Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 04, 1878, Page 5, Image 5

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Horao Stolon,
Wo liavo frequently assorted that tboro
was a regular organized band of thieves In
this Stato. A few night aso Mr. Cooko's
lioua'o was cntcrod and robbed of a lew
dollars and a ullvor watch, and on Christmas
cvo., wo learn that four watches wero stolen
in tho vlelnltyof Lake Irtblsh,nnd lastnight
to cap tho climax. Mr. No.iranh Sleln, a resi
dent ortlili city, had a vory valuable luwo
taken from tho Hlablo and rodo oil'. No cluo
to tho guilty parties has been obtained.
OiSoors Itutnllitd.
J'ast Master, Judo U. A. .lohnson, of this
city, Installed the olllcers or Jeflarson I.odr.o
No. 3.1, A. F. it A. M., on Thursday ovonltiR
last. Tho olllcers for tho ousulnpr, year are
Wm. M.Bmlth, W.M.j Charles Miller, S.
Vf,i John Conser, J. W.j Jacob Consor, Sec
retary, and Charles Llbby, Treasurer. Aflor
tho Installation a renal sonper was on
Joyod by tho fraternity and their invited
OSoera Elected.
Yestorday the annual mooting of tho First
Presbyterian Sunday Holiool took place, and
the meeting was called to order by Hupt.
Crawford, Tho object of the mooting was
for the eteollon of o nicer for tho Sunday
School. They wore elected as follows: J.
W. Crawford. Pupt.j J. M. Martin, Assistant
8upt.; F.D. Mo Dowol I, Secretary; J. II. Al
berts, Treasurort J. M.Patterson, choirster;
Ilolen Hinsdale, Organist.
North Salem Bridge.
Tho North Salom bridge, that washod
down a short time ago, is now again noaring
completion. Tho bents aro all in thotr
propor places, tho stringers on and partly
oovorod. Whon completed tho brldgo will
bo 600 foot in Ionian. Mr. ICllnotlilnka that
ho will bo ablo to llnlsh up tho work by tho
last o I next woek.
Denth of Ella Pratt.
Tr at terrlblo scourge, diphtheria, has again
vliltod tho family or Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Pratt, and last baturday ovenlng carried
away their first born, Klla, anod about nlno
yoarg. Tho funoral tooK plaoo this a dor
noon, from tholr rosldnnco, and was largely
attended by sympathizing frionds or tho
family. May II o who (ompers tho winds to
the shorn lamb, bo tholr aid and comfort in
this, tho dark hour of tholr allllotlon .
Bound Over,
Tho man Louis Gibbs, who was arrested
sfow days ago, and lodged In Jail on the
obargo of stealing somo watoues from a fam
ily living about four miles north of this
city, was bronght up befjro 'Squire John
on this morning, and bad an examination,
and tho evideuco being pretty strong
against htm, bo was bound oor In tuoautn
of 1 100, to await tho action of tho grand
Jury, In default of which, ho wont to Jail,
January 1st, 1878,
About forty Baptist brethren and sudors
atole a march on tholr pastor, Rev. J. 0. 11a-
Icor, Now Year's ovenlng, taking in with
them a good supply of the good eatables,
kuoh as our Oregon ladles know how to got
up. Two hours' timo was enjoyed richly in
singing and soolal conversation; after whloh
refreshments wero served. The ordor was
oallod for Doaoon Berry. Mr. Bates tbon
topped forth and In n fitting speech In bo
half of the pooplo gatborod thoro, presentod
to Itev. Baker a purso and rocking chair, to
tho amount of about $45. Mr. Baker, In ac
ceptlng It, madoa very floo speech, stating
that tho church had boon vory good In sup
plying tho wants of his family; bow well ho
was pleaeod with tho church and Its futuro
prospocts; gave an account In briof of hts
loavlng tho pabtorato and working tlvo and a
half yearn In mlndonary work und roturnlng
tobltt pabtoral Inborn, olo. At tho hour of
10:30 wo wenttoouraovoral homos, ovoryouo
fooling happy becamo thoy cucli had auoh a
ploasant tiuio and bad made othors happy
alio. llAiutv.
pills aro tho best orau purgatives tor ramny
I ubo. They are tho product of long, laborious,
and suooossful chemical Investigations, and
l their exton.lvo use, by Physlolans In their
Ipraitlce, and by all olvllltod nations, proves
thorn the host und most effectual purgative
Mil that median saienao oan aayisa. using
urely vegetablo no narm can arue irom
hair nan. In Intrlnsla valuo anu curative
powors no other Pills oan be compared with
?. 1 .... .am Lnnnilnn .IiaIm I B-
ISemi lllll OVetjr pnuu, nuuniun ...on -
tues will employ them, when neeoded.
