Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 28, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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TlfE HtE Circle.
Conducted by Mies IIattie B. Clakke.
8ALEM, FRIDAY, DEO. 23, 1877.
Drifting nway from ouch other,
SllnntlyilriftlnK apart;
Nothltiff botunou but tho world's cold screen.
Nothing to loso but it hosut.
Only two lives dividing
Moro Btid mnro every dayj
Only ono soul from nnothor soul
Steadily drifting away.
Only a man's heart striving,
Bitterly bard, with Its dooms
Only a band, tender and bland,
Slipping away In the gloom.
Nothing of doubt or wrong
Nothing that olther can cure:
Nothing of shame, nothing of blame,
Nothing to do but endure.
Drifting away from oaoh othor,
Stoadily drifting apart
No wrong to eaoh that tho world can reach:
Nothing is loit but a heart.
You mnko mnny excellent and In
etructlvo selections for your paper, and
In that of Octohor 10th wo find ono on
the moons of Mnr.s, nnd what Mr. Geo.
H. Cnthor says nhotit thorn. This 19 ti
new idcti nnd n plausible ono. It seems
rrnsonublo to supposu that a body like
Mnrs lying or revolving on ono of thj
von flues of tho Asteroid bolt might
pick up it couplo of these little planets
nnd carry them around with him as
moons. Astronomers will probably be
able to ascertain whether he litis obtain
o:l theso moons recently or not, for If
ho has, there tmiKt bo a change in his
motions, and If any change of tills kind
should bo detected It will bo Kifo to con
clude that heonly lately obtained them.
Jupiter and Man, being one on each
side of tho Asteroid bolt, whore mate
rial Is so abundant, may each have ma
ny moons too small to bo seen from here.
This abode of ours has one moon that
;wo can all see, but she may have quite
a number that wo do not see, on account
of their being too small. Jt has been
Htated that onu of this description Is
occasionally seen that It has a surfr.ee
of about ,000 acres, and Its orbit Just
outsldo tho earth's atmosphere, and
that occasionally It touches tho atmos
phere, and can then bo seen as a meteor.
A fow years ago a largo stono fell to tho
earth in this Wtato, not far from Dubu
que. Nowlftliisstonohad boon revolv
ing around tho earth, it was u moon, us
much so as tho moon wo sec. Uutthls
Btono might have como direct from tho
distant regions of space, and was a
speck of nebulous matter of which thore
Is a regular rain pouring into ouratmos-
Iihoro at all tlmoJ, as wo may see by
ho shooting meteors on any clear night.
In "Mcintosh's Electrical Theory"
It Is argued that this globo that wo In
habit had, In tho remote past, thrco
moons that two of them have fallen
into tho earth, nnd that In tho course of
time tho remaining moon must do tho
same that It is a law of planetary mo
tion that tho inferior body must grad
ually approach tho lody around which
It revolves that tho earth is neariug
tho sit u at tho rate of !!! miles a year
and that when Its orbit becomes too
small for its centrifugal forco to hold it
out, it will plungo into tho sun that all
revolving bodies havo tholr motions
from their gravitation that their own
weight runs them down a spirally in
clined plane. If this theory is trno, it
dispenses with that "projectilo forco"
unit we used to near so miicu aootit.
Ilunnlng down un inclined piano of tills
kind is Just as natural as a train run
ning down a curved doicont in a rail
road, without steam. How beautifully
and wonderfully aro wo surrounded,
and how little wo think of it. Why
should man bo proud when his sur
roundings show so plainly his Insignitl
canco? Wm. r. Liiii.ncott.
Western Farm Journal.
The Ancient.
Wo bcllove, fays Abbott, that tho an
cients possessed tho knowledge of tho
mariner's compass, ..lr balloons, and lo
comotive vessels; for tho arrow by
which Abarls, tho Scythian, was ena
bled to flndkhls way through unknown
countries, was tho magnotlu needle.
Tho self moving ships mentioned In
tho Odyssoy, woro vessels furnished
with windmills that put in motion
oars placed at tho ship's side. Tin air
balloon of tho moderns Is Identified
with tho invention or Diudultts; and
this tho moro easily, becauso ho bado
Ills feon Icarus not to fly either too high
or too low, for fear of dissolving tiie
" wax" by which tho artificial wings
were attached to his body. But the
" wax" was probably mentioned by tho
first narrator of tho story, who did not
Know mo process sun in use ot joining
pipes, made in tho case of Dtudalus to
Imitate- tho Joints, of wings, by means
of luting, or a composition of clay,
which If too dry or loo moist loses equal
ly its tenacity.
