sswNlaiij.is6anrt lH n-i ? -- r. I 'v l-' n: . M--.. -. ISaUIO KTEItT mlDAT, BT L It 113 .S& OHAIG, runuMiicnB and rnornirmnn. S. A. OL.1IIKU, 1). AV. CJKAIO. Term or Miilmrrlptloiif Onocnpy.dnu yont(.1!( niimlitr) , f'i.oO Oiiecttpy, rx months (sid number) l.'Jo Onnrnpy. thrci mrititliia tnitnlicr.1 ? NALKM, KHIIJAY, .IAN II. 1KB. THE NORTHERN PAOIMU RAILROAD. Tlio proceedings or the Mnrion coun ty Pomonn Orange, which wo publish, ahow thnt tho Imporlnnco of the North ern Pacific Itnllrond to tho Northwest count, Is fully aprcciated by our farmers, and wo bcllovo that, with tho excop ilon of Union and linker counties, through which tho Salt Lako road will pats, tho pcoplo of tho entiro northwest ron unit In urging tho paramount Im portanco'of tho Northern rou(l,ts calcu lated to glvo us communication with a V.ut interior that Is cnpnlilo of develop ing untold wealth, ns well as because it Is cssontinlly an Orogon road, more clo.'cly idontiflcd with and dependant upon Oregon Interests than any other road to b built and mnro vuluablo bo iuso its trnlllo cannot bo diverted from oa or mado tributary to tho capital and wealth of any other roglon. Tho fact of tho construction of this Northern road will Inclto tho Union Pacific to construct tho Salt Lako and Columbia River Jtond tosocuro Intlo pendonco of tho oxactlons of tho Cen tral Pacific Company, as well as to se cure a fair sharo of tho trado of tho Pa cific Northwest. It will also Inclto tho Central Pacific to construct tho much talked of road from Wlnnomucca to Kugeno, and so will load to competition In transporta tion '.hat must benefit tho Northwest nnd glvo us front advantage in build ing up tho commerce of tho future. Evan tho pcoplo of Union and linker counties, wo bellove, would see their road completed Hoonor, If tho construe, ttou of tho Northern road Is madu cert ain and immediate. It is undoubtedly trim that our people view with alarm, any proposition that would in any manner embarrass or ilo fjt tho Northern routl, and tho suspl olon that Senator Mitchell pursues a coursoof conduct that is unfriendly to thnt enterprise, causes an Intense feel ing in all (unrters. Wo have received from tho Senator n copy of the very able speech delivered by him in tho Senate, Dee. 7lh, arguing t'ui points pie.M'iitcd In tho bill which Iio Inlnirtit'CH fur extending llio time for luillilln;; llio Norlheni road, mill vh!o!i proposes to divert u portion or the bind grant in favor of what Isrulled tho Portland, H.ilt I.iIcimiimI Honlli Pass Co'Mpnny. 'I'lil.-i lau very nblo ami In toroillnjr, xpct'i-h, which m'Ih forth viv idly tho greit anil growing lulsre.sts of the P.icllli'.N'oilhuiMt and theehuraeler of lis populallini It wotilil bo sills torp, If It did not convey to tho popu lar Joiirnnl i nnd public mono!' Iho Hunt, (Iio conviction Unit the Oregon Senator Is host llo to tlio Noil!:ern P.icltlc Uiil- (.'onip.iuy, nod is luxlduuutly pine ing iuipeilluieiits to its progre.