Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 28, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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"kns f H('sBAr'Dy-
Matter John T. .Tonea, Ilarton, Plillllpi. Ark.
Ocerietr3. J. Woodman. Paw Paw, Von Uurcr,,
lecturer A. II. Smedley, Crcaco, Howard, In.
Steward A. J. Vaughn, Momphla, Tctm.
1m7 Steward Mortimer Wultcucaa, iiiuciicmiao,
fionieract, N. J. . . ...
(MaptalnH. ir. nilla. Sprlnl)oronch. Warren, O.
TrtiuuttrV. M. McDowell, Wayne. rttcubeu, N. V.
Secretary O, II, Keller, l.oulavlllo, Ky.
aaU-Kttptr-O. Dlnwfddto, Orchard (Irovc, Ind.
VsretMrt. John T. .Tone, lUrton, I'll I lllu. Ark.
Flora it. Samuel i:, Adam. Monllccllo, Minn.
J'Dmonn- Mm Ilnrruy (Joddard, North Oranby, Ct.
Lidy AttNnnl Steward Mitt Carollno A. Hall,
Loulavlllc, Ky.
I). Wyatt Alkcn, (Chairman,) Cokcsbury, 8. C,
K. It. Shanklaod. I)ubuqiio- Iowa.
Dudley T. Chae, Clarpmont, N. II.
Alonro (Older, Hock Falla, Whltoilde, III.
V. 11. Chambcra, Oawecchce, liuaecll. Ala,
Officer oTOrcKon State Oranse.
Matter Ym. C'yrua, 8clo.
OverreerA. H. Shlploy, Of wojro.
Lecturer-Mra. R. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
Secretary W. W. Itamlall. Orogon City.
Steicard-V. V. Thomas Walla Walla, W. T.
Atrittant Steward O, W. Iltddle, CaDjonvlUe.
CTiaplalnVf. II. Oray, Aatorla.
Treaiurer 8. 1'. I.ee, Portland,
Oatt-Ketper Daniel Clark. 8alcm.
tVraa Mra. D. A. Miller, Jacktonrlllo.
Pomona Mr. 8. D. Durham, McMinnrltle.
nora-iUt. K. A. Kelly. Kail Port'and.
Lady Aet't Steward Mra. Georgia Smith, Hood
Slvar, waaco conn y.
iloii. Aiuk clmndlor recently said to
a gathering of farmers, otvhls Michignu
farm that ff ho hnd n boy to-day ho
would rather that ho should go to work
upon an 8l)-ncro farm than into the best
political olllco that could bo found. Lot
them Improvo tho nmchinory and im
plements for farm work, improvo tho
and dnuehtorg with tho l)est labor-sav
ing macninory to uo iiuu, manngo ho
that the ioiih will bo attached to tho
homestead ami proud of tiieir calling,
so that they would hold up their heads
like lords of creation
Speech of 0, W. Lawson at the Green
back Mooting.
JSxttutlt Vommllte-Vim, Cyrua, Bclo; . Clow,
allaa; K. I.. Smith, Hood Hirer. . .
State llnHmee Aqtnt-'i. P. I.ee, Porllaad.
Information has recently been illod
in the United States Court against far
mers for selling leaf tobacco in violation
of tho rovenun laws. It is usually sup-
noaeu mat a iarmcr may sen anytmug
he produces on his farm, but sucli is
not the case. Ho cannot sell tobacco,
except to regular licensed manufactur
ers of tobacco, cigars, etc. Farmers
who havo tobacco should bo caroful and
not soil any of it oxcent to manufactur
ers, as thero arc men who will inform
on them for tho fee.
State Grange Deputies for 1877
roet Office. Exjtret.
..Corralll Corrallla
A Haider
Knoch Hklrvlne Ilatto Creak...
NW Handall Oregon city...
J Wriajrea Myrtlo Creek
OX Uaidner Draln'i Station
Plympton Kolly...'....Baat l'ortland.... Kait Portland
PF Cattleman llattorllle
Q W Hunt., Sublimity Salem
JACKun.H. . .
