Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 18, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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    t.-. -r'.'-tfjaB
U. Gilbert
XIio XSoHt over jMhiIo.
Xadies' Calf Shoes,
J tut Iho thtnj Tor onr Oregon winter weather.
Fine Kip and Calf Boots,
WBlab. are exprensly mads for onr trade, of different
qaalltioe, to talt customsra.
All goods) Hold by mo arc GUAn
ANTGKD to bo what I recom
mend tlcm,or I will nt any
time umko It good to the pur-
Salem, Uct. 13, 1877. tl.
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
Balera, April 30. 1873. dti
Good Farms
Il.i 1 i..nnn inn mllim nnrlh of hllctll. Ml thu
DaYtouand Whuatlandroal; I a beautiful location,
.n,i I. is., vnr lict Unit lii tho Hlatu Call bu alvldCd
into hrce conn farms. Wo havo an olT.tr far a part of
thla place at W por acre, which onld IcatL th bal
'nee of tho Unit In a qoero body of 600 acre. 200 of
which l undnr cultivation; KM acres lajhid.JolnhiR
the cultivated Held, that cnald bo easily k1 r aily fur
the plow. having been i lathed 'rem are to ten year.
All the bulldin are on the 600 aero tract, and for
which wo only ask $39 per acre. The who are In
avarehnf 1:0ml land ahonld go and ee this place. Por
particular, coll and eve the proprietor.
Onnron, two and half mile (rom Our all, and about
tho rame dlsUuico from Woodhurn, lying on thu lint to
vlUo road. I a dni-lrable location; la tho very bet
antllty of land, arknriwledcd to bo one of thn best
farm on French Prairie by ail who are acquainted
with the e luutry. 535 acres of thla tract U uurfcr cul
tivation; tho baltnce of tho tract, W acre, I timber.
There U a tolerable Rood dwelling houe on tbl
place: two t-ood birua, with plenty of shed room for
ock. rlaUp.,tlcuUrf.4tioipi
On the premise, or aridrer thom at Wluatlaiul, Or.
Not. )M,lo77. 1m p'd.
Little Giant
Wo wish to Inform tho people of Oregon
that we havo piiroliavcd thep&tout or "Tho
IdttloUlant Grubbing Maoulno," and that
so aro now prepared to mpply any number
ofthetnata viry roatonablo price. Toe sub
joined testimonials or tho buporlor qualities
of these maoblnes and tbofr comparative
cheapness should recornendort thom to all
those dotdroua of clearlui: ou land nt but trl
fling oxpuno. Kor further particulars apply
to Frank Cooper or Win, Delanoy, Salem, or
Albert Briggs.Scio.
Scio, March 10th, 1877.
This In certify- that we bavo used "The Lit
tlo Olant Grubbing Maohlne" and found It
superior to anything of tho kind overused
in thla part or the country:
Preston M tinkers, Wm Ireland,
Henry Iley, J S Morns,
ADivIa, J n Irvine
.IS Baldwin. BFBrJggs,
ilenry T Ilaro.
We thn undersigned hare scon "the LHtlo
Giant Grubbing Machine" work and can
assuro tho publlo that It U the best machine
of tho kind we have ever oen working.
M Alexander, O W liamlltou,
J O Johnson, Poter Smith,
J M Urown, Wm II McKnlgbt,
P Ullyou, I 1 Mason.
Sen), May 25th 1877.
fl. K. corner, at head of stairs.
Farmers, Take Notice.
T wrnJvia.ni. at JOHNNY KMUHT'8 Illack-
mfUi hbop. 00 Commercial St.. below J ado a bard
wr store, for small outlay of coin. Urine In J"
-fflr 4Ud Ke " l "sill wv'Jw icut
ILaitri, fill 1 " toiT
tiiiMUaMultdn MiuIIjii
j,i, M.ai.iinUn..e.
The following named persona were appointed
at the last term of tho Marion Comity Court, to
serve for the year as road supervisors:
District No. 1, W. M. HiUcry.
" 2, J. T. Ueckwitk
" 3, Jan. P. Davis.
