i iWWVi T- A H WILLAMFPTE FARMER. - v, L( - I AJUI1CO LETl'EK. H.u FiiAXt'lM'o, Dec. 31, 1877. T ho fcBtivo days of jubilcu among tlio liltlo folks, and tliu fcativo days for fill whoso purees will admit, nro uion iih. Savo Now Orleans, jirobably no city in the union conunita half tlio follies, protsirtimmto over tlio Chiiatinna holi. days, as San Francisco. Proverbially tlio pen. jito live on tlio street, lmro an nowhere else in America, and lienco tlio nxtravijnnt display of glitter and gaudy nriiimcnt.itiun that dries competition almost into a frcny in tliu strife to ilvnl, everyone his neighbor, in tho chilition of wares Cl'.ctlt.itcd to tu'upt tho pin -e of the strolling purchaser. An 1 so tori Krcnt -lly ' ' inorhid npiaditra and depraved putuiona hu, b:cu, and still is In a great measure, glittering, feasting and relaxing. Crowds Jiavo mot and jostled each other, hidden with bundled, for lays, in audi a aurging mass, that it ih itniM8 Bible to im.iginu whero thero can be found tho lono waif, or tho destitute unfortunato whoso heart hM not lx;cn lightened by some tribute offering of friendship to eommcinoratu thu fca tivo day. Yet tho moat oxhileratlng joya have their waning. The jubilee of many throated tin horna that made pcatiforoua carnival among thu aeoru of amall boya, hna broken chorda in Ita leas fre quent melody, thu now voloeiis-do that aped with rceiatlcsa llcctness over tho pavo but a day or two ngo, now wheela away nt a slower, If not a mdanuholly limping gait, or possibly ia only driven out in moral consideration, to occasion ally lubricato the aaddlu blister of a Hint day'a feativo indiscretion among tho lxiya of a larger growth while there iaa diseernablo aubsiilenco of hilarity over littlu iiiiMaea new ahoea and dresses, and a aiguihYautly discouragel look in tho dishevelled frirca and disarranged toileta of variously yet thinly auiiyed dollioa among tho little misses. KxiTgncna havu met with a deptmiou In the market, and awecttnenta ami a condition of highly reasoned roast meats have didincd aomewhat in tho dcmanda of surfeited njietito all nitiiind, consequently there ia n gen eral lull in tho interests that havo hi en tho nni inatlng stimulus for tho pud. few du)ii prior lu Christmas. Next ennica tho Now Year, and after that follow a shortly TIIK WKKK OP I'llAVKII, During which thu nvcr.gorgcd atomaeha will fnat from necessity, on sanitary principles, and tho relaxation from over-doing, to doing noth ing of particular moment, will give time for sentiment and emotion under tlio name of re ligion to assist itself which aa a natural sequence it will do in s'iiitciitinl oH'crings, prayers and promises to do Mtcr next tiiuo may bo. Alirat.MI'.Mri Haw been of a scattering u.ituru and almost too numerous to lsi densely patronised, notwith standing tho (xH)iiso and clout put into tho de tail of their advent. A half compromiso lie twucn tho pulpit and footlights seems to bo in tho inauguration of a aeriea of tempcrnucu ineutinga ulaaslllml as tho "Murphy uioveiuuut," presided over in thu main by Mm. Dr. French, who ia a widu nwako aoit of feminine, "(lough," though of tho two oven tho bust cultured, yet with Hiitlvo tiwniotiu jsmera and earueatnuaa to which, no doubt, ia owing tho success which mado her soimuieiiBoly sipiil.ir at lotiiuilh, St. lxmis, and elsewhere, some mouths since, ltov, (I, H. Allen, l.itu co-latsner with Murphy, is also in the city in aid of Mrs. Dr. l'mich in tliu tem perance cause. IHK i'.m'.iiiiiima school ok iu.siiis lias just doted its annual oxhibitiou of tho drawings and studies of tho pupils, at w liii.li