rt i I u 1; Licx...... .A.uiU HAN FBANU18C0. .San Phanoibco, Doo. 20, 1B77. In my lust I spoko of tho fruits of this mnrltot In this onol willapjalt of tho vege tables. Not long aliico I took a stroll tbroiiuu tho loading market here. I thoro Raw nrcon boanH, psas, and almost all kinds of oarly voRotableH. I alao saw strawborrlos "of a forced Rrowtbj" thoy liavo tho color nnd looks of n good sirawbjrry, butaro In n!plft In point of ilavor. They moos with ready sales. TIio boor which Is bioiRht to this market ilons not comjuro very taiorably with that found In tlioHiIom marled'. Ouiaalonally a b.md of lU'ilorn Ora?on oiltlo roaches this innrket, and n woll known denlor Informs us that thoy are luynrltbly tho finest that reach horo. I undon t mil that thoy como via vrimioinucca, Nevada. Thoy aro drlvon to that placo and thori shlpp'od by cars tho rostof tho way. But often thoy rornolho onllro dlstanco on foot, ami thon arrlvo horo In splendid ordor. This moat surely speaks highly ;or Eastern Orogon, a 'id wo hopo to notftho day whloh cannot bo fir distant arrlvo wbon the city of San Francisco shall get tho bulk of hor moats from Eaatorn Ore gon. Not that thoro Is any possibility of our Kitting to oat any of It lor, If wo know oursnlvoi aright, wo will wait till wo return to old Oregon. Tho atoamer Chester, whloh arrlvod last wook from tho North, was quarantined upon hor arrival at this port. A psssenger speaks of tho matter as an "unfoundod outrage," and from the faots as ascertained I am ln ollned to his belief. The aforesaid passenger npofiks In the highest pralso of the steamer and her officers as to hor aca-wcrthlneia wo ran vouch. Tho ntroets aro literally thronged with peoplo shopping In behalf of the coming holidays. Decorations aro now in ordor, and "nloo llttlo" troes aro peeking out of every corner. Wo have purchased a "toy one," as Its capacity Is aufllolont to manage all nur nooks, eto. There Is nothing llko going through tho ceremony, even ifonols away from home. Tho steamer. Goo. W. Eldor, will sail Haturday, for Portland) quite a number ofBalotnltoa and Orogonlann will return on hor, among whom wo notlco Mrs. J, J, Mur phy nud daughter, and Col, T. II. Hlckey. Our old frlond Davo Flolachman Is still horo and looks a Irlflo paler than when wo saw hi in last In Halmn. lio has not had a vacation slnco ho commonood work horo Is of tho opinion that ho will mako Halem a visit In tho Spring; ho works for L. Wort lioltnor.t Co. Tho other day wo vlsilod tho stock yards of Mr. Holltn P. Bxxe, who ad vorllses In this paper, and wo woro surprised at tho magni tude of, and tun faollitlos nilordcd for tho Rolling and buying flue stock a woll as lower grados. It Isouooftho Institutions of this ally. Wo have mot with a groat many old friends from Orogon since our arrival horo. Tho "working men" still bold forth and tho Chinamen still survive. Thoro is a Mtoady immigration to China and we hear of two vessels bolnn ohartered lo carry back Homo of tho discouraged Celestials but still thoy soonf to be as as thlok lis usual in China town, Tho dlffdrotit plaoes of amufiotnont aro running with tolorablo fair iiorforiners tho "lllauk Crook" at iho CatlfornUj "ill Hlo uum"at Hush Ktroot; and "Two Orphans" atllaldwlu's. Thoattondanco Is vorv good. W. J. C. CHRISTMAS