They keep tbettystem In perfect order, and
maintain in hoalthy action tbo whole ma
chinery ot Ufa. Mild, searching and effect
ual, they aro specially adapted to tbo needs
oftho digestive apparatus, derangements or
whloh they proventand cure, ir timely taken.
They are tho best and safest physio to em
ploy for children and weakened constitutions
whoro a mild, but effectual, oalhartlo Is re
quired. For sale by all dealers.
Christmas and New Year's.
John O. Wright, at his old stand, Commer
cial 8treet, Salem, has received a great assort
ment of Toys, Candle, and Holiday Gifts,
and Is fully preparod for the Holiday Trado
ot 1877. nov30nr-l.
P. C. ADVOCATE. $2,60.
American Agriculturist, 53.50,
Splendid Microscope, $4,00,
One "Yoiun l'or Cuh1.
jg&- All Methodist Ministers aro Agents.
J. H. ACTON, Editor,
.,4ml POIMXAND, Or.
lom Po-KftSla. tHt .train. '" 'hRUnl"d
ttuter. KGaSUBton. C. H. WHBKLeR.
dec. 1J.-U. flieddt, Oreion.
RY A. V. DAVtI)?0f.
Omar Wflq ft warrlnr. nrnlnr. wrllnr. Iita.
tortau olid slatostnan.
Napoleon was tho greatest man whom his
tory montlons. Tho most wonderful com
mander, keen, pagaolouu, rapid Inoxi cutton,
iliirliiir or politic as clrcumsiances dlctnlod;
n politician nnd a fir seeing sJaicMiian.
. lutar was tun greatest man or antiquity;
Napoleon, of modern times.
Cromwoll was solid, deep, prlncoly, Rnd
had at heart llio pood entieo or hutimn lib
erty. Kopland, tho Unllod States, tho civ-
ii'xni worm, ouo nun mi linininso uebt.
l'rlnco William or Oraneo was truly n
prince. To I'rlnra William and tbo Long
I'arllampnt nro duo tbo civil and religious
liberty or the nlnoteenth century.
Washington was a warrior, statesman, cit
izen, and a good man. "First In war, first
in peace, and first In tho hearts or his coun
trymen:" tho greatest comnllmcnt over nalil
to tuan.
Uamllton put together tho wholo machln-
ery or our Government, and, without the
am or eis wonuerrut Intellect, our experi
ment would have been a rallure.
Burr was a genius, intellectual and ambi
tious; but an unscrupulous scoundrel, a
traitor and a murderer f
Palno was a great writer. If we owe our
liberties to tho sword of Washington, so also
do woowo our llbortlos to tho pen of Palno.
When our armlos or tho Revolution wero
Boroly distressed, half naked, hair starved
and barerootod, wbon tbo groatcauso Boomed
waning, and liberty was In tho tbroos or
death, I'atno'a burning words wero read at
tho head or our armlos and an olectrlo spark
thrilled tholr hearts, and thoy wont forth to
battlo and to victory; tbo almost "lost rauBO"
revived, a nation sprang forth a giant. "Com
mon Henso" and "Tho Ulghts or Man" will
llvo as long as liberty Is loved or the Kooliuli
languagolsspokon. Tbo "HlghlBor Man"
will be road and oborlshed by tbe massot
whon "Tho French Revolution" will only bo
round on tbo mouldy shelves of tho row.
Patrick Henry's commanding eloquonco
took captive by storm tho citadel of feeling
and melted tho American heart In sympathy
with liberty. Henry put in motion causes,
Washington tmod tbem as means to an ond,
a groat end, but Palno snatched victory from
our onemlos and (placed It on our standard
"Whtrelong may it wave."
Onr revolution was fruitful of good men,
and unfortunately for tho "good cause,"frutt
ful of some Infernal monsters, as Burr and
Arnold. But Christ hlmseir was betrayed.
