v:;i,r,zr, u,,,. m, nj iijWiW!)wiippippjft WILLAMETTE FARMER; .9 i Itfllll i . V r. -' lw& fv -. 4. i-'l X3T IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES AT- m TO THE PEOPLE: Having determined ta maintain tlio position heretoforo occupied by mo for tiio Largest Retail House in Oregon, I havo taken this menus of nnnounclnp to tlio public that I am now displaying the L AIIU EST and jJEST STOCK of General Merchandise north of San Franci&co, consisting of a lino stock of ca-oDdts' sv:ocl lOoys' Olotlaiias, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, XXtvtts, Onps, TniTtlf, "rLllmomf to., Avhicli is surpassed hy none in the city, and will be sold at prices to .suit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONET, And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by -advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give value reccivod in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur chaser, tit my stand, Griawold's cornciy respectfully, M: MEYER. An Arkansas man who had hiul nn In valid wife, concluded to got rid of her. Ho loaded both barrels of a shotgun and attempted to shoot her in bed, but the caps only snapped. Tliea he reversed the weapon and attempted to dash out the sullerer's brains. Tho stock struck tho bed-post, tho loads wero discharged and tho two charges of shot entered his lungs. Thero were few mourners. Tho wit of Secretary Evnrts, says Mrs. Grundv. seems to havo descended to his children. Ho said to n friend here: "I have received a letter from one of my little girls, and she writer: "Dear papa Thank jou very kindly for tho donkey you sent me, but he's so lonely. Won't you soon bo home, papa?' " When n pretty young lady and her aunt wero knocked down by a cart the other day, some flashily dressed young men at onco rushed forward and helped them up. It is supposed tnat they are gamblers, from tho fact that they first as sisted the young lady, and then "raised tho auto." Tho following neat reply of Miss 8to vens Is reported from Loudon to an En glishman who asked her; "What change do yon Beo In Society sinco you wero last hero!" Replied tho heiress: "Tho only difference Is, that many people that I loft unmarried are now married, but more that I left married are unmarried." BY TELEGRAPH. TERRIBLE CALAMITY IN NEW YORK 100 Girls Burned to Death It Plows! Plows! FRANK BROS. Buford Gang- ;Black Hawk Single PLOWS. & WZFZM CALIFORNIA. BULKY AWO Till CO. Iron and Wood Beam Single PLOWS. pnoH 8-inch to lG-lnch. Champion ' Browne " Sulky, (Merer been beaten In the field.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho McSherry Grain Drill and Broadoast Seoder. THE MOST COMPLETE LINK OF PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. JiEI'OIiE FUTtCirASmO, CALL ON CHEKEKETA. (From th Portland Labor World. 1 There may be a great deal of poetry In a name, bnt whether Obemeketa be a poetical word or not, there la something about It more enduring than the merejlnsjle of words. Iu the Indian dialect the word means "home." and In oar experience m a teacher, It means "home" In English and a home, too, that U wortDT the appellation. In out travels over nearly every State in the Union, we have never round "homt" more comfortable In all Ita appointments. The house Itself Is one of the largest and beat In OreKon. In archi tecture It wonld be a credit to any olty In America. In Ita Internal arrangements It Is designed for comfort and convenience, and In Its present management, there Is not a weary, way-worn travelor Iu the land, who wonld not hall Its well-dlaclpllaed appoint monta with Joy. The Chi meketa la a credit to the capital cltv of Oregon, It baa about 160 rooms eomo of them In aa tine suits as can bo round any where, and every room is large and well ventilated, The hotel has been In operation long enough to become well and favorably known nil over the Paolllo Coast. S. F. Mathews In the genial host, and a man more perfectly adapted to his business cannot bo found. Mr, Mathews Is a