" 4, C. P. Fullcrton.
" 5, OnysanlSilHon,
" 6, Joltn King.
7, A. J. Biles.
" 8, Taylor Smith.
" 9, U C. Poolor.
" 10, J. S. Shanks.
" II, J. V. Anderson.
" l'J, Sampson .Tone,
" 111, Win. P. Pugh.
" 14, S. W. II. Jones.
" 15, W. D. Buxton.
" 10, Columbus Cleaver.
" 17, No report.
" 18, W. P. Eastham.
" 19, No report.
" 20, Milton Young.
" 21, .John Frcchwtilcr.
" 22, Frank Davidson.
" 23, (Icorgo Aklin.
" 21, Ocorgo Krousc.
" 25, No report.
" 20, Ocorgo Ashby.
" 27, J. II. Hodtey.
" 28, J. It. White
" 29, 1). II. Looncy.
" 30. No ronort.
31, Frank Frouillaid.
32, F. X. Matthieu.
33, O. W. Dimick.1
3-1, Amos Ilovcndoa.
35, No report
3G, Joseph Cox.
37, John Craig.
38, Wm. M. Steele.
39, L. M. Herron.
40, No report.
41, John Witchcn.
42, Jos. Lcdgorwood.
43, (Jco. W. Putman.
44, No roixirt.
45, M. Ij. Mumor.
40, Henry wtien.
47, J. B. Jackson.
48, It. L. Swartz.
49, S. J. Kerr.
fiO, Martin Woodcock.
' fil, (ico. tMT, Jr.
" C2, Olivor Beers.
" M, J. (i. Kbcrhard.
" 51, IV. F. Hetchor.
" 55, Manuel Ounsalca.
" 50, Iritis Stout
Broko an Axto.
Wo liavo frtMiuontly noticed the careless man
ner in which some of tho drivers in this city
run over tho cross-walks of the streets. Tho
walks, as a general thing, aro at least two incbia
higher than the street, and when tho wheels of
tho vehiclo comes in contact with the walk,
they will havo to jump square up, and if the
wagon is loaded something is liound to give
w.y or Ik) badly strained. This morning tho
meat wagon belonging to Messrs. West and
McGregor, on Commercial utrect, was loaded
and Innng driven at a rapid rate, runt when it
eamo to tho crossing at tho corner of Commcr
oitl and Court streets, tho axle of tho loft hind
wheel broke square oil' at tho Hiumldcr, lotting
tho end of tho wagon drop down while tho
driver rolled one way in thu mud and the wheel
tho other: tho horses stood perfectly quiet as
though thoy luul Wn used to just such break
downs from careless drivers. Tho Jehu when
ho got up, was the most complcto mud man we
ever raw.
C. A, IIskd. Notary Public.
T. IT. Cox
Real Estate and Insurance
Loans negotiated on Favorable
Buy and Sell Gold and Silver. State. County,
and Cl'y Warrants.
Aeeuta lor Heed'. Operw Hooae.
ftT Office, at tho corner of Heed's Opera House,
Kt3 HMKH, Oli. S3yl
l&L 1 1 "W "VL 13L 1
lery, beg leave to call the attention of Fruit
men. und all others who with to procure rood, heal
thy Troea, to their 1MMBNHK STOCK F
coNBirnvo or
Apple, Foar, Peach, Flam, Cher
ry, Fruno.
And many other tnlKellaneoaf marietta, the prleea of
n.l.ll.lm K..a ullllkt . n Bill. .111. ...a
nuiru WH MI iHvm hi rut. ntvtntwv,t (
read for a catalogue.
octia aiiiwkte
Between Portland and San Francisco.
Can be pnrchated at the principal Stallone of the
O. & C. It. It., at
Hocluoocl Xlatoa.
Stcimcn leare both Portland and Ban FrancUco about
Every Five Days,
rvrTlng Pafcnscr and Frelirht at the I.OWE"T
HATF.H. ItiathHonly llnicnylnj the II b. MAILS
and WELL8, FAItfiO Jb CO.'h EXPISEbS.