JN T Miller" Jacksonville JackaonrUle
I'OLK. .
P A Falturaon Hlckreal Salem
The Chnrlotto (N. C. ) Observer says
tho Liborinn emigration movement
has broken out in that state with
redoubled violence. Each emigrant
is required to iuko ?nj worth or stock
in the ship, and to furnish $10 to buy
provisions for tho Journey. Ton ncros
oDund is promised to each singlo man.
and twontyflvo acres to each man and
wife, together with a dwelling-houso
on cuch tract.
.Qoofe Lake Jackaonrille
J J Charlton
Da&tel Kloalor Kerbyvllle JackaonrUle
Jtm$ W Matlock Ooahcn
RAIrrlnu Lebanon Albany
WA130. . ..
John End Tygh Tho Dallca
DC Durham McMlnnrllh
'J Bapplnston Oaaton
D D Itlnutiart Canyon City Canyon City
W Conycr Columbia City
II IT Ilolden Tillamook North Yamhill
JB Whllo Weiton Weaton
JIIanryHhrowlPr..., Ott
wAHiiiMOTON Tiimirour.
B W Hrown..., Vaucaurer
BPBtoln Dayton
'ZiBRInitur Colfax Colfax
XZ Ooodaln Klma
SB Maikham Chehalla Po'nt
L O Abbott Olympla Olympla
M Lonjimlre ,. .telu,,,. ..,....
Jitllna IVirton ....Soatt'.o Beattl
L M Pluraon Claquato
OV Cook Kllenabnrg
Tho valuo of tho oro reduced and
marketed in tho Ulnck Hills in 1877 is
estimated at $1,500,000. Tho yield of
tno piocor claims lias been less than
last yoar, and will not probably exceed
$1,000,000. This makes tho total pro
duct of tho Black Hills Tor 1877 about
one-fourth as much as that of Colora
, ,,. ,,.,.,,
In any countr where the Deputy a pointed la not
the, moat aullahle, acd tho Orange of iho locality will
riropatly Indicate to mo a choice. I will bnplcad, for
n many luatance I have beun otillci'd Hi make ap
otntmenta without knowledge a to fltnraa.
Matter Ori'tfon State (Iranue, 1', of II.
Meeting of Subordinate Oranges
Ilnpi, No.'JI, moutHln Albany, on tho let
aud :iStiiriliVH or intuit month, at 10 a. in.
0U 1'Uln, S'o. (I, la Ilalsoy, '2nd and -itti
BAtnrd.iya ui 11 u, m.
lUnnor, No, 105, In CrawrurdHvlllo, lat
nud ilrd HfttunUys, lit ! p. in,
HyriuuiHO No. K, ut Mlllurn Htutlon, I'.h
Batiiriliiy,ttl I p. m. ...
Lutmnon No. -I, at I.ubituoti, iiil nnd 4th
Saturday, nl 10 . in.
(Irmul I'rnlilo No. 10, Ith Haturdny.
Knox Itutto No, '1, lat and Utd Satur-
Santlaiu No. .17, 'Jnd and -lilt Saturday,
at 10 n. to.
Ilrowimvlllo No. IP, iNt and '2nd Katnr
TaiiK'utit, No. 7, Ut and Ilrd FrldayH, at 10
a, in.
llarrlHburK, No. 11, 1 and 3rd Satur-'
dayH, ut 10 u. in.
rJhudd, No, (I, INt nnd ad Saturday at 10
a. in,
Happy ll( tun No, HI, lat and lid SatnrdayH
In uauli moiitli from Ootouor to Juno, ami on
tho UtHaluriltiy tho iulauooor Iho yoar.
Ilarinotiv No. '2.1, 3rd Saturday, rKularly,
oxuopl In Nov. Duo., Jan.. Kob.,uud Maroh,
wliou thoy moot tho lat Friday.
Koap Crouk No II, ll Saturday at 10 a.m.
Wlllamntto No. rV2, lat Thurmlay, at 10 a.m
Vhlloinath, No 1'2, Ith Saturday, at 10a.m.
