fU , j a filliitttdfcc riirnur. ISSUED EVKIIT TKIOAY, )ir OLA. iritis .Sc OKAIG, runuaiiEM nd iwirninTOM. H.A.CI.A1CKU. II. TV.OUAIM. Term of Mtlincrllitlon. One copy, omi year (M numbers). ...... One co.y. lx lonnthf (S'l numbers) ... Ohm rnur. Ihri-n month M3 niimlwral . 1.25 , .1 "sA'liUM.'l'UfOAY, JAN. II, lb7B. THE LATE Dlt. WM. KEIL. AOMIU, Ogn., Jan. lt, 1678. In compHauoo with your request I hereby rood yon a very brief Bketch of tho lifo of tho Ute lr. Wui. Keil, with tho particulars of his laffi illncHsi Dr. Win. Keil tho loader of tho colony at Aurora, Oregon, and at I5ethol, Ma, was born at Bleichcrodes in tho kingdom of Truss!, on tho Cth day fo March, A. D., 1812, was married l Errford. in rrussia. tho latter part of Febru ary, 1830, imlgratcd to the United Htatcs of America, in tho Spring of 1830, and landed at i. -Ittf n Knw York, alwut tho mkldlo of April, of tho same year, whero ho residwl until tho year 1838, when ho removed to littaburg, Ta., whero ho first advocated communism, and being a natural and good orator ho advocated tho said communistic principlo very ably Iwth in private and at jwblio meetingu, until ho hml quite a numlcr of bclioveru who adhered to him ami his cuuhc. Many of his iwlhertntii wero rwddcntH of 1'ltUburg and vicinity, whitot tho rost wero distributed in tho several Btatco of Ohio, Iowa, Illinois and Misnouri. After ex periencing a great deal of inconvculcnoo in vis iting his his adherent in tho several HtaUn, ho camo to tho conclusion to found a colony on tho oommunistka principle tliat is, holding prop rrty ami everything thereto, In common. And in tbo year 1M4 ho nnd his wlhcrcnU bought & traetoflandin Hholby county, Ma, and laid out and built up a town which they named ii ii.i ,.i,i,ra l,i. rmimlfd and thoroughly or- JX.WU1( . . , . tihfl ti....tm ?! airiwl a colony orosisuiiK o n.u j - -Io continued to live as president and lemler of sakl colony in Mo., until tho Hpnng of tlio year 185, when on May !Mth, ho starteji w crow tbo ii'ali f, with a train consisting of 85 souls. llo inU'i dod to locate his colony on tho Willa rn river, in PaclUo county, W. T., whero sjmo of his a.lM.rents luwl preceilwl him, and where ho arriv. d on tho first day of November, IBM, Imt forarious reasouii ho abandonod tho iUea of loci ng there, and only stopjcd Uiero wiUi a rart of his colony until February, lwta ho removed to tho then small city of Portland, in Oregon, where ho arriviHl on tho M .Uy of Mareli? 1 WO. After Mas In 1'orthind a short time ho learned that Ir. White antl Hmith had small saw and grist mill on I'uiWing nver, the ijiwo where Aurora U now situated, which they offered to soil, 1 ho went in tho summer of ISM and bought U.osaUl UI, towlbcr with a section of laud. Ho, with ( his adhercnU, nill in l'ortland iiutil March, 1867, when ho removod to tlo said mills, whero he arrivod on thu 'JOth day of March, 1M7, anil founded tho town t Aurora, (uamol after uno of his daughters) In Marion county. Oregon, whero ho (StabKshwl what ho thou thought a tcmiwrary homo for his colony. After a torn iionlry homo was established at Aurora thero wero addition from time to timo from his peo ple in Mo., wl bfgart to pcmunenUy imurwvo ikt placo uiivil ho wiUiUioWanco abandomxl tho doa of removing o a place lietUir odapUd for a eolouy. Ho oontinuiJ to live at Aurora M rresidcut and Wader ol Uio colony to Uio day of his death, which occurred on tho 30Ui rr'n i- mi7. His lastillnewi wauin- (lammalion of tlw Hto.iu.