'isaistimmmssasmt WILLAMETTE FARMER Jno.W. Gilbert 0FFEI13 TO TUB COUNTRY TRADE Jc5Cfc3T-,S7S7"StJE'C2.:'J GhimL Boots Xlio Dowfc over Miulo. AN BXTKA QUALITY OP Xadies' Calf Shoes, Jait Iho thin for our Oregon winter weather. Fo,:r;nn,e:r! Fine Kip and Calf Boots, -Which are cxeroly made fnronr trade, of different qnallllua, to unit customers. All rooiIm Hold by mo arc GlTAIt AIVTEUD to bo what I rccom m c nil them, or I will nt nny time imtko It good to tho pnr clmNcr. J. W. GII-IILRT.S Snlcm, Oct. 12, 1817. tf. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, COMMERCIAL. STREET. Balom, April 20, 1875. dwtl Good Farms FOR SALE. t Q rT Arnim OP laxd in matuon county. DO 4 On-con, ton miles notlh of Halem. on tnu Dayton and Wheatland roal: In a boaullltil location, and la thu tcijt bct land tn tho HUH Can h otvlded Into line good rrau. We have an offer far a part or this plaro at $tu per acre, which wonld Icart the bal ance of the land In a (naaro body of 600 acre. 300 of wblcU la nudor cultivation; KM scrvaalaahrd, Joining tho rulllTatcd flolda, that conld bo eaally Rot r-ady for the plow, having boon tUibod mm Are to ten yeare. All iho botldlnvM are on the 100 aero tract, and for which wo only aik $-V) per aero. Thoar who aro In m rclt of coin! land ahoald go and mo tbti place. For particulars, call and too tho proprietor. Also, jaooAcncs OP land in mauion COUNTY, Oregon, two and a Uilfmllca from Oorralr, and about the fame dUtance from Wocdhurn, lying on the Ilulto rllle roid. la a rtilrablo location; I tho very bcrt qntlltyof land. arkntiwlled to be ono of the beat farms on French Prairie by all who ara acqaalrted with tho country. S-Uaceaorthla tract la under cul tivation; the balance of, the tract, K) acrea, la timber. Thero la a tolerablo good dwelling hono on till place; two good birna, with plenty of ahed room tor atock. For full particular, go a ... H. I), S. V. NOTJIOUTT.. On the premlaea, or aildrera Ilium at Wheatland, Or. Noy.-AI, 1T7. Imp'd. rattlo Olant GRUBBING MACHINE. Wo wish to Inform the peoplo of Oregon that wo have purchased tho pitcnt of "Tito Little Olant Grubblmt Maonlno." and tbut we aro now prepared to mpply any number n( them nt n vory rosninablo price. Tho nub. Joined testimonials of tho superior qualities of these inoohlnea and tholr comparative cheapness should recomoutlnil Ihotu to all those desirous of clearing on laud at but til fllnir exnenae. For further particulars apply to Frank Cooper or Wni. Dulaney, Ualom, or Albert Urlggs, bcio. b'cio, March 10th, 1877, This !n onrilfv that we have used "The Lit tie Giant Grubbing Machine" and found It superior to anything of tho kind over used In Ihla part of tho country: Preston Munkera, Win Ireland, Henry Ieley, J 8 Morns, ADivls, J II Irvine K Baldwin, 11 F Drlggs, Henry T Hare. We the undersigned have aeon "the Little Qlaot Grubbing Machine" work und can assure tho puhllo that Ilia the best nnohine of tho kind wo havo ever en working, M Alexauder, O W Hamilton, JOJohnaon, Pater Smith, J M Drown, Wm H McKnlght, P Illlyeu, I) P Mason. Bcio, May 25tb 1877. C. A. ItiiD. Notary Fnblle. T. H. Oox. r. o. 8UZiXaZVA2r. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPKIU DOUSE, BALF.M. H, K, corner, at bvd nf Halm. falS Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. mil AT OLD PI)W OP Yntm CAN UK MADK 3. aarodana at JOHNNY KMOllT'd Black sufth chop, on Ooranwrclal at., below Wnde'a bard war atore. for a am.ll outlay of coin. Hrlng ta yoqr old Plows, owl tee If I Con'i .to I av. octaOU JTOIINNV KNICHT REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTS. Loans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy aid Sell Gold and silver, State, County, and Ci'y Warrants. Agents for Ilccd't Operw IIookc. JST" OIUco. nt tho corner of IIecd' Opcrn Hrnsi), icSi tlM.fir, OH. 3-!jt AW AKftUAL MES1ACF. FRIEDMAN'S Anunnl Mr.sif;o to tho Pnoplo of tho Grrut City of Snli-in. I fo-1 very much flighted nt the rccont l'copl'a great oinvenllott, tu which Cuunollmon wero nom'nutetl by tliom, without coimiHIriK H. FrlpJtnun, who bollavo tltnt ho wita ono of tho Peoplo, becnttto he denla with tho 1'esplr; im Kroldmnn does not bellevo tint tho bmltieKS of tho People altnuld be done only byn few, but any como nit yo People nnd meet In Rrruitl eon voullott and vote that 8. Friedman altnuttl be pntrnnlsed by all tho Peoplo, becnuso ln doca sell hla gtxida alike to tho poor Peoplo na well na to the rich. People, nnd tnkea tho worklngnmn's sovonty-flve oenta for r pair of good Ovorulla rr well aa tho rich man'a Ovo dollnra forn ptlr of good panli, and will sell n palrofRoctlalioca for a dollar and a hnlf to tho rich People na well na to tho poor People. In mnklncyour nomlnntlom for city orflrera ynu abould propound this qtieatlon tn thenu Whcrodoyou buy ourclui nml tobacon? Do you buy your collura and neckties at Fried rnnu's ? In c.io you nro cntiRht In n rnln do you buy your umbrellas there? Ami If you atnrt travel ing will you promlao Ioko thoro for your trunkH ii ml viill-o-. And wnlloyou romln hero ynu ahould buy you n good pair of calf boots fjr flvo dollur nt Frlcdmnn'a, Ito auro to get your overcoatx, aockf , hnmlkcr chief nml neek tlt-n or Friedman. Yoiirun uf t you np;nod suitor clolhrsnt from ten to tWfiity-tlvn doilma of Fruldtniiu. For u good lufortiuont of huts go to Fried tnnn'a. ' I.tidlea will find It to tholr Intcroat to buy their embroidery, luces nnd ribbons of Kriodtuiiu., HIioomiikiM vlll find kumerouj nrtlclcs In their lino nl I'rlciliuati'4. Tltu inpjnrlly nftho Pi-oplo will vole, from.now until Iho llratof Jnunry, that It lain Iho lutur cat of tho I'.nplutohuy their toys for the hoya nml tlnlls for tho tilrls, mid C'hrhtuia? ulfla nt Frlcdtnnn'a. Friedman thinks It Is proprrfnr the City Coun cil to puss mi orillimtico Hint all tho Peoplo havo u right to buy tholr goods ofS. Frlodmmi, TUB PKOPLb'd FllIBNU. MXOT "'FAIlTfo h aeitd for ottr Kow I t CatalORtie. It con. I i. tnlnavaltMbloltifor I inatlon for cvrry 1 tten-on content. W platlnir .the pur-clift-o of any article ' for penional, t amity or agricultural uae. Vrtt t o any Address. ' MOKTflOXKRY WARD A GOv, , OrlstnalOranReBupply House, -SBAZaWulKUkAv CIUJAO, HI. OIIEGON AN1 WANIIINUTON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANE (L1MIT1CD.) OOlee lu Portland, SAVISGN 1IA.H UU1K.DI1VG, .3 Flrit atrevt. Prealdent nf Hcolll.h Poatd of Dlrrctora, ALKX.VMDEIl UOIIItLAY, Kitq..HblpbuUder. Dundee. Head Ofllce, 37 Dank at.. Dnndee. Proldent of OrcL-on Uoard of Dlrrctora. DONALD MACLKAY, Krq (of Corbitt & MaclcayJ Manacln Director, WILLIAM 11KID, Kiq., Portland. Th. 8-vlnen Dank rccelres drporita not only from tho Udii'trlalsm finnlnKClaareaof Oregon batalao froTt H'ollard. fnrllie ptirpvae of rafely luvrallnr Ibe arae (alone with Ita capital) principally on Ileal K tsle Mortf.-cc 'ecariu over ImtnoTi-d Farma and Portland City Propvrllea.aud tnatalat lla Dcporitnr an1 ollifn1 In itoi'iicllonofllulldlopiand Improve ments within Iho Utato. IiOaMN an ado en Ural ICatate 10 rer event. 