-s. Jh certiiiuly treats llio t'onip.iiy with dis respect, when ho compares any itis-i. bl e object hum It in i.v flutl to his bill wllhthiieryofOliverTwM rornmoie," tiud speaks in this connection of the "cupidity of corporato power," anil ibo tho word", "greedy rcspoiiau ofin riallato cnriiiir.ito power.1' Tho Km them Pacllle Company al;s for no inniiey aid, anil hlinply piopoe.s toHtnij,j;lo along, If tho teniw of the laud gr.inteaiibecNteniled. Wet-cono i'o.imiii why tho Senator should apply thii'ii terim (on citinpiuy that h.i mel with Hi lltllo Micec-H In Its pist ell'irts nnd whits; future MueesNMilmporlaiii to his niiistlti:enK They could well Im uppllcil In llino iiiaiiioiith (orHira tloiH, tint Union and Central IMeilb' Coinp.inUM, but wo do ui.t learn that IVt r. Mitchell ever Units iccnlon toerll IjInu their eondiiet, though they h.ivtt robbed the nation iil'uillllouHofilo'.lars. TheM) coipor.ttlon- an inousler inoiiop olios IiivomM'III Idled thenwelve. lit llio eo.t of Iho public, that tli me able to reward the services of tlielr friend", In tho Seunlti us well e.s cIm where, ami tho Sen.itoof tho United Stiles M' ms luiap.itile of exacting in their hands iho Justice Iho IIoiimi nl Jtiiprosciilutlves has been willing to en foive. Oar Seiiilor can clear his klrt of hii-pleion byiillaeking the " liiNilb ntoK''"l" "Hho-o uinuleil uiouopulies liotlOi' (ban by p'a leg obsliules to the propreMjil' unenti rpilo In which his constituents hrtvti tho greatest polble lntere.t. Senator Mlleliell was ileehleiily im fortunate In uimp.irlng tho N. P. It. It. Co., to JJickiiia' gieal bo.wliiii-.iuU'r, Oliver Twist, and using In that connec tion tlio wofds "likitlnto greed." Oli ver was n thoroughly good and honest b y, whoso misfortune was that ho was s arvlug, and lie held out his porringer for " more" p-n Idge. The N. P. It. It. Co., bears u strict compurl.-on Id the Iny's honesty nnd famished condition, but whileothet sjhotncMk'iiinnri nn'it y ii'.d, this one, in which wo are mi deep ly Interested, pimply demands only "mon," time. Lot us procure all tlio .signatures possible to tho petitions cir culated by order of Marlon County Po mona Orange, and undo, ho far as pos sible, tboovil etrectof tho petition In siduously circulated by Senator Mitch oil's frlcuds, and signed no doubt, by thousands, who wore entirely Ignorant of its truo Intent, and supposed it was entirely in favor of tho North Pacific Railroad Company. Alfalfa. Balkm, On., Deo. 23, 1877. In tlio Docembor numbor oftbo Cnllfornla AffrietiUuritt, I notlua tho following re marks about Alfalla: "Twonly poundH of need to llio ncro ! nono too much. The Alfalfa will provo loo tiiuoli loralniOHt ny hortofwwils If knpt clipped ilown with a mowlntc mnolilnn during llio 11 ml