L.r JLI 6 PTVJfis F Hd8BANBllY' piueotory. Ol'l'IOISItSoftlie NATIONAL OIIANOE. Mcutr John T. Jones, Barton, Phillips. Ark. OcertttrJ,J. Woodman, Paw Paw, VanJJurcn, Mich ydurcr A. II. Hmcdlcy, Orceco, Howard, la. Stewiwd-A. J. Vaughn, Memphis, Toiin. ! tf(iaarvl-Morlliner Whitehead, Mlddlcbnsb, Bomcnot, N. .1. ... ... UnaptuMa. II. Kill. BpHnjjhnroiiKh. Warren, O. 'J'reiumtr V, M. McDowell, Wayne. fti!Ubcti,N.. Hicrtttiry-O. II. Kr-llcy, Lonlsvlllu, Ky. llalt-Kt'Ver-W. Dinwiddle, Orchard (Irovc, Inil. CWvjMrs: Julia T. Jones. lUrlon, I'lillllv'. Atk. yiom-hU. Bamuel 15. Adams, Mmitlcclln, Minn. JKxnonn Mrs llam-y floililurd, North (Jranby. CI 7i'y tmktonJ aUwurJ-Mtf Carollnu A. Hull, Louisville, Ky. EXECUTIVE COMMITTKB. I). Wyatl Alkcn. (Chairman,) Cokcsbury, B. C, K. H. Hhnnkiatiu, Dubuqiiu lima. Dudley T. Chase, rlwi'iiiiifit.N. It. Alono jlder, Hock Kalis. Whiteside, III. W. II. Chambers, Uawvichce, JlHtrcil. Ala, Odlccrii ofOrcijoii .Sluto (Jritncc Jfoifrf-Wiu. Cyrus, Hclu. iiiwwvA. H. HhiulcY. Oswreo. Isctitrtr Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Huhllinllr. Hecrttary-N. W. Uandall. Or.;i(in Ijfty. HUncard-W II. Tboma, Walla Walla, W. T. MWdnf .Wuvjrd-O. W. Kiddie, Canyonvlllc. CfiatiliilnW. II. dray. Artnrla. 'JYnuurtr H. P. I.ee, Portland, fars-AVixr-Danlel Clark, Hnlrm. f Vrs- Mrs. II. A. Miller, JatUMinTlllo. VmwwMrs. H. I). Iiiirlntn, McMiniirtUc. 'torci-Mm. K. A. Kelly. K.ast I'orl'and. Ji Im' HUuard -Mrs. (leorRta Htnltti, Hood Ulver, Wsscoenun y. ... . , Arstufiw VominUtM-Vfm. Cyrus, Hclo; n. Clow, Dallasj K. 1 Hmllh, Hood ltlver. Uii Jlurinui Arml-H. P. Leo. Portland. Stato Grange DoputioB for 1877 7tl OJfit. Kiimii. AIM.""0".' Oorvalll Corrallls CMI.KAMAS, , Knoch Hklrvlno Hutto Creek N W Uandall ...OmjiiaUly J W Ilayns MyrlloCreck O M Oaidnor Drain' Htation I'lymploii Kelly...'.. ..Ban Portland. ...Kail Portland A HID. rKOi.tlcman ...lliUluvllle j w nnt Sublimity Balcin JN T Miller".' laekionYllle Jacksonville V A Patterson. HlehrroJ 8lom J J Cliar'.uin!'"'. Oooso Lak Jaekroavllle Daniel lc-tor.. '. K crbyrlllc Jacksonville i.jine. , n , James W Matlock Ooshcti It A Irvine....'. Lebanon Albany John i:n.l...". Tyh ThoDftDu YASIIILI.. DO Durham MrMlnnvllI) J Happlncton Union I) II Ulnehiirl.'. Canyon City Canyon City KW Ccii'yent Columbia City Ill' n'oi'ltiiir." .' Tillamook North Yamhill IIHATII.I.A. ,., . JH Wlilto WoKlnn Wcaton t'ooit. J llitnryhhroider.... Oil WAitniNiiTot TnnmroKr. m.Aiiii. B W Uriiwn Vancouver t-Ol.tlMMA. Itl'Stoln Idyl"" WHITMAN. ., i,. I,BUIns'ir Colfai Colfix (HINIIAMH. MX (looilile .l.lmt HKHOIt. HB Ma.kUara ChehalU l'o'.nl LOAbtwltl.''. .' Olympla Orympla U Inwjnilio elra Jnllna llortni Hcntt'o etU IiMItemon UlatjnaUi tiUIUA. UNN, Ol'Cooh Kllonrtmri; nu .,M.iw wtiA.ii itin Dpnntv ai rtolnlrd la not tlM mol antlabk), ar.d the (IruiL'u of lio locality will mntMtily ldltHt to mo a choice. I will be plf k'wl. ror In inany InManee I hvi tM-en ohllireil In male ap. tMiluUututii wlUiout fcnowUtUo "M..'iyifl,!yYtJfl MaMcr Oretron Hlatu tltantcc, P. of II. Meeting of Subordlaato QranQes I.I NN COUNTY. Hoixt, No."t, moot In AHiniiy,on tlio IhI nnil 3HutimUVH of tmult moiitli, it 10 n. m. OaV I'liOn, No. fl, lit lLUi-oy, 2ml Htid 4Ui llmtiu'r, No, i, In (Jrawfortlnvllle, M nnii:irti Muiniiiyx. iu-i. m, Byrne u hii No. :i, t .Mllltim U..t....li.u ... I .. ! Htulloii, 4th l.oiaiKMl No. !!, nt LobAiton, Utl ninl -llli HuttinUy. l U) h. m. rml I'ritlrlo No. 10, Hit HuttinUy. Knos lltttio No. !M, iHt nuil Urtl Kalur- ' M!