Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 28, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    'irimiimmMsam mmmj
wwaifc Maoommi iiiiiiimniii-iniiow'ilg
- rU
, T.-ipiraiBr;i)rtaMar.
JcrarttJ-atxij.ii1 ju u
A Snrprlse Reunion
last evening our eailmnblo follow towns
man, Doacon J. 0. Berry and hU good wlfo
vrero startled by n ring at Ibo door liil,
which upon bolng answered by liltnsolf lit.
found on llio porub, door steps nnd In tbo
front yard only tweuty-olght or bin descend
ants nnd relative?. Ot cotirso tboy rushod in.
children, grand children, Brent grand chil
dren, eto., tuid If tlieto wasn't a delightful
evonfng spent under that rooT, Christmas
evonlug, or a happier tliuo, (hen wo aro wide
of tbo umrk. Uncord, Deo. 20.
New Ledge Organized.
W. II. Dunbar, O. W. U.T., writes us that
llauanrA Ijodgo No. C03, 1. O. O. T., wan or
ganized a raw day since in Lke coutily, by
bpecial Deputy J . 11, Klgdoii, Ashland : llcv,
O. Lewis, W. C. T.i KniiiiIo Vanrlper, W. V
T.; Charles Walters, W.S., and Win. Lceklo'
Iidgo Deputy,
V Anions causes advancing years, care,
sickness, disappointment, and hereditary
predisposition all operate to turn the hair
gray, and either of tbem Inclines It to abed
promaturely. Ayeh's Haiii Viaon will re
storo faded or gray, light and red hair to a
rloa brown or deep blaok, as maybedealrod.
It eottens and cleanses the scalp, Riving It a
healthy action , and removes and cures dand
ruff and humora. By Ita use falling hair la
checked, and a new growth will bo produced
in all cases whoro the fol Holes are not de
stroyed or glands docayad. Its effects are
beautifully shown on brashy, weak, or sick
ly hair, to which a few applications will pro
duco tho gloss and freshness of youth.
Harmless and euro in its operation, His In
comparable as a dressing, and Is especially
valued for tbo no ft ltmro and richness of
tono It imparts. It contains neither oil nor
dyo,tnid will not noil or color whttocam
brio; yet it lasts long on tho hair, and keeps
It frtsh and vigorous. Forealo by nil dealers.
The following correspondence explains
itself and gives us an acsurance of some
raro lntolloatual feasts before tho Idos of
Salem, Dec. 20, 1877.
Rev, P. S. Kniout
1) jar Sir: there aro a lartco number of onr
cltlziiis who would bo pleasod to havo you
give, at mioh tune as you may designate, a
sketch of your lournoy East, embracing such
matters of interest as particularly linprossod
S F. Chadwlck,
11 1' Noise,
n N Cooke,
Tbos II Cann,
13 O Norton,
(. II Jones,
FN Gilbert,
Squire Farrer,
J J Murphy,
A B Croasmau,
D W Craig,
13 M Plaraondon,
J W. Weatherford,
John Hughes,
i Q Van Wagner,
J O Wright,
U P LllchlUld,
O A Edes,
H M Thatcher,
E Y Cbase,
O W Belt,
M LCbamberlin,
Uiich Number contains Tiiiiitt-two Pauis of
rrudlnir, mtnyilnu Wood Cut IHuttrMlnns. and cue
Ooioitr.ii Plate. A Ix'AUtllul Oirtlcii .MnKii'lliv,
printed on ilrgant (inner, uul (nil of Itifotmallim
in KtiglUh ntiU Uvrmau. Price, $1.53 a jutr; 1'lvu
conic ! '.
VlcU flower and Vcgclublo fSnrdcn,
T0 ceuli In naiur cover; In kivg.uit tloth coMtrs
( on,
Vlck's Cntnlociie, .100 lltutrsttoh, only 2
ccutc AilJriKi',
JAMES VICK. Itochrrtcr, N. Y.