natlvo of New Hampshire, but tor a long tlmoa resident or Minnesota, tour years ago no came to Oregon, and for threo years was the genial host of the HI. Cbarlos hotel, In Alba ny, wbera he made a host of frlonds whoso good will follow him to his now fiold of labor. Ills twelve years' experience as land lord, has all culminated in an effort to make tho Chomoketa what a hotel Nhould be In the groatcommonweatk of Oregon. All success to tho genial and oompamonablo host and Ennce of hotel keopers. Is the echo from tho earl of everyone who has evor abarodthe hospitality of the present management of the Obemeketa. 104 and 106 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR. kW. Gilbert OFFERS TO THE COUNTRY TRADE Gum Boots Tlio Host over Matlo. AH EXTRA QUALITY OF Xadies' Calf Shoes, Jait tho thin for onr Oregon winter weather. Fine Kip and Calf Boots, Which are exprely made fnr onr trade, of different (uallllei, to att cuttoaer. Cood Farms FOR SALE. O IT A0HE9 OF LAND IN MAHIUN UUUMTT. Ot 4 Oregon, ten mlloa north of Balem. on the Day ion and Wheatland roa4; ta a beautiful location, and It the rciy bett land In the Htate. C'au b alrlded Into hrte ifood farm. Wo haro an offer Mr a pari or thl placo at i'J per acre, which wonld leart thebal ance of the land In a rqnare body of &00 actee, 300 or which la under cnltlratlon; luo acre (lathed, Joining tho cultivated field, that cosld bo eatlly got r-ady for tho plow, having been tlaabed rom five to ten jeara. All iho bulldlm era on the &00 acre tract, and for which we only atlc M per acre. Tlio' who are In rch of cood land thnuld go and tee tola place. For particular!, call and tee tho proprietor!. AUO, QOOACHKa OF LAND IN MARION COUNTY, uroirou, two aud a half mllea from Otrval. aud about ih...m. illinium frnm U'oodbnrn.lviuir on the Butte vlllerotd. It a drtlrable location: It the very bett unalliy or land, nrlsnowtediced to no ono or me oeti farms on French i'ralrle by all who are acquainted ...i.. it,, nnnnipv mi arrui nf thin tract It nnrltr cul tivation; the baltncu of tho tract. 60 acre. U timber. There It a tolerablo irood dwelling houto on thl place: two cood b.rnt, with plenty of thed room for stock. rfU..p.rt.cuUrr.Kio.E.Uc.oTac On the nrcmjtet, or addrett them at Whtatland, Or. Noy. 2d,l37T. Itnp'd. OREGON AnB WAtHUNGTON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK (LIMITED.) OMee la Portland, 9AVI5.GS BAflK BUILDING, vsfPlrtt itrcet. Prrtldentnf HeottWh Hoard of Director, ALEXANDER OOURLAY, Keq..BhlpbuUdcr, Dundoe. Head Office, 7 Bank at., Dundee. PreddentofOregon Hoard of Director. DONALD HACLEAY, Ktq.. (of Corbtlt & Maclcay,) ManaMn Director, WILLIAM IUCID, Eiq I'ortland. Thlt Savings Hank recelvea dtpoilt net only from the Uduttrlal anc farming clairc of Oregon bnt alto from Scotland, lortbe purpose of tafelr inventing the tame (along with Ita capital) principally on Real 15 tato Morlcagea recured nvur Improved Karmt and Portland City Properties, and toarlt lit Drpotltnra and other In tto erection ofllulldlngt and Improve menta within the State. Loans made on Ileal Kstatc 10 rercen. All goods Hold by mo nro GUAIl ANTtiUD to bo what I recom mend them, or I will at nny tliue make It pood to the pur- Cha"Cr- J. W. GIXBEUT.S Salem, Oct. 18, 1W77. it. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In PAKILY GROCERIES, iCrockery and Glassware, Wooden and Wllttw Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, C031IvlCRCIAl STRaWT. iLlttlo Olunt GRUBBING MACHINE. We wish to Inform tho people of Oregon that we have purchased the patent or "The Little Qlant Grubbing Maonlue," and that wo are now prepared to Mipply any number ol them at a vr-ry reasonable prlco. The sub olned testimonials or tbo superior qualities of these msohlnes and their cotnparallvo cheapness should recomended tliein to all those donlrous of clearlnu otfland at but tri lling oxpene. For fnrtlier particulars apply Ui VratiK Cooper or Wtu. Dolanoy, Balem, or Albeit OrIggs,ScIo. o. .rMHMi. inti. icrr DUiu, mwu .U.U, 1UII, i This is cerluy tlist we nave useu "ino jh tlo aUntGrubblnKMitchlno" nnd found It ttunerlorUianytbiUKor the kind over usod In this part or tho country: Premon M tinkers, Win Ireland, Henry IMoy, J H Morris, ADivIs, J 11 Irvine Ullaldwln, UFBriKK, Henry T Haro. We the underalisnod hnvo seen "tlio I.lttlo tilniit OrubbliiK Machluo" work and can miuro the publlo that It la the lot machine or tlio kind wo havo over een working. M Alexander, O W Hamilton, JO Johnson, 1'eterSnilth. , , J M Hrowu, Win H MvKnlght, l llllyeu, B 1 Mason. i-cio, ftloy 25th 1877. TSL 1 lTauKie IVUKSEUY. SETH LUELLING & SON, PnopniBTonfl ofthr above nkmrd nuh. tery, beg leavo to call the alteutlon or Fruit, men. and all other who wlh to procure good, heal. thy Tree, to their IMMENSE STOCK tF FRUIT TREES, CONillTIMQ Or Salem, April 90, 1S7S. U S1200 Iwr. ttl.tMut4i'nr rifii ir" ruMUift- fl. Wim a. A. UKlkT a CO, ,i,t M-. fi.Lnil. U. ?. o. suiiX-xvAzr. ATTORNEY AT LAW ornitA house, salem. 8. K. corner, at head of ttalra. fellr Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. THAT OLD ri.OW OF TOOU CAN BE MADE .. ri . nx l JOHNNY KNIOHT'S Black- tmlth Hbop, ou Commercial tt., below Wade'a hard ware tlore. for a tmall oolUy of coin. Drlntf la jroor old Plowe. and tee If I eort no at i ar octKti JOHNNY KNIGHT Apple, Pear, Feaoh, Plum, Ohor ry, Prune, And manj other mltcellaneon rarlctlet. tho price of which we havo reduced to tull Itie.ttme. reed for a catalogue. SETII LUKLLINO A SON. octlQ jrillwaukle. New York, Dan. 20. Tho bollor In the candy manuUc'tiry of Hrnust Oroontleld, Oil llnroUy ftrt'Ot, oxplodud about 5 o'clock this evening, whllo n largo nmnborof fnnmlootil ployea wero still nt work. The building was almost Instantly wrapped In lUtnos, nnd it Is Nld from one Iiiindreil to out) hundred and Ufiv girls wero burned to deAth Mr. It. KU'Itin ol Leonard tttroet stales that liowailn the building about ten minutes before tlio explosion Mid n great many per sons wero thoro at the time, llo pa-Bed In front ol the building two minutes nfier tho explosion and saw on most or tho doors, n tho front had Isllen, n great iiibuv boys and ?lrls rushing about In an exalted euu con tuod manner, but they boenmo obscurod from vlow by tho smoko und llamos In a row seconds, There sooms to havo boen no pos slblllty or tholr getting out allvo. The tiro was one orthe quickest evor seen. In less than three minutes the flames had ascended completely to the roof. Some of tho girls had their hair burnod totally off their beads. The first reports were exaggerated in regard to the number orthe wounded. Only 13 were brought to the Chambers street hospital) none to any other. The greatest saorlfioo or life was among the young girls, many of whom, 8 to 15 years old, were employed at selling, as sorting and packing candles on the first floor over the boiler, which was situated In the basement in the rear end of the Barolay atreetwlngof the building, not under tho sidewalk aa at first repotted. None or these are known to have escaped. Chicago. Deo. 10 The Journal's Washing ton aneoial aavs: Information received hero today from OMumbla, 8. 0., Is to the effect that Senator M. O. Bntler's efforts to havo further criminal proceedings against Senator Patterson stopped, have resulted In failure, owing to the opposition of uovetror Hamp ton. The presecution will be pushed vigor ously, and Hampton's friends aro determin ed if they cannot have Patterson brought into the State for trial, to force blmoutof the Senate by exposing bis alleged oorrupt transactions. The Times' El Paso special says: Flrlng.at San Elltarlo, waaaotlve Saturday and Satur day night; exact number or casualties not learned but belloved to bo hoavy. Shorlff Kerber has been unoessfnl In raising the ono hundred ransers authorised by the Gover nor. The United Slates mall ooaoh was allowed to pass the line or Mexicans at San Ellzario without molestation. Tbo driver reports fighting waa In progress when bo left thoscene of coufilotSunday