V tv !'l WILJLAMETTE FARMER r I i! '4 JL ! v? ;i j' n i . if 1 ii r fflSSSA lesUKi) ivjiiit hjuav, bit OUA-ltlCK cSr, CRAIG, rUOMRIISIUI ANU rnOI'JUJITOHS. N. A. OliAIIKlS. W. OKAHJ. Tcrmn of MilterliMou. ntin rmiv. ono vcar(5S nnrolitr"). Ono c)y, ilx month (W iinrnben") ... Onn raipy, tlirnn month (13 numbers! . $2.ro MALUM, FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1878. OUR WOOL INTEHEST AND FREE TRADE. Editor Wlllamoito Farmer: Your roadora without doubt, aro converts suit with tbo effort that Is to bo mado In Con groin, at tbo earliest practical moment, to revise tbo existing tariff. Tho movers of tbls neaauro have arranged with much care, a plan to Introduce the subject m soon as the ourrenoy question Is final lysottled, and urgo it forward under the spoolous object of more fully extending, and developing the foreign market for Amorlcan manufactures and pro ducts. The great mooting of tho reprosontatlvos of Kantorn commercial Interest with tbo factors of foreign oommorcla! and Industrial capltali lately bold at Saratoga, which rosultod In a ootnblnod movement to preparo tho way for bsoluto control of tho Incoming dominant political party upon tbequoHtlon, ought to bo Hufllolont warning of what industrial capita nnd labor may ox poet If tboy succood. Tho power ol such a mats of capital as Is hero roprosontod, cannot bo noil estimated specially when appllod Inatlmoot aotlvo political change and uncertainty, aH now oc cupies tho publio mind. I havo no doslro In handing you tbls artlclo to ontor upon Lho dlsousslonof the question of Industrial pro. taction, I only hope to bo ablo to convlnco tho roader of tho dangor to all our ossontlal business Interests, and domestic business re lations, If tbo movement roferrod to should Huceuj In establishing tbo absurd policy of " FreoTiado," In plaoo of that of protection to Amor'can labor and capital. It would seem to be tbo crowning proof of tho tlanper to any thoughtful obwvor, who will oxamlno tbo undermining inlluoncos of Jlrltlsli diplomacy, as displayed In tho reports of Industrial I'rogross, and theooadltlonof tho Dnanoos of the peoplo, and tbo exebquor, of thoso powers who havo blindly yielded to ijs Iptluoucoi. Not ono of Ibota wliloh for Ihu last (oil years havo boon under tbo Itiflu enco of tho oomtnorolal treaties of England, In whiob tbo Free Trado policy was adopted, that havo not been forosd by Industrial dis aster and the voice of the peoplo through tbolr rospootivo Parliamentary bodlot , to do wand a obange and return to doinestla pro tection, as the only road upon which national Indepondonoo could bo maintained. Within tbo past year an Immonso gather ing of all the great Industrial Interests of Oermany, met at Frankfort, and passed res olutions demanding that no commercial treaty with foreign powers should bo made look, ing towards freo trado, distinctly threatening to remove tho romnaut of their manufaotnr. lug Interests to forolgn soil If thoy woru no' to bo protected from forolgn labor. Tho commission appointed to examine and report upon tho condition of Uerinan Indus tries, represented most emphatically that frt'o Irudo had Hooded tho empire with pro ducts of English Industry, and wiw spreading ruin ami iloitruotlon to Industrial capital and Isbur. In Fruuco, Murslmll MaoMulion, In hU tour through Franco urged with great force tho ooutlnuanou, and luaroanoof their pioKiollvo K)lloy. A policy which bad been Instrumental in spllo of tbo uucortaln and inlserablo political olluy of tho realm, in Having tbo country, and currying It through tho terrible demands of hor publlo euomles. Ho showed that by au oversight or Imper fection in the proteotlvo bill, France had In" creased