Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 11, 1878, Page 7, Image 7

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TtfE rop.E ClECr,E.
Coihluctt-d by Mtt IIaITIK D. Clmikk.
8A1.ISM, FKIDAY, JAN. 11, 187S.
Somo ilny, If I IIvp, tv Ipller w 111 c-nmo
From cwr tho plain, In my mollicr'aboinc,
And I hIiiiII ojhii ll uiiawaMt
Of whul tno v ullit nl' 1'H tidings nto.
Ibhnll rrnd,nnd ntnrt 'iifnth 111" havy blow
That mil"! n i n , or Minn or lt o, I kii-w,
And 1 -1'itM tin-urn llut my in i lif-r'H :,o.
Are w Jlklut, lu j'tncti thu gnlJun hliet't.
My txirrowlnt; heart will know Mir- 1 blest,
That hi-r lln-d timidi imuao necdhiK n-td;
Htlll It i'hii but mourn Unit no loving upeoch
From tbla bouio lo hers overnioro can roaub.
It oan but rooarn that no othor eyes
Will mo no ruuob In my thouK.hu lo prize.
No other ho Art no pitiful bo
For the griefa and trials that cotno to mo.
Home day that's not far bor prayers will
oeaie, . , , ,
Though my need of thorn, niay lndeod In
croasej 141 think of them, kept (when my spirit
faint) . , ,
In the goldtn vials with prayers of saints.
Ukllk W. Cookk.
TI dark and Uroary wailing
For ilio tiluhl to pant away,
Butihoy toll mo It mover
Drki-st j ast ut dawn of das'.
Kut tho crrsi It neoma m heavy,
And God' way fco dark to me,
Tliwt lvn urown weary wulilug
Tho dawning bright (o eo.
Oli, mint It prow much darkrr
Urn tho coining of tho MchtT
Will Urn bright, brlpht siarof morning
liver show llet promUod llgntT
8omo utara the darknom showed uh
Dal Ihflr llnht 'Odii ttaied away,
And tho datknesa growth deeper
Unruly It must soou be day.
Fur I fenl that morn I nigh.
Though all eaith'a patlm iito droary,
Thmo In llRht for ns on high.
For bright Ood'a radiant Minnhlno
To mourning heart Is given,
And we aball know no sorrow,
For there's uo nlht In heaven.
Moro about tho Stato Fair.
Ed. ITomkCidclk: I was in Salem
when tho Hoard of Managers hold a
mooting for tho purpose or rovlslng tho
Premium List and changing tho rules
and regulations for tho coming State
Rilr, with the vlow ot making it bet
tor for tho Society. I, liko many oth
ers, went In to seo what they were go
Ini in do with tho premium list. I was
astonished. Thoy were giving it n tho
rough overhauling, cutting somo pro
intuitu) down, raising somo higher, and
throwing some out entirely, so it was
pretty well changed. Aftor being there
souiu time, tho ladles asked for a com
mittee to revlso tholr premium list.
Tho request wiw grunted them; so thoy
went to work, two or tlireo of them,
and partially revised tho list, witli the
assuraofo that if thoy raised tho pre
miums or added any more money to
tho list it mould all bo thrown out the
Hoard would not recelvo It. Tholr
worklwas limited; thoy could not make
any changes that would plo.iso tho pco
plo who exhibit their nrtlelcH for pre
miums any butler than tho old one. I
am Miro that tho new list of premiums
U not as good as tho old one, for all tho
gwcepitakcri premiums I bellovo were
out down nearly ono hnlf, except in Di
vision L, Class fi, Hrahltug. This Is
very easily accounted for: Somo of the
regular exhibitors in this class wero on
tho committee, nnd they did not see
fit to cut it down, but still thero weie
changes nir.tlo to suit certain persons
living In Salem who had articles nl
roady made for which thero wero no
proniiiims. Thero was but ono super
intendent nppolnted that was n com
mended by tho committee, and that
WdB Mrs M. K. Cook. Thero was a
lady iceoinmended for DlvMun J, and
Mr. G. V. Hunt wa.p:jinted in lu-i
place a good hofection. 1 reinembei
tho F.utMr.UK.iid tlio report of tho la
dies Mas received; I think only par
tially received. I heard ono lady h.i.
to another. "L'xik mill the reporter N
here, and ho will take every word ymi
siy"; uHiMquently th.'io was not
much arguing amongst tlio women.
