r , , i PTlPrs f HaBVD,Vf- WILLAMETTE FARMFT1 l'tuiu Lfnn County. DinSOTORY. OPI'IinrWoflho NATIONAL GHANOK. Hotter John T. .Tooco, Barton. I'Mlllpj. Ark. OctnverJ. J. Woodman, l'aw l'awr, Van llarcc, Mich Idnrtr, n Smcdlcy, Crcrcn, Howard, Jo. tileitnriA, J. Vaughn, MctnoliU. Toiio. An't tfUutint Slonlmvr Wlilklioad, Jllddlcbwb, Somcrret, N. J. (iiuip'ain-H. II Kill", Hp'livliornugh, Warren, 0. Tinuinr V. M. UcUouoll, Wn)iie, Mttitou,N. V, Peentnry-i. II. Kvllcy, i.uiilvlii, Ky. Gulf-h't'irr-l). Dluuiildlu, Orchard ((rove, I lid. Crrm Jl.i. Inlin I' ion Itirioti. I'IiIiIIuk, Atk, Vtnttl Mr "mnii'd I! ilim MiiillclK Minn )m,uin M , ,r,-, rj., ili'd, Nurlli (Iniiby. CI Iitoly ImUliint AttwtrJ Mlr Carolluo A. Il.ill, Louiavlllt, iiy KTEOUTlVtt rnllMITIKi:. I). Wjnit Mbmi (.'nilnimii,)''nlesutiry,.H. C, K. H. Huatilt and, liiiiinnne invi. J) idloy T. Clnc. t'lu. m n.t N. II. Alnn'd O iiili r, llock Cull. Wliltilri, III. W. II. Chaniliir, Usunchic, itiirrdl. Ala, oniccri of Oregon Ntntc fJrniisc. .VmttrWm. Cyrtif, He In. Ocrn'r- It Hliipluy, Oanrrgn. lACturer-itt. I! N, Hunt, Hnldlmllv. tircrttirnX. W. Kind ill Uron (Hty. tiUwardVf II. Tliumi, Wnlla Wnlln, W. T. Ari1int Stewartl O W. Illddlu, L'anyonvlllo. Chail'iinW, II. dray, AiKorla. 7'reiunrtrH. I'. Let), l'orthncl, nitl-iW)ur Ditiilrl dirlt, Hiilcm. ftr-,Mri'. II. A. Miller, JjckiHiiivlllo. I"omona Mrn. 8 I). Dnrhtin, McMliinvllIa. FlArti Mr. K. A. Kully. ICast l'ort'and. ai !' ,VttiiiiritiU. auortfia Hmlth, Hood JU'ur, wnccoooun y. Errcullt VmmUIVm. Cyrn, Hclo: II, nalh'iK. I.. Hmlth, Hood IthiT. Slatt lliHlnttn Awnt. Y. I.tc, I'orllaud. Clow, .Rart Portland .fcfulcm , Tncktonrille Stato Grango Doputios for 1877 lt Qff!(4. Krprtu, BfKTOH. A Holder Corralll Comllli" CLACKAMAS. Knoeh I'klrvlcu Itiitto Crrnk N WlUmltll ....Oro'on Llty IKIUIII.AB. J WHavm MrrtlnCrcpk (I M (Jmilncr Drain' HUtlon Mltl.TNOMAII. riymplon Kully Karl Portland.., MAIIION. I FCa'tlnnmi Iliitfuvlllo (I W Hunt Sublimity jtntipON. JH T.MIIIor" Itckoimlllo JackronvlUo 1'lll.K. F A Pattcrrou Illckroil Hilcni LA.KR. J.I CJitrltoti niotoLnke, rouruiMi. Dank) KleMor ICcr!jr JMo Jockromlllc I.ANH. JamCR W Matlock (iDnhun MNN, HAIrvlim t.liannn...... Albany John Knd Tyiih Tlio l)nllci VALIUM.. 1 tl...l.... tf.Vf l..Mltl J Hapjilnijttm I l.intitu IH fill A NT. I) II Itlni'li irt Canyon City Canyon City CIILUMIIIA. KV ;oi-r Columbia Clly TIM.AI)K. II I' Hiildmi Tillamook North Ynralilll ioiatii.i.a. JH Willi. Worton Wintou rxioii. J Iloiiry Hhnxidiir.... Oil.. trAtniNiinm TKiiuiroitr. n.AUK. H W Itnitvn Vaiinaurcr CDLIIMI1IA. It PHmlii Dayton WHITMAN. Lb JtliK.r Oolfax Colfax rtiKiui.lt. MZ Oiiolla ....... ...Klma rixnoK. HB Makham Clichalla Po'.nt TIIUIWrtiN. f. 0 Ablmlt Olympla Olympla it ijoninirn it'iiu t KIND. Jnlliu llnrlnn Hiatl'o fkatUa Li;wit. I.M Ptrtrrnn Clarjuato TAKINA. OP Cook rciloiifbnrjr IlATPY FliAT, Dec 20, 1877. Editor WlilaujoUu Fdrmert Wo, with tho rest of Orecon. nro on- Joying the very best of weather. 