My annual Catalogue nr Vegetable and
Flower bccilforlbT3v.nl bu tent I'llRK, tn January
to all who apply. Cutomor of lnt rear on need not
wrlto fur It. I effor ono of tho largest collecilont of
vegetable iced ever ent nut by any (ecd nouie In
America, a largo portion of which wcro (jrown on my
alx aeed funns 1'rlnUd directions for o'tlsllon on
each packatro. All reed rold from my citabllthment
wanantrd to be botli frunh andtruo to nunc; so far,
that abould It prove othvrwlto I will refill tbo order
gratia. A a tho original Introducer of tho Hubbard
and Marblelicad PqalKtbcf. tho Marblehead Cabba
ges, aud a ecora of other now vegotablee, I ltvlto the
vatronageof allwhoaroanxloua to lure their teed
directly noin the iirr.wer, frcth, true, and of tbo very
bcatatraln. New Vegetable arpcclally.
JAMES J. II. GiiKUUItY, Marblobcad, Ma.
Ayr.W DAnK UltAHMAS nnl I1KOWN, LKtl.
born Fowl, from the be.t atralra In the Uulttd
BUU. BaaSInlieaaon. 0. It. WHKBLKIt.
dec, 19,-ti. BDcdd". Oreton.
FRIEDMAN'S Aannal Meaaneo to tho
People of the Great City of
I fer 1 very much alighted at the recont People'4
great oonvenllou. In which Councllmon were
nomlnaUU by tticrn, without couaultlng H.
ltledman, who bolleve that ho wan one of the
1'eople, becaue he deal with tho 1'caplej ua
Hrotiluiandoea not believe Hint the buslnesa of
tho People abould bo done only by u few, but any
come alt yo People nnd miet In Kranil con
vention and vote tlmt 8. rrledinan abould be
patroulred by all tbo People, hecauke be does
nell bis gor ds allbo to the poor Peoplo na well im
to the rich People, aud takes the woiklngnmn'a
seveniy-flvecentsf.irapulrof good Overalls aa
well its tho rich uinn'a five dollnrs for a pilr ol
good pants, und will soil a palrofsoodahots for
MdollaranilabniMothoi.'cli Peoplo cs well lis
to tho poor Peoide.
Injiialtltigjiiur nomlnatlciia for city officer
you should propound thU i.ellou to them;
Where do you buy jour clsarn anit tnhaccoT lo
yoo buy jour collars aud neckties ut Krled
man' V
In caao j'eu nroeunaht In a ruin do j'oit buy
your umbrellas thete? Aiidlfjou atari travel
ing will you promUe tOKothero for your trunba
and vhIIsch.
And wnlloj'ou remiln here you should buy
you a good plr of calf baota for Ave dollars ut
Do sure to get your overcouts, tockt , lmndker
chleta aud neck ties of Ktledtuan.
You cau gf t you a good lull of clothes at from
ten to twenty-five dollurs of Kreldman.
For a good aiaortment of huta go to Fried
man's. Ladle will find It to their Interest to buy tbclr
embroidery. Ice Dl1 ribbons of Friedman.
Bboemukers.wlll And fcumerous articles In
their line at FrledroauM.
The rofjorlty of the Puople will vote, from now
uutll the rst of January, that it l lo the inter
est of the Piople to buy their toys for the br.ys
and dolts fur the girls, aud Christina gifts at
Friedman thlnka It is properfor tbeCity Coun
cil to pass an oidlnance that all tbe Teople have
rlsht to buy their Roods of S. Frlemn,
T M Catch,
II Carpeutur,
H UJotsup,
Hurus Mnllory,
J A Stratlou,
AT Gilbert,
W Bretnan,
FM Uewley,
S A Clarko,
O B Johnson,
W W Martin,
T H Cox,
J C Booth,
Wm Manning,
WO Oris wold,
H U Gllfry,
Wm Waldo,
8 F Mathews,
J a Albert,
G A Cutting,
S W Carter,
Jes Walton.
non.S.F. Chadwlck, Hon. T. M. Gatoh,
Hon. 11 P. Bolsn, linn. Rufus Mallory, lion.
K. N. Cooke, Mesrs. Wm. Waldo, J. LI.
Albort and othors Grtntlomon: Your com
munication nsnbovo Ins been received nnd
considered, I trust with a full appreciation of
-no iriiiniuy teeiing linn inspired it. My
Journoy to tbo East wns nn opocltln mynii
life. Illled with exnorletioo' that worn as revo
lutions to my own mind; hut I had no
thought l hut mi common an incurrence would
eonin siilllclontly Important to others to re
ceive tbo altontlon you have been pleased to
give it. It has boon my Intention to mako
unoof llitsnexticrloni'ts In ntpjlet way In a
Norlcs of Sunday oouijic lectunm in the
Congregational church. Ihrto IceturfH will
ha frtn to all. Tbo llrst of t tin Hirioi will bo
given to-morrow evening, Dec :23d.