Moi.i.y Madia.
How HiitDal'i.v. At n recent meet
ing I" England to dl-UKS aerial niiv
jg.iliiiit, it wailaid ihiwn ns I he jimp
oslt inn nf the A eniii.iu llcnl Hi n-1 fly
tiiat filght v.vs meri'ly a inei-lianicnl
action, (.qia'tlo of iuiila'inii, tiiat n
was iiiniioNted by ah ti'lN or oiliei
contiiv.iiuvs fur cfiVctiug lovil.v,
nnd that Hie liallnou n.-, a means (.1
locoiitutiiiii w.i'i UM'less to linn excepi
In tlin w.iy of wafiage. Tim winy
ofa Itinl was a nlrucliiro which fot
utrengtli and lightness comiiiucd wt
hid no pre.-ciit means of iuiilating.
After ii'ft-ring to the wings of difieroi.i
birds, tho lecturer deduced from ne
counts read befuro Ids Mx-lety, Hint
long-winged blrdncould not manipulate
thoir wings pmpeily until they win
somewhat raised from tho ground, and
that to obtain power upon tho atmos
phere tho bird-, made a run, heaplui
boforo them a mass of air nearly equal
Jug tlicir own weight.
"OIvo mo a luilf-penny, anil you
tn:iy pitch ono of tlic-o rings; mid if it
CiitchcH over it null, I'll jjivo you three
That seemed fair cuotisli; so tho boy
liuiulod him a hulf-oomiy and took tho
ring. Ho stepped Imek to the Make,
tossed Ids ritiy, aud it caught on ono
of tho nail d.
"Will you tako six rlnps to pitch
again, or Ihreo poneeY"
"Three pence," was tho answer; and
tho money wuh put into his luind. Ilq
stepped oil', well satisfied with what ho
had done, and probably not having -an
idea that ho hud dono wrong. A gen
tleman standing near him had watched
him, and, now, beforo ho hud time to
look about and rejoin his companions,
laid his hand on Ills shoulder.
"My lad, this is your first lesson in
"Gambling, sir?"
"You staked your half-ponny nnd
won six half-pence, did you not?"
"Yes; I did."
"You did not earn them and thoy
weronot given to you; you won them
Just as gamblers win money. You have
taken tho first step in tho path; that
man has irono throueli it. nnd you can
huh tho cud. Now I advlso you to go
and give lilm Ins tlireo ponco buck turn
ask him for your half-penny, aud then
Htiiud t-qinire with tho world, an honest
hoy again."
lie hod hung his head down, hut
raited it quick! ; and his bright, opun
look as ho said, "I'll do It," will not
hoon bu forgotten. Up ran back, aud
soon emerged from tho ring, looking
happier than ever. Ho touched his
cup aud bowed pleasantly as ho ran
away ,to Join his companions. This
was an honest boy. Morning Star.
What a Boy did for tho Steam Engine.
In hlsnrtlilo In tho lpttlar Science
Monthly, on tho growth of tho btcam
engine, Prof. Thurston says that when
tlio cnglno had assumed a form that
somo what resembles tho modern ma
chine, an Important defect still oxisted
in tho necessity of keeping an attend
ant by tho cnglno to open nnd shut tho
cockB. A bright boy, however, Hum
phrey Potter, to whom was assigned
this duty on n Nowcomen cnglno in
1713, contrived what ho called a scog
ytnn. catch rigged with a cord from
tho beam overhead which performed
tho work for him. Tlio boy, thus
making tho operation of the valve-gear
automatic, Increased tho speed of tho
engine to 10 or 10 strokes a minute, and
gavo It u regularity and certainty of
uction that could only bo obtained by
such an adjustment of its valve!?. Tills
Ingonious young mechanic afterwards
umimo a hkiiiuu workman, unu an ex
cellent engineer, nnd went abroad on
thuj'ontinent, where ho erected seve
ral lino engines. Potter's rudo valve
gear was oon Improved by Henry
Heighten, aud tlio now device was ap
plied loan engine which that talented
engineer erected at Newcastle-on-Tyno
in 1718, in which engine hosubitituted
ytib.'tantial materials for Potter'd unino
cljanical arrangement of cords.