fnw monlliH of lis giowth." Koeplng tlio vtooiIh and AIflf,i clipped until tlio latter Ret root may answor, vol H would bj moro miro of miccoin If nown ou. oteau and IborouRbly lllfed doll, an tbiV young plant Is vory londor nnd easily smotbered out until tbo long alonder tap roothaitlino to reaoli living water, after which Ita v Igoreus growth onabloa it to hold It own against wowlnj yet It a too tendor whon young to bo sown with grain, orrlovor, kh tho latter marts moro rapid and nmothor tho Alfalfa, ami tho nmo may b)aldof muNtard, tho Rood of which Is often found Hinoung tho California Alfalfa sood. When AlfrtlfagoU root It slanda tlio tramping of stock romarkably wolt. fa'Andy, alluvial bottom land, wlioro tho roots can goto llylup water, Is tho plaoo for it; thon, the dryer and warmer tho weather tho moro vigorous Us growth, H. Pklton. Hodge, Davla & Co. In our ndvfirtlklng column otn bo found tho biiKliiPhN card of this now linn, whluh U a (i)iiHilldall(in of tho old and v oil. known wliolchMlo drutiglilN, HihIko, Snill A Co , anilT A. Duln.t Co, hoi h of which hnvo bomi rcnrefonli'd In tho LuiIhohh clrcfus ol Portland fur tho hut (piartur of h cvnltiry. WhllutbosotwouiilorprlilnghiiUHeawurjdn Ing it largo bimliKiou hikI cauh boldlugan Im poitautitilutloii to tlio wIiiiIohaIo Iradool'land, It was found ndvlaablo lo connect ihi'lr fiirHiiioi f ir tbo purnoso of forinliiK h IiiiIiki"m uiiiiihoIIdu uhm(Iio or cnmpotlng with nil mi hlilo ltilltiuiicri, and no rtoilorlng I'ortl.nid at gcoil Hiipply ilitp it fir (bo Or vmi Irii'loiw Ih pfiiNlblo no good Hint mil hIim uiiiiililoo will I hi iownrlox4 tur.lliot U IHh tliiliii'iitlooif tlio nii lino to Im nimlulily biil'il ii (loiillii kIomi on I-'kuii S it ol mi Mm minor li'ilcn U.iihitl.t K,i. liikM httnlwiri h'.orii, with a Hi-iMrniu loom on OiK Striot Im' pilni-), nit, iVo. Tlicy w I (In ll lirttti iuiiilt HMHi himI iii'i-nmilli'iUtloi' Kti-i inhiia llio r iiniiiiiiii'M Im Iiiii-n. 'I'i ir 'n't il t'lr iinii'uMig iirr.nci nu ills ciioiiI li pMilit'in. Ilr ri ell, l I rvolilohl.Soi 1'mi.,Iii', W'hih Kit hi, .iimKh of ilrilkH. tli'ric, iii xi'il p iliiiiixrlih him tlfiM'll.v tne (miiiiiI imiii l)i )hi miiI l'ii. On.iiil, im wdll is Ir m.wn. Mr S it'll !.ii tin .n Kiiiiiii htti in. lit, I, liiiv ng ni.lilcil llicrt uiii y-turt n llilr, Htinit iMjni'l v. ,Mr. I1 A Hit ii will piulil'h H'Iikiii In Niv Y'"l;, it- iiinii tliiv iui hi til'll II' in tin n, tln Mti-Kto. (;Iiiih Mi tliin mill !' K Arnold will lll'lllll't lllll llll'.ll.t N. II. I'lHll.tMl Ull llMVI It'll HHiirn tif I it ir itii iiiiitocn wlili till i iimi Ltiiiui ii o t hiiii rui.un . t lliein nil h i'fMN.ig n lilll ildirtil lill'.lllit.K itlillll.V ii il il.ti r ricii h iii.iiii.h Inn uiliv. Tln lo mi liuiitir in iliti liu-no'-.t fl' I'ortl.iinf, m nti w Mi'li tli.y 1'itMi lit't'ii h i 1'iiiu fii'int'iii I'll. Hllll ll.IT II g Jill l-l-IIIHIIilu Mill ll'lll'tt r I iui i nlillii 'I in, iih.v ilnii it it lining oiio, II. ll HUM. IllOI't Willi Ittllplil HI M."H, 1'u;1(Ioa1 .