51200 -1- xaiii-n. fcaataiaaa iTaiai n in ailii a-M. mi ii a. a. oiasT aM. 4J.UI JCL 1 1 "wauliio UK8EKV. SBTH LUELLING & SON, PnopRiBTorm oftiir abovrnvvrd nur-rt-ry. ba Iiavo tn call tho altentlon or Fruit men, and all others who whh in procuro (rood, heal tuy Trees, to their IMMKNBS BTOCK F FKUIT TREES. oonsistiku or Applo, Foar, Peaoh, Plum, Cher ry, Fruno, And msny other mlrcclbuieoaa rarte Ilea, the prices of wliiub we have t educed to null Ibe lime, fcewl for a catalogue. BBTU LUBLLINO A BON. octlD fflllivankle. 0EEG0N STEAMSHIP CO. nnaui.Au LINE Between Portlarid and San Francisco. TIIUODUII TIOKKT.H Can bo iiutchaatd at Hie nrlnclpol Stations of tho O. & V. It It , at Hoduood Xlatos. Steamers loare both PorlUnd and Ban Francisco aboat Every Fivo Says, nrrrlnic IUfaengirs and Fielchl at the IX)WKT IUTK". It la tlii only llncnylnj (be U. 8. MAILS sod WKI.LH, FAlKiO & CO 'h KXPUKB4. The Htcamrhliia or tbla Company ate ratrd A 1, and am low, alt-part, nud couplclu In cvtry particnUr. andcuntlalof the State of Oregon, (Now bnlldliiff.) S.000 tuna harden, George W. Elder, (17U0 tona,) City of Chester. (law torn.) AjOXa dM tons J Etc frvitffct ot Pc, apply at the Ooapaay's of. , conwr r aad Vrunl m. Pobtund. af UKO, W. WKIOUCK, AgsaM, BY TELEGRAPH. Ralolgh.N. O.Jan. l.Oor. Vance ro vlewwl tho colored troop of North Carolina to day, The dNplny wi admlrahlo and his ex"ellenoy cotnpllnienUd tho men. Ilarrlsbttrfr, Jan 'i Tho LeKllturo met nt noon. In tho aenate, Thomas W. Cooper was choaen preildent protein. Thli lidng an adjourned "slon of tho IrtKUhtitro of 1877, with but few exception HiHOlUjraof both homo urn Him uma ns last year. NtiW York, Jun, 2 An liiKtilnus robbery was periRtMld to-day. oootlnnlnj a Itusof perhapatHOU 000 tn tho Yotinj.' stMo. A mail (Mllt'dat thoolllcoof .1 H. Yotinff, Ncshu iieui, ihout noon, and nskrd t' na n tlirpi-t. my. Ho iltrn vent nut. 'r Y-utuwont to lun -h unit tliootrrWHor tf.inrcd and m,k () iho (idhk hfopnr ilmt ft tiui'i in it "(irr-ngo nttlui door dt-clrcd to sro li'in, 'llinbootc Verper vr-nt down lHlr(,3lh.r lm Ic'inr thu door, ntid Iho lranpr lorccd Mr Youn'a door Hit aloio llTty AUbama St 000 bonis, and n pjcknt'o of aeonrltlcs', Inultiilluif cor. tulcalPHol stonk lntliiMiamunfJ.il, Young. Doteotlvfa wore pi a nod on thocwo, but up to n Into hour last nt",ht no ttncu of tho prop erly or tholf could bo found. 11. Lambert, ox-pro'aldent of tho American Popular Jj'fo Insuranco Co., oonvlutod of awoarliiR to falao annual roport, wa tlila mnrnliiK Bonleuced to llvoyeara In tho Slnto prion Doadwnod, Deo. 31. Mayor Conkllng nd Wm. Baldwin returned from tho nowly dU oovered potrolottm aprluira Saturday. Thny Rtato tho Kprlnga uro located In Wyoming territory, near Choyonno rlvor, aud there nro two aprlnga or wolfs from which n lino earn ploororudo lubriuatlnff oil la taken out at tho rato of two burro! h per day, Hevoral par tics hnvn already Ukon tipiquatter'a olaltnn on iho ground. Mr. IUldwIn, who has had oxtonBivo oxperlouco In tho Pennsylvania oil toglona, pronounces thosa lndlcatfoiiB an pnrlor to any he ha aeen. lloaton, Jan. 3 Tho snow storm last bight wi quite Bovoro on thoooaat,tho wind blowing hard from tho nnrth, which ren dered navigation to Inward mnrlnetHoxtrom ely huzardoua, A number of wrecks uro re ported. Idttlo Hock, J.in. 3 A boavyanow i,torni prevailed till day. Tho enow la now live inchoi deep and Mill unnwlng, Naahvlllo, Jtii. 3 . A vory boavv annw storm haa prevnllud lioro nlnoo 6 1'. M., rrnchlni; u depth of four lnuhca lu three liourc. Dlapnlrlios rnport n snow a'.orm povnlnq nt Coraluaun, Toxax, Khrovoport nud Vlcka burg. Chicago, Jan. 3. Tho IntfrOcoan'a Mar quelto (Miehlgan) aptclal cnya: Wlilln n tjhloign and Northwestern box car wasbolng loaded with