Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 28, 1877, Image 1

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$2.50 per Year.
Volume IX. Number 46.
New York, Deo. 21. The newspapers derote
much apace to tbe terrible tire end explo
Ion In Barclay street. It is utterly Impossi
ble to form any Idea of the loss of life
until tbe rnlns are cold. At this hour, 3:30,
several engine are working on thedobrls;
the Are Is practically oat.
Tbe Tribune says 29 of tbe Injured are In
the hospitals 21 are miming. . . .
The Sua says from 40 to HO are probably
lost, and the Times thinks the lossless
heavy, not more than 15. The pecuniary
. loss Is probably under H00.000.
Chleaac. Deo. 22 The Times MeslllsfN.
If.) special says: Thousands of rumors ere
in oircuiation regaroiog ma aoinm i ii'
in hrandlts In Kl Peso oountv. from whlob
fact Is sifted that all stores In tbe border
tAwni nf Socorro and Yaleia havo been
plundered. El Pane is threatened with the
am trMtment. The Texas rangers who
surrendered at Man Ellztno, bs7lng
-gathered reinforcements, started yoetorday
to recapture tbe arms taken by Mexicans.
It is reported the foroos wore ncountered
nd k flnht fallowed, in which Lieut. Mcrtl
mer, of the regular army, was killed, two
aoldlora oapturod, and tbot tbo Invaders
took a cannon from a dotnohmontnf U.S.
tmnm. A nortlon of tbe Mexloana. then
crossod the Rio Grande, whither tbuy wero
fallowed bv Texas rancers. Lively work
may be ezpootod at any hour. Oon. Hatch,
with two battories of artillery and one gat
line Ran, has arrived at tho uojno of dis
order. Now York , Dec. 23 A San Antonio special
aays: On Thursday last Lieut. Ward, in
command of a detachment of United Stales
cavalry, followod tbo trail or iv party of
Indians going out ol Texas with stolon mock
to the Rio Grando. Lieut. Ward notified tbo
nearest Moxtcau oltlcor, who appeared with a
detacbtnont of troops and tho two commands
Joined In tallowing the trail In Mexico. Tne
jolntecout was frultloss, but Mexican ofu
eers expressed a willingness to cooperate In
pursuing the raiders when they crowed over
into Mexico.
TheDutoh steamer Frlesland fromJaya
facJInilanUm has Ir-tm lr it is believed.
wlth all hands, oil Cape Finlsterre. She
passed Qlbralter December 5th. Wreoksgo
has been sighted which there is' little doubt
camolrom the Frlesland. Tbe orew num
bered about fifty. She had no pasongera.
New York, Deo. 22. Tho Herald's Lon
don special aaya tho matter of rapid transit
in Now York Is settled. An English syndl
cate Is to build tbe mad. which is to be un
derground. Sir EJward Watkln h nt thn
head ofthe movoment. Tbo money Iiah all
been rnlod and tbo company refuses to
show Us books. Work will begin immedi
ately. The toad Is expected to coot from six
to eight millions.
San Francisco, Deo. 21. A Tucson dls-
..pitch says: About ISO Indians cam pod near
' Janos.Sonorarecontlv. Honor troops at
tacked them lolng 27 killed and a number
wounded. Indian casualties not stated. Tbe
Indians wore apparently victorious, as they
subsequently stripped tho country in the vt
olnity of Janos ofstook. The Indiana havo
been robbing trains In San Simeon valley.
Troops are in pursuit.
Dlspatobes from thn Interior Indicate that
there was a general rain throughout the state
daring a portion of yetterday. It rained
briskly in this olty beroro daylight. Cold
and cloudy weather following during the
day. There has been tbo heaviest snow
storm oftbeaoason in the mountains, Fifteen
inches of snow foil at Dluo Canon.
Deo. 21. Tho Times'
T jm1tn
lanmUl hsvs calls for tbe assembling of parll-
jnent has already offjotod Intlnlte mischief
in tu influence, not only on English busl
ness and tranquility, but ou the feelings of
tho Turka ana ttussians. a teiegram imm
.8t. Petersburg says the effect of tho call Is
looked upon as almost equivalent tn the
declaration of war. Kusslau sentiment wel-
comes the English challenge because it Is
thought Russia Is more oworful than Eng
land and that war will give an opportunity
to obliterate tbe disgrace of tbe Crime.
A Bucharest special says smong Russian
officers there is groat rejoicing over the at
titude of England. They believe tho notion
-of England remove? tbe morel obaacle from
the seizure of Constantinople and the parti
tion of the TurkUh power In Europe. The
rorramme of tho war party lstoHnda
rltlih fleet to Constantinople ond 20.GOO
men to assist in tho defumo of Adriitnople.