A telegram received from Hon, Stopben
Smith, last evonlng, announces that Dr,
Wm. Kell. tho rospeoted founder of tho
Aurora colony, Is dead. Ho died at Ave
o'clock Sunday afternoon, December 30,
Tho origin, vitality, energy, and even ex
Istenoo of tbo Aurora colony are due to the
efforts of tbe deceased. Many years ago be,
with a fow adhorents, came to Washington
Territory and settled noar Woodward's
Landing, on tbo Columbia. Not liking the
locality, they afterwards removed to Aurora,
which was then in tbo nilcKt of a vast wll
doruess. Under the dlreotion of Dr. Kell,
line church buildings, a beautiful garden
and park, mills, storos, and shops bavo been
erected, and tbe colony of which he was the
founder is to day one of tbo moat flourish
Inir communities of tho State.
Wo shall publish In a few days a sketch of
this remarkable man, embracing a history
of tbo colony whloh he founded In Missouri,
and a aketch of tbe colony tna ho has Un
behind him in Oregon.
Pl.uura with Profit.
With tho arrival of tbo wild goose and
duck, tbon begins tbo chase, and tbo Nlm
rods sgaln find ploasuro in burnishing np
their old rusty fowllngpleoos, preparatory
to a raid. The "wild gooso chato" began In
this vicinity some two months ago, and tho
oxclUtmont oftho chaso continues yot, and
tho fatality with tho wlngod and feathery
tribes, on tho prairies and bottoms, as aro
milt or tho terrlblo aliot-gun fusllado of our
Nlairods, Is perfectly awful. Every day or
two somo of our citizens returns from h
day's bunt all covered with glory, mud nnd
feathers, and chock-lull of a hunter's con
celt. Our markolH aro full of tho feathery
tribes, tbo victims of our Nlmrods. who
claim to bo making a good thing out of tbo
"wllu gooso cuase," luus auuing prout to
Burnt His Way Oat.
A Jail bird by tbe name or Anderson, con
fined for "rolling a drunk," burned and out
bis way out or Jail In a funny manner last
Tuesday night, In Astoria. lie wont up
through the celling and root. The Astorlan
says the method employed was to char tho
boards by holding a candle under thom , and
thou digging the coals out with bis knife,
lie bad boon at work In this manner for a
longtime and was always growling at bis
room-mate for wasting tbecaudlos. H Is lie
was well atuck to and won his fteedom. lio
la fitlll at large
Tho following is !a summary statement of
buslnets transacted In tbo office or the County
Clerk or Marlon county, Stato of Oregon, for
the year ending December 31, 1877:
No. of Mortgages recorded 418
No. of Doeda recorded 800
No. ot Chattel MortgageH tiled HO
No. of Marrlago llcouses Issuod 117
For tho month of Uecembor, 1877:
No. or Mortcages recorded 38
No. or Deeds recorded J
No. or Chattel Mortgagee filed 8
No. or Marriages licences Ixsuod 13
Slultuoiuah R. A, Chapter.
At a regular meeting of Multnomah It. A.
C. No. 1, held last Thursday erenlm?, the
following persons woro Installed as olllcers
of the Chapter for the en.ulng Masonlo year:
J. J. Murphy, II. P; Com. K. D.SIoat, K.;
q, II. Gllfry, 8.; Charles Cartwrlght, O. II.;
F. J. Babcock, P. H.; Wm. Kwen, a. M. lit;
Wm. Greenwood, G. M. 2U; if. M. Thatcher,
O.M. a I; J. W. Weatherlord, Treas.; L. 8.
Soott, Secretary; A. Kelly, Sentinel.
At The Recorder's Office.
This morning compUint was madeagatntt
one Mr. Gorman, ciisrged with beating hl
wife, while ou a drunken spree. Odicer
Mlnto soon reached tbe scene, found bis
man and brought him before Judge Bowie,
where be received bis sentenoa tine of 50
or tbe county Jail for twenty-five daj a. lie
went to Jail,
Number of Arrests.
