JK",v K x- f r"f s W1JLLAMETTE FARMER tilfcnuti Jfnxnur. mnii bvebit r.uiur, ar CLARKE &. OKA.IO, rUBMMIERB AND morBIZTORfl. 8. A. CliAllKK. D. V. GUAM;. Tcrma of Kiitertptlon. One copy, ono year (K3 nnmbcn) $2.J0 Ono coiVt ls month (88 nnrnbet) .... 1.U5 Ono ropy, Ihrin month (in nnmlM-r) .7A 8A LE jSTfKI l A.Y," JAN."l8ri678. IJUJT TUESDAY HIOHTS ADVKNTUBB. Tfaroo of Salem's Colored Gents play tho Part of a Dotoctivo They taclUo tho wrong Man and ara forced to "Lino Up" and stand Inspection. Karly In tho evening laat Tucaday, there wcro id t ting arround tho store in a certain hock and dray born, three gentlemen of tho African do rccnt and were each narrating the different blood-curdling adventure that they had en eonntcrod during they- lives with bnrglars and robber, and noon tlicir bravery had reached to the utonnrr rrrcii, And they longod to add ono more laurel tqirig to their already full crown. At last ono of thern aaidi ".Tea you look a hoah, flworgc, do Councilum ob din city will gibo ono hundred dollars to do fust pusscn dat will bring dem roblicm to du justlsj now, dor am thrwj of ns lioah, 'spOHcn wo go (Us liorry night anl take dem fullers in, and den claim do 'ward in tho mornin', dor will bo a few bits obcr thirty dol lars 'jiicco, and dat 'mount )' mony you isn't gwiuo to bo pick np olwry day in do wook, dis chile feels big naff to jos take 'bout fob ob dem camps in before mornin'. Tbo jilans wcro agrood to and tlioy proiarod thcnisclvca for nrn nnjiit's cahpaiok, Armed with an old revolver and a dark lantern they loitered around the barn tdl tho dead hour of night, when they willed forth into tho black noss of (lorkniss, for tho purpose of breaking up tho band of nibUm that are infesting this city. Thy roan ed almuttill 1 o'clock, when tho sonnd of trail, ng in the distaivco was beard; bright anticipations of shining twenties that thoy were to receive, flitted Ui rough their minds, and what a glowing account tho papers would have of tho nl'iiir, and they would Ihi lions of Uio day. As th i iiikIh caiiiu nonrcr thoy nocroted Uicrn m)lvi at thu comer on Cvinrucrcial tftrvet, op jxmito Crtpt. I'rntt's rcwidonoo. MKAKHIl ANIi PSAKKK (Jtmo Uiu iioiiml, and at lost was within a few foot of tho crouching formi of our heroes, and one of them raiaed up mid confronted hi vic tim. Tim man stoppixl, and demanded, "Who van dot?" Our hero, who of roiintoilid not want to rovuil his truo iiniuu tuitil at u proper time, ruidi "My nnmo am Smith, soli." "Yaw," said tho victim; "but vitch omi uf dcm'taiii iSchmidlrt you van? Dar vas morn as two uf dum in town." Our hero demanded of him if bo va a rraMlcnt of this city. "Vn a nwi dent hero?" said Uin victim; "I vm horu mom as llvo years beforn do first sidewalks van built mitder town." .lust thin our other two licroea caiiiu up, ami thu victim W'g.ui to recedn from Uieui. Thru tho dark Luitini was brought into play, and thu lilit thrown ujwn t)iuiu. tim, mIiii had rl mjiwI a KKVIILVKIt WITHIN llni IIANl, And jiroNental them in any thing but an inviting xmiUon for our Iiitis-h, who at that moment rucogitirt'd him in Henry Jiuikohky, when ono of thrin immediately King nut: "r'uh (IihI, Marmillinry, don't go foil to shoot dis way. I mi not ihi imrgiar; Its put up item afc ft t . 1 all. M T.lT.m l..ift tr .1 fc ft "I.!-, tt ft ft. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY. Mart Chamborlln's Residence Entered Jjxat Night by Somo Unknown Persons -Thoy Woro Discovered In tho Boom and Chased ont-Thoy Scoured Nothing for Their Trouble. SKETCHES-NO. 1, Mr. M. U Cliamberlln's residence, on tho comor of Front and Chonickcta streets, was entered by somo unknown person. About two o'clock this morning, somo of tho family arourtd Mart from his sleep and told him that there were IIUKdLAKS IM Till! II003H; Tlint tlicy heard them down stain knocking around. Mart crawled into his breeches and slipped down stairs barefooted, and without a light Ho stopped at tho door of tho sitting room, for tho purposo of ascertaining in what portion of tho houso tho burglar was. He stood perfectly still for several moments, and feeling a cold draught of air upon his feet, con- eluded that tho sitting room was tho place where tho depredations were being committed. Ho then steppod into tho room and discovered the door being Timowx wiDK oricf. Ho immediately struck a match, at tho samo timo keeping on cyo upon tho open door. As tho match blazed up, tho burglar, who was standing in tho room, lust beside Uio door. sprang out upon tho jwrch and thenco out tho gaws, aim mauu nw escape. In a low moments after that a tierson camo along ou tho walk ami stopped at thu gate, nnd Mart, supposing that it was the samo individual, coming back to eon test tho right of tho room with him, Bang out, "Who's there T" It proved to be Billy Harkcr, the night watch; he, having discovered thu gate and door open, had stopped to seo tho cause of it. Ho then camo into tho houso and tnado on examination of the room, but nothing was token. Tho thief had raised and entered tho room through tho window, and U.NLOCKKD T1IK 1)0011 And swung it wide open, in order that he could make a hasty retreat if necessary. Tracks wcro found upon tho norch. and thov weru maaa iry a person wan eitncr runners on, or else thu boot vviro muflled. Had Mart uot struck tho match when ho did, tho burglar, in making his escape, would havu run direcUy into thu nnns of Killy Uarkor, as ho was not moro than fiftyyards away, and coming directly to tho gatfl. Tho burglar obtained nothing for his trouble, but ran a very narrow tscajio of being caught. MORE or THE BOROLAR8. Mr. E. M. Wolto'n Residence Attomptod to bo BnrglorUod-Tnoyaro Frightened away by the Inmates of tho House. 'vulvi-rx uuil ilw tlulo won t U tootivo any muali, fob do lord, I won't." Henry mado them stop up in n line, nth I after Minifying him self that they wcro lumiwt in their intcntioni, allowed them to drjmrt in i:.uv. (Stvirgo pays ho tliui't haulier after that hundred dollars any more, and if deni uddur fool niggahn obcr wants him to play 'Uiutivu apuu, ho will "broke" dar jaw wlil a luim shovel. IlKhlsr TUB HKVIL. Tho following amxluto vns told by ono of our city diim'., on SumLiy nvcuiuglast, illna. Lntting thu way to hi faithful to one's self, by standing tat and remitting tempLitiou: Tlioiu was n man wholittvl in tho eouutry, aud thin young umti nas one day viritod by bis iastor and bis jostor's w if They made a very pleasant vWt, nd wcro nlmut to depart; the mtor wax se.tted in hit buggy, and his wifo wo ceatil by his ride, and they wcro all ready to start, when tho young man cried out, "Hold hard a bit," mid started for thu nmoko Louso, and urrisiug tJuir picked out a nico ham ami returned towards