V n r ilbnuttt larwtr. .inn zVHUY rillUAYi or CLABKB & OKA.IO, puBumiKns Au rnomiBTons. 8. A. CLAKKK. w ''"" Terms of Htibscrlptlon. J, Mx months (8 numbers).. ? Ono copy, Ono roilr! thren months (IB nnmhirrsi HAL1CM, FUIDAY, JAN. 23, lb78. STATE WOMAN BUSTKAGE TION. ASSOCIA- Tlio Bixth annual mooting of tlio Oregon SUto Woman Suffrago Association will bo bold at Albany, commencing February 12, 1878, at 2r. m continuing three orrnoro days. Tho placo scloctc.l is central and easily reached by railroad or river. Arrangement aro being made for return frco ticket, to all in attend anee. Tlio kind jieoplo of Albany will freely share with us their homcB and hospitalities whilo there, thereby greatly reducing tho cxyenscs. Wo hope, therefore, that member and friend, will not permit trivial expense to keep them at homo. .Such aa cannot attend will pleaso remember that money is a very essential clement in carrying forward any cause, and will forward their annual due. to our Treasurer, Mm. Mary M into, Balcm.-orto the Association when convened. Tho Kioto Tcmpcranco Allianco Mill also meet in Albany tho following week. Why can there not bo a hearty co-operation with these two bodies in tho work of tcmpcranco aa tticro i. in other KUU ? Tlio Association wiU devote much special time to tho Umpcranco work, m usual, and doubUcM many wiU tarry to aid in tho Alli ance. Wo hope, therefore, that many of tho temperance worker, will Uy aside their prcju diet, and go into both bodies and aid in tho namo work. A. many of tho exchange of tho Now Northwest in tho SUto as will publish this notice will confer a groat favor on tho Associ ation. II. A. Uicoiiary, President. Awity, Oregon, January R, 1B7A. From Dally lteoorel, Jan. U. BADLY FXIOKTENXD. A man croxod bytaouMortoo Much bad Whlaky-Thrao Women enaaod by Hlm They aro foroed ta cclt Rofugo In a fyras Storo. I Ait ovoilng rAdut uino o'clock a Mm. John noil who runs a ilrww making establishment near liberty street, raid two young Iwlio.i who aro in hur employ, were returning from tho wharf whither they bod been after a packogolclt thuro f, tl.mn. were accosted by a hiiao burly fellow with a big stick in his hand about tlirco feet lung. Tlio ladles not lwiiiR frwupbly irnprcsioil with his looks immediately HTAUTKllONTIIKItUN lu order to nvado him, and thu fellow imrnwli atoly kivvo ehwu aud followed Uicm up Com mercial struct, theuco down .SUto as far aH Hmith'rt drug Htort-, in which they h night pre lection from tho hands of thu man. When they nrrivod at thu Hloro they we-ra almost lireatiili'SH t .... i i. ..)..., Hi mill until mil v utter. llllll irifFllLl'IlUU hi n-..-. ...... --. w .... ---n ..... i I 'ilu nmtuct us. Mr. Smith," wlii'ii in iiuunoru their tormentor with club in hand with hiH IJVM riXBtl AND IIUH1Y A.,,1 Imi.irdUtiilv started towards tho woman who had taken refugo behind tho uunti-r, when .Smith InU'rfiwI and took hold oi no man wim . ... i ,....i, 1...1.1 f II... .nan who mlsod hU oluli in tho net of Htrikm;,', wlduli Kinith tool; from him und immediately started t nlm-L l.iin lriitii tiiu .t..i..i..M. -- n- - . ll... I...11.I ill. llllt I'.'KlllL'Rll Ms mind mid stepped betwen-ii iiim "' ' .