-h and valvular discaw of tlw liart, tlto latter of which wna Uio iinmo diato oawm of Iuh sudden tWatli. t. 1'iiiully Quarrels. Thoy had lxn marriwl nbout two yearn, and tho otlior evening thoy wero sitting at tho hiijv j)or taldo. Ho wart readiug tlw Daily Itiuoiui while sho was llnishing hor cup of Uvu Finally ho dropped tlw ivx and soldi "Tho o hhunu are licking Uiom are Tut ka again." "I do wwli you would learn to properly pronounoo Ukmo gnphlcal name," slio roiavko.1 K-t-tWily. llo guvo a HnliT of royal discontent, oixlMidi "rVmio Hplo havo mow Uwniing Vuui sense." "And nomo otlior pi-o)le," nho roMnoil, "nuver open their mouths without .i;i, J, ,!., thilr kninnuim" "I've MWH folWM who made ereat itruteiuiloim to learning who couldn't earn their own living, naiil lie, wiUi 1.1. fv. uii)ii.lvpntinHl. "You havo probably mx-u other iH)plo wlnrto Idcvai never ivw aboo - rn .,,,,! i,i n-MiMmded. Icily. "Umfuuud yi, MaiUmul" ho yelhvl; "whero wottW your old iKUikrupt of n father Un-n, if 1 liadntin donHidforhimV "Ho would liavo moved n IwtU-r hocicly tlian your ulateni, if my family l. 1,,'t lulnl.llll-Oil llll'lll IlltO tlui U-St HkMH'ty. V.,nr ffiinilv aru a ivwk of U'.i a H," liu howled, throwing down tho tiporand Hu-t tiir tlio tnb'.o. "Ami youniaro-iio-ocucr u bwIIi." hIih atiBuuivd lwtwwn rolo. nuil ulu :..,. i... I.. i ui-nl nL Mm iui uho left tho ivoii, tnci-thur o!othiiij, preparatory to t.ikin; thu iirudlcaVti a Ivico to "nsa imd go unto my f.v humo-wi awU -noaiko .noboJ'.i bciuuwj. TniiU i I mult o to IIlmiMF Ono UytMwooV a portly iudividii.1 who liana groat divil of tr.wtv'iiii; to do, mid r.t ino (iimiu-Liarei-ldcnt of tali plactf, nrrivod hero tho p'.atlorui lu tviiWn ha forgot thr.t Uw l4 of notion would inuvitauy carry uim rvl.ui Ult!l t.lO train, nolwiUititamtinj; nw-.-y n undi nvinltiiib. anl tlutt whoit liw foot Jo lohod tho wild jv'alfoniv tho old phi.oxiphitt 1 pioKcm of "an irrouataWo Kxly oouiiuu in contact with an tiiuuov.iK'u Uly," would to prailioolly illustrated U'fow aUro and re kiutttuhta Midicnco. ThUit forful, fl a i..uiriv "How tiro w. out loiiv no tiant.M dm fit iiif n tie p'atfonn wul Ihcn tudJcnly laid i down u on IU louaoli, rml s.ul .i.oiik to tho dcHiruf Iho deivt 111 o a fnvhly c.vijht Kthnon on a riu-r lnV. '11 on ln fruvidN in chiuuis oooct Is. txcUuio.lt "Old foil, aro yiHi hurt! ' iltut," bo i-xclalirol, "almost MHod.' TU rvma'nder tit hi ivpty Is not coiitainivl iu tho IKnM'.OWO. on tho Hiurniii t train. Uio.i nxisMitj tho dc-, will you llnil n community pi interior ., on wiu inn. ., ... i o countrv iitoro-Viviwra. f vrniero, oaiall tralers, pit, hoatlon.pto.ltoi.hoNV tho crowd of admir- in kiideit of tho metroitan doa'er inv; fii-ulJ who ucro iwemb'.od tHoro liiitv;t.- , they aro hi Oa-n. This la tho natural iv- itv r'o without pnyiuj tliou'ihtwtatlontiini r,u.tof tho po'isy pursued by Uioinetroprfitaua. to tbo fact that tho trviti woietiH in prctly lV.ifornia.i every whore aro proud of anlna- loimi ! ' eMC). j.l0 i(WJnrian hi proud of ht. untu; tho nml I umtlon. ' Hw I '-': -w c in7, iL ,., ..vu 1 of i.to Chic wi tho Ktu- MEN OF BUSINESS. Bnainoa Schools. nr mh. Wlio rulco tho world ? Who commando llo ndmiriug gam of nations? Who Icndii to thu pon-cro j.1 war? Who Imildj our r&llroaib, bmlgcii, cana'.ii, telegraph), and our floating palaocn? Men of liwj'uicsa. Duaincea rulea tlio