IN SALEM. Tho Clirlstmar Just p.insnd In Halom, If not as uolNy and Imlhtornua ns tiwinil, whs iiiohI nolttlly enjoyed by family dinners, mhiIbI romiliiiiH, ChrlstinaN trcea, nnd an I in proiuptii hop at tho Opera llouto. On ilio "ttvo bnloro Ulirltu)ns" tho Hap tint and ICpUonpal dunoinlustlnns had a ChrUtmas tree, or Its "equivalent." At tho luiTisr eiiuitoii, Aflor tho crowd of IhiikIiIiik, expectant chil dren had been sentod mid partially IiuhIipiI, all o.vch worn oolite rot I mi tho "tMiwer" load ed with proHontH. .Shortly afterward tho merry Jluglo of slolith lt'IUsa lioatd on Uio outalilo, nud a low inoiiiontt later St. Nlck.elail In furs from Itoail lo too, entered tho ro(iui,niul after paying his respects to the otilunra of tho Habhalli Solum) and nliak ln liauds with many of thoiililldreu, en tered tho bower and commenced handing nut tho girts. "Suolt a llino." as ono llttlo alry miliar luxl to un, and wo believed her. KriMXll'AL CIIUIIOII. Muslonnd a pretty UhrlNtmaa tree loaded -villi oruamontal and utefut pretents, which were reoelvetl In anolonl lorm and manner, niailtt tho Ulirntmas Kvo feMlvltltw at thlit ohtirch simply phaslng and delightful. noon TXMn-AHs' ham.. What n Jtui. Kvt-n early in thoovonlng Iteople nnimnnncetl coming and by the time )r, U. II. Hall .commenced the delivery ot hlu utlilroa tho hall was packed to Iho point of Miuf tendon. KollOMlug ihomldrtM whloh Mf h lino one, and delivered lit Iho dootorV usual happy vein, IIiumi prestiut went favor ed with a short HildreHH Iroiu Mr. Smith ol IttilVia, wlm ntaildiiouio lino allusions ami pleasant remarks. Tumi cauiii I Ho distribution. ArwntH ol mirpiKtimlPulrd with ohIn of itifrrluitnit it vault .1 eolvetl Mirprliliigly nice gill or an limeuliiua tvV, roMtuutieii inroiu'ii mo mom. Aflr iVt fr-M waH"trlpiM'l awtfllal reiinlitn took pUeo In tho hall, of the moio Maid pnr thin of tho pt'tv. v lute Hih "uay and parlle uUily fistlvo" portion ot the lodge adjourn od to thn Opera iloiibo Mlth their frloudv, and tuilulged In x nKuoirmu. uoi, Until tho "wiiuMiia ti tut ' i mi mutln fur tiNhtut bv I'rtif. II, DUmmd' Hiring baud, w.ut good! lh crowd v a not I ng fiinuisli lorn "t'riudi" uml eerltodv btemtd to think It was lint nleHt ami eKl'st daiico o( the kti.non. Vale ChrlMma, lhT7, Woathettonl ,V t-'o., die popular drutrgtstt, rjuiouibiirttd this oUlcoplcuauilly, as la tlie'r o'd tlnitt euhto'ti on tho roMirnnoo of tho HolldavH. "iho 1 bral xcul H'mll Ni nmde fn," l thoKr p:url iroiu'so tbat up piles to James, Tho number or marriage llcenaea Issued In MuUitiuitah county sluce the tint of January, 1877, are 1 17. Letter from Hon. Wm. Cyrus. Bcio, Dec. 25, 1877. Un. FARHP.n: When jou last board from mo, I was in Cincinnati, Ohio, allondlng tho olovontb annual session of tho National Grange Slnco wLloh tlmo I havo re-crossed tho mountains, end plains, and nm again In my mountain rotroat. Happy In tbo thought tlmt nothing has gono sorlously wrong with mo, mlno, or my nolgbbors, during my two mouths' absenco. Tbo National CI run go held a harmonious and I think a profltablo sosslon ef ton dnys' duration, adjourning on tho 3)th N ivemU r, OKrooIng to hold tbo l'ith nnuunl ccsBlon In Hlehmond, Virginia, commencing on tho 'bird Wcdiionday In Novotnber, lo"8. Aid I will fay that