(M)r and sent u lny after thu poliev. Tho man commenced to walk up uud down tho lloor throwing his hand, singing and whitUin;; alter-! iiately. Koiintho jwlico eamo and tho fillow was luniod oer to tho uuthoritiu who niarehul him Oil' TO JAIL. On tho "double quick," and when in tho build ing, Hrarehod his yvnan and took tlivrulrout u largo six-shooter and a full Iwx of cartridges. AltJr spending tho night in jail, thU morning ho seemed to bo wtlnual in his miud. Ho gao his namo n HurmwH, mid resides on l'rmch Pruirio. Mr. Ilrcyman, of I'lvirfleld, Tiwognitod him and considered him as a harmless sort of a person heretofore. .1. C Peebles, County Judge, concluded at tho uuu had lwen on a spree for su oral days, that ilwaa only tempo 'llio lloanl of Tnutoosfor thoinan.tgemriit of tlio 0.U Fellows' library met last Tlmnulay ovcnliijf, anil orj;aui:eil ly tho ultctlon of Muj. ileornu Willi.wis as rresiilent J. (J. Wright, Vice rresiilenti Ii. II. UiHry, Seiretary, .las. Colfey, Treasurer; 1'. . Schwatl.ii, ljbrarlni. Tho new lUmrtl is mailo tin oi J. J. Murj'liy, .1. (1. Wright ami Win. Wuido, .I ChemcVcta Iimlge; li t". Chure'hill, James CotrV-y ruul (Jeo. Williams, of Anuiwrsarv iMjivi 1 ruf. 1. M. luteh, II. II. "Miry tunl A. 1. Stiuson, of tlllVO lAttltpf ivo Mv. Wo feel confident that under o careful guidance oi the above iiamtHl goutle (ii, tho Liursry will K very roiH'rou. Tho om Unpen every evei.inj;, and Odd Fellow, the me room m hen they isit tho city, ill tiiui Uie Library a Ucaj.vr.t juaeo to sjh'hu mo eTrum-. Nearly All Cae. Stvambtvnt mui iutorni us then! Is not much freiRhtlnj; either up or down tho Willamette, and that tho eton of last harveet is pretty much all iiuukvtotli un.I that thorn is not ovir'.(KXl tous oi Krain, iu a condition to be gsttcn at, iiom Conollis to VortUiid. rary Insm ty anil causett tholoiiowio iiiniwi riiariton, "; , i ,; w v iJe, alter exactlns a piomUo that ho would A-MW -K. ;: "J return homo immediately. It remains to lo jXi .uiley, W. M.t W. 1 Wllmot. W. seen whether tho fellow will do it or not, l 'Mt, Moar, W. I. O.J S. Strader, . 0. ThoOddrcUowa'Ubrary. iLli'5 ' AT THE BLIND SCHOOL. What vro saw and hoard-Croat Progress) Mado toy tho PupllaMuslo and Sing ing by tho School. Yesterday oftemoon wo paid a visit to tho blind Bchool to witness tho semi-annual examin ation of the scholars of that institution and to gether with I'rof. (Jaultand Simpson wocntcrcd tho hall and was met at the sUir-way by Mrs. K. J. Dawnc, l'rincipal of tho school, and was conducted to tho examination room; wo found tho Fcholara Bitting at ono end of tho room while at the other wcro chairs placed for tho benefit of tho audience. Tho examination com menced in KNOUSII OlUMMAll, And all proved themselves pretty well versed in that very useful branch of knowledge. After this tho audienco wcro favored with an instru mental duetto on tho piano, entitled "Silvery Waves," by Misses Josio Watkina and Annie Walling, which was rendered in a very Cno stylo; after this the class in Philosophy wcro examined, but as this U a new study to them, having only commenced about tho first of tho year, and not having tho proper apparatus to explain things to them with, of course they had only a limited knowlodgo of Philosophy, but what they had learned they recited without any hesitation. Prof. Oatch has kindly con sented to loan them tho apparatus belonging to tho University until such apjiaratua can bo ob tained. In Physiology they wcro remarkably well tiostcd anil showed that a great doal of care had been taken by the Principal to havo them understand this very Important study, Miss Manchc Savage then favored tho audienco