Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 11, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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Fioin ), Jlv lhu rd Jan 8th.
Ono day last week, wo received a call from
William M. Cherry, of Parsons, Lavitto county,
Kansas. Mr. C. tnmlo knou n his business at
that time, Lut requested that wo should rcn ain
nilcnt for a few days us Jio was after n man I y
fio nanio cf
ltr.xitY v.'. an.VYim,
Who nutrdarcd a man by t'.io name of Allen 0.
Potcllc, in Joined! county, Kansrj, in t'.io
y?ar 1KU7, and nmilo hi- escape. No taeo of
Grays Jii wild bo fiu'r.l, n thouah di.ijent
n:arc!i v.ns i. adi. Abo..t two yeius ago tho
awe was given up to Mr. Cherry, a detective,
to work up. Tor days, weeks and months
nothing could bo obtained whereby ho could
got oven tho slightest trace, and concluded that
it was a bad job, but at last learned that tho
man Grayson had a sister
And ha immediately packed up his traps and
went to California for tho purposa of watching
tho Bister, in order that ho might llnd out if sho
know anything of tho sought for brother; ho
remained in California sovcral months when tho
lady camo to Oregon. Mr. C. taking tho samo
steamer with her. On board tho vessel ho be
came very
And even accompanied her to hcrsistcr's, living
over in Polk county. Ono day, soon after their
arrival, Mr. C. called at tho house, and being
fond of children soon succeeded in making
friends with a littlo lioy that proved to havo an
old head on young shoulders; tho littlo fellow
told him that ho had an undo living near Mon
roe, in 1 Jon ton county, and that his noma was
Mr. C. was pretty certain that ho had at lost
'found tho hiding place of tho fugitive, and
front up to Monroe. Ha discovered his tnnn
and camo Kick hero and had tho proper papers
mado out, and went to Corvallis, and together
with tho Sheriff of that county, wont to Mon
roe, and
Mr. King, tho Sheriff, loft tho man in chorgo
. of Cherry, who allowed him to go into tho
-pantry to get something to cat. 'Ho did not
tarry in tho pantry, but issued out tlw door
and Mtartcd on tho run. Mr. C. summoned
several men and immediately gavo chaso, and
succeeded in overtaking him after running
And after a hard tight, in which Mr. C.'a faco
was badly bruised up, ho micccodcd in placing
him in irons, and yesterday afternoon passed
down tho road with tho man that had been
evading tho law for tho last ten years. Mr.
Cherry will tako tho out-goiu steamer for
'.Frisco, and thenco back to his old home, feel
ing well ropal.l for tho long and tedious tramp
that bo has had in order to secure bin bird.
A !tus Picture.
Wolisvom-olved n p'loinersph -lifl Ipo'ip
In sl7., ihIimi by Mr. .Tnbio-nii fr .Vr.
W. ll.T.ir, ol-llio CIihiio'.!ii Until tlltiln:
room, wl h hU il o d -com I ni, ms il whm on
ttio nlulil f ' I'hiU'uI IJii'inN' ln'l It- Is
a Immi'ifiil 'i! nn"n 1 mmUm will wrvo'n
Ut I'll (Vrr-ll In It'll in ni' v ol' H'" ' in il ill
ltulltr.ll MOt'l II. 'J'. II', WO bllhll 1'O.W tl.d
jdoumfrniiiMl ,
Tim liisivtj ll'ii'vf ) un 'nMpiir.'lHi
rd iiioi'ownii in-in 'm'ii on r. i niiUyimiijii
attti wilUr-"i- li " H,,",l nw-r,
'Uerunn 3n."
