iff iV ) ' I V tf A li s WTLXAMETTE FARMER tillttnuttf Jfitrmtr. isbuid avsnr rniDAr, nr CLVllICIil & OKAIG, runi.iMiins and rnomiKTont. 8. A. CLAIIKE, I). IV. CltAIU. Tcrtni) or Subscription. Ono copy, ono year (5!l numbers) $2. 0 One copy, fix months (26 numbers) 1.25 Ono copy, thrco months (IS numbers) ......... .7fi 8ALEM, FHIDAY, DEO. 28, 1877. rTHE DEAF MUTE SCHOOL. From tho Record, Dec. 21. "No man knowoth what a day may bring forth," whllo pondering In our mind as wo vrallcod along llio streot, yostorday afternoon, whoro wo wero going to find an Horn out of which wo could manufacture a lltorary sup per for tho numerous readers of tho Daily KkooiidT Wo bad almost given up In de spair whon we learnod that tho scholars of tho mnto school were to have an examina tion that afternoon, prior to tho departure to tbelr several homes to spend tho coming holidays. Wo concluded that wo would go and take tho "buslnesH In," so wosteerod our ODtirso Northeast by East and landed upon t io door stops of that NOTKB INSTITUTION. Wo rang llio bell, and our summons was an nwjrod byn lady of medium slzo, dressed In black with n loco that was fair to behold. TJmt lady was Mrs. Tuck, thk i'iii:ci:itiu:ss. Wo mndokrownour business, and sho most wolwinioly bado us to enters after parsing tlirmiKli tho hall to tho school room, wo wero met nt tho door by tho lli:V. f. H. KNK1I1T, Clonornl Superintendent of tho school. Among tlio visitors prcsont wo found Uovor. nor 8. K. Clmdwlek, Elder U. 0. Adams, Dr. L. U. llowland mid Mrs. 0. 8. Wood worth. Mr. Knight Informod us thnt tho rniNCii'At. htuihi:h At iit-- nt consisted In writing, nnthmotlo iinil gergratihy nail thut tho school whs divided oil Into throo grHdew, tho lint con slHtlng of ton members, tho tecond of six mid tho third of four. Tim v holo numbor of pupils nt prosont being twonty-llvo, flvo of which woro not a vsnrid furonough to bo graded, and con n quonlly had to "go It nlono." Mr. Knight rjinl from n slip ol papsr tho subjoc: und do a jrlpllou of n man killing n doer and cantur Inga fawn, for tho bonollt of tho audlonco, after which tho class was called tip to tho black boards and tho lesson paper haudod to Mr. Tuck, I'llINCU'ALOI' SCHOOL, Who Immediately transmitted It to the class through tho muto alphabet and signs. Tho lesson was rathor long, and it was surprising to seo that tho pupils at the board bad, Just from memory, or the pleoo described to thorn by tho principal, mado but very fow blunders In producing tho subject upon tho board tho words or tho copy, whllo ono young lady MIKH MAUY UAt'KAT, Jlnd producod It word for word, according to copy. Tho class woro then examined at eon slderablo length In primary goography, and whon wo ltmrnod that thoy had boon study ing that branch of kuowledgo for a llttlo over four weeks, and then, only overy othor diy, wo wero surprised to soo bow accurnto thoy woro in answering tho dlll'uront ipies tloiis that woro propouudod to thorn upon tho blaok board. After this a llttlo Miss by tho name of t MAUY A, IJVNCK, Of saino savon summors old, and who had been uttendlng tho school only a llttlo over throo mouths, who did not know horown nuuio, whou she t-atuo thoro, was called up to tho board and wroto hor uaino