TniHtlng that tliln moilii of ropoudlngto
your kind rdjuot will lm h Aailslactory to
you as a more formal one, I roiiinln, centlu
men, with groat ronoot,
Your humble servant,
P. 8. Kniuut.
Alivo nad Ktohlng.
Tlio meeting or tho Alert Hook nnd Lad
der Company, Friday ovuilng. wwattomleil
by a lurgu numbor. It was determined by
tliel company to maintain their organization,
lot happen what mav. Tho mini of $'J5 was
vottd to Uou. It. Mallory for thoablo argu
ment nia-io by hltn bofdro tbo City Council.
A voto of thanks was tondorcd to tho Fore
man of Capital, No. 1, It. II. Dearborn,
Goorgo W. lWt, Tiger No. J; Mayor Gatoh,
Councllmen Haker and b'coit, for sympathy,
and tho twenty-eight, of No. 1, who stayod
by tbo Hooks In tbo hour of tbolr allllctlon
Thanks woio also votod to tho city papers
who bad beau frlondly to thorn "durlug the
Will be Moved.
Tho foundry at GorvaW, which has boon
putclmsed by tboPsclUo ThnsblngMaohlno
Uompanv, Is to bo removed to this city next
week. It Is tho Intention ol tbe Company
to continue tbe manufacture of their famous
stoves for tbo present, and aa soon at tbe
other buildings aro completod, will goto
work on material for the separators. States
Mrs. Ella M. Alias's Class.
The musla class of Mrs. Ella M. Allon, at
the University, will commence tho second
hsll term, when the fohool duties are re
sumed, after tbo holidays. This affords an
opportunity for new pupils to comeln. Mrs.
Allon'M class now numbers over thirty, and
her inodo of tmchlng Is thorough and com
plete. Parents detlrlng to give tholr chil
dren a finished musical education, should
mako a nolo of tho feet.
A Bit of n Row.
The first and second otiglnecrs on (hn
stoamer McCully Sunday had some hard
words which finally camo to blows. In the
meleo ono of tho unglnoors, Mr. Alf. Mo
Cully, rocnlvod nsHverogastt luthotomplo
and also bad tho bono In his nosn broken.
Mr. McCully camo down yesterday In a
miirII boat from Independence and had tho
wounds prcporly drensod. This lighting
busluess Is not what it Is crackod up to bo.
Christmas and New Year's.
John G, Wright, at his old stand, Commor
olal Stroet, Salem , has rocelyod a groat assort
ment of Toys, Candles, and Holiday Gifts,
and Is fully proparod for tho Ilollday Trade
of 1677. nov30w4.
Pnoiflo A. F. and A. M.
The following oltlcera of Paolllo Lodgo A.
F. and A. M.,wero elected last oveulni; for
tbo enRulug year. Col. T. II. Cann, W. M.j
John Gray, S. W.j Samuel Adolph, J. W.;
Com. K. I). Sloat, Treasuror; II. 11. Gilfry,
Stcretury.and Andrew Kolly, Tyler.
Sugnr Piuo Z.edgo.
Wowero Hhown this morning a pleoo of
decomposed quartz taken from tho abovo
named ledge, aUttatod In Jaokson county, in
tbo Gallcu Dlotrlat. Tho ledgo is now boing
worked with an arastra, and now ylolda ?50
lu gold to tbo ton.
Goorgo II. Durham, lor kidnapping a
Chinawoman, wua placed under $000 bonds
to await tho next graud jury.
John Grlllln forassult, with Intent to kill,
put under ?000 bonds to appear at tho next
tsnn of tho grand Jury.
A woman in Astoria got nn ovor doce
of beniluoand attempted to commit suicido
by drowning. Sho was flbod out.
A writ of habeas corpus was issued yoiter
day by Judge Deady on application of Ah
Hick, tho husband of tbo kidnapped China,
woman, for Col. Elllngor to produco In court
tho body of tho woman. Col. Efllnger had
nothing whatever to do with tho kidnapping
of the woman, he was in Salem at tbe time
she was taken.