Oro-nwoll, No. (II, I'll Saturday, 1 p. m,
12nKii", No .VI, In Kukoiio City, 3rd Hat
dv,it 10 a. iu.
Charity, No. 70. '21 Saturday.
Otnluui, No, 101, WtHttunUy.atlOrt'olook
Junollou City, No, I'J, '2nd Saturday, at 1
p. in.
Hlutliv, N). M, lint Saturday hi enoh
month, at 10 it. m.
MulCniuio, No. 107, Camp Crook, '2d Satur-
y roue COUNTY.
Oik l'otut, No. a, Ut and 3rd SaturdayH.
KMiiin Oraiipi. No. 17, Ut and 3d Saittr
dyn In meh luonth, oxoxpt In AukuhI, Sp
titnlinr, anil Ootohtr, xvlion It uioH only on
(tin Ut Saturdayat thtdr hall In Salom,
Ablipia, No 131, Ith Saturday.
Uouk I'olui, No IS, .idSittirday, utl p. m
ilullo Crook, No, SJ, 3rd Saturday, at 10
d, III,
lltuvoitou No, UK), mooU Ut, Saturday, at
10 o'clock.
Marlou County Pomona Uraugo
Will meot tin tho first Friday in Jan
imry, at ID o'clock In tho forenoon, at
Grange Hall. Stilom, A full attend
unco is desired. Tho Installation afoul
cers will tako place during this moot
Injr. Work in tho tlflh decree.
(1. W. Hunt.
A mntjlstntto in London, Ensr.. fined
a coachman $20. n few duys aco ror in
torferlntr with a pedestrian, and in do
injr so laid down tho law very clearly
that It was not tho driver of a coach
but a podoitrian who had " tho right to
mo road."
Prof. Hitchcock, tho geologist, has
found in WothcrsflcId,Conn., four fossil
bird trucks, moasurlncr a fo t loner each.
and mado, ho thinks, by a bird 12 foot
high, at loast 2,000,000 years ago.
Col. It. IIoo tho famous nrintincrnrosi
manufacturer, was tho first to import
mo cciennucu Aiuorncy oreeu 01 cattle
Into America.
Tito National drango lias passod a
resolution, reducing tho Initiation foo
for men to $i). and for Women to $1.
A Timkmt Waiinino. CutllnK timber on
Qovernmont laud In frequently IndulKod In,
althoiiKn thnrn U a penalty attaohod to It.
Tho authorities aro beoomlnir atrloler In the
obaervauoe or the law prohibiting thin, and
It will he well for all to take heed. Three
peraons found RUllty or tula offence In Cali
fornia were eaoh recently sentenced lo pay a
Hue or I2 and be Imprlaonod for ten daya In
the counlyjatl. In patnlnu thoae aenlencea
Judo Hotraian aald he did not Intond to bo
anvoro In caaea where tho outindliiR partloa
wnro bona tide nettlors and making valuable
Imprnvoineuta on tliolr land. Ho regarded
tho doatructlon or limber on (lovornniput
laud an groat an otlauae aa If the land bo
longod to a private Individual. Hocbnrno
torlisd the cutting or tltnbor on publlo land
aa moating, which nhould bo piinlnhod with
Hjual aoverlty aa In caaoaof the then of prl
vule property. The otlondvra wcro warned
that ir brouxht bo font the court for a llko of
fonao Iho second tltno they noed not ox poet to
much lonlonoy.
Chlckuaaw county, Mian., ItdUHngulslud
aa a placo where Jurlea aro bribed In ojioii
court Into rendcriug luliiultoua verdlcta, At
tho luHtlonn Ilia lury-rootm wero Invadtd,
and whisky nnd cigar furnlahod the Jiirora,
wlnlo they mado up vordlate of "not utility "
In iho race of the moat poaltlve ovldxiice of
unlit. Tho Jtidtie llnally closed tho docket
and adjourned Iho court, declaring that he
would "try uo more case before those Jit
rloa." Tho peoplo or Humboldt county, Califor
nia, propoao lo build twentv-tivo mllea of
railroad from Kureka to Kol Itlver valley. A
local company, with donation by citizen or
a tax aubslily, la auggested. The liUhoct oi
tlmated coat or a btoad gauge la f.'00,OCH); u
prUmoldal, 1170,000.
