Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 04, 1878, Page 3, Image 3

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- 3 ' .
Having determined ta maintain tho position hcrctoforo occupied by mo for tho
Largest Retail House in Oregon,
I havo taken this means of nnnounolng to tlio public that I am now displaying
tho LARGEST and UEST STOCK of General Mcrchnndlso north
of San Fruncifeco, consisting of a flno stock of
CSrexxtss" sua ci Boys' Olotlilns,
33Ccvt, Caps, Tnmltw, Valloa, oto.f
which is surpnssed by none in tho city, and will bo sold nt prices to
suit tho times. It shall continue to be my aim to give
And to placo before my patrons a variety of articles not to bo found
in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, font to give
vaue rccoivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from ovory pur
chasor, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER.
Plows! Plows!
Buford Cangjj
Black Hawk Single
Okrvais, Doc. 27, 1977.
A per announcement, Ibe Grand Benoflt
Hall given by the citizens of this placo for
tlie purposo of procuring tiro apparatus,
oame off Christmas night. It was. indeed, a
coniploto success In ovory particular, being
one of tho larest dauoos ever given In tho
placo. The proceeds netted 9151. Tho Au
rora string baud furnished excellent mualo,
and every thing went off quiet and peaceable.
Wo must not forget to rtiako tnontlouof
that bounteous Bud most excellent supper,
potion up by tho ladles of our city, and who
took so nutlvo a part for tho noblo purposo
Wo think thov dosorvo crodlt for their kind
assistance. Tho oltlr.ons of tho town aho
return thanks In tho young ladles nnd sou
tlomon or Hubbtrd, Woodbutn, Falrtlold,
St. Paul's, lUittovllle, nnd Howell Prairie,
who favored llittu with their presonco nnd
raado tho danco n "way up" affair, which
will long be remembered by Ihoto who par
llolpatcd and tripped tho "light fantastlu" to
their heart's content. Exodl'is.
Tho Finest in tho City.
Yesterday afternoon Meurs. Hood & Cox,
tho live wideawake Insurance agonts,olo
vnted tholr now Fire Inturanco sign on the
Opera House corner. Fordurablllty, beauty
of design and artistic finish It is undoubt
edly the finest pleoe of sign painting In tho
whole State. Every citizen or the olty nnd
surrounding oountry, and even tho "stran
ger within onr gates," cannot paw that cor
ner without having tbelr attention oallod to
tho faot that, there Is the plaos lo got oven
with the "are nana." Messrs. Reed & Cox
are agents for the "Phronlx of Hartford,"
the "North British A Mercantile, of London
and Edinburgh," and that grand Insurance
syndicate, "Imperial, of London," "North
ern, or ivooaon." "uaeen. or jjiveroooi."
With snob companies Is It any wonder that
they do the heaviest insurance business In
the State T The new aim, however. Is what
this Item was began for, and will finish It
by suggesting that they have another algn
painted, pointing to their magnlfleent new
sign, with the 1
A) mi
VVBLasKS - JaBBBaaaV -
biiiH'bL imLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBiiiiiiiiiiKVJfiniBLaW'
Iron and Wood
Beam Single
8-inch (o lG-inch.
Champion Browne " Sulky,
(Never been beaten In the fieM.)
Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
The McSherry Grain Drill and Broadcast Hecder.
Other Agricultural Implements in the Market.
"Fjrek,-xiVL. Brotners cto Oo.,
-104 and 106 Front Street, - - PORTLAND, OB.
Tlio BoHt over Mntlo.
Ladies9 Calf Shoes,
Joit tbo thin j for oar Oregon winter weather.
fine Kip and Calf Boots,
Which are exprely made for onr bale, of different
qaallUea, to alt cuatomra.
All goedM Hold by mo nre GUAR
ANTCUD to bo nhut I recom
mend llicui, or I will nt any
time mnko It good to tlio pnr-
Salem, Oct. lit, 1STT. .