You Have no Excuse.
DJave you any excuso for suffering with
Dyspepsia or MverCoinplalntT Is tluro any
reason why you should so on from day to
day complalulng with Sour Stomaob, Sick
Head-ache, Habitual Cottlvenewi, palpitation
of tbe Heart, Heart burn, Water-brash,
Gnawing ar d burning pains at tbe pit of the
Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue, and
disagreeable taMo In the mouth, Coming up
of food after eating, Low spirits, Ao. Not It
Is positively your own fault It you do. Go to
vour DrUKglst and get a Bottlj ol
Green's August Flowkk fur 75 cents your
cure Is certain, but if you doubt thl, g-t a
Sample Bottle for 10 tenia and try It. Two
doses will relioro you.
Bolow will be found a notice of tho alo or
valuable stock, which will not only provo ol
Interest to admlrorsof thorotighbrf d hnw,
but will show tho tenacity of tho impres
sions of early life:
Collu Cameron, of Elizabeth F-trtns, this
cniintv. to-day Hold for J. J. Parkor, ol
Wot"ChoRtor, to W. C. Mvor, or Oregon, a
colt, the produco of the Imported Peichoroti
mare, "Hosa Bonbotir," and the Jinlfer
Arabian, for Sl.OCOj and ft Poroheron lllly,
bred ut Marietta, in fonl to the Arabian, lor
Mr. Myers' grandfather moved from
Coneatoga township lo Ohio, and hla father
to Kiism, whoro hn, (W. C. Myer) grow to
manbooi. Ills grandfather wax owner and
driver of ot,o of those bullous Conostoga
teams bofore tho days of cars and rallroid.
The boy grew to manhood, always having In
mind the horse of tbo past. At tho llrst op
portunity ho returns to tho homoof his foro
lathers, not to fiud tbe same horses, but In
rosponse loan advertisement of Mr. Cam
eron, to lake with htm tn far off Oregon tho
only known omss In tho world of a pure
bred Arab on a Poroheron mare, and along
with this colt ono ol tbo Perchoron illllss
that won medals at the Centennial. Mr.
Myer takes those Animals to im provo the
stock of his State. He it the only man In
Oregon owning Percheron borso, and con
siders his lato purchase quite an acquisition,
though It cost him 1,000 railtoad laro to get
them within one hundred and eighty miles
of his homo. This latter distanco must bo
in ado on foot. Certainly tbo slock men of
his State must ndmlro hi pluck and spirit,
and with Just cau so stand by him in his en
terprises. Tho A-ablan colts In tbo city will now
likely be held ut par prices. Mr. Cameron
till morning aUo exproased four Jersey
heifers to Wlioinsln.
Tbo abovo notlco wo clip from tho Iincas
torPonn. Exatnlnorof Nov. 23,
But ni this clock comes into our Statu nnd
U brought liorobyonoof our well knnvMi aud
mom publlu spirited breeders, wo think it
worth wlillo to particularly call tbo atten
tion of tho public to tho stock.
Tho colt purchased is known as "Arabian
B.iy" was shown at the Centennial Exhibi
tion and won a medal thorn, though no tiled
als ero oll'iired for oolw, but this ono van
so perfect, so much of a horso In mluattiru
th t the fudges tinanlmotMly rt commended
him to the Commission for u nicUl.
Tbo slro, "Jenifer Arabian" is coucodsd by
Rtich fxcollent authority as Mason U. Weill ,f
New York, lo bo tho bot Arab that ovor t-ot
foot nn thlHConliuout. He Is white, stands If)
hands, weighs t50 pounds and Is of unusual
bono and hltiowj his ahapo Is fnultloii: hn
has won prizes wborovor shown, nnd was
accorded ihu blghct honors nt tbo Ceiitou
nlal, Isownod by Colin Cameron, of Brick
orvlllo, Pa,, aud was fully spoken of In the
Juno nnd July Amorioin Agriculturists,
Hl colts aro all modols of hetuty, though
Mr. Camoron wrltos us that Mr. Myers lias
the best ono so far foaled, .though ho has
bred him to 4 of his own Perohorou mares
this plHl HHUHOn.
