"V Jk OCT 31 1903 ftfeif'1 mk Jl F " m Lr Wf 1 Lgy $2,50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 4, 1878. Volume IX. Numbor 47 BY TELEGRAPH. Knexvllle, D?o. 29. Jacob Harris was hanged to-day at Clinton, for the murder of ao White In 1803. An Immense crowd tvbh preaont, notwithstanding the Inclemen cy of the weather. New York, Deo. 30. A speolal to tho World from Washington says, Sohlnlohor, -chairman of the sub-committee on foreign affairs, Investigating the Texas border tronblea, has been Informed by the state de partment that Foster. American minister to Mexico, haa been summoned to Washing- ton before the commission. Tbo nquott of tee bud committee far Foster's pretence in this city was referred by the state depart ment to the president, whodeoldod that the temporary absenco of Foster from tho City of Mexico would not Joopardlr-o tho public aervioo. The World's Washington special says Gen. Banning and Gen. Bragg, oftho house oommitteo ou military auairs, are at worn on tho army appropriation bill and It will be ready for presentation to thooommlttro on appropriations at tho roaseoaibllng of con gross, BUlar appropriation bills will nil bo rnndy to bo proionteu to tho house of representatives wiion lireassomoiea. New York, Dec 29. Tho Times' editorial says: If any of our readers aro tilled with the notion that subsidy giving Is a protitablo oxorolso of powor by tho Uniiod Statoa, thoy would do woll to read the history nf tho ro lattonsofthogovornmnnt to thn Union Pa--olfio Railroad Company. They will llnd that tbo company roalsta at oyory point claims of tne government, ami minxs no pioa ioo alight to lnlorposo against reimbursing monoy nominally loaned by tbo latter. Tho caao against the Union I'aclflo cornea up next week In tbo United StBtes ooiirt In Boston. In whloh the Unltod Slates suo for ilvo per cent, of the not oarnlngs rf quired to bo paid by tbo rotd . The demand is rotlated on the ground that though the road was sufflolttnt Vy completed to bo entitled to the subsidy loan, it was not sufficiently so to Justify the government in demanding the commence maninfmiuvmnnt. Another around of re- alstanco Id that tbo not earulngs inlaw -meaoathe earnings after all Interest has hun mill. Tha two mints the company -will engage the most expensive legal'talent tn m.intVin. Thero is not. and novor has boon, on Its part, tho first intention of honorably dealing with tho treasury by aid ofwhlch its splendid proporty was built NowYork, Doo. 31. Considerable oxolto mnnr was pnuRoil thli. morning by tho an nouncoment of tho failure of John 1J inner A Co., one of tho oldest houses on Wall stn t. Intelligence or the failure hns and u depress ing etloct on tho slock market. Washington, Deo.31. I'rnf. Honry.oftlie Smithsonian Institute, ronorta that Prof. ihriir nMlnrlln. has announced tho (US- ooy6ry by Falasla on thn 29:h of Docember of o planet ot tho olovmitu magnitude, 7 decreet 37 mlnutot north declination. vu,.- m Tumi (ins offered to confess Judg ment in ull tho city suit uow pending against him. These iiiciuuoiwohuiisuii mo ' Hon claim tho samo as that In tho people h suit In which Judgement bos peon recovered, and a suit of f 55,000 against Marrliior Twoed and ono for 500.000 against O.H. Mil lerikTweod. Corporation counsel has no cepted tho offer in tbo lust two suit. RIehmond, Jan. l.-Reporla Irora no western portion of Virginia. Including tho -valloy between Staunton and tho Potoraaa .a ........ A llanhanv rnslnn. stato that snow has fallon autucleut to delay tho arrival of rn.Vniir.Vit..T)sn. SO. The storm Satur day and Sunday night was tho "overeat "luce laatAnrll. The steamship Isaas Ball Ironi New York arrived this afternoon and repotU great disasters witn ios ourooumue. PflUKIfin. New York. Deo. 29 -The Herald's London . - - . t II .1. n.l1linaa ilrAli.a special says: in inniii iuihwi; war la considered almost Inevlublo. Ar rangements are completed and regiments al loted for an army of 80,000 men and Btepa are already taking toward tho formation of a nucleus for a roservo army. 1'rofound un eaaluefs provalle here and great depression in trado and llnanre. , . al Brllish fleet from llfa'k Hay to the Gulf of omyrna was mau h.-.. j "" -- ous risks to Iron cUds and croa during the winter at tho unsheltered anehoragu of Il9 Ika. but on tho other hand tho transfer to another point so near the DirdanelteH alg nines the alertness with whloh Knglund in tenda to guard those important atrnllH. Whllo forolhlo llrliUh Intervention Is by no means bollftved lo bo Imminent. Hih govern nieut certainly UomlttlDU no etToris at prej- '"hlo'-S'Der. CO -Tne Times' London special fays: Vast applies of .-anned food are being ihlppod to Malm. It la a ! on ex clen auitonty that OT.IW0 Indian troop, nro being pronarod to ino-e at call, rhai Egypt ottber by force or imrehaw will w and almost feuro io ucum. .. ' u," "i," ".,, thB nreaent U tho most favorable llmo for mo presHoi. i m limiMr ofuneinploy- ;damen wKho would enlist' to ooope -una-U0Krom the tone of the English and contl- tionofKuropo Is very Hble to be the out- comoof theprenti-UuaUon. Bucharest, Deo. 30 -It la !'" ? -procure full Information regarding thai rondl. , tion or the Rusalan and Roumaoiou mW 4 and Turkish prlaoneia who ere on the r way to Bucharest during the -anpw orm. but from dUconoected details to hand, It ridtnt there baka tenlble -auffjrtng. Belgrade. Deo. 30. The Servian troona have captured Plrot with a quantity of guns and ammunition. No detain received. Russians are approaohlng Sophia, and the authorities have ordored the Inhabitants to loavo. London, Deo. 30. The Dally News' Buch arest correspondent states thai Intelligence la received that the bridge at Petroohenl. the last remaining across the Danubs, haa bsen carried away. Few boats occasionally cross, Eaasago Is hazardous and soy oral persons ave alrerdy been drowned. A Greclal special to tho Dally News from Plymouth rororti the whole obannel fleet and all commissioned ships undor repair are ordered to be ready for sea by Jan. 10th. Berlin, Deo. 29. The North German Ga zetto says i If England merely seeks to sound Russia roipocllng her willingness to make posooandlho chances of auccoss of direct application ot the Porte to St. Petersburg, credit may bo awarded Great Britlan for her meritorious Intention. In any othor case tho thoory of "Aence Russo" that mediation unloss solicited by both belligerents becomes Intervention may assert itfelf. Regarding Intervention Russia in fulllllment of her mission can acaroely bo stopped, even by the olovorcsl moves on the political chosa-board. Malta, Deo. 80 Ex President Grant land ed Saturday. Ho took luncheon with the Dukoand Duohesiof Ellnburg and dlnod .with tho governor. A gala porformanco ol opera waa glvon in honor of thogauoralln tho evening. London, Doo. 31. A correspondent of the Manchosler Guardian telographa tbatjournal regarding tbe govorninunt'a policy as fol lows! Thero la not an Idea nf tho acquisition of Egypt, whloh would be tho abondooraent of the polioy of opposing the partition of Turkoy. It is hello vod that should RuiHla reject mediation Lord Beaconaflald Is preparod to appeal to tho country on tho question of do