Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 18, 1878, Page 8, Image 8

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Fto ii Dally Record, Jan. JO.
J'o'Hoinuiimo past various burglarica liavo
been committed anil although Bcvoral persona
liavo liccii "spotted" yet tlicro could bo nothing
positive brought agaiiint them to convict them
if arrested. This being the Stalo of ullairs ofil
cor Minto went to Portland for tlio purpose of
interviewing officer .McCoy, of that city, in or
der to obtain romo points tliat ho might bo able
to bring to bear ujkhi tho parties that wcro
"(Spotted. " Olliccr McCoy having a littlo Icib
uro and feeling disposed to try his hand in this
city, ho summoned to his aid another geiillo
tnaii, mi expert in tho detective line and cam o
to thucity with olliecr Minto on night before
last nml took Up (piaitira at ,thu Chcmchuta
where thy rciiiainul dining tho d.iy, and to
gelhtr with Minto laid their plans for future
operations, mid in the small hours of the night
would venture upon tho street and lake
About half past twelve last night thrco men
wuro observed on tho ttrcet who bad hitherto
been watched. Officer Minto trailed them for
ft short distanco and then dropped out McCoy
then took up tho line and followed them n few
yanls and the third man took his turn, and by
no trailing them they wore thrown off their
guard and they revealed to tho officers tho
building Unit they intended to "tap" in a very
short time.
Plana of their capture were then laid and offi
cer Minto HtMioned tho men wheru they could
Ixi used to a good advantage and passed up tho
street near the engine house on Liberty street.
While I hero ho overheard tho conversation of
tho tli ice men and immediately slipped back
and apprised the men to bo on tho lookout as
they wcro coming. A littlo after one o'clock
they Hindu their npticarnnco and entcrid a small
building just back of thu Itl.roiin editorial
roouif, and belonging to (Sco. V. dray. In
thu building there is a largu wife, the object
which thu men intended to operate upon. A
few moments elawed and tho officers surround
ixl thu building, Minto at tho front door while
McCoy and his companion attempted to enter
the building in tho rear; tho liack door proved
to hti 1mi1i.iI and could not 1o gotten open, tho
noise made caused thu burglars to rush for thu
front door guarded by Minto. Am thu leader
bounded thiough thu door hu was knocked
down iiion thu side walk with a heavy cum;
Did other two came out together and one of
them won aim knocked down on thu walk while
thu third ocaped unharmed and ran down thu
walk y Iking
A dutin' to prevent any oiit-xiilcr from stopping
, li i in. Miiiln, in thu me.iiitimu bad eoll.irnl thu
fcucoiid man knocked down, and win in
deavoring to get hold of thu other one, but
only Hiiuu-dnl in catching hold of his coat a
hu mired on the run. dust then tho other two
olllcers i.'iiim from around thu building, and
gave chose, tiring four or five shots at him,
which (oinpliuieut thu burglar leturinsl at thu
olliceni with a liku vengeance, and they only
gave up the thasn um hearing thu
CUV or MlfllllKli,
And Mippring that thu burglar was making
mini u meat out of Minto, they returned to his
RMBtslaure, 'tliu man was uiitdu sucuru by
being placid in thu county jail for thu night.
A isirtiou ot their tools were found in thu
building, mid siwilor in thu key hole of tho
iiafe. Thu examination of thu thief will tako
place to-morrow, ho being troubled with a ao
voro hejuliM.be, canard by thu thumping hu got
on thn head by Minto and his little cane, Full
particulars in to-morrow evening's ItKcoitl),
Of thn Labor uud l'inunco It "form Club'
Wiikiikah, America whs ordslntd of Clod
and our Fathers kh ' Tho Und of tho free unit
tho home of the hrtivti," lint lius now become
by logUl.ttlvn trickery and wrong the Unit
of tho bondholder nml tho liomool tils davi'
Ami Wiikiikah, capital has raptured lalor
und bound It In capital Ihii and Mongolian
olntliiH, when only reseuo hiiiI roller In to
ilrivo CIiIiiomi cheap Inlior back to Ask, ami
European cheap products titcK to Kuropo
and lor u government of the peopln to Imio
nioiitiy illrict to llio people, hiiiI not to hank
ers, lirokerH aud bondholder!
