T k.hrrt j;TOjtYffaaff'Trl'm',;Tr'lr. y ,,' '-' i. im i , .,-.,.. i , .mn.i j.mMBWwal iriMiiiri n in mfiliiaalM .r ha r ti v. 1 if TtjE Hoe Circle. Conducted by Mlsi Hattib I), Clanks. 8AL.KM, FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1878. LOST. A wild roe, by tbo way-oldo, liunir, Dew ".lllUirltiij, o,i tbo morning nlr, A puro, ncarco unneclou pprfnuip lltin; I looked, nnd found thollow'rot fair So fair, I sought, with sudden r.stt, To wor ltn beauty on my breast. Tbo trntnbllni: potato, nt my toucb, A nweotfr, subtler frgrancn hbod; Tla strango I loved tlttit (lower bo much, And It was dead. In Hint blah mood when thought bath wings. And finds nlono ltd speech In flonp, X struck an old harp's slumbering strings, And drow an Idle hand along; Nor dromed tho caroloBs chords hail caught Tbo llfo-noto that my spirit sought, Till suddon on my s'artled ear IU dream-creatod nooents woko, Alack! I bought tho rapture dear The string had broke. I heard a wild bird on the sboro, Singing a wild song to the a; And bold the burdon that it boro, And sweeter than all el so to me So awoet. I caged tho bird to hoar Sis magic mlnsttolsy more noar. Untamed, tho captlvo'a swelling throat In ono sad aontc his whole soul cast: Too well I knew his loveliest noto Had beon his last. And yet, while memory hath power To cnunt tho hours too vainly spout, The fragraneo of that flrd flower, Thnt harp's lmt dying mulo, blont With tho wild bird's woird death-song, will llaunt overy unking moment still, Teaching my heart tho bitter cost Of all tbo eyo nf bopo bath seen, Of all that life hath won and lost That might haro boon. Tinslcy'a ATagaxbie. A YOUNG MOTHER'S EXPERIEOCE. Florenco Murryutt, in Iter novel now running through tho .English press, "My Own Child,'' gives tho oxperienco of ahlxtoen year-old widow, whose hus band had Just died, nnd whoso infant wna n bout to bo born. Bho flays: As is u8tomury with younc mothers. I of toncr feared that I should dio in my -coming trial than live to 6eo my child f-ow up and Nourish. Any happiness might oxperienco in tho prospector it only enmo by ills nnd starts. It seem ed too terrible an or.leal to survivo, und my fenr nt times overwhelming. I brooded over it day after day until my depression was utmost habitual, and hnunted mo oven in sleep, would cnuso mo to start up threo or four times n night, shrieking for help.and trombllmr from hend to foot with a horror which I could only feel nnd not interpret. Hnd 1 hod any ono on whom to le;vn In l.lu nvtrnmttv. T slinillll lilivn linriltl myself perhaps with greater dignity and trust; but moro than overdid 1 now fool myself to bo alone. Had llugh'ti dear, Joyous volco been ublo to whisper assurance to me, howovor Ignorantly, I Hhould havo beliuved und rested on him. It was tho dawn of ono of tho enrllcst days or March when I lay In my bed so weal; nnd exhausted that I fell as If I wero sinking through tho mattresses and the iloor, right away Into Infinity. Kverylhlngabove me seemed as though I were In a dream. Tho voices of tho persons who moved about my room scorned far oil", as if heard through a fog, and yet I could dlsfingulsh each word thoy said, and watch in a kind of indistinct and has'.y manner the groy dnwn thatHtrugglud through tho white window blinds and fought with tho fllckly light of tho candlo which Dr. CarllMo boomed to bo carrying all over Uio room in tho most aimless way. I could tr.ico tho unusual disorder of tho apartment, and I could see that tho faces which hnd beon ao anxiously peer lug into miuo for tho last twolvo hours had setth'd down Into something Ilko their normal oxprosslon again. I know, too, Unit my trial was over, and