olarlng war for tho dofonoo of British Inter ests. Vienna, Jan. 1. Political Correspondence savM it is probable Russia will reply that ahe ih ready to open tiesotlatlona If the Porto directly addreasea Itself to St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, Deo. 31. The requestor tho British government for Information whether Russia would be disposed to enter Into peace negotiations at the desire of the Port? baa been received. If the statement havo been published abroad respecting Rus sia's answer and tbo conditions abo would propose for such intelligence must be pre inatnrn and luacourato. Nothing whatevor haa boon determined upon, though In well informed circles It Is vBsumcd that Russia will makn no harsh reply to steps taken with an objsct of favoring a way for peace, but will abow herself accesslblo to uuy earn est endeavors for its restoration. Ilogot, Jan. 1. Af.uran exceedingly dlfll cult pissage ovor tbo snow-covered moun tnlnH and fmzen footpaths, tho vanguard ofa Rubslan dlyl-ilon has occupied the Itilkan passes between Arabskouk and Sophia, ami civ.Wry has alroady been stationed nil tho Sophia roads. The Turku were taken by sur prise, consfquontly tbo RusslaiiH lost only Ilvo wounded. Along tho oavtern front, namely, tbo Rlvor Lorn, tho Turks have withdrawn all their ponltlonH, leaving only htnall armed bod lea composed of troops and Inhabitant!). Tho latter, with arum, retlro to inn wood after burning their own village. Bucharest, Deo. 31. Bridges crowning tho Dauubnat Slmultza were taken up lo pre vent their destruction. It ! hoped the bridge at PotrcHhaul Just reported n having been carried away, cau bo repaired. Nino hundred horses porlsbed In tho vloln lly of Slstoya during tho recent norm. Tho totM toss of draught animals must bo numberod by thousands, Datallx are slowly coming In concerning tho sutterlugs of Turkish prisoners Jrom Plevna on their way to Roumanla. The prisoners wero unaccompanied by any vehi cle for the purposti of picking up those wbo loll by tho waysldo. These wore left by tbe guards to freeze, as they had no means of carrying them and a halt would only have boen to Increase the number of y lotlms. The absenco of wagons was uot duo to deliberate oruelty but that thoughtlesaexs which so frequently Mihjenia the Russian Mildlers to uuiiojsssary Buffering. No provision was made in Bulgarian villages or lUo proper sustenance of tho oiptlteti, but when thn Danube was jhnafil xuppllm) wero provided and from that timo their lot wai uter hard to boar. Ma. RuiniKK'd Nlw HUMunv for tho lungs is moetlng with muoh favor In the eat. The following U from the Iiulianapo Id Sun: Wo take pleasure In announcing to tho pntilio Hit- mori'H of tho Ureal Urgon Cure ditcoveud by Mrs. H)Uror tormorlvof Or egou, but now of this olty. Thn Great Or egon Curu ha accomplished wonderful huo ceil with thosoofour oltutus whohainuf. lorwl from consumption, coughs, cold and asthma. Ju nisny oases that were consider od hopnleis pobltUo cuttn wtto elfeeUd. Those wh'.i havo been boueiitted thbrehy bar teH'.lmonlals of tho highest praUiu her great discovery. It lu aUo highly renoin uionded for (Unpepils, ptlnlm Ion of tho heart, croup, wtuioplug cough "tut all dlx. oases of tho throat and lung. Chlldrou cry for it, because of lis plea-tunl tuute. Mrs. llnbrer has eiuhUsbed ht-r headqutrtora at 317 and 319 South Meridian ttrun. for tbo manufacture and h1h ol Ibis great leinedy. AsU ; jour druggUt f)r it, or edilrt-si, Mrn. K. Rohrer A Co., No. 317 nd C-t'J South Mo rldlau atreet, Indlauapoll, Indiana. This great remedy U also manUotur-d and for