tho diligence and continued improvement of all has liecii made, conspicuously npurent, as by far thu Itcst woil; of tlio schistl since its organ iatinn has Itcen displaced at tho oxhibitiou juat closed, Tho Schisd of Design has recently unite- into occitpuicy of now apartments, finely ilttud on nnd tivei v wav moru calculated to en. t courage artist io etfoit than its former lK-.ility, and, under thu disciplino of Virgil Williams iiml nssistaut Fellaud, tho school, at its ruto ol progress, will em long beconui ouo of tho most attracts o fcatiuca of Sail Fiaucisco to tho act tier, and thu Witor of tho coast. Thu Art Association luvs become alivady a self siutmti ing iiHlitiltinn, but no doubt thu futmxi will add moro to its increase of fund by donations mid appropriation:), as also to it branches in thu introduction of cugnmug mid iiusldiug, to it piuacut discipline, in drawing and paint- t TIIK WOIIKIMI MKN 5jtiH'coiitinuo. to agitatu on Isih.df of their tv.il ' aud upptsed griiivauces, princiMlly ngaiiuttl.c hbatbfeti Mongolian as a competitor. Sonic tiii)tt ivgo two or three of their leader wcro nr mated on a ihargo of making iuccudi.iiy apooohea, and iiiatigatiug a riotous apiut, Knonnoiu bail was put upon tlieui, uirticulat'y Kearney, their rvcoguiod chief, who is a wny Irishman, nlsiut twenty-eight years ofag, pussimod of itiniv eariiestuejs than discrotit u, and moro talk find "vim" than oratorical ahtlny or culture. It is a aiguilic.iut fact, n'ao, t'dt nearly all the agitator nro of t'oreipi bit b, ami own their own pi iilogo of lilvrty f speech and action to tho guurnmcut aiid.lo iuititutloua thoy denounce, w hen extending ti m j lights to othen tif forcc'ti biith. lu. of tho griovanct4 of tho working u en ,tn . ' they nssutiio them to Ik-, but are no o fn in altoother tho write lutliiiod. On Tiuii! i. giin,5 day they had a grand piradu iij'mn) eight thousand iucludiii'f lwv in prwbi,a on, atiit uor thing umviI oil in doi-orutu and g cd oixler. They am intending aoou to build a temple, which will lo dciliivitcl to frco o eh and tho tailoring man's intermit. Tho (!r nd Jury, now in klvsiou, havo buniiniiiio.l hoiire thorn witnune to tvtify m to tho ijatuiv of thu aiwivhca undo by tho loaders and other of thu Vorhiiigincu (vxrtv. Short-hand iv it era havo Ikii in attendauco at their mcvt'iga tho put week, and their ihs.vIics hae litu taken crlatiui, it U thought a-s osidcnco Ic hiro tho Uraud Jmy, tiii: iuin.s llavu coudoccndiHl to fall gently ntiutirvnU of comcnieiit distauo.'s thu pait fow d.i.v, rnd uiuch ctuourajo tho milk venders and thu farmer in general, (u i pun i intiudisl) it till tho call is for more, w hioh proniis.' to come at tho nppoiutoJ time. So lot it U, Amur. 1- lUi.ni', VH" SATunDxir rua ni's adventure. Last 8atiirdy nitit, about 12 o'clock, a young man known hero an Smithy, came out of tho Cuomnkota Hotel nnd observed n couplo of suaplclou? looking mon fllandhiK on tho walk noar tho express ollloa, and heard ono of thom mpiillou tho imino of JOII.V U. IIKIJ,, And Smithy concluded thmilinrn must b cnniolliliii; In tlio "wlml," mvl hopropoatd to ''shadow" tlioni, and camo up Comtner util, whilo tho Dion wont up Ferry H'reot. Hn naln aw thniii oroH by (ho Ihnrolt IIiimpi) and turn up Court btroot, I In nrodoiwi to Clittrcli, by Csjit. Hcotfa. Kuihhy llioh wutil to llin Sibtorn "oUool ntul laid down bj tho high fcuco. and aoou tho mon pasaud bj, tmvlug MVMIAM OS TIIF.lIl VUKT, And ono with a comfort wrappod around bis bead, whilo thoothor had u mask of black cloth. Smithy doomed that things wero got tlug lo bo rattier critical, and