that 1 hatmussod through tho gates of hell into tho calm hcuvon; but I was too languid to think of anything elso. I felt ns If my weakened tenses woro gradually fading away Into uncon Scloustiess, and all I deslrod was to bo allowed so to fado away, and nover be troubled with pain or pleasuro or any amotion moro. 13 von a loud and oner gotic squall from tho other end of tho room did not arouso inc. " A lino child," s.iid tho doctor. Very lino, sir," responded tho nurec who had been torturing mo for twenty-four hours past with wlso saws, questionable Jokes and worrying atten tions, until I had begun to regard her an an emissary of tho fiend hlmsoir "I don't know as over I seo a floor. .She's a recular beauty, flhu is; and such luugs, too." Theso words, accompanied by another prolonged squall, mado mo feel a little carious. Somo of tho few pleasant tin-ti-limtlons I had ventured to lndulgo in flickered back upon my memory. " Doctor," 1 hald faintly. ,.,.,. Husb, my dear! You musn't talk," was tho immediate nnswor, iu Dr. Car llsllo enmo up to my bedside and felt of wy pulse. "So-so! Wo nro getting on But you must Ilo btill, Ilko a good girl, nnd go to sleep." "ilutniy baby " 0h, the baby' alt right! -A nlco healthy little girl! Now, you know, everything's well over, fco you must ffit your eyos, nnd think of nothing but have n good rest." Rut tho equaling was still going on (I believe they put tho baby on top of ho chest of dniwers to keep It out of to wiv), nd something milti now, and th.lt I had never experienced bo fore, began to spring upon mo at tho 2d, nnd raako my heart pulpltato tt'rVTwlll go to sleep, but I m" Afte'rSdf Sy dear, afterwards; jounre not strong enough yet. Trust mo, everything is right, and you slall have It ns soon as you liavo rested a little." My ngltatlon was rising. Tho nurso glanced nt the doctor, and tho doctor nodded at tho nurse, nnd in another moment n bundle of flannel was laid on my left arm, nnd I trembled with eager ness ns I pulled it open. A fat, pulpy, red face met my viow, with a nou that scorned to spread half over it, two weak, swollen eyes feebly blinking nt tho light, mud a mouth tht was silt from ear to ear In fact, the orthodox new born baby. But I don't think I saw what she was Ilko. I was experiencing that marvel ous thrill that comes over a woman when tho child of tho man she loves is first placed in her arms, nnd in tho un conscious littlo crcaturo besldo mo I saw only Hugh's representative. Hugh in his strength and beauty Hugh in his imprudenconnd boldness Hugh in his lovo for nnd protection of mo Hugh on his death-bed! Oh! I had never missed Hugh before ns I missed him whoti I first beheld his baby in my arms! Where was ho to rejoice over this wonderful thing with mo? to bo thnukful for my safety to nssuro mo ho would lovo It for my sako nnd his own? Where wns tho father of my child? I only felt half a mother with out him. Tho first word I uttered ns I looked tit my little daughter's features was his name. Tho first welcomo I gave her wero tho tears that swelled up weakly Into my eyes at tho remem brance thnt ho could never seo her. " Hugh!" I exclaimed brokenly, ns I squeezed the littlo bundle to my bosom anu turned my laco upon me ptnow. "Come! come! this will novor dot" said the doctor, ns ho hurridly mixed somo horrid decoction in ti glass. "Here, my dear, drink this; nnd nurso tako the child into another room until Mrs. Powers has had a sleep." "No, no!" I said Imploringly. "I will drink whntovcr you like, doctor, but pray don't tako my baby from me!" "Will you promlso nt to talk any more, then, or oven to think!" " I will promlso nnythlng if you will leavo my baby