with a song entitled "Kthcl Uromo" in a very pleas ant manner and with credit to herself. EXAMPLE IX ISTRKKST Wcro given them to show tho audienco what proficiency they had acquired in arithmetic, and wo wcro surprised to sco how readily and accurately they answered tho questions, prov lug themselves to be far above thu averago scholar, who attends school under moro favora ble circumstances. Astronomy was tho next study taken up, and to hear them explain the different shaiics, phases and circles that aro connected with tho sun, moon, and stars, and that Mercury was a winged messenger, and a patron of thieves wo always thought there wassomothing wrongabout tho"Mercury ono would bo led to bollovo that ho had en countered a lot of full Hedged astrologisU Tho comic song and chorus by tho class, enti tled "dodging, was a good tiling, and earned tho house uy a handsome majority. K.VOL1HII COMrOHITIOX, Another new study lately taken up, and in which tho scholars proved themselves fully ablo to "dash" off several sentences without any trouble in thu least. Tho nong entitled "lleantlfnl Hunset," rendered by Mm Josie Watklnp, won truly beautiful, and deserves nrM'.i tnnntit.u. With thin uicco tho ex&ininn. .1 l t . il.- .1... Mm ft.itru.i ri.tiirtiiul Lion closed for tho elav. Mrs, tlmuky to tho Hoard of Directors ttlulio and thu patent slate, just for tho now received for thu uso of tho Mhool. ortls nt CIIKCIl ANII COMVOIir Wero spoken by (lov. 8. 1'. Chadwick, Dr.U Ifc ltowland and Prof. Simpson, oxprcBSing their Joy and surpriso at thu advancement of thu HOliofam. Thu school, under thu manage incut of Mm. Dawno, is In a flourishing eomii : ,...i (I,., nirr.-tiiis havo meat f-iiiio to re joice that they havo secured tho services of ono ho well niialillod nud amiable, to preside-over and limtmct thosu who nru so uiifortunatu aa to bo blind. sisirssswsjsssrsissssssjsisswsssissssssrws) A rorlloun Trip. A corresiKindi'iit writing from Goshen, Uno county, under dato of the Ifith.UithoOivgoiiinii KaHi Tim mini who utartod niros.1 the Casci.Io rujni . .. ....... .... i...,. ,u,itRi,m over tlio military ro.ui, on hh, " weeks ngo, and wan supportod to Imj insaiie, 1....1 ... Mn.nmit mu! iliKtiiiL'liii feet Irocn, ntiirned to Mr. .1. Mill's having 1k-cii out four d'lVMimd walking eighty milwj, N',1t.1,1!!ut , , ' ) mul was kindly cowl kindly eared lor ny .ur. iii . -;; : llllHlll, ,.,II1'JII this i.laen last ncn- Hlaek. -rno lauor i irouuin . ... .. .-.-.,.. ... . . . 1 ..I.I 1.1... il 11,11 TUP VIP ,,() w.mHl)nl thu cam thia morning to (i,u authorities t I''W10 ciy f"f,lllut,f M 1,u ' U!H XVIt IOIIL 11 IOIIU.V. I IU k.ll.n thr.t iio vm i ----- . . .. looking after his interest in a band of sheep, . ...i ...V. ,...vt...n . out over to settle somo dull culty whioh had arisen nbuut thout. Ilo started frt.ni Mr. llill'n (tho last house) on n journey of over 100 mile:i without any food whatever, without blanki ts or overcoat, mid not even clothes enough to Keep him warm in moderate weather. IlosuyHlto found no miow until within ton miles of tho summit. Ilosayslio did not suffer from cold or hunger utiti ho re turned to Mr. Hill's. Ho certainly undertook - . ronn irinand rnn a serious risk of ins ... " . A !.. .1... M..1.1. U, ll' New Lotlno OvrjawrciJ. ii....i.r. (5. W. (J. T.. on tho 1.1th iust.orgaiiUwl WilKiinbtto Slough Uw, 1. 0. (1. T Sauvio's Island, with tweulv-threo oharter me.ubers. Tho otlleeni are iu follows. Wnu Forrest, W. V. T. 11. 