ATur.i: that JIains. Tiio Consul
of tho United States or Columbia, In
tho Department of Loreto, Peru, has
recently called tho attention of Pres
ident Prado to a remarkablo tree
which exists lu tho forests adjoining
tho vlllago ofMoyobamba. This tree,
known to tho natives as Tamui-Caspl
(rain tree), Is about OS .cot in height
nt lull growth, and tho diameter of
its trunk is about !)'. inches. It ab
sorbs and condenses tho moisture in
tho atmosphero with astonishing
energy, nnd it is said that water ex
udes from its trunk and fulls like
niln from the branches. So abundant
is tho water supply that tho soil near
by is turned into a marsh. Tho tree
gives forth most water when the
rivers aro dry during tho summer
reason, und when water
warce. Its cultivation
throughout tho arid
generally is
is proposed
regions of
Laudanum. If a person has taken
an over dose of laudanum, very strong
cotreo s a niecIOd antidote. Keep the
Patient on his foot and keep him walk
ing. Sleep is fatnl under such circum
stances. OUT-Dooit WiriTKWAsinxc.. Slack
lime in the usual way; mix a handful
or Hour with cold water, taking care to
havo no lumps; then pour on boiling
water until it becomes like common
starch; pour It, whllo hot, into tho
slacked lime; add one pound of whiting
and two ounces or powdered borax; stir
all well together In a bucket.
WHITKWASiI t'Ott a Smokkd Ckil
ing. I-or tho first coat mix to every
two quarts of whitewash ono cup of
lno silted ashes. This will provent
tho smoko from striking through. Af
ter this another coat may bo put on In
the ordinary manner.
Waiits. Tie n hair or pleco of flno
silk as tight as posslblo around tho wart,
and wear It until tho wart drops ofl of
its own accord, nnd then rub caustic
deep Into tho placo whore it was: tho
result will bo all that is desired.
Thk Right Way to IJoil Kggs.
I here is on objection to the common
way of boiling eggs which pooplo do
not understand. It Is this: Tho white,
under three minutes rapid cooking, be
comes tough and Indigestible, whllo
tho yolk Is left soft. When proporlv
cooked thu eggs aro done evenlV
through, liko any other food. This re
sult may bo obtained by putting tho
egg into a dish with a cover, as a tin
pall, and then pouring upon them boil
ing water, two quarts or more to a doz
en eggs, and cover and set away front
tho stovo for fifteen minutes. The heat
of tho water cooks tho eggs .slowlv,
evenly, and sutllciently, nnd to a Jellv
llko consistency, leaving tho center or
yolk harder than the white, and tho
egg tastes us miHi richer and nicer ns
a rrejli egg, and no person will want to
eat them boiled after having tried this
method once.
Pi'mriKD Lovi:. All men nnd wo
men must lovo something. If our
thoughts aro puro we lovo birds, flow
ers, and nil beautllul tilings. In their
contemplation wo aro happy, and
thero comes to our brain a steady
strength. It Is such u rest from labor to
look upon tho fragrant flowers placed
each morning on our desk to hear
our pet canary sing his roundelay of
wclcoino to bohold ovldonco or thrift
and neatness all abour.as theso nlillrimn
ni oruor una system reward tho sonses.
It Is related of a man that ho called
his wire, who was a hundred pounds
heavier than he, his littlo durlltig his
petite pot. Pooplo smiled at him bo
causo they did not understand his
actuations. Ho held a warm, trust
ing, lovlig hoarr, n groat, manly
lovo nil about tho object of that love,
and so sho was his littlo pet his dar
ling. Wo Aro llko chameloons, nnd
color ns wo feed montally. If wo
lovo tho beautiful, wo nro happy.
If wo lovo tho coarso, tho vulgar, tho
objects or influences that glvo no
sweot return, life hecotnos a blank, tho
soul cracks and shrinks into n bundlo
of nallrnds Jto lacerorato tho mental
man, and wo aro on tho direct road to
ruin. What u beautiful world this
would he, if all porsona would only
ornament their homes and tholr
hearts by cultivating nnd keeping
nllvo tholr lovo for pets, no matter
what their form or condition!
man. Here Is a boquct of compliments.