Tbo occupation of tho fortification of Gil
llpotla la the first step to bo tukon lu case of
tbo declaration of war.
Tiflts, Dec 21 Russians under Gen. Kom
tirofif captured Adanaucb by assault on the
17ili ink. Russian loca Insignificant.
Fera, Dso 21. The Russian concentration
foranaltiok upon Erzerouin on the north
has tailed, and the atiauk is now Improb-
. able. Russians are suturing for provisions
and forage. .
London, Deo. 21. A Velnnnocrreapond
cnt telegraphs tlmt although all apprehen
sions of teraglio conspiracies ivnd roups
iVtial at Constantinople aeem to havo disp
pearod, the ui.st thing Is wutllclent to revive
them. ThiH tbo unexpected appearand of
Suleiman Pasha at Constantinople with 10,
000 men has glveti rho to the fear that sotiin
thlugortbeklndla impending, therefore U
Is not surprising that the sultan and his gov
ernment should ceok support in parliament,
and make it share lu tho responsibility for
"hecouiseto be followod. This movement
ofSulelman and other reports of the with
drawal of tho Turkish field force from Ras
irrad.seera to indicate that in the quad
rWeral the necessary garrltoiiB have been
lift to make the best defenee they can;
inoreover that their energies wll soon he
f Used, for It is officially-announced that Gen
Todleben has been appointed commander-
ln-oh ofof thsKuslohukarmy. This looks
very muoh as If the siege of Rustchuk la lm-
mtnent naewise. uen. Zimmerman win
nrobablv seice the opportunity, of advancing
against Sillstrla.
Tnere is noming as yei 10 inaicaie tne des
tination of the army ol the caarowltcb
whether it la to advanoe on Shutnla or Join
tbe force at Tirnova and thence, advanoe
across the Balkans. It will take some time
before operations on a large seals will be
possible, although tbe movement ' of troops
near Plevna In various directions has begun.
Some days must paas before the Influence at
work at tbe front Is felt.
London, Deo. 23 Tho Saturday Review
thinks It Is probable Ihe house of oommons
may be asked to make an extra grant for
military and naval purposes, and though
tbe period for the meeting of parliament Is
In some respects unfortunate It will proba
blv admit orjustilloatlon,
The Spectator believes ths real meaning of
the summons of parliament Is that Lord Ilea
cousfleld doslros to encourage tbe Turks to
continue tbe struggle In Ihe hope of ul'lmate
n rHIiih assistance and that the Turks will ao
Intorpret It; that England when it comes to
the point will deollno to fight for tho Turks,
who will at Iat4t be oompelled to purchase
peace by withdrawing to tbolr natural home
In Asia.
Chicago, Deo. 22 Tbe Tribune's London
spoolal says too Servians carried St. Nlotioias
paosbyastaulton Wednesday. Tbev have
nearly wholly Invoetod Nlsoh and Widdln.
London, Deo. 22, During tho past twolvo
months ships have been constantly carrying
stores to Gluraltor and Malta, where thero Is
now a vast accumulation of war material.
Orders have been recolved at Woolwich for
iho manufacture nf sixteen pounder field
pieces. Ithaa alao been dotormlnod that
four eighty-ton guns for Inflexible are to bo
ohambered at Hist place.
Edinburgh, Deo. 22. Tbe Scotsman aays
In Influential circles considerable credit I
clven to the report that tbe government con
templates tbe pnrohase of the Porte's
sucoralnty over Egypt.
London, Deo. 24. A telegram from Erae-
roum reports 20 battalions, qf Russians have
baen seen northeast of Krseruum. Consider
able Russian forme are alsoconoentrated b
hind tbe Deve Boyan.
St. Petersburg. Deo. 24. Tbe total Rus
sian lota bv war to Deo. 20th was 80,413.
London, Deo. ar Constantinople dlspatob
es say It is declared Ihe porle is detennlntd
to carry tbe war tn tbe last extremity should
tbo renurst for mediation fail.
Groat distress prevails among tho poor of
Constantinople, rrinos or provisions are ris
ing In consequence of tbo depreciation of tbe
curronny. Dillculllcs are faared if tbe price
of bread rles higher.
London, Deo 24. A dispatch from Athena
announces M. Coumanlandourns submitted
bills to tho chamber for nominating ofllonrs
of tho Mobile National Guard and immedi
ately calling out tho resorvo of tho regular
Comtanttnopln, Deo. 21 Tbo porto has
luauod a proclamation doposlngPrluco Milan,
Rucharost, Deo. 23. A enow stirm which
nommenood on the 18th in Bulgaria and
Routnanls, has bou unuxually heavy: It Is
feared hundrens of Turkish prisoners and
Russlau troops caught on the' tusreh must
have perished. Ofaconvoyoverwbalmed at
Cotroi'ene, a suburb of Iluohsrest, 40 iiorueb
and 2D men were froztn to death.
