Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 04, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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    RV j.w
a '
illtnmttjc farm.
8. A
CI-A1UCU. I. w ""
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fjnn copy thrrn months 03 nntnb.TS)
. .76
HALBM, FHIIM.Y, JAN. 4, 1&78.
From llio lU-oord, Deo. 29.
Last iivcnlriK tho olIlcorn oloct lor tlio on
HulriK year, oJ tbo two MaspnJo lodi?eH in
this city, Salotn No. 4 and J'anMo No. CO,
wo duly installod In their ball. P. M., K.
J. nabcock.actlnK as installing officer. Tbo
followlnttaro tho offlocrn of Haletn Lodge ror
the onsulqit MaHonloyoar: Wm. Armstrong,
W. M. Charlos Walkor, 8. W s Goo. P.
Lltohnold. J.W.i J. II. Albert, Treas.; T.
II. Reynolds, Booy.i J. W. Meredith, S. D.
"Win. Ewlngi J. Dm ! Boolt and A. Lovy,
Btewards; A. A. McCully, Tyler.
Tho officers of PaoMo No. CO, aro T. H.
Cann, W. M. John Oray.H. W. 3. Adolpb,
J. W E. D. Bloat, Treao.! II. II. Ollfry,
Booy.: J. A. Mchardson, 8.1).; E.J.Dawno,
J. D,t Androw Kelly, Tylor.
At tho conclusion of tho coromonleH,
which transpired at an oarly hour, an ltd
Journmont was ixiado to tho parlorH of t ho
Uhomokotn Holol. whoro woro assembled tlio
vivos, BweothearlH, children, and Inyltod
KunntH ol tho motiibors or tho fraternity.
In tho spacious bnllH and parlorH of that
conmiRtidliiK hostelry, a couplo or hours
woro Hpont In tirotnoiindlnj, sandwiched
with rniislo and sonls! chit chat, and rlirht
pleasantly was tho tlmo nutlii.
At ton o'clock, proclHoly, Cnnlnln L. 8.
Hcolt, In a loud but "ynipivlhlHliiK' voice,
iinnotinuod that
Wni ready.
Upon thoniinounrntnoiil tho larno Rtsom
Mhi;(i linmodlatolv formoil In "doublo col
uinn" and inarched In tho dining room,
which liad been nrofiisiily and elaborately
tloooMtoil by I'rof. W. II. Tull' mid assist
nuts, Tor Iho occasion.
Tho lan compntiy woro soon Hontoii, and
nrmud wllh tho UHual lu)ilniiiontH,
coininonriNl an Indiscriminate slaughter
upon tho Rood thlniiNMit before them.
After uvery body had dono amplo lusllco to
tin, "-iread," tho cloth, metaphorically
nronklrir, was cleared, and J. II. Albert,
Hxq , us Mastor or Hint imrl or tho prooeed
lugx, nnnouncod tho
As follows: ... , ...
"ThoM. W. tlrand LoiIko or Oroon"
ItOHpnt tlr-il to n neat and fitting Moutonces
by lliiu. II. H. Ollfry.
"Ms'icr Masons, wheresoever Dispersed
about tho CJIobo" Responded to by Kldor
H. O. Adams, In that Konlloinan'M usual
happy and pleaslnu; stylo.
'Mtisonlo Wards-Our Widows and Or
phaiis" lie sponded to by JiiiIko J. K. Will
Aon, of tlioiM Judicial District, In an ablo
and reolliiK mannor.
'Salotn I.odKO No. 4" Hospondod to by
Win, Armstrong Kq., tho newly Installod
Worshipful Master of that Lodge In appro
priate and fhtlnjc tormn.
'Salotn IodKo No. 60" Tho announco
mentor this toast called up Col. T. II. Cann,
tho nowly oloctod Mastor ortliat LodRe, who
acknowledged tbo compllmoni In a fow
oholco, well aoleotod and well chosen words.
'Masonlo Wlvoa and awoethoarta"
Hospondod to In tho hoarl: of all present
and oracularly, by Jamea Walton, h.., who
Ih of that happy 'turn or mind" that ho can
do' any subject or the kind particular and
emphatic Justloe. IIU romatka, or, course
"sot tho table In a roar."
'Ills Kicollcnoy tho Oovornor oftho Mato
of OreKon" Itesponded In by that koiiIIo-
man liinueir uriony, eioquuuwjr u""i"
(lovuriior Ohadwlok Uxm an occasion like
this, always knows Jimt what to hay, Just
how to say It mid Just how much to Hay.
