WILLAMETTE FARMER. K l ufc. W-J v: ?i' THe H.e Circle. Conducted by Miss IUttik Clarks. HALEM, FRIDAY, JAN. -1, 1878. THE TWO STKEAMS. "Upon i JoiCr mountain holght two utroams came KUshitiK forth. Ono bubbled from Uto sunny south, tho other from tho north ; Ono lonpod mid inarktoil Joyously, ns eloar hs summer nicy, Tho purtilo Hood tho olher rolled wont slow ly cieoplug by. Bosldo tho ono, preen i-iirIioi grow, and blushing buds and llowiirs, Bosldo tho other, mem woro chalnod in pol- Bon-broatblttK boworx; One wolcomod swoot wild birds to sing their hymns of nralso and Joy, Tho othor breathed the broatu of sin, and tempted to destroy. Tho ono wont sparkling oboorlly bonoath the noonday sun. And spread around ttfo, hoalth, peace, whoro e'er It chanced to run; The other was the stream of doath, with sor row on Its tide, And whoso stooped to drink thoroln must Satan's curso abide. Tho stream which gavo such Joy to all loapod from a rocky well; Tho vlnojard sont tho othor forth to work a doathllko spell; They both hayo flowed for countloss years ndown tho stoop of tlruo Onosprondlng grief and wretchednoss, tho othor bliss subllmo. Luck and Labor. Xitidc doth wait, standing Idly at tho gato Wishing, wishing all the day; And at nlgbt, without a Arc, without a light, And boloro an ompty tray, Doth mully say: "To-morrow mmiothlng may turn up; To-night on wishes I must sup." I-abor goop, plowing doep tho ferlllo rows Sluglng, ttlnalng all tint day; And Ht night, boforo tho 11 ro, bosldo tho light, And with u well tilled tray, Doth gladly say: 'To-morrow I'll turn something up: Tonight on wages earned I sup." Caroline A. Soule. CORRESPONDENCE. En. Homis CntciiH: I lmvo just been Toading Mrs. Timothy Tcnpot's lottor, In your department, nnd think hor vlownjon tho subject of tho (armors of Oregon aro protty nenrly correct. And sho likes Aunt Hetty, too. Now, Aunt Hetty, notwithstanding nil sho may say to Oregonlnns about their careless noss regarding tlioir farms nnd or chards, has boon in this country long enough to sco that that Kansas girl did an Injustlco to our men when sho wrote: "Tho womon In Oregon aro good, mothorly'souls, but tho less said about tho men tho bettor." Our Kan sas friend roully did us great injustlco in Romo things, and In others, I fear, told tho truth. You know wo Oregon ians havo a wonderfully good opinion of ourselves and our wooden country,' and although wo llko to " see ourscls ns Ithcrs seo us," sometimes, still it docs not froo us from any of our "fool Ish notions.!' It docs rain hero thoro's no denying that. In California It docs not, nnd yet thoso who go there from hero foci liko saying, ns a certain young lady onco did, on ontorlug tho Colum bia rlvor, "Oh, tho beautiful Oregon mud!" Wo never havo any drouths, crops novor full, and stock novordio of cold and starvation, nlthough farmers burn tholr straw ovory fall. Between you and me, Mrs. Teapot, I'm afraid " Moss Agato " Is a man, or tho opinion would not havo beon ex pressed that "tho less said about tho won tho better." In tho ilr.t place, tho tho old settlors hero aro men of Intelli gent and energy and of tho better class, for thoso nro tho only kind of peoplo who would havo determination enough to seek a new country, travel ing wcoks and months to reach tho then far-off Oregon. Did you rend what that Kansas girl said about " Ma xtor " and hor father? Poor "Marlnr"! Tho peoplo of tho Pacific coast aro not cramped for money, ns tho grasshop pors do not cat up their crops, and thoy nro gonornlly nblo to give their chll- ,lw, n cmml mlllClltlOU. TllOrO ISUSttttO Agricultural College at Corvallls, a Stato University