her Imports In eighteen months, two hundred million francs upon textile fabrics, making ono hundred and twenty million fiancs taken In that tlmo from Frouoh lubor. Tbo wonderful fact that Franco was ablo without distress to pay the largoat known war tax in a few months, ought to hao Its weight with Industrial eoonomists. Tho example of India, whlok at ono lima furnUlioil cotton and silk fabrics for half tho world, forood by Knglaud to soil her raw prod not and buy Kngllsh manufactures, hor Industries all dosed, an omplro ot paupers, and tbo bonos of millions of tho Inhabitants literally sturvod to death, whiten tho pi tins ot a unco prosperous empire. Turkey, under freo trade polloy Is now shown to tbo world with no bad rook of Industrial Independence whllti England, her aycnvliunllo drstroyer, Insults her victim, by expressing holy sym pathy with tint Mm religious ertmtio of the MuMoovlto. Austria and Italy ttro at till Mimut'ui iigtutiug twit necessity, it return to protection. Tith policy, whluh Is to be urged upon our country In lho pUco of protection, demands1 to bo pitld in shoddy goods, and tho products tho protective tariff In Inducing and increas ing this great Intorest in Oregon. In spito of its necessary Journoy nearly half nrcond tbo oitrtb to Its final market, In spltoof bowing to tbo factor nt our port of export with all Ills chareon. which Is again repeated at Han Francisco, llionoa acrons tho crnMnont, thoro to submit to cormnlt Kfori's and charges, all to bo tnkon from pro duction nccount; in spltoof tho foollNhucs of paying Irnlght at enormous rates by rail upon thlry to lortv per otnt of dirt lu Its iiiimsIi(i1 tnto. Yot no industry can show such a margin lor capital Invented. It Is within tho rtuchofany poor man wlfh litiloor no capital, nd tinllko govorutnont lionils. which nro reduced in vnluo as each oupou it removed, tho shtep rpproduros tho oupoti In each yraiNplaco, nnd adds to tho riinnor'sorsiie)DorirHCreuicaccouut,a3car y bond (In the Increase) as good as tho original. Docm tho reader ask lor reasons for tho unex- Cocted Increaso In this Intorest and for tho riuht futuro prospects of all this realon In terested in this production, In spltoof dint ancoand the load of charges upon Its sale and transportation to market? Tho reply must bo, protection against foreign wool, and a homo marke. upon our own soil, wbloh was sustained through the most trying financial ordeal of the past five years, by the wise pro visions of the tariff of 1807, which protected tho wool grower, and the wool manufacturer alike. Tbe report of the Australian government upon Its Industries for 1870, deplores tbe low stato of their wool growing interest, which for that yoar was five times greater than tho comblood returns of all othor Industries' In cluding mining produotn of tho contlnontt and adds that thoro Is mason to hopo that the combined inlluoncos of tbo boards of trado, industrial associations, and com morel tl cir cles of tbn Homo government, of their own ports, and that ol tho boards of trade, of tho cotsmorclal cities of America, will bo ablo to broak ilou n thoprotcctlvo tariff of tho United States and again opon up that great market, to tbelr overstocked wool market. I may not glvo tbo words as tbo report -Is not at band, but this Is tho toxtof tbo hopo, hold out to tho Australian sbophord, In tbo last official roport of that govorumont. I have no hesitation In expressing tbo bo llof that should our ports bo opened to Aus- ii ki in, vii jinn (inniniiu, hi iiuuuun njreir, Cannof Good Hone. Adrianonlo. and tho wool producing parts of tho world, at such reduced rates ol dutvas will admit of free Importa tion, tbo sheep In tho Columbia valloy, will