earth. IJuaiuuKi Li labor, lJasinaw Li an ftJaplation of mcann to endu. TJusinuai io Lnowluljjc, r.'id Lnowlwlgo is iowor. Utnco the inJIuouco of husintta men. Tho ootninorciftJ, agricultural, mercantile, lit erary, Micnlific, and othor great branched of bnsinaia, a knowledge of which kocru up tho social, moral, and intellectual activity of our race No man can succeed in lifo unlaw ho has that kind of intellectual training which will cnablo him to adapt given causes to tho pro duciion of given results or effect Why do men fail in law, in medicine, in di vinity, in agriculture, in horticulture, or any other department? Hocauso they havo not the brains to learn "tho ways and tho means" of business. Hralns, then, aro at tho bottom of success. Hut brain, liko rich noil, must, to produce well, bo highly cultivated. Hence tho need of ''businoeH schools." JIavo wo these? Only in part. Our commercial schools oro a success, and mi honor to tho mercantile world. Hut havo wo Hchoolu in other departments of equal hucccsh? AL-m I wo must put in a pica of demurrer. Why arc not our agricultural college na sue oosaftil in mailing their students uticccwful busiucM men in farming! How is it that out of every hundred student of our agricultural schools or colleges, only from" twelve to fiftocn over follow agriculturo aa a business for lifo ? Why, after tho studentH havo graduated, do thoy not go on fannH and follow farming as a business T Why, with tho splendid cducatiou(t) roooivuil, do they not set an oxamiJo of scicn tifio farming! Tlioo aro docp questions, iukI to answer them, wo must go docp ikrwn into tho laws of biology. Tho raco has rison gradually from nomadio savages up through all tho graded of barbarism, semi-barbarism, and civilisation. Tlio barbari. an, and even tho scnii.barbarian, lias inherited a profound disgust for manual labor. Heucc, in thu most civilized communities, this samo inherited dislike for work provalU to a groat extent. Men won't work. Thoy will cheat, swindlo, lio and steal, rather than work. Hut somebody must work, or tho necessaries of lifo will not to produced. In ages gono by, women and slaves did tho drudgery of tho "world. Now educated (!) jwoplo strlvo to throw tho drudgery on illiterate persons. Tho laws of evolution show us plainly that wo cannot shako oir, at onoo, our inherited hatred or disliko of work, Hence, tlien, when a boy in what wo call well educated, ho says: "I won't go out on a farm to dig in thu dirt and bo a drudge. I am educated; I can do Iwtter; I'll follow an easy, wmteol lmslncss, for a living." Don't you wool "I wou't work 1" That's what' tho matter with inoro than Hannah. Tltcn to succood in making loy and girls liko busimws, work, UW, we must commence o soon as they can walk, by attracting, and in .ii.oiim h..m in lovii work, not hate it. I hen and not till tlien, will wo succeed. A now loaf uuwt lw tunicd over in inaklni boy" J1,?1' K,r'? fond of work, of labor, of buslnciu. Wo MUU ami ho can mako work nttructivo to them. I .-Am Uuitn tliat manual labor is a means to ac oomplUli an end -tho thinij ilcmnxl, as money, boot, liats, booU, etc. Oivo a child half ho cania, Mill work liocotncu Joyoua lurn him bow to lay out money, and lie khui loarna lww to trado mako him interested, and work io a plwvnjro. When lalior liooomwi a idc.