at Eugoue, Wlllam otto ("pleaso lam tho accont on tho sec ond syllable") University nt tho capital, and denominational schools nil over tho State. Most of our public schools (with tho oxception of somo country schools) nro free. Can Kansas suy as much as that? " Mnrlnr, got your par to lot you 'tend school a spell!" it wll do you good. Don't think that "whoro ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to bo wiso." t .i.im TTitvpvB "MfPfiK. Aunt Hetty's Niece. n,-imi' Family affection. I can imagino no condition that carries with It hUCIl U iiruiiiiau ui juj " firmer in tho autumn; with his cellar fni with overy preparation made for the w "ten with he prospect of three months of comfort and rest, hree Son t is of fireside and content; hreo Son a of homo and family; three months of pure, solid comfort. Make Sues comfortable. Do not hud Jle together In a little room around a ,iil luit stove, with overy window fas torn! down Do not llvo In this pol oned air. and then when one of your ehlTdreudlesput a pleco In the paper commencing with, "Whereas, It hath pleased Providence toromovo from our midst." Havo plonty of ulr nnd plenty of warmth. Lot your chlldron sleep. Do not drag thom from their beds in tho darkness of night. Treat them with Infinite kindness. There Is no happiness In a houso not filled with love; whoro a man hates tho wife, or tho wife tho husband; where children fear tholr parents, or where parents dislike their children. Every such homo h simply u hell upon earth. There Is no ronton why fanners should not bu refined and kind. There Is nothing; in the cultivation of the soil to make men cross, crabbed and un just. To look upon tho sunny covered with daisies, does not tend to inako men cruel. Who ever labors for tho happiness of thoso ho loves, elevates himself; no matter whethor he works in tho shop or plows In tho perfumed fields. In conclusion, let mo say to farmers, do all you can to mako your business attractive. Col. Robert Ingersoll, Business in Ancient Pompeii. One of tho most Interesting discoveries In rccont years nt Pompeii was made In 1875, when a wooden chest was brought to light, containing tho business re ceipts of L. Ctucillius Jucundus. Tho chest crumbled to dust on cxposuro to tho air, but the tnblotj upon which tho receipts were written havo at length proved legible in many instances, and tho result of a careful study of these ablets by Mommson and others has been to clear tin several points in what was among tho llomnus n ttiattcr of groat consequence, viz.: tho position of middlemen in tho n Hairs ot business. There was not among tho Romans the sumo extensive system of shops as with us, supplying ovory posslblo article of necessity or luxury, and for this reason there nroso lnnumcrablo occasions of prlvato persons desiring to dlsposo of tins or unit article, as lor instance a surplus of agricultural produce, old carts, old ploughs or even old Invalid slaves, as Cato recommends the land owner to do. Tho tablets nro dated ac cording to tho custom, by giving tho nnmos of the consuls for the year. The greater part of tho dates full botwecn A. D. 03-C2. A few nro as enrly ns 12 and 27. tilnce thero is no moro recent dato than 02, It becomes highly proba ble that the tablets of Ju:undus had boon overwhelmed in tho earlier erup tions of Vosuvius. Tho majority of tho tablets aro triptychs, and were written partially with letters on wax spread on the tablets, and partially In ink on the bare wood. Among them thero Is only one which gives tho amount of tho commission which ho received, and that proves to bo two per cent., which Is known from other sources to ho tho gonoral rato, Usually ho merely says " minus tho commission." Tho o .