And Whkiivah, the laboring men cannot
now inlso a family, that hlghtt noblest und
greatest aim and ambition of human life,
planted by AlinlKhiy Ood In tho hearts oi
moil and women, npontlio wiikom allowed by
capital ami capital by ImpnvorlNlilug U'jor
IimvIiik destroyed tho equality of iiihii its to
" llfii, liberty snd tho pursuit of hapnlnom;"
And Wiikiikah, tlio produo ot thn earth
ought lo make, and do make, under tho
divine distribution of Piovldouce. a good
living for ull its producers, tlio tolling mil
lions of tlio ranks of labor, and
Whereas, Money and Monopoly -thosn
tone hearted kings of avarice Hint grod,
Htnd at all tho gateways of delivery to mar
ket, und loll products of tho peoplo by rail
ways, by ships, nml by corners and high In
tureMt, until oven tho high ay robber might
blush as tho peers ot ttiiuii. And
Whereas, 'I his nation was Inlemled nuiI
Initiated to ho "a utivoriunoiit of ilia people
by tlio people, nn I (or Hie peopV," but a
J ower outside of tho Constitution, sod tin
tnown to our country' overrlguty, A
iner, that Uko the King and Kinperots of
Europe, pays no taiol Tho (Hitter
of lliu bondholder has suited mid
usurped dominion over tlio people a powtr
tint lias Vcome by leglilatlve Iraud, tho uu
blusliliig rolitier (if tho publlo tressury, and
and lliu ihrloi)tamend oppressor of Iho pui
pie, by cnvplng the money thai It Is tho
right snd tho province of Iho peopln throiuli
tliolr Koverument to ls-ue, and to etiln ter
their own iiso hiiiI good, and turning It Iwek
to tbt'ui only ,uium ruinous luieresi; thtrj
ItosD'ved. That It is tho duty of tho middle
and laboring elaoH four llliiisol thoeU-ht
inllllou volets of this nation, lo mui up and
hnhobK the lyrsntniind ititibtr' that h no
ttmbivrd, iiidIiuioveiUheil them! 'tiover
thiow iho iHiiiilholdor mnl tho iiiouonolUt
ami retain their rights and llttitt. To
this end, lot the peopln deintud that their
Hoii.tirs and I'onmeKsnieii wittl I'nsl.bnt,
ahsll otuiy tkkm, and not tho money lutks
of Kuiopo Hint AiiohUmI Let tlioiu uuat
nveiv iKirtNniiiatlv, In nny eswcltv, Na
tlounl or Ute, who rofoses to work lor the
relamitof greoubark, thn rrumuitiiuilnn of
liver, and who will not woik with hesrt
and soul lo rexl thn rnbbnr Imml net of
ItKM, and tha llurllligni treaty with Ottilia t
Keaolved, That If Frauco, iu tho heart of
the imiijimix ! ijiiirruf Kurope, can protect
nor Homo idiHi-i ii-h by a Judicious larltr,
(and she do.n inn uvon now admit American
cutloryon any irms) Amelia can, by llko
notion, protfot hi r home inmistrles, and can
devolopo hor iron, coal, mineral mlnlnjr,
msnulacturinRand transportation Intorosts,
within hor own domain and capacities. Wo
know that n now continent cannot bu taken
itpnfia wlldornoss by a fow men and fami
lies and worked iiptntocotnpotitlon with old
osuntrlcx donsely populated and with all
mtlorlal advantages at baud, without nil tlio
pooplo assist, by n Judicious and adeiptnto
roventto turlll. In unroldlntr tho rrsnurecsof
tho now world. ThlH tnrltr Is for tho lAborcr
and not for thn employer.
Itoiolved, Tlmt our Kovnrninent h'-iall tit'
borrow money, ut homo or abroad, but shml
ink, W ue, and coin ItH own money 'ol 1,
Miter and p.ipnr and pay It out tinon all Its
ibdi's, HablllilCH nnd oxpenst-H. That uov
iirument shall not pity millions of motif' v to
nyndleatiM of brokers, bankerN and bond
holders, to sell tho bonds to oaoli other and
make thu pooplo (iny for it. Hut, on tho
contrary, wo demand that our govornmont
shall rcc.ill nil tlio bonds It Ii.ih fuudad upon
biiruod grcoubsckH, pay off thoi-o bonds In
mrinoy oi Its own Ishiih; and then if thoro Is
not money enough In tho country to reduce
Interest to living rates lor the borrower, and
to servo all tho noftds of the ouutry's Induv-
rleR, that government shall loan moueyin
small sums dlrtotly to our artlsius, titer
clmnlH, mnnufacturori, nnd laboring men 1
uK-,n local NPUiirltlen, an did Franco, In 1870,
to rellovo tier snirorlng class-is, and which
pnllny sorvod to pay hor war lino of 81,100,
U00,000 In two years and four months, and
whs not felt by tho country.