that bo would havo to follow tbetn up prottv closo, and not having anything to nitidis hla booth with, bo pulled thom off and put tbetn In the pockoui of hla overcoat, and followed on through the froatand ovor tho frozen ground IN IUS BTCCICtKU FKKT, And croasod tho street and allpped through tbo fonco In tho yard Juat opposite John O. Itolt'a. Tbo burglars oanie along soon after and wont Into tbo yard at Mr. Bell', and llinnco round to tbo back door. They did not tarry very lonir, aa Mr. IhiU'a dog began to bark, and cluaed them away. Tliov paasod down the street toward Dr. Ildt'abouao, aud htoppod on the street and hold A RIIOItT CONSULTATION. Thoy thnn turnod and wont round and got ovor tho fonoo and wnt to Jljlt'a kliotim door. Smithy followed thum upclnily and laid down boaldo tho fonco. Soon sums straggler camo along on tho walk, and hla boou mado mioh a racket that ono of tho mm oauio from tho biuk part of tho bouan and wont and looked ovor tho funcn up and down tho f-trpot, and thon tolltOHldo Inncc, and looked all around, and wax In tho act ol loavliur. when bo discovered Smithy bealdo tlio louco, Juat boneath him. Itogavo TWO HHIlILt. WIIIhTI.KH, And atarted lo run; Smithy covered him with his pistol and ordorod him to nU.p, but hn continued to run, and Hinltby Knapped bin platol at him. tho cartridge being a bad ono, hu covorcd him again and llrfd; tills time tho man atoppod and threw up Ilia bands, whilo Hmlthywaa (felting over I bo fonco tlio man dodged around tho corner of tho houao when ha waa PIIIK1) AT AOAIV. Ho waa quickly followod and n couplo moro i no m iireu at mm, uut. running in auuiklng foot ovor tho froznu ginund, a per son Uitbtint shoot with aoonraoy, bunco tho man mada bis oscapo down iho atroet while thoothor ono went out thu back yard and down towarda tho crock. A bullet liolo whh round In tho corner of tho porah In tho morning wlmro tho Hocnnd flinibinl struck. Smllbv thlnka that tho Ilr-t ahot oliber creased tho man or wont through hla cloth In ir, aa tho follow, at tho oraotc of tho pht'ol. sU)pMd and tiihkw ui his hands Tlio Dimior'a folka know uoililuir of what waa go lug on In tho kitchen until tho tiring com. mouood. Smithy deserve orodit for tlu antlVA part ho haa taken, and wo hop ho may b mora aitcoesaful In tho next attompt lo put a atop to thl thieving bualncaa. BOOKS RECEIVED. Through the polltouosaof Mr. J. H.LIator, Mtalo I.llirarlan, woaro permitted lo publlah tho list of new books received at tho Library during tbo month of Dccembor: Touuoaano lloporta, (.uget) vola, 0 and 7. Toxaa Itoporta, vol. -til. Maluo lttpotls. vols. iV and (VI. I'oniiMj Ivanla Haorta, vols. 81 and 8'J, MIohlKau l'ubllo AotH, 1877. (VUloKiioof Statn Library. History 1'uhllo l'fss. Chan and Key to Kduoatloiial Hyatoin. (!iH)loleal survey, Klagaof Mlohlgau. Stato ItaimrlN, o. III. Colorado Oimoral Ltwa,of 1S77. Civil CoiIh, Acta ot West Virginia. Swodouborg's Theology, 10 volumes. Acts and Kisolvnsnf Maluo, 1877. Sptsdllostlona and Drawings of U.S. 1'itt oiiIm for Juno, 18,7. lViMXiodliiga Orand Chap'nr, II. A M. Proceeding (Ntmuiaudory of K.T., Ohio. Rabakah luatallutlou. District Deputy O.M. Itukuron Friday tvonlug Installed aa olllcotK of Col lax llo bokah D.'groo I.ol, No. 1, I.O.0. 1, A. I,. Stluaou, N.