tbo buggy, iu tending to luiko tho patitor a preiwut. Hut when ho luid gut luvlf w.ty tho IXivil tempted him, and Kddt "Ob, ou stupid follow, to gio the pastor kulIi a pnvl, Urge ham im that; taku it hack, aod pick out a uiallt r one: it will About .1 o'clock this morning, n burglar at- tempttMl to enter tho residcnco of Mr. K. M. Woito, on Front street. Ilia wifo awoko from a noiso at ono of tho doors, nnd gutting up, walked heavily across thu bedroom into Uio sit ting room, in order to alarm bwn, and givo no tico that thu initiated were awukv. Tho thief, hearing Uio noiso mid finding tho doors locked, doubUess commenced on Uio windows in tho sitting room. Mrs. W. tlioH-awoko Mr. Watte, who got up and wtnt to Uio sitUng room, but hearing nothing, vent to bod again. His wifo being somewhat frightened, remained in Uio room for a moment, and then hearing thu nuiiu nt tho window, infoimed Mr. W. Utat ho w.ts getUng into tho room. Mr. Waito sprung up and going to tho Fait window, slow ly opened tho blinds, which tiro on tho inside, but Hecitis! no one, went again to hod. Thii morning ho discovered that Uu suspicious of his wifo went correct, fur tho burglar had raised the North window nbout four inches, and in nttemntini' to remove thu heavy Honor pots, wluoli entirely ', had maJo tho nei.-o pleuM) tho tor iuat as well, and you will uot Ixi out im much. Then tktt oung msu lo. tumid to the tmoko binisa and hung up that luun, and pick id out a larger one, and :ii:.vin proevedul towards th bugpy; lut whenudf way tho Oovil utornxvl bun ogftiu, and f.iid; "Oh, j ou fool. What, go and pick out a larwr luim till? You am a find, indeed." 'ITio )oung miui went lock to tho sinoko houe a third time, and uftitr having hung up tho ham which he had brought lack. proctHHieil to pick out Uio ery largest and Uvt ham that was there, with which ho (oo inoro abirtcvl for thu buggy. Hut tho lkitil mot bim ojpiln, ami this time attarkt-d hiinwith all his might, using every device to mako him yield. And the 'young man stood fast right there, and said to tho llcvili "Now, SaUn, if ) on dou't ceasu tempting me, I will give Uio itaroon every hwu in that Muoko housf," And theu Uio'UovU left him. All wo bavo tosajr it, that if tho worthy ptvarhrr vrho told this rtory is left without a llentiful nupjJy of eurrtl legs of pork, from which to cut good ilicea for hid breakfast, then ho U unfortunate in having a congu'gation thoroughly dead to all inivjal tuocbiug, and ly far to.) obtUM) to vee Uio InWrpretition uf the piiiiuvt (arable, Tho ItoseburK tost oillco IssiihI 813 money orders Ust er and paid '83. Whole suiouni of ordent paid, o,(M; wlinla uuiuunt of money aeut to 1'ottUud, 0,C57. till tho Iciso of tho window, reseuibliuii tho opening of the front blinds. If tho locality of tho thief had been ducovcred at tho time, Mr. W. thinks ho could havo made at least onu "gotxl" burglar out of tbo crowd now infivitiiig tho city. Hiueo tho nbovo was in typo, Mr. Waito in forms u that tho South door of tho kitchen and thu casings, had boon eonsiderably brui-;d from somo heavy iron in thu hands of thu UiieUH, du ring their attempt to fuiuo an en trance through it. Till! IHIN3MIT1MI101' was Uio next place they endoavonsl to "tap" by trying to ruisu tho back window, but iu this attempt Uio failed, for Mr. Korstner heard them at tho window and went out to givo them a re ception, but thoy evidently had heard Mr. V. coming niul they "skoodatlleil" from Uiuro. mh. J. w. HKI.I.WOOll'.S llosidenco on (uunicreial street was tho iiott place Uiat thoy paid respects to. 