(iitl4iii No. U7, and nnd llli Kulurdnyf, lit 10 n. in. ...,. llmwiiNvllln No. 10, lit "td 2nd Sutur. ' iCnmit, No. 7, Ut mid 3rd l'rhlivyn, at 10 Uiirrhlmrv, No. 11, Mt nnd 3nl SaUi- tlya, ul 10 it. in, . . tihodd, No. (I, lat nnd 3d Huturtliiyn, nt 10 lliiiiy III utu No. W, iHlHitd 3d Hittnidayn In cxtoii moiitli from Oololior to Juno, ami on Hut ti Halunliiy lint lulnmw of llitiywar. lUrinoiiv No. 'AI, 3rd Slurduy, rt-KiiUrly, onwt In Nov. DdO , Jn., KuliHud Muroh, whou llioy iiinoi llio IhI 1'rliUy. UKNTON COUNTY. Hop Crook No H, lat Hturdy t 10 . m. WIIUoicllo No. 62, UtThurNday, at 10 a.iu rhlloiuutli, No 12, UliSturdy,t lOa.tn. I.A.NK COUNTY. Ommwull. No ill,4 SulunUy, 1p.m. Kiikoiio, Nu 6(1, III IfuKono CUy, 3rd Hat dtv.itl 10 it. in. OUrlty, No 7(1. 'Jl HUirt1ay. U01I1011, No. 101. luSltudy, at lOo'otook Jiiuulloii City, No. Vi, 2nd rirtlurday, tit 1 I. '" . . Hlu-tolrtw. Nj. 61, tlrat Saturday In each inoiiili.ai 10 a. in , ... u . MolComJo, No. 107, Camp Crook, 2d Hat ur- Uy I'OI.K COUNTY. Oak Point, No. 3, lit und 3rd HaturdayM. MAUION COUNTY. rUlomOraiiK't, No. 17, Ut and 31 Halttr Uy In itaiilt iiioihIi, ttii'rtpl In Atiisttai, Sop. tiinlKir, mid 0iloliir, wlutn ll iittMMonly on tint UtSatii'dav i ilndr hall In Stletn, AltUim, N 131, I'll .ilnnlav. Iti-k P.iliH, N.i 4 3IStnrtlay, all p. nt Hall.. Uioak, No. SJ, 3rd Saturday, ul 10 "' '"' iVASIUNUVON COUNTY. lU.vvoiKiu No, 100, iiictUa Ul, Saturday, at lOo'olook, Let Iho Fcoplo llcjoioo, l'.r trt tioiiiilPul harvtkt of IK77 baa now planed In tbo liamla nt Ibv pmiplotbit milder. ootu, that llioy may tlmt to W, 1'. Johnioi. A Co. and ttuin wtich picture aa will plea tbant aud tblr frletula, and t a blraMlns to aarallona loootu. Hiimmibvr tbo plaw, Tr Wlllla' llookatoro, Slat a Ml., Halow, Or. Letter freni Clackamas County. Ko. Fahm;:h: Wo began (o think that wo woro going to havo a nlco spoil of woatbor, but tbo woathor waa dontlnod to oliatiK, nnd now wo havo regular wob-foota-tylo rain and mud. Quito a numbor of nolghbora havo employ ed Chlnoso labor to clear up their lands for futnro cultivation, but the Ir (-rubbing la not tlio b3t In Iho world. Trno thoy liad ll their own way for thoso hiring them, had tlttlr own work to do, bunco thoy bonaed thutiiHelvcH. Thoy tnako from 33 omit to GO ccntH por day for eaoh ono oknr of uxicueH. Thotlmo Is rlht nt hand when tUo.su Chi nco contrncloiH will lildnfjulnHt HioiiihoIvoh, liiiutiiHn they havo tlieBu CIiIiilno laborers upon their IiiuiJh and It would not bn ocono my not to keep them busy. Thoy will keep bltldlugon a plrco of grubbing until they will not tnako twenty cento a day clear of txponscH, then, mid not until I lion, wo own ing brufth laud can tnako farming profit able. Wheat Is looking well, though this cold Hnap moy make it look llko the 11 ro bad boon too near it. Thorn has been moro wheat sown hero thin fall than ttMual, and nearly evory farmor talks ofHowlng a largo acreage. Otti pay pretty well and some aay thoy will sow oata and nothing oIho. I think this a rnbitako, for I oin not in favor of Nptclaltloa, bollovo that a farmer nhould grow hs noar as poHsltdo, everything that ha conftttmos. Whllo wrlllng'l would flkk through your valuablo paper If any of your roaderacau glvo tho eauHo and remedy of npeck In the epplo. I ramember when tho Yellow New town Pippin would keep until June, Smith's Cldor until May, now neither will keep with out npoeklug longor