WIJLLAMETTE FARMj3B y. h -v N, K UHI hided zvEnr riiiDXT, nr OJL.A.KK13 & CRAIG, rDBUMitm ac rnontiBTotu. S. A. OLAUKH. I. AV. CIXAIH. TormM nr Siibucrlptlntit Ono copy, ono year (52 nnmliw) f 2. BO Onooopy, rlx month (40 number) l.'ir, nnn ciinv. thri-n month tl.1 mimhT) 7A BALEM, FKIDAY, JAN. 18, 1K7B. THE NATIONS OF EUROPE. Tho European situation, at llio pres ent tlmo, must bo a matter of great in terest to all our readers, and Justifies a review by us of tho positions which tho difTeroni nations occupy. Turkey is helpless at tho feet of Rus sia, her armies destroyed or demoral ized, and It is not too much to say thot Turkey In Europe has ceased to possess nnylmportanco, and merely exists at all because tho groat powers cannot consent that Ilussla should assumo tho rights of a conqueror and found her neat of cmplro at Constantinople; that would bo a dlsturbnncoof the balance of power that Europe could never per mit, and this fact alono stops tho march of tho conqueror and hinders Russia from realizing at onco all that her tra ditions Imvo polntcd.to for centuries past Ilussla has nncomplishcd much, and will not bo apt to grant peuco to Eu rope until sho has secured for herself tho possession of tho mouths of tho Danubo, on the lino sho formerly held; also sho will claim valuable territory in .Armenia, and tho free navigation of tho Durdanellce. Bho will, no doubt, Njouri' Independence for liulgarla and Immunity for tiervia and Montenegro, and Grceco may extend her rule over Thusduly. Germany has, so far, befriended tho causu of Ilussla, and will hardly give counter unco to objections from Eng land, unless her own prestige Is liable to bo weakened by thoaggrandlxoment of tho empire or tho Czar. Austria Is awed by (Jormany, but may not readily consent that Ilussla shall control the mouths of tho Danube, and so bo able to obstruct tho navigation of that great river, Franco is husbanding her strength until tho time shall como when sho can ugulu wrest from Germany tho prov inces of tho Rhine. Sho will hardly take part against Ilussla and (Jermuny unless her prestige Is in danger and nho must take sides to proservo her own rank among thu nations. Italy will hardly seek a strlfo or en ter Into a contest, If it can lie avoided. Kpaln, too, Is out of any possible strife, to all appearances. Kngland Is the most Jealous of all the powers toward Russia, fur they both have aspirations for empire In the East. England believes Russia has designs on her Indian possessions, and fears that the opening of the Dardan elles to Russia and her lu'qiihltliin of territory on tho route to India, In Asia Minor, will givo tho Mus-ovlto a high way to attack bur rule in India. While wo recognize that It Is neces sary to preserve the Imlittifo of owor In Europe, rud that all tho nations must Jealously guard their rights In that connection, still wo cannot but re joice to realize that the Ottoman Um pire has lost Its hold upon Europe, and Is hereafter a nonentity among Its na tions. Asia Is the home and birth place of Mohammedanism, mid it should bo consigned to the other sldo of waters that divide Asia and Europe. It has been a hideous cxcnwoiico on thu fiU'i) of Ktiropoau