Iioro." So, fearing tho eirectof opposition, I suppose, thoy did ns I desired thorn, nnd with my lips pressed upon tho face of my infant, who, with the instinct of young animals, seemed to understand I wns her mothor. nnd to bo nulto con- cntcd to lie where she wns, I sunk off into a sleep as pinciu as ncr own. Tub Ummhino ok a OitisEitPUii Wii'K. What a blessing to n house hold Is n merry, cheerful woman ono whoso spirits aro not affected by wot davs. or littlo disappointments, or whoso milk of human kindness docs not hour in tho sunshine of prosperity. Such a woman in tho darkest hours brightens tho house Ilko a littlo piece of sunshiny weathor. Tho magnetism of her Hinllcsaud electrical brightness of her looks nnd movements Infects ovoryone, Thoehlldron go to school with a sonso of something groat to bo achieved; her husband goes into tho world in n conqueror's Fplrlt. No matter how people annoy mid worry him all day, far off her presenco shines, and ho whispers to himself. "At homo T shall find rest." So day by day sho literally renown his strength and ener gy, and If you know u man with a tnnmiiur face, a kind heart and pros per us business, in tilno cases out of ten you will find ho has a wife of this kind. BREVITIES. GJvo tho tramps no quarter. Mental pleasures do not cloy. Hoys, don't keep bad compiny. " I can't" nover does anything. We can pardon, but can wo forgot? Tho wicked lleo whon no man pur suoth. Ho who tolls ono Ho moy becomo n confirmed liar. A small nnd oarly party Tho nows papor boy. Just tho placo for old maids Tho J lovo Man. Hogs in Ireland aro remains of fallen forests, covered with peat and looso soil. In 17.10. an extonslvo oarthquako at Ponco, Chili, uplifted tho whole coast GO feet. The term "Cockney" Isof Saxon ori gin, and applied to nil born within sound of Dow church (locution) bull. Hope, Ilko tho sun, ns wo Joumoy toward It, casts tho shadow of our bur den behind us. No peoplo nro such thorongh nui sances ns thoso who aro porpotunllv meddling with tho business of their neighbors, who aro always on tho nlert for anything suspicious always ready to believe tho worst of everybody. Heroes sometimes reason curiously. Nelson told Lord Holland that ho ofton felt pain in tho arm ho had loat, " and this," added tho gallant warrior, " Is a clear proof of tho Immortality of tho houI, and sets tho question completely at rest." In 1687 tho sea retired from tho shores of Peru, nnd returned in mountainous waves, which destroyed everything on tho coast; and among other places, Cal lao. In 1740 tho sumo phenomenon took place, and of tho 4200 Inhabitants ofCallao less than 200 wero saved. In 1CCC tho great firo In Loudon de stroyed ia,200 houses, nnd all tho pub lic bnildlngs, including eighty six par ish churches. Binco that there has been uo plague. Tho great llres at Chicago, IJostoti, nnd tho late ono at St. John, New Drunswlck, look email in comparison. WILLAMETTE FARMER. CHOICE KECIPES. Cocoanut Cake. Half cup butter, two cups sugar, three flour, half cup sweet milk, four eggs, two teaspoon fills baking powder, ono and a half cups grated cocoanut, or tho same amount of prepared cocoanut. Hickory-nut cako after this reeipo, using two cups of nuts, Is very nice. Lemon Julia' Cake. Throe cups of flour, two of sugar, ono of butter, six eggs, ono cup or sweet milk, ono tea Epoonful of soiln. two of cieam tartar. Lemon Jolly-Six ounces sugar, two of butter, threo eggs, tho rind of ono lem on, julco of two. "Habty Pudding." Nino table spoonfuls flour, 8lx eggs beaten light, a quart of milk; have a hot oven, nnd bafco 20 minutes. Servo with Bauce; butter and sugar rubbed to a cream, nnd flavored to your