if ' fentaasixmi romt $2.50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 18, 1878. Volume IX. Numbor 49. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Some of our subscribers arc ono or more years In nrrcars, and wo nsk such to respond at an enrly dny. Any sub scriber can toll how much Is duo us by reading tho dato on tho tag. Money can bo remitted us by mall, through money order or registered letter, or sent by express, or can be paid to any of our agents. FOREIGN. BY TELEGRAPH. Columbns, Jan. 12. Tho Domocratlo. Joint caucus mot to-nlgbt, Ml oulsldora atul nowy papor men boing exjluded. The third ballot rosultnd: Pondloton 51, Ewlng 10, Morgan 10, Ward 3, Con verso 'J, Talno 1. Pendleton was declared tho nom inee. . .. . Panama, Jan. 2. Chnchapopas tho otpltal of tho Amazon, was vlsltod by an oarthqiiako which demolished sovoral housns nd dani god many moro. Nolossofllfo. Tho walls awaylug to atul fro, tho groaning or tooU, tho nolMO of falling lib", tho walls craokllng ami Ihrnwlnir nut clouds of dust. UOlllbinod vvltli th shrioks, groans and decoration of tho agonlrwl intMUiiants, mauo ingiuiui cones. Callaoalso oxpsrlstioft'l a sovero shock of oarthquaKe, out no uamago was dono. Phllrdelphla, Jan. 13. Tho atiorlll of Buhuylklll county nrrlvo.t In this olty thin ovoufiiK with alx Molllo MBgulros.Bontontrtd to tho Kastorn penitentiary for tonus ranging from five to twelve years. Halt Lako, Jan. II. Tho Utah territorial legislature mot and organized this afternoon. Lorenzo Hnow was olocted prosldout of tho council and Orson Pratt speaker ot tho house. Both aro membors or tho twolvo apostle. All bnt tbroo mombors aro imlygauilsts. Most of tho membors aro Mormon bishops. The governor's tnossago will bo sent thorn to-niorrow. Thero 1h no outbroak of Banncok Indiana In Montana or Idaho, buttroubloU threaten ed by tho nannocksaudShosbones In Idaho. Three companies of cavalry and two of In. Atntrv hnvii bean aontto Fort Hall. Washington, Jan. 13. Tho house commit tee on foreign affairs bad anothor seslnn this morning In tho matter of tho Moxloan border troubles, and beard statements or Lieut. Col. Hhafter, Llout. Bullls and Wm. 'Hohuchard.U. H. cnmmorcUl agent at tho Mexican town of PlodrsH Negras. Thoro wm nothing new, Important or Interesting In tho tiwtlmony. . . . Now York, Jan. 13. Tho Trllmno's Wash Ington special says Democrats hope by In vestigation to And thero has bean an over Isauoof government bondM. Fresh efforts aro to bo mado to trauslato certain old cipher tolegratus, ... Koy Intlmstos that ho muht acwpt a candidacy In Tennessee If called upon to do Tho Tlmos1 Washington Hpeolal says Dem ocrats ol the house will asssmblo In cauous to-morrow and consider tho character and soopo or Invfsllgallons aa authorised by Wood's resolutions. Many members are op. Jtossd to tho drag not system. Nuhntz lo ormod Wood that he hoped tho house would soml blm a couple of InvuHtlgatlon oommlttoes, as ho would llko their assist anco in dlsuovorlng and exploding abuass generally bellovnd to bo or longstanding In ao me bureaus of his dtpartmont. Vienna, Jan. 11. Tho Diiitoho fitting .nays Slade, the spiritually, has been expell ed becauao he was unable to doscrlbe his vo cation satisfactorily to the police. Washington, Jan. 14 Mitchell's bill for the protoo'lon of salmon Uthsrles prohibits the Uklngof silmon In the Columbia rltor and tributaries, by any means whatever, b. tweon July 20th and Oototor 1st of earth year, and Imposes poualtlos of at least 81.000 for tbo first cII'ouko and $l,S00 tlooundl'J months' Imprlsonmont for subsequent of tenses. Minute regulations aro prescribed concerning tho taking by gill note, seines, wiros and (raps, botwoon April Island July . 