( ; Mth. Ollvn Knulaud. V I ; Mrs. Sarah K. Udloy.Soi'y; Mra. (Jeo 'iMik, Tniaa ; K D Hlot, W ; Mra. Kob. riiomnou Con; I'.MerS O. Adams, Olum j fohu llolmuu, I.S ; K. (I Sohwatkt, O O ; H. II. tJliiry, U.S. V. (I. Mr4. J. J. Mur phy, U. S. V.O. A Good Haul. William Anderson, and Sandy Uurna, last Monday, went up aa faraa Corvallla on tho .loamor and came back In m small boat iiintlnuon their way down, they arrived itiro Nt night, limine ouo hoiidnd and uivhii ilurka Imsldis n lot.ot miiIiv. phaauta ml nnxtls. This la a pretty good haul for mo week. Chnusr- of I'll prlntors. Mr, U. V. D.iwill baaMildtho Jaekonnvlllo M-iitiiml to Win, ll.Jbee. Mr. I))tll baa I'iiii proprietor of tho parwr lor obniit four on ,wsrs Tho ts por wilt luroaf.er Ut in lapuudfiit In poll los. " Shot nuil KlUd. (JuarnoOrilmin shot nod klllxl DtnOohll 'oo, at CoiiiatiH'k'n N'r.tlnn, on January lilt ttiMlima was too lutinnitti with tJoihamV i'riaud wsa watnod lo ktnq uav from lino tiMhsm r el or !' fiom buntlutr and mid OjhlltrHsat hi" housa a tut shot him l.ud with a lloury tlllo. Just lb 'Ihlnn- Wo undorMaud, -aya tbo AatmlJii, that fo KteamHr Sail Jiolnto, nwued by the onitl, I'Kik'na Una, la conWi'iT t' lnrU olrsdi with nilttdri" H 'H.suoluo. Yi'quliia, riUaui'KU.Shotl water 11 ly, U,-ay'n Harbor, eto, Uood enoiuh. Inloruational Review. Wo lately gavo an exloiidod r.oUcti of this oxotdlont publication, and aKalu commend It to the naraful a"ention of Inlnlllgfii t mini's thruuith thanountry. It oan las aubcorlb.d ihrougU uw doaleia In all the tuwrnr. WJwrWi.ni mstsaa ft ijv.i Whitman County, W. T. Colfax, W. T.. ) J)i. 21, 1877. J This county Is bounded as follows: On tlio cast liy Idaho, on tho south by Snulcu river, on tlio west by tlio Colum bia, on tho north by Slovens county. It is wo.l VvMlortuI, with lino hunch grits-i hill-), with it II i id growth of timber uloii? tho rivers ntitl crook bottoms, nnd tho finest lot of farming land of any conn t I i thoTorrllory. There nro thous ands of n)ood lioines yet (o bo taken in Whitman county. 1 flaw an cstimato that there wcro at least ten thott-sitnd ;ood homos that can jot bo taken in tills county. I do not think tlio esti mate loo high, for I havo traveled over a great deal of this county myself and know whereof I speak; and I will say that thoro U also a strip of country along tho lino between this county and Idaho Territory that Is excellent for farming, and thon thoro Is n portion of Stevens county, that is beautiful farming lands. T.iko thoso counties togothor, I doubt not that thoy can and will raiso more grain than tlio entire Wlliauietto vailoy. Now, this may sound big to your readers at first, but wlioti a mtn sooi tho country for him- solf and learns about tho production, thon ho will cotno to tho satin conclu sion tliut I havo. What wo want lo transportation, and wo must and will havu it. There is no use of 6iiying that wo will always be tied up by tlio Snako rivor as an out-lot, fur sucli is impossible- If Congress will only grant tlio N. I'. II. It. Co., and extend tho time and put a limit upon their land grant; thoy will do just as tho wilt of tho people wants them to do. It is to tho advant age of tlio N. 1'. 11. It. Co., to bo limited to two dollars and lll'ty cents per acre, and to sell their lauds to actual settlers, for where thero aro plenty of farmers railroads pay best. If tho N. i. It. II. Co., will only say to tho world that tho road will be built within ilvo years, from this country to Astoria or Portland, then will this country till up with a class of men that will surprise (he world in tlio way of producing grain. Thu winter has been lino so far, stock of all kinds look Hue. Colfax issiiil on the improve. Tint now hotel and Bap tist church aro liotli lino btiildiuifs and adti greatly to thu little city. I think that 1 can got a good niui.y now sub scribers for the Kaiimkii in thusprlng. I am certain that alter a family has taken