-iotion. TIid Utbor hiiil I'Iimiico Itjfor.j Club, of Sili in, will iiicti on Saturday vtiilug, .Inn uuy I-.', nl 7;::u i, ji. Mi up, ut tint o(itiu lloiin'. Tliolluti ini'i'ix mi t.usliKiku ami nii'MiiM I iiiliu hx. iilioil Miulii" by Kiwral Kt'Oll tltlKl Tn I'llll. Cllhlllll , MjOIN, u llllll- tii', I.HMki u iiiiI ntlioiN, lly tinli r if tho I'll. iiliiil ul llio Dluli. 1'. A, (, SVort'liirv. MM"tri1 ' ' "- - - r T"n iVIARKET CAROSNCRS hi-iiil riir IIikt'b(Uiuiiin Manual im i s;h. fulif ITitl Ctll lii'iimll iiihi imili'tili'i; ltii irikl.t) i'Ico li "i riiuirii nvi. i7 u lit ini.r ll n'lilr. mIiI' Ii "il IioaVum tlttr ll.t-n tinltr il iol It'l .1 J M, i HUT, IttOKroiii), in No.lCO. A PKl'iTIOV liiliiir Ih ii ilhtl liithnrrt-nlvruit JX id ihnMaititif liio.ti'i lur llii.r.111 tt r Miiliu , 'i ill Bi,.t nini-t t nf k s iHiv nn ii nil. n -' t'i I'.tilu ii J r0i Shi'." n, ii ii-i.liiii iiilimr, nut 11 nili). K.linur) ll.l S74 at II'- .i', hv I'H Ikvh h, Hiiiitti rur tiMilus Hi" a I, mi , I ' rvl.irr, "II MV'-itii Inluiu.l".! ant It 'til y im lit tit iuiit'4r In hl tii.iil. i llio c-uil'l.i ii o Ii ,i in In .ilil unit ly, nl ,uiil iIimi-iIh'Ii iul i In i ii id ."to- ttii-tiHiiy it hi K n tlrtxtilro huul.l hut to iiim. iiinl ,u li joiix c. iwfiii ia. t'l ll'll) JJIl.T. .'null-3 Final Eottloment. NilTli'K It lurt-l) v rii Hitl V. M. (lirllnt ami hmin i , Juiux, t irii llio t-l.nlo o II UK K .Inn.. U'ii t.r .Mnl'il iihiii . il.tvt'.tl. I ID ll Ittll ll til lit Ir tl'rl vtrt'llil III Iho lll.lturlir ''i i-.i !, ii nny lift uin tuy . t-ilmiAr , r-S l l.'Ui.M.ifk III I So for. t'l 'it'll 0T It IhiHIU tl i IKnlUil'i fiTl'ifllllk-I'm '1111 1 ,lptr--iii r li.nrit.tiil lit r ilili. tain nr.i lli.ii'uo Kqnl itl i'i arlt f.itMlhi' .iiuiilir iuifl in iih Mil u uf ti, ttn ui ilui t'u mi I hnkr 'n mM, an I , I tint rain . it .iv ilv th.v l Iktr mil tlf" I let lu alloutd II . B.Wllli lituiu I liiiii'" I W. M GOBtlVP, Jill, 8, ISTirt I 1..MU i U JUNKS. 4Q CALLING GAUDS', rigy -t'li ti inn ii n .r i.nii .Ikhiiii i , 125 ii lll mil 'liiiii -ituiii fur iUiu. it ll'.lt U. It. WOOD KIl.Tll, 9ALKU, 1,11, w? r x, a mette f Imurder i I?rhl4liirlcc!ihr!'rln"n?,nt wn'.ifn rnni-i J. . .... . i.lll.u t . iI.m ..tin. 1 i n;j iiq'tiii, tini'nt. i-.tit lamiij ui uw m. "" j rasi'il pxcuillntt nl trnrK nl law rnir". inrajti i j ( t,r.(lh I1HNK1 III Urn Kle, lai 1 1 line till 'f'rriM fjr (Jrm'i, Ouniitr, 1'rnKV.i nl Jii;lr-t.,n' ivjma iiciiiiur u.riLuriuj riKui.1... .-...-- r.. SI. WtlTK. J fJIvtvn Vrlnier nvit IIooUIjIiiiIlt, J Iray'- til wi.lV.ati strsct. P LKM, onEGJN. GRASS WED SLED GUM PI nV7T?n snrl UART1F.V SPP.I1?. I 1U II Ull I 1IU VKI1IUU 1 UiiUt m 05 P w in AT 51V SFK1) blOI'J! J"nTlNl), KBlH fcVAHK STJthKT KEIIlti. Trees, Plants, Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Roses and - Vines. w CO 09 Q W W 09 AT TIIB- rORTLAND EAST NURSERY. CAM. AT THB 8TOKB. Oil Aadrm II. HANSON, Kait I'ortUnd, O.