nalebyJ. L Murphy, Monmouth. Tba Yamhill Courier learns that tSO.OOO baa alrerdy been Huborlbd lor tbe Dayton and Grand Rondo railroad. Multnomah District Pcaiwai Orange. This grange met in East Portland Doo. 1-1, and was largely attended. Although this Is not so muoh of a farming region as other portions of Oregon, when this grange meets we feel like a little community of our own. Some of our members are negligent In at. tending, and sometimes we hetr of granges aurrenderlng tholr charters, But let us not feel dlsoouraged, Was there, oyer a society, howevor long established, that had not such membrraT Still they exist, and bo shall the graugo. Thore are sufUclont members who work with zeal, knowing what we have ac complished, and are continuing to do, aud any one who does not feel tin Interest to at tond to his or hor grange and aasK in its work, Is not worthy of the name of Patron. Tho above grango met at 10 o'clock , and pro ceeded to business, whloh proved of muoh Interest to the Ordor. Here we are always favored bv speeches from J. A, Richardson, Jacob Johnson. Plympton Kolly, aud O. P. Lent, baothors who aro wide awako. and It Is of just such material we gauat havo to mako tbe Ordor advance. Al lit there was a roooas of half an hour for lunob. oTho time passed quickly, and we were called to order by tho Master' loud rap of tbe gavol. The next business waa tho election of olllcera for tho ensuing year. Bro. A. R. 8hlpley, who basprAsldod in the chair since Its. organlza. tlon, was again almost unanimously elected Master. Bro, S., In his usual ploasaut man nor, thanked the Patrons for their klndnoss and regard shown htm, and expressed nla earnest Intention of doing hla duty, and wo feel assured that with proper assistance ren dered him by his mombera he will prove hlmoclf worthy his position. The Overseer waa than elected in tbe person of Cyrus Buokinan, who baa worked faithfully in our aubordlnato grange for four years. J. A. Rlobardson.of Washington oo,. was re-elected liectureri Steward, Jacob Johnson: Aas't Steward, Bro. Mungart Chaplain, Plympton Kelly t Treaa., Bro. Wheeler; Hm.,T. Daven port j O.K., John Moore: Cere, Mm. O. E ahlnlev! Pomona. Mrs. Gloveri Flora. Mrs N. Walker; Stewardess, Mnftlr'A Clarke. Tbsdey belagftf spanl, an JaaVy having far to go. tbe grange was dismissed, the sec ond Friday in February being the day ap pointed for our noxt meeting, and for Install ing our ofilcers, when adluner will be given, and a good tlmo la anticipated Mks.-K.P. PniLOMATK, Bunion Co., 'Deo. 231, 1677. Philomath Grange No. 13, mot to-day and elated ofilcers as follows; J. R. Mays, M.j O. B. Wells, O.j O. B. Maya, L.; Wni. Hart- leHi, boo.; S. M. Brown, S.; Morris Allen, Asst.S.; J.S.Taylor, Chaplain; Jas. Coopor, T.; A. It. Browu, G, K.; Miss. JanoMays, CorestMrs. Cynthia Ulnklo, Pomona: Mra. S. M. Urown. Flora; Miss Clara llarllesa, L. A. 8. Our flrango Is now lu a prosperous condition, although our numbers aro nntao groat, yot tboso who atatid by the old ship aieof tboelemont that will stand tire. We will meet on tho faurth Satiuday In January and Install tho ofilcers and give a harvest dinner. We expect a good turn out and a "way-up tlmo." I will clow by wishing you a happy new i oar. Philomath. Butto Croek Grange, No. b'J, P. of II., held tholr annual oltollon Deo. 17th wllh the fol lowing result: J. 1'.. White, .M.j Geo. Cardew,0.;Enoah Sklrvln, L.; N. Birtchet, S.;J. F. Nicholson, A. 8.; Wm. Rowoll, Chap.; Robt. Thompson, T.; M.J. White, Seo.; Cat. Harrington, O. K.j Martha Mur doch, 0.; Ollvo Marquam, F.; Martha Ilowk, P ; Eliza Sklrvln, L. A. 