In aiiHWor to tho rcquoat or Mra, IC, J,
I)Awno and Mra. John Oray, "Old Santa
Claua" put In his appearance laat might at
tho Oregon Inatltuto for tho llllnd. Ho
OAtno uniiBually heavy laden with a groat
vatloty of nood thlnga, lorgeltluirnot aaluglo
member of ihoHchool. Santa Claua did not
atop with the gift f a ulnglo preMout, tint
kept up his work until each had received a
dnztui or more ornamental nud imiful
Next, after the klndnesa of Old Simla Clatix,
oiuiin a mammoth pot of inohM( candy
which wnt "pulled" In the good old fash
ioned way n boy at one end a ulrl ut the
The fxeroUes were not oloae.l with a
prayer and lmuodlntlou, but with n dance,
Iu which every one put in Ida or her
foot, until the town clock atruck eleven. I
doubt if there tia auhool Iu the State, where
the xtudouta learn more, or have n more en
joyable ilmo than Iu this one, itecurd, De
Hcduotton iu tho Price.
We tiro iiuthnrUnd by the Commlttrnof
Arrangements to alato that the tloketa to the
bill or tho Capital Guards, havo been
changed, aa to price, from $2 to Jl ,V), ThU
move, we must heartily endorse, aa the llimn
cUl condition of many who would like to
participate In tho fesllvltlot would compel
them to rematu away; with the t!oket nt the
preei.t IlKiire, It la within the reach or all,
The manager of the all atr have about coin,
pleted their Utw. and h' middle or
the coming week the oouimliteu on dtiiira
lion will commence their laborofdicoratlmt
the Hall. The dltlereut oomiuttteea assure
u that I h la, the tl rat lull of tho Ouards,
will be the grandest atTalr or the bisawu.
Brothers and Slstera, pray for mo: (laugh
tor and applatiso.) I hayo always boon a re
calcitrant lo a 1 the established ordors and
lsmsofsooletv. llut now I find an order or
peoplo that go as far as I do, at least In poli
tics; you know I fought tho Lock and Dam
swindle, tho Cascado ilam awlndlo nnd the
Holladay soulloss Hillroad dam s-.WnUlo nuti
I now find myself lighting tho groat dam
swindle of tho Government lending money
to banks and brokers o.fr,Y, Instead of lo the
It was nskod mo todny, what was my rom
ody for the wrongs of ;ho
I answered. Lat our Oovernraont does
Franco did. Loan ber credit to her artisans,
mechanics, manufactures and morcbnntp,
rreoly at 3 or 4 per cent., all they need lo
produco tholr Industries and sustain our
government by love and fidelity, by ogallto
and fraternity, by our national corps d' esprit.
Issuo Irredeemable treasury r.otes concur
rent and equal In alt respects with gold and
silver colu. Put forth the faith of tho nation
In Itself, alias, tho pooplo.
I don't hwkab
Out It I did I would say. "To Hell with the
monarchy ;of money that has Interposed
Itself between tbo constitution and the peo
ple, and that now rules this country; and
makes fortunes out or the money noeds or
the masses," Tbs brokers and tho banks
are a power unknown to the laws and the
constitution or our country, that rule this
country with unquestioned power. When
Mr. Lincoln In 1801, asked for a law to mako
it a crime to buy or sell gold. That unbri
dled power forced a ropeal or the law by the
same Congress. Nothing but 10 out every
20 votes or this nation can crush out this
lawless, soulless tyraay.
Somo men ap lo our standard of Reform.
Wo must bring forward llfo long honesty,
patriotism and non ambition take tho places
or our mero partlalan Congressmen and Sen
ators. The Nation's Capitol Is foul as tho
fablod .sTCgean stable, or tho 'omplo of Jorn
salett, out of which Christ scourged tho
monoy changers, "Hrltlsh lntorosts" and
August Bolmont who Is tho Hotbosohllds
or Kuropo, that own f.00,000,000 of our dobt,
national dobt, and controls tho romalndor.