Tho "Judiciary" Responded to by Clilor
Jiutlce, P. P. Prim, who aoknowludKod tho
compliment paid tho "Supremo body' of
tho Hlnto, In an easy How or laii(Uiio, that
Nhowud him to bo u "iitHstornr tluiBltuatlou"
whenever called upou,thoiiKh ho had had no
iiotl(M) that a spuecli or response was exported
from him. .. ,
Tho "Old Ouard of Masonry In OreKon"
llesiMindod In bv Hon. Stephen HtaatH, with
that vlunr mill elciiuoncolliat chaniclorlres
the "talks" of that Kntleiiiau and ploneor
wheuover he Ih called upon lo prosent rem
lueseiii-osoresrly lime In OreKon.
The "Host and Hostess or tho Choinekrta
Hotel, Mr. and Mrs.H. F. Mthows.'-Thi
toast was read by J. II. Alberts, K)., and
moht happllv rcspomlod lo by the same uiin
tloiuan. Althoiiuh Mr. MathowH had been
(this Is only rumor) proparliiK for several
wecka to respond to this toast mid hud Kot
himself up "regardless of eiponso" for tho
occasion, yet when tho moment arrived ror
htm to "soar," lie weakoned. Mrs. M., n few
momenta before, evidently IhinkliiK some
thing was In the wind, had loft thofestlvo
hall with a bsd "headache," but Mr. Alberts
did them Justice and very prettily too.
An adjournment to tho parlora then look
place and soon after wrapa woro resumed
mid the pleasant assemblage "broke ranks."
Limit. Frail. Hohwntkn.
A lettor was received last Saturday, by onr
fellow townsman, Mr. V. (1. Holiwatkn, fiom
his sou, Lieut. Fied.Kchwatka. The letter
was dated December 1st, mid written nt the
Spotted Tall Agency. Tho post Is situated
on the Missouri river about forty-llvo miles
above Yankton and thirty' live below Fort
lUudall. They were about one month In
iiiaklui- the trip from Ciunp Itobliitnti,
When they arrived thev were ioniHllcd to
use louts, but at the time the letter was
written llin buildings ero nearly win
itletfd. The post Is on the rl side of tho
river, at d tl u Ice wnsMilllclenlly strong to
ieriutt Ihini lo cross, lie re oris rieuli ilir
llcultles with Northern hoill Sioux, but
had no Idea what the dlluculty would
umeuiit to,
Medical Students.
The Medical l)epsrlmetit l the Wlllain
etle Unlvcrsliy has':Osludniit attending Its
course oflicturcs, the following aro the
names and (he wherefiont of the student:
MIh J. Olmrlatan, MUa K. Johnson, Mis.
J. L. Parilsh, Mrs. It. Mallory, W. J Hob
tiuou, lloiaco Cox, I1. Ilo.vl, Allle bown,
ofHslcint MlsaM. D.vl. F. M. hiullh, W.
11. Farley, l'olk counlj! Mr. K. F. .ar,
ulii, Columbia cnuulyi J. K. nuillli, .
Jllnelmrl, Umatilla county; J. Davis, flat
wn; ll.O. WllllaiiiH. Lanej K. K. oiiclijr,
mnhlllt M. A. Pmkur, lJinU. W.lj n
trton.MiiltuouiKli; W. KrukondU, Kllk
lUt, W. T.
Stonn Httrh Slo.
We ato under obligation lo Mr. D. It.
Ouciinisn ror sn attltlclal stone match sale.
The stone was inanufactueiil by Mr. tlrn
man' Invention and 1 laldtoVo a decided
linpnivement over the leather patent.
Mr. Hirtumian It a realdentof this county,
and Ifmiy (ircuroHUeitsareJn need or any
thing that ran be manufactured outer stotio
thry would do well lo glvo him a trial.
Synopsli of a Leottiro by Itov. P. S. Knioht,
at tho Congregational Church, Balem, on
Sunday ovonlng, Doo, 23, 1877.
Dan. 12:4. "Many shall run to and fro,
and knowlodgo shall bo Increased."
IT this projiiooy polnti lo any particular
age, wo may nafely say that wo llvo In tho
beginning, If not In tho midst, of thai ago.
Men have migrated In all agos wholo
tribes, wholo nations. IJut travellor,oven
n century bock, woro comparatively raro.