Oeorgo Washington, when qullo
young, was about to go as a mldnliip
man; everything was arranged, tho
vessel lay opposite his father' limine,
t ho little boa! had como lodioro to take
him oil', and his whole heart was bent
on going. After his trunk had been
carried down to tho boat, lie went to
bid Ills mother farewell, and saw tears
bursting from her eyes. However, ho
said nothing to her; but feeling that
she would bu distresed it ho went, aud
perhaps uover tie hanpyngaln, ho turn
ed round to tlio hervant and said, "Go
and tell them to fetch my trunk back.
I will not go away to break my moth
er's heart." His mother was struck
witli his decision, and she said to him,
"George, Ood lias promised to bless the
children that honor their parents, aud
I believe Ho will bless you."
Tun It.wD.m I suppose wo Invonll
read how tlio ravens saved Elijah's lifo,
I'erhaps your lenders would liko to
hear a Utile story, which Is quite true,
about u raven Unit sived the lives of
-oiiio men in England. Many years
ig-i mmiio men wero woiklng in Win
slatlw Quarry near Kiug-lirldgp, in
Hovui.; lliey were Just going to have
-omo dinner, when a raven stole ono
of i Ik men's dinners, aud fiew mv.iy
willi il. All the men ran out nl the
quarry to ceo tho bird flylngutf with it,
it ix 1 while they weru tloiugMilhoquar
ry fell in. If thoy had been in it they
would all have been killed. So you
co thai EHj. ill's life WdHMivcd by hav
ing loud brought lo him by tho raven-;
hut tlit'Mi men wero mi veil by linviiiir
samiMif their food taken away. lAUta
Advici: to Hoyh. llor.ico M'nnii
vrln-: "You tire undo In be kind,
geiieioiis, mignaiiiiiiiiu-'. If iiiero is
i l".v in M-hiinl wiin has a ilub foul,
tluii'i let him kimw tlia, ymi ever saw
it If llit-rc Un i.inii' boy, iiiigu him
nine put of I he game wnicli Ihm nut
riqiui.' runuiug. If there is a hungry
our, givw hint part of your dinner. If
I hero i-i a dull one. help lilm in with
hi-. Ie-Mii. If there lie u bright one, be
not envious ' f him; fcr if ono hoy is
proud of Ids talent.-, and another it on-vhai-i
of I hem, tliero are two great
wrong-, and no moro talent than before.
If a Lrgcr or a Mruugcr bu.v bus injur
ill you, and is nirry lor it, forgive him,
ind n-qucnt tho teacher uol In piinl-li
him, All the school will hIiow by
their couulonaiico how iiiui-l Quttlor It
is than to luivo a great Hit,"
Wjii:uu Dakikij Hooni: J)iki.
Daniel Uoone died at tho house of his
pon, Major Nathan Uoone, on Femtno
Oii'ro Creek, St. Charles County.) Mo.,
on (September i!0, 1820, in tho eighty.
sixth year of his ago. Tho next thy
his remains worn moved to tho hmisu
of his son-in-law, Flanders Callaway,
near Mnrthasvllle, Warren County,
where, after a funeral .sermon by Utv.
JaineH Craig, a Min-in-law of Nathan
Uoone, they were interred on tho miiii
mit of n beautiful knoll on Tenqiin
Creek, about ono mllo Houtheast of
Murthasville. Tho home it two-slorv
stone building, and tho firs, of Its kind
erected in tho State Is yet standing
and occupied as a dwelling.
A HnuoiNK. Miss Qraco Vernon
Russell Is a young Eugllsh lady, only
10 years old. Hearing of a boat being
capsized, Miss liussoll rodo on horso
back down a steep ciiff at full speed
to the scene of the disaster. She rodo
her horse into the sea, and succeeded in
renching tho boat, accompanied by her
servant, nnd with as many women and
children clinging to hor and her horso
as possible, sho raado for tho shoro
nnd placet! them In safety. Tho Koynl
Humano Society has awnhlod tho
brave girl a silver niedallhm.l with
a brozo mcdalliou to her servant, who
saved a man.