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
BaJem, April 90. 1719.
mrw. Stla
tnilillh"' rami.nl ,4i
ml. HJM . I. UEAkT a CO,
jyi.t-4 ihiim'imiiii.tt.
Good Farms
OO I OrcRon, ten mllet north of Halem. on the
Dayton and Wheatland roa J; I a beautiful location,
ana 1 tbo very bent land In the Btale. Can b. olvldisl
Into lirtocooil farma. Wo haro an offer far part nf
thla place at f VI per aero, which would Icart ton bal
ance of tho land In a nuare body of 600 acrea, 300 of
which launder cultivation; 100 ittti elaehed, joining
the cultivated dulili. that coald be eaMlygot ready fur
the plow, having been elaabed rom flro io ton years.
All the bulldlnr are on the 600 aero tract, and for
which woonlvaik f30Dcr aero. Tbaaf who are In
eoarchnf tioodUndebouldgoand rco thta place. For
particulars, can ana teo ino propneiora.
A 10,
Oregon, two and a half rollca from flerval., and about
lha uma (llmance from Woodunrn. Ivlnir on the Untie
rllle road. I a dctlrablo location; la the very beit
Jinilltyor land, arKnowieuireii to oe ono or me Dear
arne on French l'ralrle by all wbo are acqualptrd
wlih iho eountrr. Il acrea of thla tract la uuder cul
tivation; the balance of the tract, CO acrea, U timber.
There l a lotvrablo cood dwelling honre on thla
or aiiea room lor
H. I), li S. T. NOTHCUTT..
On the premto, nr addreia tbem at Wheatland, dr.
Nur.M.laTf. imp'd.
place; two cood btrni, with plenty i
lock. For full parttcularf, go anil I
3L,lttlo Olnnt
Wo wish (o Inform the jwople of Oregon
that wo havo purchased tho patent of "Tho
Little Olant Grubbing Maculnn," and that
we ro now prepared to supply any number
ol them Ht a very reatonablo prlco. The tub
olnod tosilraoofals of the superior qualities
of these machine and their comparative
obeapneoH ehould recomended thorn to all
thoett desirous of clearing otriand at but tl
lllnir expend. For further particulars apply
to Frank Cooper nr Woj. Delaney, balom, or
Albott llrlggs, Solo.
b'cio, March 10th, 1877,
This !a crtlfy that wo have used "The Lit
llo Qlnt Grubbing Machine" and found It
Htiperlor to anything of the khuj ever uaed
In this part of tbo country:
I'reslon Munkers, Win Ireland,
Henry Iley, J H Morris,
A Davis, J Illrvlno
K Baldwin. J) F Iirlggs,
Heury T Ilaro.
Wo the undersigned biwo hoot) "tho Lltllo
fJInut Grubbing Maoblnn'' work and can
aiauro the publlothat It U tho boat machine
of the kind wo have over t-et.n working.
M Alexander, G W Hamilton,
JO John ton, I'eter.Hinlth,
J M Hrown, Wm H McKulgbt,
P Illlyeu, D I' Mason.
Kcto, May 25th 1B77.
r. O. CUZalaZVAXT.
8, E. corner, at had of rtalr. foltr
Farmers, Take Notice.
aa rood aa new at JOHNNY XMQIIT'U Black,
amltb Hhop, on Commercial t.. below Wade'a hard
ware i tore, for a until outlay of coin. lirlcg In yoor
old Plnwi, and aee if I Con't do a. I aar.
Inscription, Im kat aigno
Robbary Laat Night,
The Record, Dec.27tb,savs:
Tho realdonco of lion, 11. N. Cooke was
entered last night by some peraon or per
sons, by the means of skeleton keys. The
gas In the bath room that Joins on to Mr.
Fatton'a chamber was turned off and Mr.
P.'s purse taken out of bis pants and emp
tied of what monoy It contained, aomethlr
teen or fourteen dollars, and was then
thrown on the floor. A portion of tho cloth.