ultro-glycerlno nt tho Jitckunn mlno, nr.nr Negnunoe, at 10 thU morning, tho nms exploded, liiHlnntlv killing Kiiven men mil deiiiolidilngthocnr. Tho loootiioilvo waa lined into tho nlr, thrown fifty fret nnd Inudt'd In n couftihcil lien p of wood und Iron, orthe klllod 8. A. W'huclnrund h:iii, Waller, and Ira lllnsktoy woroeinplovedattluMillro slyeerlno workc, Hinckley being HiiHirln tendent. Tho bodle4 0flhoiollir( omen wero blown to ntotuH. no pleco larger thnti two pounds being dlecoverabla, The other four woro railroad employes, and woro lu tho cabofthocgnlno when tho explosion came. Their blackened nud manglod romalna were rnu ml ihcro with the lloilt atrluped from their facea and llmba, ami Iholr bouoi brok en. Tholr natnea wero Wlllinm Myow, Wm. Shellnn, Cbns. Huellor and John l'oley. Oshpoiilng, throo in 1 1 os away, plainly felt tho ehook. Tho damagn In Negauuoo waa prnl.ably f 2,600. Homo poraona aro roportod serlnualy injured by the ooncusHlon. Nashville, Jan. 2. A frightened team baoked a wagon containing Mm. Morris Goadlao and four oblldreu otf n bridge Into the Ohio rlvor yesterday, resultlugluilrown Ins the four chlldrna. Now York, Jan, 3. Cant, llogardus to-day accomplished thn feat of breaking 5,000 glass balU inslda of 600 oonaeoutlve tulnutet, with 10 minutes and 25 eeoonda to spare. Ho broko 600 balls In 3d rniutttett and 40 scoondr, 1,000 In 01 minutes and 40 secoutla, 2,000 In 137 minutes aud 18 seconds, 3,000 In 203 minutes and 15 afcondi, 4.000 In 288 mlnutus and 35 socondji, 6,000 In 490 minutes and 35 second. He broke 100 bllt In 6 minutes and 45 seconds, anothor 100 In 6 minutes and 35 aeonnds, and another In 6 minutes aud CO bonnnds. Hartford, Jan. 3. Samuot U. White, former vlco president and treasurer of the Charter Oak Llfo Inauranna Comptny, was today Indicted with others for counplrnoy and fraud. Hit ton, Jan. 2 At a rpsolal meeting of mo noaru ot j rsua una anernoon, a memori al tocongroHt wasadopttsl protesting agaluat tho past-age of tbo ftllvnr bill. Now York, Jan, 4. In tho board of alder men , th h afternoon, a ri sol utlon was adopttd deolajlng greater benefit (iould lie gained for tbo elty by the difcohargo of Wm. M. Tweod from Imprisonment than by his longer de tention reooinmendliig the attorney-goner al and corporation counol to reloano him Irom Imprisonment, after aecurlng for the oity sueb property as ho now po&Moi. and after taking means to secure hla testimony necessary In suits whloh might heroaf.er bo brought by llie ulty. Tho Trlbune'a Washington spoclal aays: The Nik I'orcea in Catada wish to rot urn The Canadian ollloer In ohargo of the police watching Hitting Hull Is reported to have como across into tho Unilod Htatos and Ukeu a Nx I'oroe woman away from the Oroaven ires. The Hun eays the Alderman's oooimltteo for tho Investigation of ring fraud-, held a aecrut t-easlon yesterday and adopUxt a ro port. It teems that of $.'W,000,000 stolen, about (d70,000 has been recivereil. T ho com-tnltu-o rosotninund the procecutlon ot thoao who havo not given up their stealings, in eluding Oakey Hall. Portsmouth, N. H., Jan. 4. Tho U. H. steamer Keaiaargn went aalioro on Keacou laUjre, In this harbor, this ifternoon, at nearly high ilde, by the parting of tho main bawaer while preparatiouu were in progrnaa to haul her ulongilde the wharf ottho navy yard. A blinding snow storm wlih astrong southeaat ualn and a very heavy sea. was prevailing at the time aud tho vetael htruck therorks stern llrau All olluru to gel her otl have thua tit lailod. FOREIGN. Vienna, Jan. 1 Instructions wero tele, graphed from Ht. tetrsburgHunday