than tho first cf Jau uary. Tbo uohool-houso, of school district No. l., liaH boon mado largor, It la now 18a30 fjut, woathorboardod with rustic, painted and cellod; It Ian good recommendation for tho aoliool dlstrlot. Tlioro nru 100 scholars overland under 20, and I must count the Utile fellows undnr four, they will number 33, boys and girlf Wu nro having hobool, oxjiocl it to bo a 0 months school. II. I). M. ClaukamaH Co,, Oregon. From San Francisco. Han Fjianohco, Jan. 6, 1973. Hlnco I last wrote, tho holidays havo come and gone, nud "Han Francisco is liorsoll again," ChrlKtmas was duly obsurvod, nud comparatively Miml! number of pnoplo wero to bo seen on tho (.trout. Ilollglotia services were had in nil tho ehurohoi. Tho many plaues of umtiNomnnt soemud to havo a holi day, and iih u general thing thoy wore not uiotvdod. Many of tho Urge ojlabllshmeuts on tho principal Htreots woro olcgtnt festoons ofovergroeiH, During tho otttorvonlng time, until Now Year'aday, pooplo could lu seen on tho atreota "taking In Iho altimtlon." Tho New Year arrlvod, and wai grooted In an appro prialo and becoming manner by about 10,000 "toot-horns." nnd aa many buys to back thorn. NumorotiH bands of young mou mado a indue, which (bey called- tnuslci cannoua roared, fire orackors pealod, and balls tollod, Altogetlmr thoy made a groat doalofnotto . January first kai long been couirnomoraU od aa ady of "otlllng," nnd thlayoarwas no exception to tho ruin hero. Kvjrythlng that could tnnd to make a parly look ntyllsh taai brought into requisition, nnd load after load of young mon whirled paiutod us In Doo carrlagos, buflKlen, nnd hacks. 'They all enjoy It, ko they all do it." "We sit It Jour wlnduw und sua them go by' If wo nro un able to Join them Only u few accidents happened that day, anil tho only one wo will mention wai the casoofamnn who waa boaot upon by a couple of hoodlums for tho purpoo of rob bery, nnd na they filled to find any money they took roveiiKO and abet him, aud drath resulted almost instantly. The hoodlum clement Is very bail hero, aud wo are con stantly hearing of ctuo of tobbory nud murder. A iMiuntlful aupply ot rain full towards tho latter part of December, and altice then It ha tumid olf qultu cold, and we haye seen frost on tho aldoualka every morning for tho past ton days. The qtiHatlon is, whether It will damago thti growing crop hero or not. It Is to be hoped that our slstar Htato will have a fair yield of grain tho com ing seaAon. As it li, Oregou Is attracting ojiiNldorablo attention from eraona In search of home, aud evory ateamer carries up a great many of this class, Tho working mon'bcauao laatlll being agi tated, and wo notleo a largo number of Idle people, notwithstanding that this laa'eoun try of gold," wo must aay that thero are plenty ul Idlo tnoohanloi who do not get work three days nut of a week, anil It 1 so iu all trades bore. Wo notlood the other day u largo quantity of wagons nud farming implements In a larue wholesale house; they will, or u large ma- Jorlty ofihoiu, llml a tie in Oroon,audaf fonl belter facilities for our farmer to gather UiHlroropi. Wo norm that Oregou ftrmor will adopt the plan of reaping and bludliiK moro treuerallv this coming season and not have a repetition of last year's loii. whloh wai causal by relyltiit too ititiclt on headers, ninl us a ntih.'qiieneo their gralu becamotoo rli-t., nnd it wai elthor wanted on the ground or I bn ralu eauglit It. CUtr, fold wimtlior seomi to