civilization, and If it can only be removed by somo means, it is to bo hoped that thu scar of war will heal over and ho replaced by u purer religious iulluciu'o and a higher civilization. IMtonssou HnrucocK, tho famous llartfoid geologist, has been Invostlim. ting the fossil bird tracks of tho Con necticut valley. Tho joints, number, spread and swellings oftho toes tiro un mistakably thofo of a bird, probably of tho ostrich family, but lar larger than any living ostrich. In soft silt and otuo of what was then a muddy shore or tho primeval sea, the.se great birds, walking on a surface that lawimo rapidly sun Ikitko 1 between every returning tide, made a sharply detlued and clear cut Impression at every step: and these i racks were tilled up with silt anil clayey mud by the next tide to various depths. Tho depths arc now marked by tho thin but distinct strata oftho freestone Into which this mud was In duo tlnw converted. l'rof. Hitchcock estimates that these tracks were made two mill ion years ago. Owum William Htiritott of Yamhill, who tlinlnn UbrUUwiinUy, wan born at Nah. villi-, 1un., In tK'tolwr, ISM. When ho waa nix yparaotd (he family moved to MWwmrl, In IHJtl L't) caitui (o Ori'trou ami aotlltnl on til il mailnu claim on tl.o North Yamhill In llm fall of 1817, Ho was vory wldoly kuowu and mpcclod. Salem Mariilk Womcs. All persons who may bavo occasion to purchasohcad Htonosor monuments for decoasod frlondf, should tako notice of tho bUHlnoss card of Wm.Btalgor, of tho Salom Marblo Work?, which Is published In this Ismio. Tho bnsl nofcaoi'Mr.Stalger hits Increased so that ho now does moro work than any Blmllarcs tabllMhmont In tho State, and ho keeps on hand a good wolcutlon of work from which any ordinary ordorcan bo promptly lUA, lie ha excellent workmen In hlsemrloy bud Is lilrmolf ono of tho most lastofuluud fclcllltul In llieStHts. Lhiunon, Jan. 14, 1678, Lebanon Grango, No. Ill, mot in llioir hall on Saturday tbo 12th, at 10 o'clock ft. in., and installed tho following ollleors lorthoonnu ingyear: M, David Smith; O, J M Bottle; L, Mrs Sarah Saltmarsb, Chap, Gibson; S, J Ilouk; A S, W W Shorroll; T, J N Mc Donald; Seo, J W Bell; Q K, A M Jones; C, S J Uouk; P, Clara Shidler; F, barah Hmltbj L AS, Harriot Settle. Our Orango will moet next Saturday for the purposoof conferring degroes, and to hoarthe question of co-operation discussed by Ststo Orango Deputy It A Irvlno, and othera. We expect a good tlmoaudagood houso. Tho l'atroriH horo aro on tho alert for bustnoss. I'atiion. Damascus, Jan. 0, 1878. At tho regular meeting, Deo. 20th, of Da mascus Grange, No. 41, tho following odl cor a wero oloctod for tho ensuing yoar: M., Ed. Forbes; O,, D. II. Doardorfl; L., Dan'l OrlmjS., W. 11. Ilorlng; A. S., J.T. Chit wood; Chap., Christian DoardoriT; T., C. It. Koork;Seo., Norman Darling; U. 1C, D. VlnnnltC, Mm. 8. K. Ilorlng; P., Mrs. H. K. Forbes.; F., Mrs, Mary Orlin; L. A. S., Mrs, 1. VJuiant. I'jtitm, Cowlitz Co., W. T., Jan. 11. Me bad qulto ft aleot on Monday last, ao much that I took a slelgh-rlde. Our literary society still keeps up: wo meet every Satur day evening, anddebato different subjects, also bavo spelling and rocltatlons. Frank