"Thero arc but two lino things In thu
world," nays Mnlherhe, "woman and
n9is." Dressing uxcliilniH, "Woman is
thu masterpiece of tho universe." Hour
bon says, "Tho pearl Is the imago of pu
rity, but woman is purer than thu pearl."
Thnckery writes, "A good woman is tho
liveliest (lower that blooms under heav
en." Balzao says, "Even tho errors of
woman spring from her fulth In the
(re declares. "All the rea
soning of men aro not worth onu senti
ment of woman." Lamartlno assurts
that "woman havo moro heart and ini
maglnatlnii thnu men." Otwnv ex
claims, "O woman lovely woman; na
ture made thco to temper man, wo had
been brutes without you." To which
Mark Twain ndds, ".But for you wo
should bu nothing, for wo should not bo
In ono of tho rural districts of France,
a short timo slnco, a nurso was walk
ing out In tho fields with live children
In her care. A mad dog, foaming nt
tho mouth, rushed upon them. She
seized tho dog, and thoy had n torri
bio fight. Hitten by tho dog ngaln and
again, 8ho held him tight, throw her
self upon him, and fought him until
help camo and tho dog was killed.
jui mil ciimireii escapotl uuiiurt, hut
tho noblo nurse, n P.omnn Catholic
"Slslor," fell a victim to her fidelity.
She died of hydrophobia a fow days
nltorwnrds. Such faithfulness to a
trust nnd such heroism deserve to bo
commemorated lu murblo and history
and song. A". J . Observer,
Who made it? Sir Isaac Newton,
u very wise antl godly mnn, was once
examining a now und very flno globo,
whon n gentleman camo Into his study
who dhl not beliovo in God. but dnrdnr.
ed tho world wo live In camo by chance.
Ho was much plensed with tho hand
some globe, nnd asked:
"Nobody," said Sir Isaac; "it hap
pened here."
Tho gentleman looked up In nmazo
ment at tho answer, but soon under
stood what it meant
Three daughters of a Kentuckhn de
term I tied to bo married tho other duy,
nnd their father refusing to npprove their
restive, they all eloped with the men of
their choice the suine nhzht.
Tho husband was quick of temper nnd
often Inconsiderate. Thoy had not been
nmrried a year when onu day, in a lit of
hasty wrath, ho said to his wife:
"1 want no correction from you, If you
nre not "satisfied with my conduct, you
can return to vour home, whenco I tool;
you, nnd (Intllinppiinjss with your kind."
"If I leave you," returned the unhappy
wlfo "will you glvo me back that which
I brought you?"
"Every dollar, T covet not your wealth
you shall havo it all back."
"Ah I" she answered. I mean not the
wealth of gold. I thought not of dress.
I mean my ninideu heart my first and
only love my buoyant hopes',' and the
promised blessings of my womanhood.
Can you give theso to mo?"
A moment of thought convulsion
and then taking her to his arms:
"No, no, my wlfo. I cannot do that, but
I will do more; I will keep them hence
forth unsullied nnd unpaid. I cherish
your blessings ns my own; nnd nover
uRiiln, God helping me, will I forget the
pledge I gave at tho holy nltnr when you
gave your pence and happiness into my
How true it is Mint a soft n.iswer turn
eth nwny wrnth; nnd iov ninny, oh,
how many of tho bitter strifes of domes
tic life might bo avoided by remember
ing nnd nctlng In accordance therewith.
In theso ilnys, when thero is too much
of a disposition on the part of young men
to spunk, perhaps heedlessly, In a light
way of ladles, especially young Indies,
tho following criticism Is opportune:
Never niakuassurtions nbouta lady that
you think to bo untrue, or allusion's that
xho herself would blush to hear. When
you meet with men who do not scruple
hi uru wumnu name in a reeKless
manner, shun them; they aro tho verv
worst members of tho community; men
ott to every neim of honor, every feel
ing of humanity. Mnny a good anil
worthy woman's character has been for
ever ruined and her heart broken by a
lie, manufactured by some vllllan and
repeated whun It should not havo been,
and in presence of those whoe llttlu
Judgment could not deter them from cir
culating the foul and bragging report. A
slander Is foon propagated, nnd the small
est thing derogatory of a woman's char
acter wl jy on the wings or tli wind
and .nngnlfy as It circulates, until its
monstrous weight crushes thu poor tin
consious victim. Your mothers and
sisters nre women, nnd nnyon would have
their fair Maine untarnished and their
Ives unembltturud by tho slandurotis
outer tongue, lieud tho 111 your own
words may bring upon tho mother, the
sister or thu wlfo or some fellow creature.