also tho uamo of dllloiout animals In an extraordinarily neat inaunor,and wo doubt if thoro Is another I person oi nor ago in tuo aiato mat uas nr(iilrod suoh prollolency In llko space of lliuo, Tho scholars wero then oxamluod In with great hope and renewed energy and ex pect? to bo ablo to obtain at tho next seislon of tho Legislature a Jmt appropriation in be halfof tho Institution and tho unfortunates ofthisStoto. wonns or coMFonT And tncouragomont wore expressod on tho boards by Gov. Chadwick, Dr. Itowland and EldorH. O.Adams to tho pupils of tho school. Tho school undor tho management of Mr. and Mrs, Tuck, has provod asuccessln ovory sensoof tho word, and tho parents whoso children aro attondlng this school hnvo a Just causo to bo thankful that thoy aro ablo tosond tholr unfortunoto chlldron In an in stitution under tho caro of such tlllclont In structors. In company with Mrs. Wood worth, and Uov. Ohadwlck, wo started to go through tho institution, but in passing through tho dining room, tho Oovornor de clared ho smelt mlnco plos and Immediately directed his courso toward tho kitchen whoro our party was Jolnod by Mlta XARY COOPKIt, Matron of the school, who conducted us to the pantry and store-room, whero in tiers wero stacks of provisions, while upon tho shelves woro tho toothsome holiday nick nacks, and upon tho stovo was a largo tin vossol illlod with tho composition callod mlnco moat undor duo preparation. Every thing about tho placo was cloan, noat and tidy, and tho health of tho chlldron this sea son has boon unusually good, ns tho brlgh ami ruuuy ciiookh or tlio pupils rully nttost Aflortho holidays aro ovor, tho school will H(.'ii!n rostimo Its rou lar studios with ronowed vigor and undor tho most fa vorablo auspices. slon of tho Council, were then called for and re&d by the Rocordor. On motion, 11. Msllory bolng presont, was invitod to address the council on tho subject of tho ordlnanco beforo tho Council. Mr. Mallory was followod by Alderman Murphy on tho subject of the patsigo of tho ordlnanco bill. At tho conclusion of Mr. Murphy's speech, Mr. Mallory replied to hhn briefly. Alderman A. A. McCully then followed with somo remarks in opposition to sustain ing tho Mayor's veto. Aiunrman Ktronir n so biioko uneny hum movod that tho question bo laid on tho table for alow moments. Question of order was mado against tho motion by Alderman Mur phy, and tho point was sustained. Question bnlnir. "shall tho bill nass?" The roll was called with the following result: Ayos J. J. Murpbv, D. McCully, A. A. McOulIy, li. 8. Bklff, W. Broyman, E. 8trong 0. Noes J. M. Hrott. J. A. Baker 2. 8o tho voto was not sustained and tho bill passod. FAITH AND BREAD AND BUTTER. A forlorn, seedy looking Individual, with Let the People Bejoicei For tho bountiful harvest of 1877 has now placed In tho hands ot tho pooplo tho goldon com, that they may lloo to W. I'.JohnAou fc Co. and secure such pictures as will pleaso them and tholr friends, and be n blessing to generations In come. Remember tho plnco, oyer Willis' Bookstore, Stato Ht., Salem. Or. SALEM FOUNDRY, & Alacliino Shop, SALEM. .... OREGON. B. P. DRAKE. Prop'r. tTEAM ENGtNES. SAW MILLS, GRIST MILL8, 9 Reapers, Pumps, nnd all kinds and styles of Ma