Vanblbber was elected prosldontof tho soci ety, and Mlis Allco Bozarth secretary; James Stratton, troasuror; J. Htallcup, doorkr rxr. Wo also conduct a paper, called tho "Lewis Hlver Kelleotor," now edited by Mr, 0. L, Klady, and la road ovory two wnokp; It Is qulto Interesting. J, S. Still. Articles of Incorporation of tbo Umatilla Itlvor Driving and IJoooi Company woro tiled In tho olojk's offico ou Monday, Janua ry 7tb. Tho namoi of tbo ollleors aro J. Do- snaln, Luoion Kvarts and A. W. Stultn, all of I'ondleton. Capital stock, 0,000, divided Into 1)0 chares of f 100 oacb, Tho purnoso of this organization Is loprocuro railroad tlos, cord wood, rails. sawlogH and tlmbor generally, abovo ruiKlloton on and noar the Umatilla rlvor, and to float thorn down tho river to tho mouth or to Intermediate polnlu as thoy may bo needed for uso, or sale, Co. Washington County Agricultural Society. I'd. Faumkh: On Saturday, Jan Gib, thero was hold at llllUboro tho annual mooting of thoKtockholdera In tho WaHhlngton County Agrloulturul Soololy, when tho following named porsnua woro oleeted Directors for tho ourront yoar; Hobort Imbrle, John It. l'or ter, llenf. Cornel llio, W. It. Jaoktioii, W. G. Honggln. Win, Hooves, Isimo Htitlor, W. I). I'itlengur. uud A. Luolllng. After which, tho Itoani mnt and elected It. Imhrio presi dent, A. Liiolllng nocretary, and W. H Jack son treasurer. A. Luki.limi, Folk County Pomona Grango Will meet nt Dull in on tho second Friday In lVbrimrp, (thoHih,) 137S, ut 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. ltoni'.iiT Ci.ow, Master. A Goalie- Hint In our tityln of ollmatu, with l!a sudden ohaugus of tomporature, rain, wind, and muiitiliio often Intermingled In u iiliiglodtty, It Is no wonder that our uhilditu, frltuil and relativivM aro no Irnpienlly taken from h by neglected roltl, hall' tho dca'ha resulting direelly from ttils uitmt. A hot tlool llOMthee'a dernmii iSyiup kept about your homo for Immediate iimi will proveut HorloiiN NlokiicH, a Un;i) dootor'M hill, and jxirliaps (l.iiilh, by I lie uhj of tlino or lour don(M, For unrliiK Couxiimptlon, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Suveio CougliH, Croup or any dlsoasn of thu Thmal or LiiugH, Iin Miis.)esx is bimply wonderful, an our druggUt will tell ou, Gorumii Syrup U now fold in every tqwn uud village ou this coiitlni'iit. Sumplo bottles for trial, 10j.; regular ulr.u 7fiu. Agout at Lobauon. Mr. S. Luilrnll, will horealter uu'. an agent for tho Wn.i.AMi:rri: Kaiimiih at Lebanon. a.OOO iiurnlimnt IS 10 l'uuva uarlo! 10,000 urxlt ami twUnji int In Mtr IHeUonarl.r I'OIUI 1MHKN COI.OItlill I'l.ATltM 1NVAI.IIA1IL.1: I.N ANY 1M2UII.Y! AMI IN ANY SCIIOOl.! Morv tUan :tO O00roili' lmvo brcu )UcrJ In tho Iiulillf cliciiUof -lio Untlril Slittp. Itoeommi'utlrtl ty tilulo tjupvrlntcuiloiita ot Schooli InaOilltruiftilKUU: . . . . Trtvtaldur Wi'iiir' l!ellourlc l 'ill litro crt the ! of r ulhiT vrle of t)lcllonarle OmUlu. tl, 000 Him tiatton, uwrty three tlmt at iuiy n)f nllwr lilctliiinry ipy-l,0li T Iti ilirvo picture of Ship, on pt ItM,. IhKO atoui) llluilrli' thu inraulnKuf murr iliati luOwo UotiJ term far brter thtu thfr on br drfluisi lnunl. "tuvkjl. inn