2Ctb, and slmllur hoavy pnnaltlr-s aro Impos- ed for violation. Tho bill also prohibit throwing Into tho r-tream sawdust from mills or waste liquids from factories, launeriMi, eta., between July 1st and Deaimhor 31m ol each yoar, undor a poualty of $.V)0 for each otl'oubu. One-half of the linns aro to be paid to the informer and tho rest devoted to the propagation and preservation of (lib under the direction of the commissioner of fish eries. Fashionable society U pleasantly agitated by the aunounoemont to-day that Sduretary Evarts pronosoa giving a grand reception to. ward tho cfoae of tho pronent mouth, In tho state department building. Ho will furnish xuusloand refreshments, and tho govern ment will supply gia and a magnUIo&ut suit of rooms, ineiudiug the supiru dtplornstlo audience cbambor. The rooms and ailjicent corridors will uccommodato nearly 2,M) per sons, and tho entertainment is expected to be one of the most brilliant eyer kno-vn In Washington. New York, Jan. U. In rogard lo the silver bill the Maritime Aosoolation to-day passed resolutions declared U wss tbelr duty lo re monstrate agalmt legislation which must un settle values, distrust contldonoe. retard the resumption of gold and impair the uatlenal eredlt, and appoint a committee to prepare a memorial against legislation that should make silver an unlimited legal tender. In response to an Invllatlou'irom the Pittsburg board of trade, a delegation was appointed to atund aconvenrlon of export tral, proposed to be held ar WaahlngtouFebruarf i3J. St. rotersburg, Jan. 12. Grand Dnko Nicholas tolographs from drabrovn as fol lows! I bavo arrived horo, and await further In telligence from Gen. Hadllzky. To morrow I cross tho Ualkans. Ton thousand prison ers have arrived horo nnd aro boing des patched to various destinations. Gen.Kao zoff, after clearing tho Gyopsa valley or lUTKRi uosiJAbuutni n uumiuu Knniu nniutuii and has occupied Kllssura, whoro ho united tho detachments or IiIh division coming from HUtlgn and Totevaun. Gen. Gnurko has oo cupind Iohtlman. Tho condition or tho Czar's health is satisfactory, and roports published in London to tho contrary aro false. London, Jan. 11. A Bucharest correspon dent sa.VH tho battvllons captured In Sohtpka Pass probably numbor throo to four hun dred men each. Tho victory was tbo result or a combined movomnntof Gons. Ksdltzky and ykobolclTon uuhlpka Pass and Trojan Pass respectively. Constantinople, Jan. 12. Knconragcd by tho German ambassador, who Intimated that Itussla's conditions or peace would proba bly bo modorato, and InordortoglvoEuropo proof of lis nlncero duslre for pchco, tbo porio has askod tho Husslan gnverumont to stato what conditions it would demand. London, Jan. 12. John Bright, in address ing his conhtltnonlH at Ulrmlugham today, declarod ho was strongly In favor of non Intervonllon, Higusa, Jan. 11. Tho main body of tbo Montenegrins Is now marching toward Scutari. Two Rnr-slan columns from Krzimik liavo arrived, ono ut 'Ami Saghra, und anothor near Tntarl. The civil population hsi been ordered to quit Adrlaiiopln, and H.000 persons are al ready gone. The civil government has boon transferred to Uodoetn. A Husslan olllulnl dlspntnh says tho Turns lottUOOdoad In tbo formications of Trojan pass. Ilosldoa these, tho Turkish battalion was almost annihilated In an encounter with Husslan turning columns. A special from Constantinople says (he Kusshuu havo occupied Kskl Saghra and YlviUsghra, cutting oil the Turkish army. Tbtsropoit is apparently duo to a panic In Constantinople. Several special dispatches announce that tho garrison of NlscU which surrendered lo the Servians, nnmbertd 8 000, with 00 can non, 11,000 rifles and a number or Hags. London, Jan. 11. German and Husslan nouns will go Into mourning throo weoki for victor Ktnanuei. J no court circular ssvs Queen Victoria received tbo nows or Vlotor Kmanuel's death with groat regret. The do ceased was alwava a friend of Koglaud. Constantinople dlspa'ohessay fugltivosare Hocking thoro from Phillppopolls and Ad rlannple. Tho Turks bu mod tho town of Iohtlman nnd Intond to burn Tatar, Hazard) Ik aud oth or towns, A corrospondont at Vienna statos that at Schipka Pass tho Husslans captured 23,000 men, 1,000 horses, 12 mortars, i'j soigo guns and F0 tlnld Dims. A V.onna correspondent (olographs: Ad- victs from Turkey show that tho works of Adrlannnlo aro only partUUr armed and tin fittod to roslst an attack. In Constantinople tt Is bolltvod possible that Adrlanoplo may bo oarrlod by coup do main. Forlltlcallons ol Constantinople aro consequently boing lookod to as tuo last rosouroe, nituougn tuoy seem to ba In even worse condition Every thing points to oomploto confusion and dis may of tho Turks. Titlls, Jau. 13. In a cavalry onrjagomont near rtolburt the Turks havo been dofuated and drlvon to Kop Jgh. Erzoroum has been completely Invested since January Dili. London, Jan . 