It has been asserted, as a reproach to
woman, that alio has no inventive gent
us. In refutation, Mrs. Nancy Todd,
or Missouri, has taken out a patent Tor
a chicken coop which defies tho en
trance or all vermin. It .Is simply a
coop which Is raised in air by a contri
vance ulmllur to a well sweep, tho
coop dangling in air when it is raised,
to tho great aggravation of tlia var
mints, who sit licking their chops be
low. j
Gdaiiam Gkms. Four qunrts of gra
ham meal, ono cup of wheat Hour, ono
cjp of corn meal, ono tcaspoonful of
soda, one-hair cup or brown sugar, anu
ono cup of yeast. Let theso riso all
nltrht lor breakfast, and through tho
forenoon for dinner. One-fourth of
this amount is enough for u smull fami
ly. Btkamkd Sukt Puddino. Ono cup
of stoned and chopped raisins, ono cup
of finely-chopped suet, ono cup of brown
sugar, ono cup of sour milk, one ten
spoonful ofsaleratus, and flour to stir It
quito stiff like broad. Steam tlireo
hours. HerrlcHor currants may bo used
lnBteud of ralslnB.
GtNOKit BNAra. Six teaspoonfula of
butter, four tcaspoonruiB oi water, ono
tcaspoonful of soda, and ono tcaspoon
ful of ginger. Put theso in a cup and
fill tho cup with Now Orleans molaasoB.
Flour enough to roll. Ho careful not to
scorch in baking.
To mako light of uny thing set It on
A man wiuds up his clock to mako
It tun, and his business to mako il stop.
uOh, I've loved before." said n De
troit woman to her fourth hUHhind, as
hho took u handful of hair from his
luui becausQ ho objected to hang out
tho week's wu-dilug.
A Junior student, In rendering nn
arcouut to his father nf his lust term's
oxpBiises, entered an item: "Charity,
$:$0." Ills father wroto back. "I fear
(hut charity covers u multitude of
In Germany It hns been strictly for
bidden to build school-rooms wllh win
dows on both Kido:, such illumination
always having proved injurious to tho
eyes of the pupils.
When Professor Tyndull, In his fain
ous Ilelfust address, Hturtlud his tuaool-
iiti'8, anil both tho learned aud tho reli
gious world, by Hinting that lo its furth
cut i efca robes, and by Its last analysis,
soli'iieo entirely falls to detect any other
forcu than (lint of nature ittelf, ho utter
ed only an obvious nnd a conimonpluco
truth Science, liowovcr excellent, Is
Holf-llinltcd as to Us application. It In
hluit up to iiuture, ami cannot go beyond
I lain i iio-id IhullatlouH; ami nil Its Ihwh
ami iiiodca of action nrn within Hhowii
Mihciv. As ivi-II uilcht tho 1:11ml (rent
of euloiv, or Iho deaf of wiuniln, ns for
hcIi'ihsj, which rolnti-s only to natural
ililii(;n, lo H'.-jmih fur ihoHpirlliial; ami as
tlio wmi t ofthu-o iH'ii'i-pliniiH o:i the put
oi i ne oiiiiii nun iiio ii'iu is no ei'iiifiuiH
nualiiHt Hk) existence of the oljects which
they lull to detect, mi Iho f,iliiir of sci
ence lo llml niiyihiug beyond natiiro and
its laws Is not even negalivo ovldei.uo
that there Is not a tin-Tiiniur,il or Hpli
imal nniveiHc. The things with which
Miioticc luis lo deal ar not ? ivillcaies
of Iho divine pt-iMiu-iliiy. Gml Na
Hjitrii; and spirit Is chHu-iitliilly niioiher
ndiiii tnlug llimi in uli-r Jlad'that high.
piH-.il ol initiiri-, thi-iefnre, c.iuicil h
ivt-eari-hcsa lliniiiaiiil l lines I'uillii-r, In
uiiihl have fiitiim only lliefjrccsauil Iho
I-ivk of iianne. An eastern t.ao of nn.