Hnlvod, That It lit the duly of tho nroplo
to kick out the money grabber), as did Gnn.
Jackson tho IT. H. Hank that cont noled
and esponded currency to tho ruin of many
iiiousanus or mistnosn mou and inn impov
erishment of labor, until almost every ono
f.iltorcd butOld lllnkorvi who only nwnro the
stouter "by the Klernnl" tho bank shall die;
and ho did kill It ami did rostorn tho people
to tliolr proper supremaay over tlnanoe) and
this battle Is to bo fought again to-dav. and
thn pcoplo roust be again restored to their
proper control of money.
Kosolvcd, That taxation, that Is now rest
Ing with heavy hand on tho Door nnd tho
middle clMsos, must, bo so graded upon
rlohnsasto break up mouopolina, dofeat mil
lionaire nrcumulatlons, and dotroy arlston
nicies; nnd our beloved country must bo
crimo as our Fathom designed It, thn homo
of tho happy, tho equal, and tho troo 1
An Orogon Widow oa a Novada Wife
Thu other day Al Perkins,awell-to-doraiiclicr
in Dayton, says thu Austin lteveillc, took to
himself an Oregon widow fcr a wife. It was a
big event. There waa a gay party; champaign
was as free as milk nnd water, and thu blow-out
was Drououuccd u success. A fuw days auu.
however, a change camu ovir thu spirit of tlio
milk-rancher's dreams, ile did not hitch very
wall witli hit new nihility, nnd ordered her to
taku her four children mid skip out. .She pro
duced a Colt's revolver and informed him that
if hu attempted to put on any of his French airs
with her shu'd till him as full of lead as tho
jumping frog of Calaveras. A ueighlsir inter
fered ill his behalf, and she fired them both out.
Hhu now holds thu redoubt. Perkins says that
Oregon widows aru hefty.
Wu herewith present a summary of tho busi
tiesi of thu Salem iratollicu for thu year ending
Dec. .'II, LS77t
No of domestic orders issued 2,82-1
Amount " " " ?.VJ,l)ltl A I
" 'J8,:ur 51
" remitted to Portland 1! 1,570 00
Ain't of stamps and envelopes sold, . 5,815 IH)
No. letters received and distributed. 'H9.CM
No. letters mailed and rviiullcd.... ftlO,'J72
No. letters rvgistenl. 750
No. ng. letters passing in transit, . , tiSU
Salem iiais'rn distributed und for
warded, lbs V.!,87G
i'1-wteni and other papers dia'td lbs. -11,320
State Tomporanoo AHIaneo.
Tlio seventh annual sessiuu of the Oregon
Statu TemHirnnce Alliance will bu hold in thu
city of Albany, commencing Wednesday, Fcl
mary'JOth, 1878. 'lliu Oregon and Cnlifoni'u
and Oregon Central ntilrtwl comiiaiiies have
consented to carry delegates at half rates upon
thu following condition! All delegates and
mends rs of the Alliancu must forwanl their
credentials to tho SvtruUry, at Cortnllis, and
obtain his certificate, to enable them to pro
cure round trip tickets at thu railroad office.
Arrcotott In Bon rrnnolaco.
Mr. Al I tow land, the absconding partner of
it. II Price, was arrested in San rrnncuco,
yetterday, ns wu are informed by the diiutchc
to-day, for seduction. Thu charge as rvsrtcd,
it wrung; hu was arrested for t'luK'Xelnieut, as
no charge h.u ever In-eu Hindu against him for
the crimu alsitu mentioned, lie will prolwbly
tovisit Oregon by the next steamer.