not be worth tbo polls which now cover them. Wo pay our borders f (00 por year and board, while tbo avorago of wagos for tho aame sorvlco In tbe countries named Is f 160, and board. The ruin of tho abopherds' in terests Is not tho groatest ono to bo feared In the event of tbe adoption of tbo freo trade poncy. Tbo operatives in tho woolen mills of tho country who fool the effeot of the low condi tion or business, find that while thoy might bo ablo to buy clothing from Imported wool ens cheaper for a wbilo, yot tho breaking down of tho home manufacturing Interest by reason of excesslvo Importations would do prlvo thorn of labor, and then with no com petition, here they would bo entirely subject to tho tonseicnUout scruplta of tho Kngllsh Irado manor for continued ohoap clotblug and fabrics, Ifjilmo and apace wero at command for tho full edification of tbe freo trader upon this coast, who reooenlsos tbe extent of this pres ent and prospective Interest, I should be glad to lay beforoyour readers the late speech of tho 1'resldont of tho " Department of Econ omy and Trado," or Groat Britain, Ho con gratulates his hea re rs.(theloadlngeoonomlKts of tho Kngllsh nation), upon tbo triumphant results or me system or diplomacy dv wnicti he declares free trade Is to be secured, but In the course of his speech, frankly admits his fear of the awakonlnsr of tbo masBos in the countries who havo adopted reciprocity, to Its efloota to transfer Industrial In teres is to KugUnd, and run their Industries. Un re gretted to eeo tho troaty diplomacy of the various European powers subected to a par liament of the people, instead of being deter mined by the beads of governments. Touhm his own words, ho finds reason for aproheu. slou In tho " net that the last qrncratton han stcnanenuriioutcvtlopemento parliament ary inaUtutium vn tho continent oj Jiurope." In these parliaments the Interests of tho jmo plo have a yolco. Ho adds these words: " That thoro was a tlmo when the Irritation of tho peoplo by tho effect of such treaties would have but llttlo effeot; tho governments would have hold on their way, and allowed them to sink or swim," To return for a moment to tho wool grow Ingaud manufacturing interest in this threat ened ohango In the policy of the government. I wan't to copy tho words of I'rof. Urotho,of llnrllii,a memuerofthuliunerlal Parliament of Germany, upon tho effect ot freo trado upon inoir wool uiuustriost " We formerly had In Germany tho best wool lu tho world, and a most nourishing sheep husbandry, Tbo whole world was at tracted to tho German markot of lino wool, and the Gorman woolen cloths in nearly all qualities was the best produced in any coun try, sunco tuo nrsi ana sooonu steps in tno way of free trade, we have lost successively our great number of sheep, and our groat quantities of Hue cloth." He adds that a largo portion of tho wool now used In Germany, Is purohased lu Iondou wool market, which, should frteudly relations bo disturbed bo twtveu tho nations, would close tho German mills. In addrosslng your rosdora through the Fahmhii, there Is certainly no desire to ralso h false cry of alarm, at tbe proposed ohanges. I well kuow that to tho public, the evil soems a long way oil. Taero Is also a feeling ot safety engendered In readlog the President's messsiro tinon our business rotation with for ulgti iKiwora. Yet It Is a safe adago " to pre pare siiettnr in aiivance orstorms." Tliereroro it is to bo hoped that every man upon tbls western coait who U Identified with Its Industries, will consider this matter and bit prepared to enter protests against n change. That all Industrial associations; tho Sisto Agricultural Nooloty; thtiOrangeorgHit