It ouo year they will not bo without it. I havo been u constant reader of it al most eight yours, and I expect to bo as long as I can Had it to read. I take fourothor papers, but the Willamkktk Faumkk is always cillud for II. -st when tho mail conies Iroiu the post olllco. For fear tltit this letter may becomo irksome to your readers, I will close by saying good success to the Willam- KTTK Rvit.MIIU. J AH. II. KliXUDV. Greouback Bctolutions. Itoaolutlona poised by tuoUroonbauk Club at Summit, llouton county, Wiikiu.'ah, lly a system of class legislation Statu and Nstiond Industry in deprived of Its jusi ruwaru, ituu uuihiupicy is piranziug ovtry uruuoiioi leguimtto iniiiisay, iraua (erring tho tarulnt,NOl ilio tolling uiiiIiuiihoI our country Into tho band ot too uuluid ayudUHius of this country aud-Koropo I'nt rnlorc, thu ludcpoudttiii votera of Sum mil precinct, lltnioii o unity, Oregon, do itiopiilio following resolutions: 1, Jit nit veil, Tina wo lioreliy dissolve nil -ilteglsii.o to ooili of tlio old partiea and plt-dgn our.ulvea to vote for no porson lor olllco wiio Is not lu lull sympuuy with us in our Hiidfavirs lo remove tlio burden piaoed iisin houextbtbur. U llimlvat. Wo demand tho ropotl of tint UenUiupilou Act, tlio Mb in luiiuiHiiior tho rulnoiH policy of contraodou, tlio abolllton uf thu National hauklng aysitiiu and tho Im sou ot a full lual tundur money by thu gov oruiUHUt, and inuito rocolabio lor all uuoa, publlo hint tiriv.iio, a AVao rif, Wo dHiii.ind tlio romonll't ailuuof nImo. iiiskiinf itH ItKsl tundor for all coin boudaof tho United States: and lor oilier ilf tils, public and private. a, jifiHtwcii, vo iiouumt ino eiiiituilo ta4tlouofai propurty. ft. lltaolvctl, Wo demand that a decraasn lu tlio ave rax o earultiga uf lalsir, aball bd followed by a uorreapoiidlug rtUnulon in the Hidarloti of our ollluera, State and National, tl, lifolvl, Wo demand tho repeal of all clus-i lexIkUtlon, aa ono of tho prouiirlHic OJiism oftho prosout depression lu business, prvuiiouig poverty ami wain, auu eiciiing linny to UwleHauea and orimo. 7- l!cMtt'il, Wo demand of John Shor auu. Mocrniury ofltioTroat.urv. that Iiocoho at mice, the ruluoua (silicyot fuudliiK our grcoubicka into gidd inteio-t b artug bouusj ruuliij thirty A ears: naid liuoievt isatilo quaitcilv in lotHiKii noiiuinea. And il.sl s Mow with alarm a Ihimpoio Kyudleatohd iniuiioiiug up ui iho ihi if our Uimtiilo during I s 1 1 k time. And thai wo niiumi to Mr Siioiiuau.iiiHbtt'o tloMiKial ruin whiuh isthrcHiuiiigoiirui'lou'i liU,ou tuaverloil by allowing iietuti SI5 tier (anliaof our na- ttousl (loot to ulioula'.o uiuoiig tho pooptu aa lo.j.tl louder money. A. J- POltlKIl, l'ro'a. Viio'jj.T. Maiuuiti", Seu'y. Tanuijnt, Jn. 8, 1873. At aroiuUr ni'io'.liii: of r-iiuout Urango, hold Jmi. I.h, tho follow lug oltlo.tr.s woio lu stallutl: M ,J. V, Jonlau; O , V. Rent diet; l. D. M. Cook; S , V. S. War I -k; A. S , U. II. Cook; U. J. l.uper; T A. 1 Wyoi; M'C.J (I.SiMtt; U. K., M.U. Callawa;U, Mt Chsiiiy Lutici; 1 , Mrs S. K Duuklu; K,Mni,lM. J. Sj..t; 1,. A.S., Mm Klla L'lti-r Aller ItiMull-tlloti wo had a uiy i,.i'l dinner, to wtilch wo all helped our h,vj. Wf tlvi aMiui iliu ilay very pleasant ly. T.iWMil Untiuo a projipilng tiuoly, uud tho iiiembors aro working uaniiciiy, J. U.S. V., Klmaey,of vValdo llilU, rooutly killed HpllM montba old, weight drea-sed, 0J loi.-Coas' Itirkkblro aud Wblla Chewier. llu.