-vmro to your hoik or daughters, you havo cstnlilUliitl in tin-in a habit, firmly gruuw'M J t,R'ir llatur. wn in afUsr lifo niakeo Uiem tuvful incmbora of iw ciety good i-ttins. .. .".i .... . ..:.!. .. ul.. t Irani rim, iiien, it nww wmi imhuw . . -their children early, in tho right iathj and, wondly, our ochoold finish or carry farther, tto good utart. Hence, when they enter tho anna Jif manhood, and womanhood, they kmr.v how to mako a living how to do biwimtw suociiu- Now ta nticcew tlio end in view! If o, tho right means must lw um to insuro tho right ends. To know Iww to sucoueil is tho lwmw of Hiicoww. (-'Warly, thero is nothina io Hucwtui. ful as Bucceiw. It U tho buslnwM of lifo to loani to mako a living. Tho mow wo learn of btiei ti,M.i Dm Insitor tiviua wo can make. If, then, a good living in a comprehensive sense is tho end of lifo, how deeply important it id to loom uirly, Uio pnor iiuwuia of makiug n livinj. UuitHVi produce eirecto. NowKraln Ilualnrm. Ono of tho hopeful siua of a now era in tio Imalneiiu of rort.'and ia tho appearance iiitmute ,l'",'t' ' njouii'y In nlwut foity iiui of thli Mate, of .If""!" tw rJvortliwuicut of Mrauu. Holfio, lavU& nxnii'Ort TlijUcnoofthotcailiiijflntuofthorr.- ci.3 Coait, a conso'.id.-vtlon of tho finmi of T. A. & (Ja rM Hodge, Sucll & IX. It Lin wnp'o uet by Mcwm. 110, Davw&CV., will I Ui followod by cHhor of tho leading inorcuitilo ftrau of our sister city, lu no other HUto cf thin union will you find tSo interior prvuj iy to-v.l w they bava Uxm Ijrnoro.l by merchants ' rj. dwv'o.-j in l'ort.'aiid. In no other SUto t,u.,.v, 0f hiu I.onwvlUo; tw llnokoyo ii prstid f ,v..lo. 0.tvlan:l. Ciujiimati, etc., but hc) j our own beautiful ami proih. ho Oro.-oii, iioiiq ujo-ce'.y outliaa ol I o;anii wci any pruo lu that city. Tor ono vro aliall tw Lappy to tw a chants of iwntiuicut, Kisd upon n-.oro liloral Idivw of biulueia on tho port of tho mercantile ojinruiinity of our iriatcr city, hcuco wo refer with jiJo to tho utop in this tlinUou wado by . t i . t . i tl. Wreow llo.to, tavvui a. T ,, , ,,rlUl iu,,,,ri.lrt bli, 1M M()tl() . fc.,i, nn well nii-iulnl, Tli.-llrl ,,r,WMHHwmlHl to t'hsrlrs lUrml, III ;.rlll .tl, k,,Ui;" inwd pr's. It-H "os, .. )Hii ni.Kt" UImI rrliw, Mr, Kisiriinl, i,.y Wuliiiu i'n ' Tlio prociods ol the tMll Wtiro allllllt tOO. wrr.T.AMETTE FARMJBR IN MEMORY O? Tcalprly to tlin Mrmory of tlio Anl Into un'"" PiuinxNTiAiiY, Jan. 1, 1378, How often when an hour of silent thought fallu upon tho roul, ruccmbranca windn tho nilkcn tcndrihi of tho heart and leto a stream of tender memorico ilovt back upon tho paot. In nuoh tnomcuti hov Bwcetly sad wo dwoll ujwn tho hwt words of nomo dear ono whom wo aro destined to meet no mora upon earth. And how liko n weight upon tho npirit when thoro comes ringing Lack through tho fc!i)la of death tho ocho of that ubiwnt voice, which wai ever rcaly to adviso M, and stiivo even with a ming ling of tears to hi(.ld our weaker nature from tho temptations of lifo and lead us out into tho fadeless noon of purity from sin. How well do I remember tho laBt words of tho lato doctor Fiskotome.' I called upon him at his home; it was tlio evening hour; a holy hush seemed hovcring'likoaspiritof light and love around tho scene; softly foil the twilight dew, and sweetly camo the breath of blooming flowcre. But moro softly tender than theso were tho earnest pleadings of my kind friend that I would assert tho inherent right of my own na ture; forsake the wrong, and become a now and tatter man. Did I heed his