morning. Shortly after bis departure he heard a loud explosion.aud bollovcs it to bavo been causrd oy mowing up or me nouse in whiod mili tary had taken refuge and whloh It Is known tho mob had undermined for tbo above pur poHj. Mexicans, Saturday, crossed tbobor dor and after some exertion aecurod ono hundred recruits with whom they returned to tho Toxas sldo and renewed the con fleet. On Monday tbo situation of affairs bo camo crltloal In the extreme. The rangera wero short of ammunition and wearied by tbo long dlitanoe whloh they bad mado, and surrondor beoiino a question or but fw hours. It Is believed tho Mexicans, after aurrender orthe rangers, started for Kl Paso, and much rear Is fr It. The troops aro hast ening through to San Elb.arlo. Eight ootu panles and three cannon in all havo been or dered thither. All dispatches confirm tho nowa that the San Elliarlo dlfficnlty has no national fea tures, but la purely local. Galveston. Deo. 18. Mexloana at El Paso several hundred strong, have the state troops surrounded, and the rangera are doomed un less tliey comply witn tne aemanus or me Mexlonns. The demand la that Howard shall be delivered to them to be beheaded, this manner or exocntlou having been de termined on beforehand. The sheriff of the' county despalra of aulstsnce In time to pre vent a massacre. General Hteelo thinks tbo rsngors w 111 not surrendor Howard, but will defend him with their lives. The Nows' Austin special says: A dis patch recoivod by tho govornor from tho HborlU or El Paso county stated that tho stato troops had surrendered to tho Moxlcan mob at 3 p. m. yostorday. Their ammunition was oxbaustod and thoy wero unable to bold out longor. Aftortho surrender Howard, At kinson and Molirido wore shot to doath by Mexicans. Now York, Dno. 18. The funeral of tho Into Baroness Do Busslorro took pi boo this morning faom St. Ann's uhuruli. Tho at tnndancoof inouriiors whh small. Mr. Hot laday was unable to bo prosunt, nnd do coHsod's husbaud Is In ParlH, A solemn requiem uiash was cnlobraled, and the ro mains were then taken to Whlto Plains, whero they wero Interred In the family vault on tho Ophlr farm. Now York, Deo. 20. Tho Herald's Wash ington special says: Tho sub com mlttou of tho bouse foreign affairs uommltloo to-day dotermlued to summon Minister Kostorli-om Mexico Htid consular auent Hchuchardt from I'lcdras Nogras to testify boforo thorn. They accordingly addresfed a request to the secre tary of stato to uotiry theso gontlomon to at tend. The Tribune's Washington speolal says the New York firm who own tho Texan salt mine whloh has caused all tbn troubles on the border is said to bo Foster, Ludlow ,1c Co., who recently purohasod this lake under some old Mexican grant, and unpointed Judgo Howard tholr agent to protoct tho salt and assets a royalty upon It. Tho homo onmmlttoo on foreign afflrs will snmuiou Minister Foster from Mexico, aud alto noiiio of tho consular agont ou tho lower K!o Uraudo, quests up to a point which may forco Eng land to intorfere to protect her interests. London, Dec. II). Tho morning papora oluctelly announce that parliament will meet Jan . 17. It Is stated the cabinet has de aldodtoak parliament to votoagrantof monoy forsuah lncreno or tho British army as the present stato of Kuropo domands. Tlio Standard In Its leader explains that tho victory or tho KimsIiuih Is not tho causo of tho summoning or parliament, but tbo llcoti3o glvon to Rtisla by Gormany and Austria to uso tho victory In her own way. This Is what conctltutrs tbo dangor to Brit Nh Inlereolrt. KnglHiui ran never consent to tho qunrrel being nrrangod on thoso terms. Sho nmy von have cuiso lo demur lo a poaco directly between Iho bolllgeronls. Sho claims it volco Iu tbn snttloraont, and It In that sho mny bo prepored to Insist upon that volco that tho uoveniinrnt is adopting thoso inensiires which parllvnont will bo Invited to sanction. Loudon, Doc. 20 A correspondent at Bucharest says tho c.uowluu will probably rot urn to Russia, wliun