Ing woro thrown under the bed, and things
twat to rod around In aeneral. It seems as
though the party or partloswerealter money
alone, as thore were on tho bureau aevoral
articles of roitly Jewelry which they did
not touch. Tho peraonor porsons that com
mitted tho deed are evidently experts In the
art of going through bouses, as Mr. Patton
did not know anything of tbo affair until ho
aio-o In tho morning and diaoovered tne
east door of the house partly open and bis
clothing scattered around. Tho front door
was also unlocked, but nothing from that
portion of tho house as yet boon mlsiod.
La t Monday we published an Hem eon.
corning a fight botween the englnnera of tbo
steamer MoCully, lat Sunday. Upon com
plaint of All. McCully, Mr. Alonao Vickers
was arrested at Orogon Olty and brought
back lo thla city foi trial, which took plaon
yesterday before Justice II. A. John ton, and
resulted In Mr. Vickers' acquittal and dls
OMce In Portland,
Flnt street.
President of HcottWh Hoard of Dlrector,
ALEX AN DKlt UOIIIiL AY, Esq.. UhlpbaUder,
Head Offlcr, 87 Uank at., Dnndee.
Trerldent of Oregon Board of Olrector.
DONALD UACLEAY, Hn., (of Corbltt & MaeiceyJ
Manatiln PI roc tor,
WILLIAM HK1D, K(j., Portland.
Thla Bvln- Dank receive, depoalla not only from
the Uduitrlal anc farming elatrea of Orct-on bat alio
fro-i HrotlaLd. lortho purpoao of rafely Uivollnw the
fame (along with Ita capital) principally on Ileal )!a.
late Mortpa-jee rccureil iiver Improved Farm, and
Portland City Propertlee, and to ataUt Ha Depodtom
and other lu It a erection of Dulldlnga and Imptsve
menta within Uie Ulate.
liOaaa made oh ileal Katate, IO rrrceut.
RdC 1 1 vtrauKie
(fry. be leave to call the attention of Krult
men. andallothera who with lo procure (rood, heal
thy Treea, to their IMMENSE STOCK. )V
coNnanHo or
Apple, Poar, Peaoh, Plum, Cher
ry, Prone,
And many other mlKellaneoa varlettre , the prlco. of
wuico wo uto icuucwi vo ami lue.iuuea. ,
t.sd fur a catalogue,
octtJ Ulltvaukle.
Between Portland and San Francisco.
TllllOUnil TICKI'.TH
Can bo pnrchaaed at the nrinclnal titatloni of tho
O, i. U. It. It , at
Ilocluoodl Xlxvtoas.
Bteimera leave both Portland and Han I'ramUco about
Every Five Days,
rurylwr I'aiarngera and 1'ielxlit at thu LOW'KiT
It VfKi. It ta thu only ln carryliu Ilia 11. H. MAILS
and WELLS, KAHOO & CO.'fl UXPliBtid,
The Kteamtblpa of thla Compiny am rated A I, and
are new, elu-ai.t and coinpltto lu tviry parllcuUr,
audcoutlatuf the
State of Oregon,
(Now balldlnjr ) 'im) tou harden,
George W. Elder.
(U01 ton.)
City of Chester,
(liW torn.)
AjaXv 00 tone J
Kor Irelifht or Daaaajre. aDDlr at the OuraDanr'a of-
nce, corur r aua ituin iuhm, ioutlji.o,
notxt GEO, W. WMDLEU, Ageat,
Now York, Deo. 28. Tho World's Wash
ington soeolnl savs: Tho Ilenublican ma
jority in the Sonato will bo roducod to ono
volo wuon uongross ro.tsombles. Patter
son enys to-day, as soon as hntsablo to travel
ho Intends to tnko two months' lnavo of ab
fence, and he does not In'.ond to ak tho
Democratic fililo Tor a plr. Ho thinks, as
Itepubllcann havo donounrod hltu from his
own sldo of tho chamber, he owot tliotn
notblnK, and will thoroToro not do out of his
'wav to protect their atondnr msjorliy.