12. It Is hardly too much to say that an exolting race is now going on be tween arms and diplomaoy with considera ble uncertainty whether the Husslans shall reach Adrlanople or the Turks an armlstlco first, Turkey Is already at the meroy of tho czar. Iler power to resist tho Husslan ad vance Is already crushod. Tho conqueror may almost at will transfer an army from tho Balkan heights to tbo gonial plains be low, whero tho Russian soldier would al most find summor. The conditions which are now considered Indisputable aro, Servian automony or independence, the autnmony nf Hulcari. territorial arnuMtlon In Armen ia, and probtbly tho restoration to Huvslaof her old control of tho mouth of tho Danube. It is ouly In reference to the opening ol the Dardanelles and tho Black Sea that tho other powers will caro to Intorveno. Illusion diplomacy can peacefully seatiro too much In that connection lo Insist dstigerouxly on anything that might widen the conflict. Tho war, thereroro, Is substantially over. That Is the conviction here, and buslueas men aro setting tholr houses In nrdornn that hasl. Chicago, Jan. II. Tho Times' London special says Gen. Uourko has occupied the poaitinn lately held by Suleiman l'ahn Gen, Radi'zkl Is hurrying with all sHed to Ailrlauoplo. The Turkish forces aro be lieved to be cut otr and to have gone south. St. Petersburg, Jan. 11. An olllclal tele gram nnnnunoos that tho TurkUh fleet has bombarded Eupatorla, damaging the bar rack), guard houses, arsenal, quarantine establishment and soma private residences. Cant. Fife, British military attache, telo eranhs to Minister Lavard. from Adrlano ple, that there Is no Immediate ground (or the existing panic, as telegrapuio communl ivitlon is still open from Adrlanople to Tatar, Bazardjlk and Yambull. Conmantlnople. Jan. 14. Servler Paaha, rninlsUr of foreign aHalrs, and Namyk Pasha loaye here for Kaaanllk to day to ms t Grand Duk Nicholas, tbev bavloa: been lo rested by tbs ministerial council with full powers to treat for paaee. Rosas, Jaa. 14. Tbs sutsaasst la a Cos stantinoplo dlspath that tho Gorman and Italian ambassadors at Constantinople had Informed tho Porto If It permit tho British Hoot to come to Constantinople Germany and Italy will also domand pormlitsion for their fleets to pass tho Dardanelles Is untrno, Constantinople, Jan. 14'. Namjk and Bar vor Pan has, delegates appointed to treat with Grand Duke Nicholas for nn armlstlco, havo started for ICezanllk. Bolgradn, Jan. 14. The Servians havo ro occupied Kurzohumlje, which tho Turks evacuated, and have taken Vranja. ThoSorvlau Gonorat Ballmarkonlche with CO battalions in marching on Prlshtlna. Sorvlans havo rftectod n junction with Roumautana boforo Wlddin, Tho comman dant of that town has bscn summoned to surronder, but demands that tho garrison be allowed to march out with tholr arms. Constantinople, Jan. 14. The departttro or Server and Mnmpk Pashas has been delav- cu until tomorrow in coner.quonoo or a rail way accident. Tho Turks claim that tholr fleet hns bom barded and destroyed tbo ports or Euphato rla and Yalta In tho Crimea, Rome, Jan. 14 Tho Mineral or King Vlo tor Emauuol will tako placo Thursday next, and tho remains be deposited In tho Pan theon. Tho chapter or tho chtiroh Ims de clarod that It will feci honored by ho mcred iv trust. Thoocclcslaxtlcal authorities, hv the popo's ordor, having removed alldllilcul tics, will celebrate tho funeral. Tho clorgy ban also boon nuthorlzed to attend, aud tho archbishops of Uppor Italy havo been order ed to colobrato tho requiem masses, Rome, Jan. 14. Two thousand seven hun dred deputations have already requested permission to attend Victor Emanuel's funeral. Tho Prlnco Imperial of Germany nrrlvod horo to ronrosent Emperor William at tho funeral of Victor Emanuel. ' London, Jau. 14. A correspondent at Homo aayn slnco tho day or Count Cavour'a ueatn in Turin, we havo novnr soon the pop ulation or any city so utterly stnnned by n stiddon blow ss tho Romapa appeared when tho olllclal announcomoot of tbe king's death romovad every doubt of tho