bo pruWlsnl over Iho whole const, as dlspatebos publish ed Jan. lt lit one of lha oily papers iudlu.tt oil. Thi wheat market hero U quoted at t?i 33 (L2 :t7 ir etl., or 91 42 ior bushel and not much ohamslng hands. Wool U quoted at ,auda lato papor alvea Ibe amount of wm,I pro.luo.d In California last year at tU,2.'A 617 inunda. CalliornU next year will produce a largo amimntof cereala and as Oregon will also produee a larger amount, thay will tovtetlter tirodiiea etimgh nuftl iut to supply a lari't) detlelnitey In Ktigllsti market, and It U to im hoped that wheat will bear as good prioe next year aa ll baa tit la. w.J.e, WILLAMETTE FARMER COL. A. B. MEACHAM. Wo clip tho following from tho Elmlra (N. Y.) Advertiser of December 2Sth, in reference to our distinguished fellow citizen now lectur ing in tho Emptro State. It says: Col. A. B. Mcacham, of Oregon, who wai in tlio Moiloo war nud left for dead on tho lava beds when flcti. Canby and Dr. Thoraaa woro assassinated, but who survived his seven bul lets to toll tho etory of tho battle, is to lo in Klmira this week, to apeak on Indian charac ter and policy. Ilravo warrior as the Colonel hni alio, him sulf, ho is nn advocate of tho pence policy and as eloquent a ji'.cailer for the indianj aa he was nn cftcctivo nlllcer in tlio campaign againnt them. A christian man, he bohovea moro in the (h)npol than the sword and pleads for justico in their behalf. lie holds to tho doctrine of Bishop Whipple, whom ho exec's as an orator, eloquent as the Uishop h. Wendell Phillips says of him, "Never before havo wo had just such a witness on the stand; graphic and thiil ling to tho last degree, his appeals stir the heart liko a clarion. Tho ilochestcr Democrat says that "Colonel Mcaolmm addressed full 2,000 persons in Dr. Shaw's church, and a liner specimen of oratory is seldom heard. It was a wonderfully enter taining lecture." Tho Albany Argus speaks of tho address "to tho largo audience at the Assembly Chamber as n most forcible and eloquent appeal." Col. Mcacham is to speak twice in Elmira, on Sunday evening uoxt nt tho First i'resbyte- Mr ti Mi i Mill rr.l mh lVfritt.fi rt nL'rttllttrf fl f tilts llilll VUMIUJIt 14 1 11 UJ1 HlVJIHtlJ V.u( saw aiv Park Church. An Early Ramlnlsoonoe. Tlio othor day a little short, heavy set man, with a bob-tailed coat nnd a plug hat that had dono Bervice for several years, catno into onr oflico and began to tell us reminiscences of tho trip across tho plains in tho spring of '49. Fi nally ho eaid, "You know Spencer, don't yon t" Of course wo did. (In parenthesis we will just remark that this snmo Spencer is at present running tho Stanislaus News, in California.) "Well," continued our pioneer informant, "don't you know that thar Spencer ia a nasty little cuss t" We confessed our ignorance, and even ventured to remark that wo thought hitno model of personal neatness, ho being a blood relation of ours. "Thar's whar yer left," said our 40-erj "fur when wo wero crossin' the plains, nnd cum to any water, if 'twas only a iittfller waller filled with rain, that pircn cuss 'tid rush to tho water, kind o frantic like, nnd yank nut a little scraper mailo o' bristles, which ho allns carried in his jacket jiockot, jab it inter the water, then inter his mouth, and scrub nway liko all posuci'cd. Don't toll me that a man is a 'model o' matness' what's got such an all-fired dirty mouth that he's got to scrub it out every timo ho can ketch a drop o' water." At this