-son to whom this exponso fell was tho buyer. Leslie's Magazine. Woman's Sphere. Why does It follow that women aro fitted for noth ing but the cares of domestic life? for bearing chlldron nnd cooking the food or h family? dovotlng all tholr tlmo to tho domestic circlo to promot ing tho immediate personal comforts of their husbands, brothers and sons? I admit that it Is their duty to do thoso things. But I say that tho correct principlo is that women aro not only justified, nut oxmtiit tuo most exalted virtue wnon tney depart from tho do mestic circlo nnd enter on tho concerns of their country, of humanity, of tholr uou. tuo moro departure of womon from the duties of tho domestic circlo, lar irom uoing a roproacn to mom, is a vlrtuo of tho highest ordor whon it is done from purity of motive, by ap propriate means and toward a virtuous purpose, a tut i say mat woman, by the dlschnrgo of such duties, has man ifested a vlrtuo which is oven abovo tho virtues of mankind and approaches to a superior nature. That Is tho Erlnciplo I maintain: and I hold it to o proof ot pure patriotism, of slncoro piety and of every virtuo that can adorn tho female character. John Qutncy Adams. A Duckino Stool. In tho crypt of Warwick Church, tho mighty ribbed arches of which spring trom ono enor mous pier, thoro is an nrtlclo which has lone irono out of uso whothor ad vantageously or not I shall not vonturo to say a ducking stool, made for tho public discipline of scolding women. This is ono of tho only two, I bollovo, that remain In England. It consists of a strong oak framo on low wheels, from which a scat rises upon an inclin ed beam that works upon a pivot or axle. Tho scold was fashed Into tho seat, and then the "Institution" was drawn to tho river side at a convenient (loop place, and rolled iu until tho pa tient sat just abovo tho water. Thou tho laud end of the beam was tipped up, and consequently tho othor uud with its lading went down under tho water, where it was allowed to remain not loo lonir. and was then raised for breathing timo. This process was ro pouted ns often as It was thought bone llcial to the lady under troatmout, or necessarily for tho ueaco of hor family nnd neighborhood. Whether hus bands ever Interceded for wives thus disciplined, as wives do. now some times for husbands who nro unreasona bly Interfered with In tho gontlo sport of blacking their oyes or kicking their ribs, Is not recorded. The Uulaxy. Tjik Motherhood of Woman. The chief quality of tho womanly wo man is her motherhood that Is, her power nl self-sacrlfico and care-taking of those who need care. Fromjearllest childhood the difference between those who demand sucrlllco and thoso who can mako it Is plainly marked; and In tho nursery as in tbe school-room and tho home thero Is always ono who Is ready to glvo up, und always ono who Is tobe given up to. Tho former de velops Into tho mother tho womanly woman per excellence; tho latter is never moro than a tov. a thine to bo caressed nnd waited on. docked with Jewels and clothed iu purple nnd fine linen, mi t novor nslceu to woric, to think, to sutler, or to sacrifice. Thoso aro tho things which sho requires from other., not gives of her own eraco in which shu is tho exact opposite of hor sister, tho womanly woman, who finds her greatest happiness iu making tho happiness of others, and her best joy iu sacrifice, self-denial and duty. Tho Fortunos of tho Obelisks. The Egyptian obelisk narrowly es caped total loss while on Its voyugo to England. So severe n storm was encoun tered oft'Capo Elnisterro thnt tho