Huns our Congroas, runs both tho Ilopubllcan
and Democratio parties. Hut, as I said be
fore, while I don't swoar, yot, to h I with
tho Blavoi or Europe and of London and
Berlin policy. Wo prospoio to
an a NATiM ouiunr.VF.s.
To mako and coin monoy, and omit bills of
crodlt. Treasury noloi, legal tondors. To
furnish money dlroctto the peoplo and not
hi iuwo iioruiuruirouuus iuu uanKS ana
brokers. Lot tho peoplo enlist In our oauao,
Tho orlmplng, cramping polloy of our gov
ernment that Ishuos only enough money to
banks and bankers for them to loan tho peo
ple at 12 per cent Interest and 11 vo per cent,
for flmllngthe monoy ontsldn, and that upon
only 30 days, "without grace," which means
that neither God nor man can save tho poor
devil who has got Into their claws or steal.
Hut I have only ton minutes to talk and
must clotio. So oxhortlng you to study, edu
cate up lo tho momentous knowledgo noodod
for your reform, I subsldo, etc.
Dear Father mlno,
The pon of time,
Writes shadows on H'o's wottoru lslo,
AHUUU, a tear,
Each coming year,
Tosco thy sun, fadofrom the dial.
There's sorrow now,
Upon thy brow,
And silver's weaving in thy hair,
Grlofd pro mature.
Thou dost endure,
Layod on theo by tho hand of aire.
The smothered sigh,
And ponsivn oyo,
Thy "feeble, measured stop, and nlovi',"
All soom to say,
Thou art a proy,
My fatbor, to somo secrot woe.
Llkootherlal lido,
With rapid glide,
Or clouds that sc ok the ovonlng sky,
And sink to rost,
Low in the West,
Thy life, llko them, seems hurrying by.
Upon thy child,
Thou once did smile,
But now it is no longer so,
It seems so strange,
That thou should ohange,
Or that you should eccentric grow,
'TIs sad to trace,
Upon thy fice,
Those furrows wrought by flowing tears,
And fool a blow,
I may not know,
Uas smote tho thoughts of othor yoara.
That from the heart
All must depart,
Of those Bweet streams, that used to flow,
Ou tby dear face,
That I must trace,
Docline so softly, sad and slow.
No more to weave, '
With thee bright wreaths, for futuro years.
No mora to glean
From pangs sheen,
But with pale, molancholy'a tours.
ArrestedBonail Over.
Our renders will remomber thatlon tho
night of the Odd Fellows' colobratlon, the
store or J. O. Holbert was broken open and
several thousand cigars taken. OIUcerMlnto
hns boon on the close watch for tho thief, or
some signs wherohy he could get a cluo. A
few daya ago ho discovered about fifteen or
twenty lioxea of cigar a carefully stowed
nway In the cellar beneath Mallory'a hrlck,
corner State and Liberty atroets. Mlntoom
ployed Mr. Al Faulkner to "abadofc" the
nlacoimdnn tho fecund night about halt
past 11 o'clock a native or tho Flnwory
kingdom, by the unmoor Tay Fook made
hla appearnnro, mid went into tho collar and
whs handling the boxes when Mr. Falk-
nor xtopped In and minoprt" him up. He
was brought beforoJndgo Bowie this morn
Imraud had an examination and was bound
oyer Iu the rum of $150 to await the action of
tho Grand Jury; Iu default of the required
funds was turned over to the Deputy Sberltl
for aro keeping. Itoonrd, Deo 111.
A New Industry.
Mr. B IC. My res, formerly or this city, la
nt present In town In the Interest or tho now
modoormnnuracturlng glass In all or Its
varied form, Invented bv Mr, 8, P. Cbaso
of Stawtburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Chase la
nt preeut Iu Nan Jose, California, wbere bo
has small works for the manulactureor glaaa
without the aid or tbo "mouth and lungs."
He Is looking for. a nlaoe for i nermanent lo
cation of his worka, and ir a sultabla place
can be found in Oregon will probably locate
hero. Parties wishing roll particulars or
this new proposed Industry, should Interview
Mr. MvrtH.