Konllir mulm if In " "iilil vtVtr
OlVOll M'nll H IOl I ( I" rllTH-l w (I...H If
jtoMilu-'t.niMiiSv n. I'l ur yiii
fMlllllllll'lll l'ir IIIIOilM'll llll-ll'Hllll MIIH'I
ll')lll8 of M lll'tll.'l it wi-Jli lU-llllill"il
fi ciuif di'if'tc Uv linursi-s lit iIin iioininy
lo Iiii-ii. Ill it mI IiIi l'ii'iiliip'l'ii, A-iI'ln.i,
Cn lip,HM,r" ''' U.'l-f. I'l'HllimillM Mllll !' Ill I
lIlNIHMlH Ol' Iilil 'lllHMI llill 1.IIIIIIS I'lVMlf
III ii Aiiii-r'itni i ! iimIi nl ibiit I'liuir iiiii
(Innimii Sjii'i will i mi' ilu-iiii Tim uu-nl'
liisluni ili-'l ll.iu-i-l I" In iv-ry lowi Mid
villnjtH .i iliti Unl t mh - ii'o "" oiihii-mI
lim It u iliolr (iiii'i-iii- ih. in o yum- liruw
1:1m, Hint ik wHt Hiy ki'iiw hlnui It
Htmplo Hi ti ID . Itemilir k'.-j 7.1
tenia. 'J li- 'I' wll "lb vi hi j funs
Agent at Ltbaucn.
Mr. S. I.iiiiiill, '! li-n-i.ir no'. nncrnt
for tho Wim.oimti: PAiiMKiiit! ! Iwiion.
r cwis.T.HM A V A ilinr'l'l""nnf I.P.flt-r-I'limi.
D-r SI JST7...J II- .Wl.. ii-Hi-. Mr r
l. . w I-till Mlit H'O 1- (J-'r-i.m, ml 01
Mi.r iiiM-nuiiiy,
itviiilt -MAVI M ili'", l-'n'O'-ri'i'' l-rhli'
i.-'rilil iw-i'I.Y.imI.I- .1-. m, l-y 1'i-v
li i) "iirJi,, .Mr ltlcii-.nl U lid nnU Aim
IH1I0 L-ini
OilBOS or Irll in -il in of Uic I.mir. lira
Hinlilir)i . ' a-li.l "! hi.uhiiiuMJfii k
iiii-i H-i-'i (iiirtim.- w-ii '11111111111" mil' 7 iln-.
P. C. ADVOCATE, $2.60.
American AgricuKiinst, 3..r)0.
Splonl'ul Jlicroscopp, $4.0t),
Out! Yi'iu'. !, Ca-li.
1ST All llo'.lioil.fct Mlnts.ns :iro Ascnts.
J. F, ACTOv, Editor,
..I,. I'OH'M.AMN Or.
m. -B-KWmWK I1WIM8 fnl IIHO'.VN' I.HI.
l'.vnilrfi Irrlnnt ilo tvcre
I lllpltt. III. It.n Pnitl....n,.n....l r.t.....i. .' .
MUv. 1. R
"- "- ,J - 'iikp'H'iiuiiiii iiuicii, lilQn
Orrjr n, January CM. JS7 1
It is always a difficult thing for ono to con,
I vey to another his own "impressions" on any
BUbject. And bo:iic subjects aro moro difficult
than othera or rather an object is moro so
than a fiubjech It would bo easier for mo to
.'io you my impressions on tho nilvcr question
than to fivo my impressions of tho rccno wit-
ms-jcd when that question wna boin ; voted on
in the lower houaa of Congrers. It is carier to
I deal in opinions and abstractions tubjcitivcly,
tain to dcscribo facts and experiences object
ively. To describe fully tho Council which met at
Detroit on tho l"lh of October, ono would need
to paint accurato pictures of two hundred min
isters and ono hundred lay delegates; to carry
thoso pictures through all tho variations caused
by restful enjoyment, earnest work, and tho
excitement of high debate; to make them
laugh, and speak, and sing, and weep; to make
them display all tho dolicato shades of emo
tion that can bo produced by impassioned clo
quenco or fervent religious feeling; to do, in
fact, n thousand things that no painter's brush,
or reporter's pen, or orator's tonguo can ever
do. Tho stranger who went there from the
sparsely settled West, unfamiliar with such
gatherings, was doubtless impressed in a differ
ent way from thoso to whom such experiences
aro moro common. To bo brief, then, let him
givo you such of his impressions as he finds it
possible now for his tonguo to givo expression
to. Ono of tho first things ho noticed was the
prevailing air of
Tho smallest pebblo of wit was sufficient to
send ripples of laughter all over tho assembly.
Tho traditional long-faced puritan, who groans
and sighs, but novcr laughs, is cither a myth,
or for some reason did not attend tho Council.