clitit Ilium cnnfrniiu-il Iho ijjinu folly
wllh Ihelnqiiliy lliu uei-de I un tiiriwer:
'Cau-l thou lliul out the al-iil-;liiy unto
p rfcctionV" Tlio helghl.s ami thu depths
alike coiift-is Unit ihey do mil contain
li I in . Tlio declaration of Sc. Paul, tlmi
'the worl 1 by wl-doni ki'i-w not Ooil."
wuhIohii leyeliilliin ihuii tho leuognl
tlou of a natural ami uiccisiry truth,
lint whllu r.olciice forever nils liidmuoii
htralu tho exiniiiiico of a pomonal (Jod, it
Hhowlhe iii-iiI of hiicli u one to t-tuml
over the woild of iiuture; anil no It cre
ates n Htiong (iiilcct-deiit pinlublllty In
favor of Ihedivliio t.-Mlmuny rexpectfug
hlii)M-lf, IiIk hi'jiig hud hji iiltribilti-K,
I wliicli comes o iimti'a Hpiritunl jtoivi-p-l
j tloiw through the liibtltutloim of lulth.
ItY J. 1 VUATCir.
In bnyltoidV dayi I IiphhI utorlps lohl
or MHiny ollnifc and hiiils of unld,
Of tow'r'lng iiioimialiiHcaip"d wllh .now
Tluit HhriiH llku Urn In tuiii.-nl kIowj
And, n 1 llhloiitd titi-Huli won',
My (nor Rial llhln nu Mllrred.
And 1 m tr I wIkIki! lor nnnlioodV prime,
Tluit I mlxht renoli Urn: loely ullmo.
At loiiRlh my clilldhooil dnvH worn pasted,
And iimnhood crovvnt-il mv brow niinst,
And nfuai as tho Monti khiK ciiui),
And Hwfpimiro-- ilie In r.-i plain,
And iilpi-ed my raw, my llni!iir fror.1,
Aud dnf.O'i 'iiiand iny Iioiihk Hid wnoiva,
1 tlinuglii imiobnf that sutiet stioro
hero driltltig slorui8 ato felt no uijro.
(D'c starttd)
'Twa9 In tho days of civil war,
Nor railroad then nor palace car
Was thorp, that I might safely ride
O'er grassy plain or desert wldo,
I) at by slow loll, wo day by day
Traversod this long and daueorous way,
Until the oxen at tho wheol
Dacame so weak that they would reel.
Falso lakes and forests rose to vlow,
To luro ub from the pathway true,
Dut, over as wo neared the place,
Nor lake nor forest could we trace;
The tow'rlot? mount, the sagy plain,
Dut tlrod our limbs and vexed our brain;
Yet onward, under woltoti sky,
Wo crossed tho noxious alkali.
( ft'c reached the goal )
AllhonRh our patient toll was o'er,
And we had reached ttiat siuiMtt slinto,
Whero d.tslilnt: Hlreiitna nnd rivers bold
Flow in tholr eourm o'or sinds of koM,
Whero ninunliilns moon mnutilhlns high,
CoiiiiiiliiKlliur with tho cloud mid xky,
Where gratsy plains und forests uraud
Uulto to beautify tho laud.
Oh, beauteous land t Oh, lovely placet
My home, my happy reotlng-placo
From Cciro ami daiiKor, toll and strlfo:
Ms lirro 1 lake new Itaao of life,
While drliikhiK from tho urystal fountain
That Kusbes from tho snowoUd mouuUln,
Which in their silent grandeur rlso
And seem to touch tho very skies.
Oh, laud of hoalthl Oh, land of lovol
May guardian augvU from abovo
Wawh o'er Iheo hi thy youthful days,
And teach thy children wladntu'd ways,
And evor. as thoy onward toll, .