chinery mado to order. Machinery repaired at a short notice, Pattern-making dono in all Ha Tartans forms, and all kinds of BraH and Iron Castings famished nt short notice. Alio, manufacturer of ENTERPRISE PLANER an MATCHER, and STICKERS and SUAPERH MaviVftl DESTRUCTIVE Flftf. Jlnbxon 0 Whitney, of St a (on, J turned Out a)mi, $7,000. Stayton, Dec. 21, 1877. IIditoii Daily Itrconn: Alurgollro, for this town, occurod this morning, shortly after 12 o'clock. Tho store of Ilobiou it Whitney burned. Nothing saved. Tho llro wan bursting out of tho roof whon discovered, Los estimated at ?7,000, In- stiroii in two companies for ?2,r00 each. Tho llro Is supposed to bo tho work or thieves, to coyer up their trucks, 8. I). MuCaulky. A Voto of Thnnha. At tho regular iiioollutr of tho Hoard of Trustees or tho Odd Follows' Library Asso ciation last overling, tho following resolution was unanimously adopted: Konolvod, That tlio thanks of tho Hoard arnduoaml wo horoby louder to llro. 8. 0. Adams, for a donation to the Odd Fellows' library Association or tho Chronological Chart and Historical Map, and tho Soorotary Is heroby instruotod to forward a mnv r mm luiuiuuuu w uroinor a. u. Adams. mi:ntai, AiuTiiMhmc. Tho pupils being plauod In a row nnd ijucs. tlons asked m additions If tlitiono whom tho question was propounded to did not give tho correct auswor, it was passed to tho next ono, who, ir correct, was allowed to "go above." Only two or throo cmoNlloun nomi missed out or somo fifteen or twenty pro. pounded by tho Principal. Tho higher grade w.is also oxamluod In multiplication, ami strange ;to ay, thov iiiIkmhI not tlio llr-t u,uolloiiof tlio numbor ssked. Tho pupils woro thou culled up again and luitructcd to wrlto OIlllllNAI. t0ll)klTIO.NH, Hut they woro forbidden to wrlto anything thoy hd hitherto placed on tho boards, tluu throwing tlmin entirely on new subjouls. Thlskectred as though It did not HlVjol them u pirtlclo for thoy boon had tLelr ullotted u-o tilled, and llko Oliver Twbt, wus soon oUinorlng for more. Various wero tho sub JihiIs they selected, somo or them woro in clined to bo grave, others witty, whllo ono or two placed upon tho boards Ihelr fuollngs in regard to heavenly things and soko of llio trials and dlillculilis in bo encountered ere they crossed ilmt "mystic rlvor to rot be neath tho shsdo." This cloned the cxaiulii- tlon, and l'rof. Knight congratulated them upon tho MAKKUl IVIl'ltOVKMENT Thoy liad mado during his absence in tho Kut. Ho also exhibited to them slips of pa par upon which wero written word of wel come, and given to him by the pupils or tho New York Dear and Dumb Institute, l'rof. Knight visited this school during his ab sence, for thoputposo or obtalulug what lu f itmatiou he could lu regard to tho manage uitut orthesoltulltutious. Ho has relumed Council Proceedings, Tho action of tbo Common Council last night, Is to bo regretted by every good oltleon. Notwithstanding a petition rospoctful In Its language, rrom tho Tlgors, was prosouteds a dliclalmor rrom a numbor or tho Hooks was recolvod, and Mayor Uatoh's voto, tbo bill passed. Holow wo glvo tho olllolal proceedings In thomattor, but will refrain from any com ments at present, only to counsel llio Depart ment to UNO