8omo nro a little unonsy at present, now, ns it is clear and a llttlo colder than It has boon, but they need not lie alarmed, unless thero Is some great change in the weather, for thero never has been nor novcr can ho much of a freeze-up with as litllo snow in tho mountains a there Is at present. K.irniers nro considerably behind wliu their plowing, and thero Is but llttlo grain Miwed, conipirod with last year. Some- aro talking of sowing in February or sooner if tho Kahon will admit. Early sown grain will do very well if tho ground is perfectly clean ami dry. homo have como to tho con clusion that early plowing is tho cause of ho many weeds and wild oils, but according to my observation, It is better to plow early and then cultivate into In tho spring, bocauso of tho well known fact Hint our early winter brines nil need that will como up tho first season without stirring them up. Uy follow ing tho preceding plan and than using tho roapcr, thoycan got their ground clean in a measure, without summer fallowing. Wo soon start oat in tho now year, and It will bo well for us to stop and consider our circumstances, look back and recolvo lessons from I ho past. Wo nmiciiiiiur inn maturing prospects (hat loomed up before us all nearly one year ago, and ft is trtio that they wore reali zed to a certain extent, stilt hard times aro tho cry and many aro bankrupt, and many more aro having to sell their homes to ' Mitiaro up." and lho.su mnnv aro not all tho lazy and do-llttlc, hut it mi common oueurreiico Willi persons that have labored hard nil tho year. To find tho cause for all this and then to prescribe a remedy is tho Mumbling Mono that lies In tho way or tho wise that have attempted to solve (ho labor problem. In our opinion, tho llr.st cause Is exlravairanco itmnuir Iho lahmlnir ehiRs. They try to keep up amiearaneeH with their rich neighbors, in a great many Instances limy manage to keep along llrst ralo for a while, but (hero Is extra labor called for to keep up all IIiomj nlco appearance, and llnally their muscles weaken and (hovaroleit with. out health or wealth, all canned by fol lowing a delusive phantom. In the next placo it is a (act that no sauo per son will deny, that our lnw. nro oppres sive to tho laboring class. It Is evident (hat tho poor and tho rich aro growing farther apart all tho time, autl tho lat ter havo it all tholr own wiiv ho furiiM the laws extend, or at least Hiich Is tho conclusion of a JIappv FiiATTun. prayew woro offered up, tho orator I PORTLAND ITEM8. " oratei," and Sinta Claus appeared in I 1cles of Incorporation were fllod in the cnarncter anti poriorraeu his part to tho IxerkM oiuco yonwruay ior mo mourpomuon 1110. friin lintisn wnq ntiimmnrt n IlaKnown 81 IQO lorimiiu (o Kb uuiioiDunu mo usnors Kept on nsklng us miles to vacate scats for tho ladies, until Wo began to think that tho nfftlr Was nilrcoDtlnn. a fnitid. nnil ilmf. Ilm show 'tis not for us. However, on be i rig us ired thatice should havo n ''tree" for on sclvos on to-morrow nght, wo yloldcf gracefully and feutstnnding in iho ids es and vestibule. " Where dhl overall hese folks como Iroin," asked an old toildi uier, In ftetntio is always stirpri-M at public gathering here, to see so i iny neoplo conn together nut of the aiparentlv tiuiiihahitpd woods. Hut tho wry nituro and conformation of tho coiutry isbtich that the people aro hid iway In nooks and corners. Anti as th population is fast increasing, both