fearful loss tbo nation has sustained. Tho middon transition from father to son could not havo ocoutrod at a mors trying moment. If over mero was tircu oia proviuence to suapo mo ends roughhown by man It certainly is felt in tno position in wnicn Italy naa uocn put by tbe death of Vlotor Eomnuol, Personal ly Uumbertoomea to tWsthrooo under favor ablo ausplcos. He has outlived the 111 name won by some follies of bis youth. Ho has been lately woll-tobavod, methodical, of a wisely saving disposition; free from debt In spite oflncoisautoallo upon his rutouroes, Like his fatbor ho bos shown himself a good soldier and professes sound liberal; princi ples, besides which unlike his father, he abovo all things abhors subjection to priests. London, Jan. 15 A correspondent at Pora says it is calculated 20.000 fuultlvee arrived in Constantinople from Iloumelia during ono week, A train crowded with fugitives ran otr tho track near Tcbataldja yesterday and about 60 wore killed and wounded. Tho Turkish parliament has rulsed a subscrip tion for tho relief of the refugees. A Paris oo rros pon dent nays it Is now known that KussK when Informing England that tho armlotlco negotiations must bu con ducted directly with Turkey, declared her readiness tod Incus with tho English cabi net tho special points which might oflt-ct English Interest. This reply wan the caiiNo of thoropoated oiblnet councils in London, A speciul Irotn Adrlanople nays tho Hus slans are on tbe railway between horo and Phillppopolls. George Crulkshauk, (he artist, la 111 of bronchitis. Ills life was despaired or until last night, when tbo alarming symptoms greatly subsided. Tho committee of 18 has formally dissolv ed. It held a llnal banquet last night. The Post announces that after the address In reply to tho roynl spoeoh has been moved and seconded In tho house of lords, Earl Granvillo will speak and Lord Ileacouslleld will reply to him. Lord Derby Is Indisposed and conllned to his room. Ifo wis absent from tbe cabinet council yesterday. A Welsh colllory has received orders (o Immediately dispatch a Urge quantity of coal to Vourla II ly for tho British fleet. Tho Spanish government has given orders which will rondar the cx-Oaetm Isabella liable to tho most rigorous treatment should she endeavor to cross the frontier to be prosontat tho wedding or King Alfonso. Tbe Spaiilih ambuHsdor to Franco will re main at ids pout during the wedding to gusul ayatnst any attempt ou tho part or Isabella to bo present. THE DISCUSSION ON "HELL." Tho Different Kinds of Wool. Han Franolsoo, Jan. 14. The boird of su pervisors thiaeveuini; adopted a resolution asking tboleglatlvt deloguilon to uo all ef fort to bavo the police force or this olty In creased by tho I'dilltlon of 150 men. Bsldts tho sentiment which prevails that a material udditlon to theatres Is nices-ary on general principles tho recent marked ino'enxo In crime In the city has undonb odly had boiiio Irilluono'l'ipou members of tiai ioun Savumiah, Jan. 12. Hobsrt FUhburnnui d (WalterH. Harley, of Walerboro.H 0 , foiiul t u duel near this city this afternoon . The weapons were revolvers, Harley wnxshot In tbo abdomen at the first tiro and will die, Fishburne Bed. Tho parties aro brothers-in-law, and lawyers, Pendlelon Independent, 10th: B, P. Ogle, realdlntc oo th bead of Bar creek, has loot six children-live daughters and one son within afew days, from diphtheria. The eldest daughter was about 16 )arn ofsge, Alan, on tbe morning of the 6(h, a Utile daughter nf Henry Owens, aged about live jem. Al-r, lasijas.k, at Lenn, a daughter of Charles Hiaton.of diphlserla. Tho attention which has boon drawn in tho nowstmpor to some remarks upon tho uso or tho word " hell" in tho Eng lish Bible, mado by a preacher of con siderable reputation in a recent sermon at Westminster, furnishes a remarkable example of tho prevalent misconception against which thoso remarks were di rected. There appears to havo been a good tlcal in Dr. Farrar's sermons to cxclto controversy, but tho secular pa pers havo plunged into tho discussion with a zeal that is scarcely according to knowledge, assuming that he had an nounced some startling novelty of doc trine, whereas, so far as concerns tho passage especially untlor