vasiuugton,;uec. m i no wur uepurtnioni
to-day rccoivrd dlipntcht'S In rolntlou to
ovonts Jutit trntmplrcil In Sun Klb.Arlo and In
lll.l'axo county. It is uuotllcUlly statod
howuvor, that tho U.S. troops wero called
upon to tisslst lu mnkltiK nrrexts of purtlos
connected with the killing of J udRo Howard
and othors, and that lu doing so, resistance
wftsoiroriul and twoof tho mob killed, and
subsequently two of tho porsons arrested
werotukou out and lynched by ranRors.
llrownsvllle. Deo.M. Tbo steamer Harlan
arrived at Urar.os yosterday morning with
thrco cotnpanlos of U. ti. troops from Now
Orleans, which wero dlsombsrkod and reaoh
cd this cily by railroad last ovenlna. Tnoy
arotbe first of tho additional force recently
ordorod to tho Itlo Grande, and are regarded
as ovldenco that tho power of tho govern
ment Is to be more olTocllvely on'orond on
this frontier In the future. The lower Rio
Grande has boon remarkably quiet for sev
eral months past.
New York, Deo. 27. The World's Wash
ington spcoial says: AdvlOM received from
Ohio saya the senatorial contest Is narrowed
down between Morgan and Pendleton, Prob
ably tho lattar will bo elected. There Is
muoh exeltemont thore.
Tho same authority haa the following as lo
the tenor of Chandler's letter; It only re
echoes the opinions expressed in conversa
tion for weeks past by Kepubllcau senatora
with the exeenllon of fonrorfivn. and avnn
these are Inclined to agree to that portion In
relation to appointments of the presidents
In tho South. It Is predicted bjr,Chandler'a
friends that with the reopening of theses
slon this feeling will make itself manifest In
debate In both houses, unlosa In tho moan-
time tho prosldent should adopt a lino of
conduct towards these disaffected Republi
cans whloh wnnld lend to heal exiallng dlf
ferenoea. This of course Is not probablo.
Chicago. Do. JO. The Times Washington
special saya preparations are already inado
for tho President's silver wadding next Mon
day. Tho only Invited guests from abroad
aro those who were at tholr marriage.
Patterson Is still gaining (o-ulght although
falaely reported sinking. It la belloved ho
will resign as soon as he recovers and go to
his old Pennsylvania home. If ao it is gen
erally conceded that Wade Hampton would
be eleoted his successor and ao rotnaln dur
ing tbo rostof his llfd, ao groat Is his popu
Farmvlllo. Vs., Dec. 27. A shook lug trag
edy ooourred hare to day. Col. Wm. Ran
dolph Kcrkeloy, an eminent lawyor of thla
piaoe, wasscatod in nis omco conversing with
Alfred Moth, cishlor of tbo English and
Amorlcan Uank. wh.n a knock was heard at
tho door and Col. Ilerkeloy got up to answer
it. On opening tho door somo ono fired from
without, and tho colonel foil back with a ball
In his temblo. Immediately afterward Capt.
Wm, H. Konncdy entered tho oHlo", and stop
ping behind Col. Berkeley '4 desk, placed a
pistol to his own head and fired, Mr. Moth
says all ho heard was a remark by Capt. Ken
nedy as he first fired which intimated that
he had some grlvetnoo against the colonel.