by inmlgratlon and in tho good old way, thero is often moro folks around thin can bo readily accounted A Chrlsnms Imp on tho night of the 25th, at tin popular Hotel do Meslcr, wound upthe Christ onus festivities at Coqullio Cty. M. , Dr.xrko) A.sthonv 8taiikicuv Doath has again lild hh cold band heavily upon in, and liasromnvod onoof our most worthy and iirotnlantt Totmir mon. Ono whono llu had boon plro and bin character without a blemloli. ic had grown up among us and by hlinrdoit deslro to ploaso and bo good and tiHffnl t. all, ho had becomo tho prlilo oflilM lovlnf hIhIom, nn honor and bleHsInK in ii m kiiiu (urents, hiiu a iriunu nnu nna factor to liliootnti.itilniiH, and hla untltnoly dHAtii will ling bu foil find mourned by all. Docnasnd wm about?.! years of age; Iih whs nt tho tlltio af Hlcktiof toHOliln; and nlsii studying tnidiclnu. IIo was Jiih, coin nioticli'g nnnhiT term of fchoil whon hn vn takun II with typhoid fovnr from which ho uovcr recovered. Mm. JO J. P. In any nmntr whora tho Pcpnty anmlntcsl U not tho moat Kultahlii, acd tint Omiii;u of ilm Imallty will propKrly IliUlcatn In mo a clinic', I will bo plva'ud, for In many Intlanroa I havo hrrn ohlhrril to mako ap olnlinunta without knowlrduo In IIIih-f". WM 0YIMJ8, Wmtur OrojimHiAti'drantv, P. of II, Meetingof Subordinate Oranges MNN COUNTY. llopi, No.'il, ni'MtiH In Albany, nn tho tat and aSaturdavi of mhjIi niniith, l 10 a. in. 04k I'liilu, No. tl, In llaUoy, 'Jud and -llh HAitunlaya at II a, tu, lltiiimr. aNii. wi, in wrawiorunviiio, in unit 3rd Haturdayx. at U p. in. Nymoimu No. M, ut Mlllor Ntatlon, It!) N4turday,al I p. in, liObanoii No. -I, at libation, '1X and 4th Haturday, at 10 it. in. (Iranifl'ralrltt No. 10, Halurday. Knox Hullo No. UJ, lt and 3rd Hattir ilnyK. HaiitUin No. .17, -ud and -ith Katurdayr-, nt 10 a, in. llmwiiHvllle No. ID, 1st and 2ml tialtir ilava. 'lVngont, No. 7, Ut and 3rd l'rlJayH, nt 10 a. in. llarrUburg, No. 11, IH and 3rd Matur? tlavH, at 10 a, in. Hhodd, No. (I, lht und 3.1 Hutiirdaya, at 10 a, in. Happy llr inn No, 111, 1st and 3d Saturday In oaoli iimmli from October In J lino, and on Uin 1st Halurday tint hilaiinn of Ihoyuar. Ilarinouv No.'il,3rd .Saturday, nguUrlv, oxctpt In Nov, Dm., Jail. Feb., and March, whtin tboy iubbI tho lat Friday. 1IKNTON COUNTY. Soan Cniok No 1 1, 1st Saturday at 10 a, in. Wiriatuatln No,n'J, 1st Thurnday, at 10 a.tn l'liHotnath, Nol'J, UhHatiirday,at 10 a.m. LANK COUNTY. CrAinwAll, No. ill, I'd Saturday, 1 p. in, UiittoiKi, No. Wl, In Kagituu City, 3rd Mat dav, at 10 a. in. (JlHrllV. No 7il. 91 Hitiirday. Othoii, Nn. Oil. litSstiml-ty.nt 10 o'clock Jiiiidllon City, No. 11, 9ud Saturday, at 1 p. in. MIihaUw, N. M, tint Saturday In each inonili, at 10 a, in. MoKanalu, No. 107, Camp Crook, 9d Hatur day, POLK COUNTY. OAk lilnt, No. 3, 1st and 3nl Haturdaya. MAHION COUNTY. rtlmn Oraugi, Nn. 17, Nt and 31 Haliir liy In imoIi month, natvtpi In AiikomI, Sop t iinlxir, and OiHnlmr, whim It me-tsoiily on tbtt llSiii'Uv at ihrtlr hall In rUloui. Ablrpia, No 131, I'h Saturday. Kc IMInl, N't-M .'llSiturday, at I p. m iliitto Croak, Nu. i, 3rd Nturdy, at 10 - m" WASIIINOTON COUNTY. llaavaitott No. 100, inoola Wt, Saturday, at 10 o'clock. From