Tbe following U tbe number or arrests that
have been made In the city and broutrbt be
fore tbe pollr-e court for tbo month of Ixceva
ber. 1877: For vagraucy, 1; disorderly con-
,l..Ai ? I.,n.nv nuaalllt ftml liattfefv. 3-
burglary, 1, Total number of arrests Is. I
In establishing n character, nothing n
mom important than tho punctual ful
llllmnt of cngngciuuntH. A promise
oiipo inado, should bo faithfully tullieted
to, It mutters llttlo at what cost. Tho
highest praise tlint c.in bo said of a man,
Is that "his word Is as good ns his
bond'," and having gained this reputa
tion, ho never Jacks for friends or aslst
nueo when required. Wo arc led to these
remarks In view of tho fact that on this
coast there Is a sad lacl: of punctuality
In keeping appointment, or in comply
ing with tenns of contracts. A young
man gives his word that ho will bo pres
ent at a ceitain time, or that on a ylven
day ho will most hts obligation, but
when the time comes ho Bcare.ely gives
tho matter a thoughtnnd when question
ed as to his failure, gives somo petty ex
cuee, that in Itself nllbrds conclusive evi
dence that he has llttlo or no regard for
his word. The young man or woman
who starts out In life in this1 careless-slip-shod
way, Is not likely to attain any
considerable eminence, and tho chances
aro that in nine cases out of ten they
will become to bo regarded as altogether
unreliable. If this fits tho reader bo It
man or woman commence the Now
Year by turning over a new leaf and
whenever you give your word regard that
word ns binding us a bond.
Miss Culture, of Boston, was naked to
bo bridesmaid at the wedding of a New
lork friend, and she declined by letter,
saying: ''My etiological class Is In fro
quent session, and my Emersonian stud
ies occupy so much of my time that I
shall bo prevented, by reason of Intellec
tual duties, from olllcluting in tho man
ner suggested by your recent communi
cation." And tho New York girl said:
"Whut uonsensel"
One day you will bo pleased with n
friend, and tho next disappointed In him.
It will be so to the end; und you must
mukc up your mind to it, and not quar
rel, umIi-bh for very gravo cuubcb. Your
friend, you have found out, la not perfect.
Nor nro you: and you cannot expect
much moro than vou give. You must
look for wcnkncfoollannoss, nnd vanity
In human nature; it Is uujiuppy If you
arc too sharp In seeing thetm"
Gen. Grant la an object of exceeding
curiosity to foreigners. When ho went
to the Amerlcon chapel at Pars on a re
cent Sunday, one person, not satisfied
with a back view of the General, left his
place, walked down the aisle, stood for a
few moments contemplating the Ameri
can, and returned to bis scat quite con
tented. Tho Mormon boys of Salt'-Lake City
havo taken to olgarcctcs, and are seen
smoking them In tho streets at night to
an extent that grieves the church paper,
tho Herald. Tho boys arcby that paper
clgurs to pi IK1", pipes to whisky una
whisky to the devil.
Last Bummer tho teacher who had
been engaged foF a Biihoolltf-Cnyuga
county, Now York, stayed, alono In tho
schoolhouso every day. waiting for pupils
who did not come. Her engagement was
disliked by the people, hut by attending
regumriy suu esiauiutien u valid oiutni
for waged.
An cxciulslte.lendlnga ilogbyn Htrlnir.
lounged up to the ticket olllco window of
n railway station, mm weeic, aim itiquir
cd: "Must I uw take n ticket for u
puppy V" He wuh naturally both sur
prised and annoyed when tho ticket seller
answered, in a slightly bewildered tone,
after a, moment's rellectlnu: ''No, you
can travel aa an ordinary passenger."
Mrs. Fremont rays that when alio wont
to San Francisco, In Mi), visits In tho tiny
time were held as marked attention. Sho
was told that "time was worth $50 a
minute," und that she must hold as n
great compliment the brief visits mude
to her during the day.
A cauaNboat captain at a town sent
his boy out for a dollar's worth of provis
ions. He brought back ninety-live cents'
worth of whisky and a livecont loaf of
bread. "Heavens!" exclaimed tho cap
tain, "what aro you going to do with ull
that bread."
A Louisiana man has hail three wives
in four years. He traded ono for a farm,
another for a pair of horses, and n third
for a mule. lie Is only forty years old.
und expects to stock his farm entirely If
no nasgood iuck.
A young man who left his homo In
Conuestleut somo years ago to seek his
fortune, recently wrote from Texas, say
Ing, "I've settled hero." It has since
trunsplred Unit ho was right. Ho settled
at twenty cents ou n dollar.
Tho Philadelphia Clironlclosays: Cali
fornia rillo companies hlro Chinamen to
hold their targets and then, for fear of
spoiling their targets, they shoot tho Ce
lestials holding tuein.