Nothing hurts a man moru than to
seem small and Ignoble In his own eyes,
It Is tho slavish feeling Hint degrades tho
slave. A base nmbltion makes the man
that cherishes It base. No ono can de
baso you but yourself Slander, satire,
falsehood, Injustlco theso can nover rob
you of your maiihood. Men may lie
about you. thoy mny'enounce you, thoy
may cherish suspicions manifold, they
may mnko your fallings tho target of
their wit or cruelty novor bo alarmed,
nover swurvo an Inch from tho Hue
your Judgment nnd consclonco havo
marked out for you. They cannot by nil
their eilorts lake awny your knowledge
of yourself, tho purity of your motives,
the Integrity of your character and thu
generosity of your naturo. While those
aro Jeff, you nre, lu point of fact, un
harmed. B3 HONORABLE.
Hoys and young men sometimes start
uuii in uiu wiiu mo men unit one's suc
cess depends on bharpness and chicanery.
They Imagine If a muii Is nblu always to
"get tho bust of a bunndti." no ninttor lw
wlint deceit and meanness ho carries IiIh
point, that his prosperity Is assured.
Tills is a great mistake. Enduring pros
perity conuot ho founded on cunning nnd
dishonesty. Tho tricky nnd deceitful
man is sure to full a victim, sooner or
later, to tho Influences which aro forever
working against him. His hohso Is built
upon tho sand, nnd Its foundation will bu
curtain to glvo way. Young peoplo can
not glvo theso truths too much weight.
The futtiro of that young man Is safo
who csehowfl every plrnso of ihublo'deul
lug, and lays thu foundation of bis career
In tho enduring principles of everlasting
Ours nt home tho baby.
Timo will teach him who has no
In nil differences consider thnf win
and youropponent nro dropping ofr.and
that ero long your vory memories will
bo extinguished.
Thero nevor did and novor will
exist anything permanently noblo
und excellent in a character which
was a straiiL'er to tho exorcise of rm.
oluto self-denial.
Wo should not despair or tho good
ness of tho world If wo do' not happen
to seo It Immediately around us. Tho
atmosphero is still bluo, though tout
which is enclosed In ono apartment Is
A direct descendant of Martin Luther
died recently In Berlin, ut thu ago of suv-enty-onc.
Jlo was a bulioolmusler,
named Ernest Luther.
Cork Is coming Into use In Germany an
a filling for winter bed coverlets, In place
oi leathern, jt Is tald to bo not only
lighter and cheaper, but decidedly
In Dresluti a successful attempt hns
been made to erect a paper chimney
about fifty feet high. lJy a chemical
preparation the pajwrls rendered Imper
vious to the action of lire or water.
If Is propoeed In Oermar.v to make a
wall paper which will adapt Itself to thu
degree of Illumination of thu room, iw
comlnsr darker as the room lto'vh lk.iii..r
and vice versa.
l ,000,000 jl o 'j? a- u jlj
or Tin
have been fold the last year, and not ono complaint
ha reached u that they havo not tlono nil Uiat I
chimed for them. Indeed, scientific (kill cannot co
be io ml the remit reached In theso wonderful prepv
ritlons. Added to Carbolic, Arnlu, Mentha, Seoo-ca-011
and Witch Uanel, arc other lucrcdlcmn, wldoti
makes a family liniment Uiat delict rlralry. Ithcu
inatlc and bed ridden cripple havo by It been enabled
to throw awy their crotches, and many who for
years havo been afflicted with Nouralula, Bclatloa,
Caked Drcasts, Weak Backs, Ac, hare found perma
nent relief.
Mr. Joslau Westlake, of HarysTllle, 0., write?:
"For years my Khenmatlf m has been so bad that t
haro been unable to stir from the house. I hare tried
every remedy I could hear of. finally, I learned ol
tho Centaur Liniment. Tho first three botUes enabled
mo to walk without my crutches. I am mcndlns
rapidly. I think your Liniment simply a marvel."
This Liniment cures Hums and Scalds without a
scar, extracts the mlson from bites a'ld
Cares Chlllblalns and KroMedfcct. and Is vory cfllca-
clous for Ear-ache, Toothache, Itch and Cutaneous
Tho Centaur Liniment, Yellow AVrnii
jicr, Is Intended for tho tonsil fibres, cords and
muscles of liortas, mules, and animals.