dispute, ho simply said what cvory biblical student knows ami has said again and again, that the word "hell," in its modern pop ular acceptation, doe not express tho menningof tho words which it Is used to tntnslato, or oven tho meaning that it had in tho minds of the translators. What is tbo "orthodox" doctrine upon futuro punishment It Is nntourprovlnco to discuss, but thero is nothing In litur.t ry criticism more certain than that tiio popular Idea now attached to the word "hell" has little or no connection with Its utvmoloiry. or with tho sonso in which it is most frequently employ oil in tho llible, this, llko many other old words, having acquired in modem times a special significance that did not belong to it three centuries ago. Tho word itself is Anglo-Saxon, and its as sociated verb is helan, to cover or con coal. Luther's Diblo haslloclle, which is nearly the sumo as tho (Jerman Uoehlc, a hollow; a dirk, hidden placo. Hull, or Walhallii, is tho nhodo of de parted heroes. In short, our English word "hell" corresponds as nearly as possible with tho Qreek Hades, tbo Latin infer!, tiio obscure abode of de parted spirits, tho unknown land be yond tho grave, and this is precisely tho sign! Heat ion of tho words which nro (iommonly translated "hell" in tho authorized version. Tho Hobrow Khool is used very vaguely and in u varloty of connections. It is doubtful if it ever siguitles a placo of torment, and often it is properly translated as tho gravo. Jacob, for instance, says: " For I will go uown into the gravo unto my sou mourning." Here and In tho corres ponding passage, " bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to tho gravo" tho Hebrew word ts preclnely tho samo that is elsewhere translated hell, tho Greek Hades. Sometimes it has very plainly its etymological meaning, as when Job says: '0 that thou wouldst hide mo in tho grave (in hell); that thou wouldst keep mo secret till thy wrath bo past" It is doubtful, as has been said, whother ijhoel, in the older books nt least, over expresses a placo of tor ment; it Is rather the pluco of detention, tho intermediate stato between death aud tho ilnul consummation nOili things. It was after tho exile that tho idea was formulated among the Jews which wo find in the parable of Dives and Lam ms, of n separation between tho "prison house" of tho good nnd tho bad. In tho Now Testament, (Jchonmi, tho naiiio of tho placo where tho oll'ul and rubbish of tho city wore cast, and whore llres wero kept burning to purify tho nir, and which was coiihc'iuontly em ployed in popular motaphor, occurs fre quently, but it Is translated in our ver blon precisely as the still more frequent word Hades, aud it Is to this promiscu ous use of tho word "hell" that biblical students like Dr. Farrar have long ob jected. There aro still other words In both the 02(1 and tho Now Testaments which are rendered in Kiiglish alike, to the evident confusion of tho popular mind. Tho sense in which tbo word was more commonly employed than In any other by tho translators of tho Hi bio is the same in which It Is used in the kntiithcn en J lade; dexcenkil ml fi Vr) "ho descended Into hell." As tit. 1'aul expresses It: "Now that ho m-ccmlcd, what is it but that ho tilM) descended llrst into the lower parts of the earth;" or, us wo havo it in the 1's.ilms and quoted more than once in tho New ToMiunoJit, "that his Mini wus not left In hell." It is very plain that this Is an utterly dillcrciil meaning fiom that which now iittnehuH lo the word in popular use, ami that as a mat ter of literary iiccur.tcy, apart from all questions ol doctrine, our accepted translation could bo improved upon re vision. What Canon Farrar, or anybody else, may cbooao or roluso to teach upon this or any similar suljoct on which tho Bible and tho ancient creeds aro alike obscure, Is not u subject lor uiscumioii hee; but arguments which aro based upon Iiihlo texts ought to bo read with ati understanding of lilblo words. J'Mludeiphlu Times. From nu nddress by Lconnrd Deano, Esq., boforo tho Kontucky Wool Grow ers' Association, wo mnko tho follow ing extract: Tito valuo of nil kiuds of wool is de termined by its strength, lustre, work lug qualities and shrinkage. Wool if divided by