8. MAGAZINES. Scribner's tad St. Nicholas. Scrlbnortt Co. eend us tholr announce ment of what thoy Intend to do through their popular magazines the coming year, and the publlo can rest assured that no palna will be spared to make eaoh, In itsaphore, all that la poaslblo or desirable. The Hat of writers and artists engaged la attractive to tho highest degree , and the aucceaa attained for eaoh must of course Impel the publishers to do all that oan be done to sustain the preatlge so well established and Increaso the oonfidenoo and respect of a reflned and criti cal publlo, Wo hayo not apaoe to spare to recite the promlsod attractions, and it Is only necessary for us to say that eioh of tbeeo magazines will oontlnuo Is the front rank of periodical literature St. Nicholas for December la here, and wo are infarmod that 100,000 copies of this charm ing, young poople's magazine, wore issued this month. Wo never oould accomplish a review or orltloal notice of tbo attractions In St. Nicholas, simply booauso tbe groat num bor and varloty wero bowllderlng, and wo seldom hayo tlmo to poruao It In detail. It is perhaps enough to say that It la tbe most wonderful and successful work of tho kind over publlthod, and Its sucoosa surpasses everything ever known In Juvlnllo llteraturo or rathor liloraturo for Juveniles. St. Nicholas grows plethoric as It growa old aud prospsrous, and lla balk Indicates Incrcatod Interest with additional reading matter. ticribner'a for January, 1878, comes to us full of pleasant and Instructive matter for the Christmas bolldaya. The present num- bar opens with "Jarl Slgurd'a Cbrlatmaa Hvo,"apoem by II. II. Boyesen; "Fox Hunting In Now England," by R. E. Robin. eon ; there Is a long artlole, well Illustrated, ou the rbsearchoa and discoveries of M Dr. Sohlletnsn at Mycenae "; aomothlng more Utald In this magazine regarding" Roxy," a story by Edward Ejgloston, author ol tho "Ilooaler School-Maater. " "Ilia Inheri tance," In dcopentng in IntoriHt; "After ManyDayh," a atudy of Koata, byR.II Stoddard, Is concluded. The January num ber routalna many norms and articles which aro Interesting, and Scribner Is always ap preciated by Ita roatlera. A Gentle Hint In our style of climate, with I'h audden oliangui nf tainperalure, rain, wind, and hunsiiliiH often Intermingled in a single day, It Is no wonder that our onlldren, frleuda and relatives are so Irrquontly lukeu f.om us by neglected cold., half the deatliH reuniting dlrrtotly from tuli oiua?. A bot tle ol Hijfolit'o'4 Goriiiau r-yrup kept almut your homo lor immediate use will prevent orlom uluknes-t, a largo doctor' bill, and perliap daath, by tlm um of tlmo or imir doses, For curing Cont-umptlnn, llouiorrhagew, Pneumonia, Sovero Cougbe, Croup or any disttaku of tho Tlirout or Luugn, Uh xui-oEHi i blmply wond rful, a-t your druggUt will lull you. (lintuuii Syrup Is now t-otd In every town and vllUgH on this continent, baiuplo hottlea tor trial, IOj.j regular lza 75i. Anotksr Robbery. Night bdforo last some pera'jn entered tho tnckdnorof Mr. F. A, Smllh'it rebldouco on Piety lilll.auil whllo tho ftmlly waacmlot s'.teplug, went through Mr. Smltb'n panta loon pocket, and got away with fliioen dol lar lu coin. Ono diy Isnt week a Mr. lirtenwood and Mi.m illlihouo were loiirrled near Dallas, 'I'liul night they were annojel by that relio nf barbarUm an old-fashionoii chailvarl, Nextday thov weutio Porrrdale. whwre the ttonovitnoo was repeated. Greenwood resist ed it, and was cut by a knife In ibe hands of one of ttia parly. He w reported to bo in a crltloil condition, To engage in the vulgar itamoiiMratlou