iiiodoratlou, reminding thorn that "lliuo cots nil things oven," Petition of Tlgor Englno Company for ro- liistatomoutof Alort Hook nnd Ladder Com pany In tho Firo Department, win read. Tlio resolutions liavo horotoforo boon pub llshed Orderod tiled. Tho following communication wni rem! and ordered pliced on Mo: To tho Honorable Mayor and Common Council of tho City or8alom: Wo, tho uu dorslguod members or Alort Hook and Lad der Company, No. 1, disclaim all Intentions or lllSUltlnit tho CoilUOll bv tha UasxnL'n nr sending up or any resolutions rrom our Couipuny, and respe.ctrully ask your Hon orable Hody to reinstate said Company to nn uiimurBiaiiuiugiu mu iearimeilt: u. uzaiovage, Jno. J. Dalrymplo, a high forehead and a slouched hat, stepped up to one of onr mlnliterlal passengers ono day last week, and said: "My friend, aro you a christian?" The M. P. replied that ho was, and had been endeavoring to spread the gospol among mon. "My doar brothor," said tho tramp, "so am I. For many years I havo boon trying to llro tbo llfo of a conslst- ontchrlstlan. Rut of Into years, ndvorslty has como upon mo, ami I hr.vo laid my wife and chlldron nwny in tbo silent gravoyard. Now I am loft nlono in tho world, n poor, lono wandororwlthoiit friends and without homo. Hut 1 linvo not lost mv bono l.i the blcssod gospel yet, nllliough my feet aro fast slipping nnd soon will bo lu tho mlroand tho clay. 1 know that man cannot llvo by bread hIdiio, but still n little of that nourlihiuont thrown In onco In n while, has n very hi brlous clfect. For four days haro 1 been llvlngon faith, and I find that It doos not agree with my constitution. It djosn'tllll up, so to speak. It does very well for n uhaugo, but u a steady dlot ft Is hardly ii success whnt I now noed Is n llttlo or tho stall' or llfo to kind o' bulunco tho thing, you know. I don't mean to donreclata liilth In tho least. In fact, It Is u very good thing. Hut, you see, thoro is a nntural craving In ovory human ntonnrh for something n llttlo moro substantial. That's my fix now. I Itol that n uood Kiuarn uipaI would bo lrnnt nssUtanco Io laith Jnunow. Look at thoso hollow oyosorinluc; Kar.oupouihososunkou cheiksj cAstyouroyes upon this vested fniino, onco It wus robust and fair, and nnsnor mo If you do not think that lam a pretty lair witness to tho fdct that man cannot subsist ror four consccutlvo days on Tallh nlono, and maintain his physical corporoslty nnd good looks, Oncol was a beautiful nnd hearty, strong man, now I am but n shadow or my former solf, nnd all because of thosmal, nourishment afforded by a steady dlot or faith Now ir vou had n half a dollar lvlm? Inosnlv about tho recesses or vournantainon'iiTincknt you havo an opKrtuulty to bostow It upon a oharltablo object; cast your bread upon tho r mat h may roiuru io you aitor many V "". . ,,,0, "'' a squaro moat again I could onco moro take my foot from tbo mlroand olay and placo them upon the rock or ago and renew my hopo in tuooowerof Christianity. Hut without something to till tulatarrlble vaVmloVn me, I fear I shall backslido In fsol, I knowlshallsl feel It in my bonos. My doar brothor, lend me nfty conts and savo a Chilstlan from tbo hands or tho tempter." Tho'M. P. could not resist this