to Una ian oouiinanders lu Kurepo and Asia to re ceive any overtures for a truce that the Turks might make. OouMantlnnplo, Jan. 1 Troops under I'aud l'asha defending Ikhtman defile have been reinforced, and It Is believed the detlle U now iiiipreguable. lirserouin, Jan. 1 A Junction between General Mellkntr and Tergukaofr oorrs south of Krsoroum U believed to ba Immi nent. Ituaalana are advancing towards IUIInrt, where the Turk fare concentrated In force, acd a battle la expected shortly. (Jen. Ueres WellkolT haa gone toTtdUj. fJen. Uelmaun bMonooeoded hlui. It U (bought tha attack oo Eceroom will be delayed until MellkotTa return, which cannot tx bafora tba end of January , Paris, Jaa. . Rasala haa orderad from aa eaublUhBtaai aaraalaxga Baaabar of ioeo aoUya. Ttoa mm asawra wm Mkad l furnish three Iron brldana. dellvnrml nn th Danube In April, but declined on account of me scarcity oi urao. inesamoosubllshment la founding heavy guns forsomo unknown purohsaar. liclgrade, Jan. 1 Ooneral nollmarkovltch has left tbo garrison nt I'lerot hikI Is march Inir to tho dellln of Csstroskybrod. ThevS'orvlan corpj nt Kuroumlja marches to l'rlsohtlnt. Tho Turks In llnanla lntond crossing tho Drlnn IntoServla. Vienna, Jan, 2 It la announced from CoiiMtantltioplti lluU tho peacn party are milking Mrentioua (llttrfi. It Is reported they havo heoti JiIiihiI by Mahinoud Di titouil l'ilui, who liai hitherto lieotv iIk. insluMfy of tho rvnrpity. The muo p.triy hnvo ifincil grmt"d "iiix'ili'r.ib'y, l '.ii -n iMopilacKiind tbo ( tune, aud Uaoomi pridt ttliio Tiiilt-i.v will ciiu-t-nt in itiaku dine' ovt-r'ttrrs to Ilusn, Vjciiiih, Jam .1 A special frnm llunhnrcMt fitiica lluvt h (ihort Hum nuo tho Turks t leinptcit to open ooiilldoiilltil uogotliilloiia with HiimIiii headqunrterH tor nn iiritilstlce Thonttompt wus uiiiuuceaalul, nn the Una. hlatm considered they ought to receive an equivalent lor H'lvautageH which tho I'orto Would dorlvo from being ablo to organic ItM foioos during the armistice Mukbtar Pasha has arrived nt Constantinople, Kulolman I'ARha telegraphs that the army from Ku tnarll arrived atroly ntSlatitga. linker Pa ahn, with sl.x bittallons and tor gtiim, cover ed Its retreat, Hualnlnlng throughout Tues day atlaoka front 30 battalions nf ltusiltua with 10 guns, on whom ho Inflicted heavy loa. Ilakor Pasha lost COO klllod. Ilrussola. Jan. 2. A dispatch from Paris Intimates that Turkey will probably propoao an armlailcu on the basis of tbo bolllgoroutn roUlnlng tho K)slilon they now occupy. Athons, Jan. 3 Intelligence from Creto statrB that two Turkish envoys had a confer onco with tbo Crlntlanohlofa, but being un ablo to Hccopt their projiosals, negotiations full through, DucharoHt, Jan. 8 Severn! Roumanian gonerals havo arrived horo. Tholr proHouce argues a coasatloa tor u tlmo at least of aullvt ojieratlons by Iloumaulau troopi on tho oili er side of tho Danube London, Jan. 3, A Vienna correspondent say, Iho Itusalau govcrumeut appears Id be throwing out feelera pointing loademoll lion of Turkey's Danubo lorlresses ns ono of Iho conditions nf peace. llogot. Jan, 3. Ucnornl Qourko fought a sovoro battln on tho 31st nf December nt TuaheHan. Tho Httsalaus lost 700 men In killed mitt wounded. Tho Turks retreated nt nightfall toward Holla, purauod by caval ry. Afirra halt for reat und rcorgaulsatloti General Uotirko resumed (tho ndvaucu upon So II a. lluuhtirrat, Jan. 1. Pending cnmmtinlca tlous bawteen Her via nud tho UiikhIiiii army of tho Vld Is very Important ns tho lattoroan draw Htipplie.s Irom tho formur when rtqtilr od In rouecquonco of Interruption