Tho mare "Hosa Bonhnur," Is a lino brown
Poroheron, tolocled In Franco, by J. J. Par
kerthe breoder of "Arabian Boy" and Is
llko all of Mr. Parker's Importations, of tho
Tbe filly "Juanlta" (pronounced wah-nee-U,)welgbod
as a 2 year old, 1,110 pounds,
and comos direct from tbo Importation of W.
T. Waltors, of Blllaaoro, Maryland.
These horses more rosoroblod tho Arab
than any that haayot landed on theso shores.
They bad the fine eye, head and ear of tbo
Arab, his arched neck, glowing nostril and
supplo movement.
iwponeu unrouien, mo aim ui ihu tuiy
(rolling on Ibo PInillbo kroundi.lino mile In
4 minutes, and the dam being a bio to trot 45
miles In S hours, drawing a weight oi wagon
and mon, 8S0 pounds.
When wo consider for a moment tho fact
that all tho good qualities of tho Poroheron
horso comes from his Arab ancestors, Ihon
wo can realize tho Importance of Mr. Myers'
nurcliaso and tho wisdom of his selection
Tho purchase money of this stock Is tho
smallest part of tbo outlay; the time, tbo
travel, the worry or anxiety, besldo tho rost
of travel Is what makes tho sum totul swoll
to Mich a magnitude The flock In bis own
stablo cortalnly cost him $1,000.
He has our bent wishes, and wo think wo
speak for all thu lovers ofprogross In tho
Devouring Dogs,
Mr. Charles Claggot, who lives four miles
from Salem, down the river, basn lino Hock
of goats, from which ho selected animals
that Inst fair took first pre in I u inn over all
tomotltlon. Tboso tine animals, kids of
last Reason , ho kept up In a lot whore I hoy
bad shelter provided, aud his foe lings may
bo Imagined wbeu he found the prldo'.of hf
Hook dead in their own house, destroyed by
wandering dogs. He says f 100 would not
more than pay him, as he valued ono flue
youug buck at $200. Mr. Lewis Savage ays
that Wednesday morning fovoral bloody
dogs wero seen passing from bolow towards
S4lem, past tho house of his brother, Mr.
Al Savage. How lo kill off destroying dogs
Is a very Important question with sheep nnd
goat men. Dogt) are over so much worso
than wolves.
Agricultural Implements &
Garden City Sulky Gang and Walking
3 m 'w m9
Harrows, and Cultivators,
Superior to anything In thin State
Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined,
XXaolsLs aacLca. Carriages.
Circulars, which
Send for
Ths rirn this Tilornlug.
Kioni tho Uncord, Dee. SI.
Shortly after tho arrival of thu morning
train, mid whllo tho p.isoni;orH woro bflug
convoyed lo Ibo oltv, thorn on top or tho
bus discovered thn tinmen and sni'iko liurt
Ing from tho side nnd roof of Mrs. 1 It.
KIsko'M dwelling house, ami baforo tbo hi
nlmmeoiild b,i lahen to Ibo rreno ibo build
ing was wrapped In ono solid Hhnnt of
llame. Hy grunt ell'irt a portion of tho
botiHohold goodH woro sivod. Tho Urn Is
supposed lo bavo originated Irom tbo Hitting
room in sotiiii unaccountable manner whllo
thn family weronttondlng to duties In tho
kltohon. aud tho llrat tboy know of tbo llro
was In the attempt by souio of tho family lo
pass Into tho sitting roim, who was met by
tbusmokoHiut lurid Dames. Tho properly
w.ih insured In tho North British it Moruin
tllo Insurunco Company. MessrH. lleed t
Cox, ngenlH. Tho sovoml Insurances mo as
follows: On tho house, (GOO: household
furniture, fllOOj family stores, 02S; wearing
apparel, 8100j parlor organ, f7fli library
bookr, 9100; sowing maohlno, o0i stable,
8150. Tlie stable was but sllgbly damsod,
A Slight Ml. hup.