Benton County. Marlon County romona Orange Will moot on Iho flrst Friday In Jan. Uiiry, t 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at (Irnngo HhII, 8.ilom. A full attend, auco lurlorilred. Tho Infttnlhttlon of oul oeri will tnkn placo during this meet ing. Work lu tho fifth degrw. U. W. Urorr. Ki). Faumek: You spoko nbout ro ses being in full bloom in Halein on tho llitii of Novomhor. I will just say that wo can Ix'at (hat up hcio In Denton county, for our valley Is considerably higher thlili Baloni. Alklo valley is in tho Coast mountains on Mary's river, half way botweon Corvallls and Ya (pilna bay, and Is supposed to bo a little colder, and at this present time of year woro you ho re, I could show a rose bush In bloom, and nn apple true that put forth a young shoot six Inches long has now blooms on It In ono of my iiclghlnr'a orchards. Heat this In Salem if you can. i will Just iny that (ho greenback (Ires nro kindled and nro getting hotter all tho (lino. A Greenback club was nrgautacd 7th of last Aug., at Summit, being chartered No. 'J, in tho Stato of Oregon: hut since, others havo organ ized. Our precinct at (ho last election, iravo a nmioruy for cooper and cary over both the other parties, and next Juno wo will east nil our votes for (ho greenback cause, for (hero aro now not enough loft to organize a precinct pri mary only in tho (Ireenhack club, and we havo passed resolutions to support no man uiiIosj ho comes out for equal taxation, for tho nholMuucnt of tho National hank system, for paying the tMiudlioltlor in greenbacks anil lor lioltl intr tho urconhitckH at par with gold as a legal tender tor all debts. No mini who does not siaiiii laiiivanu noiioitiy to defend thoubovocin have our votes. Times aro hard here, for money Is Mcarco and win no scarcer tin wo can got John Sherman to coiimi ills ruinous work of burning tho greenbacks, autl burn tho IhiiiiIs instead. Wo havo at this writing, plenty of vlolotfl and marigolds in full bloom. llOWAItl) Knr.KT. Summit, Denton Ji. Dec. 8, 1877. Still Auolhor Robuery. Day nfior thy wo aro called upon to citron 'do tho fact llatfiomttbody'ri homo hns bnen 'tapped" during Iho night and tho burglars woro not dlicotorod although hi tntinyof tho Iiouoh ontorod u lamp w.is burn Intr. Lnst night Mr. Wllhrd IIerron,ngont for tho oppchltlou lino of iilcnmors on thU river, and who hns a room ll'.todtipla the wnrn housn, was birglinzid. Tho huruUr ef fected nn entrnnco nt tho front door by forc ing tho dooropon, nnd then inndo hla way o Mr. Ilorren'a room. Thorn IhiMlcorwns faMlonnd wnhn night lock, which tho bur glar micooed.td In opniilug bv I'ornlug tho catch bHck ho Hut tlu bolt wo'uld allow the doorloNWlug open. IIo then Kiilerod mid took n piirotinnninhiliiK "bout ?S2 Irom bo iieuth Mr. II. 