It was noted, too, that a largo share of tho
laughter camo from Now England from Mas
sachusetts and Connecticut and tho query
arose, where are tho Ditto Ijxws T Tho proba
bility is that thosa oft-mentioned Uluo Iiws
never existed, except in tho imagination of cer
tain high' church torics from England, who
failed to induco tho peoplo of tho sturdy com
monwealth of Connecticut to accept Episco
pacy. At lc-Mt, I know that thcro aro men in
Connecticut who can laugh. Another thing
tho stranger noticed was tho perfect boldness
and freedom with which all shades and varie
ties of opinion wero declared. Tho men wero
not afraid of each other. Yet thoy worn tol
orant of each other's viows, and thcro waB no
sin of a disposition to coufino to any narrow
Htandard. Tlicro was a total abscneo of dis
cussion concerning points of creed or doctrine.
All tho questions brought forward wero ques
tions of practical imjxirtauco in tho daily work
of tho church. How to bring pastorlcwi
churches and churchlcsi pastors together, was
a question ably dealt with by Dr. Dexter, of
lloston. Dr. Ooodell, of St. 1Oun, read an
cjjaj'i Ml 'f tolling hits on woman's work in
tho church ta'dnq broad and strong ground in
favor of giving tho largest lilisrty to woman.
If tho chip of 'Ann it goin;; to tip ovor, naid
tho cinayiet, becauso an earnest Christian wo
man step1) to tho guard to leckon to a drown
inj ciniicr, why
Tho way thh rcntiineiit wan applauded
Dhowo 1 tho oympathy of tho Council to Ik with
tho speaker. Karnojt papcra woro present o I on
sol-oo'o, nsmiiiarios, and tho benovo'ent roc'
ctici. Tho ntatiiticil neoreta-y roportod .l.fiOfl
cliurehoi in forty-two Ktatoinn-I Territories',
with a membership of ."O,05S a rain in t'iroa
ycar.i of 1SI chtirchoa and 2.1.07f mcniborr.
Nuinlor in Sunday FchooK !0r,0fl2 a jpin in
t'irco ycara of .'1.1,533. UonovoVnt contribu
tions! for t'io part threo yearn, 8l.27S2.i2-n
rain over tho previous threo yearn of 02i,'l.'l3.
Of thoio o'liiroh" -ICi aro in Now I'iig!an I,
7.1 in tho Fouth, TtTkSI in tho intorior, and 67
on tl'o rnci'lo coiat. Tu threo yearj tho in
croasa ban been, in Now England, 1 1; wont to
tho Miaslwippi, 41; in tho ftouth, Iff; W03tof
t'io Misiisolppi, 03; raciilc coast, 12; n'lowing
tho rato of incroaso to ba graitcr by a very
'aro porconta-o, in botli tho Sout'i and West,
than in Now Knan-l.
Tiio'o tl.mrc.1 havo an instructive and hojicfu'
!ook to any ono iutorostcd in tho churohco of
t':o ViLrim urdrr. Two hunlrod and fifty
yearn havo iissicd rinco tho I'ilgrinn lando 1 at
Plymouth alwut ono huudroil jiewonn in a' I.
Now moro than seven hundred thousand church
meinbcra and Funday Se!iool cchoara, lon'ilca a
much larger niiinbcr indirectly reached, spread
o cr a continent of whoso vaitncBi thoy little
dreamed, roip tho lienvfiU of tho frco jxi'ity
which tlioy brought to thcaa sliorcs. A licet of
Would harlly bo Bullicieut to-day to carry
away from our land tho spiritual doaccmlentH of
t'io Pilgrims.
Tliis Council did not iinprcBi ono as an ccc'o
liaaticil lnnly, in tho usual i enso of tho word.
Its presiding ofliccr, its bu&inoM manager, and
many of ita chief committco-men wero laymen.
I'hero wero many oaiittly and scholarly faces in
tho asaemb'y, many that loro tho traces of
earnest thought and anxious caro for the
churches of tho Ho.lccmtr. Hut not ono man
in thnt three hunlrod bore bimcolf with tic
.iB-ntraiuj air of a pompous ecclesiastic. Tho)
seemed to I c, as they wero, carm ct workers
from lifu'a harvest fteM, tuniin aside for a fi"
hour i to tako counsel together over tho matter
and mcthidi of their work. There was discus
sion an I c-ricst inquiry; but coi.t:ovcrsy foi
opinion's rako thero was none.