It might help to sathfv fotno dlHsatlsllod I'ntron with Oregon, to tnko that trip. Many dlMnatidlled Oregonlans know not or what tboy complain. During our stay In tho Qunon City of theW'frf, wn had not six hours of huh, ond It rained u snowod noarly oveo lRyt no Oregon woahor was ever moro dlsagrooablo. Wo passed St. Josopn, mo , ana roaoneu umana, in a snow storn coming from thn north upon iho wing of such a wind as the Wlllamotto yallov novor oxperlonced during a snow fall; and notwith standing tbe inclemency or tbo woatner, Boon after daylight farmers were seen from car windows In their Holds with teams, gathering corn. Complain, if you llko, of Oregonlans harvesting In the rain, but It cannot bo worse thtn bat vesting corn In anob a snow as was men and there blowing. Crossing tbe Rocky Mountains, tbo snow was not deep, but tho weather was very cold. At daylight, 180 miles this sldo the summit, the Ibermometor stood at fifteen degros be low zero, and no snow on the ground. At Choyenr.e and Laramie City, It appeared to me to be much colder; the snow was Irom three to five Inohes deep. Oa tho Sierras tbe snow was two anu threo root deep, but as twenty-eight miles of tho mad tst!idded and we passod tho high mountain in tbo night, we felt no inoouveuionoa. On reach ing tbe Haoramento valley, the weather ro semblod Oregon's early Soptombor, exoept tho abonoo of vogotalfon. On tbo lilthof December thoro bad not bean rain enough to start grass to do any good; on land where grain has boon sown in tho dust, and well put in, it was just appearing bdovo tno fcur laoe. Farmers In tbat Siato woro then fear inganotbor drouth. Hut how changed as wo noared and traversed Oregon. In Itoguo lllver valloy tho grass was starting nicely; In Umpqna tbo grass wasHuMol'nt forstook to bo doing fine; and in tho Willamette wo havo hnd a llttlo too much of a good thing, but bolter too much than notennugh. William Cyiiuh. The Faloaio Country. Pink Cnr.Kic, W. T., Deo. 5, 1877. Emigration to tbo l'alousa country still koops coming, notwithstanding old Joseph's hostilities, but I think it must suroly stop now, as winter has set In and tho old gout has oommonoed picking his coone. for a shower of whlto down Is coming from tho clouds. Snow Is some two inches deop, and still It comes. Tho youngsters havo alroady commencod brushing up tholr cutters, Auy ono wishing to como to Whitman county wouM do woll to lako tho I'alous) Gazette. I say Whitman county, forttiero U more tillable land In Whitman oounty than any other two couutles In tho Territory, Whitman county lies wutt of tho Coeur d'Alono mountains. It Is a rolling, rich oountry, almost overy foot of It good, rich soil. Some or It is too broken for cultlv tlon. There are small streams putting out of tho mountains winding their way through the rloh soil. Wator Is plenty "" there are springs all over the oounty. West of tbo (fonurd'Alene mountains, about !15 inllo, is Hock Creek, running fcouthwoM, and con siderable or timber on it. Hot ween Iho two points mentioned It Is almost dostltuto of tlmbor. WostoMtook Creek Is lined as a grit.lng region. Thoro aro a good many plaoes yotto bo taken close to tbo tlmuer. Wit. AI.KIKK, "Si:aicknksh " Undor this head, In our Ihmio or Nov.O, Mr. I), M. Morris wrotoa short and woll expressed