Tho llletloniry ofJ til the Hot ftuuu-nl rrlnltnc-Oltlrel Wstrr' lliilirlitifd." I'ablUtwJ bj ). A.C, .MUHIIIAn, Sprlni:nelJ, MM. 8AL.K5I MARBLE WORKS. WM. STAIGEE, ixtisa in Head-Stones & Monuments XXX1TTKU IN Italian and Vermont MARBLE. All klatlH el Ccmotery und Mther 8tone work donu with Heat nMN uud Olapatcli. Hr Order from rt of lh 8tle and Wih hictoii Trrllory rxolvrJ ud forwiricd rrvia)U, oALKit, Jun.lti ltnuit Vf' tf&if 3000 Zmm IMTT-RTIER ! Bofhlfth prices for Printing l Wlle Ptcnm Print- . liA. u.i '.' .- rnr-ntc .-. Ilia nfi And rapM nxocutlon of work it low riten. I-ar(teBt wo mf hKGKh I1LANK8 In the Pla'e, ucidninK w; Courw. SeuJ for Circular and Trice List, AiMrwi, lifirrv s.. TMM Mttl ltrwUlklll(lr l , GrrniocV,8ttle ttreH, SALE3I, ORCHUy. GRASS SEED SEEDGBM FLOWER end GARDEN SEEDS, AT MY SEED STOSL, rwltTLND, NEAIt STAItK STIIEET KEHUY. Trees, Plants. Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Kosgb and Vines. at m KASJT PORTLAND NUBSBRY. CAXL AT TOn BTOHB. Oft Addrau II. HANHON, Ent 1'ortUnd, Or. Jn. 1, 1R78. 3 . I w 09 01 w P lOOl. 1878. HODGE, DAVIS & GO. (ConBolldation of Hodge, Snell & Oo. and T. A. DavIb & Co., 71 Front Street, FOUTJLAND, OREGON, OPFER TO TnB DIIUO AND OBNBBAL XZB chtndlee trada a complete aMortmtnt of Drugs, Patent Medicines, ' Fine Chemicals. Glassware, Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all rlccn tad qaalttlc. WHITE LEAD, Of All tho Icadlntf brtnli, In tint and kega, COLORS, IN CANS and DBY. Putty, Lampblaok, Bed Lead, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including the Unet brand for Coach raln'.era' nto. Paint. Whltcwanh, and Varalih Braabca, L.INNKKD OIL, In barreli and cann. Turpentine, Coal OHi, Castor Oil, Lard till, Nrat 'sTool Oil, Fish OU. AlOOllOl, In barrel and caic llluc Vitriol, Sulphur, Cnntlle Soap, Coiit'oiitratvtl L.yc, rutUNh. XSlttox'n txXX IkIxlcIm. Quicksilvor and Strychnino. taxi, In Quart, lUlfOallon, Onu-(. alien, and KlTC-Oalkn Cans and lUrrele, etc . etc. Wear. AucnU forOrk'on and Wafthlcston Tcrrt- THE RUBBER PAINT, Tim HE3V M1XBIJ I'AIIJT IN UHS. llalllnrUr.'dl'i (arbt Ir 'brtp I lp, WaVcJfe'n Hue, uaiu aim viui rri r moii, ana io- na Jayue'i J'rjprlfliry ilc.lclnev X!T Wo bay our rooI from flrtt hand. thn en lb In; u to competo with anyrunrkctou the (NuwL, an a u)Martion of our lutein will move. Ja7tt-lf RUPTURE! A I'ltOMlNKNT OITUKN CUHltD. Sn Fhani-ihco, Hcptcrubcr 8, 18T7. Uu. I'liiiCK-OtarHIr: Tliu Truti I iurchid of )ou Ut fll linn cured me of Himlurc, from whlcti I iut i) ufTinl for tte -lTwiiiti.riiiur.i, and I fvtl ruuddciit liat an; nuiiuru can Ik) enrtd bjr your Ad.NbTIO KliAbTIU TIIUrtH, If the aUeni will onl; hYo mMch'iU urace to wear It uutll the tn rt4mtuatlou runted by the friction ol tto adcaiu, and tho mvrobrane brain. I aiu.iUarrir, )our truly W. O. QUINUY, Cur. Kdllor "Journal of Commerce," bin 1'rancUco, Mr. Qnlnby It a Rvutlemau well and bforably known nil over till. nit. t. AflcrviiendlBliuiidiviU of dollar ou uonblei metal Trunc. and timing nutrcrfd for twi-utjttvo t tar, ha coraplilaly cur.il In a four month by thu Magnetic Kla.tc Tn, Tbo rcmariiab'e cure lurfoiuuil ou l)r J, Ulinma, tbn popular littuirr