11 Melntyre. It. II V! . I'limiri Mivir. U 11. a.; JOXIO I. -. ". ,.-. . , .-. I l k! 1 . .- nouor to Wliom Honor, Etc, denial "Mac," our v,olbkuowii detective, has returmil from Salem, at which place hu has recently ! makiii,; it warm for tho fvttivr burular. Mr. McCoy certainly deems tho hiuhett cwtitudu from the Salem people for tho valuable service ho ha rendcreil them.- lelu- Kraiu. Yes; but anyono elro would havo done jiut as well. Olllcer John Minto wa tho only per son that got away with hii man, ho haiit; knocked two of them down with his cane, and ,ccured emu of them, lefoto j-euial "Mac" und tho other man from iVrtlaud came in sight. They didn't take a trick. Ssucrtalnrnont. TV... intertainment to U' civen Ken fer tho benefit of St. Paul's Church, will launder tho auspices of tho purisli guild is to be ilraniatic, ..rJnmtuiilv. with tho additiou of mutio and other attractive features. It will occur alvtit tho middle of February, but of tho time, further notice will bo givcu. life, as no wan mu in iii; - season. It will I hi sometimu before he recovers, ami rossiblv may lewo his feet, which are badly fniM'ii. Hi says ho has a brother in tho mer- .illii.r ill illil wi""t - - - " " " ' WILLAMETTE FARMER. W1XLAMETTE UNIVEBSITY. Salem, January 12, 1878. To spend on hour pleasantly, and in a way that will bo both instructive and entertaining, one cannot find n Utter place than tho Willam ette University chapel, between the hours of two and three o'clock, Friday afternoon. Your humblo servant enjoyed that pleaouro last In day, and knows whereof ho speaks. Tlio man ner in which tho exercises aro conducted would reflect credit upou any iKa-mimo or leajini.hu In our land. Tlio quietness and air of respect that prevails shows well that more than A IJ. C. is taught in tho University, w hilo it is true that there is a largu school, numbering in all near 200. varying from tho ago of 7 to 21 years, yet wo find each student knows his placo; and Lis apnearanco and behavior forcibly impresses tho visitor that obedience to good rules and regulations tends to clsvito the mind as much as strict appb'cation to study. Each student seemed to realize that ho had A dctt to r-KnroiiM, t Whether it be to declaim, or sing, or remain in attention. All seemed to know what was ro quired of them, and to take pleasure in per forming it. Tho exercises consisted of declamations, reci tations, compositions, and music vocal and in strumcnUl. Every ono proved themselves a credit to the University. It would bo useless to attempt to note any one in particular. Each and every ono did exceedingly well for amateur elocutionists, audi will venture to say that no other school in tho SUto can make a better showing in any way, especially in tho .nnonnnn nf iUn .rtirWll rOOinS. bClUC WCll M- iii;ivihuuiv wa, vaw - - i j ranged and kept freo from tho usual amount of dirt found therein; also, tho systematic manner in which each department is presided oyer, and tho disposition to bo attcntivo and obedient, which can bo created only by those who know just HOW TO HUM A SCHOOL, Ami nltll i-nmninmi tho rcaticct of the scholars. After tho chapel exercises were over the young gentlemen were divided into two companies and were instructed in military tactics. I under stand this is a new feature being introduced in tho school last Kail for tho Hrst time; ccrwiniy tho young gentlemen