known as tbe charivari hould be made a criminal otft-uce, East Poiiti.awd Nuiiskhy ani Skku Gahdknh, Sen tho advortlsomout of II. tlauson, elsowbero. Mr. Hanson Is one of tho moat rollablo eeedmon and nurserymen on this coast, and any ono desiring to pur ohaso anything lu bis lino, may fool confi dence whon ordering from him. Hlanursory aud gardona nro within an easy half hour walk of tho East Portland ferry, and hla aecd store la Just bolow that ferry on tbo Portland aide, next to the npaco onco occupied by tho Cosmopolitan Hotel. Mr. Hanson la ono of tbo Directors of tho Oregon State Agricultural Society, and thoroughly understands hla bu siness. TlIK PnKBIOENT AND THK ClIINKMi:. A few daya since Congressman Davlj, of Cali fornia, called on the Prosident to learn his views ou tho Chinese question. Mr. Hayes oonversod with him for two hours, and ex preatod himself strongly In sympathy with laboring population, that Is dlsastronsly af footed by Chinese competition, and In favor of ouch measures as are possible to chock the Immigration of Chinese, and no avoid the competition so detrimental to whlto laboring pooplo. HIh vlewa will bo received wllh satisfaction by mostoriho people of thla sldo incontinent. English Postal Sayings Bank. Kugland owe Gladstone hii lmineuie debt far what he htm done tor her financially, and tho great reforiim hu Inaugurated hv entnb lUumg lilscniiwl ajH'ein of potolllce sav lngn hank by whljh overy oalofllco U thn poor man's bank, and too government Im tbo cnHiollan, At tho pumnt moin"tit when our Industrious oUsih aro lining plun dortd and robbed tofio lure or million ot dollars, .a vod from Uiolr hard earnlnu-, aud when the "trustees aru oullawMfrum Jutlro with Uiolr 111 gotten booty, It would bo wfl! inrnur loglslaiuroH to atii'ly thl- postolllco uavlngi bank hvmciii. It H very slinplo and rry nuuro. Yon go Into a pjtt'illloe that Inn got u savlngn hank department. You Jodgt. your money. It h Mrwarded to tho l.o t m a oNjoneral In Iindon. In fiw dj vou rcclvo h book with tho seal of tho paitolllco In It nn you havo tho gnvorn iiioni as ii o-!urlty. Tho result of tlio u crNi)fthNay.li)in It wonderfully upparont In tho fact that up vards of twnily million poundH aterling l ho'd by the EnxlUh gov erntuent as theaavlut-Hnf tho people, and not a dollar has boen lo.lbytho moit excellout nlasauf our commuiiily, Iho saving aud the luduHtrlous. Agent at Lebanon. Mr. S. Luttreil, will bereafur ao'. as agent fjr tbe WtLLAUkrrrK Faruku ut Lebanon. AVksskl Lost. Tbe ah lp Nimbus, loaded -with wheat foundsred outside the bar,, Deo 29th, and is a total loss. Tbe Ortgonian aaya: Tho Nimbus reaobed thla port In bellatt on the 1st or last Ootoper. The veisel wa' ohartered by N. Ton Bosch A Oo for parties lu England to toad with wheat tor Cork. The Nimbus was loaded by H.H. Howetttt Co., for the charterers. She re oelvod at this port 2tl,240 centals, valttael at 57,ori; at Astoria, 10,325 centnls.ral uedat 115,420 25; toul amouut of cargo,, 42.505 centals; total valuation, 103,498 2&. i ho cargo wo aro Informed, belonged lo a. Glascow ship owner and la Inanred for 9V 120, as follows: Union Marine Inanraaea Company, or Liverpool, 10,000; Maritime Insnranco Company of Liverpool 10,0aO. ' So far as nan bo ascertained the vessel waa uninsured. - .M 7 CoMPiiKssKi) Mmats. Kinney A Co., of' Astoria havo tried various experiments for' canning moats an well as fish, among the rest -thoy put up a superior article of compressed oornod hoof, of whloh we havo received a sam plo from them, and whloh seems destined to be a popular arilolo of production and