touching appeal. Ho lont him tbo money and In less than a hair an hour tho object or his charity was laying a worm ronee along Commercial stroet and muttering, "I wonder (hlc) who I'll strlko noxt." W.WSATUiarORD. t. W, WSATHXarOBD. Weatherford & Co.. Wholufalc and Retail Dealer In DRUGS. PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines, f CHEMIC AXS, !P o x arta. m at? y TOILET GOODS, Etc, eto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, Fur Medicinal parpotct . Medicines Compounded, and Fresoriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co,, FtStf Cnmmorclal ntcf t. NALKM. IIKAVKK UI.HN Agenta for the AVIIIaructto Farmre. Albany JE ITannon. Amity RLiblaipron CotURO Grove J 11 Htortrldco llellvuc Jt'fl' Dtl .jmuuu Tiria....... ... ...o, v ,, xlUDSrC llrownfvlllo W It Kirk lluttevlllo JW Ilachcldcr Canyon City 1)11 Rlilnehait Canyonvlllu WT J)rkPB ConullIsWty KH 3Iattion Cole's VaUcy ..W 11 CJnrko Clatsop...... H. I Morrison Crawfurtlavllle Kulurt Ulasa Cove... Rt' Kendall Corvalls EWowlwnrU Croswcll ltoscoc Kn,,, Clackiuiiiis v a J.hi.K Camp Creek .V01lI'WttiTMiy SI'"?.-': KrcwfoiiisDipla gW'"" K 0 lladawai fc""00 A II Iialm-s iJuRPnc; John JicCliiDK Vox Vat cy A B oariiicr ForcatUrovo B Uujrlics, WL Curtis Ooshen r....:jllaadia"er "vals 8 M aT Halsey t J Ulack llarrjsburg lllram Bmlth HUlsboro ALnelllne Ilepner.. Morrow & Iterrcn Independence ...W L Ilnifnil. Junction... Smith. Draifleld & Co. W L Lemon Lowlsvltle V.......licM2Tlmmondl Lafayette Dr 1'oppleioo. A BUcnry ft0bn"n ....SJICIaufiK Monroe.... j0, Kclsev McMinnylllo J 11 Morris, a j "J Needy ' -..PavW Bisinp Vi.wrii.vuin .!'..' '. I asto Newcllsvlllc Castlcman NorihYamm...........-;;.-;-:- Uakiand ?.?.." ' 8 K Hovmond :;"" "All Shipley Ott Ureiron City. I'eMilIcton .. IVorla Pilot Rock I'ortlnnd I I IllcUrinl ii ivnrncrirr ',.v .'.s' Huron ..DrJIUrvlne iill am 'rhk::::::"::::::?!:1::: b:::::::::::::::";::::;:::;"-',:;!FM ieM:::::::::::::::::y.?!.!?S Hlierlilnn " -""fss Tangent,. n. ol .K H llnrxco TnrVnr10' "-SMlrookS vancouvof::::::::::::-:::::::-: w.y,.,.u"i WliTJ" """.:v....:..":Mwik7ns "akI'V, .1 0 lililer A LI. fNTKNUINO jlm. s noma can at tin nursery. TO PLANT THIS hu-akov hould call at tliln Nursery, ami nvn tho Ani-m' commission. Gr. "KKf. IXLJJXri', "7P1 buHlImitY, Or Hiiulro l'arrar. Wm. KnuUiul. K. I). McCully. O. A. Waller, Jacob liornardl, Horace V. Cox, Is. u. Towusoud, Wm. Waldo, A, .Strong, Jos. liornardl, W.J. Cox, Com, H, Mloat, THK MAYOR'S VKTO. Tho following messago of His Honor Mayor Oatoh was road: To tho Honorable Common Council or tho oltv or Salem tioutlomeu: Tho Itecorder has nlaced in mv handH an enrolled copy or an Ordlnanco ia4Hod at tho last meetiuu. entitled. "An Ordinandi in logulatn tho Klto Djnarlmeut or tho oitv of SulllMI i ' Ihoroal obtot or tho bill, hinging as It dooiou inerii oinUslon or it name, was not atthollrt reading fully understood by all tho members of tho Council, heuca follow. ed tho ''unanimous consent" to read a fpcoiul tlitifl by title, and tho unuiitil. mous voto rtiulicd by our rules to secure tho third reading at tlio sauio session at which tho bill was Introduced. At tho third roadluL'. which was actual I v onlv the mvntni rmltlluiroftlio lodv oftlm