'h head, and llmti look a h liver watch and a gold chain valued ut f 10, inm his vest pocket, banning up boslde tho bid, and loft tho pnmilHa without eon hla presonco lifting made knoiwi. Thero was a purse of f.jO In iho liulde pocket of ht i oit, whloli tho uurclar hail manners eiiuuuh to leave, or elso he did not Had It. On exam ining nrdiiud the promlsea, this innrulng, slgua wore found that tho burglar bad (through tho window) watched Mr. II. rotlro to Iiih room and place tho money under the pillow. Tho money tskon tielnngd to tho steamer City of Malem, but tho watch and chain worn Mr. H.'a personal property. Somebody Is an ex port at thU bouae "lip. plnjt" business. All tha WAy from "FrUoo.' A day or two ago thero woro three young men In our city, ays tho Albany Register, wiio had walked all tho way hither from Han Francisco. Tboy atoppod but a abort ilme end then took tho back track on foot. They shDiildered their luggtge and Marled hack as merry aa crlokela. One of the Dartv enjoys the sobriquet of Dr. Jack-knife, und la mild to be a fair phrenologist. Industrie Uxhlblt a.nniailnn. Amount of canltnl. S5O.00O. di vided Into 5,000 sharei nt 1 10 each; principal place of business, Portland. 8am Ilorrlis tho embezzler, recently de tected at Astoria, threatens to cxpoeo Odd Folio web Ip. It will tako about $17 810 to run Iho police hmdnoas of tho city of Portland, for tho year 1S73. The O. N. N. Compiny's Imatn nro not run nlngmlh'i Upper tjolumblt, mi account u' the cold wenthur. Thero uro la tho Irtsano Ayhiin,nt Dist rn-tlnni.2s rinrsons lt)i limits und (W io- maie', ao-onllng to tho report of tho Sujmr IntouUout, Dr. J. C. Hawlhornu. A valuablo leather trunk belonging Io Lieut. 13. A. Uridy, wns taken from tho O. S.N. Company's wharf and brokon open. An expres"inan by the nsmo of Henry Elk elosls ihoKtispectid culprit, ntitl H warrant has boeu Istiod for his urrost. Portland has n thief that steals tho school boy's ovorcotta. A llttlo daughter belonging to Thomas Tllden was run over yestorday by nn oxprccs wagon. Hor Injuries mo not regarded na dangerous During tho year lust closed thoro havo been Oil clouds recordod In tbo County Clerk'aofllco in Multnomah; 413 mortgages, 13) chattel mortgages uud 162 marriage licen ses Issued. Prof. Tlornnn, formerly Suporlntondent ol the Lucky Queon mine, hns been appointed to Iho samo position in tho Webfoot nilno In Josoplilno county. A maps mooting of tho working mon wra to have boon held this forenoon at 10 o'clock to dltcuss tho Chinese labor question. Tho Indop'ndontOrdor of It id Mon will havo an Installation and ball this oven lug. A regular d. d. cillodyoa'.urduy upon Mih Dunlway, in company with n police olllcer, nod requested hor to piy lili line, ns'lm henrd her lenliim once, while he was nn In mate of the IMtiltontiiry. Mm. D oauldn't seo It, und sbo flroJ him out tho door. Ilonry Klkelos, tbo young man charged with larceny of n trunk from tho O, S. N. Go's dock hud n preliminary oxiiniunllou yesterday and was bnund over lo nppnir bo I'oro lliii"x grand J.iry, tho bonds being plucod lit $100. AgenlhinHi residing nnar 1'ipo D.iHp. pulutmeiii, vh the lldes ImVo Ixhii lilklior lor the pisi two weeks than nt any time for sevoiul jtiir provlous. Mra. Howard N. Northrop was pro'entr d recently by Wlllamotlo Kuylno Co. No. 1, with nrerillh'atn of deposit nn Lidd it Ill ton lor thu hatidsnmo bum of 51W. Jan L. D.ilv, solicitor uud uollnqlnr, hos been RrriMtil churned wbh thu crime of lai-o-iiv bv ballwe, and hiu ben hell Io uwi t ih" uulloti ol tho grand Jjry la tho mini of fiV). Tho worklnirmen'a open sir meeting yes terday was woll