account or his voy- it jo to Snu ICraucikco, nud touohod properly nud pleasantly uuon tho horrors of "oiiHlck iiomh." Mo also noticed Astoria In it vory proper way. llosuudia communication in which ho loplloi to homo would bo humor ous remarks of "Aunt Ilepsy," suggested by his communication, tnklugexceptlons to what ho toems to think was an attempt to ridicule him, whloh w do tint think wax tho Intention of "Aunt Hepsy." W ilnnk ho has a right lo nt'Jeet lo his name lifting lined at It was, and we mako thla reMp,tttful mention of his objection In profeieui'it In publishing what uiigbt lead lo farther uon tiuversy, whloh wo slum d decline, ut all evonts, At tbo last moating of Heavortou Orange, (Washington ooutitj) thoollloers oleot were as follows; M, M. L. Nlohola; O. It. I Wllmot; L.O.lIornbucklo; S, Win. Tucker; O.Mrs. 0. Ilonibuekle; T, W. O. Uocke"; S, T. Tucker; O K, Miss Maggie Mot ay; Teres, Mlsa Delia Tuoker; I'omnna, Nt.a .autltt Kanno; Flora, MUsJano Tuoker; I. AS, Mlaa Viola Hoblnnn. TIioho olllirM will be publicly Installed the tirat Saturday In January. THE frtitKE7S. The Wheat Market. There la no change yet In prlees, Tho markot la weaker for shlprer, but prices aro kept up by mlllerf, who tiro now in tho field as purchasers, l'relglits nro udvaucod, or at least higher rales nro charged for cargoes, though there la yet abundant whipping lit the river waiting to bo loiuk-d. Wo do not learn that any Quango, whatever, has taken plaeo In Ibe 1. her pool market and though ooiidilloiis tiro somewhat ottttigetl It may bit eaU that Hut mmket reitutliiH its beforo. Halem mill" W. J. Mrirtii. at Fanuora' verjlioino, ooi tinint lotllir fl.Uh per liiisht'i. fata ato as betore, th market weak, and U'i eenls per bushel otIVtfit l.ir -hlpiiit'tii, T.18 r3alem Markets. Dto, 2S, IS77. Wlioat at Silent mlllis Jl.ll'n per bumel. Oils fir ahlputeut 4T omits Per hush. Hay la high, aim toino pnlori purohalng mt thoU lumbiailverat 11 er ton, and bilng. lug tin lor uo here. The leiall market is exorbitant, balea being sold at Jl.fO it r cut. Irttosa Hay may bo quoted IIS 1 1 $20 er lor, with noun com lug in. Drau Is f. I r tou. Short fJO iter tou. The holiday demand for butter and a will noon be over and nrlotn inut leelln D atter la quoted 25 eta. to 30 cU. per lb,, at 4 ( WILLAMETTE FARMER. eggs 25 cu, to 30 cts per dozen . Potatoes JO ote to 37Kots per bush. Apple" for shlpmer t In good demand aUOita and;parls wl.l Bond to tho country after them at tbat. European Grain Market. London, Dec.2j. Tho Mnru Lane Exp ois this week In Its rovlow ol tho IJrlUsh corn trade riivb tho aspect of tho winter sown wheat plant gives rhe m no roinplalnl, but its too rapid doveloptroit miy render it inoio soiHlnvo lu tho no t"n oJ fnM I iter on. In tho present MMtoltv or roMs and winter foddfr.tho wfittliT and gioniva of I : ho pis'urearofavortbo tor h o k fr i s. The tpplovh or thn hiil d a nan xercoi tuo usual qulotuig etle t ii'in ilii grnln trnJo. liiiNlncss huHlconronfincdtothosu: - lilur. f imiii.illnln vr,n Irnlfllllu.S O' IIIllUT', and as a ruin p lee are fairly Mittnlnod. Lirgo nrrlvala of American grain troui At InniionorlH. In nfowliH ncO'H lnltoaMi"Ht loJuclon, but It has been scarcely quo able, and ns Huitlc ports mo now doiod, ilteto in no nlteratnn In Jiualan