juncture our pioneer relapsed into med itations of "Thednv'of old.lhniljys of until, Ami the iliv.Hof tl" A few (Uys nun v mado mention of tho fact that ono W. M Cherrv bad enmo all the way from Kannts and arro ted a man by the name of Ilonry Orayton, uhnrgod with tho killing of one A. O. I'oieette, hoiiio leu years nwi. 1 3 ray son was arrested nt Monroe, nnd taken to Portland-, loawalt the falling of Iho si Hiner for 'Frisco. Cherry did not commit (Irayxnn In jail, na ho choiild have done, but roamed about the strtntv w lib him, and fur nishing considerable whisky. Grayson last Wednesday got his captor blind drunk nnd had himpUmd In Iho "lookup," nnd ho then left for parti unknown, TlioOrejronl ans arr ion sharp for these Kansas crsKslinp per HiilTsreri, and Cherry will bn compelled in take another search for his matt or go baok without him, A Neur Snpevlntendent. At a lato meotlng of tho Luoky Queen Min ing Company held at Ilosobnrg, Mr. C. L. Walterjwas elected Hupt. of Iho tnlno. A ftirns(infsulllelent capacity will bo built of Hlain rock that will roast twontv tons of oro por day, and by ibis proco:s will savo 85 per emit, nt Iho metal contained In Iho rock. If Mr. Walter can eonvltico tbo ptorkhnldora thathooiti Have that percentage bv notual test, ho will receive a nalary of $300 per month. A petition la beltur olroulateii In Dnuctla eoutity,nnd genrrally nlgned, asking Con; urnsi to make an appropriation for tho con struction of n light botit.0 ut tho mouth of tho Utnpqua. l.tst Kturday the Imperial Mills worn sold at referno'H hhIo, and worn bid In by D. W. llurnslde.of Portland, for J23.600. MARRIED: MANN-COX At Iho M. K. fJtinreli. January (Uh.tiv I'uv. K. P. Tower, Mr. J. O. Maun wild Mrs. ilrlle A. Cox. Willi His iiIkuo notice cimo n supply of the wedrtlngn ke,and wu wlrli the happv brldoaud sroom a pleannut Journey o'er the matrimonial aeaof life, UllUllRlt-WKIinKlt-ln Albatiy January 10th, st IDA, H , iitttirt ir.ldeiiosof th brldeN parents, nyiho Kev. Mr. Htepliena, Mr. AI. Clmreh ul 1'oitlMiul, uud Mlii MuKiile Webber, ol Albany. The happy bride and Rtootu paaml down the road nu Ibe afternoon train on their way to Port laud. I.Ti'K life, peace and prosperity bo with lliein U our hearty wt.h. HWAKFOltl) VlNiON-Kearnresni Cltv, J ti. WHi. by He v I). H (liuv, K.J Hwutlird, of till city, .uiU MUst'l.ira .Nl, Vltiaou.oliJroxivi Cliy To tlio Jvilliorod H.u1In in purtUmlui. Why need you suffer with ParalysU when jou can bucu red T Why will you sutfor with ItheumatUm when you out be .mired And w by have o mwtiy aohea and palni when it Is within uttr reaou to bo cured T I am dow ettabliihrd In Kalem, prepared to treat allt'aronlc DIoe, tucbas ltheiiruitl.m,Nnra't."a, (.'unrumptlpti, Ktitney itlf rasfe, and In fart all dUeaiv i that human Ucih U h'clrto. Hptcltlaitrutlon paid to Female Weiknen and uerYOU proUutlon, wlilch In ro common to I.adlet. Children's dlreaiea nut ex. ccptcd. lu connection with my practice, I hae one of the celebrated Medicated YajHir LUhtnlnj: Cnam lUth, which aid vattly la rcmortng all chronic die eare. It opens the pores of lite aVln, and throw a oiT the slimy, morbid matter, which la one of the great rue of to much niffetlrp. When wo encs think Hut two third of all we lake tnto err rrtcra pam-a off throch the port of the skin, we ncd uot ttcp og to wonder why we are rick, when we pay eo little attention to the mott IroiKJrtant eonnctory of our bodle. Durlu; the pait nine month I have