It la atatod that Kennedy made three previ
ous attemns on his own life, and for a long
time has been In a moody and despondont
condition. Horkaloy died instantly. He
leaves a large family. Kennedy atlll llyos,
but there is no hope of his recovery,
San Francisco, Deo. 20 The following
dispatch lias been forwarded to Washington
by tien. McDowell: The following dispatch
baa boon reoelved from Camp liswle, Ari
zona, dated 21th: "Llouls, Rucker aud To
noy, 0th cavalry, have returned. Thoy
atruok the party that killed tho mall rider
Dec. 14th, east of Hleen's Peak ran go, and
killed one. Kivo days later they slruok
lliem in Old Mexico, snrprlsod a ranobarla
of 31 Wickiups, doatroved tho canin aud
captured 10 lioracs, CO saddles, and Iota of
otuir which tho ronegadea had taken from
tho train. Fifteen doad bodies woro found
on tho ground with oyldencea that more had
boon klllod. Tho mail matter was recap,
Han Franoloo, Doo. 27. Mrs. Collins, who
wat stabbed lu Oakland by her own sou
Monday morning, died last night. Tlio
troubloarohofromdocensotl not having pre
pared his breakfast to suit him. Young
Collins, wuoia nut 17 years ow, is unoor ar
rest for the orlniH. ,
iliabolla, wlfduf Har. Thomas Guard, dlod
his morning.
'Napa, Cal., Doo. 27. Hon. Nathan
Coombs, a pioneer and for many years a
proiuiuont Kopublloan politician, dlod atbU
rcsldenoe near this city last night.
Washington. Doo. 68, The subcommittee
of Iiouho committee on territories to-day
heard argument from Dolegato Corbltt of
Wyoming in opposition to tbo bill for the
inribetKiabliHuinoutni the territory of Lin
coln. Corbott based bis npponion ujion
the arjumeut tha; the opulallou in the
Hlank HIIIhIs notof a panntnentouaraotnr.
UoaUo opposes tho bill because It provide
for Including a portion of Wyoming within
the bouudarlfa of tha proposed new territory.
Chicago, Deo. 28. Olllcial Information
from Dig Horn Post, Montana, says: Two
Nex I'erro havo como In, having been lu
Hitting Hull's ramp, and report that a white
oout is In the camp of the nosHles a prison
er. TliyNtr. J 'or wis nro anxious lo leave
Hitting Hull and aro slipping away when
over poaslblu, but are afraid to comu In a
Dlapatoho from Fort Ilu ford say Hitting
Hull U tno4inpd on Hock Island aud com
milling smut) depredations, chiefly on other
IndisiiN, aud that Im Intends to tuko a small
post this winter. An Uuepapa was liittireept.
ed recently bearing mehkagis to Hitting Hull
urging him to Hccupt tbo terms nirnred by
tlio United HiatCH aud ceine buck from Can
ada, Tlioie comiiiuuloatloiiN aro oorronorHt
ed by lulnnnatlon received lu Chicago ro
cfPlfy frcm otner and uuolliclal xourctm.
C(irnspondoncHocilnd at Gen. Carey's
headquarturH details Ihnhurreuder of How.
ard hint Ills band at Ht. Kllzario and tho
viibirqiieiiUhootlng of Howard, Meilrlilo
and AHMu and tho other events Milnt:iu.
lUlly as given lu tho dUratehes, Thu rlolera
ere reporltd to bo picking up their elfrutH
and iiiovlug tho emo over tho river, and
otlierHelsowhero. Only ilvorloters wero lilm
tllltd an Mexicans, and It Is thouuht thini
v. ere not over ten from tliat ulclo, although tlio
organized rloter weie3M troug 11 ml wero
HiTompanlul by hIioui '2 it) tlilevia Tho
Mcxcan authorities havo posted a largo num
ber nrnoticy on both hides of tlio river
warning Mexican oltlzsns HX-tlnst partlcljiit
ing In the troubles.
Washington, ! 23 -JameH D. Ilurko,
tnessmiKor In the otllco of the comptroller of
the currency, has been arrested on a charge
ol rnbbin the United Hibte. malls,
New York, DrO. 24. Gon. G. W. McCook.
of Ohio, who waahlncken with 4ralyils ou
rhrl.ii.lv at thn ralileni!nt hi. brether.
I Gen. Auton G. McCook, lu thla city, died
this aforuoou.
London, Doc. 20. A Russian ofllolal dta
ptoh dated Hogot states that Turkish pris
oners from I'lsvna aro dying of cold, and
that It Is imposslblo to afford them any aid.