towing steamer Olga was obliged to cast otr from the obelisk craft, and, after remov ing tho crow from tho latter, to leave it to its fate. Six Incu wero lost during tho transhipment. Tho deserted needle drifted seaward, nnd finally was dis covered by the English steamer Fitz maurice, ninety miles north of Ferrol, Spain, and taken In tow again. The Fltzmaurlco was bound for -Valencia, and hence tho travels of tho famous stone will probably bo prolonged. The sister obelisk to that abovo refer red to has beon presented by tho Kho dive of Egypt to Now-York city. As wo noted last week, It was proposed to defray tho exponsu of transportation across the Atlantic by public subscrip tion, but thiscourso has since boon ren dered unnecessary by the magnificent ofi'or of a well known citizen, whoso name Is as yet withheld, to bear all the expense, amouptlng to $100,000, him self. This proposition has been accepted, and wo understand Irom tho Now York World that thocoutracts for tho removal and shipment of tho stone have been signed. At present tho question is bo lug discussed where tho obollsk is to be erected when wo got It; and opinion scorns to bo about equally divided In favor of ostabllshihg it In the center of Madison Square, botwecn 2:ld and 20th streets, on Fifth Avenue, or In the park Into which it Is proposed the site of the present distributing reservoir on -12d street and tho sumo avenue shall bo converted, after demolition of the now unnecessary reservoir. In view of tho distribution of Egyp tian obelisks over the surface of tho earth, ono bolng in Home, another in Paris, nnothor iu London, and now an other In New York, It has boou humor ous y suggested that the arclucologist of ndozon centuries henco will bo vastly puzzled to account for tho wonderfully wldu contemporaneous dispersion of tuo Egyptian ruco, which win oo indi cated by tho locnlltlesof Its monuments. Hctent(flo American, A Goon Stoky. Perhaps tho most curious of the stories told by Hutton re latos to his own ancestors. A soldier In Cromwell's army, passing with Ills comrades over Derby's St. Mary's Bridge, observed a young girl lading water from tho river. In spirit of frolic nnd mischief, ho throw it largo stone, Intending-It 'should startlo her by making a sudden splash. But it struck her on tho head, und mado n hideous wound, Shu fell into tho river. Tho soldier did not wait to seo that (tho wnrjcjcuud. Ho gallop ed on, feeling thafnu had boon guilty of n wanton murder. The unknown consequences of his folly preyed upon his mind. Ills conscience was always upbraiding him. , Years after, when discharged from tho army, he settled down In Derby. Ho took a public huiiso in Ilrldgo Gato, nnd niter a short acquaintance with a woman of suitable ago, got married. Very soon aftor their wedding ho saw hU wife combing hor hair, and Inquired how sho got that great scar which dis figured one side of her head. Sho replied, "Somo wrocth of a soldier had onco nenrly killed hor with a stone, but If ever sho caught that man she would pay him off for It." It Is not recorded how sho punished her ass ailant, or how great was his relief when tho haunting thought of wanton murder was removed from his mind. He was one of tho live troopers who rodo under tho oak whoro Charles was hidden at Boscobel; nnd I cor dially recommend Hutton's quaint stroy to novol-wrltors in search of such u plot. Mihtii and AiU8ia Laughter nnd music are alike In .many pointe, both open tho heart, wako up tho affections, elovato our natures. Laughter enno bles, for it speaks torglveucss: music does tho sauio, by tho purifying influ ences which It exorts on tho better