had tht bath In operation, aud many can testify to tu efficacy, 1 treat patients by the wk, or br lnjl treaUuent. Ladle will do wall to Ktve rat a tali. Rcaldcaoe, tosthatt corner of Center sad Banner Street, Salem. MH. . W, CHAIO, . B. ABOUT VIOHVANCK COMMITTEES, A Vlgllaneo Commlttoo Sold to bo In Exist cnoD in Salom Tulevoo, Burglars, nnd Tnunpa to bo Summarily Dcnlt with -Observations or an Old CalUornlan -Moderation Counseled. Salem, January 11, 1878. A long residence on tlio Pacific coast, ex tending far bock to the early days of tho gold excitement in California, has made mo convers ant with some of tho signs of the times. I!y tho knowledgo thus obtained I havo re cently been led to watch certaiu things, which to ono of less experience would have hod no bignificancc, but to mo have been .full of sttg gcatioiis. And by this close oliservation I havo becomo fully assured that a vicilanco committee lias recently Imjcii formed in tins city, and that fievcral of tho beat citi7x;ns of the placo have Imjcii enrolled in tho organization. This is mero conjecture, for although I could not becomo informed of w hat has transpired at any of the moetings already held( except bv enrolling as a member myself, which I Bkall nover do, yet things havo taken nl.ico lately that convince mo bevond a doubt of tho forma tion of such a soctoty. Now, Mr. Editor, I think it my bounden duty to sneak up, nnd say something on this matter. And first let mo say that I am fully aware of tho dclicato posi tion in which I placo myself, and also fully aware of tho aggravated nature of tho crimes and tho BE.VSB OF DANOEU Which havo led theso citizens to deem it neces sity to tako tho step which thov havo taken. Hut I am also fully aware, that although some of tho members of this society nro old in expe rience, having served actively on committees of liko land in California, still that many of tho gentlemen enrolled havo very little idea of what Ls likely to accrue from their action. Ami lot me ossuro these gentlemen, whatever they may think, that they arc unknowingly threat eninc society with a far greater danger than the burglars who oro at this timo infesting our city and It neighborhood. It is true that sneh committees did much ecrvnee in tho oarly days of California and Nevada, and that the good accomplished outweighed the evil done. Hut it must bo remembered that in those days tho law was powerless, aud moro than powerless, to punish tno criminal, for many of tho officers of tlio law lelongcd to tho criminal classes and wero in league with .tho erpctrators of crime. And it must also be remembered that when the law assumed ita sw-vy, and tho offices wero purged of tho scoundrels that had succeeded in filling them, tho continuatico of tho organiza tion was found to bo a terrible curse, needing tuitiprvtouoii. lA't us consider what a vigilance committee, nnco under full swing in this city, is likely to do. Thero Ls no doubt that it will detect and rMMtt!t.r I'i'.iis'i All, or nearly til, the burglarious ruffians who now infest our city and vicinity. This is cer Uin: The very manner of its formation guar autccM the detection and arrest of the criminal; men from nil pirta of, nnd every occupation in the eitv. meeting together and comparing notw, and delthornting with but a chudo object in view, and implicitly obeying their itiipcriorj, cannot fad to accomplish this rctul t. This was tlie st-uitfllh of the committees in California and Nevada. The expense