appear to a grand advan tage and will compare favorably with any uiili tary school I have had tho honor to visit; and in this department they should realiro the fact, that much can bo learned that wiU never bo forgotten through life, and nothing can bo added to a school that ii more boueflcial tluui a thorough course of , MIHTAIIV INSTKUCTIOK. Some wcro drcswl in a uniform mado of may, which appeared very neat, and should tho P..,. ..n.w.ni..i nt,iKr in full uniform it would not only bo a caslit to the school but alBo to your Capital city. I would advise- them to do so if possible, alio I would advise the addition f a drum cortw of two or lour uoys urummcrw. and two Ut8. Tim y"8 ltt'";s of tlio school, I understand. i?t nucr mo cacrci. m ui. rcsiHJctivo hails to-wit:, ATHA-VEUM ASU COXCOKDIAS, For debate? , rccitatious aud music, lloth soci eties ore in a flourishing condition. As I hao written more now man your re-.,- ers will liku to bo bored with, allow mu to say that you havo ono of tho lluest schools u tho SUto and 1 can almost say thu best conducted. A Vihitoiu riioNTburVnTcouiiT. J. C. roobXon JudKO -Joan Gclscy, J. D. Lcetiey, Uonusilsotonon. Tlio follow inn lirocccdingi wero had in tho County Commisjioiicra Court, Mnrion county, ci.iA..inniimn .Itmimrv term. 1878. uwiuin wivhi--- j :. .: . .. nf In tlimimtterof tho application of ferry ai son, for a publio casement Alouai Ucsiirr up iMlntcil surveyor, mid N. It. Doly, Part Rovca and C. II. 1,'ibby viewers, U) meet ut lorry r up- Ituvus rry WatsonV. January 21, at 10 o'clock A. U. aim ' "in the matter of n publio casement for S. W. UIIIIVD 'H"" -'" - - ,,.; I P. .,, .if v inveru ailODlcti. mill r.-uu road to Ik) ostalilislicil uixrn tho petitioner pray ing tho il.unai;is assessed, to-wit ?-". " licenre to iiell spirituous Inpuors in ijuanti ties Icim than onoiuart, at SiKorton, wasgraut ed to W. V. Mid J. W. Wiuklco. Tho term of tho court wr.u principally occu pied in soUvtuif; jurors, mid auditing amounts of KmH'i'vUors. and nppiiintiiii; s.uuo for tj:o year Ib78, and in allow iug claims against tho county, amounting in tho aggregate to -,-7C0 M. IS IKOIUTI'- Tho follow in:! business was transacted in tho County Court in Probate. .1. C. IVebles, County Judge, January term, IS78: I'liaiU ill IMVItl I.HIW'I ..iv....i . .. . settlement allowed nud admiuistratiix dts eliargod. lCstato of Hancock Jackson, deceased "Hear ing of tlual settlement set for Monday, Feb. -1, 1:7S, at 10 o'clock a. m. . Estate- of Deles K. Jones, deceased Hearing of tlnal rcttlcmcut ret for Saturday, Feb. l, lb7S, at 10 o'clock a. m. ... Kitato of W. 0. Johnson, deceased- A. I-cvy appointed as administrator, and bonds tiled at &1.000. , , , , Kstatoot W. C. Johnston, deceased -Uark lingers, A. H. Crus, and IMward Simmons ap pointed as appraisers of said estate. 1-Utato of Sarah Nieklin, deceased- Hearing of final r-cttlement fet for Saturday, 1-cb. l, 1S7S, at 10 o'clock, A. it. . Instate of V. J. Monroe, deceased Hearing for final settlement set for Tuesday, Marsh B, IS7S, at 10 o'clock A. m. In tho matter of tho guardiauship of liobcrt S.. Aim Klia aud Iaura T. Javctis, minors Hansen Javcus appomtail us jjuanlian. I'!it.ito of .lohn I'tttterson, tleeo.isoii lie anng of final settlement tot for Monday, March 4, 1S7S, at 1 o'clock r. M SCHOOL DI11ECTORS' MEETINa. At a meeting of tho lloanl of Directors of Sch.Hil District No. 524, held January lOUi, 1 