wheats. Stocka on hand nro Inrgo and Import from Indlashow no dimlnuiijn, whilotho export movement ruiillnuefl fall ly active, and a hoalthy tono anlmstestho market. In malM, last week's prlcoH for grinding have been fullv support ed. Barloy and oats bavo given way slij, ht- y- Phlh d lnhin, Do 0 Wool quiet, supply l'gb .ire unchanged. Hot n. l)o. 2H. wool Full prlcea bus talned for all grades of domestic wool. tits Imvo been nr lalravorae lor tins eeaon of tbe year with fair prospoitof lnr asel r; mann alter mat or janiiniy. wtuium a fleeces, have beon inon 'n demand and tnor is scarcity of delrablogradaofoomh ngand delaine and good lots of super and X polled are dllllcult to llnd. Sale In choio- Odlr, Pennsylvania fleecos,4l40j for medinm X and XX Wltoonsln and Michigan nVces.40 420 for good and choice lots and 5055o for combing and delalno Uews. California wool Is In fair demand at 14X22o for fall, and 20f.1fo for spring, siier and X pulled wool 30(g35o for low and choice and an occasional lot of very obolcs super at 4f47r. C. A. Kssd. Notary Poblte. T. 'I. Cox. REED & COX, Real Estate and Insurance jLoans negotiated on Favorable Terms. Buy and Sell Gold and silver, State, County, and CI y Warrants. Agents for Heed's Opera Iloose. 137" OClce. at tho corner of itccd'a Opctft Honte, c5S NAI.KX, on. Sljl Oldest Houso in the Trade. J. II. dONGLE, MANUl'ACTUUKIt. Wholesnlo and lUtall Doalor In ill kinds o Harness, SADDLES, IlltlDLKS, Avoirs Laslics.Trunks No. in Front Street, POKTLAND, - - OREGON. Alto, keep couMantl oa band a largo airortment of iND SADDLERY HARDWARE. pfrSolo Avont In Oregon lor tbe Carbollzed Hose, at S hi Frnelro prioes, with Freight added. Kcpttlrlng lriiiitiy Attended te (Carminative) For Diarrlicca and Dysentery uso Dr. Jayna Otrtiilnntlro Ualsnm. As changes or cllninto or wator, and in discretions In cntlng often produco theaocoinplalnta.travclorHandothorH bliould alwayH keep a bottlo of this remedy by thorn. It novor falls to mibduo tho most violent attacks, nnd It Is equally sorviccnblo for Cromps In tho Stomach or ISowols, Griping l'ulns, ic. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and CollC UW Dr. Jayne'a Carmleatne Balanot. It roniovrrt all soranoas of tho abdomon, nllays tho irritation and calms tho action of the Stomach. It may always bo relied on to glvo Immediate rollof, nnd besides bolnp offoctual, la a pleasant and safe remedy, cosily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly r. Jayne's Onrmlnntite Dalsnn. It chocks tho Dinrrhrra, supproases tho Cramps which generally accompany nttneks of Cholora, nnd conquers tho disease in IU lnclpienoy. It haa frequently boon ndntlntstoml In nelghlKirhoods whero tho Cholor.t lias beon raglnp; opldemleally, and it has seldom foiled to give linmcllato nnd permanent rollof. Tho Carmln ntivo Ii:ls malntniiuHl its reputation n.s n Curat I vn for nearly forty years, la equally offoctlvo In all latitudes, mid as a Standard Household Uome dy, should bo kept lit overy family. T A, UAVl.t A CU.Vholoale AseatJ. ToitUnd Ovoii. wtSraJ MHOT rAIf.to cna for our Sc Cataliwir., It tyn for try liri-xou vontei'.t plillBe. the pur. torrr$oau,timUj orMHruliural ui. Frtp to any A JJrva. MONT(:oni:uv wakh a co -. Orl.uolOrnflSui'rlj ltou s is it rs wuMk jw, cuicaoo, lit 10LI PX.TEB WATCH T.H. Ch.ipct nilh Uion wnrM, SautpU Watch tr'4 k AjmU. AadreM,A.Coci.TUOCUwa(o. 1877. B s 1878. oliay Groos Ij,EO "ZZHijXjlJCSr, At his Book Store, on State Street, offers this season unusual attractions in NEWAKD ELEGANT GIFT B03KS, FLORA!, AUTOGRAPH AND PKOTOGHAPH JkW POCKET BOOKS AND MDliHlS, ARD CASES, In Great Variety, and many other To which he Inv tcs tho STATE STREET, Cr . 