of bringing thrse scuundrel.4 to punishment will be trilling, Mure rone is not a costly article. Hut while wo may safely calculate on the punishment of nil of these criminals, we may be equally certain that some, and possibly many innoceut men will likewise sutler. Onco started, the Yigilance (.'ommittoo will bo vigilant with a vengeance The very nature of their proceedings, "secrecy," clloctuaily lars a very careful and impartial trial. Thoao guards, of the admisvtbilitv oi evidence, and tho construction of the law, which havo Unit found so necessary for tho profc-ction of tho unjustly suspected and aceured, cannot be brought into exercise in the trials under such nn organisation. To bo suepoctei will lie very nearly as dangerous aa to bo guilty. Ik-sides this wo havo laws that proscribe tho punish ment that shall Isi awarded to the several kinds of crime, and hanging is not tho punishment prescribed for burglary. Our laws are well ad ministered in this State; our officer are trust worthy and vigilant, and wo have no uxcuho to bring tho law and its olliccw into disrepute by tiking matters into our own hand. If this is once done, it w ill lie long Is. fore tho law and its oificers will again bo respected as formerly. AyoTitBii rosninr.it.iT.nv, Is, rmr laws ore the result of careful delilsiration and reiKvited amendment; thoy are not tho sud denly conceived offspring of inllamed passion. Can we expect that law -sao the mask--brought into existence on the spur of the mo ment, by men excited bv tho freijiuncy of dar ing crimes, and rendered fearful liy tho danger with which they nro immediately threatened, will be as good as that which we now have. Mr. Editor, I do Ug thatynu will nse nil the influence of your paper, anil I sincerely trust that the editors of other papers in this city will do the same, to deter men from embarking in this rash enterprise. Let special polico l orgtnsl openly and according to law; but let nothing lie dono con trary to tho laws of tho Stato and of tho city. Although I hardly entertain tho hopo that what I have said will prove effectual in break ing up thU organization, yet I could not permit the tiling to go on without these words of ex iMstulation. Finally lot mo entreat my fellow citizens to do all things calmly, deliberately and thotightftdly. I-kx. CnAJtACTEIt. Thero is a difference bttween character and ropuhv'.iiin. Character is what we really are, reputation is what otliera suppose we an A man may havo a good character ar.d a bad rep utation, or ho may havo a good reputation and a bid character. The reason of this is, that we form onr opinions of men from what they appear to lu, aud not from what they really are. (.ir trno happiness depondj not so much en what is thought of us by others, oj on what wo really are in ouwelvo. Early irapreasion, although they nny appoor to be but light, are the moat enduring, aud exert the greatest iiitlu euce on our li. to character ia everything. North Mill Creek Drldje, This morning we took a stroll down to thu above named bridge to oe how tho work was progresmg. The structure has reached tho opHsite bank and there rvmains but tliree more U-nts to be 'jdactsl in their proper position, a portion of which are already framed. It is tho inteutiau oi Mr. Kline to try and have the lloor ing laid this week and to complete the entire structure by the last of next week. The whole length of the bridge when completed will be No" feet. The bridge U a vary durable