bill. ilHtm.i Inhmt bccaino lor tho llr.t tlmo apareut toalltlm uii'iuborH, At this htsgo our rules allow but limited dlsctualon. And thus n bill provide lug ror a radical change In the organisation or our l'lrel)3Mrtmout was riuiljihrcotiincs, mi co by title, autl pasted at the w.uno Ntwklon at which It was lutroduceil. and this, too, without previous notiw of Introduction. Onr ruloi allow all thli, but 1 respectfully Hul. mil, Kculleiuou, whether that bill received the consideration ltsluiK)rtauco demanded. 'I tho spirit and letter or fit) Ordlnanco 1 havo many grave objections, which I do not care to array, counter to the Judgement of mo iionoratuo council, nut it is clearly w Ithlu thn'purvlew ct my olbolal oath to prevem, lfH)aslbIo, the evils of hasty legls latlon. I am obliged, theretoro, to return tho Ordinance dlsanurovod, and, ask ror it your carelul couslderatlou. Very respect fully. T. M. Oatcii, Mayor. Kalkm, Dec. II, 1S77. Tho ijuesllon being on the passage or tho ordinance bill. The same was red by the Itecorder. Tho resolutions heretofore preteuted by Alert Hook it Ladder Co., the reading of which was ordered a tho last regular ses. Wooden Wedding. Tho woodBii woddlng or J. M. P.ittorson nnd wife was largoly altondod last ovonlng, and tho gifts mado wore "multitudinous" and soinoorthoiuunlquo and costly. Among tho gifts wero a haiidsomo wardrobo, tho gift of a numbor of friends, wnll pockots, towel rol ore, matches, potatoo mashors, shoars, forks, knives, spectacles, K)p guns und other nrticloj too numorous to moutlon, ex cept a woodou plug hat, originated by ox. Mayor J. (1. Wright, and manufactured at tho establishment, of Mnur.. ltontlil.v a- Htaploton. Jerry, vny boy. wo wish you many reiurns or your woddlng aunlvorsury. Kocord, 10th. Petition in Circulation. A petition was In circulation vostordav In this city, and was being almost unanimously signed by our cltlzsns, asking Tostal Agont Steel to establish a semUweekly mail route from this city lo Larayetle, by the way of Lincoln, Wheatland and Dayton. Petitions or llko character will be circulated In the above named towns and then submitted to Mr. bteol to cast his oaglo oyo over tho s guatures and lako tho mattor under oon. sldoratlon. ItUa right moyo lu tho right dlroctiou. Sucoess to it. LoUge Orgaaited. On tho 18th Inst., W. K. Dunbar, Q. W. 0. T., reorganized Klvorsldo LoIge, I. O. G. T., at St. Johus, with twenty members. Tho olllcers aro as follows: Itobort Caples, W. (). T.: Ann Taylor, It. U.S.: Km ma Haddlx, L. 11. S j Llzxln Caples, W. V. T.: W. H. Llveruiore, W. s.j Wm. Ksson, W. A. S.; A. L. 'lower, W. lS.s Maria Llvenoor,. V.T. i .. ' . . ; -----.-.-.-.-., . i m PIERCE'S PATENT MAONItTir, KLAKTK1 THUS-).-This prcat lnvcn. tlou Is bolng adugtcd by tlio lead Inir Physicians and Huracom all over tho land. r Wo would respcctlully caution iho 1'ubllo against certain fraudulent and worthless Imitations which aro C now in tlio markot. Ilewaro of them. Bend for II J,l,1.",.rl!rd.1,00l nd rr,ro 1-l'L MAONRTIU BLAB TIO THUB8 CO.. Wi Hacramcnto itrcct. up atalr.. Ban Francisco. dcrfiy T. O. SMITH & CO., DBDGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... XlxAX-xxiAoladtssi, rattoo's Dlock, BUto street, Balom, Orefion. J. W. GILBERT 1'iiVN On nil i'or Hides, Furs, & Pelts, ..ni n . . . . 