'llioy entered tno uoiiko I in t tnu noiuo tlio enatol in getting uuo tno uiiiiiimg woko tlio oceup.int.s ami tho thiuvM were frightened away. Thoy Uien wmt io mo rvmucuco 01 uu, i. p. WAIl N Kit, on OommercLil strtH;tand wticceetbxl in fleeting an cntrauce, but thoy worn ugaiu frightened away lieor they coul J secure suiyUiuig for Uicir tniuWe. "a nraT cause. " Now, what is a first cause T Wo answer, thero could not havo been a first cause, for a first cause prodicatea a lost cause. What is the implicaUon of firat! UvidcnUy, lost. How, Uion, doos a first cnuso bocomo n last canoe? It is impossible for a first causo to bo como n lost causo without having its original state in a first cause. If a first causo merges into a second, third, or last cause, how, then, is it to remain a first causo ? A first causo cannot 1x3 a first causs aud at Uio Muno time a last cause. It is absurd to call any state of Ixiing a first causa Wo know, if wo Icnow anything, that force, matter, motion, with timo and space, are ultimate. These symbolize tho orders through which on "unknown power" acts. Wo seo matter, in its indostructiblo force, ever in sistent; motion, continuous. We must, then, legitimately, from the premises, infer that back of these, there must bo an Eternal Bourcc, or power. What is back of this power wo can nover know, for it is impossible for effects to get back of their causes. All phenomona around ns aro but effects of causes. We, our selves, aro effects of causes, or wo are phenom ena produced by Uio environment, or co-existences and sequences. Hence, then, and neces sarily, if wo are effects of co-existences nnd so qnences, it must follow, deductively, that wo can never get back of that winch causes us. Wo cannot lift ourselves, chair and all, without Holding to anything. 11 wo assert a power back of us, and all oUicr phenomena, nnd our o.xjicricnco bears us out in this assertion, surely, then, wo must rest satisfied if our experience is of any validity at nil that there is a jvowcr. Ilut it wcro suicidal, if, admitting a power, to call Uiat admitted power a first cauoc. Nu merically, wo cannot number a cause, for it is simply a causo not first nor last. Hence, it is a mionomnr to coll on existing outologically in boing sum, or whole, a first cause. A sub ject cannot act nnl( m caused to do bo. Then, what causos Kubjocts to act? Objects -or tho external relations, co-cxistcnccs aud sequences canso subjects, or internal rclaUons, to act. A vigomiu logic, then, compels us to adroit a jiowcr external of us -acting on us. Hence, Uien, there is noUiing of w hich wo ore moro certain Uian an external force. Thin force, being Uio ensemble, in all phenomena, induces mo- uon or action. 