Now they aro on all tho highways of the
world. Thousands or Americans visit
Kuropo ovory year, and thousands of
KiiroponnN, Atnorlca. Tho wldo Atlantic,
which the May Flowor was months In cross
ing, scorns but a narrow strait now, and tho
ships that run from Boston and Now "York
to Paris, Hamburg and Liverpool aroliko
tho Uobokon and Fast Boston forries, only
tholr tlmo Is eight daya instead or olght
minutes. Our own country has done a groat
deal to atlmulate and holp on this traveling
mania. Tho Improvements of tbo last
quarter of a century hayo boen brought
strikingly to my mind by tho oxperlonoM
of tho last two months. I havo In my
possession a boy'a Journal, kept on "Tho
Plains" In the summer of 1853. Itn first
entry is dated Van Buren county, Iowa,
April Oth; Its last, North Bank Columbia
Hlvor, Oct. 23d, more than six months apart.
It Is very poorly written, and contains much
bad spoiling and bad grammar. It Is not a
romance, but an actual statement of facts.
It gives occasional glimpses of a man of
lorty-Hvo with a wife and sovon children,
two hired mon, throo ox wagons, a fow
horsos and loose cattle. Thoy are on a
Journoy towards tho sotting sun. They
movo irom uvo to iwauiynvu uiiiun j;
Thoy struggle for ono month with tho "April
showers," muddy roads and swollen streams
of Iowu. They cross the Missouri on a
Hut boat mid camp ono night on tho
With civilization behind thorn and the
desort boforo. For anothor month thoy
battle with storms and swollon streams.
Then tho hot sands burn their foot, thoy aro
choked with dust, and tho deceitful mirage
makes trio doort thirst moro hard to bear.
They aro rolled by pitiless hailstorms.
Florco lightnings shamo tho glaro or their
lllckorlng camp tiros. Thoy toll through
tho gorges or tho lllaok Hills mid tho pusses
or tho Kooky Mountains. Tho alkali wa
ters destroy tholrcattlo, but they push on
with broken learns. Havagos threaten, but
thnv travel by day and watch with trusty
rllles through tho night. Sago brush Is
their fuol, bacon and bread tholr food.
Hhoes aro worn out, garments aro In tatters.
Hands are hardened, and faces aro sun
burnt. But thoro Is no rest till tho sago
plains aro loft bohlnd till tbollluo Moun
tains, with tholr welcomo forests, aro mas
tered till the yalloy of tbo Umatilla Is tru-versod-tlll
tho Cascados. with tholr rough
steeps and swampy summits, aroovoroomo
till the Barlow road, and Laurel Hill, and
the "Devil's Backbond" aro only disagrooa
bio inetnorlos, and tbo cattle aro pasturing
on rich grasses, wbllo thoso whoso faithful
sorvants thoy havo boon aro replacing thoir
worn out tent with n log cabin, throe thou
sand mllos and moro from tho placoof tholr
birth, on tho bank of tbo grtndost rlvor lu
North Amorlca. Then there is rest-that
kind of rest that mon got whoso swinging
axos oloar out farms and build homos lu
tho wilderness.
Has passed. Uo whoso adventurous spirit
planned that Journoy, whose energy pushod
It through, whose wise foresight provided
overy possible comfort for it and madolt
suoceHsful, sleeps his long aleep now, with
two of his children by his side. In sight of
thai same noblo river on whose bank ho left
a mark not soon to bo effaced. And thus In
......... a innnlv mint, overshadowed by dark
Mrs, tho graves of pioneers are growing
green with thoyoais, wbllo tho land which
was a wilderness to thorn, full of hardships
mid privations, has booomo to ineiroaiiuron
u laud of qulot homes, full of pcaco and
prosporlly. , ....
Itut how havo things changod In tho mat
ter of travel since tho Journoy I huvo
described was taken 1 The third or Oclober
tho traveller Is on board of a atoumerat
Portland, Oregon. The sixth ho eutors the
(lolden 0te. Tho olghth ho travorscs tho
valley or the Hacramento and swings ovor
tho tlkny bights of tho Sierras. The ninth
ho bowuios woary or tho dull monotony or
tho Humboldt Desort and dreary aspect,!