ImIIoiih, sud nil who unlio for material s slriiauro and protection, will earnestly de mand our right to protection. Certainly If i no isuor element protect tho country against foreign uemlts, lho KOoriimenl ought in rolprcallytoproteot labor against itseuemles. If ono wUh tho balances of American trade GRASS SEED -SEED GRAIN PMWPR find aARIlP.li HF.F.I1S. iuuiruii uuu uuiiuun jjij,j.. - r3 td M W w in 02 01 AT MV 8KEH STOnn, PORTLAND, NEMl fcTAItK sTjtEnrpr.itnr. to w w CO Trees, Plants, Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrub bery, Roses and 17'ines. AT THH KAST l'OKTLANO KUKSKUY. CAJ.L AT THE BTOHB. flit Adders H. HANSON, Bad I'ortUad, Or. Jan. 1, 1RTB. S in. SI w w CO iboi. leva. Tke OBly Strictly Wholesale Drag notue In Oregon. HODGE, DAVIS & GO. 71 Front Street, FORTIjAND, OREGON, OPFEK TO TDK DUCO AND GENERAL MER chandleo trade a complete atwrtmont of Drugs. Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware. Shop Furniture, tnd Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS. Of all fire sad qtuuItlrF. WHITE LEAD. Of si tbe leading brandf, In tins and Vest, COLORS. IN CANS and DRY. Putty, lampblack, Rod Lead, Oluo. VARNISHES, Indadtag tho finest braods for Coach I'slnlen' use. Palit. Whitewash, asd Tarnlth Brashc, LINSBKD OIL, In barrets and cans. TarpcatlBC, Ooal Oils, Cast or Oil. Lard Oil, jieai'g'iooi on, jrian mi. Alcohol, In barrels and csk.. Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Caatlle Soap, CoHCSBf rated Lye, Potaih. 331ttoxM All lKjLxLdaa. QuiokBilvor and Stryohnlne. In Quart, Half Gallon, Ono-Oallon, and FlTe-Qallcn Cons and IJarrcli, etc . etc. Wear. Accnts , for Oregon aid WaaUlscton Terri tory for THE RUBBER FAINT, T1IK I1B8T MIXED I'AINT IN CHE. sUlllstkrnafa rr'lc fseep rip, Wakelre's thtf mw ana mjui'rci rriao., nna ier s MBB Jsrncs rrvprlturjr BcdlcUta. rr We bay oar coodii from flrt hands, thns en. sbllue on to compete with any market on the Coot, as a comparUoii of oar prlci will jiroTP. JaTH-tf HAWX.EY, DODD & CO., I'ortlniid, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at tho Lowest Possiblo Fricos, a Full line of AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. VK Aim SOLI AGKN1S 1-OIt TH1J CKLKnitATKI) ITN V V aw sS&Tv 8. op & jMM$m& v MOIiINE!.IIiT ;,in Miuill " Which combine lho frrcatcst strength, GXtrcmo lightness, nnil (luniblllty. DEEKE is the iolo Patentee of tho Wrought liiouk ntul Welded Frog, ttnd their Plow is the only Plow so iniuio. Tho Plow's mouldoourd nnd shuro aro hurdened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEERE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. w Www BBLBBBBBBfeBiBT flXBTH JTV RASfeSBVBKLLBLflBLlCBBdiBBHBBLBBB J BW K aXlBMBf JBBWTBta'ir1! a WBmA liSTBrBSBjtTJ N- " ?Bf Dit. ttio Htlt'iillon of ovory working man, w well as thouitrnoat rffotsof liulustrfal oipltal, to vranl ulf it-s til'MUi; to protoat In no mo'isuroil ttirniM ai;itiiMt thu adoption of it measuro wlitsh will surely parallcaourloadlnirlmlus trloM. Kxttuliio for ono moment tho I'lt'jot of this iolloy tiHn our wool uitorust upon this oast, whloh UUrstlusit umlor protuotloit tJ ovorstiailow all othora In liuporiauco. Already thu adaptability of our physical conditions, for the production of thin moat Important commodity, Is attracting much at ttiutlou In tho market of demand, ami our full yeat ' urowth of atroug warp wool, much of whloh la fayoraulo clroutusUnces may to had to meet tho great domaml for oomblni staple brlnga this product of tbo Columbia Yaltcy Into a prominent plaoo lu the lUstorn nurUot. Thu publlo will know tho effect of of fomlnn ohtmp labor, liiHteadof KoUl.lor tho t'ikoof carrvhiK thu doluslvo banner of frto ir.iiio nitonod to any political party, utin n I n Sir placet thcro by lntornsta In furuln trado and furolun tixohUKH,letuaatouco bid Hood byo to tho Inspirations of advanced clv lli'ttion whloh has bulldtd uaan Indupuntl ant peoptu, and Uach our children to bo thaukful rr tho crumbs that fall from tbe lreoltado master., T. S. Iasiu. noppner, uoo. latn, IHT7. RUPTURE! A 1'ltOMINKNT CITIZEN CUHKD. Bah Fmsciaco. Hrntembcra. 