S7S, tho follow inj; order was promulgated That tho teanhors of the public schools of this district, shall, uim tho assembling cf school uwli morning, call a health roll, for tho purpose of ascertaining if ruiy oi tno pupus iireeiit or miy member of their families aro atllkted with diphtheria or any other conta gious iliseae. And in ease any pupils present aro so alllieted, cither in person or iu tneir iaui ilies, then such pupils shall Ikj miuircd to re turn iuuuwliately to their homes, wid K exeludeel from school until such disease has ditapikearexl from their families. O. Dickinson, Chairman. J. W. Coy, Clfrk. . UiZklw Finely. Our heart was mado glad this r. u.,by receiv ing a visit from (ieueral M. V, Brown, of thu Aik..t.u ll.ni.vriL who arrived in tho city this ' M. Tho (leneral Uniks a litt'.o tho worse from his long illness; but tho warmth of tho prcssuro of his hand, showed us that tho llener-al's heart is vet iu tlio right place, We I congratulate him upcu his recovery. A Thouglitloss Individual. thoughtless individual, who has no Homo . .U. w..v - . ,w. tn rnUra tlmll 1110 BBVUKl-B lull. .1. .!.. -.. nnn n( thn most sacrcu rencs tho Lodce. That individual would Bet fire to tho remains of Noah's ark, or the cross , upon which our Savior died, should ho find either of them, to broil a venison steak upon. let the People Rejoice, For tho bountiful harvest of 1877 hos now placed In tho hands of tho pooplo tho golden coin, that thoy may Hoe to W. P. JobnfcoJ. fc Co. and secure such pictures as will please thorn and their friends, and bo a blessing to generations to come. Itemember tho place, oyor WUUb' Bookstore, State Bt Salem. Or. John Bright ssld, lately, that "you might almost as wollssk a splderto give upuls web, or to dostroy that be had woven, as to ask tho great body of lawyors to consent to a simplicity snd purification of the law." 33Cyn.tt'm Xslfo X3n3.sMa.xia. As a conqueror of Hbeu mat ism. Gout. Neu rslgla, and cur for fcrotula and all diseases srl-lriK from Impurity of blood, the old BncJ reUHbin Fsmll Medicine, llyntV Lift Dal Mum, stands unequaled, as proyen by over :Mi00Oiireatoiir-B during tbo psstSOyears. In m rsdluMl vegetable Compound ofHarsnps rills, Dock, Quslscum, &a , andapermationt euro. Hold by all druiciilsta aud country urovtir. Tsko nolhlng hIh, and If they hsvfto'l It wo ceud by hxpreH, boxfd,very bi'ro,Ht$l and 91 25 pr bo'lte; S'iOObiuI til fiO hair dor.. II vatt A Hyatt, 240 Orand Si., Now York. SALEM FOTINDEY, & Mnoliluu Hop, 8AXKM. .... OHEUON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. MTXAJt KKOINM, BAW VuVLS, UIUHT aiuA 5 Reapers, Pomps, and all sands snd styles of Ha- uilfiArr Jce. PstMrn-msleliur done In si Its TSrtons forms, and aU kinds of Brass snd Iron fatten flashed a short notice. Also, manufacturer of KNTRHP1USB fintir.. Ptm-raskln UIUU, IWIUU, i mrnlshedM PT.ANKB an HA'IUUUL ana Dllvnailo uu BUAPKKH Msvlwif JfOT JTAIXtn end for our Kev i CsuUoirue. It cod. IM.lMYa.UBVIUIIi.V.- natloa for rvrry wrwn contcni plMlnir, tho Jur- fnr DcnontL fauiUy ursgrlcultnrst us, Vtb to susy Address. , ONTdOHKRV WABU A CO., , OrldMlQriiiwBopplyouo. za it 23 Wabath At., C0ICAOO, III. w.wBATOsarosu), j. w. WBATuaaroED. t Weatherford & Co., Whotcsato and RouiU Dealers in DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, atent CLASS. Mfidioines. CHEMJ.C ALS, TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, Tor Medicinal purposes. IrIedIolu33 Oompoundod, and Proscription!; Filled. Weatherford & Co. 1'fUtf Commercial direct. NA1,K3I ItttAVF.lt OL0 H8If -sa. 3T 5 & '&? 