'Hie order ol its action wo term a, cause. Now, Uio order in which any action is presented to us is alwavs a causal one. Therefore, when certain orders of action aro jprctfcntod to us as causes, they aro repre sented in tig only a effects. His vigorously imnossiblo for us to think. Unkw through pre sented representation; anil presented represent ation is purely a enun.il ono from causo io effect. Our ideas of causo nnd effect aro fun damentally grounded in the ontologicol orders, which wo term objectively mid subjectively. No action cau bo produced except through on active agency Uio causo and n pa&sivu ono Uio oiled. Theologically wo can never know Uio ultimate nature of tilings. All wo can do. is todo.il wiUi Uicm as Uiay appoar to us. Whether real or simply Uiu apcnrauco, it matters not, so Uiey nnswer our purjioso. All our know ledgo u ref uUve, mid rulatoH to a It ml. In thesa "sketches" wo hive, and may in future, Icavo out much that should be said, and will intentionally, Icavo out much Uiat might lie said, Wo writo to induce thought. Tho menus wo will usuatvplaiu ILigliah nnd com mon sense. Spcncor, Monsel, Hamilton, and Kent say a groat deal of a First causo. Spcaecrsaysi "Tho objects and actions surrounding us, not Icsj than thu phenomena of our own concioiiKnc-u. compels us to ask a causo; in our search for a A Mysterious Affair. On last Saturday mornlns Mr. D. G. Loonnrd, tho proprlotor of tho bridge prop orty In Wasco county, was found lying In bed at hl9 homo, In an unconscious oonui tlon, with a holo In bis bead noar tho right temp lo, supposed to havo beon mado with a bullot from a Bmall pistol. Tho bouse was full of pooplo nl tho timo, and yot no ono board tho discharge or firearms or any otbor unusual disturbance. Wo learn, says tho Mountaineer, thoro li llt'lo hopo of his re covery, although our last tidings wero that no was Bomo letter, ai mo mit i" District Court, Mr. Leonard commenced suit fora divorco from his wifo, and It seems tbpy bavo not llvod happily together lor Homo time. Under theso circumstances sno has been arrested on snsplolnn of having committed tbodoed,and brought to town by Shorter Crossen, and lodued In JU. Her examination wai to have taken plaos, when probably somotblng morn may have beon learned in relation to this mysterious affair. Agent for tbe Willamette Farmrc, Haix's Vkqetaulk Sicilian IlAiit Kk nxwkr Is a sclentl lie com blnatlon of some of the most powerful rextorativo agents in tbo TOgetAb'ektnitdom. It stores gray hair to Its original color. It makes tho scalp whlto andclosn. It cures dundruff and humors, aud fulling out or the hair. It furnishes tho nutritive principle by which tbo balr Is tintiriHhed and snpported. It makes tho hair moist, soft, and glossy, and Is unsur passed as a luilr dressing. It Is tho most poornnilcal propsratlon ovor offered to tho public. a lis bffeo'.s remain a longtime, timkluy only an (icclontl apnllcatlon neces sary. It Is ri commended end ihkI by cm I nont medical men, and nllli'lally endorsed ti.V tho Ststo Assay it of Massachusetts. Fur salo tty nil dealers. HBCimiHiHHani SALEM- FOUNDRY, & 8AXITM. IMuoIilno Bliop, OUKCON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. VTRAM KNOINES. SAW MILtS, GftlST KILLS, S Reapers, Primps, and all kinds and strict or Ma iolncry mado to order. Machinery repaired at a rhort notice, rattcrn-maklog dono In alt Its various forms, and all kinds of Braes and Iron Castings foralihcd at ihort notice. Also, mannfsctnrer of BNTKKPKISK PLANBK an MATCUKlt. and BT1CKKU8 and 8IIAPBRH JWav4wU MOT VAII. to send for our New CMslopie, It con biliu valuablo Infor mation for cvrry tirnton contcm l.UHDg tho pur chiueoranrartlrla for ncnonal. runUT or agricultural iim. Frr to tuiy Addma, v.iiuuaiiKi waiiu a. vu.. .v DO Albany.... .... I JU llannon j Amity .. L.8,IDJ'on