The Hteamrhlps of thla Company are raUd A 1, and
are new, eU?iit, atd complcto lu inry partlculir.
and conalit cf the
State of Oregon,
(Now building,) 2,XJ) toiii burden,
George W. Elder,
(17(0 tont,)
City of Chester,
(ISO) ton,)
AJSX, 0M tonrj
Kor frcifht or paw, apply at the Company's of
, corntr F sad Front iumu, 1'oanaim.
noatf OK). W. WUDUOl, Agaat.
Salkm, Jan. 10, 1878.
I noticed in one of our city papers lately tho
report of, tho Chcif Knginoorof tho Firo Dejxu-t-mcut,
tliat considorablu strew aud cnjutal w at
tempted to bo mado out of tho recent "onplcos
antnoss" between tho City Council and the Firo
Department in regard to tho increase of insur
ance rates on property in this city, or reducing
tho city from a third clans to a fifth. In regard
to tho trouble or misunderstanding tatwveti tho
City Council and tho Department, I do not pro
pose to take sides, but in regard fc tho insur
ance I wish to make a few obsenntiotii.
Judging from tho Chief Engineer's report, all
of the property holdurs in Uits city were in n
business eeno, bound to have their proiiorty in.
Btircd. Aud a man who did not m do, v,.w
lacking in judgment I reipeetfullv beg leave
to take tsHtie. i neltovo noiiisiiy mai n uiero
wis not a 8ttiglo dollar of insurance m tins burg
it would bo far bettor olt. That the number of
fires keen tweo with the number of buddings
and amounts insured. I tlo not say that a man
will lire his building as soon ni the policy h
taken out, but it is a premium for cirelcsstii-M
or criminal ncgligcnco In quarters that we little
think of. Tho methodical and natural instinct
ive caro in regard to looking to proper extin
guishing of fire, when the place of business is
closed up, or dwelling houso left for a short
time, is not cultivated as it should be, but "let
it rip" style of doing business is engendered;
"it is insured anyhow." Ashes from tho stovet
are not properly cared for or looked after; they
aro thrown into anything without examination,
whether alive cools aro in them or not Oils
used for lights are carelessly handled or But
about where thoy may become overheated.
Itags impregnated with oil or grease allowed to
accumulate inoddcorncrs uoar chimneys or gar
rota or lxick yards, and spontaneous combustion
engendered, and tho many laws of chemistry
not studied or looked aftor that should be, and
would bo if tho property was not insured. In
fact, it has becotno so prevalent, that nho first
question asked after tho location of a fire is as
certained, "how much insurance!" A natural
sequence of tho unfortunate custom of insurance.
"A houso not insured ilcol not burn Mill noon
becomo an aphorism, aud as proof, of all tho
houses that nave burned or partially so in this
city for the last live years, at least 00 l.T cent
had more or lees insurance on thciu.
And tho action of thu insurance companioa in
mincing Salem to n fifth-rate city in their scale
is a bkwaitig, and should they withdraw all of
their business philanthropy all of tho citucus
(except agents) would arise and roll them
blessed, while tho tire aniwrntus would compar
atively rust for want of use,
Ckntiul Hcitoot, Jan. 7, IS',8.
Tho Association met and was tailed to order
by tho President. Miss Mattio U Powell.
Itoll called Mr. Steuvea, Miss Warinncr.
and Miss Florence Adair, alout.
Miss Adair absent on account ox sickneas in
tho familv.
Mrs. Nellie Curl was appointed special critic
for thu eveniug.
Umicr tho bead ot goncr.u rmttnctn, itir,
Handle announced that there will bo a tomtior
once meeting at tho Optra House Saturday,
January 12th, at 3 P. M. All school children
nnd teachers are cordially invited to attend,
mid partieipatf in tho oxercinos.
the lirst on the programmo ras a reantng uy
Miss Smith, entitled "lively Wornu. It
was a sekctiou from a production of llobert
Ingcrsoll, and contained much of interest, bo
hliles a "slight sprinkling" of "Woman's
A poem entitled "Hannah Jane," written ly
Petroleum1 V. Noaby, was then read by Mr.