taste, Is very nlco. The Trade Winds. Tho Earth turns on Its axis from west to east, nnd with It rotates dally the enormous onvelopo of the ntmosphero. Tho velocity of rotation nt tho equator is something over ono thousand miles an hour; at thirty degrees dlstanco it Is about ICO miles less, nnd at tho poles nothing. Therefore, whenever tho air moves north or south on tho surfaco of the oarth It will carry with It less or greater velocity of tho rotation than tho placo it passes over, and will turn Into an easterly or westerly wind according ns It approaches or recedes from tho equator. In tho region of tho sun's greatest neat tlio nir, rnrctieu ami tight ened, Is continually rising, und cooler currents como in on both sides to tako tho place of tho ascending volume. As thesosido currents como from n dlstanco of about thirty dogrecs from tho equa tor, thoy have, at Htart'.ng, an eastward velocity man miles an hour less than the localities thoy will eventually reach. Consequently they will appear to lag behind In all tho coursoof their progress to tho equator that I, thoy will linvo n westerly motion united with their north and south movements. Thote nro tho great trado winds, blowing con stantly from tho north-west on thlssldo and tho south-cast on the other side of tho equator. Tho forco of tho wind Is easily meas ured by an anemometer. Soven mllos an hour is n gcntlo air; fourteen miles a light breeze; twenty-ono miles n good, steady breeze; forty miles a gale; sixty miles a heavy storm; nnd eighty to ono hundred miles is a sweeping hurricane. ANoijm: Ii.IjUbtiiation. Lord Car narvon, in addressing tho pooplo of Birmingham, used tho following illus tration: " Travelers tell us that in somo of tho Eastern seas, whero thoso won derful coral islands exist, tho insects that form tho coral within tho reefs, whero thoy nro under tho shelter of protcctlug rocks, out of tho roach of wind and wave, work qulckor, and their work Is apparently sound and good. Hut, on tho othor hand, thoso llttio workers who work outside thoso reefs, in tho foam and dash of waves, aro fortified und hardened,' and their work Is firmer and moro enduring. Anil solbelievo it is with men. Tho more their minds aro braced up by con flict, by the necessity of forming opin ions up in difficult subjects, tho hotter thoy will bo qualified to go through tho hard wca and tear of tho world, tho better they will ho ablu to hold thoir own in that conflict of opinion which after all it is a man's duty to meet." An Uxtinut Kaui:. Ono of tho most remarkable races that ovor In habited tho earth Is now extinct. They wero known as tho Guanches, nnd woro tho nborlglnes of the Canary Islands. In tho sixteenth century, pes tilence, slavery, and tho cruelty of tho Spaniards succeeded i 1 totally extermi nating thum. They nro descrihod ns lmvlng been gigantic In Htaturo, hut of a singularly mild and gentle nature. Their footl consisted of barley, wheat, and goat's milk, and their agriculture wns of tho rudest kind. Thoy had a religion which taught them of a future state, of rowards nnd punishments after death, and of good and ovil spirits. Thoy regarded tho volcano of Toaorlflo us tho placo efptinlshmont for tholmd. Tho bodlosof their dead werocarefully embalmed and deposited in catacombs, which still continuo to bo an object of curiosity to thoso who visit tho islands. Their marriage rites woro very solemn, nnd, beforo ongaging in them, tlio brides were fattened on milk. John McKwan, u well known reel dent of this city, In former years, died at East Portland on tho Mth Inst. For many years Mr. McEwan had been an inmate of tho Asylum, ilo died at tho advanced ago of 07 years, leaving