UotUijoarovc J II Hhortrldire Bothtie ". Jeff liatl HucnaVIta Wmclls, J W Hobart llrownsvllle ....W It Kirk Biiltovlllo i imclitliler Canyon City DH llhlncbart Csnjonvllle W T Urlirte CoqullloClty KH JlMtceon Cole's Valley W U ClatKo Clatfop It J Morrljon Cranfurdsvlllo Ifobert Ulars Covo 1! F Kendall Corrallls K Vecxlntl Crcrtrcll. llr.cdin Knnx Clacknma" Axilla Cntnp Creek till Ilrtiiieiisify Dnllas JDl.ce. 1) M Uutlulo Duller 8 Ilnmlrakir Dislirs Knwfon Drain Dmacu K Foibea unjiou J4U iiauAYray Klkton A II Iialnee Kuecnc John McClumr Fox Valley ..........A D Gardner ForcstUroro H llupbcf , Wl Cnrtla Oottien JtlaiKlMkcr nervals B M Galaes Ilalrcr- V.'TJ lch Harrlrburg Hiram Bnillh Hlllsboro A Lnclllnir Henuer Morrow ii IIcrrcQ Independence W h Ilodcm Junction Smith, Brarfleld & Co., V I, Lemon Jackfonvlllo M 1'eterion . King's Valley Conner A Cremo JctTerson John W ltoland Lewl.vIUe .11 OMcTlmmond. Lafnyette Or 1'onpleton. A I) Henrv Lebanon 811 Clathton Monroe J0 Kclfor McMinnvillo J D Motrin. A Held ?W,,.,"i,1,,W.;. WWatcrhonno Mlil Plain, WT David Stamp Needy. W'm Morelani New hrn j casta yewclisvllle... I'K CsMlcman North nmhlll DCStcwjrt Onklnnd 8 K Haymond O'WCBO All Shipley 0" ;: Jll SchrordeV Or.vonCIly J M Bacon cnrtleton W A Whitman "?";: Dr J II irvlno Pilot Hock n nim.J: Porllanrl. H V tee. Aent Stale Ornniro- Prlnwvlllc ....() MPilnK1o- errydnle t.-McOrew'sbtSro ICKreal FAPatlcrson K"cl)iirB Thou Smith 2V": ' I' Jones, ThosMnnkers Sllrcrton T It lllhbanl ghejld's... Wit Powers, CM WhcSr HprlnRflcId AOHorey Hnbllmlty John Downing gwect Hsme rjen Marks Sheridan nrS2lK?it-V P8 Ilarzec- Tho Dalle SLBrooka. Turner yx nnjcair Vanconver a vr iill-t win.mw,.,.'.ork' "...MWHkiM WalaWalU jy Brewor S"ao, JO Elder Yn JUKllbon. llflAppleRttio Orlslnal Oranco Supply IIoum. ZaaZS Wabat At., CmCACO, lit w.vrsATBCBroan. . W. WXATOUUrOHO. Orruon to bo Keproaeutnd. Mr. K. W. Uyau, K'"t of thu Ontennlnl IniiulRrstiou Ilureau, loralod In Machinery Hall, 1'liUadolphla, U In Portland, and will soon visit Malum, and will furnish all desired information conomiluR thoobjeota ami ad vantugei of tho btirtiau. To tliokodeklrliic; to roproont tho mlueial and iiroductlvo In terimtaof Orenon, this hint excel lout oppor tunity, and should bo Improved. All artl olonaud rpeclmenN will Im exhibited Trie, and without partiality. Ilia tho Intention of tbo bureau to establish a permanent and otuoltiiit dnpotnt Information for Immigrant In thn Unlttnl Htatai, Mr. Uyan hvn Oro Kou Is attractlnif ccnlileralilo atteutlou and wn Koure ttvalunbla ropreKonlallJii If the cltlions will only Intercut ihouiaolvtw lit this direction. XturKn -Kl Killed. Yeatorday one of our resident Kluirods named Drake, wbllo out Running, came across ono of the proud birds of freedom, nn American bald ealo, and tuooeaded In kill. Intc it. Ha brought it to tho city, and It measured from Ilia point of the tak lo the Up of the tall tureo feet aud a half, and eight feet aoroaa to tho tip of Ihn winjs, Tula wo call a pretty good hIs-h eaglo. llr. Miller, of Slata cnxk, Jackson county, ban killed tdxtyfour bear In tho Ukt ten yeara, cause, wo ducover no renting placo until wo ar rive at tho hypothesis of a Kirst Causo." Wow wo ink. can tho Infinite, thu Absolute, tho Un known, tho Unknowable, tho Uncoiuiition.il, tho (treat Artificer, ote., etc., bo properly term ed a cause, or Uio