(rH. Adair then read a poem entitled
"Mother's Fool." It tnuwplrul that "Mother's
Fool" poescsiud Home of that rare article, coin
mnn sense; that the people of the country in
whith Kud fool ruddotl, lecoino aware Uat ho
had some common sense, and nulttil h'uu o.i
their Governor, thus bosto'ving upon him n diw
appreciation of trut which his worthy and
more lxok luorntvl brotlien choM to consider
tho suitable characteristka of "Mother's Fool."
Ttio next regular meeting wa Mt for Monday
evening, January 29th, at 4:15 o'clock.
The critic announced that she had no rcjort
to malic.
Thu business of tho evening twing finished,
on motion adjourned, to loeet at tho usual
place, oj etatcnl aboe. J. T. Oiikimi,
A woman, namod Catharine Orovcr, died for
want of proper nouriiJimeut at 39 rkntth War
ren street on Thursday. It ii alleged that her
husband worked for thu miserable iitranco of
two dollars a week, aud oouncquontly was un
able to provide tho common noccttutrictt of life.
The poor woman lived in an attio which was
niiverably furnishod, a:td fcho luul n Utby fifteen
months old. A suliscription was raised to bury
tho body. Trenton papers, Novewbcr, 1877.
"Abundant harvests." Preaident'H Mennage.
From theTruo American, Trenton .New Jcrcy.)
atarvod to DcaU
In an attio sod and dreary.
Lav a mother and her child,
Helpless, hopeless, wtak and wuary,
And with craving hunuerwilit
Hiulmnd, father, toil-enduring,
Working hanl for ptttauoo p-j
In a wlk, enougn procuring
For his family for a day.
Neighbont learn tin ir and conililion;
(Intlier in to render aid;
HusUuid gMi for a phuicia:t--
Cannot coine utile he's iuid.
Tries another and nnoUvcr,
Until one coiimjuU to come,
But too late to ttavu the niutin r
Bhc in Death's cold arms w nuuib
Millions spent in church-.-vhiniing
Milliouj uistinl, making Liwn;
Millions of tho people mourning,
While tho demon hunger iiaH.
Oh, ye p.tid anil trnstod TuaierHl
listen, while ye hokl your lin-atli;
In this land of llible-rtaderH,
Wives a.vu MtriiKiti kiaivVh iv ukatil.
Tiientok, N. J., Nov. 23, 1677.
Pranlut of tno WisO.
0d Bortas got njin its ear I'wt aigtit, r
tween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, and pluyt
havoc among the sign and bulletin liootds by
blowing Uiem dowu; about twenty fevt of Ue
tin roof ou Mollory's brick Mnn torn up and
this morning it was hanging over Wie rUie of
tlie building. Beveral persons intonu us that
their houn were felt to weave tooad fro in the
wind like a cradle. Such a heavy wind is tm
thing rtheruuuual for thi plait-.
Washington, Jan. 0. Fredorlck It. Good
rich who mlmllled forging names of em
ployee of tho luiorlor dopArlniont to tho psy
roll, has boon Houtonccd to two years' Im
prisonment. Tho Mexican ooncroNH Jim votnd to admit
brondHUiHH faom other countrletfii oof duty,
which will bo vory advatilng'ous to Califor
nia. Now Mexico nmlTxi, furnishing a
ptolluble market for their produoo.
Chloagn, Jan. 0. The Triliitu.i'n Wnihlnt?
(on pedal nays: Prtmldcnt ltnet t-'emi
ilpcldeil In renuw the n,iht on the Now York
Tho National Itnp1)ll"nn say: Wo 'iilo.
upon what wn regard hh high mtlhorlly, tlmt
the l'rHfddotil will bIuh thn Hllvor bill when
over Hubmlitod to him, hat lug becoriio con
vln od tlmt the btislmiM InturettM n tho
eoiintry und a majority of tho peopln do
imiiid It.
Ilostoti, Jan. 0. At a nifotlng of thn Hj.
publloiniilatoconiiiiltteoat Cotiord, N. 11 ,
iHHt muht, It was manifest tunro us a for
midable pro-lluyes element in tho p.irty.