C. Mycr has rvaehed his home in Ash
hnil with the stock recently purchased in tho
TiikSmai.i.imx A dlspttch received from
Nt. Joseph, Yamhill county, dto 13 th Inst,
fays; "The smsllpox susrn bore hai as
Nitnied a tunro serious nature. All tne csss
In this city are nearly well, but at Mr, Hill
son, s, three mllei south of hero, thero bayn
been ihnm deaths within a month one hav
ing died last night. Oiryoui'dii,
O, It, HollliiKcr, Fq , ebalrmanofthelVm
ooratlo statu central ooiumlttee, has called a
meeting of ssld rmnmltteo to beheld at, Port
laud on Iho 31 U January. This U tho llrst
iiiovomf nt In politics lor tho cotuelns elec
tion, Kunenn City (Juimli Theoonlrael tor build
luir the bridal airoM the McKeuala river at
purrs' ferry has bn 11 to A. 8. Miller t
Son for (he sum of f ".1,000 This Is tho fourth
brldgo they have built In this county.
The Might freeze, It Is stated, has not In
Juiod the whrat sown on hltfh ground; but
leruspt itiero may ua foino uiury iu iuki en
ow land,
iteosntlvln Ceos county Mrs John Stein
here, while tolim lo a inilgbtmr's with titr
Infant got lost, and was out tS hours without
Mt or shelter.
On Hlaoli eitwl:, UmatllU countv, diph
theria lit very fatal, Twmty-fuur drnths
wltliluthe Itst fo weeks havuoccurtd with
in a fow miles or Pilot Hook.
Tho ship hashing Wave baa made, the
round Irto frem Tacoma to San Fraucleeo
nnd biek In nineteen das, tho quickest time
on rtuord.
The New York IForfd remarks: "In tho
hrlvht New American 0.vcloHnlla there's no
such wotd as MIell.' Is this a oonsplraey to
defraud thu American people of iu latent
Inalienable grievance?
Vaaaar Oollegti," sys Mrs. Jane Orev
KWlsshelm, "Is a col If no at Poughkeepte
wlthfOO jouug lady student, principally
The Yaqaua Railroad Route.
JuKHKHBorJ, Jan. 5, 1878.
Tho holidays passed oil vory harmonious
ly boro at Jefferson , a Christmas treo at M.
Jl. Onurob, largo attendance, exercises
splondld, ovorjbody made happy with a
preont. Sunday Rchool at this place Is iu a
prosperous condition. V . T. Klgdon, Eq ,
hen beon cloctid suporlnlondont tho third
time. Tho Good Templar lodge Is In a flour
ishing condition with a Rood membership.
Iho tlrnnge will install their cillcora Jan
uary 12th.
As thoro Is n laro emigration coming lo
Oregon, I will nay a fow words In legnrd to
tho Yuqulnn rallmd routo nnd tho country
It will travorso. This road will give n direct
routo from lionton, Linn, Jano nnd Marlon
counties to tho tea ccast, mid will do much
to settle tho lauds and open up tho resources
cf Itocton counly, Corvallls, county to.it,
has a lovely location on tho Wlllumotlu
with Intelligent and ontorprhlug pooplo.
Looking to tho wosr, a grand strotohof
scenery IIos boforo us, and a rich farming
country roachos off westward to tho foot
hills, Tho coast range la In plain view and
Mary's Peak stands liko a mighty giant
In Its midst. Philomath, eight miles west
orCorvallls, near tho hills. Is a vory healthy
place, location pleasant, noademy, printing
n(Ga3,storo, hotol, two blacksmith hIioph,
KrUt mill and tannory. To Itlodgott's Vol
ley tho country Is broken; on Mary's riyor
thoro are nlco lovel farms, woll Improved;
back from tho river nro bald bills whore
great herds of sheep rango, Thousands of
acres of land boro will bo put In cultivation
when tho road Is cotnplotod. lllodgotl's
Valloy consists of soverul nlco farms; from
horo to Ya.julna Is Iho llurnt District, con
sisting of cherry flats. On Mary'n rlvor,
Littlo Klk and Yaqulna rlvorH, these Hats
nro extremoly rich and woll adapted to grass,
wheat, nats, llsx, and vegetables. The
mountains are of a loose, rich soil, coyorcd
with fern, wild grass, chorry, hazel brush
and burnt stubs. I bavo neon no Umbored
land In the State as easy closrod as this. If
thu railroad Is built, In a few years thoio
mountains will bo dotuoly sollloa.
D. 0. SiiKinvm.
bltA'KitTON, Jan. 5, 1878.
At tho monthly mooting of Mt. Vernon
Orango, No. 131. P. ofil., nt Sllvorton, Jan.