one and will bo of great benefit to persons driving ia i that jxrtion oi the city. Abieonded. It was rumored ou tho streot this morning that ono AI. Kowland, for a long timo con nected with It. II. Prlco, In tho cab Rnd hackbusinosa, had Hbccoudod after collect ing oil tbo money ho oould nnd drawing fifty dollars from a well known firm in thle city, in Mr. Price's name. It Is Mipposeei that ho wont to Portland yeBtorday on tho freight train, nnd left this morning ou tho Meatner Idaho, for Han Kranelco. Step? aro being taken to havu him brought back, Trno ilctiiro oi' Innocence. If wo woro to havo tv larxo plotttro of innn renro to hang up In cur oarlor, nnJ wo did not wish to alt for It oitrHflf, wr would got a eorrpct likoucn of n mule. Thero Is luno cencoonough doplcted Inntnnlo'a couuto nanco to lit out n Sunday School class. It looks na guileless as an angle worm, A JJCUDlO Z,OS3. A low days hinco a granary belonging to linns Weaver, near Myrllo creek, Douglas county, burst nnd oplllrd tho grain out upon tho ground. His shoep, whloh weto running about, ate tho grain, nud many of them, dlod. Mr. Weaver lo.ses by thlsacoldont bo tween 300 and COO bond of sbepp. -f- amis? ip- Eoopectorant Stubborn Cotinhs and Coldo yioia promptly to tho healing nnd cum tlvo properties of Dr. Jnyno's K pectornnt. It looacns nnd promotcn tho expectoration of Irritating mnt tor, mitigates much palu nnd dis tress, and checka inflammation. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat TrOUble8 aro nt onco rollovod by nr. Jnync'a Kxprelomnl. It re moves constriction of tho Bronchial tubca, looncna phlegm, booHiph und bonis tho mucous mombrnno,nrrest nny fovorlsh tendency, nnd helps lo fonvnrd rt gradual euro. Consumption. Pleurisy, and Lung AffOCtlon8 nro generally controlled nnd ameliorated by Dr. Jnyne'n Ex pectornnt. It nvCH tho Itltiga from much Irritation nnd distress, by ro llovlng thorn of tho irrltitliiK itudtorn by which thoy nro cloggod, It nlso oupprcsNoa Inll.immatlou nnd glvf3 tho affected partM a chanco lo heal. Whoopi ng Couflh,CroupantlHcnr3Q- n0S3 nro clilcaciousiy trcntcu ty iir. Jujtuo'h i:-icctorntit. It rcmovoti dllllculty of breathing nnd opprcn Hion in tho thront or litnirt, promotcn tho ejection of mucus und .sttbduot tho vlolcttco of those complnlntH nt Uio outset. It la n Hafo Family Ctiru tlvo, of long-oatablishcd reputation, nnd whoro promptly admltilstorod, hurt enabled many to cscapo 6orIou Luug AfTectlons. 110nf?. IUVI3 & CO.. Wholesale Agent. Port land, Oresmi. 'ilBm3 KfrTAISXilMUKU 1855. Willamette Nursery. G. W. WALI JNG & SON, 1'ItOI'ltIBTOIlH, Oflwogo, Olaokaxnas co., Orogom. WALLING'S .PEACH PLUM, Tlio Italian Pmuu, And the best varieties of t'luni. Prune, 1'cncb, AiIIC, tcar, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASdOHTMKNT. Send for Descriptive Oatalogu. Salem Flonring Hills. DEST FAMILY PLOUK, IlARKR'd KXTKA, XXX. HOPKRFINB AND OIIAHAM, MUtnLINGH, 1IUAN, AND t-HOUTK, CoiiHtuiitly on Ilaittl. Sllurliost l'rloo li GASH Paid for Wheat AT ALL TO2CKS. R. O. KINVKV, AKrnt H. V. V. CY Sevt istr IAJOXUZ IJE1.1,, Snccehsor to J. U. Kuun A Co.. Sfi Liberty at., - - NKtV VOIIK, OoiumlMMioii uVajront POK BUYINQ AND 1'UHWAKDIKQ PROM New York Tla Uthraar. Pacific Pallrod, aj4 'P Horn, all Uuda of MrrchandUe. and Tit the Ml of Product fruta Uia Pacific cuast, for the colloctloa of m.ii,eT. Ac o-.tSU $3 OOW rLATBBWATXM.OlAt .in lbs kassra irort't Simi WatcAfr a Uu. Addnaa.A.CoeuHlAOesCWsaajB.