-d to beat ! VU . .r tW... Fine Stock " Arabian Boy." In the Vlllago Record, published In West Chostor, Pa ,'n tho Issiue of December 1st, wo and the following paragiapb: W.O. Myoror As'iUnd, Jackson county, Oregon, tho plouoor Importer or I'erohorons on I bo I'aoltl'j coast, tbo owner of a valuable mableof (tils stook at his rsiich in houibrru Uicann, visited Cbfstor tounty rtcontly and puruha--d of our lioUblor, J J l'aikor, Itn portul ofl'otcboron burn-, Arabian II ," 'Oi or Imported 11 m II -ntioiir and Jenifer Arahloi, ttiul wo ImMcvh iho only eron bo-t-n Uiupuradpaorthoicnand tb jnno Per ehor.in ui A mot lea Mr.M,r wasloiiii -dio iii.K.. ihl ptirchnsoou huu tint of thu linny ulust quU h1h iiiol'oio.ieron, bring de rived from the Arabian, nnd UkIiiI"k ibai a fresh liitii.xlon of ilio Artb blood would bo n Vrttual'lo ncqiiiHltlotl lu hla stable and the hor-H jti t:!c ot Iho uortnwest Faoltlo oasr. LsrninK or blm ibrnugn tho uentt-mai Cotnitilis onr Iroui Ornon, who had aeen ' Arabl in H iy" at tbo ContbunUl show, and the Jtlilfdr Arabian. Ills alrp, ud (-oaIok nlao a notion In tho Imcncoii Aqricutturali&l, bo resolved to add tbla valuable colt to bis atud at "cost what It would;" so wroto to Mr. Parker, rrqueatlnir blm to telegraph to 'blm If " Arabian Doy' waa alive and well, and that he wonld come 'and see blm. Ac cordingly he made tbe Journey of ovor 3 000 miles principally to gut him. Ho succeeded In purchasing blm of Mr. Parker, and wa feel assured that Oreaon farmers will. In due thno, reap tbe benefit In tbe ImnroYement of tbolr stock by tbla expensive buicrounauio onlerprlse of Mr. Myer. "Arabian Bjv" shows the Arab in a marked deureo about tbe hosd, nock and shoulders, and In the body aud quartora tbe pure Porcherou, lie Is a yearlinx past and a perfect beauty. Mr. Myor visited the stable of Colin Cameron, Marietta, Pa., the present owner of tbe Jeni fer Arabian and purchased a puro I'eroheron till v In loat to Jenifer Arabian, which be will also take weat with him, together with several Imported Sbottand ponies from the atabloof A J. Alexander A D. Sarlort, Ky. Be lea Oakland on P.lday lust for Plttsbunr, and will thon taka tho steamer down the Ohio for Cincinnati, whero ho will take on iho pnnlos. Kroni thence, holuoos direct to Omaha, then to Iladdlnir, California, tho ler minus ofiho Oration division of tho Central Paolllo. Ho will then nnko tho balanconl hla Jilirney, 180 miles overland, over two ranges of tho Kiskyou mountains tho north ern continuation ot tho Sierra Navadas, to Ahland, In Unguo river valley, his homo. W understand tbla colt will coat him somo 12,000 at tbo end of his Journoy and hope be may lonoh It In safety. Tho Oeo. W. Kldur mado the boat tlmo on r'cord, from San Franolsoo to Portland. Total lime, fid hours and 43 minutes. Good runnlnir, that. The Wheat Market. Quotations remain unchanged; at Fort 1 ind f 2 10 to ?2 l.'IJi por cental la nnmrd by the Orcgoniiin, tbo lattor fr a round lot of good to choice, for milling. At Salem buy ora aro nil paying fl 12 por bushel. Quo. latlons from Liverpool show Iho market tin ohaugHil thero. Tlio bulk of Orogon wheit lias been font abroad and thero may not be ovor teniy-llvo thousand tons remaining for shipment during tho balance of tbo aoa aon. Some buyers aeem to consider tbo market precarious for tbla reason. The recent plentl fill ralus in California give a promlao of fair crops through that Slate, and relievo Iho np prohonslona of many that another dry year wta upon thom, and so will let looio surplus wbat that Is oat I mated lu quantity as much as KM) 000 Ions. If this fact la established oven If the surplus so lot looso falla far short of tho above llguroi thero la tin doubt that foreign freights will bo In demand and u up lo a lilgbar price, enough