Roviva'a, their en's ami daajc o, as well as
t'teir licniflta, were freo'y and fully bundled.
Nana who luirJ it will soon forutt tho ir.nnon
of Dr. Eddy on '"tho Dow ofjOtxl uimn Is
racl." A vcncrablo man, who mddy faco
was surrounded by a halo f wjiito hair and
beard, ho spoko "with authority Vtho author
ily of ripo scholarship, experience, and deep
Uicty. Ho dwelt upon tho downs distill-
gnished from the rain, in ita gentlo.Bilcnt, and
continuous work of refreshing, a tym of tho i.i
leM and progressive work of tho Spirit in tho
bean and in tho church. Tho cpuijoun revival
13 liku a pouring rain, accomp.mrd by wind
and lightning, that washes awat1 the growing
cropj and even tho soil, dcetrp'jij; even tho
prospects of future harvests. 'JjieJ gcnttiiio re
vival h like tho gently falling slpwcr thatwoos
tho scattered seed to grow inn life. And tho
daily work of tho church, the ilimstry and tho
Spirit, is liko that of tho di l', which comes
and goes unseen and unheard, rct leaves its re
freshing iiillucnco on every ph it and flower in
tho garden of tho Ixml. Fov of tho words of
that sermon aro remembered, but tho impres
sion it left, on tho mind of atcast ono bearer,
was that tho slow and study processes of
church work, that go on pat mtly and unccas-
jngly through tho year and 1 io years, aro bet
ter than hasty and fitful cflo ts; and that tho
real work of tho Spirit is a ork of which no
statistics can bo mode, a cut and constant
work; a work that is liko to building of the
temple, without sound of lammcr, without
lioiso or outward demonstn ion; a work tin
noted by tho eyes and cars i men, yet felt by
thousands of hearts that
nnow, and m rx
Under its gcntlo influence, as tho gross and
(lowers grow under tho inlh enco of tho dew
that works whilo tho world sliimlicrs, wrung as
by unseen hands from tho iclcar sky, filtered
through tho shadows of tho silent night, a gem
for every, grass blodo and a pearl for cvory flow
cr.that glistens 'for a moment In tho early light,
as though to answer with itasmilo tho blush of
tho morning, then rises to its mysterious hiding
placo in tho infinite axuro.
Ono thing ought to bo trfentinned on which
that great assembly was not clear: tho meaning
of tho word West. There were men in that
council who think Detroit ,fs in tho west. Ono
man from Wisconsin in a speech claimed to rep
resent tho "West." Another from Kansas
hailed from tho "far West." Another from
Colorado thought to comfilcto tho climax by
designating his region as tho "cxtrcmo West.''
And what was tho man from Oregon to do btit
to just tonplo that flno climax' over,' by piling
2,000 mites on top of it! Tho fact is, that
many ottho representative men of this country
do not know how largo it is. Distauco, under
present modes of travel, js such an iudcllmto
thing, and men aro so absorbed by personal in
tercuts and immediate NiirrouudiiigH that thcro
is not room enough in their brains for a distinct
outliuo map of so vast a country. Yet this
council showed at last a willing mind, tho ma
jority of its members scemiiiit to understand
tho vostttCKs of thoir field. Tho treat indefinite
West was often in their prayers and discussions,
and it seomid to bo realized that "tho front" of
tho great army of conquost was tlicro. Strong
roaolutinns wero adopted looking to a moving of
tno front lino still further West, Unit not only
tho ilirnllora liv tlin minnv lilron of Mmnnnntiv
on tho rolling prairiea of iown, nud In tho Bod
cabins of Kansas, and Nebraska, but also on
tho cohtcu p'ains of California, a-noiis tbo spurs
of tho Fiorras and by th'o mountain' apringii of
tho i.o.urnhia, migiii near tlio'wnrd of life.
And nuoh gathoriu as this triennial council
havo a va'.uo that is outtilo of tho mero (pios
tions of dcuo'iiiuatioiial unity and prosperity.