5th, 1878, tho following resolution was oiler
od for tlio consideration of tho momboru und
was ndoplod by a unanimous voto.
Whorean, sovernl years ixperlenco hns
proven tlio Inolllaleuny or ixlstlng law In
conlrnlllng tho expenditures of thoHtato,or
In providing snltlclent revonuo lo defray Its
current oxpensus, wheroby the Sta'o In
debtedness has increased far beyond the
limits proscribed by lliu constitution; nnd,
Whereas, tho Lglslsturo has lallod to pro
yldo nny remody for tho growing evils;
Resolved, That wo nro In favor of the
pissago of a law by tho next Lnglslnturo em
bracing tho followlnc objects: 1st, Precinct
asMissmonts; 2J, nqulrltig tho Secretary of
dtato to apportion tlio amount necessary to
bo raised lor Slato purposrs amnug (ho hsv
oral ratiutloH according to their assessments
ami to forthwith publish an Itemized stato
ment of his estimates In a uiaunur to bo pro
scribed by law.
Tho secretary was thon instructed to tend
a copy of tho above to tho Willamkvnc
Faumkii, with requost to publish and also to
Invito tho attention ofalt uranges throughout
the State to a duo consideration of tho sub
ject embodied In tho abovo reaolutlon.
I), L. Ukminoton.
Kit. Faumkii: Tho following Is a Ifstof the
ofllcors electod Uoo. 15, of Charity Orange,
No. 103, for tho ensuing year: P II Wlgle,
M; J Kenger, O; J M Thtrp, L; Lowls 11
il linon,-;Thos. Kelsoe, AS; KM Mlohaol,
Ohap; ACondra.T; F M Klzor, Sec; 1) L
.ichary.C. K; Mrs Nancy Wlgle, C; Mrs
Sarah Michael, I'; Mrs Kllziboth Senger, F;
Miss Agnes Wuggener, Ij A S. 'Photo nro to
be Installed nt thn next regular meeting,
Jan. 10, 187S, nt which time wo aro to havo a
dinner. Our Oraugo Is not so strong In
numbers aa It was, but wo have, and hope lo
retain, all our bent workors. We have do
elded (o build n hall by mutual taxation of
thn property belonging to the membort.; wo
will only luvythntax on suoh aa will give
(heir consent, and others to give what they
are disposed to. Wo hayounnoludrd to in
corporate our grange so that wo will bo ac
knowledged by the law to bo somebody; so
you can mo that wo aro taking steps of per
manency. We expect to continue our work
as long as we live, and hand il down to our
children, much Improved.
P. II. Wuiui.
From Yamhill County.
Nkwiikiui, Jan. 6, 1878.
There is consldnrablo bid weather hero In
Fast Chehalein Valley, and muddy roads
and other disadvantages, but nevertheless
wo enjoy oursolvos hugely; wo havo a fine
m'hool under leadership of Mr. J. Tooxo, late
from Ohio, and also a lively debating socie
ty which wbh organized Deo. 11th 1877, and
meets regularly ovory Saturday evening.
Til a Is one of tho pluakautest little valley's
Iu On gun; most of tho farmers aru all woll
UtKl,huvlug every thlngcotnforUblonround
'I linen aru good for tho wln'er season
Mntof(ho faiuierH have eoiuo fall win at
sown, It looks promising, and they otloii.
late to put iu a large spring crop, Soino
changes lu rent estate, probably for the bet
ter, ha o occurred. Considerable laud la bo
log cleared off and grubbed. Sams of the
farmers are t-q'inrlng up tholi tlelda and
beautifying tli ir farms. AM kinds of bu ck
uru lu good ooudltlou. 11. U, 11 u.n t.
Grange Celebration.
Wnj)hHVit.i.K, Jan. 7, 1878.
At Iho last regular meeting of Josephine
Orange, No. 170, (Josephine county) tho offl
cerH elect wero as follows: M, II F Sloan; O,
J Welk; Ii,G Kellogg; 8, Win Ilrowu; AS,
O Wells; Chap. W Kay; T, F llurne; Sec,
S A llKiniuhj Q K, J llrutvn; U, Mrs Martha
Sloan: P, Mra Jaun WelU: F, Miss Annie
Pull; L A S, Miss Farlnda Itorough. These
officer were duly iuatalled at a publlo In
stallatlon on the 6trt lint, by W M, L F
Allen. Upon retiring from the chair, Pro.