ofooniiuu nluatlotiB nurois tint Dtnubu, not yet lin.ou over, If thu lluw ot Ire is Intermittent, Com munication Ik curried on in a distillery way by means of flat-bottomed boats transport Inir wagons and snverul hoices or bullocks. Kroroum, Jan.3 ltushlanacoiiiiuuncoti contratlng troops on Iho plain of Km mini. Movements on Dov Itoynnn Ilelghtaaro vial bio finm Turk I tit forllllcatlous, Kotir Itus hIiiii Infantry battalions inn I a regiment nl dragoons occupy tho village of 0in near Iho road to Trebl.ondo. Kvery preparation has been tuado horo for a prolonged alego. London, Jan. 4. From lotlera writton by lady Htrangford, who Is superintending the hoipllnl nt Holla, It would appear that tbo Turks bad determined not to attempt to bold tho place. Tho Turks havo gone away quietly and the town will bo takon without resistance. This coincides with Informa tion from tbo Turkish aide about tnovemonth of tholr forces, All thogarrlaons In sxnoand positions beyond Holla have been gradually withdrawn aud concentrated at Ikktlman, HoooT, Jan, 4. Tho Torks atill occupy the lino of the Kara Lorn river and guard the bridges on the road to Hliumla. Heavy Ice la running In the Danube. St. PKTHRsnutta, Jan. 4. Tbo setnlnfuolal Russian agency aays Iho ronly to the Hrlllsh Inquiry on behalf of tho Porto states (Ual the decisions and sots of the Imperial policy aro still guided by two paramount oonalder tlonsof putting an end tn the constantly re currlng disturbances, and avoiding compli cations by roapoollng tho interests of tho third parties. Assuranoea satisfactory tn the British covernineiit and peoplo were Klveu ooncornlng Koglaud's lutoreats, although ltussla Iben teaervod tho contlugonoy of tnilng compellod by military necessities to obtain poaoe under tbo walls of Constanll uople. It depends on Kngland to avert this oontlngonoy by divesting tbo Porto of any Illusion rospeotlng Uogllsh support. London, Jan. 4 A dispatch from Hyrla says, M. Trlconpeos. Greek mintatorof fur elun alfalra, demanded of tho powers tho ad- muslon or ureeoe to a oongresa preliminary to h conclusion of peaco. It Is said Lord Dttrby has rtoognhtod as Just, Qreeoe's claim to admission, If other secondary slates are admitted. Italy has llkowlsn replied favora bly. Server Pasha, tho Turkish minister of foreign atfalra, has sent a noto to l-oniloti prnK sting against thn participation of Greece. IlUUHAitKtrr, Jan. 4 The army which was tocroKs tihlpka Pass, and oo-operalo with Oen. Gourko in tho movement against Adrl anoplo, gives no ilgu of activity, and while tho proMut weather continues, suoh opera tions wonld be Impossible, The deep snow oiler an almost Insurmountable obstaolo to wagons, aud the KuaMan havo no sledgos. An order has boon issued for a supply of sledgCK, but by the tlmo they are ready the enow will probably have disappeared, aud tho roads bo liupaaNlblo from uiud aud wa ter. It la linprobabletho ttuaslansoau reach Adrlauopln beforo May noit. Constantinople, Jan. 3 Tho Turkish chamber of deputies haa adopted an amend ment to tho address lu reply to the spioeh from IIm throne at thu njieiilug of tho parlia ment relating to the government's military wlluy. The ministers of war, marine and fmeUn sffalrs, ere. Invited to explain. Thu unvocumunt has demanded a void of 6,000, WW Turkish pounds, for tho requirements of thouuuy. St. Petersburg, Jan, 4. A private dispatch i otl veil here announces that only 40,000 Turks irtlred lu itoumtlla, Tho remainder or tho Ottoman tores, numbering 70,000, re maining north of the Balkans, are diatribu io 1 among tho forces of the quadrilateral, Oatnan