London, Deo. 2(1. A oorror.nnnrlnn t at vt-
onuasajH iutelllgonco Irom Constantlnopl
leaves ltttlo doubt Hint tho rejection ol tho
....iiiiu.uiu) iiiu junur nan oauseu ins
war party to recover lull sway. Abovo nil
thn reaction nroilucwl In tlm rnnilm.o nrn.n
Sultan by tho humiliating rejection of tho
noto i deemed lenreUhln.
Ht. Petersburg, Dtc. 25, An ofUolal tolo
grum mates that thn cuddon drifting of loo
on tho Danubo has tern away tho brldjro at
Ibrall. A Kusslaiisto'iiiiPris frozon In nnd
s tatablo to nppriiHoh tho bridge Grand
Dtiko Alexia nunuuueus that comtuunlualloii
cannot bo ro-storod Tor tho present.
Itelgrade, Doo. 2,Mh. Tho Horvlans, on
Monday, atler elulit houra sovero fighting
otptured Takpalnnk, togother with throo
Krupp guns and LirKU quautlllos or amuul
lion and provisions.
Khzkuopm, Deo. Sf-Hualan lines havo
neon pushed furwani and Urzerouin Is al
most lnvoated. HtHdlnn Infantry la massod
In tho northern part of tho plain; bombard
ment of thn town anu cousiquont Interrup
tion of tolegmph servlco aro Imminent.
Paris, Deo. 25.-The Temps alluding to tho
report tsataoivo Intercourse has been going
between Paris and London with a view of
establishing an undersUndlngon the eastern
question says It Is tperfeotly certain thn
French government does not Intend depart
ing from Ita attitude of reserve to play an
active part in eastern affairs,
Belgrade, Dee. 20. Horvlans under Gener
als Lesohjanln and Ilerlskl have occupied
Teskovats and Karshumdje and captured a
quantity or eattle and provisions.
Ragnsa, Doo. 27. Montenegrins yesterday
deloated a body of Turlta occupying on
trenohed positions between the river Iiolana
and the town or Dulolgno. The Turka lost
many prisoners, three flaga, and a quantity
or provisions.
Hi. Petersburg, Deo. 27. Tho Agence
Runs observes that the Kogllah rmblnet In
oncouraalng the porte to further reslaunoe
by convoking tho British parliament earlier
than usual will compel the Ilusalana lo tuaroh
on ContUntlnople, causing the precise re
sult whloh It seeks to avoid.
; The Agenoe Kusae saya the Porto's request
! for mediation will be declined beoauae, ac
cording 10 international Uw, mediation la
only posslblo when solicited by both belli-
Hciouu,, uiuerwise ueauiionitxcomea in
tervention. Iondon, Dee. 23. A Hucharest dlspatJh
saya the bridge across the Danube at Nlcopo
lis waa totally destroyed by Ice on Wednes
day . The doairnotlon of the bridge at Hlstova
must follow unlosa It la immediately re
movod. Tho weathor seems to havo arrest
ed tho Russian onward movoment, aud It
begins to look aa though tho campaign waa
over tor tho year. The railways are not
working regularly and tho commissariat
havo all they can do to keep tho troops sup
plied In the camps noar 1'lovna without In
creasing tho difficulty by sending thotn
furlber Inland.
A Berlin apoolat says Russia Is sounding
various Mediterranean states as to tholr dis
position relative to tho oponlug of tho Dar
danollos, A Vionna dlspitoh saya It Is stated from
several sides that England, although do
ollnlng to mediate, has confidentially Mound
ed Russia aa to the terms on wuloh aho
would be Inollnod te tuako peaco, and that
tho Russian cablnot has been far less reserv
ed than might havo been anticipated.
Russia baa ordered twelve hundred Krupp
field guns.
London, Deo. 28. A correspondent at tbo
headquarters of the Ruatlan ltiutohukarmy
saya the snow l now ovor two feet deep. All
operations are uspended. I f w I nter la o f or
dinary rigor field oporatlona will bo Itnpoi
alble, Chicago, I)e. 23, Tho Time' Bucharest
apeclal says: Nlsou la now surrounded by
greatly superior forces, rendering tho capit
ulation orihe garrison unavoidable.