18Tf. rimes UtiT Sir Tlin Truti I nnri-lii.cl of iuh ii i4ii n cureu me or itupturr. rrom wtilcn I have aaffured for tbo t-n'tTwsHTT-rirsTBil, and I (rel confldcut 'hat any ruiiturti can bo cured by jour XAUNkTIU Kt.ASTlo TltUSS, If thu patient wUl only hare nimclriit cuorajru to near It until tho ln nauimatlou caaaed hjr the frlctluu ol tho pad cvatcs, suil tbe membrane htala. ?Kdr sir, uur truly S'. O. QUINBV, Cor. Kdltor "Junrual of OotumerCc," Bau Francltco, Mr. Qalnby Is a Rentleman well and ratorably knowu at over lliUeovrt. After eipeudloj; bundled of dollars ou vorlhle.s meul Trnnae., aud navlnc """ intuij'iiio jeanp, no was coropieieiy cured In s few months by tie Msvnettc Klaitle Trvas. The remaraablo core performed on Dr. J, Hluiraa, the popular htturer and phyalclan, who I known and rerpecjed all over the Oiiltcd btatrs aud Kurope. la bvl explalnid by the following loiter! Ilt. J, BlstUS, Tbe lUnownrd I'byiloxnomlit o: New York, CUUBOI CoLOaa, Cal., Animal J8, 1H7T. MBiusa: J'mica A Hon, bW) riacramento Htreet, Ban rranclico. 1 lake ureal pleaauru luformlni: you that Urn Truss 1 purehad of your drm latt Novem. ber completely cured tbe rupturu with which I hd utlred fourteen years. Mthm three yrara patmy hcrula or rupturo had crowu rapidly worao whlli wearlns an ordinary truM, and tha Intestine paaied down whenever I coughed, Mowed my uoc, or rtralned to lift. No common truas could prevent It, snd then tbo pain was torture. 1!!!:'.'".?:?'.!'.,.'.'''' t'ATKNT MAONRTIO KLAhTIO r UriSIW for lour nionUia, 1 noticed that thu InitsllneadUnotpa. down In the lean, even when I siraliud to niv utmot. mid what was trouble, soni. herula was euUrtly cured, and to remains to Iht day. I freely ' write yon coneenilnfi try enro. becan'e I feel It to be aduty l owe to yen jnd other fellow-klnd who w slmllrly smicted, Yoj are st liberty to print mis letter uould you think proper. 1 am, moat '"I "'VI J"i W, CIJlAiD, M. U, KiPerlenCerhnWS thlt all trmnrrril nrlni trnm nivi.itii.llii . ... ... , ... .. . - .. MARRIED: WIIIVK UNI)BH-lu this Hlv, IVc. , 18TT, ty llio Uv. K. V. Tower. Mr. U II. White, of this ih uiuy.niut Mrs. Uurolluo Uuder.of Linn, KlUOKV-rKltlUN-At tha roahlnnco or J. It, rterve, by llev, l'u 8mltli. Mr. Ulirlallan Krlcky aud Ulu Kv 0 t'errlu, all of Marlou county, DIED. nitAI'Flt.-Tlila day, Drrinber 31, 1SJ7. at 9 c'clock r, u., Mrs. J. N, Draper, aged U years. necfsarlly prtss upon and often dleau paits of thu body that ojfura were In a perfectly healthy condltlou. ;n,nji0' Kjduey and Bladder AfleUlona, ervous ........i,, . aciauau uiuermisiuijor lue conitltu tlou, arc-some yf tha evil effect, produced by auch lisrsh and continued rressur, and in1ew of thU fctltbcouie matter of decided con.toncuco to avoid like calamities. If iHalble. UK. l'lSKCK's MUiaTICi5l.ABTIO TllUSS St d MlO- icatiu Kt'tTuaa I'aus can bo ouialuca ostv of lbi uuiiciUjjui'j tie aura and remember tho name aid uumlier F.IT Oor ,J,n"at J HwV clvtng (uU Informstlon will be vvct free tuauy sddreaa M1UNKTI0 KLA8TI0 IRl'SS I'Oll'AKY, No, CW Sacramento street (up stair). Ban Francisco. jMuia Mrs. Rohrer's New Romedy TO TXB ItXTMOU IS MSJtriXO WITH WOKDSayVL succmss Tins ruBjay vkubtablb kkmkdt hab a...".S1 laJhf N,ltf 4nd cnro of Cocgjhs, Colds, Anoint, ltroochlU. Croop. Whooplnt Oousb. Mca. ??.?? J1 " Produced soma remarkabla cures. Bold by drua.