-. 3 m. Jan. 1, 1R78. XOQX. 1070. HODGE, DAVIS & GO. (C'onsolldatirn rf tfndgp, Hnpll A Co. and T. A. Davis A Co.,) 11 Front Street, FORELAND, OREGON, OFPBIt TO THE DHUO AND GBNRItAL HXR chndldo trade a complete aMcrtment or .till' Drug, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware. Shop Furniture, end Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all ft od qu&llttea. WHITE LEAD. Of 11 llio loadlnu trtndf , In Una and kegf, COLORS, IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Rod Lead, Oluo. VARNISHES, Ircltullngtnolliioittbramla for Conch I'aln'.cra'oite Paint Whitewash, and Varnlxb Drushca. IilNMtKD OIL, In linrreU and tan. Turpentine, Cnnl (Ills Castor Oil, Lard Gil, .NcnfRTuot Oil, Fish Oil. AlooHol, III Iwitu.i and rate, IIIuo Vitriol. Sulplittr. CnNtllc fc;tj, CoiiL't'ii'i-alvd, C'UftlNll. XSittox-n nil lcdLxacfM. Quicksilver and Strychnine. In (i'litt, Ilainiilli.ii. Oiiu-t allun, nr.d'Jil!:t Cmiiiiii lUrrulf, do . o'.e. Worn Acnt fiirOroiwn and Waihlugton Terri tory for TME RJJIE3BER PABHT. inn ivmv jiiscd pai:;? i:i usr. llalll-rl.r il'a nr: In Mirrp l. M'nclrc' ticsp lialu iiml itii rrl I liun, hm! it 'a auJ Jayiio 1 r rlrl ry lliditlnc. tyf W'e buy in- irntl fnim flrft liti'd'. Km en nti Iiil ii4 In iiiiiii'i tilth liny niitrirt tin th 'ot. .Ir a in i i.t Imiii til imr pilrt' Ml I puno. JnTt-'f B IIPTURE! A VIJOVINII.ST tilTir.CX CX'KKB. Sn TiUNntco, Krjitfmlirrn. i1. Hit. l'inixn -1) nrS i: Tli.t Titi-n I .iirili.n'il it' )OI ii'i rm iiiii mivil imtiir tin urn. fun ii'lilcli I HUH nifli'iMl fur .to ,u-l TWtNTV I'lVK VK I'.il lllnl I ikil i mill. l.'i t it'll itn iiiit'iir" tint ihi tii.'til Ikjihii .U.t-TI.' lit, Tlll TltUas. If thu mill, in. uin i"ily Ii.imi.iiPIciii t iniirmo iii cir It ui.ilt llio tit. lllil.llUtlnll I'.ll.lll I Illur.lClluil III tuU pill CIS I l'r, un I l o iiit'ii.liiiiiiu Ii uin I in. iliitrlr, yMI iml W P. (JUI.SM.Y, Ctir. I.llliir '.luiif 4iuf Cuinnu'io ," n u l'r.iu. co Mr (Jil'iliy I n (,riilli'iii4ii wWI fivit'itli'y kiiiiMi.t I imr vMktc'J'.iH. Kl.uiiii..i. til llnilnr. till li lllii . m IJI 'llllrl)', llil i. unit ill r tl f.t. Ivi.j Uvo mif, In ttftt miiii'i. in i u In it Tim in, ,i. in. tiy llm Ami IHllj I lu-l c Tr m. 