Strong feollug against Chandler whs ox
prossod by delegaton. A spoeeh was made
by ox-U. S. Soralor Patterson, who, though
Indorsing tho President, doubted tho advisa
bility of introducing tho matter Into conven
tion. Speeches ndvocttimrolthorn onncllla
tory iolloy or positive ludorsemontor liayea
weru mado by Oou. Stovons, Msjor 11. N.
Krtrr, O. C. Moore and othora. A. H. Tuck
slid Mbhod W. Tapnanaovoroly attacked W.
K, Chandlor, who is adologato. Chandlor
opoko at longtlt, criticising tho action of tho
Concord, Jan. 0 At tho Republican State
onnvnntlon It. V. Prescott was nominated Or
govornor by aoalamatlon.
Chicago, J an, 1 1. Tho Trlbuno'a Washing
ton spoolal tnys: llttokner, ohnlrman thosoti
atodocllnea to tus'ithefillvor bill, orshould
the president volo It, ho would have tho rulos
suspondod and at)neh thn llland bill tn tho
legUlatlvoapproprUtlonblll, Ho thinks this
oati be easily douo, nnd then he remarks,
"Wo CAti fay to Mr. Hayes, "If yon dnu'tglvo
uh all vr, yon can't uot any money,"
Careful Inquiry falU to confirm tho htorlra
Hentout by the reaumptionlsui that tho sllvor
bill has lost ground. Tho only portion of tho
llland bill whlou may havo lostbupport Is tho
fren coliiaue. Tho Allison niunudmout la
probably strongor than boforotho holldnys.
There has boon absoluto oontldonoa that it
eo u Id bo p.tMcd over the voto.
Itlohmond, Jan. 11. Heavy rains thn pvit
two daya caused anothor rlso In tho rlvora.
Tho bridge over .Staunton rlvor on tho Itloh
mond .v. D.invlllo road, Just replacod, wan
again u wept away, tho third tlmo Insldo of
two months. Thu Iron bridge over tho msmhi
rlvr on tho Virginia Midland road tietwcon
Lytiohburg unit DjuvIIIo In aUo Wushou
away. This brldgn was destroyed during
the groat Hood In Novombor, hut recently p
placed. Tho Kontiokn river nt Weldon. N.
U.,Uvory high, thn water rising six tn eight
InotiCH per hour. Tho railroad bridges nt
that point nro threatened,
ltoeklund, Mo., Jan. 11. Tho lioavlest
northeast Kflo ever known horo nrevallod
last night, doing great dsmngo to shipping
and wharvoa nnd unroofing a nuitibsrof
lh)n Moines, Jan, 10 Tho lcglsUturo moot
next Monday. For U. H sonator thorn Is no
oandldate against Senator Allison and It Is
probable ho will havo no opposition.
Chicago, Jan. Ml. Tho Inter-OceanN
Wellington iqwolal nays: Sonator Conkllug
naya the statement that ho intendu to oirer
a resnlullnn of Inquiry Into tho ohargtm in
Uhnndlor'H letter Is absurd.
Kan Franclsen. Jan. II. On DccnmbnrS'.h
allretn Horn lulu devastated thn ICaplanade
portion ofthocltv, destroying thn govern
ment warehouse opposite tho nus'oin house,
the wharves and nhoda devoted t tho uhu at
ocean mall steamers, Htid it number nf pri
vate buildings. Inolurilnv storehouses, lum
ber yards, maniiUolurlng (HlabllshmntiU,
eto. 1OfcH about fiW.OOO: inhiiranoe itlll.OOd
Vlelorla, Jan. P. The Uudson lUy Co.'a
bik Ivty liHinpson, from London, with n
tun cargo ot assorted inetcnnnuiso, wmio at
tempting to enter Bqulmnlt harbor, at 3
o'clock tlilti morning, ran on n rook near tho
dockyard. Hho Is reporte-l half lull of water,
and aa h heavy gato la blowing, It lit feared
thn will not bu got oil.
