compromise: I turned to lMdv then, and said, "A com promise I'll umke: If you'll give mo tialf your monoy, I'll let you marry ICate," Hut Eddy could not bo drawn into any such arrangement. Ho wont through tho, presenting tho front of a liolt, bad man, saved his money and married Kate, who, It is presumed, does not write poetry. There is appar ently no moral in this simple story, but it touches a very Important lesson to ovory young woman contemplating matrimony and the idea that there aro any young women not contemplat ing matrimony is absurd bo sure you aro married beloro you begin to write QQty,PhUuilelphitt Times. Tbe Market for Canned floof. Up to tho present time, all tho cattlo that have been shipped from this coun try to England havo been heavy, choice steers; but oven whl'o this has been sending a largo amount of beef, taken from tho lower grades of our cattlo, to thu same foreign markets that wo havo been supplying with ourchoico cattlo. Wo refer to tho canned hoof that has been shipped fniu dilfiirunt portions of tho United .States to Europe within tho past two or three years. It seems that this canned beef has now becomu llrmly established as an article of foreign com merce. Wo learn, upon good authority, that an agent of thu Uunsiau govern ment has lately ollured to tako ovory pound of canned beef that one of tho largest canning establishments in Chi cago could possibly furnish for a term of years. Tho oiler, however, wu de clined, for the reason that tno guneial market Is good enough f - this kind of meat, so that it Is no object for tho par ties to onter into any such contract. Thla canned beef tradu is yet In its In fancy; but there is no doubt that thu busineM is to cut nt important a tlguro in tbe mutter of helpline to utaorb our cattlo supply as tho shipment of beef on tho boor and in tho carcass. Drover Journal. Varieties of Wheat. In alluding lo somo or tho nowor of tho varieties of tlio market, tho Ger mnntown Telwuph gives tho followlng sonMljto advice: "So far as retaining ts orlglna elmraoterMlcs, tho Medi terranean has been mo-t remarkable, as 'n many sections of tho country it li as good and produotivo to-ilny as It was hlrly or forty years ago. It teems to be hardier ban others-or rather It hot ter resists heat aud colli, and tho nu merous destructive Insects and blights to which tho crop Is subjected. It is wis;.: however, to experiment to a small extent with all lecommondetl new varieties and hold fast lo thoso which take most kindly to our soil, otc. 1-avorltes will soon bo Ibund.nnd though thy may never be as permanent In sustaining their drat excellence as tho Mediterranean, they will meet, for tho iiiiiu uuiiig, mi uiu expectations of tho farmers.'' Next to tho Mediterranean In certainty of ylold, wo would placo tho 1-ultz. Arter six yoara' trial wo find it to fully maintain its reputation and clulm i. Thoro is probably a greater breadth howii with it than any other ono variety. This senson tho Clawson Is woll spokon of. Lust season it was not as good ns tho Full a. Two voiire when tlrst Introduced, it was excellent, but Its charactor is not suillciunlly es tablished to makoltsafo to use It exclu sively. Of some forty varieties tested ou tho l&wtorn Experimental Farm, thiseason, tho Full, has dono best and tho Clawson next. Tho latter blng n voay large grained wheat, should bo drilled In at tho rato of two bushels nor acre. Tho Full, does not tlllor out 111:0 SOmo Of tho Older kllliU mwl liniw-n should also bo drlllud thicker than com mon. Tho Booth Family. Tho fact that gonitis and misfortune aro generally linked togethor has oftoa l."on noticed, and Edwin Jiooth Is no exception. Tho assassination of Lin coln by his brother cost him tno suspen sion of his profession for an uut lie year. Then his grand theatre proved a fail ure, and its collapse so affected his mind that symptoms of Insanity appear ed. After these had been removed by careful treatment ho was Injured by 11 runaway team at Ills residence (Cos Coo); but a greater blow than all others was tho death of a lovely daughter, on whom his affections wero deeply con centrated. Huch havo bcon the adver sities of tho tlnost player In tho world, beforo ho lias readied forty-throe, iloolh never visits tho theatre that bears hiH uamo. Ho Is seldom been in public, but occasionally one may see u pale-faced and thoughtful-looking man pacing Uroadway as in a reverie, with something indescribably striking in his couutunaiico aud demeanor, and then somo bystander will touch his frlond and whisper, "There goes KU win Booth." Junius Hrutus Booth (tho father) died twenty-live years ago. Ho is re membered by thu writer of this ns a short thick-sut man, with it broken nose, nntl yut ho was a very impressive tra gedian, intemperance, however, de stroyed ids chanco for pro-omlnenco, and his best playing was douu in thu cheap theatres. His oldost son Is Juni us Hrutus, who is rich and lives In Bos ton; tho next is Dr. Booth uf Charles ton. Thoncamu Kdwln, followed by a beautiful sistor, who married John 8. Clarke, tho popular Philadelphia com edian. Tho youngest was tho most beautiful of tho family, aud will llvo in history as the assassin of Lincoln. His death is tho only break In this re markable family, it may bo added, that the older Booth's nose was broken, in a stago light. Ho was playing Hich am 111., ..nil being intliimeii with strong drink, was so murderous that the battle became a reality, aud his op ponent had to knock him down toaavo his own life. Ti-oy Timet. Tho Now French Brccchloador. Tlio Urns miidkut, tho now breech louder which tho French aro putting' Into tho hands uf their troops, la in many respects an Improvement on tho Chimsepot, as tho Chassepot Itself was a (.'Ulterior weapon tn (ho famous Prus sian ueudlo-gun. Tho Chnswpot hail two serious uuiects. in rapid uritig it grow heated to such an extent as to blister tho lingers of the soldier as ho roloaded, and it soon became clogged and foul with thn black ruslUum of tho gunpowder. M. Oras, preserving tho former gauge, lias applied himself to construct a piece free iron) Ibesn faults. lie lias replaced tno eombustiblo silk catrldgo by it neat metal ono. For tho eadly broken needlo ho substitutes a tluy hummer. A tinier claw, tho me chanism of which Is set in motion ai tho musket Is cocked, tosics out tho shell of tho metal cartridge, and leaves tho chamber clear and bright lor a fresh loaning. Tlioznow mtHKut, moro cer tain and moro convenient than its pru decussor, carrier farther thin the Chas sepot. making good practice -it I.UOO I'.uullsii varus. Tlio ItoiicIi army, in case of need, would' well pro vided on the rougn aim moody 'ori;;or war. You Havo no 1'xcuaa. Ifivoyoii any excuse for Htlfiirlng with OvMitiiwIii or LIvitrC'oiiiiiUliilY Is ilmm any reason why you should uo on Item lny lo ilny i,")tupl lining wltlt Hour Ht.'iiu toll, Mlt-k llool-ucbu, IIubitiiitlC'oiilveiiUKH.ptlpitHtloa i.f thn llo'trt, llmirt burn', Wutur-lirHuh, UiMwIuu aril humour, nalui at thn nil of tlio- Siouuijti, Yullow Hklu, O'mit-d Tnnguti, and dlriiKitwj'thlit tiiMo lu tlio month, Cuming no of fuo'l ufier uallng, 1iw spirits, &.. Not It Is positively 3 our own ihijiui juuo i. uoio mtr DnuulM and get i llottlo of ftitiiKN'ti AuoOut FtviWKti fur "fi cents your oaoi is loruln, but if you doubt this, got H-noplii Hattlu for 10 conts aud try It, Two. done will rolleve you, .Ml i' 4 t 'il M m j r f ij ' n'rim 'ii yt, i W i J s J fli