a largo fcmlly of bons nnd daughters, und graud children, many of whom reside in tills part ol the state. Ho was n native of IMcton coun ty, Nova Scotia. Ills children surviv ing him nro Robert II., of Clatsop, William and Georgo I!., nnd Mm. Davidson of Astoria: Alexander at East Portland, nnd Mrs. Margaret Clark of Canada. Aftoriuu. Women fou School Ofkiceuh. Tho eligibility of womeu for electivo school offices in Illinois being now tin disputed, the Jnuinbcr of lady County Superintendents of schools is yearly increasing. Two years .go threw or four women weio elected to tha,t office. At this year's county elections there wero a dozen or fifteen Instances where womon were nominated for that office, and nine of them wero elected. An old bachelor probably wroto this: " 'Twlxt woman und wine, man's lot Is to smart; 'tis wine rnakos his head ache, and woman his heart," DlUI.Ii FOIt SINGLE VOLUNTEKllS. Fall iu Iivo with somo nmiablo ami virtu ous young woman on the first opportunity you have. Attention Pay to her, assiduously ami re spectfully. Right Face Popping tho question liko a man and slio'll accept you. Quick March To her parents and aak their consent. ltlglit Turn With her to thu church and go through tho sorvico of holy matrimony. Halt And rollectseriouslyforn fowmomeuts: then detennino to ilovoto yourself entirely to your wife. Right About Face From tho haunts that you havu frequented when single, ami prefer your own home. Advanco Arms To your young wifo when out walking together, and dou't let hor walk threo or four yards behind you. ntcrivuii llrcak Off Dilliard playing, betting, and staying out at night, if you wish to liavo A happy liomo. Conveiisation. A cclobrntod nu thor says: If I wero to chooso the peoplo with whom I would spend my nouns of conversation, they should bo cortnlnly such ns labored no farther than to make themselves readily nnd clearly nppro hended, nnd would have patience nnd curiosity to understand mo. To have a good sonso, and ability to express it, are tho most essontinl and necessary quali ties In companions. When thoughts rtso In us fit to utter among fitmllar friends, there needs but very littlo earn In clothing them. How it U Done- Tho first objoct In life with the American psoplo i to " got rich" : tho socond, how to regain good health. Tho llrst can bo obtain ed by onorgy, bouosty and saving; tue sec ond, (good health) by using Qhkkn'h Auo UvtFlowkh. Hhould yon bo adospondont sutloror from any of tho etlbota of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, ito,, suoh as Blok Ueadaohe. Palpitation or tho Heart, SourStoiuaoh, Habitual Costivenoss, DI.jsI new of tho Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Hplrlts, ito., you need not sutler nnothor day. Two doses of Auuuht 1i.owkh wiU relievo youatnnon. Sample Itfltllcs, 10 oenia. ling ular sieo 75 cents. Positively sold by all llrat-clasa Druealnta In thn U. H. P. C. ADVOCATE. $2,60. WITH Amorican Agriculturist, 53,50, anu Splondid Microscopo, $4,00, Ono Your, ir OiinIi. Cor All Methodist Ministers aro Agents. J. H. ACTON, Editor, JMml l'OIlTlAND. Or. t. Kicli Number contain Tiimitv two 1'aurr nt rcailttiir. mmy lino Wooil Cut lllimtrnttnn. nml rnu Coioiiuii 1'i.itk. A linaiitlful Otrilt'ii MiikuzIiio, nrlntixt on iloijant iiupur, nii't frill of liifurmnliim In Knullfh Hinl Herman. Price, rl.il a year: l'lvo coiIp f',00. VleU'o I'lowpr cntt Vecelublo (liirden, M cimim tu piiicr cover; In hlvunt ctolli ruvur J I IK). Vtck'M Cittiilostip, .HO IllmtrAtloa, only 3 cent. AilUri'x. J AM US VlCi:. Ituclicotcr. N. Y Mr nimiinl tfulitlouuo nf Vcgclalilo nml Flower Hucd for 1B7S will liu nut l'ltl'.K, In Jnniinr) to Ml