4r The Finest in the CAPITAL CITT OF OREGON. Clocks of Every Variety, JEWELRY OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES. CU T .71Vl?T,5r A TJIJ' Solid nnd Plated, uml tahionelt of unlqun and rloh patterna. O IJU V IliLX W J l.lii? Frioom to Kxxt tixo Tlmoai. m-hi 48 AN INDUCEMENT TO IKORRAhB TUB J. nrViictlcin of FLAX-iKBlt, llie unJorfL-ned cue noilce tbat tbe; will imrcnaro at the lllKlivitt fflnrkot l'rlce, or vf 111 contract far all lliat may bo oflVrcd of rext eiuon'i crop. lhioui;h their avcut. Mo.rK. ALI.BN A LlitVIS, tit I'ohti.amu, from whom etit cau be hid upon application, JOIIK C3. K1TTI.K, Managorof tho Pacific Oil and I.m W'nilcn. Not. 31. lBTtruO XAX MSA XCl.iVO. Great Reduction ! HARDWARE RETAILED AT Wholesale Prices, for Cash My Stock counls's of 8UKLF anil BUILD ERS llaiiltur MchnDlck' Tools, Shovels. Nittl. ltopo, eto. JOHN ItTFOSTEK, (.2Jm3 cor. fitaik 4 Prrnt l. I'OKUIi.lND SAVE YOUR FRUIT! PORTABLE PREMIUM FFUIT DRYER ltckt, fltcojte kt rtiul tuont llcr nonilrnl. Itr.jtitrloc bnt UT'.t-c rvtu VtW all kimi of fralt or tecetthK'. u.I prtju;e. rnllin tnu.il to uay made umlr the run, or by any o'her fn.ui. The tlr I urronnileit by walvr. Iltrrrb) intktr t ri. It run he Un to rolu on unrK ttlitlo )on lrc;t Thadryrr Untitle ol dltlYreu caiailllt, kid U tM (torn tr.- to jtoo. Tboro I' onu ut ilie Dryw in uperatmn t mllr. rat of aloit. at s anx' place Tho. 'iln tiwr iil J t.ot tall tit oxtm'ne It KItI" brfurn puruiaa. In tl'ewtrru, State and Uiuuiy ltlfc'ht for i!e un re rooahle irnu", yor lurtiivr luforxatlon .d.lrcf NEWTON nUATiLF.Y. Slnt ()"irnn. $2500 A YtHtt. Agent wkuuiu. ui.. ant lotltlmat. rartlcuUri fr. aaima i ttoitb a oo , at Lnii. . DJQ HfiC BQLDIENS Toys articles suitable lor Presents, Inspection of Purchasers. SALEM, OREGON. .... Z IBW OOODS. Mammoth & Turn-Tble Applc-Parers, Fletcher Pust-IIolo Aimers, Meat-Gutters and StulFer.s Blacksmith Drills, Tiro-Benders and tip-Setters, truniDg-tfawB, Knives, and NOUTIIRlfP & THOMPSON, WllOIIHALI AMD HlTAtU DllUtlU IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, It "NVagon IkiI Carriage Material OF AIX KINDS. 420 & 131 FroutHt.. PORTLAIH0. WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Feed, For Ono-Tcntb. Toll. Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3VtoxxlcllxiB, TurnlnR-. stair ivork, ItedNtcadx, llurcniiN, MautlN, TuIiIcm, PA1VNIMG MILLS, And nil UlndN ot rurnlturo. At niI)-HO' K l'HICKS. 8hop at Ap-lcul'nal WotVa bultaliiff, Mileni. C'tfl) O P. DKNNItt. S. HERMAN. (Sucrtntor to 8. A. Stimucry ) WH0LE3ALS AND IttiTAIL J)EALKn IN Dry Goods, CLOTHING, Intlle, Dross Gooilw, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. CAlS. GHOCEniES AND PUOVI3IO.N8. Ti h'hfit elt price J aid for all kloda of country produco. Cr Klrt and Madlion atrc rta. no30n3 PORTLAND, or. J. A. 8TRATTOW, Attorney at Law, SALEM. OREGON. OacvoatitaUBtrMtJiWpoatM tMBauHtli