attended. Etst Portland Is to havo a now ntulon to be located on L.streot, lust tip from the larry. Tbo bark IMwnrd James on her next trip In Honolulu will taken lend or live Mock consisting of 20 blooded bulls (Durham,) ono .xiiing blooded stallion, mm donn lino chickens four dozan Oregon quails, uud firty eight cate. Another Robbery. This morning nbout one o'clock n bnrglar entered the resldonco of Mr. John Gray, on tho corner of Commercial and Division strode, nnd sucoeeded lngottlng nwny with about SCO In coin and a sllvor watch and gold chain valued nt $10. Tho burglar octored the back door of thodwolllng Ihn door not being locked but n big olTlro chnlr placed neniimi It And pand Into the s'ltlng toon nnd theneti Into Mr. Oray'n ohiimlHir room and from hi pan'n pocket exliactod iho sum ofnoarffiO; ho then unit bark Into lhoi.it. ling room ttnd tlNcoveied n. cent and vft ly ing i ti Iho wiln -tlin lamp wan still bun lug ii il finin iho et pnrknt he took the watch, Mr ttnit'M III hi ' r-tn pnrdle" ues mi 'ho cnfH liMifHth tbn coal and tennti to grow I end ii nuon ei niiieni Mr. llry lirard tho noio and iiirnnir on' oftho bed ntnl into tho dttliir room ust In tlnio Io see tho linn paB out of the room nntl thiotiph tlio beck door the way ho imiiio In. Mr. Omy gnvn cIises and followed him nround tho house, hut tho burglar proved to In nn expert runiior'nnd won tuniln hU escapo. Coinmenla nro mi necossnryj we know that Mr. dray lost tho money; wo know that the buridnr got It, bat vie don't know tho man, und that's whoro tho rub Is, i nWn - Expectorant , M BitX'O 4 t l'rom Coos County. (CoquillkUity, Dec. 2(1, 1877, Ki. Faumkh: Tho avenigo Cotpill lercinhoasMK'Ial as "any other muu," when ho wants to bo, and a pleasuit alTalr of (his kind was had on the eve ning of tho 12 llh lust, in the Hhtipo of a Christmas treo In tlio Uulver.-ulist church of this "city." Tlio treo (as largo a fir treo as could ba hct up In the house), wan loaded down with toys and caudles for th. llttlo folks.and articles of F.illod to Connect. On Now Year'a day a ooupln from tho oouutry miiih Into the city, Hays Iho Albany Ilsgister, an 1 atoppod nt tho St. CharlcH Ho- tel, for the purpoio of gotling married. The tXiunty Clerk was abssut and oould not be found The twain then departed with run fill CAiintoiinncf h to their homes. How (hey will llx it we are unable to learn, Wo wish them better luck next lime. Snuilny School Offloer. Tho iiieiubtrri of the Kvangelh'al .Sunday School n few days ago elected tho following name 1 per-ous for tho period r.f ono year Io nerve as oilWre; Hupt . Itsv. A. W. Dower; Assistant Hupt., J (J. Mohrevols; Keorelnry, J. F.Hlalger; Treasurer, J. Itlur; Librarian, Kd Hler. Quito a DluVrne. Poihapsaomeof ourclllaanaare not aware of tho fact thataluco tho dlftloully between tho Common Council and the Pirn Depart ment of this ally, tho Hoard of Underwri ters have had under consideration tho pro priety of rating this city aa fourth rato, The amount of property Insured within the city HmllH Is OJO'JJS, on which tho iimnunt of premiums paid, by book three, Is ? 