who apply. Uuttoimw of Uct ion(in uroil not wrltu for tt. I olToroiia of tlio lnrci't rolled loim of vckc tablo n'oil tver ii-nt mil by any ndt liouto In Amurlra. a luo norticiii of which wero urown on my fix hcuiI farms. I'rtntril illrertlona for tnlllvallon on carli packnitu. All m-il void from my ci UlilUlime nt wirmnt'cl to bo both froli nriiltiuu to immr; nt fur. that nlioalil H proviiothcrnl'o I will refill tlio ordir Kmtl. A tlio original Introducer of tlio Itiiblmril ami Marlilchrad Siiinilici, tlio Marltk'tK-ait Cabbs i;!', nml a rcoru of ntnrr now Truoliljli', I Invito tlio palroiiHKo nf nil who aro anilnim toliavn Ihiir rcvil directly irnm tho crower, frerli, true, ami of tlio wry bcttatraln. Nw Vei:etiMo Afiieclalty. JAMBS J. II. (lUKOOItV, JtarhlouVvl. Mt. Notice Al'KTITIOS IiuvIpk been tiled In tlio eonnlr rnurt of IhoSmtDiif Oru.tm fur tlinrom ly of Aim Ion. Inr llunpi.olotm-i't of U. H (Ireii')'re h eiiuillnii of thn eLUeof J irepli Hiiuik h i .iiri-iilrnt minor, and ItnniUy, Kidimary Itii. IM7S, at II o'ciMkln tlm foru ii.hiii, liay.ii( been appnlnttil for hmrlnj. tbo 'anu, now, therefon. all uermiu lnleretl aru breby ra oulrid to appear In ld inurt, nt llm cwirt-toum In njlein In ld ronnty, at raid time Hun and thtroto rhnw rauu why -aid I'. S dreiiulru tbuuld liol bo oppolntid uch cuardlan. " JOHN O. I'BElll.KS. JanllwS Ct.uuty Judno. Final Sottlomont. NOT I OK la hereby I'lten tint W, M. (Inrrllno and Emma I.. Ji)De,admlnUtrl'ira ol the entato of Delos K, June, latu of Marlon roun'v, U teemed, have thl (lay filed thtlr (lral arronnt In the matter of aid ertate, nml Saturday thu tilh day of February, 1KT8, at ten o'clock In thu fjrenoon of raid day. baa botn 11 ltd ax thu tlmu for hearing the r-amu. All per on iMereytcrt In Mid rr-tate aru therefore required to appear before the county rnurt of the Statu of Or-pl-ou at the day and hoarafo'rrald, and rliow rauiut, if any exlot, why raid account rhoulo uot bo allowed am raid admltiUUaton dlw.U""-d W. M (10BHI.INB, Jn,8,18Mw4 KMMV K JONES. FOR SALE, A rBW RAHK IHIAIIUAH tut llftOWN UMJ. horn Kwl. from tl. te-t trtr In llu.Ud HUter. KOOS lo Saoii. C, K. WIIKKt.KIt, dec 13, tl, d'.i-dd", Ortion, S2E0C:;: A Yean. lKtntvria)td.llot. lerHtieatc. I'anlculara frte. aitM W01rruC0.HUli.kl $$f!fe- ' sv.nii:w ,iv.7icn u MAGAZINE XXyntt'M Xjlfo 3avJLam.xxa.. Ai a conquoror of Ulioumatism. Gout. Nou mIrIiv, Rtul euro tor Hcrolula and nil dlscnsos nrlalriK from Impurity of blood, thn old nnd rollablo Family Modlolno, JfyaW Life lial' sam, slnutU uticqunlotl, hh (irovon by ovor 300,000 prent curt h JurliiR tlio past 30 yours. Is a rmllcnl vcgolnblo Compound of Hursuim rilln, Dook, Otmlncuiti, ito., nndapormnnont otiro. Sold by nil dniKplstH and country urocors. Tako nothitiK eluo, Btid If tltoy iinveu't it wo sottd by nxpro'H, boxed, ovory whoro, tit $1 nnd SI 25 por bottle; f i 00 ntut $0.50 hnirdoy., Hyatt & Hyatt, UtO Urand St., Now York. Dr. H. SMITH, rB DBKTTI ST. SALEM, OREGON. Offlco movod over BREYMAN BROS.' NEW STOR1 -, Ofllco boura from 9 a. m. to B p. m. NORTH SALEM STORE. W. Zj. "WADE, A T TUB BRICK STORK, HAS JUST RECJUV Ck. ed a full arfortmentof G-eneral Merchandise, Dry Goodij Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Clothing Qalealatod for tie City and Conn try Trade. Bomrhtaa low, and will bo fold at aa HMALI, A PROFIT, aa Ihoaa who HKLL AT COST. fTQooit doUrcrcd to iny cart ol the city froe of cbarae. NovSt I, iii Mr. Rohror'a New Romedy FOR TXB I.UKQ1 Kf UBKTIlfa WITH WONDSliFVL BVCCSBSI TIIS PURELT VRGBTAULR HBMEOT nAB no equal In the relief and enro or Cougha, Oolda, Atthma, llronchitlf, Uronp, Whooping CouKh, Moa aloe, Ac. It ha a produced