kind fatherly advico! Not Shall I forgot it! Never. How gently soft tho failing light .Steals from the rosy west away, As weaves tho sunset veil of night Upon tho huih of closing day. How lovely hang tlio tinseled waves That tingo with gold, tho ethereal deep, As lowly dipj tho sun to lave Whero twilight "winds, their rcveui keep. How sweetly cornel tho tender Blgh, From wavering Iwugh and weeping roeo Aa jkvu tho voico of evening by, To usher in tho tkop repose. How softly sad tho parting ray, That through tho natlron curtains gleam. As fades tlw "stealing step of day," To pass entirely from tho scone. How Itoantcons then, tho cloudlo&a night, When calm tho starlit heavens glow, To wntch tho wondering worlds of bght Mid silence, shadows, and repoec; And float on memory's pinions o'er Tito silent ea of iiensivo thought; To word tho fado I farewells o'or, Or weep to fuel the answer not. But sweeter far, and brighter too, Than fairest woof of nature's art, There falls a dream, liko gcntlo dow, Un Uio tendrils of Uio heart; And In tho uoou of momory's sky IU impress tenderly is laid, Too sweetly sail to over die, Or even down Uio xenith fade. Tis of Uio loved that camo no moro. b'omo genUo friend, estranged or dead, Whoso tender bloom of lifo is o'er, And down tho vale of death has fled. Away and lol we've but to mourn As ono liy ono they thus depart, So rudely from our bosom torn, So sadly taken from our heart Ono with Uio bloom of spring was hero, But faded with Uio (lowers along; M ly onty tribute, memory's tear, I otfer with this Btmt!o sonc. To virtue's pure and noblo hight Ho sought to win my wayward will, And contly woo mo from a lifo Bo fraught wiUi tears and wcoful ilia. Hut ho lias gono I along tho shoro His gentle, loving spirit lkvlsi Tho wocpinj; farowella all aro o'er Ho idumtcrH Hwcetly wiUi tbo dead. My retrotipoctivo ghmcc but ncctna Tho painful echo of asigli, Moro sofUy sal than vanishoil drraa, Or drop iu memory'B tearful eye, A Lint adieu, Uiou noblo dead, No ills can touch thoo rudely uowj Though wail tho wiudH alwvo thy licad, They'll lcab wo chill upon Uiy brow. Swwtly, deeply, slumber on, Thy loi wo mourn, but cannot toll How dear Uiou art, rinoo thou art gono Kriciid ol Uio ornnjj, tare Uioo woiu Mattiiitw. OltKGON AND KANSAS. A jicrsofi who rcaudoil tomporarily in Oregon a year or two ago, eayu Uio Orosonian, but U now In Kanaaa, haa published in ono of Uio lporu of that SUto a warning to people who may think of coming to Oregon, llo says ho has Boon six dollam an aero rent juid in this State, and only wven buahola of wheat to tho aoro liarvcted; out ovon ho appcora to Uiink this a result of jioor fanning, for lw nays if a man nmlonitandti juitting iu wheat properly, ho may got twenty-Gvo lnyiho'oj to U.o aero, llo add.1 Uicoj utatoaientsi "Tldj vboat tho farmer uttwt roll at an avcraso prico of naven. ty-fivo ivntJ pc" buB-,11- wWo! K,vou ,li,n SI3 7ft. Toting bia rent from thw, Iw haa 81" W left, and SI W for necJ, anil l:o naa 811 1L Thon itcouta for heading thrcohinj;. and rackiiii ready for market, thirty.llvo cents per UiAhol at tho lov.x-st figured, which would uvivo hiui SI 51) per aero for lib p'owing, ihjw ins', (litehhi,-;, and all blj work." With this B.'iowin'? thoro ia n word of caution against leaving' no xil a country aa Kansai for a hoaiu on tlw rocido coast, from which many, ho aaj-j, would i;l;ully return if Uiey only tvi wcaud to do ro. Wo aM iaforir.od Uiat tho writor of thu let ter ia ono It. W. Harris, who now livoi in Linn comity, Kanuao. In 187ft ho borrowo 1 most of tho nionoy noccusary to inovj iiur.;t;.i aim win; tu Oregon. Kcc a year ho roildo.l it Urooka' t-'tation, Mivrion comity, in thu .State. Ilia trado ia Uacksmithin;;. In that civj year ho nx,i.l cnwijli from hii work to rojuy tho kan aal convey himpof and wifo bock to Kausi", anl liavo nhrmlooaio cum left. It bai not ooeurro I to Urn that a country which ollcra wlvantajca liko thio may lvi a uvy good ono, rathor tha:t tho bad country ho wouid rcp r.nvot it. . . n Thero Li not a farmer inOw,oa, oxcevt in dUtCJitloeolitKxiOQtof reaohof transportation, wlhi ia not tnakiu-j dkmv) money than tho firmer in Kau, anil dom.j ttwithbtu lalor. Wheat, -, inut imd suro eroo. violda a profit which can bo ilerlvwl from no crop in Kanavs I.trgo woahli UofUin actpntvU hero in nueingwrxxii akmo. Nor lia- tho Brasdhopper pjoo ever cor.oxl a fondue in Oroson. Iido.Jii.-,-OholdfjitiM rppeiwl at JilUih uud Mecca. Let tUo Peoplo Bejoicc. For Uio bountiful harvest of 1877 lia now plaoe.l In tho hantlR o tbo people Iho golden com, that llioy may fleo to W.P.John,oi. & Co. and tecum audi I!o'.urca oh will plsu e U.em nnd their Mend. nd to n b . In Io L'eneratl'UiH Io come. UHiiiHiiDsr uiu p piau , over Wink' Hoi.WMoro.Smio at., Slt-ni. Or. wnnrmmtKrvmrtcam.- SALEM FOUHDEY, & Machine Shop, SALXU. OltEGON B. F. DRA2LE, Prop'r. .tTEAlt KNOLNE8. SAW S111XS, OIUST MILT A 3 Itoapcis, lump, nd al kind and style ol Ms aluoy mads to order. Micblnery repaired tl . thoit notice Pattern-tnaUlnR done In U its vsrlons forra. nhort notice. A. mAnnfjctoror HfTlJ2JS5iili5 PLANKK an MATC11BK. and BTICKKita i sna SlIArmiH twu W.WKATHBarOBD. t, w. wAmuaw. Weatherford & Co.. WTioltMle sod RsUU Dealers In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS. Patent Modicijios, CHEMIC ALS, IP O T X TJL XZ2L O 27 y TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. MedloinoB Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., I'cttf CommorcUl street. NAIiKHT. 1IUAVBU GLEN A LL INTKNDINa TO PLANT THIS 8BA80M il. shosld eU at lhl Nnrjrry, shoald tU at lhl Nnrtrry, snd lh Agent's commtwlou. Gr. "W. aaCXJTJy, noTpd BUI iiLijiii i, ur FIEROE'S PATENT MAnNKTin, BLAftTIG fltllM . Thla pr.At lnfn tlon U belnc sdo:tcd by tbo lead lag rhytlcUns and Hnipeoin sll over tks lnd. OT Wo wonld i;alnft certain rrendaient snd undkl.! ImllatliMia kth PM Vfviwiivr iuiiisuvu? nUavu ..- - new In the market Ikwaro or lhm. Bnd for 11 Indraiwl llook and PriM Llt. MAUNR11U Bt.B T10 TltUrtH CO.. C09 UacttuuioU) aUeet. up stair. . I Ami-A oun r nutM-cu. m-v- T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, Xlxivr:KaxiolaBtfli rMlton's Block, BUto (trMt, Salem, Otejon. IJAllTICULAU ATTKNTIHN tllVK.N IU run . DCrllillnna, and allunier bymalloruxprvM flUcd prompt y and arcnraieiy. I1i tlclans and Cminlry Dealers will avs nonev by examliil'itf our rlo k, or procuiioKourprlcvr, b fore pimhialnj; clmwberu. iio6-tf. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, Copt. J, XV. CUCIIIIAN. Irlle dflrou of iiiRaclnj; frtUht or paa'apo, Hill apply io W. J. IIKU1IKN. Arcnt. nor33 l'arroer" Wharf. h.LKM. 8. II. CLAUGHTON, NOTAIIV IMIIIIilC. llrnl IMalu Areiit, nnd C.illeeCor ol" t'lutui".. lll pronilly nt tend Io ail I'lU-nrK cntriutcd lo Ida circ. MKINC- L'O.NVRYaNOKS A M'flJIAI.IY. tinico ut Un Post Oftlcf , ijoVaiuion. Oy. RAILROAD LANDS. Liberal Toi-iun! LOIT PUICItM LOSfiTPMIl I.OIV I.N'l'ItltKST Tno (IrCRnn and (iuUfnrnln nml Oregon Central l!;illro;ul l'unip:uiles OFKRltthalrrjindfpr isioupon ihn full iwlnc libs f. H-rni': tine tenth of Hid rlrc In rrt-li; luterrrt or. ihe IUiicaat thu i'u i-f n-vcn per relit. inu ni iflurMle; n-l racn folluMini: ytr i in-irnlh nf lln iirlitclpxl "lid ltiU-rot uii llm Iwihnrc nt llui ralu ul 4ven i-r cent per aniui II 'III principal and Intir Uijalilo In II l-urnnry. A 0 r i t l I i iHr r i.t urill n alln vil f ir cith rf hettrra to lie addrvl ! I' MJIIUI 7.H, Lau Vl-tiiI I' .v li. it. M . I'liiiunn. iin iriiu. Fiofxl Sottlotaent. NOTICi: U her.-hrj;lon that Mirr J. UVfton, nd-iiitittii--rf ih'i -ian i-f UjviI Wton. do cen.nl hn Illicitly iVitl 111 t C lly Ctmrl nf lliu nttf -f Orvi'iiiiliiribxc -milt of Mnihii lur HiiiIno .' il-il In 'Aid tinle, hiii) mM 'Pint ln lnl t. il Muml.rlu vriulii' -f Uniiiry, lfiTf.nl 1 1 iM. cW t ki . f-rtlie hearhu f id Ju--llun ilu-rvln; ili-nTuio l pL-r.nn- Hlen-.lid In mid irUlw rv r ilr i In piiiMrmiil' dil'- t Uio rmirt In tin In bil in, In iitdd'i l), iV'UNIld lliein In iiiakenlj Cllli lu lliu a 1jilciii, raUla couii. If sn ''i' "r. M ijjv .1 WhSTON'; 4u I Atlmliil."lr'x of rn-nt .if Davlil W-. .p. NolIco. APKTITIOM hiilnu' Ufli llN-d In llm eo-irtv cti't ul lliiiMatMuf Or.'iiii li-r llm t'.'iii 1 , f Mm In., it. ill npiii iilin-'-l "f K B (Irii-t r a ii.rUUn nf hi riU' "I 1'iatil. S iii-i- it n u. nli'iii n.li ur. Mini at nil y. D-'f mlier 13 If-Ti. t III u'c i k in ibq fur, ii ii, h im liwi BiHiiiiiii fur li ailiij lh- mi', nun-, i u nf.in-, H iK.'iiu liiteictil aro h-ubjr ri njlml in 'i'i-r In -"III lOuil. il ilii.C4arl-liiii.oii a ili hi In id uuuly, m,.iul tliii-itn-n biiI lluio in i i.M'Owhi 4lil K f Un-olrn aliuuld iiot Ui 1 J'MIN'C. PKFDirS, iwt33 Unoly JoiUo, JtixecutrIx, Notice. fllllR amtwiisntil U lm.'bsiti i'il't nun)ln's1 tx L w-nulxnfihi.U.t Mid mid toUui.iii nf JnK McCilbin, Uiuof MaHnn e 'uuly, ilfctanril, tLrnfuro all tirliahaiiijcUliuiatii,i ta-d tlccd iii'v; lli will ifo nil tun pn'i-tiljr vended, tu lh-uii-Jot'iiw, at lurmlii, ncv, tn Ninth lllclu, Mrllhln -im mli (r m lh!n du 41 il all pt-rtuua Imiebttd Inril I itlate Will ili-o rn.li) luimvdlalc pijiacul lu thnii4lrrl);nd atlliefauii- pUoi. Dilikl a; itltai, Kano 1 .v.nmr. On-mn. Nm. JJtb, inn, . u.miuii4 4ii.uuuin, mr234 Kxecuutz, ARCUt. for the Willamette Variure. .,,, E Hnnnsn Albany... ...iii.siuit.nm Vav;;i.'.v.::v.::-:.::"::::-.-.'.::::5- Klg nulll'c IW Uw-I. Wet Cslijonvllle yJ l.f W I oqiilllu I Ity Coro'sVullc-y V,1! ,J J" Crn".l.idsvllle Jj ?"'"! Cove xf Itelidnll CoiMilllK hM-"!nrd rwwvll Hiihii i;i.M tomiiCntl: ......oUIIriiiiiiii'U-y lialla JUJ.te. 1) M (.iillitlu prxler s llK''aker D,nii'- K i iv, fun .t Dulii Dhlimi'Ciu V.'Ai lr,','c" liajlon L J,V.T,wn3' ElUloi ;'tV 1M1,Alnw i-nu, c ..Jobn McClunc Pox Valley A I) Gardner- KoreitUrivc 8 Uthe. V L Cuttls Oofhen Ji1iB,d,'?ker fjpt-rali HH Oalncs iuiw.....!...!...... tj nuek IlarrlabuiK Illram Smith Hllleboro A.I'l,tellllK Hcpncr Morrow & Hepcn Independence ..'VA,,,'LIi Jgm Junction Bmlth. Brameld A Co., WLLtraoa Jackronvtlls l'eterroa Klnu Valley UoniierACreMio Jcfferaou John W Holan. LewlrvlUe U O McTlmaoDds- Lafajette ur i-iippiriou. a ornry Lebanon BUCUmMob Monroe Jo Kelrey. McMiiiiivlllu J B MorrK A Held Munmnuth W Waternone MM flaln, WT ..pavld Hljunp Netdv "in Mnrclaod New