the Nevada hill, "Treeless and wind-shorn
and rain-forsaken." Tho tenth and elev
enth ho rises towards tho groat control rldgo
or the oontliiont, halts for a momont on tho
wind swept bight, eight MiouhiiiiI foot abovo
the sea, then plungos down into tho valloy
or tho l'lstte, to II ml that tho homos of limn
spread all over thoso vast plains that twenty
llvo years ago woro the homo oftho bison
and tho pralrlo wolf. Tho twellth he crossos
tho Missouri river on a railroad brldgothat
swings abovo the very spot whore tlio Hat
boat crossed with tho wagons or the emi
grants. The thirteenth ho passes over tho
turbid torrent of tho Mississippi at early
dawn, and before nlghtrall I whirled by
uutiiberlosM and namelos villages, through
IhostragglliiK outskirts and Into tbo throb-
blng lioart oi mat gre. ci.j,
Whoso name has gone Into history as a
synonlm lor energy and daring enter
prise. Ho steps from the car ami
Stoats with tho drirtlUB crowd along
those endless streets. As ho listens to tho
murmur and beholds tho fruits as they aro
beroro him there or man's struggling energy,
a senso ol bewilderment come over him. Ho
I In n strange world. Ills watch Is two
hours and t wonty minutes too slow. Ho stop
and counts hit lingom, after the manner of a
dcefmute. Yes.lt Isso.-itls uota dreams
Ten days from homo mid three thousand
miles. What wonder that ror three days his
head Is tilled with ft perpetual roaring, as
though the dlr.ny brain wero trylntj to repeat
ihslFapld Journey and mako It real, or as
: ... .. 1..1 tuiinmn tin ii.llllh.tml
tlioilgli tlio uervi- n" uivu..i..m- ..y.......
to tho rapid motion lhat they could not stop
when the body did. but Journeyed on by
sniiui uuhooiijand Independent lino till mo
meiitum coasod ami they found rest again.
On tho sixteenth he swings round the
Southern end or tho great lake, across tho
Siate orMlehlgan, lo the beauimil, quiet aud
hospitable city of Detroit. The National
Councilor religious denomination I in
wton here, composed or three hundred vvlsj
nod earnest men from all part oftho Union.
A stranger from llio Fat alt down In the
'.HiuniMW will too mnnwr i ii m iim nw.
n,.... f... .ir wmuhe. He of tho List say
i.. i." ....... ..,,. lie of tho West y live
..ihmiHtt nakt ten. About ioujo matters or
theology they disagree even tuoie thau that,
mid yet thev all together In council ror five
days and tlnd the bonds or brotherhood
........I.,., uvnr MlrnniTAr bstweeii them
On the twenty-second the town or Flint Is
visited whore llie Stato or Michlnan ha done
credit to herself by spending over a million
dollar lu buildings for one or the best deaf
mute lustltutloiiH in the world. The twenty
third la spent on the great W oslern railroad
IhioiiRh Canada. "il J f lh" ,lw1!1n1,-,
rou rib in UstenltiR to the deep and thrilling
hi solo or Niagara. The tweuty-tlfth Is
given to a uiUslouary meeting at Syracuse, a
cltv whoso acute and obtuso anglos elfect hor
sKa0nd her buildings more than , her peo
pie. The twentyslxth reveals Iho glories
or tho
Whloh are real Klorle? lu .omBelvos, but
which seem rather dim to ono who bM
lived for moro than twenty years in the vbI.
ley oftho Wllhimetto. Too tweny.jov6n.h
Is given to Weatllold. Mass., the low" of
whips and cigars. The mornl ng ol tbo
twcnty-olght tlio traveler awakes in o"'"";
Tlio dream of his life Is realized. U :h inyos
behold bin birth placo. Ho hoars tbo clock
in somo tower fetrlko foven. II o g ets up
and lookg at his watch. It ; wants twe ty-fl
minutes of four o'clock. Tho poor old witch
looks ashamed of Itself-, and scorns to be say
ing: "What evil havo I dono tlmt you
should run away rum mo like lhl7" Ho
goes oufand smnds under tbo sl.a dow , ofo d
South Church and Faneull Hall. ThooW
house whore Franklin was born stares at
him from tho faroffyoaroriOOp. legoes to
the common, and It seems lo him like a very
common affilr, Thero are oiggor ooB "-
bolter duck ponas wnmu wy '""'"""-lem-our
Salem where no wltohMweroi Bver
hung. It Is Sunday morning and ho goos to
Mus?o Hall lo hear Murray and tho bla or
gan. Murray Is a big man wlih a big choir,
an ordinary sermon and avory tamo deliv
ery. The organ looks like a small forest or
fir trees nlceFy peeled and varnished. Its
Bounds aro of all grados from the soft breath
ing of a sleeping infant to the deafen Hg
rumblo of ten thousand charloU rushing
ovor stono pavoments. lie goos to
And hoars a good sormon, but falls to onjoy
It bocauso tho follow lu whoso pew he Is
souted looks at blm as thoUR1. ho would llko
to Bsk what buslnosa ho had In Boston. Uo
does not fool at homo. Longs for tho qulot
of a llltlo vlllBgo four thousand mllos away.