Whllo working ut tho lire, this morning,
Mr. John Olingcr met with a slight mishap;
ho had climbed up into a tree that stood but
n few foot from tho burning building, lo as
sist, In houio manner, Ihu uocclemou, whon
bostoppodon a llmbaiid it broke from bo
noath him and he full to tho ground with
such forco as to knock him Honsoloss for a
tlmo. Ho was placod In a carrlago aud
brought to tbe olty for mod leal aid,
Oovornor Chadwlck has Issued commis
sions to the following Notaries I'uhllo In and
for Oregon: O, F. Uoatle, Clackamas oounly;
John J. lUllorny andT. A. Wood, Multno-
man oouuiy.
will bo forwnrded froo to any
l'HONT bT., 1'OUThANI),
Iluvo Xuw Opoiivd 'I'liclt
iukI ITmikj.v
A Iloavy Llok.
A deck I nnd on hoard tho steamor Ho
nauzi, last Tbiiraday evening, nt the Com
pany's dock in Portland, met with qulto an
accident. The boat had Just dlschargsd her
last truck load of whoal, and tbo "decker"
had not yot removed his truck from btaldo
thoHtaekof wheat, and whllo ho was stoop
ing down to undo a Htrap that was fastnurd
tn tho bandits of tho truck, ono tier of tlio
fctaskod wheat fell, striking iho blade of thu
truck nnd calming the bundles (o lly up
with tremendous forco, billing tho iiufnr
lunato man on tho Hlilo of Iho head mill
knocking him down aud Kuiitelot for u
titno. Tho unforliinito man camo up on
thu ateamor last evening and will receive
medical treatmunt In this oily.
At thn Congregational Chnrch,
ThoCougregitlonulOhiirah was illlt-d full
last night to hear tlio pastor, Itay. I. 8.
Knlslii. give a sketch of his roceut trip to
tlio"Vhlto KtittloinenlH." Tbo Itctiiro was
most Intensely Intortstlng from beginning
to end, and was given inelegitit laugu.igo
and style, and gvo tho audioncea tasto ut
what they might expect in tho promUed
serius of lectures to Uke nlaco Ihiswinlir
besrlng uMin Ills trip. All who attended
last nlirlit lelt amply rewarded by tbe least
spread bofore them.
Interesting Exercises.
The oxorrUes at the dilverton puhllo
school, lsst Friday, were unusually Interest
ing, and were witnessed by nearly the entire
population of that enterprising town. This
school, under tho supervision of G. Al. Tre
bles, of this city, Is now ono if the best
schools In Marlon county,
Tmrm Boll.
Messrs. F. D, I'roitjtiwu and J. D. IUggs
old last week the John Harriett farm, situ
ated four tulles from the terry landing, in
I'olkcounty. Mr. Liban Caso was tho rut
chaser, and the jilco paid VMwt3,8C0,
Piano Tuning.
Frank A. Owen, Just from San Franoisoo,
has come hero to resldo permanently. Ho Is
a first' class piano nnd organ lunor and ro
pnlror, being highly rocoimnondul as uoh
by two of tho leading muslo bousos of Han
Francisco, bosldcs of tho Oarduor llrotbors,
of Salem. Ho guarantoas satisfaction or no
pay. Ills priccH will bo for ono tuning, (5 00.
lly tho yoar, two tunings, fd 00; three tun
ings, JO 00. Lcavoordots at Uardnor Hro's
muslo storo. doldw tf
Dress Goods,
Au Immonso Variety. -,
KOlit5 AVltll
Oct. 7. Mill
San Franoisoo 'and Portland.
The P. G. S. 8. Go. -
T ship rvgiiUrly, ovry nvo csjs bvlwccu Sn
Frsncltco aud 1'crlUtnd
J. ltf. .flcORAKKN c CO.
PIT" Tickets for sale liy
of West Dover,
From Hon. W. H. Jones,
"I havo been trouhtod from my boy
hood with obrouloor horedltary lung com
plaint. Homo years since, early In the
winter, 1 took cold, which us usual settled
Into a sovero cough, which continued to
Inareaso as tho aoason advaucod, although
I inado uso of all tbo cough romedles I
had knowledgo of. My fimlly physician
also prescribed for mo, but I oxperienco-t
no relief. During all this tlmo I was gradu
ally running down, losing ilesh nnd
strength, until my friends as well as my
Holf, becumo ery mucii alarmed, think
ing I should wasto away In consumption.