Movomeuta aro In progroiH whloh will
force Chokar Pasha to uvaouato Hophlauud
A Russian detachment will cross thn Bal
kans within a short tlmo. Tbo columns op.
orating for this purKu aro not Impeded
greatly by the woalhur, and are now going
luto position,
London, Doc. 28. The Advertiser publish
es tho following In ofllolal form: Wo under
stand tho Hultati has Hollollcd tho British
government to approach thn c.ir with a
view to bring about negotiations for peiuvi,
aud tho British government has consented.
Tho Advertlnor'4 aiiuouncemonl regarding
tho negotiations ror ftoaco 'H olllclully con
tinned. Thn Post lu a Inadlnir artloln sava thn dntv
which England baa undertaken Isnotom
barraaaed by any baa Is fursottlomont of tho
war and involves nothing 111 ore than to loot
tho wllllugnosa of Rusda lo enter luto nego
tiations: tho terms or peace being a matter
for Hiibarqueut consideration.
Bucharest, Deo, 2rt Tho reinforcements
ordered for iho Russian army exceed a quar
ter of a million of men. Tho armv nt tho
Haltlo numbering 0O,OGO moil Is also bolng
formed. Rufcila has bought 200,000 rllt j in
New York. Deo. 2fl. The Herald's London
h poo I ul oorrespondunt nt Bu-jharest tele
graphs that His ourrent'y reported and gen
erally believed there that Onnau Paaha will
bo tried by a military court of highest Juris
diction Air tho slaughtor or tbo wounded
after the great battle of July 31st, the (Uht
before thu Grlvllzi redoubt en September
llth andsoveral other minor engagement.
Thnduiooverlau made by thu HiixhIoiih, since
occupying thn fortifications of I'levtia, Infor
mation gained from Turkish otlloars aud
abovo all tho nbsenuo of IUimhIhii prUoners,
olthougliNevoml hundred hail beoiuntptured
during ail the eiiKagemeuiH, le.ivcs no rea
sonable doubt thai thn Turks under Oiinau
Pasha havo boon guilty of deeds whloh will
render his now IHuH.rloiiH nauio forever In
fdiuoiiM, It will bo reiuuiiibnred that In Au
gUNt. IKiW, aspeclsl inllitary coiiiinlt-Hlou sat
In Washington to try Wlr, charged with
destroying tho Uvea o.' folillcru nonllned III
AndorNoiivlllo military prison, Thn crimes
of whloh Wire was convicted and for which
hu was aflurwaids Imnged were Jnt-M offun
hive to tlio code of modern warfare than
thnt-o Imputed to Otiiiun I'axlni. ICvery day
brings to light some new horror at Plevna,
Luveletta, Dm. 28 Kx prt.Iili)iit Grant,
wlfu inal s'li iirrivnl litre to-iuy on tbeU.
H, KtiMiner Vanilrtlm from Palermo, H.itiites
worixixrliaiiged Ix'twetn tho t-teiiiiier end
tho fortinuailons. Win, J Hiovoiih, coiiHUlar
uijont nt tho United Hiuies, llrs. waited on
tho gdieral, who then no ived a visit or
welcome ou board tho Vnndslli from tho
port admiral nod duko nfKulnlnirg, On tho
deparluro of tho duko HiliiU'N were tired and
yurds manuoil. Gen, Grunt v. Ill land HAtur
day iiiHtutoHnil luucli with tho Duko aud
Duchess uf Kulubtirg. '
Will Remulu this Winter.
President T. M.Oatch, of thn Willamelto
UulverHlty, received a letter (mm Professor
G. II. Collier, yesterd iv, from Tupeka, Kan
sas, The Professor will not return touregon
until next spring, by which time lie hopes
to ba fully restored to health, and to be able
10 return to his clasnoa lu tbo University.
- 11