To curb the stream or till (ho xoll,
May they look upward from thy sod,
And bloss this land aud pralso ihy Ood,
in, in uia Kuuiiuuss, una nu uiost
This bfauteous land, this glorious WosU
Halkm, Dec. 25, 1877. -
In discussing "j.nuicb" sumo tluio ago
we drew nttentlon to a fact which, wo
think, hnd previously been little noticed,
that tho Interval between them Is twice
as great In this country ns in England,
and that it Is only this country aud Eng-
land und Franco which have, unUI very
recently, been exposed to tlieiu. Since
1870 they linvo begun to appear In Aus
tria and Germany, and even HihsIii,
which have hud one n plecv. In Eng
Inud Iho first was In 1707: thu otbersbavo
followed lu 1807, 1817, 1820, 18U7, 1B47,
1857, and 1800, or, at Intervals, or about
ten years. In this country, tho first wuh
in 1815, and Ihey recurn-d in IBM, 18-17
und 1873, oral Intervals of about twenty
years. Tho reason why they appeared
first in England nnd next In this country
lu the earlier development in these two
countries not only or commercial and In
durtrhil enterprise, but or thu system or
buying mid selling on creilit-thut Ih, nut
with money, hut witli promises to pay
money. Without credit you cannot
luivo panics. They do not show thein-Bolvt-alnan
agricultural coniniunlly, or
In abbiirarnus or In m-unr,- eoiiiiiiuiiliv.
They have never been known on the
greater part of tho European continent
u o n i now, lor tno mono reason ttHxigui-u.
by Mr. Iiright for thu absence in that in-
clou, until very recently, of bunks of
You Eavo no Ezcuso,
Havoyon any excuse for fiiinirlnR wllh
DjKpepnluor LlvorUomplahil? Is tliero no.v
reukon why you Nhould go on from day to
day eoiiiplilnlng Willi Hour HtmiMoh, Hick
llead-nulio, iIiibiiiialCoillv(-iiu-H,palpltiitloii
of tho Henri, Heart burn, Wator-brssh,
Ouawlngard hnrnhiir pihm at the pit of l ho
Htomaoh, Yellow Hkln, Uouled Tongue, und
dlHsgrei-Hhlo luhio in tho month, (Niniuig un
nf food sfier ouhi.', liiw cplrlts, tt i. Nol It
Is positively 3 our own fiiiilillyoud'). (Join
onr Drnuulsi .toil gMl n DdKIo ol
(liiiii-N'H Auuusr Ifi.ovi:a for 7r renlH your
euro Is cerUln, hut if you doubt thl-i, gut h
Hniiiln llottlo for II) oouts und try It. Two
doses wIM rHIevn von
Ifuch Nnm'jrr ciniitii
rsiditi', iiM'ixrtni) Wou-I ('
fiiMinci) 1'i.fii A lin
I'llnlu I nn ili-L-iut eaiit-r.
"illlllTT Til" I'AUK III
il( II iunl- un mill iin
uliliil notion M-iittzluu
niiii full nf lufiirni ilmi
In IIiil-II-Ii hi (I tloriiini. 1
'rlro. l 21 li Ji'tr; I'lin
CO"l"- ' ffi.
Vlcli' I'lowrr- end
r1 c ill i ill luiur curcr.;
VrciUililo i.'nnloii,
In i.iv.uut dull) c.Yur
VIoU'm 'iiiili-miF, !
3X) U'nilr.-illonf, cljr ff
CC'llU. UilCl'-. ,
.1 11 -!S V
P'l; llntlifH'cr. N. Y.
.1 ?-W.-
nTZ., " 1- -VTiMaCfiCs.
zr '?: 4 ft . i,,-..?