Rctmlldluc the Dust.
The old iluin, jus', above Kluney'j mill,
washed -ut with the recont high wator, and
Mesrn. Klnnoy'Brn'a haven force or men
chopping brush dud rebuilding the dam so
as to prevent the urvel irom wahhlng down
Into tint channel bolow and thus prevent the
steamers from ciJijiltig up to the elevator to
discharge their loads,
Tuxoa Puid,
Hon. It. S. Crystal, Treasurer or Polk
county, today paid uplhoStatotnxrs or Polk
county, In full, to the Htato Treasurer. This
speaks well for this county. We learn that
there is but one other county that baa paid
iiuythlng this je.ir and that la I.mio.
Lucky Queen.
Work on bis famous mlno appears to be
progressing favorably. A dispatch was re
ceived Thuraday by Governor Chadwlck
which MatM lhatthey are down on the ledgB
nine y-teven feet, and ou a vln of holld
qusr'z, It being well dellued and over four
toot wldu Inside the walla.
Another Chinese uaii or opium smoker
was raided upon by the iollce or Portland
lat night. Three American boys wire found
la there smoklug opium.
Life's obblng stream,
Like palo moon's beam
Receding o'er the Western soa,
Is burning low
With feeble glow
And soon, alasf must ceaso to be.
Thy gentlo.llfo,
From care and strife,
Will soon boyond those shadows go,
And tby dear breast
(VIII be at rest.
From sorrow's rudo, unceasing flow.
Then I wilt bring,
Tbo flowers of Spring
And placo them on thy lonely bier;
And o'er thine urn
Shall ever burn,
A tl action's tribute, momorlos tear.
Then sweet tby rest,
My father blest,
Until in yonder realm oflovo,
'TIs yours' to know
Through pain and woe
Though man man Is false, that God Is love.
Tbo now walu nald to combine a "slide,
kick and wlgulo." will bo Introduced at the
uext dauco In this city.
Peruvian Syrup.
Brooks, Mo.,fiopt. 7, 1870.
Dear Sir From early youth I was In feoblo
health, troubled with humor In my blood,
weakness and dobllity or tho system gouor
ally; was unable to labor much, and only at
somo light buslnos, ond then only with
great caution. Soven ycarH ego, tho past
spring. I had a severe attack or Diphtheria
which left my limbs parallzed and uaolesa,
so I was unable to walk or even ait up.
Noticing tho advertisement of Pkhuvian
Syruii, I concluded to glvo it a trial, and to
my great Joy soon round my hoalth Improv
ing, I continued tho uno ot tbeSvuur uutll
three boitles had been used, aim was restor
ed to completo health, and bavo remained
so to this day. I attribute my present
health et.llrelv to tho use or Pkuuvjan
Syiiup, and hold it iu high estimation. I
cannot epeak too highly Iu Us praUo. I
havo In boveral cases recommended it In
cases very slmil.tr to my own with tho same
good resultH.
Yours truly, Chahi.es E. Peahct.
From 8. Thatcher, M. D., of Herawi, N. Y.
"WlMTAU'rt HA MAM OK Wilu CiiKnnv
gives universal salli-ractlon. It seems to euro
a cough by loosening aud cleansing tbo
lungs, and allaylug irritation, thus remov
ing tho cause, Instead ordrying up the cough
and loavlug tho oiuse behind. I consider
tho Balsam the best onuph mediolno with
which I am acquainted." Sold by all druggists.
To tltu -ViUloccel LmUos
Why need you sulf-r with Paralvsla whn
you can be cured? Why will you sutler
with IthoumatNui when you cau be cured?
And why have so tnuiy echea and pains
whon It is within jour reach to be cured ?