15,328. Miould the oily b olaMd as fourth rate, the additional sinoiuit nnulied by bivok four Mould be fU'JIII. Tint dlSerenm limt our clllneiiH will in, eoinprtllo't lo pay, if they Insure their prop.'tV, would be mora than enough in buy a Urvt class steam tire engine for the city. Thought lis wu CoonichtoTl, He was a Unniisii, and run h gr o.ry bul nes in one of the thriving Utile inwna over lu Polk county; but the gmcery hiislneii. Ims been ery dull of late, and Jacob So line! dur, who did not know iiu thing about golim Into bankruptcy and making money by ilm oimratloii, has been very oitnlous of lain ahoul receiving (wople, kleoe k noiiNtsble euieret his place the other lUysml utinjhe.1 soinegnods to t-atUfv an execution. A fw evenluus ago kouieliotly kotk-d at the fiont dmir, and Jacob, who lives above I lie nro. eery, siuck his heal out of Ilia wlndn v, nnd observing the ins", stid; "Ha dnn'i llr here Mime moro," "Who don't livo herot" In quired the nun below. "Ddr nnti vnt liar uioveil," 'Uut Jsc'li, I want lo fceo vou." "You nia a o wuuchtrirel ?" Inoolrtnl Jaroh. "I am a pMOtt(dlivr, and I want In ana vmi " "Ohl pin a he 3e '111 or," xatd Jacob, wlih a ... .,.,. it... ..:. , .. i8KU ol rlitr. "Of ou hat pin a mon vonu, uuiiiyniiiijOKUHiivvuo.-ws, mrinouchioilal I don't plnYaucup Schneider. I Dig ones, huu a wnociuarrow load or two whs plied nnder tho treo, which It wx unable to bear. Hong were mc mistook you pin m ooonanlitnffd," Jacob l now hist aa much opposed to beaeenfflteni" a be waa to ".vxnohUlle,, aa ha U oat oum mom good by that Soar' vatli. Multnomah Knglno Co , No. 2, propnso lo orccta haadsomo inoiiiimont over tho grsvo or iho Irtto Archio Williams, ex-Chlol En-gluoer. Mrs. Phnobo IIumaon, of Portland, ban purchased nnno.half lirorust in MinTwilin city water works. rr the sum of fO.SOO. Artlolns of Incorporation. On January 2d artlolos were llled In Iho Seerotary of Stato'a ofll je, Inoorporntlng the Albany nnd Rantlam Canal Co. Alhinybas boon folocted us the principal placo of bust. new. and tho lMoorV)mtop nro J II, FostoT, L. Klklns and Jason Whoaler. Capital slock, ?3S,000, Articles were also fllod on Januvy 4th, In Iho Soretnry of State's otllon, by Petor Tay- ior, ii. u nooru, v. u, nuiuti anil Ira F, Powers, for th Portland ludii'trWl nxblblt AkS'X'lution. Capital stunk. $W O00; divided lniort.000aharo offlOeo'i. Duration nn limned; head offlji to bj In tho olty of Portland. MARRIED: PimnOM-rtKA Near Orvn'o. Oreirnn, at the oklilKneeiif Mr. . Ilnrklemsil. Iiy ltv. I. M. K-eue, Mr.J.H Purdora uud Mls Aiiua lieu, ellot Murloiirouiily. Knowing Isilh of the "bUh eintrnvinc ra-- tle" to this honorable anil llfe-loni: ontrsct, we e in sifely say that eaoh are truly nllfil In Uilo aiHldlpMltlon to each other, met we predict fcr them a life of more Ihun ordinary hnpplneos. Tlio happy onuple p-mixd up the ma.1 lat ovonlne to upend their honey.mooii lu tho fra tUo city of Albany, where JoeU friend r ".fKlon." The couple have oar best wl.lica for ttirlr future hnpplnea and propcrlty. To tlio JvUllot orT.TuUoN in urtioitlui. Why ned you auirr with Paralrds whn you can lie cured 7 Why will you siitfcr with Uheuinatisiii when you oti iHicurisi; And why have no msny aches and pMns when It Is within your react) to bo cured T I an now eiUbllthrd lu halem, prepared