tool ings and sentiments of our bolng. Laughter banishes gloom; music mad ness. It was tho harp in tho hands of the sou of Jossc, which exorcised tho ovil spirit from royalty; nnd the heart that can laugh outright does not harbor treason, stratagem and spoils. Culti vate music then, put no restraint upon a Joyous nature, lot It erow and expand by what It foods upon, and thus stamp tho countounncu with the sunshine ol gladness, and tho heart with tho im press of a diviner nature, by feeding It on mat "concord or sweet sounds" which prevails In tho habitations of an gels. Loving Friends. Never cast asldo your friends If by any possibility you can retain them. We aro tho weakest of spendthrifts If wo can lot one thing diop off through Inattention, or let one push away another, or if we hold aloof from ono Jealousy or heedless slight of rough noss. Would you throw away a diamond because It pricked you? Ono good friend is not to bo weighed against tho Jewels of the earth, If thero Is coolness or unklndncss between us let us come face to face and havo It out. Quick, before tho love grows cold I Life Is too short to quarrel In, or to carry I lack thoughts of friends. It is easy to loiou friend, but a new'' one wUl not come for a calling, nor make up for tho U II UI1U. CHOICE RECIPES. Hoarseness. A few drops of nitric acid In a glass of sweotoned water, a couple of times dally, Is an excellent remedy mr noarsoucss ,m singers, speakers and readers. Salt von Burns. An oxtonslvo scald, which for twelve long hours gavo agonizing palu, when immersed in a saturated solution of salt, was followed Willi surprising relief. Tho nbntomont of pain was immediate, and iu four hours both pain and swelling woreeone. The next day the scalded hand ditlorod from the ether only by a slight swelling and redness. Lemon Pie. Ono cup boiling water. ono tablespoon corn starch, ono cup of sugar, juice and grated rind oi ono lemon, butter slzo of an egg; tako this from tho stovo nnd ndd ono egg woll beaten. To bo made with nu upper crust. m. u. u. Corn Bread. Two ocrcs well beaten: ono-half cup sugar, one pintsweot milk ono teaspoon fill soda, threo and ono- half cups of sifted meal, In the last of wnicn put two toaspooniuis cream oi turtor. Orsixio. Sponoe Cake. Two cups sugar, two ot Hour, seven eggs, one-half tcuspoon ful soda, one of cronm turlnr nr Din Juico of ono lemon. 13. C L. BREVITIES. A paper has this advertisement; "Two sisters want washing." Millions of brothers nro In the samo prcdlca mont. The world's master-spirits can make the silence of their closets more ben eficial to mankind than nil tho noise and bustle of courts, senates and camps. Life Is a stream which continually Hows down and novor returns. Wo din dally, for each day takes away some portion of our life; tho days wnicn nro past are gono lorover; tliu present moment only Is our own. A Western contomporury nsks: "Is there a corner in freight cars? 'Yes, there nro four corners In a ffolirht car. Wo never saw a round freight car In the wno:o courso oi our "murtui existence." Prldo of origin, whether high or low, springs from tho same principlo In human nature; ono is but tho posit I vo, the other the negative, polooiasinglo weakness. Somo ono estimates that all tho prayers recorded In the Bible could bu repeated In thlrty-llvo minutos. Most of them aro from ono mlutito to two minutos long. The prayer of Solomon Is less than ton minutes. Persona doing housework nro likely to get into certain fixed habits nnd wnya of doing things got into n round of sameness that is not pleasing or most agreeable. Each ono should try to got hold of some now recipe, and fix