HEAD! lthAUl
Rev. Geo. W. l'crrls, Manorklll, Scholiarlo Co., N.
V. says.
"My horse was lamo fr a jcar wlt a fetlock
wrench. All rumedtcs utterly lulled to euro ami I
con Idored him worthless until I commenced tn tin
Centaur Liniment, w lilcli rapidly cured lilm. 1 heart
ily recommend It.
It mikes veryllttlo difference whether tho cmobe
"wrench," sprain, sptvln or Lunelle's of any kind,
tho effects aro tho same Tho Kreat power of the
Liniment Is, however, shown In roll-evil, Mtr-hcnd,
Sweeny, Spavin, HlrK-boiic, Galls and Hcratches.
Tills Liniment Is worth millions of dollars yearly to
tho StockKrowcrs, I, Ivory men, Tanners, nnd those
having valuable animals to caro ft r. Wo warrant Its
fleets aud -refer to any Farrier who lias ovir used It,
Laboratory of J. ). IXosk
46 Hit St.. Nicw Yoiik.
it Co.,
A complcto substitute for Castor Oil, without Us
unpleasant taste or recoil In tho throat. Tho result
of u years' practice by Dr. Saru'l I'llchor, of Msa
Chusetts. Pitcher's Castorla Is uartlcnla-ly rcccmmemdcd
for children. It destroys worms, assimilates the
food, and allows natural sleep. Very efficacious In
Croup and for children Tcctfilmr. For Colds, Hover
lshnoss, Disorders or the Dowels, aud Stomach Com.
plaints, nothing Is so effective. It la as pleasant tn
takoashonoy costs but St cents, and cau bo had of
any Drusglst.
This Is ono of many testimonials:
"ConswiiL, Lebanon Co , I'a.. March 17, 1871.
"Dtar Slr: havo used your Castorla In my prac
tice lor sorao timo. I take great pleasure In rrwi
mtndtnq tt to Ms prqfutlon as a safe, ivllablo, and
agrecablo medicine, It la particularly ailaiihj to
children whore Iho repugnant taste of Castor oil reu
dors It so difficult to administer,
K. A. KNDER9, M. I)."
Mother who try Castorla will Bud that they etn
sleep ntgbt and that their babies will be bsalihy,
J. D. Hose & Co., Mow York.
New Goods!
mtc, -to.
Tills Slock Iiiin jiiNt liccn pur
chased iy ji r. vn; ii m:u iikky
MAX iii Sen- York ami Nan
FrauclNCo, and, otvliiK to llio
extremely Ion prleeN In (iuotln
ami rrelKlitx, tv are alilo lu
give belter bargains llian ever.
Carpets. Oil-cloths,
Oui'tiiluN, 3IuttInu'N, vS:;.
Takeu lu y.xchunue for liuoU.
var Call at tho Whito Corner.
Oct. lu Hnlom. Or.S
OEi:y.tt' Xalfo SalaiAxa.
As a conqueror of Itliotimntism. Gout. Neu
ralgia, and euro lor b'croltila nnd all Ulsensos
arlalns; from Impurity of blood, tho old nnd
rollablo Family Mediclno, HyatCa Lfc Hal
am, Rt amis tineqtiFtled, as proven by over
300,000 Breotourtsdiirhifc tho past 30 yoara.
la n rmllcMl vegetable Compound ofSarsapa
rilln, Doek, GtmlHcnm, ito, nndaporuinnont
euro. Sold by all driiRulsts ntid country
uroeow. Ttiko nothing else, nnd If thoy
haven't it wo nond by oxprefs, boxed, ovory
wlmro, HtSl aud 8125 per bottlui 85 00 nnd
SO.no Imir dor.. Hyatt it Hyatt, iiltl Grand
at., Now York.
Office moved over DnKYMAN UU0B.' NKV STORK
r0fllco houri from 9 a. m. to s p.m.
IV. li. WADE,
X cd a full assortmentof
Gtaneral Merchandise,
Dry Goods.
Boots & Snoop;'
UilcaUtcd for tho City and Connlry Trade, lloneht a.
Jiw, and will lie sold nt as SMALL A ritOKlT. as
inv nan ol mo cltv froo of chariro. Now
Rohror's New llomody
.1 no rqiiat In the relief and euro or CouKhs, Colds.
ATS "'"ncliltlsi. Crojii., Whoopliii Cml . Jca!