T.icy aro tni'y
Tn their intluenoj. Thoy brin-r men toother
from wnlo.y ncpnraleif roilous, lea-l to 'u cor
rection of many fa'oo notions, to a wide view
of tho nation's creatmras, nud to a deeper svm-
rathv bctwei'ii ita tlifforctit sections. Men emtio
to feel that thoy nro citicun of ono groat Nat!on
rather than of widoly separated Htato, when
bninght together thus in national ns'ombllcs
and mado to consider, in wbatover liht, tho
nation's wants. Ho who looks upon nuoh a
Catherine ai tho Detroit council, scoi before
him tho nation in miniature ita variouti ho3
t'oiis brotnht for tho moment together, makiii!
o oil other's iicqimlulanco, Hltidyiitg each other's
wants, learnim; fro-n tho past, p'nunin for tho
futtiro, ami KCp.iralm.; nUau m:i liomls woven
betu'een thnni that no distauco can never and
nn tinio ob'itor.ito. Conventions of a itatirnal
e'liracter whethor of iNitititioiin. btisiiiosmen.
bonovolent sociolii-ii or religions denominations
inny all havo this goo 1 tendency. '1 ho rail
rn.rln an I to!o iraphs do mtioli to uuito widolv
S3 aratol rotfniui, and to ma''o it ponib'o for
t'-oso re nous to coinmuiiicato lix-oiy Willi eaoli
othor. Pint, after all, tho invisible bonds of a
common uat'ouality.a common huiranity. and a
conimon ro'.i pou aro tho most omluriu tun
t mt can link htnto to htato nud Jicart to heart
ovor this reat continent.
Only a few weeks r.;o I styo 1 looking at that
wonderful, thouih vet uucoiiipluti-il strticturr,
t'io 1'irt liver bridgo between llnioklyn nid
New Vor't. Two massive ntoro p-ers. ono i rrr
oic!i bank, rieo up hundreds of feet in the air.
Oer tho topsi of t'u-3u piers tho workmen dmw
a n'mv'l liuu at lirat, and then a larger ono, then
a wiro cable, mi I another and another. Then
p'ank wero fmteuo I on and tho men eoiild pa
and ropasi on foot, away up In tho liry higlits
"'-nro thoy 'ookoil to mo no larger than cnu s.
11 it cab'o after rab'o vill Ikj stretched theiv,
rn I on thrsa cables tho lotij iipin of a mighty
lirt liju will lianu, street cars and carriages and
trucks and drays will croia and recross,
Of eager humanity will pulsato Kick and forth
iK-twoen tho iK-atiii' heartii of two titvat cities
that by that stnmc link oft tone and inm will
Lo mailo ono, nn-I tbo I'ulton ferry with its im
patient jam will bo a thin of tho ; ast. Hut
mJnrhtuT spaces than tho liist river channel are
to bo briduod ovor before a truly united and
harmonious tuition can call this continent ils
owr. Hack and forth between North and
South, over tho wldo git'fu of bitter prejudice,
daring workiron must jiaia on wirrow walks
that swill',' in tho diy bidits of danger, for
years and ya'.m to come, lioforu all tho old
trial can bo forgotten, nud harmonious and
f-atorna' fco'iiri find a perfixt highway. Bnc!
snd forth from East to Wtst and fnim center
to circumference, over jiiaiii) and mountains -travellers
that co-no and fo, and coiiveutioiis
that meet and sojiarate, must wcau and onrry
from t'io ?ako to tho nil I and from ocean to
ooMti. swinuim.' th'-m from, t'm icsVsof the
mountains over wulu deserts and furtilo vallcyp,
tlio c i inls of Christian syi.ijaitl-y an I frat ri .,
lovo. ''iat this urcat contiiinnt may boreorlrd
, by ah -mo'ioneoits natio-i wl-isn ruler rball bo
jic.v;?, and htr uatuliMords truth and righteous-nets.
lmiorter ol"
Garden City Sulky
Superior to ninythlDK In tulti Stntc
Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined,
XXa.ols.fli and.
Send for
Circulars, whioh
His First TsmU.
It was not, so to speak , bonne bouobo ol
a smite ho got on, that friend of onrs, when
bo came Into the offloe yesterday morning,
and quietly and Ironically remsrkod:
"There's lota of aleet around this morning,
and I've had the flratfall or the day." "Did
you awearT" we asked. "Swear T Thunder
no I I couldn't havo dono justlco to the
subject." "It msdo you feci obesn, didn't
It ? remarked theoltlce boy. "Cheap I I
should m.t notj It oost me the drinks all
round and a new pair or pants." uur
friend, not getting the sympathy ho ex
pected, wallaed out on his left ear.