K.KSifii ,4r.7-r-,:7
vvii ,'yr .'-.'". -r-'ri'-'i
My nonuiil fniiilfigiin r Vccilati'fl rod
?l,ic-rhuwl fur Itj7it.lli iiiiK-nt PUHK, In J.inuiij
11 nil M l.ni'ljf tulum-ro.f il '-nii iiinl nu
wrlu o'U 1 1 ITjr huh df lliu l,r i'l c illic Iiiii i
Vv-yflnlilu in-6 I ivi-r -mil u y niiy u-t Inmu v
niuii'i n lru iiir-i in nf v ll. li wi i-i.mn nn in
lx Miud firim I 'rln t il il r-rll i-n for il livnll in in
i li pa'-i.kia. All it il nM fniin in I'ltil'lthniiiil
r nut it in in- li ah i u-ii r il t ii in n-nn'; fn
llml nUuii'il't liriiraniinjMl.il I will refill llt imlri
I'U. i. thu inWIml Inirnlu j r f lliu llnl.har,
Ami llnrtil, ln4t M ,n .leu. thr Midi i ! ml 'nti'ii
K., nnil a i-cnru m iiltji-r nu vnj tiln h, I Invlld Hi-IHiri-nnr
nr nII wtiimii'iniliiiiH In lute lluir tin
-llit-ctly mill Iho-tMui r, Iruli, Iim- Mutof lli Vtl
littl mrilu. Nuiv ' ii I lili-- r i ccll'ly
X2Cy,xxfc JCllo 22i:vl&m.ixx.
A- a uotiqaornr of ltlicuiiu'lnn. Uinf Nau
ralpla, nnd euro lor i-uroi uliv hikI mII dlsnaicii
HrNlmt from linparliy of blood, the old and
reliable Kiimllj Mi'dluiiio,i7jn((,iiJrViIii
'i H'rtiids micipiHlcd, hm ptoydii iiy over
.'1LKI.00O ymit eurn :lurliiK Ilia pnttSlyeirs.
Is a rudlcil vegetablo Ciunpoiiiid orairnp.
rilla, Dnuk, OiuIhcuih, ,s , iindu pjniHiunit
euro. Sold by nil ihiignlstH aud country
grocers, 'J'Hko noihlng r-lp, mid If thoy
haven't It no snnd by ii.xpru.-s, bo.nd,nvory-
hero, at (I nnd $1 Hu per boiile; ?l Oan.l
M CO half do.. 11 ait ,V II vvrr, L'lo Orand
Sit., Now York.
Dr. H. SR1ITE-I,
I E3 3NT T I J3 "2? ,
OfflM movod otct DftKYMAN 01109. NEW STOUS
r" Offlco hours from 9 a. m. to S p. m.
W. lu. "W-AJDE,
tX. ed a full atrortmentof
Gronoral Morohandiso,
Dry Goods.
Boots Sl Shoos,
Oalcnlalod for tho Cltyand ConntryTratic. Iloricht kr
low, and will bo Mil at as SMAIJ. A ritOFIT. as
Ukmo who SKLL AT COST. IWUood dulh i-rrd to
inv D.trt ol tho cltv froo or chirio. Not6t
Mrs. Rohror's Now Romedy
ron tub ZiUiras
a msktinq mm wonmcrfvl svoexsat
no tiiuAl In tho relief and cum or ConKbf , Coldf,
Afthma, llronchltU, Cronp, Whopping Coajrli, Met
Hon, Ac. It hit jiroduced om remarkublo enrci.
Sola by rlnurulfts grnrrallr. I'retircd only by
T whom all Icttor of bunncm nhuuld bo aitUrfcd.
Farms and Laud lor Salo.
IlK) crrn 111 Lnlllrit nn. iihk nrrhanl .lir. .,..
tho l'lc'ut Hill roil. sbont U mtlrr from Kuvrno
Clly. M'o, about 140(1 nrroa of MIXKD LAND.
rnntity, uironmled liy hill mul brnnh land. Throo or
four Tory Kinil hiui nn bo midi out of It. OooJ
place for colony. Want to rt-ll tho whn'e Un toKrth
cr. Thl Land U sltuatul In Leno ouatity, about U
miles from Ktu-onu City, mul nli frnm CrrnwrU.
Jus Adilit- V. H. DUNN. Aiffm City.
Direct Passage from New
Yorkto Portland, Oregon.
IAN Dri-illTSIMT O. Jt (7. IL, I
I'omtlimu, luna 1U.1HTI. I
aitn-ed In enrry on It, Inm utiumn-liln.niitr bulmr
hullt nt Chotlor I'a , by Julm Hunch & Sou. nn.m hor
rinniilullnn, nu or atmul iho l&lli day of J.tauiry,
H7S stcrrasn imonirern Irnm Niny York to lNinbinl,
(Uriel, via tlm Htrnlt, of Maellnn, at tho oiirumely
luw.ratuor 75 00 curnney, bojrd luctoili-,1.