'Wo all know," said tho school com
mittee man to tho new teacher ho was
examining for her position, "that A, li,
and C is vowels, hut wot wo wants to
know know is wy they Is so."
"Oh, I'vo loved before," said n Detroit
woman to her fourth husband, us she
took ti handful of hair from his head bo
cause he objected to hung out tho week's
A Richmond negro who pawned his
shotgun for u marriage license said, about
a week after tho oereuiony was perform
ed, that ho was ulwuys afraid that gun
would be tho death of him.
Tho older we grow the more wo realize
that fifteen cents will buy more tlsh than
a busluess man, whose time la worth tlfty
cents an hour, can go outand catch In u
whole day.
How fur may a widow go in providing
for her children? If left to tho widow,
cho would probably think it right to go
one step farther.
Honor tells yon not to hit a man when
he' down, and discretion wurns .vou
ugalutt hitting him when he Isn't down.
Ti i o r i. o x'H o i
Garden City Sulky Gang and Walking
mm o w xm
Superior to nsytblng In tills State;
Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined,
Sond for
Circulars, which
A man recently wrote to an ofllclal of
tho lioftton, Concord and Montreal rail
road "for a chunco to run on the roiul."
He was told ho could "run on the road"
as much ns ho whhed if ho would only
keep out of the way of tho trains.
The Cherokee Advocate, tho Indian
Territory newspaper, requests vigilance
committees not to hang any more men
In front of its ofilce, as such things annoy
tho compositors.
In order to nave tlmo and trouble
young men should remember that It Is
plowing sand und sowlngsalt to nttempt
to talk poetry to a girl who has been eat
ing onions.
All the Jananeso screws turn to the
right, ami why they don't hitch up a
horse with his head to the vehicle is moro
than any Yankee knows.
Tho Dally Astorlan ufa recent date has the
following in roferenco to lion. W. It. Dun
bar, Grand Worthy Obler Templar or the
W. It. Dunbar'sleoturoontemperanoowas
a masterpiece of sincere eloquonoe, beauti
fully rendered and thoroughly appreciated
by tho audlonoe. It was a raro troat and de
served a full bouso. The speaker was evi
dently at home on the subject, lie spoke of
tbo ondeavora of a few hero who wero mak
ing a bold stand for tbe causa of temporanoo,
aud elahuod tbey deservod a bettor support
from tbe tomporato who took no aotlve In
terest in tbo Rood work, or ollsred any on
osuragawsnt to tba.workara. Tbon of tbo
manifold blessings aud happiness enloyod by
tbe abstalnor from Intemperance, picturing
In glowing colors tbe soolal pleasures and
many bonaflta derived, aud then tbo slavo to
tbo Insatlablo appotlte for alcoholic dnnks
and bis mlsorablo ond. Finally tbo spoaker
annoalod to tbo ladles to oxort tholr Ititluoiioo
which ho claimed was tbo most powerful or
all, anu rolateu somo mioroiting reminiscou
oos from roal lire to substantiate tblsulalm.
Altogether It was ono or tho most lutoroxt
lug leoturos wo havo ovor listened to. Tho
choir or tbo Congregational Church rurnlshed
appropriate muslo which was a host In Itwolf,
Mr. Dunbar remains a few days and t.l
Good Templars attending lodge thlH oveulng
will havo an opportunity to niuothlin.
Lc Broken.
A man by tbo name of Ilrooks, known m
an expert card player In thin vicinity, bad a
leg brokon Just below tbe kneo yesterday,
while souflliug In run with an acquaintance.
Dr. Sharpies, or this city, wont up last ulght
aud robot tbo broken limb,
Flaao Tuning.
Frank A. O won, Just from San Franolsoo,
bascomii hero to realdo pormauently. lie Is
a llrst-class piano and organ tuner and re
pairer, being highly recommended as such
by two of tbe leading muslo bouses of Han
Francisco, besides of tbo Gardner Brothers,
of Salem. Uo guarantees satisfaction or no
pay. Ills prices will be for ono tuning, 5 00.