'I'd rj ii itk id i. mi. jurfiiiiii ilon Or J.Niiiiii- If i.iuiUr I .iim mil pij.caii, tlnt I- klmun a tl iv-i-cliM nu nv r t iu UiiiImI Mil n unj turu.m i. Lu.; i'Xiluiiil ii, iliu r. l.u.iln Ijitir: lilt ,i. HLMVa. Tlo Riiutrnrd I'.iyr'ofinmiUi o New YotU, CUItliDI Cutrm, Cau, ,it'ut.l, i?zi, Mtll: I'lCUCS A MI4, CD Ml rillll'lllll Mrvlt, Km i , iiWnjjiuil iIm-iiiu liilurii lii'juu ii'.,, in I'm, iiuiciiHiJ tir jour iliiu m-t .Vmtu. tit' i'nui,.iluy cuitM llitf niilurv nlilt wlilcli I lint IT iim luu luui. y.ri. V i.lnu thr oy via uri m lt.iii.1 nr nii iuu tian kmwu uiittly Murrit mm u ttln.u'ull i.iiliiuti nu,.. I bo lliw?rtllni ituiii utio ftvr i 1 1 uk luil, bliHtti ! y inu, nr '""""! imiiii. .i i riuiiiiiiMi trbtw i.'Uia irtwiil ll, .., .... iiiv .iiii wnti tmiuiv. Allcrl uurj .'iiu nl)iur i'ATKNT MAONhi 10 HI. irTl V lNh itv mur mtiiili., I noi ci-J :Imi lltu lui.iiiiia iiu) ,,.iu- Un n In llm .iiu', i vuli Ii. li I iriliittl in in v u inii, rim wlii wa IkiiiIiIj. oiiiu In ruU tint uittrOy curitl. ai.U tu ivaalu lu tn.iUv. I tr.vlv wrllit inn p.u,Hrnliirt ... ii.. I..... f.t It tu be ilui I .my hi )i ii ni o' fi'li.iikihu iiit r-iMimliiiy .nicml Yui mim Mt HOiriy m ir.iu tilth Iciiirniuu.ii juuthiuk ur. i cr. lam, u.u.i iiiiiUlly, juirj J. rl alia, M, u. Kt.rli'tco li7tlht all trtnpvr tl tptint trtnr riHiwrni imiii. tipt.iuiiai.niii ClK-a-u a u 1 1 it,,. tMmy IUI biCiro Mim in miitiVcllj limlibt!.. n, t.'tk. ku, uiuny ji i , uiir .Mlo t tuir, UoDillly, .il miulu ilirtiuiujjur n.r loiittliu ll u.aiu.uu.uui llio in. , piuturvil by Lch Ii r.iun. cii.tiiiuul invMurt, mil lu itgtr i.f tuU rii tl tMC"ii.ra iiiiut if iliftilcJ coatui lo av la HiiucaaiiiiiUi., if iK,,hli., Hit I'ltMi'a M.tiNCTio rtutiir o liiuuattl Min icvtkii M.'i-rui;e I'ALa a I Ihi un nti u t u.Lt ft lu liiuLi.ltiojj. ttuvuiwatil ruutuiU'r tt.d 1.41110 it.iuiht'r r,Ier,,Uf 'talratm lltmJs irlTlm fU leformatUm Kill ItO It I'll) 10 It I ) It'll NK.XKTIU iiLlSTIUTKUliS COMPANY, No, Ctfl sAcramcoto iluri (tin Hlr), San 1'tat.citcu. Jliui'J a ftm R HAWIEY, DODD & CO., I'orilniul. Orofro", Offor for Salo, at tho Lowest Possible j'ricos, a Full lino of A G R I CU L T U RAJ IMFLEMEJS TS. V B AHE SOU! AGES1S 1 Oil T11E CEI.KIHUTKn BLQ RSI 037 m sr hardened by i JErL Vmgil iLPl lCf ' VI. li'li combine the urwilost slrciiglli, oxlrt'iiio llliuit;, ntl jlurutjiiuy.--. I)Ki.wirtnesffl JJlwk u!'i WtjliloiJ FroK, tmd thai1; l" ,w iV S.S Tnly Plow -so rnqdo. Tho Wow'- and Hlmro aro it ratcnted rroL-ess rt.;, iu mn aj j... THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PL.OWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attaohment. InBr'HiiTil" " II TBBBPii Tho groateM I.itor-Siv(nr Implrtrif ntn yot Icvf nlril. VaMly Imprnrril for Fall of 1877. GOO Sold, ixr Orog;ou lax Ono Vonr. sir Kvnrv KaruiKr Inii-rpkit . 'Iho U-ie .Sulky In Hi only .slim In l.v or Plow made. EASILY OI'ISKAIED. Socoimlnirlid that by a hllpht rtmilon il iln Li-ver tin Plow Is, run out of Kin trronud and rained clear, by borm- IiimcbiI of niin-pnw f r. It la atiotiger an less complicated thau uny other. Sole AgentB lor tLo well-known SOUTH BEND OHILXaSS-ZRON PLOW. BUCKEYE:DRILL8 and BROADCA8T 8EEDERS Tho most successful in use. Too well known to need comment. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. onisr MJiiLS, all l;leaand prlctB. MEDIOAL DEPARTMENT OP Willamette University. SALEM, OltHaOXf. Session or xBrr-'7B. rA(!UL.XVl T. M. OATW, A. Jl I'ii. D., rrcililontof tho Unl vtTlly JullN IIOSWRI.T,. M. P.. Fmcrllnl'ntf.'i'trofOti It lilc atn lllnni'it nf WoiniMi inn) Clillilnn. I) I'AT'iN. M I).. 1'infi.ii.iir nf Oli-iitnc' ami i'.V.,'llf.1' uf N,m" 'H UIiLiImi. with MtltvlV'r. .IX. M .McAI'Ki:, M. ., I'fofrta r ol Raralcil anO lli'fcilniiv Ann "'iiy. I). M. IO.NIJ-. XI. II.. I'rofiidir orMltcrla Mciltti ii'm I In mum ic. I.. I. ItOAl. Nl). ..M.. M. 0., IVofcMor or 1'bya inii;y mo .Mlcri'r-ip . A. fHfltfi r, A. II. .M. 1).. Proftfioror PilcclnU-r nml I'ricllri'iifriirci'iy. 0;l'i! l -"i..V,tC,e A" AI.. IVufcttoruf Clicml.lry am 1'iiii. ri'i'iitvr.Y. m. n.. i'.r.'.tr nf r.uhntocy unit l'racllrntir.Mi''lli mi', iviiii lnll Mrtllclnr, .1. . HUH iltHHi.N. M. I)., nu'., nor ut lltjknn lli-N. HUMIrt M M.I.OUY. IT. C 1)1,1. Attutiu.y, I'm liKnr uf iliitloil Jur.i-n'ii'l. i.iu. Sinli'Mf,riiarrliii3lj nu Hi v, nrn rcoicntnl l ml' nl dihm mi tbo I) mi. whit will runiMi nil tut i h-a y Im iirniiiinii, una oiliaiufj protlilu fur lliclr ic cuinr.viUiiliii, l.i'tti'iti ui!ilrcrciltu llio Dean Mill uculvo iirtmrl aiMiiitiii. ' ' ililSlf I. I, IIUWI.AM) M. D., Ilruii. orgjjTr I can till you A IXTo. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S -VJU- Six Dollars and a half! A. PAIR, Mauuf-toluroil mil nf llm HKST QUALITY of OAK-l'ANNi:!) U:TltKIt. JOHN W. GILBERT. Salem, UiH.L'l. a, OREGON MILLS, Nor ill lllll t'rtt'k, Salem, A!B NOW IN Comploto Hunniug; Order, ANO INVITI5 Custom Work. WEtiLEU & WALDO, SALItff, Nor. 1.13.7. 3Hf $s0 ll kCBp ikzis&B&NIfu FAN MILLS. Send for Special Clrculara, WOODBURN NURSERY KEEP3 A. Xull Stoolc FRUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, ....ANn,,,. NUT TREES, Bend fur l'rlco Lift ami Cn'iTnsMiP. Ail 'tea ... J. II HItTII.vtiii(R, MIRtnft Wotultiiirii r. JOHN GRAY, Formerly In nnrliln'a ll'if'-. Imn Ju, (ipci.ctl a Lirro undciinplilu bimk nf r(i,' Cttipok, Oilclo.hs, Mat Ings MI Houso - Furnishing Goodc. Ntxt to Diln iiipltt A IJ-owit, miiKi:yiti!,ii(tj. - - .LnI. on. I'lllCII WIIX UK poui AV Lowest CogH Rates! iii r A fcUIlK liU.'lll lo 2ct?b, Scrow Worm. Foot Hot, AND AM. Parasites that infest Bheop. T H SAFKH TJKTTElTaTil VAST I.Y CIIKA1 Kit "MAN ANY 0TI1KK l'lir.iviii'rinj win. mnri ritBATtlENTOKfillECI'. IT Improves the Health OP TUB ANIMAL, ANL TUB QUALITY OF TQE WOOL. t One callon In cnotwh fnr ona hrmlrrrt lo two ".'rllUm. hco-acc""1'n ''er . rtni.Kili,.i.d ,,!,' Pl "P n FIYC-UALUIK CANB a-.U In DAE t' HOBGP DAV A. Co. IMIITI.AMI. i.ltKnON, tVhnlraai eeula lor ll,- Mutis Crloionrr.carcH n.uii; row Iri ur dt al r 'at EBWIK ALBENO 174 ELK STREET. , CINCINNATI. OHIO. AdrortiaomcnU Inserted la anypaperi Ikforo advertising send for aj catalogues snv. ATTtN i tufu i. V w r r.