export. Wo do uot soo why our mutton, of whloh we shall soon havo a groat surplus, cannot also beputlu this ahnpe, and, Oregon moataso preparod take lu a groat measure tho plao of Ittdlgostablo salt Junk used at sea. Bauing Fine Chlokeai. Mr. Luther Myors, who has such a favora blo notoriety for raising flnobreedsof fowols,1 wishes to mako arrangomenta with some per son living within a few mlloa of Salem, to ralso about 509 ohlakons for him. Hero Is a chanco foraomo lady who Is woll posted in tho chicken business, to make a good thing by raising lino fowls for Mr. Myers. Call and see him at tho atove atoro of J. W.Craw ford, Salem. Weather.'ord'n preparation of Mountain Balm, ao widely known oa " Wlgandla," la very e(3ao)ousrarOQBgbs.epd ,oolds,.ael. cures maby aft tctlona of the tbinat and laa At this soason It Is Invaluable as a family medlclno. It Is so palatable that ohlldreu1 will not rofuso to lako It, Communication) RcuKiv'KD, Several com munications that csino too lato for this week'a Itsue will appear noit week, Inoludlng roae lullons of Summit, lhnton Co., Greenback Club; letter from " Happy Flat" Linn Co., ulao letter from Summit, llenton Cu. JaokHonvlllo Sentinel ways very little rain haa fallon In this section thla winter, and our mining populntloti aro mostly ldlo,nnxlonsly waiting for tbo ooiiimenoBtneiit of tbo rainy soason. Tho mluura aro ull ready for work, and will begin active operations aa toon tut thoy havo aulllt lent water, but tho prospect hr it very proaperoua mining aoaaou aro uot us Haltering hn thoy might ho. W. II. KyloToT Victoria, British Columbia lias bought tho exclusive right of tho cel ebrated I'lummnr Fruit Dryer for tho sum of 810,000. Mr. Kylo Intends In start a largo establishments Victoria for tho purposs of proaorving fruit aud vegalobies, and will makn a speolalty nf drying potatoes, clams, halibut and other fish, Boslunss of tho Year. The following Is tho summary nf thn busi ness transacted at the Recorder's office for tho year 1878: Received for tinea for violating olty ordliiaucoa 1st quarter t 30 00 2d quarter 18 50 3d quarter.... 07 03 4th quarter 0120 Total 1210 23 Received lor licences 1st quarter f Ml 00 ' 2-1 quarter 197 CO " 3d quarter 770 M " 1th quarter 1021 00 Total H42l 00 Total ain't oash roo'd .luring year f l,35J Oi Tho Now York Ohivrver litis tlilH ro tiinrlc iilHHittui Important mutter: "Mr. Uoiworth .Smith, In it honk puhliHhoil In IjOIkIoii, la-it yciir, makes tho ro murktililu Htutomutit that in Jlrltl.sh I ml In "tho MolmmmotliiiH uitiko him drt'ils of coiivurtH whlln the Chris Han inlHsloiiiirios wllh (llllluiilty mako ton." ThN iliirurunco ho iittrlhutoi partly to tho fact that tho Miihomtiiliiiw rucolvo tholr con vort.-t on lornii of on tiro Hocliil -(tiallty, wliilo lOuropoaiiH, in Hplto of tho ellorlH of tho inlsuloim fk'H to tho eontrary, M'oiii iiiiwlllliif; r uniililo to trout tholr converts othor than Inforior.-i." UiKiuo.-itiotiuMy thero is Turco In tho remark'. Piinadaolalins to hav pro linked Iho larg. r-Ht ctjeet-o on rt-oril. l-'iom tint Iugeroll, Ont., fsotory hsa been turned out u eheeMo weighing 7 COO pound, It wait Ull. 10 lu. Ill diameter .'! ft in height, and 21 It. in olrcum-fereut-o. It required one milking of 7,000 cows, or 3-1 tons of mill: in produce It. WAN.S'-lIOKOIttl-At Hie rlil'nc ol K. V. l..firJ, near Kola, I'.ilX county, Dt-cidlr 251 Ii. I'T.ly K. 'sro, J, l' Jar. W. K, Wanil uud Mla t.uulu M. Ilo.loiJ, ull of l'utk couuiy. - TM a ,v " i j i' V 6 r $ 'i 'V J '! ' v i I i i t i h n y i. j: ea Id ar jn of ho ho ml i etto sor (an- igon able I . 'j J fl y If a.. J