things In somo now way, ho us to prepare an agreeable Hurprlso occas ionally. It will. tend to make every day llfo more bearablo nnd glvo a vivacity ami froshuosd to what would otherwise become too common and stulo. There Is "much In little" sometimes', nnd It Is worthy of every housekeeper's thoughts to mako such changes in food and appearances as will glvo u new zest und relish to life. How it la Done- Tho Ilrstobjnct In llfo with tho Amorlcun peoplo i to " Kt rich" ; tlin second, how to ruttttln Rood honllb, Tho llrttt can bo obtain ed by unorny, honotty nnd hhvIiik; tnnitou ond, (nooit liMiltti) by uhIiir Ohmkn's Auo UstFi.Wj:u. Hhouldyou bo a ddnponilont KUtloror from HnyorthoelluetHof DyHpoimla, Ltvor Complaint, ImllKOMtlon, iVo., nuoIi bh Hick HeadHoho. Palpitation of tho lloirt, Hourtitomaoti, Habitual CoHt'.vanow, Dlzr.1 nous of tho I load, Nervous Prostration, Ijw Hplrltt), it u., you ntiod not null'tir unothorday. Twodoaua of Auoust Pivowint will rollovo youatoncfl. Hamplo Rotllen, 10 con in, I teg ular frixo 70 oonU. Poaltlvuly Hold by all lint-class I)ru(,'Kll In tho U. H. Kacli Number contain Tiiii'TV-two 1'iutt of roaclluif, niMiytlui) Wood Cut llluntralloiit, ami (nu CiiKiiiKii 1'j.tTK. A baitutUul (Urdi'n Mn(a.lin, nrlnlucloii tli'jiaut pupur, mnl full nl Information, In Krijjll.h atcl Uurmau. i'rlco, (l.ii u year: 1'lvo conlc J'.oo. Vlrli'a I'Jower siwl Vrgclulilo (iurdcu, M ct-uu In paper covi-re; Iu J.icxaiil vlotli covur VlckU Cufulocut', 3CK) lltuitratlona, cnly 2 centa. AMtv; JAMKS VICK, Itocliedor. N. V. Mf annual Cnfulotfun or VecelaMo and yiowerHeeUfi.f IWSwIII bxuut 1'itKK, Iu January to all who apply. Cu.lomem of lint rt-a.im nerd not wrllo for It. I offer un of tho lariM-al colli rilona of vegetable n-H t-ver wnt oat hy any reeit loum In America, a large portion of whlrti wero crown on wj alxactUfarma I'rlntnl U.retlon for iui(lvatlnnon earli package. All ten) nM from mr riulillibinrnl wanant'd to be both fieb and true to riiuirs ro fir. tbat nboiild't prove otb.rwle I will refill 11pm ordrr Z'4.: .V ,nM o'Ulnal lntrorlu-.r of tbu Jlnlibinl aud.Marblrt.fid hqniioiien, tbe MarbVbrad t'al.ba Kin, aiidacornr other new rv table, I Invltetbr rMiraiaj;e or woo aro anxioua to fuvi' Idrir rw1 directly lorn tbovroMi r, fitfP, trrr i,iof tliu ur) bt.t.lnln. New V. vd. ),( n '..c't'iy JAMU9 J. II. (il.UUltV, Marbiuueid, Vait. SQCyaci'ia JLixxo xiaiunoai. An a conquoror of Itheumntism. Gout. Neu ralgia, and euro lor fc'crolula nnd all dlsooses arising from Impurity of blood, tho old nnd rnlinblo Finally Alodlclno, Jlyatt'M 1.1ft Hal snm, MtatidH uneqiinled, ns proyon by ovor UOO.000 crent ourpH during llio past 30 ycara. la a radical vcgolablo Compound of Sarsapa rilln, Dock. Gualiicum, Au,, and n potinanont euro. Sold by all driiKiilsta and country liroccM. Tako nothing ulsn, and If thoy haven't It wo sond by taprotH, hnxrri, ovory whuro, at 81 and $125 per bottlos Si 00 anil $0.60 hair doe. IlYArr it Hyatt, t!lU Grand St., Now York. Dr. H. SMITH, i Espg-n? x STf BALEM. OREGON. Offlce morcd orer 11IIEYMAN 1)1103.' NEW BTOIIB - . JX Offlco honrn from 9 a. m. to S p. m. NORTH SALEM STORE. W. Ij. wade, A T TUB BRICK BTOIIR, IIAB JUST RBORIV cs. ed a full atrortmentof Ooneral Morohandiio, Dry GoodSj Grooories, Boots & Shoes, Hardwaro, Clothing Calcalatcil for the Cltjrand Con ntrr Trade. Iloncht a low, anil will bo polil at as SMALI, A ritOPlT. aa thooo who 8RLL AT COST, tarrjooils delivered to inr Part ol tho cltr froo of chanro. Nov8t Mrs. Rohjror'a Now Romody ron the XiUiros IS UKKTINO WITH WOXnSKFUL SUOCKSSt T'!J? -WW 'gwAntB itRMKnr nAB no Pitual In tho relief and euro of