to trrat sHCnroiilc Dl.i, ucha ItheumaiUai.Ncuri'ir'''. Contumritlon, KI'Idot dlreas:, sail to fact all dl.ar v tint baman fle-h U belrto. MHclaUltrttlon paid to Kvua'.u Woikne and nerroat pioitntloa, which It ro cirnsin to Ladles. CMIJrtn' dkoa not rx rrplrd. In cennrctloa with ray practice, I bae one of the celbrld Medicated Vapor LUilnlip Orton lUtbf, Mhlrhalda ra.tlj lu rrinaTlngall chroolcdle rae. It npena the pnrta of the akin, and thrjwa oH the altoiy, rairbld roatitr, which la od of the grvat rinreaof fomuch ruffeibc. Wtou we enpe think that two Utlrda of all we tale Iota orr rtem fttt off ihrocgh the porta of the akla, we ned not atop long to wonder why we are alcx, when we pay to little attention to the meat Important cnanctory cf our bodlen. Oorlag tha pat aloe montho I have bad tola bath la operttion, aod many an kvt'.fy la It Ocjc j. I treat paUenta by the wwk, rr by tlncle trfaun'tit. Indira w!3 do well to artra bm a caP. Bnldmaa, tatb(t corner of Otatar an aanoM tttvetes aaltm. MBS. a. W. CBAIS, M. Bs Stubborn Couglio and Colds yioa promptly to tho healing and cura tlvo proportles of lr. Jnyno'.s Ex pectornut. It looscna nnd promotes tho oxpoctoratlon of irritating mat ter, mitigates much pnln and dls trrxw, and chooka Inflanimatlon. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat Tr0tlblB3 aro at onco rollovod Ut Hr. Jnyno'N ILxicclorniit. It rp- movos constriction of tho Dronchtnl tubcH, loosens phlogm, Boothcd nntl heals tho muoouu mombrnno, arrests nny fovorlsh londoncy, nnd holia to forward a graduul euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lunn Atfoctions nro gonorolly controlled and nmollorntcd by rr. Jr.ync'u rx-Icc4o;-nut. It saves tho lungs from much Irritation and distress, by ro llovlng thum of tho irrllotlnjt matters by which tboy nro clogged, It atoo hupprosMos Inflammation nnd glvc.i tho niroctod parui a clianco to honl. Wlioopinrj Counh.Croup and Hoarso- nOSS aro olIlcacloiiBly traitod by Br. Juyuo'H Uspectornnt. It removes dlfllculty of broatldng nnd oppros clon in tho throat or lungs, promotes tho ejection of mucus and subdues tlio violence of thebo complaint at thooutsot. Ills a Safo Family Curn tlyo, of long-oHtabllehod ropulntlon, and vrhoro promptly ndmlnlstcrod, haa enabled many to cecapo Borlooa Lung ACfocUons. DAVIS A OO..IWholXMlo Aaonla, T A, Ortvon PortUrM 'ntamj CM'X'Alilillslatlll 1H66. Willamette Nurserva, G. W. WALLING & SON, ritoritiRToiu), Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. WALLIJSTGr'S aLaKaHaftW NVUT'T B m -I 1 PJEACH PLUM, Xlio Itullnu Prune, And the beat varlcUes of riurn. Prune, k'eacli, Applo, I'ear, Cbcrry Nut and Shade Trees IM FULL A8SOIITJIENT. Send for JJesoriptivo Oatalogn. Salem Flouring Mills. BB8T KAMILY FLOOR, BAKBU'8 EXTRA, XXX. 8UPKRKINK AND OltAHAM, MIDDUHG8, DRAN, AND HnORTB, ConNtuutly on Hand. FIlfrhoMt Iioo In CASH Paid for Wheat AT JL1L THOTfl, H. O. KINNET, Airent 8. F. If. Keotltt . t XJTOIUM BTTT-Tr Bsooraaor to J. M. Euua ., tS Liberty at., - - NRW YOKat, OomnxlMcrlon A.4font P01 "FlS NP FORWARDINO FHOli V New York rl Uthmua. FmcUc Rallioad imX rtpjllora. aUaifltf, of MtrKBdla nd f r tha 22 wwwaani. S2 -V- 'l; MiaWHaiMMHHfc MWHHhiia , tfrftmrtJi1(i