First Cause? Can wo apply thu term causo to any of theso? Is not causa tion, as wu know it n modo of ncUon? not tho Utin;; named, but Uio action of Uiu thing mined? Afiuu, M.vwel fays: "Tho Absolute exists tirat by ibiclf, and afterwards becomes n caiiho." Wo deny this. Tim Aluoluto can nuver bocomo a iauM. l'Joctricity ia a "mode of motion;" tho motion u a causo producing an cllWit CliJirly, tins cauco is not tho Absolute. Tho AlxMiluto u inluuto; a causo is finite. To mako Uio Absoluto a causo is to mal.u it finite. Siv, Uien, thu almurdity of calling Uio Unknowable, or tho Unconditioned, a cause, much less a lirst c.inw. Tho ultimato nature of causaUon, like all ultimate truUis, wo caunot thoroughly com pnlurid ui it tuhktanco and genesii. (tut, as wo ulwt rvml liefore, aa wu aro phenomena, and dial only with tho phcuominal, Uio phcmniiiii.il Ikhiim to us, Uio relatively real; and that which transcends Uio relatively real, must bo tio Jbvd or Uiu Alxioluto. "Plain Talk." iimmwia At thn Itooorder's Court. An individual who boars tho coguomen of laiuu O. (libbs vras snatched up TiicsJay even ing from tho "mirv" and tho clay" wlnlo under the intlccnco of spirituous liquors and brought before his Iloaor Una morning and fined livo dollars and coots for breaking tho good n.olu tion formed on New Year's day and for dam ainj; Uiu jhmco and dignity of tho city. In default of which bo wad pfaoed in tho "lock up" for five da) a, whom bo will havo ample uuio io poouer over tho divine mjnucuoa "that tho way of the trani'gresj'or is bard." For tho Gas Company. Tbo Rrtlun Gas Light Company rtsxived last tivtniog js staiKT City of Sokai, ton toes Kg HKitmre ol aa artk'lo known aa shale, and was cbtrdninl in Sidney, Australia. Thw shalo is foraid jast UniaUi U.e Sidney coal Kls and it otxnpuKvl oi Uio "maping" from tho coal;itu id to l very cotubuttihle. Tbo gas company will iuhj it iu ooiu'Otkn with oval, to manufac ture gas, say in quanUU of about five pounds to two hundred pwpnda of coal. It is said Uiat this will make a very luillixut light. Tho Wortc of Jeaaomay. 'Hie morder of DbjimI OchilUve, at Cora, stock's ndll, l1 crruk, frvlay of last wixk, was thu rveaH ol Jealousy on Uie part of (J. W. Oraham, thu murderer. It does not appear that (lraham had any real ground fvir jcalocsy. Craham Lis a wife aud two chiklren. He now rosti in the Koaehon; jail, and kbvs he thinks Le was joxtifwd in the shooting. Weatherford & Co.. WhotoMlo and IletaU Dealers In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS. Patent Medicines CHEMIC AXS, E erlfuaaaery TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc. PURE WHTES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. lMedioinos Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. "Weatherford & Co., l'ciif Commercial Mreet. NALItltl. J. W. GILBERT TuyN OiikIi ibr Hides, Fiirs & Pelts, vvummoroiai si., SAiilSM, ly se2l FIRST PREMIUM! For Visiting Cards I ftA.C.'