t'onKln. Colds. APlhrna, "llronchltU. Croup, Whooplni Couch, Mea! 1 'i? J1 "1 l)rol: "onto remarkablo cures. Bold hy i driiPBlrta ccnrrallv. I'repsred only by .JN .. MtJltPHY,tonmoiifh.'er T whom all letltfrs of bunnep rhonld bo addrttied. Farms and Laud lor Sale. I ?,iyRn V.0H .H''K 0NK "AUM, 9!IO AOHK8. Ji: 'Ih crtT V.1.r."u,vfl on- K0"11 orchard, Pltua'odon the lMej.ant 1 III road, about M mllea fAm Kuseno Clly. AlPo, alK.ut 1400 acrca of MIXKO LaSu, omoor the beat valley and bcarordam Land In the comity, Piiimtinded by hill and brunh laud. Thre or four very good farms can bo mado out of It. Good place for a rolpny. Want to pell tho whn'o lot togeth or. This Ijjnd la pltiiated Iu l.euo county, about U m lea from Kuireno City, and six frnm Creswell. JjH Addreaa V. II. UUNN, JCugtnt Oly. N0TICK TO PKRS0X8 1NTK.VDI.VG 10 KMIGRAIE TO 0KEU0.V. Direct Passage from New Yorfcto Portland. Oregon. Land Dipaiitment o. A O. It., I rpmc onnaoN rWP '?MVkW' i.L hniii'M1 ". nVr .n ".' ,lron. tn"hlp. now bolnjr built al Chester 1'a , by John Hoach Hon. upon hor completion, on or about tho l&lh day of January. IH74 steerage pappcnijorp Irom Now York to l'orlbud, direct, via th Htralu of Msitcllan, at tho extromely low ratoof 75.00 currency, board Includod. This steamer Mill holho beat, troni;eit su 1 moil comfortably arranged ship ever built In the lnltod Mtati's. Npeed, imk knots. l)lmcnlnn: wo feet Iu lenstli; IH fet benmi aiw sliplli of hold; Mpaclly. 1 no (litis; is; up of tho stei;rsKo will receivo siieclal at tention; It will liepnivldod with all modern Improve ments and Its ventilation will bo perfect. Kvcry at tenllon will b-t paid tn the comfort of iiatsemrrrs, and the faro will bo of the brt MUllt. l'art of tho deck reom will be fitted up for refilKeratlnie purpos t, wllhaylow tolurnliliptppcuirvrs fresh meat du rtnir tho whole voyaco, alio vojsko will bo made In about slitydayr. To aa.lst persons vflioilerlra to einttfralo to Oregon, agricultural ami olher Implements will bo Ukuuat very low rates. Kor persons lioro who havo friends Iu tho Atlaiitlo Hlates wlblui to como to OreKon this otTcrs a rare opportunity, as tho atitioyaiicrs and fallieuo of the overland roulp by rail aro avoided, ami tho pauio Is considerably lo. r . i'or r.l.l.l?."l,r Inforinsllon address V. O. Bcbmldt. 1 Houtli J llllim strum. New York, or IJ,,"",1i . .. . ' H0IIUWK. tand Afccnt O. ,t O. H. It. Co.. J'ortUud, Orfii. TIIK PIUMMER FRUIT DRYERS. l'alented April 1877. fllllKB MACIIINKS AIIK UNHUItl'AHHRD BV v- V1?.01"1'' ,f' Urylnieor I'rcpervlnie Krulla and eirrtables of all klinls. anil ar,rMHirtifi.ui ..ni h... ntshcil complete In fourdlirerent sizes, namely: The Tom Thumb Isryer-caparlty of w uusiu'i or apples per hour pries , 78 Tlio NrtiMll Kanillr Dryer-capacity of tK barbels psr hour-price...., ..( ISO The Farully lirycr-cspaclty of U bushels per hour price "03. The I'uctory, Iiryer-capaclty of 0 bushels per hour-pilco These Dryers wero awarded tho Centennial Medal sndlllploinastl'hlliulolplilalii IbWl. Also, the Hold .Milalol thoHtateof Mn-von for IrfTil. for exculkncu of flavor, color aud condition of Krulu ' All rUea constantly on hand and furnished on short est notice. l'nriii and County lKhlv for smlo. For futlher particulars and desrrlptvo catalutuo &lll'es . W. H. l'l.UMMKIt, . ,. . ratcnteo aud Mnnurscturur. Jtf Kasil'ortlaud, on'Ron. A OOMPLUTE LINK OK 33E uSL 3FL 1ST ES & &, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, Snnrs. Etc.,!Etc. DEARBORN'S, ON COMMERCIAL STREET, UUKIMNU llliCIC, SADISM - OltEGON. nir2t-tt Tynac lllls.. Hprlnie Lists free. H. K, ilUOtly itxmsu, li:ouuliiirUiu Nursory, IU.