Ooos lo hoar Joseph Cook, and thinks him a
wonderful man oxcopt whon ho talks nbntit
Indians and Chlne'o. Ho Is wondorfut then
lor his folly. Ho stnys In Boston two wooks
among tho "lions." Uo spends ono woek In
Now York ninong Iho "bulls and boars."
Then ho goes to Washington and looks down
from tho safo bights oftho gullory, In the
South wing or tlio oapltol, upon tho "wild
cats andjliyonas." Uo sooi a tall mau
With his arms itnd chopping with his hands
In somo kind of furious pantoinlino, whllo
mon nil about him aro talking, laughing,
roadlng-ovorylhlng but llstonlnK. Ho
learns Incidentally that this Is tho Houso of
Hepresonlatlvos ond tho man Is making a
spoooh tohlscons'ltiients on tho ropoal or
tho llesumptlon Act. Uo goi s to St. Johns
bury, Vormont ami Hilda Wlutor in earnest.
Finds tho Connootlcut valley equal to every
thing excopt the vallay or the Wlllametto.
Visits doar mute Institution lu Boston, Now
York, Philadelphia, Washington, Indianap
olis and Oakland, Cul.-tho last but by no
moans tho least, ltoturnsby way or St.
Louis and Kansas City, reaching San Fran
olseo Nov. 30th, and home Doo. 12th, baying
lu two months and (on days trayolod noarly
nlno thousand miles, paBsod through twenty
Statos, vlsltod slxtoon cltlos returning with
a firm conviction that Oregon only noods
tho population she Is capsblo or supporting
and tho railroad faollltlos or whloh ado Is do
serving, to glvo hora loading position among
hor slater States aud mako hor fruitful vol
loys tho gardons of North Atnorlca.
Not poiaoialng ubiquitous powora, and
thoroforo unablo to bo in moro than threo or
four places at tho oamo tlmo on "Christmas
night" we woro unablo to get around to tho
Christian Church. But wo loam from thoso
present, that tho houso was dousoly crowded
and hugely onfoyod.
v.iiir i.no Willis. Bunt, of the Sunday
Sohool, as "tfer of Ceremonies," led the
singing of abeatUul piece of tnuslobytuo
aoiiooi. iue organist, airs. wiu. uupiami,
being asststod by Prof. Dlmoud and Hugh
Willis, on tho viol and Hulo. Then prayer
by Kldor Moss, followed by anothor appro,
prlato Sunday Sohool song. After animuto
of oxpoctant qulot, from bohlnd tho largo
curtain came tlio sllvor lonos or u clear ring
ing volcoslnglug, "Watchman tell tiHortho
night" eto., whon tho curtain was rapidly
drawn back and tho beaultful sight or a full
rlggod ship, under full sail, wllh banners
and slreamors Hying and hung all ovor
from tho deck to tho top mast, with yard
arms and rigging covorod with rich and val
uable presonts.
By tho main mast stood tho swoot and
lovely Fairy Queen, Mlis I.oona Willis, who
was hailed by ruaitor Kugono Knghind, ns
Captain ortho dock, with "Ship ahoy I" etc.
Tho speech ortho Fairy Quoon was appropri
ate aud thrilling but suddenly terminated by
old Neptune, as old Santa Claus. bursting
from Iho bluo ocean Into tho audlenco, and
after his salutatory, began to unload tho
canto, aud deliver tho presonts. MoJ. Geo.
Williams, assisted by several others who
were detailed for this purpose, soon bad the
ship unloaded and the cargo distributed
amidst great mirth and happlnos.
All agree that nothing moro beautiful and
attractive was over sent out by St. Nicholas
than tho Christmas ship ut Iho Cbrlslaln
i.hkI nvnnlnir the Salem Social Club, which
lint. nxUtud two wlntern past, composed of
a limited number of young ladies who havo
nut Rt nrivAtA houses, met In masked cos
tumes at tho realdenco of A. A. McCully,
K.O., and tho mingling of characters was
very comical to bohold. There wero kings,
prince, knights, minstrels, Qoorgo Wash
iiigtou, and Brother Jonathan, and many
les pretentions costumes among llio gentle
men, whllo tho young ladles were quoens,
tambourine girls, fairies, eto., while sovorol
represented Ideas and facts, as woll ss per
sous. Theunmasklug w-HSftferlosof sur
ii.u.1 u..v.im moot old women, proved to
be elegant young follows. The list of char
acters represented, U furnished us as lol-
"Tambourine airl, Minnie Shaw; Ohost.J.