Gen. Todlobeu will asuiuo cotnmsud iu chlof. A correspondent ht Orsova sends a report that Gen. Todlobeu arrived at Orsova to ar range for tbo bombardmont or Abukaleh. Tbo Times In Its leading article throws out strong Indications or heller that parliament will bo asked to vote money tor the purchase or furthor Interest of some kind Iri Egypt, possibly the Khedive's interest In the Hues caual and tho Porte's suzerainty over Egypt. Among the rumored projects, making neces sary tho summoning of parliament, are, lu oraaed armaments and pnrohaa of ..the Turkish fleet. Every attempt to strike out a new foreign policy for the govemtrient re vlvea.lt Is aald, dissension Ira thecablnot. The retirement of Lord Darby,, foreign min ister, Is by no means impossible; Deo. 21. A Vienna correspondent tele graphs that alnoe the failure of the Turkish noto to the powers, the Ideaordlreot negotia tions between Turkey and Russia appears to una more aavnoa.es, it la suppoaea mat even Great Britain baa somewhat abated her objections to such a course and advised tbo porto to try ir possible to ascertain the Rus sian conditions. The porte, however, seems to have little Inclination forsuoha course. All ita energies seem to be bent on defence. It Is thought also that the Turkish parliament to whlok the porte declared Ita Intention orsubmlttlng the question will op pose negotiation. Constantinople, Deo. 21. Thecr.arowltoh reports tbo Turkish forces outside or Rusl ohuk and on the lowor Lorn are withdrawn. Vlonna, Deo. 20. A correspondent roporta inaiauieitnan fasua wuu iu,uuu men, ar rived at Constantinople from Varna. Ho gooa to Adrlanople to tako command. Ills oiroultoua route Is explained by the faot tnat in consequence of the loe and snow in tho Balkan passes the hoavy material is mora cailly transported by railway to Varna and thouce by aea to Constantinople, than by the more uiroot route . 11 is utougui aiso mat n Corllon of tbo troops rrom the quadrllatoral avo gono to Rouuianla by land dlreot as tho czarovltoh reports. London, Doo. 19. The Pall Mall Gazette) says the summoning or parliament probably means no mnro tbsn a warning to other powers that England does not propose to allow tho eaatoru question to be settled by tbo threo emperors, and that she must havo aoiuo voioe In tbo disposal or her own future. OEEGON STEAMSHIP 00. ItEOULAIt LINE Between Portland ami San Francisco. TIIHOUUH TICK1STS Can he pnrcbated at the principal Station of the (). & O, It. It , at Xloduood Ratos. Steamer leave both Portland and 8an KraucUco about Every Five Daya, rirrrlns Partrni-tr and Preleht at tho I.OWET HATKi. Ii I the only Hut rinyln? tho l. H, MAILS and WELLS, HAItOO CO.'H KXI'HES). The Htcimehlp of thl Company ao rated A 1, and are new, elepai t aud complete lu every particular, andcouiltt bf the State of Oregon (Sow building.) t.OO) ton burden, George W. Elder, (UOU ton,) City of Chester. (ttfO ton.) AjaX, (1U0 ton,) for Irelubt or pattaze, apply at the Company' of fice, corner V and Front Ueete, 1'oktl.nu, U03U QXO. W. WKIOLUU, Agent. FOREIGN. T.nmlnn. I)bo. 10. A Bucharest correspon dent rtporls that orders have been kIviii Iu Riikms fur the immedlitn tnolilll.itloii or bO.000 Iresh tronpi. Now battailous aro con Inmiiy croHSitng mo I'tuiiiio. A llsigradpJcorreoiidMii suyH uon. liar vatnvich l advancing eastward from Adlio, and It is rumored ho bai already tllui.td a Junction wlthlho ItuhslanHandltouiiianlans. Ixjiidon, Deo. 11. A Vlonna corresjiondeut says Intelligence frnni all sides leaves no doubt that the Russians from Plevna lmo commenced u rirward inoveiiiuiu In Mirlous dlrertlous. Thoro aro several Indlcatloimtimt they nro about lo atlm k Hchlpk I pas. Tlioni U urest illH-iitUfdotlon Iu ConMluiiilnopIo vvlth Suleiman Pdaha, and his rowli Is prob. able, . , , Tho Times' Huoharost spechlssysn move inent or RuhnUiih U bulug madu through tho Balkans to Turn Karmarh. Belgrade, Deo 10 Tho Hervlan' havo oc cunleil I'ort Inramor, near Nlsoh, Chicago Deo. 10 - I'ho