Victoria, Jan. 10. Thn steamship Oily of
Panama sails at 12 o'clock, noon, with the
following ptHfotiBiiM: JolmJ-iok aud wife,
0rar Landreth, John Horns, J. It. Androwa,
William lloll, A. W. I.twaon, A. W. Henxhip
ami wlto, I). W. Higglnx, Matnlo IIIgln,
MrH. J. Hobblns, Mra. S. Cooper, F. K,
Oernrd, It. Janlon nntl wltu, W. W. Itlch.
The liirks (Jem of theOoosn.Two llrothera
and liOekiloy Hall havo arrived I rom S.wi
Thn condition nf tho bark Lndy Ittiipsoti
(HHtill unfavorable. Tho wluif bus died
away, but tho tesHel In half full nf water anil
tho cargo la probably ruined. Tho Latn hod
Is h Hourly new vohul, having u lonuuguol
413. Hor cargo wan allied at XIO.OOO.
Thorq Ih no Hearolly of labor of uuy kind
hero, tho market bolug more than welluup
piled to moot all demands.
London, Jan. 0. A upeclat from llsrllu
naji-: ltnhsla having cotiNouted to outer Into
iii-gotlalloiia lor an armistice, oven If the
preliminaries of poaco are not sntllwl before
nun(l,'onulinl'iti of a truce la probable.
CouHantlnnple, Jan. 0 Tne tounoll ol
mtnUUra havo agreed Uxn thn conditions
of an armistice and Hubmltted Ihsm for thu
Hultan'a approval. In opening direct nego
llatlouH purely for a military armlMlce, the
ortn la said to be acting upon Lord Derby's
Thn Sultan having approved the arm In! loo
oondlth'.ns, ha ordered commanders In the
Hold to conclude un armlatl'i with tho Huh
Hiiin eomtnauHorH. Defurn agreeing on thU
eoiirsH thu Turkish lornlgn minister telo
Kr.pliod In tliHTurkUli ninlMNStdor at Iin
don ItiKtruciIng lilin t-j freqinst Loid H.irby
to nrraugb wltli Ituskla tho uotidilloiiM ot the
armUlloe. LordDrby roplltd iha'. UushU
would not otitorlalu mioh propossl, am) couu
nelfd (Uriel neitotUlloua betwieu the bolllg
crenta. It Is Mttttoil ueKOtlutlniibooittluuii be
twiini Kngland and l'.UK.iUoti thoquestlun
Ooimtautliiople, Jan. ll-S:.1Qn, m. Thu
amUtleo baa not jet been HrrAiiged. Tho
nor:o has received the KudhIhii anaMiir to the
TurkUh oommitiHotitlou, proponing un ur
uiUt'co, IntlmntlDK that negotiation -i must
b' wilidiicliid on tho bitala of eventual puace
condition!, Tho portH h.ia not yet rt-pllod.
Tho reply ofdrund DuWo Nicholas to thn
TurUl-li eommsndiir-lu chief that i;o would
refr tho latter'a overturn for un armlMlce,
tn tit. Potcrxbiirg, iIhKh that tiegoilaltotifi
could only bo conducted with hltuMdldlMu ,
and there could he no question at preoeul ot
an armUtlcn without u Iu-Ih for 1'Ohio.
Ht. PoterHhur, Jan , 1 1. Httsslaii J mrii.ila
rummintlUKon Ihotapluro nf tho fuiKUh
army lu SchlpkA Past oltit out Omt thla la a
new uvidencn that tho Turkish powrrof ru
Nla'nuen la utterly broken, and remark that
the nablnelsHt both Coiiantntliiopleiiiiil Lon
don must understand the iieew.ilty of reoog.
uUing in appriMtchlng negotUtloua the do
claivu inlllUry altualion created by thu Huh
al.n army.
The f:t that Itusaia haa reiterated her
declaration that the armistice la to be aetllid
bv thn roiiirtianiln nf fn In n. a.i.i
not by ploulpotontlarlos, shows Ihatltnssra
una urn, iiriiiimioen in mo compromlso nro
noed bv Unclnn.!. thai. it.n ,.,.. .i
aomiiinndiirs stinulil h lii..u;,,i iiih.