K, Youiib; Daiightor oftho lteglment, Annie
Miller; Now Year, Mary Crane; Earl or Lei
coster, W. T. Gray; Icicles, Ada tlreyman;
ilrlKaud. Kd Chamberlain; Ttunbourlne
Ulrl, KHa Trim; Court .Costume, D. II.
loney; Night John Lund: OhoHt, J. F.Stl.
ver: Brigand. W.T. Boll; Qual Hah Hah.W.
(1. Woodworth; Folly Llwle McNary; Kitty
Blodcet, Huntreas, Lltile Patterboii; Queen
Tlta. Woodland Fairy, 8rnh t-larke: Queen
or Hearts. Allco Bell; Ceres, Iho fjoddoss or
Grain, Lillian Pktlon; Dpi y Varden, tanny
Brown; Hamlet, Frank McDowell; Normand
Peanut Girl. KIU Chadwlck; Arcberess, hl
lie Palton; Bridget MoUee, fyo"PIf,,8l,',
ClarenceSml.h; Queen of Slaw, hlla Wright;
Eirl of Maroh, Geo. B. Gray; Brother Jona
thai,, John . W. rsythe; Uen rfaye, e,
itont uarrison; " vi.. -....,--...
D. McCully; Evening Star, Laun. Adams;
Page, Samuel Churoh.
l'ror. Diamond's string band furnished the
music, and dancing wis kept up until the
small bonns when the happy maskers re
tired to their wveral home Record, -7tn.
It la Mid tbr.t a younjc man Is Rood I ft r
nothliiK until hU wK-coricett liaileft hltu.
What o lot ot useless boys thU world cou-talus.
Let the People Bejoice,
For the bountiful harvest of 1877 has now
nlacod in tho hands ol tbo pooplo tho golden
coin, that thoy may Heo to W.P.Johnioi.
& Co. and secure such pictures os will please
them and their friends, and be a b esslng to
.,.,nral.lnns to C0U1H. KBUlBlllUer
,.r willU' Bookstore, Stato St.,
Salem. Or.
WIVi --
Macliluo Shop,
3. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
3 IlMDCts. l'um), and nil kinds and styles of Ms-
erdnerV n" do to order. Machinery repaired at a fhorl
Notice? plttern-maklnB dono In all Its various form.
??.ii .in.i. r nr nnd Iron C&ftlnM fttrnl?hedn(
Z&JTUZiSr. Alio manufacturer of KNTKR lUBH
Weatherford & Co..
Wholesale and Itctall Dealers In
Patent Medicines.
E oar r-ULjOSLoary
Eto., eto.
For Medicinal purpose.
Modioinea Compounded, and
Prescriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co,,
rjommorclal street. HAMtHt.
k T.T.
ihonld coll at thl Nursery, and ssto the Aitent's
tun Kurscn
Or. yjv,
JEM. 1 J.-W -JU
bUilblMlTY, Or
TltUSi.- This crcat Inven
tion Is belnu adopted by tho lead
Ins 1'hytlclans and Hurptons nil
over tuo Und. VfT Wo would
rcspcctfally caution iho Public
BRaiiift certain rraudulent nnd
wuriuicrs luiiiauuui nivs Ms-
...... I., si. Hisibur llrttktratwt tt (nam. NMntl for II.
lustraled Hook and Pnro List. MAONKTIO BLA8
T1U TUUB8 CO.. COS Sacramento itrcet. np stlrs,
San Francisco. decliy
T. C. SMITH & CO.,
Pulton's Block. Btato street, Salem, Oregon.
scrlutlons, and all orders by mall oroxpreei flUcd
promptly and accurately.
riitslclans and Country Dealers will savp monoy by
examlnlns our sto'k, or procutlnj; our prices, oeroro
purcbaslni; clsewbcro. Lovp-tr.
Cnpt. J. W. COCHHAS.
Parties desirous of engaclnR frcUbt or pastSRO,
will apply lo
W. J. 1IK1IKK.N, Accni,
Karmcrs' Wharf.