Times' Iondon special says iiitich anxloly U ',,'t"vi.' "'" HltUtttlriti with referenco lo peace. Tbo I lines says the present Is tho mom critical period or the ronlllut. Turcophilo orgHDs sliaio ihn nrevalllug uneaalne as to the ptmlblo out come or Hie lecepllon glvon by Germany ami Austria to the appeal of the port lor media. Hon. It U believed nothing will onno or It, but that the Russians will push their con THE WEEK Or PRAYER. Tho United States Branoh of the Evangel ical Alllanco having adoplod a programmo for the obsorvanco or tho Week of Prayer, coramonolng on Sabbath, January Oth, 1877, aud ending on the following Sabbath, our local mlnlitera held meeting a few days ago and agreed to hold union serv loss In this city on that week, except on the Sabbaths mentioned. Following wilt be found the aubjeota and tho places of meeting! Sabbath, Jan, 0. ttermon: Christian union perlected. Rev. vll., 0 10. Monday, Jan.7 at tho Evangelical Church Praoi and Praise: Remembrance or per sonal and relative mercies; prayer for the Dlvlno blossing on past prlvllexos,and for an humblo and oontrlto spirit. Tuesday, Jan. 8. At tho Saint Paul') Church Prayor: For tho Church or Christ In all lands; for Its deliverance from error; for Its Increase lu faith and holluois, and Iu Iower its a witness fur tho Lord Jesus Christ; lor tho graco aud guldsuco of Iho Holy Spirit. Wednesday, Jan 0 U. P. Church; Prayer: For UhrUtluii famlllm lor sick and sllllcted mombors; tor ublldreu ut school, and for youth In our colUgos and soinlnarles of learning: for young men oiiioring upon win active biiBlnoM nf lift, nod for thoao abroad; ror our sons aud daughters openly confess lug Christ. Thursday, Jan. 10 M.K. Church Prayer: For Nations for rulers, iiiSKlslrates, and Mlatesinen; for tho army Hiid navy; for all benovolout aud philanthropic instilutious; fjr religious liberty aud tho oiwiilng or doors wide und rirecttial" ror publishing tho gos pel; aud ror tho reign or rlghtoousuosi and peacn. Friday, Jan. 11. Baptist Church Prayer: For ChrUtlan Missions to tho Jews aud Gon tllus; ror Sabbath Schools, and ror thu Dl vluo blesslnvs on all Christian eltortti to spread tbo glad tidings or tho gospel or sal vation. , Saturday, Jan. 12, Cavalry Church Pray er: For lite oh-aiilatloii or tun Bible; for tho observance ortho Sabbath; f.ir the removal nt Intemperance; ror the roauuu orthe fallen ; ror tho safety ol thoso who travel by laud and by water. Sabbath, Jan. 13, Mormons: Christian Lire. "Lot your light hhlnii." Matt, v., III. Pastoral visits aro umoiig Iho recogtilxod duties of a initiator or thu itoipul. It It proper that they Nhould tin puld, but It Is proper ulso that they hUiiiIu bo conilned In their clmramer und conduct to the llmllH Intendud by thu ohuroh. Tho rulutloiis bit ween u p istor and his Hook urn usually or mi atleu tionuto character. But no milliliter or tho gospel, who lias a proper coni'epiiou oi uiu fcaurt'd calling, will sloi hii Inch beyond tho lines ortho mont rigid propriety, llo vn uud should ho kind nnd hll'totlouato, but ho will bo tho more ruspocied II lu hi pastoral visit hu inuliitalns iho dlgulty ami huir-ro-spect.upon which to to larijoun txtoni do pemU hlslnlliiHiicH for good. Any undue familiarity ou his part toward) it female pirlsliloner, is h gro depuniiro from the nihil of proprlo'.y mid duly, and overy woman huH In her pownr iohxhoIh rigid oompllancw lth that rule. Its hound nrles iiniclotrly dotlneil. Thero will bono dllllctilty !n dotormliilng pnolsuly whero they hfgin mid whom they end. A xtep b -yuud It iinpmprlety, and may ho woisu. "A word to thu wl-o is siillielunt." Tho I'crnlmi nrmy l ollla-retl by for idgiiurri. A KnuiL'liiiitin i-oiiiiiiiiiiiIh tho oiiglnt'tTH, it Dunu tliuurtlllory, iintl two ItulltuiH und Frt'iicliinnn thu Infantry. Portland has a caio or kidnapping. A Chinaman by the euphonious tliloof Quong Wa U to be tried In the isilleo court, cbaigrd wltu kldnapliig an aliuoud eed dauiseL Hum the laud of Confucius. A 1 4 r !l V