3T- AM. IXTES'IiINO TO l'f.ANT TIMS Si:80N rliouhl cill at Ihl Nurnpry, ii'irl vo tho AneiitV eominU-lun. GV. X7r. IIXT3NTT. lioTjiJ ftUllLlMllt, Or PIERCE'S PATENT MAONKTIC 11I.ASTIO TllUS-t.- This Brest lr.en llonUbolnssdo.tvil by tho lead. Inir Physicians and Kutccona all ever tlio laud. TiT wo would respectfully caution iho Public n-.ilnt certain fraudulent aud k nrtlili.ua ImlfAtlnnM whlcti arri & now lu tho market, llewsrs of hem. Ben.l for II lnntralcdll(K)kandrrtrol.lt. MAONRllO KI.AB TIO TltUriH CO.. COU Bacrauiento iticct, up statr, Han FrauclKQ. dec"? T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... Pattoa's Illock, State slroet, Balcm, Oiecon. 1).UTlCULAn ATTENTION OIVEN TO PUB , scrlDtlons, and all orders bymallorexpreif fllleJ iirvuni'tly aud arcurstvly. PhTflclani and Country Dealers will lavo money by examining our ito-k, or procurlugour prices, biforu purcbaalus clebcru, uov5-tf. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, Cap.. J, IV. COCIIKAN. Parties desirous of encasing frelfiht or pasrsge, will apply to W. J. HEItRRN. Acent. novM Parniers Wharf. HAI.EU. RAILROAD LANDS. JL.llontl Tormis! Lew PBICKM LONG TIMKl LOW IMTEBBST Tie Sregoa aad California aad Oregoa CtBtral Railroad Cosupaalea OPKETt tbtlr Lands for rata upon the following libe ral terms: One tenth of tbo price In cash; Interest on tho baJaocs at tho rate of my en per cent, one year after sale; and each following year one-tenth of the principal and IntcrtJt ou the balance at the rate ol Men per cent per annu-n. Uoth principal snd inter. Ml payable la U. S. Currency. A discount of ten Dr cent, will ho allow 1 fir fS W LetUrs to do addrewed to P. SCUULZB. Lsn 1 Aint O. 4 C. It. U.. PorlUad. Ore con. roam tlio plains, has chopped up into binding wood tho tlrst chair uscdliy tho Noblo Grand of ChemekoU Lodge, which was laid asido and mnfA TttBOirti Ul 1111 SSBSSBSSBSSBST BBBBBBBF fijr i i va Aeeuta lor the WHIametto Vuriure. .,... J3 Hsruinn HrSnHllle................ ...Wit Kirk Uuuovlllo . JWlJache-Wcr Cm von Sty. ......... . V D lllthleclmrt Cannvlllc'........ W T Ilrlia. C'oqollls City l wK'tJ Colo's Volley Y,C,irk0 nuinnti II J Morrison Crswfi.rdsvllle 1'; irf01?p novo II ! Kt-ndaH . Coivnlll KWoouwanl Creell llvt,?l kl'x Clackamas .W A J.llls Camp Creek ......OMIIauiiurflcy Dallas J I) Lcc, 11 M (iuthrlo Dexter H llandfakcr DlBlll's iuuthiukuijih llnmnarlll h FOIUCS U-.Jton BA,,.lB,te2 kikio :1""'"v" Runene John McClunjc Fox Vsllty A " Csrdner Forest Orovo BIIurdcb, VL Curtis Oofbcn JIPinH'?'icr Oervsls........ ............ ................" M Gaines Haitcy T J Dlsck lUrrisbrng ""J" Hralth Htlleboro A LneUlou Hepncr Morrow & "frrea . Independence.. "";,"";,!V;',A"' w i . ?lB Jnncttsn Bmltb. BrarAcld & Co., W L Lemon, Jacksonville ......M I'clwoa KlnR Valley Conner A Cresno Jefferrnn .John W llolsod LewlfvlUe ........II OMcTlmmond Ufsyetle br l'oppleton. A 11 Henry Lcbsnon ' .....a II LIsnshtoa Monroe .........Jos Krltey McMinnville J If Morris, A Iteld Monmnolh W Watcrhonso MM 1'laln, M"i -Pavlrf Btamp- Ncoily W in MnrclnuU New Krs t'.i'M' t'ssto- Rvcllvlllc 11' Cartlrman Nortli Vsmhlll ..DC Stewart Osklaiiil 8h Itsymond OswKto V ,A P i?hlric' Ott J II BchrofYlcr- Orvjon City M ISscoa I'cnHlctoa V' A Whitman Peoria DrJU Irvine Pilot Hock K