7 wuinmorciai St., SALiKM, se21 iy FIHST PREMIUM ! For Visiting Cards ! JlJand a 8-cent stamp. Address, '. w W. J. Claiikc. 8alem. Oniran. tiiKC. Salem, OriRon. IJAUTlCULAIt ATTKNTION GIVEN TO NIK . tcrlptloni, and all orders bymalloroxnreBj fllhsj promptly and accurately. I'hTslclans and Country Dsalcrs will savo money by examining our sto-lc, or procurtug onr prices, before pnrchaslng ulsowheru. nov5-tf. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, C'upl. J, IV. CUCIIIt.t.N. rartle; ileslrout of cnRanlng freljjht or pasfacc, will apply io ' V. J. HRltnttN. Acent. no30 Farmers' Wharf. BALKM. fLdA.ZX. Nurseries. I havo the LnrgcHt Stock of Fruit YrccN lu Oregon! 200,000 Plum and Prune Trees, THAT WILL AVKItAOE 8IX FBET IN niQHT' and I will sell thera from "iuut 10 lo 25 per' Hundred. PKACH tiirBh IM.Vlc.n!.lon ,' m 1 AMSDKN JUNE 5SSll,s2!,!:...1. ,a.1'-MC''c'.1' '' rlcly ripe- .Is. seven othof virYette. of Peache" VndT nerul variety of ther Kralt Trees and Shrubs. Also a largo fotof PKACH SKKDLINdd. at "S(j 'per l?0oo iiiii-ju.ffiivwiiiiBi, w, u,; iMtt Keiley, w. M.5 Jane litsou, W. D.M.; Alllo Caples, W, I. O.i C. N. I'ahner. W. O. O.; A. O. Carnco. '. W.C. I'., uud W. H. Llvermoro, Ltnlgo 'V'sJ S. H. CLAUQHTON, NOTAUY 1MIIILIC. Ileal Ktato Acent. and Collector olCUIina, will promptly at tend to au. bur.ntsi eutruMwl to his care. MAKING UONVBVANORa A Bl'KCIALTV. Offlcs ! at th7 Post Office. XiotoAoaon. Or. RAILROAD LANDS. Hlxjrnl Xorms: LOAV PHIOKSt E.0NG TlfflRt IjOW INTItliKST Tno OrCRon and t'alirornln and Oregon Central Kallroad Companies OFFEIt their Unds ror tale upon the following libe ral terms: Ono tenth of the price In cath; Interest on the balance at the rate of seven per cent, one year after sale; and each following year one-tenth of the principal and Interest on the balance at the rate ol suvcn per cent per annum, llotn principal and Inter. lt pnyablo lu 11, S. Currency, A iliscouut of ten per cent, will ho allon-n.l r.ir c ash W Letters to be addressed to P. bCIlULZE. Lan Acvnl O. A 0. 11. It.. I'oitUnd. Oreson. AOKKTR roil HT NUIUCnlr. 0 "ii?1?!0',' v'tiDl Worry. McMlnnvllle. K Jl!l'l"' Co,u' ,"CKA Judkllis, EuRcno, W M Steele. Tnrtipr A Jones, Htayton, L Uraso, Halsey, Bhumsn, Sharon, W T .-.in tiarris, iirnojcs, LMIchacI Wbestlandi, N. I.acrolr. Hubllmliv J .Votrls. Jlehamu. A Wheeler, Bbedd. I) W Klledco. HowelPr. V .' mo, auverion. ... . Tl. II I. 1..-- a. , ji .. xj uucu. iinniiinrn .1 A iin... y Ii Itoland, Jeffersoti, lirowiiaviti Mill Co., Wm t iv Si '& 8a,c,m' J,on ""J1 Washloj;lon Co "'."'"'TravcllusaKenlcanor tho Wlliauiltw . W. MlIXXTTMAZf, Proprietor of llatlrrad Nnrsetles, KAST, 1'OUTLAllU, OR. river. Fro n oh Wortuwooi', Mr. Josojih liornardl has Just recolved a number of easts or French Wormwood bitters directly trom6unny vlno-olod Franco. TIiomj blt'ors, If tliey will not euro all the ills that tlfsti are heir to, will knock the day. Iluhtsoutorplillls and layer and malarial diseases or all kinds. Yo that aro sltllotod take duo notice or the foregoiug aud soveru 1 ourselves accord InKly. InturinattoB Wanted Letters havo he n rtwwIvAil hv nrnmlnnnl lartles lu this city, Inquiring