Ily tho year, two tunings, 8 00; tbreo tun
lnRS,f0 0O. Loavo orders at Gardner lira's
muslo storoj dcldw tf
From Hon. W. H. Jones, of West Dovor,
V la
"I bavo boon troublod from my boy
hood with ohronlo or hereditary lung com
plaint. Homo yoirs since, early In the
winter, I look cold, which ai iimmI heiiled
Into a hovuro couku, which oamlnued to
InoroaHO as tbo season advanced, although
I mado uso of all tho cough ro mod Ion I
had knowledKO of. My ramlly physician
also profcrlhod for mo, but I experience-!
nnrelhf. During all this time I wasgradu.
ull.. rllimlnn IIW11. InillllT HiIhIi llll(l
htnuiKth, until my friends as well as my-
self, became vory nuiuii murium, mime
ln I should waslo away In consumption.
While in I!)tou, during tho spring fol
InwhiB, I was Induced to try Wiwah'h
Uaijiam or Wn.n Ciinnitr. Alter ono
day's trial I was fcouslblo that It was rn
llovlns me; In ten day'a tlmo my coukIi
l.u.l n..ll.li lUlllilill. Htlfl I wuh Noon ro-
stored to health ami alriiigth. I have
over since kept tbo Uausam in my houwi,
kiid wieriover any iiiombor of my family
has a couuh or cold, It U Immeillately re
Hori..rttn. Kofiinll v should bo without it,"
dold by all drunUtK,
Tho Machine Was Vorn Oot.
iui.ni x7f li.4nnbn it wah not well
I... n . t uiu wmnirlv run. TllOUSIIlds
of men who bavo ruu down long I efore
their three .core aud ten years aro attorn
plUbed, might have been renewed into
HprlifbtiinesH aim vim u uif.v "u unu
iLu.ll lniian 1's-llllVIAN KVIlUI'. ulllcll
contains snniiK It" jeoinpouuds tho Prolox.
luo or iron, so curiiuiucu iv n. ,.,.,
Istfts with tho blood und InvlKoratea tho
w !,,.(,. uu.iLm Thlii uvrnn han moved
-niertuloiiHlnibouands of camM, and will,
Jo e very biMiy goou wuo uses n. u uiu
ijhtH kwplt.
f 1 1 0
1 tt H B fl n II kwJt I I B PJI H n B'V" mM m
liWlmMlm w
will bo forwarded froo to any
Ilnvo Xow Opened Their
Stuplo nnd ITnnoy
Dress Goods,
An Immense Variety. '
JRoploto vitli
Oct. 7. Un
San Franoieoo Tand Portland.
The P. G. S. S, Go.
hlp rcKuUrly, every tlvo days belwtcu Uiii
1'roucUcu aiul 1'orlUnil
IXT Ticket! for ilo by
II. . IIOON, Arrnt. 8ALS.M.
J. U UtllNAIII).
H, I1. LKK,
Wert ildo Dock, corner tiaUnou and Krout SU
Hpcclal attention kItcii to Parmem' l'roiluce of am.
kin in. CotrU'inui'fili rollcltrd, Havo connection
In rtm l'rnnclico which enable n to Kvt Urn bent
market price. ocu
Cboppod into Food,
33ox Oxxo-Torxtlx ToU.
Sash, Doors. Blinds
Turning. Nlalr work, IlcdatcadN
UiirctiUN, MuiidN, Tublt-H,
Aud all klndN ol Fiirnlliire,
At llKD-ItOCK l'KICBH, Hhop at Ap-lcntmral Works
balldhiK, halrm. fcllf O. V. DKNNIN.
Has -Seed.
prodtictltiii of Ki.x-HitEii, the uii(lcilm.-l kivu
nollio that thoy will pjrebaro at llio
BIlKhest ninrkct I'rlco,
or will contract fjr all that may be nlTon-d'of next
iM'an'H crop. Iliinuu.li llielr auentK. Mmiro, Al.l.KN
A. I.IHV1H, of I'outi.ami, fruui wliom (.id cm bu
had upon uppllcMtKin.
joiik a. kitti.i:,
Manaseror the I'aclDc Oil and t.cnl Wnika,
(HucriKir U)H, A.tiUutber) )
Dry Goods,
XjIkIIcn' Di'rhh GoodH,
llOOTd, BIIOKri, 1IATH. AI'8. (IllOCfltlUa ANi
The h'h'hmt ca!i prlcu paid fcr all kluj of country
VH duct.
Cor Klrrt arid Madlrou '.ici.
ii(jB0n.a I'OIITI.AND, or.
ftCC 5 drV W.ei:Uipnl. HO Ov(JU frt
vtiO p U i 6 ' O. VICiitJtY, AuisojU, Maine,.
.j, tt.4Llto&A'JaMt-