I am now catsbllilied Iu Salom, prepared to trra.
aUChroalc Dlatuaea, aachaa Itbeumatlni, NVsura'c a,
Consumi'tlou, Kidney dlcca:a, ntul In fact all dlaear.
tt that human Ucfli ta heir to, SpcclaUttentlon paid
to Kemslo Weikueta and nerroua prottritioo, which
la ao common to Ladle. Children' dlacwca net ex
crpted. In connection with my practice, I have one
of tbo celebrated Medicated Vapor Lightning Cream
Uatba, which aids vaily Iu rcuiot leg all chronic dla
eaaea. It opens tbu pore ft tbo aUn, and tbrow a o.T
tho filmy, morbid matter, which la one of tbo great
cmaca of ao much autTcilrg. Wheu wo ence think
that two third of all we tike Into orr nteni pataca
off tbroufihtheporcaof lha akin, wo need net atop
long to wonder why wo are tlclr, when we pay ao
little attention to the moat Important cmuncloiy of
our bodlea. During the patt nice month I haio had
tola hath In operation, and many can testify to lla
efllcacy. I treat patient by tha week, or bf alnjle
Udle will Jo well to grc m a cP, Itealdence,
eoutbeaat corner of Center and Sunnier btreeta,
Salca, 91 HS. B. W, OHAIG, M. D,
Susan B. Anthony wants to know, if
men who havo had the ballot for a hun
dred years elect u creature like John
Morrlssej to tho senate, how much worso
"women, ond idiots, and Indians not
taxed," could possibly elo If thev hnd
chance? Sho is given to cominurmm.
In 1770 tbo king of Portugal Issued an
edict forbidding widows "rjf above CO to
marry: "Because experienco has shown
that women of that ngo commonly
marry young men of no property, who
dissipato their fortunes tD tho pregudlco
of the children and other near relations
of their wives."
A hunter In California shot a rattlo
snake, and then, when it ran into a hole,
stuck his hand In to pull it out; Of
course he was bitten.
BIIEVBT Lt.Col., latoSnrgoon U.S. Volaateer.
Office. Dnrhln'a block, no atalra. ttiy
iao4. low.
Tho Only Strictly Wholesale Drag House
In Oregon.
T. A, DAVIS & CO.,
71 Front Street,
chandlao trade a complete Mtortaant of
Patent Whtdlclnei,
Fine Chemictfls.
Shop Furniture, d
Druggists' 8undries.
Of all aUee and qnaUtloa.
Of all tho leadlnc brand a, In tlni and kega,
Putty, Lampblack,
Red Lead, Glue.
Inclndtoic tho flneti branda for Coach Fatnlcra' na.
Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Bruhet,
E.INSERD OIL, In barrcla and cana.
Turpeitlnc, Coal Oils, CnslorOII, Lard Oil.
Neat'sToot Oil, Fish Oil.
In barro.a and caaca.,
Blue Vitriol, sulphur, Caatlle
Soup, Concern ruled Itc,
Oaittorav aU. iKdbada.
Quioksilvor and Stryohnine.
In Quart, IlairOallnn. Oiie.'.allon, and FlTC-Oalloa
Cana and Uarrola, otc , etc.
Woara Agenta
for O retro n and
Waahlcgtoa Torri-
Malllrifkr'dfi rarbo'le KkNP l. Wakelra-a
Batb and NqalTel rlsoa, aad a,er'aa4
Jayne'a froprletarr Medlrlaea.
W hOT OOP nwitl frftm ttrt nAm thi. .m.
all Ins n to corapeta with anr market on tboiCoaat,
aa a comparlaon of our prlcca will proro. mjO
Willamette Nursery,
Oswego, Olaokamas oo., Oregoa.
BBBBBMSmw .Qsli .i'sbV
Xlo Itnllnia Pmno,
And the beat Tarlellea of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Bond for Desoriptive Catalogue.
Salom Flouring Mills.
GoiiHtuixtly ou XXund.
HlfirlteHt Irico In CASH
Paid for Wheal
8tPt IStf
Acent 8. F. If.
SaeceMor to J. M. Kiilib a Co..
tS Llkwrtr tM - NRW YORK,
Oommliiailon jVffout
n.KnW Yo.r.K..lL M'pn. Pde RaUrod;and
Capenore. aU klada of Merchaadiaa, and fcr the aJ.
of taoMT. , nzt&ur