r.ra ........J Casto Newell. vlllo 1 V Oaatlcmon North Yatnhlll UCtowrt OnkUml B K llavtnond OweKi) A II BhlpW Utt J 'I Bcbmcdcr Ort-coii City M llacon l'vnilcton .. W A Whitman IVorin ur J II Irvine IMIut Itiick K Gilliam l'nrtlmwl H V I.i v, Ajjint HlstoOrnnce IMnci-Mllo O M Pillule IVrryiUle .McUrriv's btore Illckrt-al 1'A I'attcrron ItoovbnrK The Smith Bclo V I' Juiut, Thos lntiktn Blhrrton TllllibbarU Hhnld's WJI Tower, UKWhoclct HprlnRdcld A O llnvty Hnbllmlly Jobn Dounlng Sweet Home Uco Marks Sheridan Tanprnt ''H Itorr.ee The Dalle 8 L Ilrooks Tamer W M IltUfsry Vancouver B W Drown WllUmette Pork M Wllklns Wall Walla J V Brewer Waklo JO Klder YodcaIU .1 It KUI.on, HH ApplepaU- J. W. GILBERT Hides, Furs. & Pelts,. w2l Commercial st.( SALKM. iy FIRST PREM1UMI For Visiting Cards I 30 Cads with any namo neatly printed thereon jont to anr addrcta unon rectlnt of US Osu. mki wui pinuiii. Auurrrp, W. J. CuinKC. Halem, Oroicon. n.o-.i Nurseries. I liave iho K.nri?cNt Stock of Fruir TrccH In Oregon! 200,000 rium and Prune Trees, THAT WII.T, AVRItAOF. SIX FKT IN DiaUT and I will sell ibimfiom 10 Io (23 per Hundred. tri rail pcclalaticuiUMi to my AMS11KN JUNE PKACII TlthfeH. i had ' ucbrs -f Ibla vnrletv ripe InlyB. Ib71 and tber are of excellent quality. I havo Almfcvcn uthoi virfellr of IVhiIic.. nml a crlicra) vmUlyor Mlier Kroll Tioe and blinih. Alo. a lvo lot of l'UACII BUKUl.lNUri. at fUO per 1,100. AotKra ron mv nuikedus. D J UaUrkey, Portland H llcny. McMlnnvllls. K W Whli'pk', feltago urnvtf, V xiMeo.e.Tnrntr, A Jjnes, Kiajtou, L Urah", IUUry, W hhuin.n, Klurnn, W T Mr K A JudLlna. Kinrcno. I. Mlclnel Whiutl.iid. N. I.mulx. hublliully, J Mnirn Mlama, A NMieeler, ULid.l. D W KlledKO, llowel Pr, W II Ilt.V., mit.irlnn n.iiniii.. n . .. r ...... "in uarria iiroonf "in """tiii iianiauurt;, o a iioiii, uakiann, I Mnril A pom. Hclo, A lrvlni.'. Woolen Mill OoM (1 II Idiianii, Jtirervou, llmwravil'o, Juneii A Potter, Halem, Jaiou Itojal Waalnclon Co WmKCrcitirraTvllueafcnttaitoftbu WlPauutta river. 2Z. W. rXETIYMAN, Proprietor of lUllread Nu'nle, OCtiStf KAST IUltTLAltU, Oft. OrUSGOKT 33HiUNrOZI fjonw Sjhitnttl F I K E X3XTTJr:Luek.3TC3 E5 COMPANY. Capital. $300,000.00 Assets, - - $568 647.45 Income, 1875, - $465,904 29 Lobbos paid out oinco organisa tion, - - 61,I37,'3G7.60 HAMILTON BOYD. M N.OElt. nu3tf 72 I'Ir.t M.. lOHTf.AM. JOHN PJ3INTO, Earrum or MERINO SHEEP, fllMCKS i'i'a'iirc Ini'ffcrlns tnlta- Wiml rirowerret 1 iirt-unii and llm dj'.ihliu ten Hurl the cliUIKO liM-urcli.il.- TIIUIIOI tllllllli:i) MHIINDS, nnd mrltK pirtli- lilurifii-n 11 at ilici mm, uiu) will en ilcmi.r in. tll Mm p uf tho mini' niialtn aiul aluoat MUCH UIKAl'KIt K.MhS linn rncli can pn.,thly boluipnriiil, I x.iii.ImhIIiiii and cuinpariri n ullh ulu irS i'-p uilcrcU lu the u.arkct ari-cuniMly Inillid. Addn-.a JOII.N V.INl, all in, Huron. N. II The Itaaa ard Ram Ussibv cl tho fl'-ck caa hofi-eucn iteo INLAND FA KM. cdJninlEs rier. 'llo Kwmctii Im r.-cn a. Hie i-rnu place, or at tto HIM. r'AHM fun; snd a hall nillcaruoUi of thocily. Mileri, SviHenibir IC. InT.V REAL ESTATE LOAKB. OKKCOX ASU WASHINGTON Trost Investment Company OP SCOTLIND. TIIT3 Ootnriany l rr-pred ram In.ui .V0 la ti.UiO 1 Vll CITV rhOFBKTV ard trod to negotiate Iviih In jt-carm over 1 tfi'iiO d Fnu I&NDS. hi anil nrlo!i yais,orrtoyat)le by cair joulr to tullrinata. For tcrsis. apply to WILLIAM KEID, Manager. novlH Firat btrwt Portland. i j