Sloan delivered a brief address to the
Patrons of JoMpblne, which was both good
aud appropriate for lb ooeulon,
S. A. B.
Molalla, Clackamas Co., Jan. 11.
Ed. FAnMEn: I think yoH nro very liberal
to all mankind In allowing your columns to
bo filled with woman's thoughts as woll as
man's. I thought I would wrlto something
about our Orange, but If my piece Is no boi
ler than tho man's about the mule, Just com
mlt It to tho flames. That man novor read
tho Ulble, and i came very near saying novor
saw a Ulble, or bo w otild not have made such
a false statummit ns Nosh's llndlng a mule
near Mount Ararat thnt had lived ICO days
under tho water. Put to tho subject, I prom
ised to wrltnabuut. Molalla Orango, ftu. W,
Is wide nwako, wo havo 37 mombar, and wo
have bull aim!) 20 by !W, two stories high:
tho upper lory Is sb ml tlnlshed. It lacked
cloth aud paper, but on Now Yenr'a day wo
got together, brothers and sister, nnd put
the cloih and piper on. Tho good olstoiM
nud brothers brought douat Inns lor tho hall:
Sister M. F. Dunoll framed and adomedour
charter with slid sand various things, until
It Is nlco onough to hang In a kind's palace.
Slstor M. has a groat tasto for suoh things
Sister M.S. Howard ndsmed our wall with
such sontoncesHs these: "In union thoro is
strength"; " In Ood wo put our trust" and
" Wolcomo to all " ws put over tho charter
(which bung over tUo Mastor) In n half circle,
and " P. of II." on oich sldo and below tho
charter. All these letters wero made of er
orgreen cedar, and 1 assuro you It took pro
clsonoss and patlonco to complote thorn.
Noxt como two chromos, ono largo fruit, and
tho other a largo bouquotof flowora, which
woro presentod by Grandmother Noyer to
tho hall; and then another largo picture
from P. F. Noyor, whloh Is Faith, .Uope, and
Charity; these adorn our hall ns well ns our
hearts, aud wo hnvo tho promlso of another
vory nlco one from Sister Knott. Wo had a
publlo Installation. Worthy Deputy Hon
da II, of Oregon City, wns Inylted to Install
our olllcers, but did not attend, and they
wero installed by E. U. Noyor. N. H. Dar
noll Is our Mastor for tho ensuing year, and
was our faithful socrotary for thrco years;
W. I. Dills is our scorotary for (his year.
Aftor Installation camo tho dlnnor, nnd tho
good things on tho tablo would havo boon en
ornamont at a wedding dinner. Tho day
passod off lovoly, with tbo oxceptlon of my
child's falling ogalnst'the hot stove and burn
ing Its face, but as It did not burn doop it
con healed.
Molalla Orange, No. -10, moots the first Sat
urday In ovory month.
Sot'iiiA J. Novun.
A liian r, Jan. 14, 1878.
At a regular meotlug of Grand Pralrlo
Grange, No. 10, hold Jan, 12, tho following
o nicer a wero lnstallod for (ho ensuing year,
by worthy State Deputy It. A. Irvine, nsslst-
od by I'.ro.S. A. Dawsou, Mastor of Harmo
ny Grunge, No, 23: C G Ilurklmrt, M;
Itoborl Fouler, O; W P Audorson, L; Thos.
Promnn.S; Reason McConnoll, A S: SS
Markham.Uhsp; I It Froman, T; F A P.irk
hart, See; J G ltod, G K; Mrs J G Meed. 0;
Mrs M Ilodlne, P; Mrs O V Froman, F; Mrs
lleason McConiwIl, LAS. After tho In
stallation, we prooeodod lo the cohool-room
below, nnd thoro pnrlook of a'bouutltiil fesnt
sprenu bv tho good Sisters ot tho Order. Tnn
Installation being publle, tho hull was
crowded to Its inmost capacity, and nil spent
Iho tiny very pleasantly. Grand Pralrlo
Grnne.li moots uvery second and fourth Sat
unlay in each ii.oinli.
F. A. UuitKitAHT, Sco'y.
TrjE ff1rKE7S.