tho nreseut whereabouts ora printer named W.A.Youujr, who was In this city about throo months ago. His wife, who Is lying dangerously ill and in itestltuto circumstances, at Oakland, Cal., is very desirous of hearing from him. Interior papers please copy. Ilea. Property Sold. Messrs. Keed A Cox yesterday aold the housoand fraction or lot on Piety Hill be lonnJuR to Mr. Al. L. Porter, consideration J00, Also tha Davenport A Woltort wars. home aud stand at tha Fair Ground crossing to Mr. J. M, Stewart, consideration $100. Final Settlement. NOTICB is herebylslven that Mary J. Weslon, ad. mliilstratorof the eMate of David Weston, ile ceatcd. has this day tiled In the county court of the htalo of Oreenn lor llio cuntr of Marlon her fltul ac. fount In raid es'ate, and said court has appointed Monday tbo se enth day of January. 1S7S. at 1 1 ..vinrir a. m , f.rtl.e he.irlna nf objections thereto; tbrrcrro all persons Interested in said ertato are rt-nulrtil to appear at said dato at tie court hou.o In imIuih, Id said county, then aud there- lo make nbjclluu to tho allow auce ot said a.couut, If anv tliey ino MAUV J WESTON: 41wl Administratrix of Kslato of l)a Id Wefton. octSStf fomt Mntml F I K E Notice. t PETITION havlnc been ilted In the eonnly court of Iho htato of Orecou for tho coulis i.r Mh.i..., for th apiKlntment of K. S. (Jreso're as cutrdUn of . "i r.;i "iwiiua rvsiueui minor, and hatanl.y, Kecember 15, 1S77, at 10 o'ciotk In tho fore noon, having been appointed for hrarlnir the aBe now. therefore, all uersons Intei.tmi ... i,.....k ... ' Unlred to appear In said court, at the CKnrtbouio it Mlem. lu said county, at said time then and there to ruuTeBu-vrng -an, b. O, utYXUirO IvOOUia UOt 0 Fl'vwuu mm vuvu uaruila COMPANY. Capital, $300,000.00 Assets, - . $568,547.45 Incomo, 1875, - $465,904.29 Losses paid out since orgraniza- tio " j 1,137,367.50 HAMILTON BOYD, MAXAOEIt. ' u3 72 Vlrst M.. PORTLAND. norawS JOHN C. PKEI1LF.S. County JuJ).-e. Ixeoutrix' Notioe. THE nndarsicned havlnc beea duly appointed ex. xi,rvMWXi.f '' nd testament of James McCobbln, late of Marlon county, deceased, therefore all prsous havlne claims anlnst said decedsnfa cs: tate will present them, properly Terlfled. to the nn! dersUned, at her residence, la North Salem, within six months from this date, and all persona Indebted to slid estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned at the same place. .cii' ' 1IU. Jnon county. Oreiron. Nor. 19th. lP' a BAllUAUA McCUIiniN ral Executrix. JOHN IVs.NTO, BUEEOIK Or MERINO SHEEP, qiAKES pleasoro In offerlnir to tbo WooLGrowers of a. Oregon and tho adjolnlne Territories tho rhanen Address JOHN MINTO, N. B.-Tbe Rams and Itam Ijimbs of the dock con. bestvnon the ISLAND FARM, adjoining balem.- TufPVtHl?"' ,n"n. v ,he Mm Place, or it the 11 JuKAJ,M. f0B.r "J2 1 haI1 mll ' ot too city, balem, September 10. 1875. y' REAL . ESTATE LOANS. 0KICON ANB WA8M1NGT0X Trust Investment Company F SCOIXAND. TRI8 Company Is prepsred to negotiate loons im ,.Q'VIomi'otoJrSl'-00Oiecnr over IMPBO YJS Cl2L OPKBft and PARM LANDS, fw Oxed periods of yeais, or repayable by halfy early In suaraent. I'or terms, apply to ' J WIlilAM REID, Manager. ni9T 9 FUt Street Kraind. -tfl TttsSBjfcfcu, .KjU