,0,nl! whllo tho main ailpulatlons shonld
Mn,...,v,, B,ivi-iHi uenioieniinries. it is
tint known In Ht. I'Mfruimr.. ,.i,n.. r. .
Sohoitvaloir, tho Ittislan nmb.tssndor at
IiOiulon, hni yet pr-.-triitod this roltorated
dtolarntloti to Lord I)rhy.
London, Jnn. 10. Tim Standard under
H'aiidsthat Lnyard, lliMhh ambassador at
loiiHtHiitliuipIo Inn iiqtuHled Immedlato
dlsp-itelmi n UrlUhh nminifwitrtoCreto.
'iuHrnicuiiiminiiniKiu Mediterranean
Will order tlm luiriiiiinni Linil....!.... ..r ...
,, , ... ' r...u..iii, u, .run
more. A felpuraiii irnin Cr.vti. .h.iu n,...
hostlit(H linttM-mi Inuiiri-riiiu i.o.l l... rr...i...
eoiiituutii'ed TuiwdAC.
A lludisrest curt 04potiilimttnlegrnpli8 that
thtithitw has cominetuvii which, If It oon
t'tiue, wlllcitt-oanioveliiMit or tho Ico In
tholMniibolo rrcomniein-ii nnd mako cotu
iHUtiliMilnii morndlllliiili than over.
A terrible oulbroskol Miottrd (vnliun ha.
occurred in Frut, uhlil mut iiniTil,nri,nn.i
It orIuliiHtc.il among TinkNh prUoners.and
It Ih whispered that It ta rtHlly tho plaguo.
A ieuuaourreaponduntantH lie Ims trust
Wnrthv Inrnriiinllmi ilmi ii... .,-.. ...i. iu
crossed the lUlknim under Uonoral Ooutko
comprises oo,uuu iniautry,
I'rlllCO Mutalav Intia runiintn.t !.,. .Ill,
Gen, hkoboltir uolds Sohlpka.
St. Petersburg, Jan. O.-Orand Duke Nloh
oloa has telegraphed tho followltnrto Ihoora-
,siur uuiu uniuua, January hj i am nappy
to congratulate your msjesty upon the
b'..illant victory gained thla day,
Onn. Tlatlllfttrtf lia f)a.lii.ii-Ml. n.l.l.MM
- v... --'- -w--j --., ...v um,ru.n.u AiKUIIIIK,
pa I it tl mm! thn urlinla Tnrklali ..mii .l..r.....ll..
Sohlpka Pass, consisting of 41 buttalloua, 10
v.uorios uu uuo ruKlllluiu Ol "AVSiry.
v vuuni.uuuopiit speoiai says nioiioutit
All haa started lor ltonmolla, oominlsslopod
tn Pfinntililn mi armlallfut Ir l.a Iiu1i.au ,,..
continuation oftho war Impossible.
A opoolal from Pera says Mehomot All haa
gonn to arranso an armiatlco. Tho correspon
dent understands tho parte has ngreid to
proposo fclx weeks' armlstko, on condition
that the belligerents maintain llielr piesont
pohltlons, and peace negotiutlotis commence
ns soon ns thourmlitlco cornea In operation.
London, Jan. 11. A inn commltiod aul
oldo yesterday by lotplutr from thu whlspor-
iiik Kiiuiy iiioi, i.ura .uiiurai,
Itomn, Jan, 0,-1 1 Isstatedlhal King Victor
Kiiiauuol confessed to MonMlgnmir F. Mare
nelll, haorlstan oftho apostollo palaoes, who
waskctittn him by (he poai. Ho was also
vlsllod by Mouselirnour t'etiul, the papAi do
mestlo prolate. Tho Austrian ambassador,
Princes Margucrlto nnd slate dlgnltarled
whnil tllO If ln rinnU-ml ll.n immmmilnn of
extreme unction from hhohaplaiu, AtiHomo.
itjwum .;ou i-. m, um npprcxMoii unuur
which tho king Inhered luoreahed, nud he was
caused lo iuhiilo oxygen, which Heotuod to
give him k llttln strength. Ho aaliilud thnno
tircKout, bending his head twlco, thou sigh
ing deeply, ho oxplrod,
OlplomatlstN being Informed of tho death
ol tho 1(11111 and Prince Huiiibetl'a hcc(nmIoi
procodod to tho Qulrlual Itnmudlately to
Tho newspapers appear In black, and ro
mind their readera that Vlntor Kmnnuel'ti
life was dedlcatod'to tho groatuesa and ha
plness of Italy.