The Wheat iflarkot.
a "mm
Wheat is a Utile lowor in Liverpool and
San Franalsoo and freights aro advancing at
both Han Francisco and Portland. It is
thought wo may yet havo 20,000 tons to Bblp
from tho Columbia river, beforo next bar
vest, and that tbo year will probably seo
two hundred tbouiand tons of wheat ship
pod abroad, Including ofoourso the products
of tho Uppor Columbia region. California
will ship much moro than whs ox pooled u
month or no ago, as rains through tbo State
bavo not froo surplus grain that would havo
boon kept over if ibere had been a prospect
of another dry year. II looks very much ns
if wo might anticipate a decllno in wheat
quotniloiu soon, nud not sin such high
prices prevail, tbo advance in freights bolng
a bullluiuutcnuKO if no othor.
Liverpool, Jan. II. A leading grain circu
lar says tlio anticipation of an armistice tins
uroatod a now dullness In Had) with a ten
dency to roautlon arising moro from tho
condition of tho demand than from any
general disposition of sellers to give way in
prices beyond a limited extent. On spot
however as in many nthors tho market valuo
of wheat rather receded within a few days
but exoopt lu regard to parcels on quay thero
Is no quotable rodnotlon, and any reduction
made Is to avoid expenses of storage In
this market to-day thero was ouly a small
business in wheat and sellers accepted a
penny and in some Instances ox ship two
pence per cental under rates of Tuesday.
Flour is equally dull aud in buyers favor,
lu corn there wan a mederoto business, old
mixed supporting last quotations; uow was
throe ponce per quarter cheaper.
The Salem MarkoU.
Salkm, Jan. 10, 1878.
Wheat Is still selling at 1 12-f per bush
el atSalom Mills, no other buyeratthat
figure, and Iho prospect or holding at that Is
not good.
Oats aru duller, the highest ngura paid be
ing 47Jo per bushel. JVo hoar of -15o per
bushel, silver, bolng paid within a fotvdaya
for 1,000 biihbels at Turner.
Hay is telling at $17 per ton, and would bo
higher only that It Is being shipped rom
tho Columbia river, yla Portland.
Farmers bringing In produce receive the
following prices: Putter good fresh rolls,
30j,anduood demand; eegs 25a to 2So per
dozen; potatoes 37,,-jO to JOo per bushel; up.
ides -loo to 50o per Ousbl; Krd 12jo per I b
uud no other hog products of tho present
season's curing have not yot found too way
to market.
Portland Produce Market
Wo copy the following from tho Oregonian
of tbo ld'.b:
Wheat S U2 15.
Flour lktst brands $6 757 rr bbl.;
outside and country brands, fia 00; tine
and supernne, f5 25a5 50. '
IIy Choice timothy, baled, f 12U3; looso
9UH 50,
Oats Beat 45c, common, 55.
lUcon Sides llal2)ic,bamsl34l5o; shoul
ders, 00.
I.nl Oregon-made, fresh, in 101b tins.
Hj; Id keg, 15l4o. '
Chicken-fa 60f3 50 par d-w
Butter 18a20o: Choeso, lualOc.
Eggs Mo pr doz.
Barloy Choice browing ?1.45( fcod, $1.65
Wool-Dnlt sale at 22M21c.
Legal Toudora in Portlaud buying 00
soiling, 07.
Sliver Coin 3MV,4 por cont. discount.
Ban l'rnnclsco ItlnrKcC.
Ur TKUJonarit.
San Krnncifco. Jnn. 34.
Whcot-Shlpplr" ' S7.Va 30: intlllnz $J 23fJ 30.
Leual Tcxnuns, livylug, OGc : eclllii?, OTc.
PLoun. (TiTun &c
Wheat, beet white y bnMul fl 12tf
Uatr, libit 3
Corn Meal, V D ' "
Flour, bcJt, ) enck. (K barrel) ri).l 63
ItncUw heat Flour, V 6
Ilran. M ton tr, OtV IB
SbortK. W ton 20 COfj 30
Oil Ctka Meal, V ton K IXX4....
KUiSccd, per lb 9K-...
Uay, & ton, now 1R WIT
baled, V ton SO 25
Bnear, Ban Fraocieco reflncd, V bbl 134 H
Inland la.an
crashed lWft 1CV
powdered IK U
granulated IMS 11
Strap, Ucal 1 001
Tea, Japan. W lb COftl 00
Imperial 1 3Hi$l W
Coffee, Costa Illca, V ft a. ..
Itlo 2-4 ..
Kono 2fift -
Java Kt& ..