11 sfcif i' !' '"1 .,t"llB,' .""'no remarkable cures.
Hold by tlrueulMs iti-ncra v. I'runared only bv
JOHW I,. hMIIII'HV.Slonmonfh Or..
To whom all letters of business should bo id" trssed.
Farms and Laud ior Salo.
J. 1 Jl acres liicolilvat on, point orchard'sUiVa , on
City. AIo, .about 1100 mitpsj of MIXKI) I.ANI)
lomo of thu host vallny an.) beaver dam l.a id In tho
romity. surrounded l.y hill and brush laiid. Tl.r'.o ..?
f!!l.1I-v,rryKOO'.lf'""1,'...,"n l,u "Ull out of II. Oood
.iC tm'i ?'i,,.,3, i.!'". ," ';'" ,hu wh"'e '"' '"Wh
cr. This ImuI Is lliialiHl In I.rno county, about 19
m les from buireiiu City, and six from CrcJ'vell.
Jotl Address K. II. DUNN, Kugtm City.
Direct Passage from New
York to Portland, Oregon
mil CHKCON sTA,,,T,YlY &"fil L
J""Pon o oratMiut tho tilth day of January.
1M78 steerage isscui;ers mini Now York to rortland.
nrcci. vininerjiraiisor Jlaijellaii, at tho extremely
; ratoof CTS.OO currency, board Included.
imr niRmcruiii no mo nest, slroiiKostanl most
HlaUs. Ni.ml. it,V knots. Dlmcnslntis: jwo lout In
l'f 'V.f ''ff'i "W ileptli of hold; Mi,aclty.
I ' fl'llnit un ill tho sti;ers,;o will recelvn special all
It'iillnii; It will liapmvldo.1 Willi nil modern liuimiva
mentsandltsventlUllou will )U perfect" ""very nt
tentlon will bu i paid lo llu roinftirt or pasucmrrre.
ami the faro will bo of the Iwst qualllv. 'nrt of tlm
deck roiii will bo filled up for nfrlijcrallnir purnos.
s. wlih a view tofuriiUh ptsscuvcrs fresh meat du.
rlnj'tho wholo voyacn,
Iho rmage will ho made lualHint slitydays.
To assist persons who deslru loemlKratoiiiOreson.
nsilculiurnl and othor lnidemruts villi bo taken at
rtir persons here who havo friends In Iho Atlantla
mates lliliiitu roraoto Oregon this orrora a raro
opportunity, as tho aiiniyiiics and fallcno or the
overland roulo by rail are avoided, and Iho passage la
conpiderably hs.
. J1" l,V.,.,.?.,!,"r liifornntlon address V. C. Bcbmldt.
I Hiiuili i William street. Now York, or """"
lJJ,1""1l, . 1. H0HUI.S5K.
I-"'I Aaont 0. ,t C. It. It. Co.. I'lirtlind, Oitn.
l'utented Aiirll 1877.
v nr1,'r fr Ifrylnjt r I'rcservlnir Krults nnd
eeetables of all kinds, and aro constructed and fur
nlshtd coinploto lu fourdlllercnt sites, namely;
Ylio Tom Tliunilt Ilrycr-rapaclty of !
bushil of apiles per hour price. ...$ 75
Tlic Nninll I'utully nrycr-capaclty of IV
bushels psr hour-price...., ,..,.; oJ35
Tho I'limlly Ilryor-capaclty of a bushels
per hour-prlco '...,., joo
Tliu Fnrlory l)rycr-caiaclly ofo bushtls
per hour-pilco ,,.,.
..,I1n?.Si"rj,1,r'!y!.t'".w.''1,11 ,l10 Coiilenii'ui Medal
a nil lllp omn at I'lilladolphln In JhMI. Also. I In Hold
ililalol tliuMatuurOrvKiiii for 1819, fur oxcv lleiico
or flavor, CJlurand condition of Kiult.
All sins constantly on hand aud furnished onshorl
est notice.
'urm and County lKlnu lor nulo.
For further particulars ami iIe.rrlpllo caia!o:uo
Mrs. v. h. 1'I.UMMKU.
. ,.. ratcnteo uuil .Minuficturi-r.
iIS'f Kast I'orllaml, o re;;on.
I3C -A. R. rJ E3 S,
r ,,, Spurs,
rn.. . flnulx. Fnrluir I.l.u frv.
J.ACCbj ruuttiz, D'ovuilnjtoo Nursory, IU.
K. K
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