Ollllttm Portland H 1' Lee, Acnt titato GrsnM Prtnrsvllle OMPilnfiJo Perrydalc MrOrcw,'s More Rlekresl FAPsttersoa Rotcburir ThnsBmlla. Selo Fl' Jouvs, ThosMnakers Sllrerton TRIllbbard Bhcdd WM Powers, CRWheelor. Spring field.... ...... ..A O uore Babllmlty John Downlns; Sweet Heme Ben Marks) Rherldsn... .......... .............. .................. Tsuffent........... mimimi.i ....ii.iKH Utntft Tbo Dalles BL II rooks Torner .W V TJIUf&ry Vancoavtr B W Ilrowa- Wlllamette Fork M Wilkin Walls Walla J P Brewer Waldo J O Elder Yoncalla.... ...J ft Klllfon. RBApplepito J. W. GILBERT Pttyw CiinIi Jfbr Hides, Furs, & Pelts,. rc21 Commorclsl nt., SALEM. iy FIRST PREMIUM I For Visiting Oards I 30 Cuds with snr namo ncatlr printed tlicrcon sent to any sddrcre uuon rccelot of 2S C'ciita anda It-ccutftAmp. Addrrvs, W. J. CLAitKB, Palcm, Or.)Ron. R.AIIjH.Oi2Ll3 Nurseries. I linvo tlio LiiirpcKt Modi of Fruit Tree lu Orvgou! 200,000 Plum and Truno Trees, milAT WILL AVCKAQi: SIX l'ET iM,iiiam JL and I will sell Ihcm floui Qlti lo $25 per Hundred. rri call fpecl.it attention to my AMSDKK JUNK f'UACll TltKKS. i had Pinches if this varlitv rlpo Jutv H. 1671 snd they aro of cxccllrnt omllty. J lnvo nlmirovuuotlici vrlctli'" of IVachtt', uml a u'lieml variety of i ther Krnlt Tires nud Mitiiln. luro lot of PKACil KUKUI.lNd? l Mitiiiii.. aim), a , nt tHO per 1,U0. AQEXTS ron II V KUIiSCIUES. D J MsUrkcy, rortlaoil B Deny, McMinnville 15 W Whipple, eunoKO " KAduaKiur, r.UKCdo, orove, W M ntcoie, Turner, A Jones, Mi) ten, I, (Irabe, llalcey, W riliunnn, Huron, W T l .tucniei tvui'kiiinii, N. I.icrolx. Puhllmliy, T MoirlK. Miiamn, A Wuecli-r. HIicuM. 1) W HI!odo. lluwi'I Vt, I)r 11 D Oden. HiiriUbarz. J A limit. Oitllum). wr.i uarris orooks, ilii tiaiiin tiii'Uhr. .. i iiiuavi oh.u v. ii uruKo, Miunnii, Ii Morris .t fun. t-'clo, A Irvliiu. Woolen Mill Co., O 11 IlolaiKt. JrlSwon. llrownhvll'o. Joia'H A Potter, H.ilem, Jnson Itoysl Wnc'lrtton Co wm fe.rcii2, iravviiecat'cnieaieot luo unnmtiio river. 3E. W. rRB'T!CYarAKr, Proprietor of Rallrrad Nii'smle". octSStf KAST POHTLAUD, Oft. O3EU2G-S03NT KE COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, - - $568,547.45 Income, 1875, - $465,904 29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - $I,I37,3G7.bU' HAMILTON BOYD. MANAGER. so3tr 73 First 81,. POUTL.1ND, JOHN MINTO. BBKiiixn or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES plearuro tnolTerlai; to the Wool-Grocrs of Oregon and the adjoining Territories the chanco to purchase TllOltOUUUHHBD MblllNOH, and as suring parties Interested that they can, and will eu deavor to. sell Hhecp of the same quality snd valne at UUCII CHEAPEIt HATES than such can postlbly be imported. Kzamlnitton and comparison with oth er Sheep offered la the market are cordially united. w Address JOHN MINTO, Haleiu, Orerou. N. B. The Rams snd Ham Limbs of the (lock can be seen ou the ISLAND FAItM, adjoining gelcm. The Ewes can be i.tn at the same place, or st the HILL FAItM four and a hill miles south of the dry. Balem, September 10. 1H7.V BEAL ESTATE LOAKS. RIG0H 1ND W1BIIN6T0H Trofit Iiifeitment Company OF SCOTLAND. fTTQIS Oompniff prrntred to neKoUate loans la JL soma Irom SiCO totto.OOO secorea oTer IMl'BO VhD CITY PHOPKKTY and PARM LANDS, for Used periods cf years, or repayable by half jeuly la- auuunenis. ror ecrvu. ms, acclT to I WItXUU KKfD. U nTlT First Street 1' lfSssd. Mint FI v k a ssJjsjjsjyssMsssjsgai