and jihyttclan, who 1 Unuwu and ro.pwtt'd all ovir the Uultcil fUW a and Kurvpe, U be. 1 1 xpUluid by tin following letter: llt. J. HIUWB, Tie lUuuvnid l'U)!oiuomUt of Netr York, CUKKDI Colua, Cii, Anvm.t it, ISTT. Maui: fmici A, bON, CXtl Sacrauirnti) Htrect, Han francUco: -1 tako grott pldacure luforrelon jou IhatlQ Trnt. I purchued of your arm Jt Novum. brr eonipktuly cared the rupture with which t bid utTered liiuitevn ytar. Wllum ibrtuycara put my hrrula or ruptuie had Ktown rapidly wore while wcartvi: an ordinary Hue, aud th lutrttlnca pamd iown wbeueycr 1 couxhvd, blowcd try noe, or flralnrd to lift. No common tru ouuld prumnl It, nd then tho ptln was torture. After I worv one of your l'ATENT MAQNRTIO BLAbTIO V UhsKS for lour month. I noticed that the lntrUntdlduot pa dowu In tn lean, even when I trtlued to my utmott, aud what w trouble oaie hernia waa cstlrtly cared, and to remain to tht day. I freely writ, you concerning my cure, btcauae I frel It to bo a duty 1 oho to yu tad oUterfellow-klad h. am imtUrly alUlclcd. You ar at liberty to print Iht letter .hoald you think proper. I am, motl rpectfully, jcura J. blUUb. U. D. Ktierlence h"wa that all tempered tprlnc trnif e. cecverarlly prv upon ud often dlfeam paita of U body that before wereln .perfectly healthy condition. LuiabajN, Klduey aud UUdder AHwitloa, Nervoai Ooblllty, acd a Kndoal .ideroilnlug or the toratlta. Uou, aro omt of tb evil effect produced by luca btrh and coatlnutd preoare, and m view of IhU fact It beoomc matter of decided cojucqacuo. to avoid lllo catamltle. If poaalble, Uu. tnaaci.' MiuManaKLaiTio Tmoaa at d Md icaTKU Uurruits 1'aba can bo obuttei .nlt or tha sodertlned. tie ear. aud remenitxr tho tarn and naattK'X ir Our IlluUated Dook ctvtns foil urornaUoa will b rent fie. toany addrvta MlfiHKTIC KL18TI0 TKl'BS COMMIT, .to, CM Bacramcuto ttieet (up talr), Ban KrauaUco, HAWIEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at tho Lowest Possible Prices, a Full Line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS., WE ARE SOLE AGENTS 33J3 Wlilrli fomblno tho crcittcststrongtli, Phis - . DEEKE is thu solo Patentee of tho Wrought JJIoclc mm womeu l-Tog, una their Plow is tho only Plow so made. Tho Plow's mouldbonrd nnd Hhnro aro hardened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO. THE DEEItE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. The BrentoM I.nbor-Sivinp Implrtnonl yot Icvonttd. Vastly Imprnvpd for Fall of 1877. COO Soldi lxx OroKon ixx Ono Ycnr. pB Evprv Kitrmcr IntvreHioil. Tbo Dfxiro Sulky in tli only Slnide-Liur Plow mnde. EaaMiY UTEHAIEn. So cotiHtrurUd tbnt by h hllgbt mnlloii r tint l.rvnr tbo Plow 1 run out of tlio ground and ralHod clear, by horo- InRtead of timn-powor. It la stronger and. luaa uuiuiillcaled tliau any otuer. Bole ARenta for tbo woll-knowa arOUTH BQTD OnZLZaBD-IKON FLOW!. BUCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCA8T 8EEDER& Tho most successful in use. Too well kuown to need comment. Schuttler Farm, Frelght.land Spring Wagons. FAKM aitlsr.MILLS, all etyleaand prlcts. FAN MILLS. Send for Social Circulars.. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF Willamette University. SALEM, OREGON. SESSION of isrr-'TS. PAflULTYi T. M. OATCn, A. M., Til. D., Tmildtntof tlw Unl verallT. JOHN 1I0BWKIX. M.P.. KtncritttaIroranrorOb. lcttlc and Ol.fftn of Women and Chlldreu. D l'ATON. M I)., rjofontor of OlnUtrlc nnd Dlirao'a of Women ani OUIIdroa, with Clinical Mldwlfury. JAS. M. MoAl'Ki:. M. 1)., Profca:rot 8ar3lcal and !)ecrlutlvt) Anatnmr, D. M. lONKd, M.I)., rrotrttor of Materia Medlca anaTheraiHirlce. L. L. ItOWL.NI). A. M M. D., Profcwor of Pbya. ,0'ojr ano Micnucnni. A. HHAltl'I.hS. A. II..M.D., Proftiiorof Prlcclplca and I'Mctlrrtuftiurvery. (1. II. CObl.lKIt.A. M., I'rafoiaor of CliemUtry and Toxlr.ilrcv KHU.!!' IIAIIVUY. It. I)., l'rofeor of Pathology aud I'nictlruiifMedlcltm.wltti Clinical Atitllelae. J. A. Itll'IIMtDHdN, M. I).. Hrorrfnorofllytknc. Hon. ItUFlW MAU.OUV, U. b. UUt, Attoroey, Pro. Uitox yf Medical Jurlritndtncc. HlaJriit. rnnrrivlnirlu thu cltv, are roonnted to Mil nt olio mi tl l)i uu, who will funtUh all mcM. 17 luioriimliiin, aud olliunvlm) pruviJo for their ac comoilnllun, Littur i.c!Jiencd to tlo Dean will mcelvo iiromnt altentlnu, ' cklMI I.. I.. IIOU'L.IND VI. D., Dean. OKTLY $6.50!! I can sell you A No. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S -yon- Six Dollars and a half! A. PAIR, Manufactured nut of tho KST QUALITY of OAK-TANNKU LKATUKK. JOHN W. GILBERT. Baleva, Deo. 1. 3m 4Q CALLING CARDS, mm wh um neatly printed iherooa. (or T ilS ernl. andtceut tamp forpoataie. AdiM C 11. WOOUWOUTil, SklXM, Ob. MARKET GARDENERS Snd for Boot'. OxaDax Mawual roaltHS, fail of f 'radio InfntmatloDon OardeniDc Top c; alto price in nl Choice Meed. tnrllath nt for 10 ccati, which will b a'luvrcd on tke flr.t order. AdJre Jix3 J. U. hOOT, UocKroau, III. DK. DC V. OHASB, B USVET U.CoL, UU8or.ceo.UJ. Vokatew- ubm. uaiuo-a mocjl, oo naua, mm FOIt THE CELEMtATED J2flig3&&Xfc- M'OLINE.ILI & V.IIPrflEt r extreme lightness, nnd dumbillty. ' mNKSKmWnkEmmmmmmm AHkn WOODBURN NURSERY KREP3 tur. or. FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL,, ..AND... NUT TREES, TTlxxois and SHix-ixtotooxry. Send for 1'rico Ltd and Catalogue. Addrcn J. II SUTTIiltniKU. Wotidbiirn or, oetthnS JOHN GRAY, Formerly in Dnrhln' Illoc'c, Im Jimt opened a Larr and complete tjtocU of Carpets, Oilcloilis, Mailings, AM) Houso - Furnishing Goods. Next to IMlrj-mple A llrown, STAltKKV'S MI.OCK, - - S.VLIC.TI. OIS.. illicit will ns (OLD AT Lowest Cash Rates! KPJltf ATTENTION 'GROWERS! LUHCKRODT ST.lntllf. Mni ...WW,W....W J. ..-.J, .i-CiLS A SUltE UBATII TO Sc?,b, Sorow Worm. Foot Hot AND ALL Parasitos that infost Sheep.. T 18 SAFER. BETTER and VASTLY CHEATER. TUAN ANY OTHER PREPARATION FOr'tIIE. TREATMENT OF SREEF. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OF THE WOOL. XST One gallon If enonich for one hundred o two hnnred Sheep, according to their age, tlrwigth, and condition. ' nIt U put up In FIVE-dALLON CAN8 abd Ic BAR Bnd for clrcaUr, to HOBGE DAVI8 & Co.. l'ORTL.VND, ORKOON, ' Wkoleaale Aseat. for the twate Or to Toar nearett ReUU Draaiin or dealer jal ODTVIN 4U)EN( I -ADVERHSISC i 174 ELM'STREET? CENGLNJS ATI. M - OHIO., .'AdrertlMments SaMrted in aujptper, Befor kdrertlaiDg send for ny catalogao. 2,HEEF esi3&aiStoi: