v . ' fn i ,M a $2.50 per Tear. X SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 11, 1878. Volnnie IX. Number 4&V NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Sorao of our subscribers nro ono or more years in arrears, and wo ask such to respond at nn early day. Any sub flcrlber can tell how much Is duo us by reading tho dulo on tho tag. Money can bo remitted us by mail, through aaonoy order or registered letter, or eont by express, or can bo paid to nny of our agents. BY TELEGRAPH. v V " . y. Jamaica, Deo. Z7. A numDerorAnwran cltlzenslrani Rdilmprawho have taken ford bin possoMdonor MrtWWt'Ke vs. h dopeudnny of Jamaica, and liavo established the Hiltl more Guano Co , and havo been shipping mianodesplto warnings or the U. S.oounsul hero and tbo government or Jamaica, havo Lteu driven oft" tbo Keya by II. M hfeamer JManobe and brought lo ICIngaton. A Captain Jennet claims In liavo discovered the Kovb nrt to have taken possession of Uihiii In I lit) name or tho United States, mid protoMa against the oonduot of tho Jamaica author!- Hoston.Jan. 5. Cnv. Conner olTdrs facts that Ihore has been but ono conviction In Malno Tor mnrder aluce Ibe abiUtlou or Hih death pnnaltv, In refutation of tlm argument that a carnival of orlmu would follow such abolition. , , Springfield, MBn.,Jan (I -Samuel Il.iwln liad a recurronco or Horlous otnisloii hi llio banoortho brain Saturday night, aud now lies In a very prostra'o rendition. Omaha, Jan. O.-Oon. John O'Neill, who en u I roil national famii as a leader of tho Fonlan raid n Canada In 1HU5, It lylnKat the point of doalh at tbo Merop loipltal, having received a paralytic atrnkH nlnut threw monlkrago. Ho wsa the founder of the ourlahlng oolonv ofO'NoUl Oily and other colonies of Irish people In N.mranka, whom ha Induced to onilgrato hum from iho largo eastern cities. ... , , ...... The reoently appointed assistant district at- torney of Now York olty passed through Omaha this morning on roulo to San Fran. olacn, whero bo will remain two or threo we"ks. , Judgo 15. r. HWPOl, ri rvesi. ruini..inu.i (ho rocently appointed U. S, laud offlcer at SJOII8X, W. X., lOifc uui iu-u-j .v.. .. Frauoluoo. .... i Lt. Gov. Adams, of Nevada, pwod through Omaha to day on routn Tor Texas. Llout.T. It. Mullen, or tho Unltod Stales Tevenuo marine service, stationed on tho Pa clfln coast, pised through Omaha on route for Washington to arrali iirdrT. Congressman Patterson, of Colorado, pass od ant for Washington thN afternoon. Kow York, Jn.7. Dl'pslciin.s from varl oun points In New Kits Mud show that tlm ' cold Is Intenso lliU inoniliiir, raiurlnv fiotn -51 Iwlnwzarn at Nashua, N. II .42 below ttt Fort Fairlleld, Mulno. Alcnutho Hud-oo thethermomo'er marka nrH dpurctii bo low zpro. Inthla rlty It la 1 1 above roro tind becoming colder. New York, Jan 7 ThnSun'ii WaanliiR. ton apo'al ay: IJ vn'on . who wa oorr s pondentorthoOlnoinnatl Ooiotlo, haa pub. llnhod the admlnlMrBllon hIiIo of tliOMtory BboutlhealleKd barnalolnis hot wen certain fou'.hcrn Dntroorala and Inllmato frlendaol HavfH. Gen. Ilivntnn fqnandy declares Hint southern D-inncratK dellhrilt'lv proponed to betray Tlldeti aud that tholr overturoi were accepted, Waahlnnlon, Jn. 7 -Tf Palterton bo away without iwblntr. an It said he will, on authority oU member orhlt tamlly, and Mharon remalna elHent, tlm I).Miioerai8 will Iiavea mJorlty In the H(nte. ThN ban lven rle to mmoo talk of orvanlr.tntr the enaiebv th" nmocrat, but It comes from thoe mainly who want onlca. St. TouU, Jan. 0 A blooly flht took nlAcea fow dava aroon Ibe ennthhldaof Iletl river, In the pnn-berullo of T.ixn, b"twotn huntmir prll of Oheyennn, I'awneo and Awpshoa Indiana. Tntrty Olievftiuei and t e' v Va- n e ho attd lo havo b'en killed. The oi or the Arapahnea U not Httd TIim rauxtofthe fl'n wm- Ihn trONpasnof tlm Pawnoe on tho huntlu ground ofthoChey. 0DIIO4. Km Fran1rn, Jin. 7 It cotntnnnpd rAlmner nhorilv hroro mllnlK't, onilnulnu until rf'r davllrfht, slni'i wil;li li htH rain, ed luihler at liitcrvHl-, Wind In the wl, Dt4i4ia'e4 Troni hII prtnfilin state reort cenoral mIo lat nluhtHiid thN tnnrnlnv.ex oiMo thee3Cir.ni'nnthern porilon or th Btale, where hiom ln yet falton, though the weather U threntf nlnp. Nvv Yrk..Nn.R Tho report ortherom ITlistlooert ol enildratlon low the Io'hI numlieror attena arrival at thla jvirt lt vnr aRI3l,aiiHtreaHof Ii),I'J)oonipir od with tho pravloua year, The Trlbntib'' Wahlnf'on pell v: Acentaof the T.Xiaod I'A-ltlo It 01 road ahentn have not lfn Id'oil'irluij rHi-, A xecfntenvHa madnbv i"tin X them ill clos?a thPi't. ttir.v fv, tint. IVJ fenrflnla. tlve In lb" Inn and a mJ rltv or 10 In th sonata will votrt for Col. HoMblll In the form In whloh It hv le'i Inlroducrd. Wonhlntrton, Jao. 8 -P.-etldenl Iiavea haa -naBnltelyde'ermlned to mk- thoOhnoe queetlon the aubj ot cr a Hiwil nieaa lo wncrrM. In tin- mesanco he will call Mtpn tlon tothopreapntand pror:tlvn evlla or anllmlted Ohlnae Immlirrmllon la thia conn try and will recommend coot;rfa lotake .uoh aotlon aa In 11" wUdotn It roar deem Moat proper and oflctlye lo restrict and nguteU tbt laauJltratlou-tff Measoliaaa. rOREIQS. London, Jan, 4. The claim of Greece to be repreBeafad In any Kuropean oonrerenue reallv olhta to the aujulsltlnn of Thcwaly and Epirltra, and pohalbly Crete. The Porte will tronitfy urgoon the powora the daneer ofatlowlntftlioquextlon to be brought Tor ward, aa It II calculated to create froah com plication ratal to pace. The Edinburgh Sooteman'a London cor reapoudent undertauda that Lord Derby wilt In'ortrt Prince Gorohakoll that tho Hrltleh government Ih decidedly oppoaed to HihU nuking poaoe wUhnuttho condltlnna being tfMt coinmunlcatod to Englaud aud tno oiner ;reai powere. London, Jan. C A dUralch from Con- alarltlnnplo HtalPH Hint If Ku8la rpapootH ii,(imii(iii, ruruey win awau tue nieeungor the liritiii parliament uoioro mauing uirooi overturea tn Iluaala. CIiIiihk'. Jan 5 Tho Times' London spe cial huh; The Nbwh this morning aaya thnughiH of peace have disappeared and dla ruptlon ofilie cabinet la Imminent. From the tonoofthlsaitluln and other hntaand rttmora It la evident a ortals iu tbe Eugllab Bllua'.inn baa arrived. London, Jan. 5 There la tnlklnromo quarters of a dloliillnn or parlUment In uiinatquenceor a hopolesa division in the oabliiK. Tlieaotbwar agltallon Ihroughout the country la on the Inoreaso but peoma enn lined pretty closely wliliin party lines. Vienna, Jan. 4 A npeoiai irom immssys tho ItuthUna Imvo occupied AllJi. Ifllila Is true, communication with Kizjroum la out on all Hides. K 7.rouni. Jan. II The Uusaltn Inronlry and cavalrp who advancrd to 1'ltdU lode slroy tho tolograph lines, has tiocu (otuliy rnuiiti neraUpapVB'oHiRa:en)0"i. Ht. Pflteborg, Jan. 0 All olllclal tele gram hIiowh thatS'ilU aurroiidArwl nn ihe.t luai., after a fklrmlih Iu which the IlulaUB lost only IX men. Aitiingnttii Irom Gn. Yourgo aunoiinrea ad-sperxie engagement nnenrred January 3d, near Hojfrov. The Turaa aitempU'd to surround 6 oaitMiona or linasiati luMiury and a brlgada of cavalry, bill were defeated, leaving 1.000 deadou the fluid. Tho Huualan losa ws 200 " London, Jan. B, This week'a develop tnenlahave not materially changed Kng land' altitude nn the .HtVarn question. Huwlan Hympathhr.nra and Eonllsfi friends nfiion-lniriveiiilon are genorallv ebcored by KufslaM mlnnled flrmnoss and oourleay In the bi ni'-ollloUl declination orilrlilsh media tion betwenti the belllgerentH without giving luaturnunda for otfdnsn. Hho RUggeHtathat England cun best prnmoto penco and awllch i ho Turks olf from the road to deatrurllou by notifying tho Porte Immediately that Englsnd does not. Intend to make acllvo war In IiIh behair. This Iirh uncrly failed to arnuo the war spirit hero. On the contrary, tho Loudon Times In demanding that tho mini-try shall ceao to havo twotolccaon the EHiern question which uusettlea ttnde anu unanceH, virtually couusoia mum uWn HiinhU'm hint. London, Jan 7, The Ituaslan detaohmcut unuor Win. Uiiuievuie, wnicu supported GHii.Goiirko lo his moveiiiont over tho 11 il- kana, had fit men frozen lo cleat I) In ono tiluhl and b:l0 frost bitten. An olllolal dls patch (.taiea that tho ltusslan losa In cross ing the HOkau, hnwnter, was not to great as It whk tlrothiino'iavl. Tho Turks sutler- od ennrmoiiily and hii Immenso number of tho sick and wounded wor fiuud In their quarturH. On December 3Ut the wholo plulo ofKaulala waa Htrowu with Turkish COr N!8. Tolfigrama recolved In Paris from Cons'an- llnopleHlalo that tlm Porte Iihh aked for an arinlxtltMi through England. Ano'.her Con stuntluodo disputed any Mlulter Lijard has liHnded In tho PoriH Itussla's answer to EuK'and'a nom that Turkey Miuild apply tor it u ajmUtiOH directly to tho Kulan com mander In chief. The transmlsalnn of this reply to Ihn Poiln hsd been delayed poudlug dtillberatlntiH on he English cabinet. A dlNpuKih from Constantinople vUSyrU saH the Kcones In thoTurklsholiamberhitve leen very btoriuy. An unconfirmed report suites that tho grand vizier. Edlulm Pasha, tendered bia rtslguatlon. It la Imllevnl the cbmnbor will ba either prorogued ordli fcolvrd If ltconllouea to a'uck the inlnUtry. London, Jan. d A IJucharestrorrpspond. out h.ivh an ollluer from tho er. iro wioIi'h head quarlera eays (Jen. Iltdltgka hascrosrd the itOilavia throouli siilj.ka Pusf, tho Turks halng abandoned It. St, I'oter burg. Jin. (J It Is rumored Ana trla and Germany late vo'oaltht Ida of np-iitng ihn l)rddU'.lta lo ItoSalan veso'k only. Itu.sla haa consrq-ifiitly dotorir.intd not io rm.o itietiueHih u himII. I.oiwlon, J411. 7 I'Jildei.oa accumulsles tlntt tho war par v In England la losing; what ground l.over lul I, In tact Lord IlmcoiiH IIhIiI NlliMouly meoiberof the govermueui who has favored HritUh luttrvtiillou in the taa'ern oonlllct. Home, J tn. 7. Prof. Il-iccellle, or Umir, ami lit. lirutin, from Turin, Imvo been Mini ironed lor ronulla Ion In regard lo lhe con dlilmi of iho alnjr. The king la In pdrfeot pii.iobtori of ln mental fiuulilm, hiuI la ih Irouaoiink'n IiIh iisutl ptrt lo the din o tlou f ntrdra. Wlieu tho newa of the klngV llieH reached the popo he nJ(iil tlierardl nals who were present with hin, '' What will biippen if tho vatlcuu aud thuquirhul both Ucome yacanl?" Ht. Petersburg, Jin. 8 The Janrnal dd St, Pd'erxhurgHtva th.t Ituatla uOer her I111 menue HJcritb-es dHtiiaoda tho right In dls cua the rowlillona or peace v.i)i hereurmy alooe, ItiiKsIs, however, recogolzeH the right or Europe to make known Its appro ela tion ol the esce condlllona settled between the bell lgrents. It I, uevenheleni, liripor laniiut to idmlt auy pretensions wtilch mlghi mislead the vanquished coii(.-erning their fotliloo and publlo op'oloo oouceru log relation belwats tfaa powers. A Ht. Petersburg dispatch saya tho hopes or an armistice are rapidly disappearing, Tho strictest secrecy la maluUlnod aa to the terms Russia would propose. It Ih said that oven tho commander-in-chief hasn't yot been Instructed ou thla point. A d Ispalch from Pent sayaa. communica tion Irom London advising Turkey to open negotiations with Russia through military commanders has been received here. A Htrnug disposition la evluoed to accept tho udvlco. Constantinople, Jan. 8. An ofllrial dis patch Is published announcing tint nfter two d-iyMHaiiguliiary lighting UaftlHPaslin.cotu maiidiug thnNuvl Uiir.tar dlyltlnn, haare ccouplud Kurouhutujd, The MrvUu loa was considerable. Eyoub PaHli,commanillnK the clvlo guard at Sovl Itixtar aUo deleatel theServlana, pursuing them to the frontier, burning six of their mllttaiy stations and destroy lug their onlronchments. If Uognt, Jan. 8 The Russians havo occu pied SlatltK and Petrloheto. London, Jan. 8. Chaklr Pasha telegraphs to Constantinople that after checking tho Ituaslsu advance with great loss at Petricho to, ho retired to strongly entrenched posi tions at Piobrlne and OiiukHoi, The Post publishes ihn following In ofilclal form: Wo believe the Kofcllsh government with a view or ascertaining Russia's terms, has suggested to the Porte tho doalrabllily,or complying with RualtJa-yr quest lor direct ooinmuuIuatlon belwesaUlpo cummandora of tht forces. VleniM, Jan. 8. A correspondent tele graphs that It Is Hnnouuoed from CuiHtautl ooplo that the porto baa Informed England ol its reitdluo-H to entof into negotlatiotiH with Russia, but Intimated that It didn't think negotiations between military coin matidiirs, as proposed by Kuasla, suitable, a much profersblo mot hod' being negotiation through special plenipotentiaries. Thoro are, however, f irtual dlfllcultles In tho way or thla proposal. New York, Jan. H. The sale or Plymouth church pwh for the ensuing yotk took place tonight. The reduction In nrenlluiua ou pews Is greater than expasted. 'Total roe.loia lor prnunlum.i and rentals last year was $17, 300; this year the reoelpU will be I'M .IW I. Last year' 1 lie uromlums were t3l,0iKl, and thla year 3I, 171. ZiZ- New Yoik, Jan 8. Among the facts relied upou toabow that the Louisiana electors! vote waa bargained fir are, it la said, the atll- davilarirCassanrvo nnd Keunor, mumbersof tho teturnlng board, who caim 'hat lliey have not been dealt with acoordlug to tho orlglual bsHg.lu, Dacuutonts will also lie ro lled niton to lurnlsh a connection botween the Biqtilcotiuo In the count In the hnnso and priimlssaenlored Into by Graataud Stan lev Matt lit wh end otliora. Tho llorald'a Washlnglon. Hpcolal tays: PersonH who claju' In Kpenk with a know lodgotf what U going lo pedono wheu Iho senate again moots, anneal tint Sunator Coukllng will either olfor hlmsoir or will havo tillered HCarulul drawn resolution, ro citing that there aro gruyo aoousatiotiH, made mam apparently good antliurliy, involving tho right oftbo president lo Iho olllco held by lilm. and iliat suuh acutuatlnna ought to bo set at rot by ollljlil luqulry lato tho al leged fHOlH. Han Franclsoo. Jan. 8. It commenced raining about 0 o'oiock last night und camo down briskly utaily all night. During the loreuenn it partiHiiy cieauiu up out now (i p. in ) Is raining with a protpeuiof coutluu-ahce. Another general rain haa vlstod tho statu wllhlu tho last '21 hours. Rom. ok Monou Tho lolloping named IHiinla of llio publlasohool of North Yam Hill, for general deportment aud iiroiloloncy Iu studies, aietutliled to have their names on the roll or honor for the month ending December Slat. Tho names are arranged ac oordlug to rank: Clara lllgglns, Ida Camp bull, oharlle Msrtou, Maik llutehorolt, Ella Ilodties, Dick Morris, Ella Fryer, Oliver llolmeH, Jsiuea Hayes, Hon n la Mo Conuull. Tho total r-utnlMirof puplWla forty. A F. llAtm.h-rr, Tdaoher, Arm Broken, Ltut Friday, E Idle Powell, oldost eon ol Prof. L J. Powell, of tho Albany College, while practicing 00 tho CollefioOyinuaslum, lull and broke Ids arm. WKATHER RKPOR.T TOU 1G77. Kept by T. Pcarce. IVila, Orogon, Lit. -ll'ST Iui,!. IS:iT. Alt. NX) foot. 1877. Jan'y.... Fol.'y.... .Moali7 . . Apiil.,.. May .lime. ... July August . . Sep. OctoljtT. . Nov Dec Totals . luminT.itiirr. . 1 rf 2 3 .-a 'i 3 b 00 " ri 3 s b hi? V I 3 .i Z-l M .'.7 S7 (il f.S 7:1 73 71 70 10 r.r Hi :u ;i:i 40 to 17 r:i 51 Ki 48 40 37 32 :w.ii: ii.'j; l!).'.'i 30. iw: 53.011 W.70 (13.75 01.1)8 W.0II 32.00, 4(1.74 40.71 7 10 IS (i h 1 4 13 10 M0. 10 k S-3 a 3.'2f lO.til Lit .7.' 12.41 .(2 .81 3.03! 4.47 I3.0I (i.21 U4l.V2.l4 S 111 II 7 3 11) 13 8 13 12 It 8 IK? 8 '23 4 13 4 IG 11 i II l 12 H5100 Letter From Ohto. Right over hero on the dividing rtdgo bo tweon the great lakes and the classic wators of themsjsetlo Ohio, both saint aud sinner can truthfully sing, December la aa pleasant as May. Wo have siiuauluo, and an almost cloudless sky aa a stated programme ; and all the past of tho present month hs run ou" the great weather spool thus In strango con trast with a corresponding length or lime a year ago, aud never slnco the tlmo whon thoabovo beautiful lines were written and sung, havo they seemed so appropriate lu this laud. Rut I pass to say something olsa. I havo Just laid asldo a solontKio lecluro on thereceut occultatloti or (bo plauol Venus, and tho lato wondorful dlsuovorlet of tho plauol Mars, aud waa struck with the strict conformity of (ho laud part of that lliry planot to the contluont of America ; and also to learn that the citizens of that country arodotormlued not to bo outdone, but uro of fering quarlor seotlnns tr laud to uutual yankee sotlors, nnd superior Inducements to uolonlos, togolher wilh land subsidies to auy corporallotia who wilt oonncot (hat planet with oura by railroad no mineral lauds ex cepted. What n Held for grangers and co nj oratlvo unions t Rut If this scorns specula tlvo, try this aa a ohsngo at loast : I am now going to tufer to tho Irish JtyHMiiM not tho winged U)frof Irish mythology, but tho lit' oral porkor known end worshipped ou this mundane sphoro. For tho last lour yearv, even religion was lltiotured with laid, nnd many only paid ohtirch does when they Hold tbolr begs. Old ow a woro revered us grand motherland Polind China shoata wero at tnoit adored. Hoptembsr market opanod at ft 73 groas, and oorn, ere It bad rlpauod, waa lavishly lad In order to make It Into green baaka. This of .oourse put all- lu a salable condition out of the way, and left an Inviting wake for tho run lining myriads. Doalots wero ou tho alert, and It was with dllllcully that railroad anenta should furnish cits for transportation. Not ao now. Tho agents can getvaiH for transportation. To an Indi vidual or my turn 01 mind, thoro is some thing very pleasantly ludicrous In hoo ono lionu shippers gel together and swell tho an them or cur'OH on llultalo, Ciuulnnatl, and tho bog market lu ptmral. A uisjorl y or them liavo seen tiietr .iosea, sou wuu niirut lingers have retired to reckon their losui. Thev ahuu a hog now with that lusuucl that teaoies tho animals or Peru to fclitin the deadly Cova. Onoof these sot oulittors, with a turn of mind more phlli H'ipliloil than tho rost, said: " Rovh, If It wero not lor tho Inn wo had down thoro, wo would bo worcnoll'" I'lioy hud evldontly boeu bohltid tho mihiiom 011 uveu Hlinrt marginal proiita, 1 tiiinK or tontlineH tliero nro rimsoua Tor (allure bbsldes tho tips aud downs of market. Wohavojiitt had a rouaallon over here Two lions and a leopard scaped from the ora at liroadway, In Union county, as they were being cnuveved to Iho r.oolngjcul gar dens lu Ciuulnnatl. Last week, afiur nitioli liuntlng aud iiinro liog. a geutleiiHii ol Rlchwotxl ti.ok tho liopani lu after a dnsper to encounter, and waa ottered flr0 lor his gaino. He Immediately put the carcass on exhibition mid has rnallz-xl a handsome hiiiu thoiefrom. When the tcaMi ol theo tropl cal heakiH was tlrstHii!ioutu-ed,grat lear loll upon tho poople, aud even big boys would not go ou' afier dark. The other ImaMa, when lt heard from, wero peregrinating over lu Hardin comity, without cards or lu vllation. You may talk about jour grltz'y bears, aud psuthers, but you cari'ioomo In on wild anlmilH. You havo 110 king of beasts, nor any of those other nnltiinl, whloh, with tho nlggor, Iho i-crlpliiro sbjh Cannot thsnge. Wo are hard to beat, juai now. I need not tell ynu wo ato apprnsoh. lug Iho linllclasH, vtttli tho usual sii lulta tlona Incident upon mioh onoif-lnna. 'I he whluh, when they havo paasod, I will repoit you iu couueeilou with other stray Items ol liHertHt, aud for thla time, put a r!x. John Watjum. Dcombor 17, IS77. Rksiukh'-Turre days wrra frT all day. ruid are tiieluUaa lu cloudy days. Croswell GrsiiKo, No. ill, motet Creswell, Doctmh'tr the 22 1, aud held en (IhjiIuii ol oillcerasa folloAi-: M., A J.GooiIiiihp; 0 DivMTrlmblej L., John Whltlker; S , L. W.(4yj A.H.,Noh tuo)j Chap., (J. O. D.j T., Alvlu Ilught; Seo ,J. A. Ar; O.K.. (1. W. Rlueliari; C, Mrs, Martha Itlnelurl; P., Mih.Suhsii lluo.; P., Mih, N.Triiuiil; L. A. S Mis. Auitnda GIHry. Wosl-o bad a Christmas trio on tlio'.'lth at Cr swell, and had a splendid lirr.e tit Iho urw hall. Atuu early hour tho hall waa crowded (o Its utmost by an Hiidleiicoln vlliiis tlm exer. ul-es Htul dl'trlbulloli 'd pre, ills from (he ruuvily lai'pn lre, prepared by the i-M.en nf'(!itvell mid viotihy. 'Jho 1 xeiiiUeanr the eeoliig cloed wlihaimm 1 hi Ik Imiii-o, and all retired to ttiiitr homee ini.oh pieHid Cni.i;.v, Wbcat for Dibtnbution. Sai.km, Jan. 8, H7r!. L'd. Kaumkh: I lave J it it tecelved from the Depar.ineut at Wsablog'.on, a lot of While Polsud Winter Whea, lor distribution. Parties desiring wheat sent, mustforwaid 96 ctBta In stamps to pay poslago. K,M,WArrul8eo,7. Marion County Pomona Graage. Tils Grange mot Jan. 4th and 5th. Among othor subjects whloh ongagod the attention or the Gran go was that or tho qurnllon of oxtondlug time to the North Pad II Rtllroad Company for the construction of its line, oa whloh eubjeot tbo series of resolutions print- od below wore unanimously adopted, after ublo speeches In tholr favor by Iltos. It P. Rolse, J. F. Gsr.loy of Duiglas rutiuty (who was In attendiuco us a visitor), W. J. Her ron, nnd others. The Grange ordered it SsuroUry, lira. E, Strong, to procure lh printing or 200 copies of a form uf potltlon to Congrats whloh It adopted, lo bo distrib uted amongst ihn subordinate granges of this Jurisdiction for elgnaturo by Patrons and nil other oltlains who cutortaln th views ospreatod by iho Gratige ou thla meat liiiorUiitsubjoot. O.herHubJjclaofgravo Interest lo (he Order wore uousldered by the meeting, which nun characterised throughout by much good Lot- lug, onddd by lunch and music, after tins loll w lug ollUsira for tho ensuing jearwor July and publicly Installed: Daniel Clark, M t D II. Lafolldlt. (): Ireuo lllllearv. L.t D. J. Poiidloiou,S, G. ilarklenad, A. .i.; A. Stovons, O; G. W. Hum, T'j E. Strong of Salem, Bee.: E, ICImsey, G. K.j SUter Teller. Cores; Pauline Lonuoy. l'litnona; Georgia Hunt, Flora; Alice Haikluroml, L. a.m. Miner Irene llllluary lead an excel lent ttdilleaa. which iho Grange, by vote, ru iiuestod to bo published. l'llKAMIIt.l! AMI ItKfOMJTIONH. Wheroas. In order lu seouro Ihenosslhllllv of aetl vo and Treo untuputltlon iu trails xn- tinnritsi traiisportatioii uetwieu tho Atlautlo and Paulllu stales, two ludepbiideiil railroads at luatt am mvetsary, and Whereas, Tho gradients of the lluooUlia Nurlhern Paeltlo ralliosd.lhe capacity of tho uouutry tbrough whtcrrlt msh to sus tain a dinfo agiloulturnl Hipiiltlon, (ha ubundatit facilities whloh the cast, middle and PaolUn portions or