Salt, Carmen Inland, por cw 751 CO
Liverpool, coano... CM rO
dairy ttl 7B
Bay 87
F11DIT8. VE0iTABLK8.:0.
Apples BJ.V
dried, lb Kt S
Peaches, dried, V 15 15
Hams, " " lOfll 1
I'cars, ..c. prbn ..G& .-
Beans, V lb
Potatoes, V baehcl. 37
Onion, $ to..... $
Cabbage, V doz 7G&1 Ot
BUTTnnrEaos, o.
Batter, rrenh rolls, fl 9 0 30
packed..... ............... ..-
KiTKC, V dozen -!0il ..
Chceie. Orccon prime, lb left
Lard, V lb.?.. ...... ...r.. 12
Llnrced Oil, boiled, p irallon 1 lOftl 29
raw, " 1 ur
Laid Oil, W Ration 1 C2ftl 75
CoalOll, " 7-"4 --
Kcatsfoot Oil, V gal 1 CW12 00
Tallow, W lb liii 10
ff-i r,mt Slvett,
Nit Kifry,
Rt I'mHim, C..
Imparts a thorough nud practical I'ducutlon
In all commercial and Kuglfhh biauchoH.
French, Uerman, Spanish, Drawing and
Telegraphy. This echoed having greator
faiillilles, nnd enjoying n moro xiiiiilvo
paironairniipon thn good ono nndeullght
onodjudytnont of Iho publlo.
B P. Heald,
II. M.Ntearns.
W. II. U. Valentine,
ittrs.u, wood nu ry,
Mrs. A. M. llaioii,
A. P. Dulllol,
C. F. Morel,
F. V. Woodbury,
A. IJ. f'spp,
T. It Soiiihern,
Mr. W. J. Hamilton,
F, S'crepnl,
Geo JctimV,
A. "Vandurnullltu.
Tho attention to gentUmanly manners and
correct buslnoss bablts, and Iho fact that the
Business Iiiucatlon Is not confined lo Book
keeping, Penmsnxhlp and Arithmetic, bnt
Imparts such broad culture as tho limes now
demand for a high position In the Morcantile
The employment of enly llrt-claes Teach
ers in ovory Department, and in unftlalent
nnmborssoas to glvo personal uttoullou to
ovory pupil.
Its comploto system of
by which pupils are flttod to enter tho Counting-IIouso
directly from Iho School.
Tho high standing of its Graduates In tbo
Business Community.
The Pains taken to food re positions for
Graduation good Business l'-Htabll&hmonts.
Tho admission of pupils oi both mx(h and
of any sto, so that jouhk boys aro rendered
moro manly by tho luhcclutfon ot Iho pupils
of an older ui.
In having thn largent and best ventilatod
and arrauged School -room, and tbo largost
yoarly atteiidanoo of any Business Training;
School In America,
Tho liutuedlatn notification of paronts In
caNoof Hlnencoot any pupil, and tho pain
takon to keep them lufoimrd of tho progreta
and deport ment of their miiis.
Thn Fact that each pupil boaomes nu olo
gant Business Penman bul'nre Qrsduallng.
Its deparlmontxor Modern Laugusges and
Drawing, lu which each pupil can receive
Instructions freo ofchuruo.
Its completo Department of Telegraphy,
In which students ure flttod to outer ut onto
upon tbelr duties as Operators,
Does not IfiHiie Lll'o Scholai ships , bu t glvea
thorough instruction at reasonable ratos,
Invites examination from all Interested.
Tho 'College Journal," giving full partic
ulars regarding onurse nflnstructlou, terms,
etc , may bo bad at tbo OfUre of tho Collene.
21 Post street, or by addrealPK
rrosldent Business Collcgo, Han Franclcco.
Tho P. ?. T. Co.'s Steamor
3. T- OHTJnoH:
Portland Jor Duomi Vitu
unci Wny I'uftw,
PatrowizQ Your Own Boat
rrotcctlou nualnst High Rate
tiuarnntcctl 1
Attorney at Law,
8AL,K.Nf. OH Hri ON.
OOte on Bute 8treot.loppolte the Btunelt IIodm.
ht.l. mUt ft. A. URAhT CO.
I, i, UwmM, Ut,6iniU. q7
A TEAK. AircaU wanted. BuU-BaclrlflmAtii.pKrttM.i.H.
AanM J.VORI a 00. M iMia, BK