DAI. till.
NOTARY I'llltlilO. Ileal Estate A cent,
and !ollector of Claims, will promptly at
tend to au, nus-uts entrusted to his caro. M AKIMJ
Post omco, ijotonnon.. Or.
liberal TormiiT
Tno Oregon and California and Oregon
Central Kallroad Companies
OFI'KItthslr Lands for saleupoa tho followlnc libe
ral terms: One tenth of tho prlco In cash; Interest on
the Iwlanco at tho rato of seven per cent, one tear
after sale: and each following year one-tenth of the
principal and interest on tho balance nt tho rato ol
lnven per cent per anmm. lloth principal and Inter,
st payable In II. 8. Currency. .,.,.
A illseoant of teu per cent, will ho allowed for cash
VtT Letters to bo addressed to P. bUllULZL, La
Aaenl . U. It. It.. Portland. Orecon.
Final Settlement.
Is herebylslven that Mary J. Weston, ad-
Inrnrilin ltala or Uivlll Wl'.tOIl. lie-
ceased, has this day nied In tho connly court of the
all persons Interested In said estato arc required to
appear at said data at the court home in Salem, In
said coutty, then aud thero to mako objections to the
allowance ol said accouut, If any they ii. .
MAltl J. nKMU.i,
41w I Administratrix of Estato of DaldWeslon.
ATKTITION havlnc been filed la tho county conrt
ol tho Mate of Orecon for tho county of Mtilon.
Mr the appointment of y.. 8. elrego're as truanllin of
the estate of Piank Stono. a t on. resident minor, and
Saturdty, December 13. 1877, at 10 o'cloik In tha fore
noon, havmi; been appointed for hrariusr the same,
now, tnereiore. an prtuu uucir,iru a iivivuj ,j
aulred to appear in said court, at the osurMiouso Is
balem. la said county, at said ti
me then and there to
show cause why sam b.
S. Ureralru should not be
appointed a, such 8'JonN R rKEm,E3
nov23v.S Couuly Judo.
jtlxecutrix' Notice.
milB nnderflraed hailnir been duly appointed ex
he last will and testament of James
McCubbln, late of Marlon county, deceased, therefore
J. ccutrlx of the last will
all p.rons bavins
ins claims acainsi saia ueceaeni s es:
Ute will present them, properly vermea. to menu
derslirned, at her residence. In North Salem, within
It mnnths n-jm this date, and all Dersons Indebted
to slid estate will please make Immediate payment to
the uadersitrned at the same plare.
luted at Salem, Marlon county. Orecon. Nov. '.3th,
uortswt Kxecutrix.
Utate or Oregon lor toe cnumv oi atiyu ucr "" v-
count In said es'atc, and said court has appointed
Monday tho eenth day of January, 167S. at llo clock
I m t.T ih hi-arlnjt of oblecllons thereto: the refora
Atcent. for the Wlllametto Farmre.
.,. JK Ilaniisr.
ft"' ;;;... itbsimpson
fflobVo.v.:::....: .........jiiHb?wdli.
SxXll0v.v.v:::::::::.'j,w,T.a1eh i
Canjonvlllo vu L?.t,WB
Colu's Valley , "t Clarke
Olateoi. .....J( J Morrison
Crawfiirdsvlllo WgU 01?"