A Wroag Division of Buttons.
How often, oh, how often, a man with only
ono solitary button on his shirt, and that
ono a crooked brass pin, looks with devour
Inir env.v upon his wlfo's new seven-liuttnn
kid friovoH, and wishes ill bis shirts In Ills
collection worn lust ono ulove. Thorn does
sooin something wrong In this division of
Piano Tuning.
Frank A. Owonjust from Hsn FranoLsco,
ban conio hero to rosldo porinanently. ilo Is
a first olsss plsno and orgsu tunornndro
palror, bclnn highly recoinmondid as mch
by two of tho losdlng inuslo bousra of Hun
Francisco, besides of tho Gardner ItrotborH,
of Salem. lIoKUsrsiiloss sallsfrtctlon or no
pay. Ills prlciH will bo for ono tunliiK, ?' 00.
By tho year, two tunlticH, 3 00; lb rcn Inn
Iiiks, to 00. Ltavo oiilJis at Usrdtier llro's
itmslu sloro. di-ldw If
From Hon. W. II. Jou of West Dovor,
"I bavn Inon trnuliln-l fiom inv boy.
hood wltii itnroiilunr li-tiMlltnry limp; cun
tuliil. N-iiiin viMm t.lni'(i. hhtIv I'l tin
a Inter. I look cold, wlilult as ntil h.'MiiI
nilo HMivmi eouttb, wbluli u iillmud in
muresHO us I lut iM-nn'iii h''joc(1, tilimuun
I iiiHiin iii of h.' t'io l-oucIi ipiin iur.' .'
iisd kiiuwIiiiKo of. Mv Taiiilly i m-1iii
,lhi) pri'i.'fil-od for inc. but 1 oxi-ntbiuv..
illlllll f. DtlllllU Mil IllU tllllO I WMHtilHllll
lly ritiinltitf don, hiring 11-hIi riu)
-.trHiimli. until my fr ends id wnll hm mv
i-iir, li'OHiin tiy iniKtli hIumiiiiI, tbli-k
lll I hhlllllll WlthtO liwxy 111 (IllllsllllllllllHI
lillo in llittuli, ilurli'i: llio Hprink. Iiil-
'owlii. I whs iimIiiom! to Iry WiM.Mih
ll.I.SM i 1- Wll.l) I II Mill V. AIMI' I Til
Iv'h irlsi I was hiii.niIiIh timt It wim ro-
lli'Vlng mi ; In tin iIh.x'h IIiiki my ruiieb
'Mil uiiiiitiy riiffii, nun l whs h'miii mi.
t-muil in iinslih nn-I H'roictli. I Iihm
Ht-r allien ki-pt tbo I I.w.sam in my linu-i ,
nil wroniivi-r iiuv in-jinnor in iny ihiihi,
lots h o.iiiyh nrcobl. It Is ImniO'lMli'ly ic
nrltid In. No liiinlly hliould bo without. H,"
soul ly nil iIi-hukI-iIm,
Iho Iilaohino Wob Worn Out.
Win? Not benuiMt It was not wrll
bull', but 'i whs wrimuly run, Tlin h-im)-
III' llltill villi llMVO Mill lIllWII llll K lli'cll'
llulr il-ri n oroi'inl lut .m-iiih nm hci-iii.
pl-lll, IliUIlt llHMl Ill-Ill lllll-WI'l In o
4irlt-lit liioi. hiiiI iii II' -lev Iihi Ir-in
1 1. Well Illl'ltVII I'l 1IIIVIAN bviu r, ll-h
i-iiiiiHiimniii im I k J!hiiiiiiiiiiU llio I'rt'i x
-.ii- of Jion, hit i-oiiili mil ibnt it n- u.
Ih i-s wbll ll. O Moml Itlill lllVl.'iilllW ib-
i.-iio Hli'iii. This iit bus iirnviil
111 Mi-loimlii ioiismN (if MIH, MI'll tll,
In nt (-r IhmIj ood wliu um-h it. All dru;
uN h k?-i li.
dh. souviu mwiu.