!'wllh nynnoneatlr Printed thereon J I Isont to any addrcrs npnn recc pt of 26 Cent. jandaccntitnmn. AddrcM, ". ww W. J. Clahkb. Halcm, OroRon. nK.VVliU RLltN 2J -aa. jt & a? y. AM. fNTKNPINO TO PLANT TIMS SHASOX boiiM call at lbt Ku wery, and mvo the Accnl's commlKttuu, Gc, "A' XXXJ3NT1?. nuTpd oullLlMU'Y, or PIERCE'S PATENT MANirrir. i:i.Avno THUH't.. TMirreatlnvvii. tlon t being ailoitid hy tho lead. tun PhyticUnsan'l Kurecuni nil over tho lano. tV Wo wnuld rrrpcctniliy caution ilm l'uhllc aj!lnn ccrtatn fraudulent and uorthlrrs imitations which urn '-' now iu the markt. Itcwsro of thf m Send for II Itmtraicrt llooli ana Pnca Lli"t. MAUNRTIU BLAS I'lO TllUdH 00,. tm Uacraracbto meet, up talr, San Vrsncljico. decGy T. C. SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, .... A7D. . raltoa's lllock, Htato ttroet, Salem, Oregon. PAimcULAtt ATTENTION OIVKN TO ritK KrlDliona, and all order bymatloresprvtt filled promptly and accurately. nurlciaiia aud Ooonlry Dealer will r-ave monoy by exunlnlnj: our to-t, or procailog ear price, before pnrchalei: eliwberu. uu&-tf. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, Oar. J. W. COC11KAN. Partlea drttrooa of cucaslcj; frtlght or pal. wUlapivly to ILROAD Nurseries. 1 liavc tho l.nrguNt Slock ol Fruit TrocN lu Oregon! 200,000 Plum and Prano Trees, 910 )o $25 per Iluudrcd. j,MSUisiJ". ?'.i J l,a,i 1 Mi!t tlil vnrlcty llpr July H. 1877. and thoy aro of excellent quality. 1 have alstj oven ether virlctlc of 1'cachu.. nnd n ceticml variety of MlierKralt Trccn nn.l bliri t.. aI.o.a lareo lot of I'KACll SEBDLINOS. at ?U0 per l.Ooo. AQENTa 1-011 JV KOI!l!l!IE. 2 M?L?.rHcv.' ro,l?n H Ilerry, McMlnnvlllp. .oiiko air k a dmikiii, hiitcne. 1. .Mlcluel Wlieatlar.il. N. Larrolx. Hnbllmlty, J Moirln, Mel.ama, A heeler, bbrdd, 1) W Kll.'ih'i' llnw1 Pr n ni'i 'if ??', "r" , W II Drake. Sllicrtiin. n vLVt0' "i' lul'l;hat' J.A ''"' Oakland I) Slnrrl Jc Mm. Hrli. a n m. w. ........ ,'.n .. 0 11 Itolanu, Jifli-wen, TlroVvnVvlllo rlvJr vellus a.-ent eatt of thu WlFauTctle -., Proprietor of rtallread Nnmeile. o08 KA3T l'OUTLAlU). OH. K W Whipple, iiruru, W M btceltf, Turner, A JOIH'8, Haitun, I. (Irabe, HaUry. W bbnman, hharon, W T OZ7.ZXG-03NT 33H.3LJErOI3C. fame SWmtl FIRE COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets, - - $568,547.45 Income, 1875, - $405,904.29 Losses paid out since organiza tion, - - $1,137,367.50- HAMILTON BOYD, MANAOEU. W72 Flrat 81., POUTI.AND. DOT30 Vrnlr, Wharf, BaLKH XI EAILKOAD LMDS. IL,lloral O?oriua! LOW PBICKS! I.OMG TlHIKt Wtt' INTKUEST Tho Srffoa aad Calirornla aad Qrtzou Cealral Kallroad Compail OFPKK thatr Land for ralenpoa the foUowlnir libe ral term.: One tenth of the price la ca.h: Interest o the balance at tho rate of (even per cent, one year after .ahjj and each foUowini; yea? one tenth ofthe priaclpal and Intere.t on the balance at the rale ol Tun per cent per annn n. Both principal and Inter it pajable la U. 8. Currency. A dUcoont of ten per cent, wilt N allowed fnr eah . VT Lettra to be addrej to P. BCUULZU Laa Ant O. Jk C, B, B., Portland, OriiS; ' JOHN MINTO. BRKxnsn or lERINO SHEEP, topurcha.e THOitOUOIlBltBD UaltUNos, and a urlaBPWtleHntcre.tedtbat they can, aud vvlU ea- er Sheep offered iuThe niut "Ire co'rdii v ta teST I i.Addn jou.n JUNTO, , . tialem. Ore eon. N. B.-The Ram. and Ram Umb. of the fiock can be.eenon the ISLAND PAKM. adjoining Salem." mr rKut'i5?.n,be ,IC5 l ,he "ae place? or atW "smJrno.: ''" f th8d,y' BEAL ESTATE LOAN 3. 8KKC0X AND WASHINGTON Trust Investment Company W 8COTLAN. fltiiiS Company 1. prepsred to negotiate loan i iS;,Wiirora 5U) to !. ecure i over IMFBO. yS C,H. Ol'EUTY and VARU LANDS, f flied period nf yei, or repayable by half reury In atallravot. For tenn. apply to ' WILLIAM RKID. M.naircr, ot19t SFlnltitrett PwrtWd. a1