Cove IJ,,J: Ivcndnl
L'orvallls LWnoowaitl
Creswull 10y', 1i,",V,x
Clackamns .......W A SIllls
CompCrtck ......OllHarnincrsley
Dallas J D Luc. II M (Jitthrle
Dexter ,V",h H'iinUMiljr
Drsln's Krewson & Drain
Damascu .....KFoibes
Dayton K,u,Va.dnay
Klkton ;-A II Haines
KiiKi'tio JohnMcClunR
Fox Valley ...........A D Gardner
Forest Urove 8 UuRhcs, W L Curtis
Qoshcn Handsakcr
Ocrvnl HMOalnes
Halscy V.,TJ Ulack
HarrlsbaiR Ulram bmllh
HUlsboro A Ladling
Hcpncr...... Morrow A Ilerrrn
Independence.... ............... ..........WL IlodRin
Junction Smith. Urasdcld & Co., W L Lemon
Jacksonville M Peterson
King's Valley Conner Cresno
Jefferson John W Holand
LcwIsvlUe II OMcTlromonds
Lafayette Drl'oDplcton. A UUenry
Lebanon S II Clannhton
Monroe Jos Kclscy
MrMinnvlllu J II Moirls. A Held
Monmouth W Waterbouso
Mill Plain, Wi David Stamp
Needy uiMorcland
New F.rn I Tasto
Neuvllsvlllc PF Castliman
North Yamhill DOSIcwart
Oakland S K Ilnrmond
Oswego Alt Shipley
Ott J II Srhrocdor
OreitnnClty ! M Ilacon
Pen'lcton W A Whitman
I'corln Dr J II Irvine
Pilot Hock B Ollllnm
Portland H P Lee, Avcnt Slntu riraiiiio
Prlneflltc O M PiIiirIu
Pirrydsle MrflnuV Moro
IMrkruil F A Patterson
lto"i'lui(,' Thos Smith
hclo F I' Jones, Thus .Mnnkers
Hllverton Tit llihbard
Shedd's W M Pamrs, OltWhcclcr
Hprlngdcld A 0 llovcy
Hnbllmtty John Downlnc;
Sweet Home tlcn Marks
Tancent F8 Ilarxco
Tho Dalles B L Ilrooks
Turner W M llllleary
Vanconvcr S W Drawn
Wlllametto Fork M Wllklns
Walla Walla J F Ilrcwcr
WnUlo JO Elder
Ynncalla J It Klllson. ! S Applcgato
PuyN CumIs Ibr
Hides, Furs, & Pelts,
sr21 Commorolal st., SALEM.
FIRST premium:
For Visiting Cards I
CA'dswlth anv namo neatlv srlnted thereon
sent to any address upon receipt of 25 Cents.
anua o-ccui smmp. Auurcss,
W. J. Claiicb, Salem. Oroffon.
I have the Ianrcnt Slock ol Fruit
TrecH lu Oregon!
J00,000 Plum and Frnne Trees,
and I will sell them from
$10 lo $25 per Hundred.
PKAC1I TUKKH. 1 bad Prscbes of this variety ripe
July 8. 1677. and they aro of excellent quality. I have
also seven other varieties of Peachos, nnd a general
variety of i thcr Fruit Trees and Shrubs. Also, a
UrKa lot of PKAC1I SEEDLING, at (UO per 1,000.
D J Malarkey, Portland
K W Whipple, CottaRO
WMBtceie, Turner,
A Jones, Htayton,
I. Urabo, Ilalsey,
W Bhumsn, Sluron, W T
8 Ilcrry, McMlnnvllle.
Mrs KA Judktus, Kugcno,
L Michael Wheatland.
N. Larrolx. Sublimity,
J Moirls, Mebama,
A Wheeler. Sbcdd.
II W KlledRO. Howcl Pr.
Dr II D Oden, lUnUburR, J A Hunt. 6akland,
II Morris A bon. Sclo, A Irvlnir. Woolen Mill Co.,
a II Holand, Jefferson, llrownsvlllo,
Jones A Potter, Salem, Jason Ilojal Washtok-ton Co
Win F Creltx, Traveling ni'eut catt of tho WllUuctte
rlver,H. w. rnxHPTYjaAir,
Proprietor of Itallrsad Nnrseiles,
octSSlf KAST POltTLAilD, Oil.
wm Harris, urnoss,
Capital, $300,000.00
Assets, - - $568,647.45
Income, 1876, $465,904.29
Losses paid out sinoe organiza
tion - - $1,137,367.50
au3t 72 Plrat hi.. 1'OItTI.AnD.
WAKES pleasure lnofferln? to tho Wool-flrowers of
L Oregon and the adjolnlue Tcnltorl" the chance
to purchase TllOltOUUIIUltED MKIIINOS, and as
suring ptrtles Interested that they can, and will en
deavor lo, sell Sheep of the same quality and value at
MUCK CllK.U'KIt RATES than sneb can possibly
bo Imported, Kxamlnation and comparison with oth
er Sheep offered lu the market are cordially Invited.
Salem, t)re?ou.
N. B, The Rams and Ram Lambs of tho Dock can
bo seen on tbo ISLAND FARM, adjoining Salem.
The Ewes ran bo sen at the same place, or at the
HILL FARM four and a hall miles south of the city.
Salem, September 10. 1873.
Trust Investment Company
THIS Company Is prepsred to negotiate toaas ta
snms Irom SGD to JiU.OOO secure l over IMPRO
flxttl periods cf yeais, or repayable by half-year! In
stallments. For terms, apply to
WILLIAM RBfO, Msnacer,
noTl9r First Street PosCand.