Tl.ii eminent French J'iihldtin and
Saricon, ami Inventor of thu FA .'AS'.SVV
HOAWTJW, which hm tiven relief to
IhomumlH of Hvjfcrcr in Fitropc anil the
United Statu, has treated Miicceniifult
Hcicral hundred amen In Orcyun, themoht
remarkable of which wan that of Mr. J.V.
Adkiiw, a well known IuhIiichu allium of
Sulem, who han been tiujjerluy for yean
with a partial purulyhlH of the rlyht aide,
and wan materially improved ty a few
day of Dr. Mathlat'H treatment. The
rltjlit aide of the face and rlyht nionldcr,
In which there has been a constant tanntf
lion ofcoldiunn,and the ncrvea jiurtiallij
paralyzed, have become, warm and re
turned their natural action and feetlny.
Mm. Adklus, who ha been afjllcied with
catarrh In the head, Iuih been entire ly
cured by a few days of the Doctor' treat
ment. lie has tcHtlmonlal from a number of
vcrnoni well known in Furtland.
DR. M ATI WW Iuih permanently In.
cutcd at the corner of Third and Morrhon
Bircccln, Jbrtlaml, Oregon.
Gang and Walking
semonis x
i, and. Ox3LltlTra,tor,
will bo forwarded froe to any
r nun r oj-., ivniLAHU,
Have Now Openfed Tliclr
Btnplo mid Fniicw
Dress Goods,
An Immenao Variety.
Koil;to -vltli
Oct. 7. n'ni
San Franoisco 'and Portland.'
The P. C. S. S. Co.
slilp riyii-mljr. itny llvu dij bcltmii tisii
Fiuucirio mill rmlUiiil
J. .11. JlleCUAKU.N A CO.
II. . HIMIN, Arcnt. HAUXf.
j i-nmsAim
r. v, tax.
B v RNATiD & Ljp,
nmm, & gommisuon
nrovr s'l-eti:: ioitrii;,M,
W.-rt rldo Dock, coiin r "ntinon suJ Piontrt
Hiiirlnlnlli-nlliin li n In Kirmcm' I'roiliiru of Lr.
kisix in liiniii'iil4 iilklii-il, llitvn riiiini-c bill
Inn ii I'mhcl-cj wlildi eki.liubs lo Kit tin l-r.t
nuilat (iilifit. Ki'j
Choi ped into Focd,
3oi- Oja.cTeixtli VoZl.
....Auu ...
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Ttirnhitr. srnli-viu U, llvdNfrndM,
Etll-fltll4, Mllllllls, 'a'aliii-N,
.iuil till rtCndN of riiiiiltiii'o,
MIITII-IK) l I'lilt.VS h in AirMcnl ipsI MViktj
ImiIIuI, (f Mil. in. I lU J () If. 1IKINMN.
lir X IIRlli'll III l"i..X.H, Kll. 1 111, 111, III' 1. 1 .n.lil hit..
li:lcj llml liny will Mni:',.iiiii Hm
CIlKlivitt Jtltirlici l'rlce,
r will rouliact fir .11 llml iilj bit iiITtrid of rtxt
inui'e in. Hi. muh IIiuI.-buiiiIii .Mun-rH. Al l.hN
i I V.W 1.1. rf I'iiiiti.ano. frmii uliuui .ml can bit
liiU iiji.Ii 1iiIIcdI mi.
.lOUIt ii. IilTTIii:,
XniiS'.'i-riif lliu 1'sclflc Ollnri'l 11 Wmki".
Nov. a. 1b-.7u.II A.l.V -'AM SVIUVO.
(inc'i.riir toH, A.Ht nliery )
Dry Goods,
O 31. 0 "Z" E3l 1 3V 3r,
I.ikIN-m Di-iikn Ciuodv,
iioot.s, mohij, ii "r. i' 1's ojiocjiitiua and
ft- ii'a'i i' r!i i-ilcv uhl f. ? all klit. of country
i-r ilun-.
t'ir I'lrrl anil Madlton t'.ici',
iiiivau, :i l'uirn.ANU. or.
OKri ? QW 'WcfUoAnrl. I0 Outfit Frtt
ClOO H Q I V. U. VlCUtltV.Aagtuu.Maicc,
4 111
; I r
li a ) r
! I I'm
m&&tto. i ...iKEaigBaa