tho linn oiler ror the establishment of dense mauulacliirlng pop ulations, and ItsdlrtctuccaasMlliioor pass aso bolwuen Asia and tho great colliers of husluoMi in tho Unhid Slates nnd wesjeru Eurnpe, point lo il aa Iho ImM means tifat oncost o'irliig oompetltlvo rntca or traus I'ontlntn'al transtairlatloii and Hll'ordlng 111111111 iiis'dod faoilltlcH lor carrying rll'tha producttotm of tho Columbia river valley aud more eastern portions of (he roulo; therelore, Rotolved, 1st, Wn favor extending to the Northern Paolllu railroad company leason sbte time In whlcL lo complete da road, and I litis secure tbo prm-ceds of life laud grant hoicliifiiro olf.irct by oongrexa, but now Ij'kI. or moil to lupin to tho United S.alos. 2 I, Wo favor hucIi oxtenslou of time to tho N. P, R, R. Co. indeiK'iulei t or any other prij-oiod rallnisil or coiii(Miiy. lVovidal, 111:11 N. P. it, It. Co. agrees to coudncl Its IiiihIiii ti ludepeiideiil ofHll other trana-eon-llii'-riMl railroad compunlo.j build iho llrst line of llio road don iho emiili eldool tlio 1,'olunilila river to PorllHiid, Oregon, aud al low tho U. S, goveri mint lo hell the laud doii'iled lu aid of siiuh company lo HCtlial sell (era then ou at tlm maximum or 12 50 periuire, iho procetds to bo luriied over lo ho un of H.tld coinpHiiy, 3 1. Woeiirne-ily urge Iho signature nnd Himdlng forwMid to Hon III haul WiIIIiiiiim si Washlngioii, D (., 1 f potltloiia In ai'isitd mien wMi the loregolug reMilutloim b iiieiu hers o. our order, mid all clt'z"iia. lib, Wo n-HpiuiilullvHsk tlm publleatlonor these rr-oliiuoH by tho Wii.i.ahktik Faii jii'.h. tho (heyunhtn and Oilier i-hkjin tf llio PaO.lljUOUht, Tho Premium List-Committee SAl.KM,Jau 8.IK78. En. Faiimi:ii: At Iho lust inet)ilngol Hoard of Msnauers of tho Ori'gou Stuto Ailctiltural .voolety, Mrs, M A. Mlnlo, Mih. Gmi. Coik, ami Mrs, Werner llreyniHii. of Snb 111, Mist, Virginia Olds, MoMliiovllle, mid Mi. A. R. Shipley, I'ortlHiid, wuru iipp-jlnlcd 11 com milieu lo rovlatt tho Ladles' and M la-ex' I)j parlmeiiu ol iho Premium LUi, iuil In ro H.r' at Itin N ivoiuoor mi-ihIiij 01 llio II .ard, is;h. e .m.waihi, h.. I'd I'Aimru: I was iiilormd U-t werk by a reader of j our populir uirual ihal ho saw hii iiccoimt lu llio FAiDiiui-'iuy closing ihoaid.ool lit S syion mid le- lug I'.ir i'IIiiuh 1111U 1 o -vn. I will Mlrriplv ha , lor llio I eno 11 of ihoso who hito been thus mMofoiui ei, that tin) notice llvtiiyill wch I ilsr , 1 hiii eiigagd for Iho winter rn teaoher iu tit Ih plan , iud Imvo at no limn IihiI miy lull n iinoaiit lutvlng li. Ah I ir il o (.ei'lh 11. Mil who whs IHII'eil mi laUliij; ln.v laialilnii, I iihmt Piiiril ol'lilin, iiinl do not know (but S1U3 it 11 has, Yoiiih liulv, I UAH. V.S-IIAI'l'. Tiilvhi;; (bo Voilc. The lVoltlo Threshing Majlilrm Company, liotwlihiitaiiding tbt; iihlavoiublo WrHbt-r, aie pushing furwsrd wink 1111 their build iiiim, Ye'i'erday Ihn foiiiidMiiou of tho ui gluo liouro via Indng lld. It will ben building 21 by k Itut. Just cast of the louu dry woikmeii are prcrmrlng for Iho Ibuuda lion of a warohoiue. Olny bsu lusm pul lu tbenmuidlui; rovin audlu to Unpacked down for door, swr 'VM1' 'm !', ft i. 3 ? - i Kl . r i' ;. e ' 1 il s '- ) .-'v '