to weskt.ii the orl'va of wheat situs what, but parhapathai will he coni otifa'od for bv a tlrm foreign il-iiiauit. Ills worth whilo for holders ot Oregon wheat to glvo tboao lacta duo con Nlderailon. European Grain Market. London, Jan. 8 Tho Mark Lano Eapreaa aAystSustalnoil by political apprehensions nd -t ron tit honed by an luoraa consiimp tlvodoiuaud, tho prexnt position of the wheal trade la Htroiu; aud, hi spl'o of large arrivals of foreign wheal, prices litre atod lly timinUinril. Speoulation ia wanting, bill a healthy hiIiiiuIiih Iikm Ikuu lound lu tbo supply ot lcKimun rtqulrHiueuiH ofmlllHrs, who havo piirulia-.oil without much reserve athigh prlecH. Mu'h rtmaina about the same, linn on sprit, nwlnulo lluiliedsupplles. and raihr oialor oll'oiasiundor pro-aura ol iMimeroils arrivals ofcari-oes at puts of rail. Thomiikni hax varind little foraprlng corn and but a alluhl Improvement both lu value an'l ilemand Is noted lor oats. Tho Mark Line ICx press crop re'urn f r the year 1877 Miow, except hay, ailcroh have bi mi much below rtveraco. Tho hIihuI o-op has baon the most deficient of all, Oof urj returns representing it aa ovr averag and nolesi than 331) describing It aa bnto. According to tnlilea It was oven a worse crop than that of 1875, which was tho most dell olmilonp provloiiHly bad during Ulleen years. lUrlny too waa tbo auulbat growu wlibln tho aani't period, Livern o', J-n. 8 Rreadstuffs uleadv; wboit, 113'12 lor red winter; corn, -ta .'or no a- ui In -nt vvesinru.S!). 0 I lor old. I'hiladelphla, Jan. 8 Wool a'eay and llriu. Colorado, lino and niilom, IS-" ; loisiarsrr eirints, i;8o; eaua iin-iln p illwt,:i;Cj)tooj No l noil siiHrtn miiII-iI, .loyAti; T-s, tlno hiiiI iiimIuiii.'.'O'j.-, - do (o.c-it. MQht ; I'attllbi oiMs), tluo uud me dllliil, 2'i(jj,:!0.-; ilocou'e, 'J-.'Gi27o. Salkm, Jii. 10. If-78 Wheat la still roIIIok hi $1 t.'Ji i or i ii-h-el; o" is -ton in M.', soil tbo I'onNuil tl- una urn Mi to COii pi r bu-hel saekeil: bai $17 per ion; bran SUl per ion; short .m 'por lo- ; po'uioi m :tJjn i or busiiel; wppl-n ;I7,' t i,i -10,, por bushol; onions SI pT bu-'iel butter iV iiiiJO.t mr to ; .ir; '.! i pir d.'X ; "m, ir.-ti lanl llinls Hn way in uixrkotal I2)fi per lb . hot Him country has not yet UiUiu.o.,ced to fiiruUh bacon of now onre. Portland Produco Market. Wo copy iho lollowlug from tho Oregonlan ofthoUt: Wheat -2 .i.','2 15. Flour lt uran.la fl 757 par bbl ; otltslila mid oouinrv brand?, Jil 00; tino and hu peril ue, 5 iir 50. Hav Choice llmotby, balod, 12il3; loose Oct-llt i"5i!, common, 60. Ummu Sidoa Ill2),'c,bauial3il5.'j ahoul dor, 9a, Ltnl Oregon made, freah, In 10tt tins, Ut; In ke., I3Ui. Cblvkana-fa 50a H 50 par doxea. Huiter I820cj Checao, 15alU3. Kitt" 35o pr dor.. Birloy Clioli-o browing l 43; food, f I.G5 perijwi. Wool Dull Bale at 2'.'.Q2o. Lgal TMudors in PortlaLd buying 03; EoMlug, 07Ji. Silver Coiit-3M 'K parcnt.dlsoount. Hail Frtinclseo illurliet. plV TKLKIIItAI'll. Hsii Fratinsrn. Jn. fl WliMt-S'ilrrlp six r: miiiinc ti t0iit a. BALUM HAIiXiiT. MONPTAHY Cbqal TcMDina, b-iylug, Uia .- pellttn;, 07C FLOUK, OUA1N 4o. Wticat, licM wlilto fl tutlKl il 1JX Oats. W Im a 43 rnrnMoUtf St ft 4 Plnnr, Tieet, M taclc. (V barrel) eil C3 Dnckwheat Flour, V S (A Brau, V ton IB Oflift IS Shorts. V ton SO OW 39 OllCsk Meal, ton 83 OOJJ.... Flaxseed, per O W.-. Ui, ton, new $15 alT baled, V ton aol OROoilUM. Sugar, Baa Vraneiico roflnest, V bbl tSMC 14 Islmd iH9it cratxtd 14MA cruuea un iok Dowdered ISA il ItrtnuUted 1b I U HlrQpj f fVlaa ! (Xl ll M T0ATlpsiii V A 60i it 09 Imperial 1 tlilN Coffee, Costa Mm, V I IHO ate e Vt KOnOttaaa 904 t JftVal W at Salt, Carmen Iltnd,percw 7& t 0t Liverpool, corae I i ot dtjlrjreeeeeeaaaeeae ( tl TO CATe ( t Ol FRUITS. VBOKTABLM.tAe. Applca.