omo remarkable cure, Sold by drucicl'ta generallr. Prepared only by JOHN L. MIJKPIIV.Slnnmrmfh Or. Ta whom all letters of bntttivraabould bo addreraed. Farms and Land lor Salo. IOFKKU FOR 8MB ONE FARM, 3!tO ACRES, 10(1 acrl In cultivation. Rood orchard, Itua'rdon tho I'lraraut Hill road, about !4 nillra from Kuircns City. AUo, about 1I0O arrca or MIXED LAND, tomoof tbo lirrt vnllcy and bravcrdam Land In tho rounly, umundi-d by hill and brnali land. Tora or four very Rood farina tan bo tnadu nut of It. (lood placo Tor a colony. Want to fell tho whn'e lot toccth. vr. Thin I ami la iltiialcd In Leno county, about 14 mlle from K iireno City, and fix from Creawoll. JoH Addrena V. II. DUNN, Kugtnt City. NOTIC'K TO PKItSONS INTKNDI.VU TU KMKiUATK TU 0UF.U0N. Direct Passage from New Yorkito Portland, Oregon. Lam Dki'ahtment O. A O. II., I roiiTl.ANii, JuneM, IH77. f milB OIIKOON HTKAMcllll' COMI'AnV UAH J. acreed to tarry on It. Iron utraundilp, now bclnc built at Chunler l'a , liy John Itoach A Hon, upon hor completion, on or about tho I5tli day of .lamnry, lHTrl rtccrai;n pioenijerK Irnm New York to PurlUuil, direct, vln ih. htrnlt of Mavellan, nl thu extremely low ratoof lit 7 T. 00 currency, board Included. ThlHHtcamor will bulho bet, atmncett nut molt comfoilably arranitrd hlp uver Imlll In thu United I'tati'K. Noi'i'il, iM.itf knoii'. l)lmvniton: sat) lent Iu leuuth: 18 fei t beam; 31J depth of linld; rapacity, v.'J 0 tonii; '.till raliln unit M) rteeravro iO(rni'i. Tho flitlnir, up nt tlio U"!re,o will recelvu rpeclil nl lentlim; u will lioprinlilcii with all modirnliuprovo menlnMiil Iik ciitlUtluii will bu lurfict. livery at tention will b'i paid In Hid romrorl of tmmnnrert, and tho faro w III bo of the bt't qualltr. Part or thu deck rr om will bu fitted up for icliljjrratlus.' purpoa e. Mlthavlew to liiinlrli pjmnirera frcih mult dil rlmr tho w hole vovnee. 'J'lio vojnu will bu inmle lnnont alitydayr. 'i'o afalol perxnu who ilejlro to emigrate to Oregon, acrlculliiral and other Implemuita nlU bo taken in very low raten I or peranua Iioro who linrn frlclid' In thn Atlatitio State wl.hlii; to roinuto (Ireoii thla filler n ruro opportunity, aa the umioyaiiu i" ami fatlkpio of tbo overland routu by rail aro avoided, and tho puaj;o la coni'lderably lot. , I'm piitllcnUr Information addreaa V, O. Sci'm'.dt, 1 Hotilli WlllUm atroel, Nuw York, or (jjmni p. Humn.zi:. IjiimI A&ent O, X C. It. It. Co . Portlmd, 0n. rrnio PLUMMER FRUIT DRYERS, I'utuntcit April 1877. riVlim: MACIIINK-t Altti UNHUItPAHSItt) 1IY I. any oilier for Drying or Pru'ervlni' Frulu and VrL'etabU' of all kluda, and aro c-lnlructol and lur ulihod completu In fuurdlirereut rlcea, namely: Tlio Tout Tli ii mli llryer-capaclty of tf buahtl of applet per hour price . 75 Th Smull I'auilly Urjer-cupaclty of H hJidiela pir bour-piku , fl'JS Tlio l'mnlly Ilryor-capaclty of a buihala per hour-prlco QWJ Tlio I'actory Dryer capacity of U buakala per hour pike Thcao Drjcra wero awarded the Centennial Medal ami Diploma at Philadelphia In 1HNI. Alao, tho Uold 11 dal ol thu Htato of Oreirou fur lb7t), for cxceUeuco of flavor, color and condition of Fruit. All Uc coDitautly ou band and furulihed ou abort cat notice. farm and i'ounty lllsblu for aalo. For further particular and dtwrlptWn ca'aloiae addreaa V. H. Pl.UMHKIt, Patiutee and altimfacturn, Jel'lf Kaat Portland, orcoa. A C0MPLETK LINE 07 A. 11 3XT DES & &, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robas, jpur?. Etc.,:Etc. at. DEARBORN'S, ON GOMMERCIU STRE-T, DUlUllN'd 1II.OCK, SADISM OHEGON. lr? tt 11.on i'ltiiii. riit'ic I.Ptajtve. I. K ireSS, uuuu, UAiuki.-tonNniory,UL ? A ; I ;.i i ' l H itiikjai . .AVji