Pasha will shortly bo conveyed to ilia lown of Itlaoan, whoio he will jiais his captivity. Two men wero killed, and a third proba bly fatally wounded, at Gleiidale 1.1 by, by tho explosion nf adynlmlto uartridge, while preparing a blast. Nt. Petersburg, Jan. 4 Tbo Journal de Ht. Petersburg nays ltussla could not, lu tbo lntcrcMtw of ecf, Itself do other lie than re fin-e all Intervention and make It clearly un derstood that peace mutt bo illseiisae-d bo tw eon the belligerent. Auy Injury by llu ala to thoHufi canal is qulieout ofthoqtUH tloo, and If peaee negoiutlons were oponed now, Itusstan occupation of Contautluoplo would be equally out of the questKin, II there are auy ot her poluiaoiton whlob Jlrklih Inlereau might be rJecUd, they must te ol minor Importance, and a frank, loyal ex planation belweea tba Iluaalan und KnglUh goTernnaenU would lead to understanlog on lha aubjeet wUlUKit UlariapUng o-aoUaiioaa. Snd bnt Trne, Tho other morning an Kost Salcra pnter-fAm-Jliaa arose to mako tho fire Making a firo ia not a hilarious ajnitsotnent when tho thorrnome tcr in aovoral degrees ImjIow tho freezing point, ami no Idntllinga prciwrcd, tho wood out doom, nml tho atovo full of nahca. At least do ho thought na lie slid into hia allppew, nnd out into Iho cold. They woro idiponi indeed. With nn nnnful of wood ho slipped against tho atovo. Tho pipe aiippod down; Ito n'.ippod out eovoral lainiitig words as hi.i wjfo w.vt eHpping out of Ud to como to hi.i rotirf. -Vtth trembling Iiu.lt he p'jwod a c'j.ir upon tho tablo nml liLo tho jroddoM upon tho doino of t!io Court lIctiHo, ho BiirniotiiiUil nil. Hu tried to put t'io pipo in tlio !,olo in tho wall whilo alio twayisl to lit tho other end en tho ctovo. Itoth wctoHlioing; but dcapito ti at they were get ting nloiy mltniral.ly, v lieu Ida favorite dog inpiod tho cat. A bark na.I n scamper that was all just then. They mslio.l over licrHaro feet, whilo alio sighed verj nmlihlynnd sank: on the iloor with thu atovo pipo. Ho from.hla high ijosition, trying to receive tho pipe, forgot hia balance ami went to meet his wife iqion the lloor, amid tho music of yolla, sobs, shrieks, caterwauling, etc. "What a falling off waa thoro." Whilo going to tho hotel for thuir breakfast, nml dumping tho Boot from his ear, ho vowed there would bo neat funeral soon, and sho, whilo trying to rcmovo tho darkening hue from her onco nubum riunluts, woudorcd which siion would sottlo that dog's hash soon est. J'Tliis is true; 'tis true, pity; nml pity 'tin, 'tis truo." ' ' V PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY. Tho Paclfio Thrcaliine Machine ComiaiiV h.ia commenced the foundation for thotr warolibuflo fifty fcot oaat of tlio foundry. frontinir tlm atroot 120 feet; width, CO. Tito framing is nearly all done, Mr. Goo. Tillotaoii liait this. a-s well m tho fotimlrv. in full clinnro. nnd hv looking at tho foundry wd know him to bo n " iiuiiuur. nuxs io una initiiiiiig, ou tl... ill !.- t t .. ... t ....', . nm iit;u, iu iaj n wurKsnop ou ny uu lecu Ctltivletri Aril now lllt-irtlii, (tin ffii.t f.. Mia dm..... nnd thu machinery lu tlua will Iw run by wntor! iiva niuiiimy uinv coinmcnoo mo worKRtiop for wootlwork, nt tho orison yards, CO by IfiO feel. Mr. John Kick has thw in cliargi1.' Ho will work homo convicta on this. Tlio wood work, fur n part or nil of this tiwiaon, will lw doiio nt tho 1'riHou. Mr. John Kick will o foreman of thu wood shop; (lew. Tillotaoii, fore man of iron work. 1). K (Iroino has cluvrgo of jiaiiiting, a'unon.i List year. Onlcninro.com lug in now for inaohluca, nml tho Company lumi fenra that