-. ..... -..-... .................... a.ft uncQ, y ib.... ........ ...... ........ "P a Peaches, dried, V D la It Plame, " 7 lotb IS Pears, ..c prbu .,($ .. Hesris, vm Q 4 lotatoc. V baahol... 87 Onions, V Id to .. Cabbage, V do "Jfflt 00 DUTTKKriaOS, &o. Dittcr, freh rolla, JI lb 103 39 packed Ri;r, V doxen r.ftffc .. Cheese Orocou prime, ft 0) 1W4 .. t.aru, V -v.... ...... ...a.................... iSQ ia OILs7c Llniccd Oil, boiled, 9 cation 1 lOftl 25 rawr, " 1 w Laid Oil, V irallon 1 at 7S Coal Oil, ' vm -. Veattroot Oil, Ktl 1 BOA OS Tallow. V !.'... aft to W EUDINES8 COLLEGE, 21 VoMt fitrcct, X.r lf.rpf , Impart a thorough and pranilral education in an commercial anil i-ngiisii nranonoa, French, Oonnan, Spanlah, Drawing and TtlPirrapby. Thla school having crpaior facilities, xnd -rJy'tijr n uintn xunslvo patrnnnuotipou tiioRcod senso audonllKbt onod Judttmoutofiho publlo. LIST OK FACULTY. K P. Uoold, II. M.Stpsrns, W. U. II. Valentine, Mra. O. Woodbury, Mra. A. M. Ila.ob, A. V. Dulllol, U. F. Morol, F. tl. Word bury, A. II. t'spp, T. It. Houihorn, Mia. W. J. Uatxlllon. F, Serpunl, (J no Jdrcua, A. Vaudernallltn. IW SPECIAL ADVANTAGm The a'.tontlon to f nil t manly mannora and correct huslnesa hablta, aud tbe laot that tbs Itualuoaa K location Is tint contlntsl to lloolc kocplnir, lVtiinausblp and Ariibuiptlo, but Imparta snob broad cullnro aa tbo tlmea nor domand for a high poaltlou In tbo Morcautilo Cominuuliy. Tlio omploymont of only firat-olaaa Toach ors In every Dtiparimont, uud hi aoflloleut niimbcrHsoaa to kHo pcraoual attcuuon to ovory pupil. Ita coniplalo ayfltpm of AOUIAL I1USINE3 PItACTICK, by which puplla are (Plod loonlt-rlhoCount-uur liouaodirK-llv f-oui llinSohcol. Tlio hluh standldK or lib Oruduatca In th Ibisliipss Commuuiiy. Tlio Pallia takt-n in soouri positions for aradualoaln kmk1 HusIiipmi KstHbllshtnonta, Tho sdiiils-lon ot pnpllh of both st-xtxancl of any aue, ao ihst jouutr b a uro rondori-d more manly by tbo angulation ot tbo pupils of an obb rauo. In havlnuihn largest ami beat ventilated and arrived School rooiu", and tho laruoat vearly attendauco of uny Hualneaa Tralulmj Sclioul In America. Tho Immpdlrtii. noi Ideal Inn of parcnta In casoofhbuncoot any upH, nnd lha pain taken to ktepthum fnnoind of tbo progrcta and dpiiriiiiniof iholr sons. Tbo Fact that osh'i punll booomo8 an ele 4am Ihi'dnt-sH Pooiimii Ixforo (Jrsdimilnjr. Ita depart moots of Modern fitonispos nnd Drawing, in which noh pupil can receive) ItiMiruotluna freof olmrtio. Iiacnuiplein Deparimetit of TeleKraphy, In which atudouiH Hre tilled to emir ulonca upon their riutlea an Operatoia. I)hs not l"uo l.llo-iclinUiBhlns, but gives thorouitb insirucihu nt reasonable ratea, IiivlieM oxNinlnsilon from all Inierested. The "CoIIpkh Journal,' ulvlnn full partla ulara recaiilliiira.iiiraanf Instruction, leims, 'o , may be had at the Olllco of tbe Collte, 2t 1'oat slreot, or by addreln(r K. I II RATI). President nuKlnfaaCollepe.Bau Franclrco. Tho . '. T. Co.'s S:camcr lsS SASSZ WI.L LUAVK il DlKMItL VlftftA I'ortlaml iiikI Vny Poi-in, KVKKV TUK&D iV, TIIUltSUAY, A SATOnU.W. People, Palrcuiz9 Your Own Boat rrotcclloii nRtiliiKt IIIrIi Rate jiiiruiitril ! J. .. STU.lTroX, Attorney at Law, RAI.K.M. OHF.OON. OfTra 00 Bute 8treit.oopotia the tlenntl Iloqs. Oil. K. V. OlIAMK, Bli?J1KTifM-i4U.Saf,WOn.U-8' VCl91tW. -OffifA DnrWn's hxvk.no sulrs. ,tt 0tQnnATI:A,t' AjrduUwajiUM.Uuti. aWVl'M.woTBca,iiiit44,hk UuMS ! l I v'