'llilr-it-iimi;rwlllboUio bi-rt, tn)iiKml an I mnit
cninfiirlilily airaiuiril flilp uvir hullt lu lbs Uulieit
HtMi-K, Ntii-i-il, )f iMi, l)lminliiii: tM lol lu
li-iU'Ui; 7K fiH-l hmm; -J-,.; ib-pth nftiold; ouuiolty,
.0 tnn: ail raliln unu M) iwrao iiajiifi.
Tnon tlnituiiiil Iho r-li"Tno will rveviya sueclai al-U-nUon;
Il will litmnvldoi with all inoiUrn lino.-oro-iiiuiitamiil
lu vviiUUUiiii vlll bu in-rfi-ct Kvi'ry at-ti-nttn-i
will In . aid to tin comfort of num-iirrt,
and the faro will on or the ln-nt qutllt'. Wrt of Iho
ileclcr oin will iHinitnl npfnr ii-lilijciallii tiuri
m, Mltliavluw tulurnl.h innK-m-int frch uiwat tfu
rlni'lhn mIkiIo voyhi-b,
1 liu yn no III ho iraitu In about r-lxty kUjp.
To tMl.t ierion wh clolru tut inliirntu tuUrriron,
ititrlonlliirnl and othtir luiiili'inniia lll bo l-Uvuat
vi-iy low rat-
I'nr ptirH'ina hnrn who havo filndi In Uio AlUnllc
Stair n. hln to cni.it in Orivun thU nlTnr a rnro
iiii'irtinilly. u Urn nnnoytiiciH and fail-uo of iho
tiy.ir'nii t rmitu by rail uro nyoldcd, and Iho iaM,(e la
CiinrliltMlily In-it.
Knrn.iiilrtilir tnfiirinitlnn nddrcaa K. 0, Hol-mlilL
I Himlh Wllllim Ktreul, Now Voik. or
IJyinOl . I. HmiVWK.
Laud A tent O. ,t O, II. It. On . I'ortliml, Otn.
l'niencui! April 1877.
liny n her fir llry'iic nr I'rii-crvliiif Hnill ind
Ni-Ui-IMi'iii of all Mml. iiKlaruu'initniclwl amltur
nl.lird ctiuipttle lu f.inr ilinVr.rit flem, ii-nnoly:
'llm Tom Tliunili Urjcr-cipmlly nf
hurliitl tf .iikr ur limn- irlc... $ 78
Ilie fiinull I'ninll) Urjcr cnioclly of IV
bmnoiap rliiiur-pilii- J13
I'lio I'ninlly lli-jer -ainclty of 3 budielH
pirhuur-pili. soi
Tim I'Mitorylnycr -capacity ofObuUU
nr huur-julcu , ,
'rh(ilirjirwrronwai(trd I tin Cm (iiiital Unlal
ind otpliiii.a at I'hllmli l,hia pi IHtiU A 'mi, Ih-i Ool I
M ii.lii1 ihimiHtuor Or-nii for ibTD, rr oxcclUiic-i
nriliVnr. clnrand cunilllli.u nf Kiull
All Hki-ii cnitanlly iii Und aid faiiililoJonthor.-
I'lirm mid f'ounty ltlhu for anlo.
Kt further paiiicjbrt end ilircrlnt u cnmlMOo
nddrn.i W. H ri.UilMf.lt,
I'atuiiiM uml ,M iiiuUcturr.
JclStf hart I'nrtlaii'1, croior.
A (J0MIM.KTK MM-5 0?
3531 J&. 3ELlSrjZ2&iB9
Sail til os,
i oil aw,
Etc., 'Etc.
JiUltlll.NM 1IIJCK,
l"9 -t!
nrt i-uiiii.. twg i.uu rroo. v. k,
JLIXjKjD) rujuiiz, UlouuiluirUio Nartory, 1U.
. fi
; I
. -ntlfitoFPfrlv.
. y
Kiajjlfl J
-. J.-L'l-..-T.n