-l.ts wnerally. lYrprd only by -kJO,,!P1.11" VKI,"Y iloumouth.t)r., Ta whom all letters of basinet tbould bo addressed. Tho prratenl I.nhnr-H'fni: Implement yet Icvontcil. Vastly lmpmvrd for Fall of 1877. CCO rstolcX iara. Orogon ixx Ono Tcnr. p-fr" Kvrrv K.irincr InKricird. 'I Jib Di-pro . Sulky l dim on'v Nnil l.nr Plovv uindo. 15.vaMY Ol'KUA'IKIr. .'n ontiMrucli tl Ihat ly n cIIkIii nmll' n c f i i .ftr Urn Plow In. run mil ol Iijh itronnd and raised cltur. lv liorto IiimmkI ol m-ui.pnut-r. it Ih Kiiougtiraad lubH complicated than utiy other. Solo AgentB for tbo well. known SOUTH BEND OHILUDD-IIlOlf PLOWS. BUCKEYE.'DRILLS and BROADCAST SEEDERS The most successful In use. Too well known to need comment. Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FARM QRIST MILLS, all Mjlesand prlcca. FAN MILLS. Sen J for Special ClrcularB. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT or Willamette University. SALEM, oiiEaoir. SESSION OP lBTT-'TS. FACULTVl T. M.QATCn, A. M IMi. D., President of tho TJnl vcnlty. JOHN llOBWKIX, M. D.. Emeritus Profefsnr of Ob stetrics snd Ulacat es of Women snd Children. D l'AVTON. M V., IVofesfor of Obttetrlcs snd niicsvs of Women and Children, with Clinical Midwifery. JAS. M. McAPBI!, M. I)., Professor ol Barclcal and Drtcrtntlva Anatomy, D.M. IONICS, M.I)., Professor of Matorla Mcdlca anaTherapeuMu. L. L. HOWLANI). A. M.. M. D.. Profeasor of Pht. trilogy ana MIcmtcopT, A. BliAHPLltB, A. II. M. D.. Profe,orof Principles and Practice of Burcery. l.H.COLUKlt.A.M., ProfcfMr of CbcmUtry and Toxlenlii.'V 1'IIII.IP HAltVKY. M, n.. Professor of PAthotocy and Practice of MiHllelno. with Clinical Medicine. J. A. UlCIIAIIIiBtiN. M. 1).. Professor of Hygiene. WOODBURN NURSERY KEEPS A. Full Stoclc sUTssa FRUIT, SHADE, OMAMENTAL, ....AMI).... NUT TREES, "V1xi.a ivnd81iru-btoory. Bend for Price List and CataloRuo. Address J. II octl8mS NBTTLRiniRn, Woodbura or. Hon. HUKUB MAI.I.OHV, U. b. Ulst. lessor in aiem&ai jonsprudtnee. Attorney, Pro. Students, en arriving In the city, aro requested call at onc on the Dian, who will furnish all neces. to n.,i.,ii. ry iniurmaiiun, aua omcrwiso provldu for their so coumodatlon, Letters addressed to tbe Dean will receive prempt attention. del&lf V, I. IIOWLAND Id. D Dean. $6.50 !! I can aell you A No. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S BOOTS l'Oll Six Dollars and a half! Manufaotnred out of thn HKST QUALITY of OAIC-TANNKD LEATUKU. JOHN GRAY, Formerly In Durbln's DIocV, has Juit opened a Lsrco and complete Btoclc of Carpets, Ollcloihs, MatllDgs, AN II Houso - Furnishing QoodB. Noxt to Dairy inplo tt Drown, STARKF.Y'S IILOCK, - - SALEM. OH. WHICH WILL UC SOLD AT Lowest Cash Rates! sep21tf ATTENTION HEEP GROWERS!! sJy?Tav So7.b, A BUItE DEATH TO Screw Worm. Foot Hot. Parasites AND ALL that infest JOHN W. Silom, Doc. 21. GILBERT. 3m OREGON MILLS, Korlk Mill Crvek, Salen, ABI MOV 15 Complete Running Order, AND INVITO Custom Work. WELLEB & WALDO, OALKJsT, Not. 1. I81T. KU Sheep. TT 13 8AKEII. IlETTElt and YA3TLY CnEAPEU THAN ANY OTHER PREPARATION FOHTIIK TREATMENT OF snEEP. IT Improves the Health O? TnE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OF THE WOOL. 1ST One callon Is cnongh for one Irandred to two coudUloc P,aCCU mt: ,othelr So, HBKth,aod nEL3,ulnp,nFIVE"GALLONCAN8 nd,n DAR' Hendforclrcnlar.to HOBGE DAVIS & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON ' fVrtoleoale Aeeuta lor tbe Ntate, Or to Tonr nearest ReUll P.rneglst or dealer Jat 17-TJ1IN AliDELSri I yAPVEBHSPttr) . J 174 ELMSTREET. CINCINNATI. -o OHIO. J Advertisement inaerted ia anjptper. Before advertising send for roy catsJogae.