they will not bo nblo to supply tho duiiuuul. OD1TUAHY. Tlio subject of tho following notice waa lni in Augusta county, Va., on tho lOtli day of OctoW, 180!). Her maiden namu was Voir Iloiinton. Sho waa marriod in Monroo county, Va., U) David Now some her iwrcavud liusband -en tho I2tli day of July, 1827. Sho wis tho mother of twelve children, fivo of whom havo gone before hor to tho unseen world. Her din caso was grief and organic disease of tho' brain anil nervous system. Sho waa sick foraoven month, lieing delirious for four weeks preced ing hur death, which occurred on tho 20th day of Docomhor, 1877, at 7 o'clock, a. Mi, at hor homo on North Howell Prairio, in Marion ooun ,tv, Oregon. 8ho had Wn a inembor of tho M. h. Cliurch for upwards of CI years. Hhe was ovor foremost in all works of charity. Hho waa huriod nt the Methodist camp ground como tory in North Howell Prairio ou tho 30th tilt, nttendod by many of hor kindred and friends. Jan. 1, 1878; Com. From tha Tellurium Mines. Mr. I. N. Muncy, who has boon spending a few days in this city, rocolvod a lottcr yester day from a person working in tho nbovo naraod mines, out in Southorn Oregon, to thu effoot that tho company woro working a forco of mon night ami day iu tho tunnel which ia now in something over 200 foot. They rejwrt having struck a very rioh vein of gold, silver nud cop !orj this veiu is said to bo thu ricluvtt ever struck in that mlno. Tlio veiu tliatwaadiacov eroil a few dnys ago and nt thu timo thought to bo silver, has since proven to lj platiun. Tho comjwuiy are working at present nlwtit Ifl iua, ami all tuiuinr oiHiratious liavu Im-cii ausiiuudoil until Spring with the exception of tunning tlio tunnel. Tn Rastda In Portland. Mr. O. W. Carey, who is well and favorably known in this city, as tho trawling agent for thu Centennial life Insurance C-omp-iuy, took hia ilojiartura this morning with his family for Portland, whore ho intends to hvnto tu hU fu ture homo. Wo liavo known Mr. Carey for a consiilerablo length of time, and must say that ho is a jsirfoct guiitlonuin in hia manners and dealings, and wo regret that Hidem Hhntild lose such a roHidoiit aa Mr. Carey. (Inirgo, wo wish you success in your new liuld of (almr, and should you tiro of tho busy metropolis, and need reoroatiou nnd net, H-vloni will let ovor ready to givu you a hearty welcome within her gat w. Ot'iitur Srlootud, Tho (Vimmittnu of Arrangomoutii for tho colouration of tho 10th annivoniary of Ollvo Lislgu I, O. O. J1'., have oxtcuilcd to Hon. Ku. furt Mnllory an invitation U orate on tluit occa sion, ami wo undurstand that Mr. M. hba an. ouptcd. Mr. Mallory is a l';io orator, ami tho inuinlHirs of Olivo ImI;u nmy well coiigiittuLUo thoniMilwa on their succtwa in ucuriiig sucli iui ablo iqioivlier. Arranguiucnta ;um nearly ull C4)iniloUsl, and wo fool confident t li.U Olivo lxlgu will liavu n jolly timo on tho uvcuiug of tho 14th inat. Out SlMtiu;;. Yitord.iy about half of Uio iillo jwiptiLitloa of (rtircity were out on tho slough jtmt above town having a lively titnu skatiug, but nVng U i wards uvuiiiug thu ico Ui-(;au t- got wll and win coiisidcrod daiigorous. Tho chilling atmoj. plmrn Lut night uauuul thu ice to Imcouiu firm aguiu, oiitl thu Ui)ti are huppy onoo luoru, Turiir-d Luose, Tho individual who Ivara thu euphonious ti tlo of Tom Gorman, and who waa incarcaatal a fuw dhys ao (or whipping hii wife, waa turned Ioimo ytstcnlay trvui jaiL (knuan U rwprxnt-jotorl im being a hknKwurkiug ioi.ii. Hu wiK prvliaLly bvlutvu hbusiif lvw, PortUad Uam two auiauux uitaatrtd ooa : fl n , i-' tfwiB)fr. ft tMiMm&saSBESiL