Tho vrnyHof tliobiiir.tlotHtloscrlbcilby
tho tntvolurs In thu fur Wont nro h
ntrnngoiiH thoHu of tho I Ten then CIiIiicho.
If it herd or tlitso nniiniils got on tho
north Ride of tt truck, It will utiuul ntu
ultlly gnritiir, though tho locomotlvo
pasKcfl within nhtintlrciiyitrtlH of it. Hut
If two nillcH from tho track on tho south
aide, the. tfliolo herd la thrown Into tho
wildest commotion. ItcganHeHs of con-
HequouccH it will tniiko for tho truck, nud
ir tho train Is in its wuy, ouch Individ
ual biilTaln will go nt It with tho tlcHprr
ntionof tlcnpnlr, plunging ugaliiHt or be
tween ttio locomotive und tho cur. There
wiih it notithlu ItiBtutico of thla in tho
winter of 1871-72, when tho ponds unit
Htnttll rlvora wcru frozen willtl, and tho
hiifl'itlo wuro forced to tho larger rivers
for water. Tho conductors nt tho Atchi
son, Topekn unit Santa P'o Ituilrnatf,
after having trains ditched twlco In r
woelc, Icurni'il to anvo it very tlochlcti re
spect for tho iilloayntiruHtN of thu biill'.tlo,
and who. i tlu'ro was it possibility of strik
ing n herd on tho rum page for tint north
slilo of thu track, stopped thu train until
it hud puttied.
There Is snlil to bo it young mnn In thu
Mlwouri Penitentiary whotut parents, nt
their death, left him it fbrttnio or $,'0,000.
Theru Is whero Ills parctitH made a fatal
tnlutnku. If they hail taken thu precau
tion to Invest that nam in n Htnttll dog,
nntl shot him, and then had HTmnly left
the young man ujuok-pluno or it wood
saw, with printed Instructions how to
hho it, thu chances aro that instead of be
ing in tho penitentiary, he would to-day
havo been gradually hut surely work I tig
his way up to a hatulHomo competency
ami nn honorable old age. Hut over
alncu tho days of Adam and ICvo parents
have mado it it point to toll und strugglo
till their lives in nrdur to realize u niiIII
chiiit sum of money to ptiichiiHo, when
thoy tiro dead and gone, their miiis each n
llirttolasn through ticket to tho devil, and
It Is not mtichlo ho wondered at that so
many of their pons, reared lu vice and
idhiucfs, us ton many nf them olteii are,
have no higher untbltlon than to Invent
their inheritance In Just that sort of
Tho young man (Jr-tyson, charged with
murder, who escaped from tleteotlvo
Cherry, at Portland, a few days siuci, wo
thiol; acted very foolishly. From all that
can bo learned In reltitlmi to thu kill
ing there were ninny palliating cliciiin
Hnuccs attending It, which, taken liu-on-ii"cthn
wltli tho youth of tho ticutucil,
rcudi'M his acmilttal (iilto ioshlo. It
was Caiar, wu bclli'vc, whosahl that Iho
apprehension of evil lullloted inure pain
t tin ti would tho mil Itself. Ko thu con
slant fear of deletion would rob Ihu of
Its pleasures. Thla thought. If wiiiu in
thu mind, would deter from thu commis
sion of crime.
Mrs. r.mma iCellogK dangerously III, at
Nt wport, III, Hho la a representative to the
It W, Orai.il Lodge, I. O. Q.T., of the
United Bute., luui thla State.