Whllo in lhiton, during tho spring fol
lowing, I was Induced to try WisTau'h
Halsam or Wii.p Ciikiiiiy. After one
day's trial I was tonslblo that It was re
lieving me; In ton day's tlmo my cough
had entirely ceased, und I was soon ro
sored to bralth and h'rmgth. I bao
over slnco kept iho Dai-ham in my house,
snd whenever any membur of my family
has a cough or cold, It Is I in mod lately re
sorted to. No family should bo without It,"
Mold by all druggist,
ThoMachlno Was Worn Out.
Why? Not boeausn It was not well
built, but '.t was wrongly run. Thousands
or men who havo run down long before
tlielr Ihno hcoroand ten jnirn aro iiloiiii
pllsbed, might liayn been renewed Into
Hprk'htlltiess nnd vim If they had tried
tbo well known I'kiiuvian bvnor, which
(oiitslusammg Its ij mm pounds thu I'roiox.
Iilo of Iron, o eomhliiHl that It asiilml.
Uii,s with tlo blood and liivlgorutes the
wholo system. This syrup lias provnl
flllcaulous In thousands nf cues, and will,
do everybody good who uses it. All drug
ghts kiep It.
KIJMI1 IIIJTHON l)fcemlr llb,l7;, In Ibis
city at ilinnslilini'ii '"' ? Hev- ' H- Iviilvlll
Mr. John A. Kemp aud iil.s H.dlo .V. l)uu,n,
all of lUUcouuiy,
ClOIJl.K-l'OUJUJK-At (Jervals, lieccraber J6,
hy l'li'linr litis. Vtr. Kivil. (loulft uud Ml.
Annie I'oiija te, all uf IKr.on county,
I'HATr In 8u'em, Vtr. Sjlh. of dlpbtlierlu,
Willie Pratt, wjii of It. A. rrnll. BRtU hlaiiil flvo
years. Tbeluuvral whs iiIU IliU iirumoou.
Our frleuils bave ticen mueliullllcteil, s lhl Is
the tblid child tbry bvd los; viitutu little more
lliiinu year. Little Jlertlu Ulid a ft-w moiiilo
aso, of tills terrible l-eusn, a Iwbclil.n ulltllul
Utile iy wlioin t-very ixuy lovt-il.uiiu hum la
little bniilier, Willie, has none to Julu liln.lii the
Hhailow Ijiltd; shuUuw b us l.ut iuikIiIi'
minli li.tulv clil ilreii ws iiuh. Mr. .n.u mis
. r. lec
Fiio.vr ntuui:t, ioutm,
West IJo Dock, corucr Haltnon and I'rout bu
Hprclsl attention given to Ksrmois' Produco ef am.
kinds. Cotfltfiimuiits ollclted. Have cuiini-ctluns
In rim I'rsnclico wlilcli t-asblu os lo K-'t tlio Ihi
insrkvt price.. em
Tho P. I'. T. CVs Steamer
PorllfUKl lr XSumiti "Vlwtiv
iiikI AVuy X'ortM,
Patrouizo Your Own Boat!
Protection ngiiliiNt Bllgli
;uiiran(L'CMi I
I'rult huv tint
dtii'Ot iir.pulliv r in liy
w w.a ltf. SKOSKU
ThU eminent J'mwt Miyrtdan and
Mtrpcon, and Inventor of tho I'AIUS&'J'I
HOMIiTJW, which has ylvcn relief to
thoumud of xujj'erwa In J'uropc and (ho
United Mate, hu treated aueceMfully
several hundred canes In Orcfon, the most
remarkable, of which wan that of Mr. J.C.
Adknw, a well-known business cltlscn of
Salem, who has been sufftrlnu for year
with a partial iaralyl of the right nlde,
and was materially improved by a few
days of J)r. MathieiCn treatment. Tho
right sldo of tho face and rlyht shoulder,
In which there has been u constant sensa
tion of coldness, and tho nerves partially
paralysed, havo becoma warm and re
sumed their natural action and feellny.
Mrs. Adklns, who hah been afjllclcd with
catarrh In the head, has been entirely
cured by a few days of tho Doctor's treat
mint. He has testimonials from a number of
itcrsons well known In Jutland.
I)H. MATUIF.U has permanently lo
catid at the corner of Third und Morrison
streects, J'ortlaml, Oregon.
I ,
' A