governments for tnrlfT, antl wool merchants, into tlneo classes: Clothing, combing aud carpet, und in produced in quantity in this ordor. Kentucky wool should bo classed as combing, delaine, medium coarse and blnek. Wool morchnnts separate each division into as many classss as thoro aro distinct qualities or staples In each division, to Hit It, tho purchaser. Manu facturers take tho ileecos, putting tbnm Into iiH many classes as thoro nro dis tinct qualities In each llcecc, according to Its length, color, lustre, etc., except tho gummy locks, which they will not hoy unwashed, Clothing wool Is gen erally divided into three classes lino, medium aud coarse. The average prlco forllfty three years, slnco 1821, for each class per washed pound, is for linn, GIJ cents: medium, fill) cents: coarse, ol . . . - . . i - corns; or neany oj cents per pounci ies on each class as It grown coarser. Aver- . ago price per wasliod pound Australian in London, for 187; J to 1807, inclusive, is estimated by Mr. Hood, MJ conts gold. Counting freights, commission, etc., for samo period, the average prlco In currency for washed Australian, would bu HO cents per pound In Now York, or 10 ronts more than jtny of our clothing wools, and 129 cents moro than any of our coarso wools. Card or X wools aro required to bo lino, short In staple, " full of spiral curls and snrmt uros." Combing wool consists in draw ing out tho fibres straight and parallel; thou twisted into yarn, called worsted, " tho ends in spinning boing covered, mnko tho yarn smooth and lustrous." Tho staple should bo generally tlvo or olght Inches lbng, having it fow " Bplral curls and scrratures," with distinct lustre. Tho qualities nro found in tho Eng lish in tholr order of perfection, as fol lows: The Lincolnshire, Leicester nnd Uotswold breeds. Delaine wools nro shorter and liner, antl can bo tisod an short us 2j Inches, but It must bo very tlno and nice. Tho coarser tho staple longer It must bo. Thoso aro not class ed In tho trade as combing wools. Thoro aro line, medium and coarso combing wools. Tho duty on this wool will equal 11 cents por pound, and 10 per cent, ad vutoruin. 1'oorly bred wooIh aro very objectionable, with n lino downy bottom and coarso uneven fibres. Those aro generally sold for carpot wools. I need only say lo tho wool growers of this Htnte, that there Is u wider Held In tho expansion of growing wool fabrics than your Imagination can take In. Ili(Jit-iutni) A.NIMAI.H. High-bred animals aro rarely nrolltablo for tho farmer, except for tho propagation of Improved grades by crossing on natlvcH or common stock; honco a armor who has at largo expense procured a herd or flock or pure bred stock, finds them, deteriorating In condition aud appear ance, and lo-s productive than ho ex pucted. This has boon tho almost uni versal experience of farmers. In select ing animals for purchase, thoso that have tho most attractive appearance aro noimrally choson, with little regard to anything else than to please the eye. The largest and bent proportioned, or thoso of tho most fancied colors, nro profored, because theso aro tho most conspicuous points, und they appeal to tho sight rather than to an expert Judg ment. Tho points which mako a ptirt hi'cd animal valuable to a farmer as it moans ol Improving his herd aro not these, hut such as llo deeper and require (xporlouco und Judgment to detect. Tho lino bono, small ollid, quality of llesh, vigorous constitution, and hored llary excellence, do not id ways In fact rarely accompany oxcesslvo slzoor at tntcttvo appearance; but the former go to make up the true value of an animal lor tho farmer who seeks to improve his stock rather than tho latter. Ar. Y. Time. It Is lold ui ugordloke upon Mr, 0-oorge II Durham who Is now iinuur bonds to ap pnar liifjire tho Oruitd Jury to answer a charge or agisting to kidnap a ohlueso wo man, that thuMUtaoinenl under which hu is oharged, wasdramu up by hlmaelf, Ills ia tint firs', case that has come up under the luvv. Over 170 pupils In attendance at the Al bany Cnlllat Institute. Tbe enrollment N pear 200. This Is tbe beet showing th institute hss t Y r nde, and comparts fayor i,l ftiibauy institute la tbe stats, K. ' iH - ' I i Ir I I I '. t , u .. . 3t- ' v