Pora, Deo. 24 Tho arrival of Suleiman
Pasha In Constantinople baa strengthened
tho war party, lie counsels reslatance
nutrance and the grand vizier supports
Constantinople, Deo. 21 A dispatch via
Syria says; It It reported the Ruhslans aro
Within an hour's march of Sophia. The
Imlgbta above Kamarll are now the only po
sitions held by tho Turks to defend Sophia,
London. Dec. 21. The portion of the Brit
ish fleet In Beslka lUy Is expected to proceed
totheGulfof Kolo.
A dIpitoh from Constantinople ears tbe
Servlana attempted to cairy Yatrle by as
sault and have been repulsed with Immense
lnsi. Tney were pursued by the garruon o:
Yavor about 5 miles.
The Edinburgh chamber of commoros to
diyegredto memnrallzi the government
to continue its neutrality in the proMint war.
Only two members ofthe chamber were op
pof (I to tbe resolution.
Bucharest, Deo. 21 It Is expected the
Russian lioadqmrtora will shortly bo traoe
ferrcd from ft.tgot tnSolvl, which Is about 25
mlkH honthwohtof the former place,
Grand Duke Nicholas tuleurapned from
Bognt to Piince MlUn of Snrvla congratulat
ing him upon tboiucc(Nful opening of tho
campiUn by thn Servians.
Vleiiun, Deo. 21 Tho Insurgents In Crete
hive convoked the national assembly to es
tablish a provincial governmsnt.
Loudon, Dae. 25. A Vienna correspond
ent says: The commander nf tbe Ruaaian
advanced corps has received orders in romaln
on thu defensive until reinforced by troops
from tho nis;hb'orhood of Plevna. It I
said 2.1,000 mon with 70 cannon lately passed
li'tlatz A part of theso croieed the DitiutiH
bvthelbrall bridge, whiln tbereiuslnder
went lu tho direction of lCj'.aruah. It is
bought thoso reinforcementa will oln Gen.
.Immermsn and opeiate asaluat tho e-isiern
nidoof tbe quadrilateral, primarily ugainot
SllUtrla; MjIIe a dlvlalnn of grenadiers and
a division of tho resorre formerly before
Plevna will go tn Illela uud Join tbe twolf;h
army corps for tho siege of lluatcbuk.
Grand Duke Nicholas will Join theaimy
opHratlng ablukt Sophia.
The czaruwltoh Is expected to command
hat deathied to advance through the Bal
kans further east, probably through the
Tmjsn Paas.
London, Deo. 21. Stanley, tbe African ex
plorer, has arrived at Aden.
The Time' speeud says: At a recent meet
ing of ths Paris Academy of Science a paper
was read by M. de Lesssps, In wh 0 1 some
further partlonlara ar given or the proposed
canal across the Isthmma of Darlen. The
line advocated by Lesseps,. startling from
the Paolflo coast, aeoends lu tbe first plaoe
tbe river Tyro as far as ths Island Perleque,
or Alligators. From this point straight cut
ting 16,200 metres long connects the Tyro
with tbe Chanuaqun near the point where
ths Trplsa flows tnlo ths latter river. Ths
line then ascends ths Chaauaque for 11,400
metrea; then turning to ths nortneast, It con
tinues up ths valley of , the Tlatil to a pilot
where, tor Masons of seeaony, it would be
preferable to makes taBBal rather tban con
tinue the deep cutting. The tunnel passes
to the south ofthe peak of Gandl under a re
markable ridge, from whleh on ono side an
arm ofthe Tubuesat. ths Toplaa and Tlatil
flow down toward ths Pact tic, and on the
other tbo Tolo and Aceatl to the Atlantic.
On emerging, the eaasrcontlnuos through
an open cutting about ten kilometres long
down the valleys of the Aeautl and Tolo to
tbe deep waters of Por Candl. The probable
length of ths tunnel la estimated at between
13 and 14 kilometres, and the ooat of making
tbe whole canal equal to 000,000,000 francs,
From the dally Orange Bulletin, publish
ed at Cincinnati, during session of National
Grange, copies of which have been kindly
furnished us by Hon. Wm. Cyrus, Master
of Oregon Btato Grange who was In attend
anoo, wo got tho follow log Items :
Tho National Grange ksiomblod Nov. 21,
and was accompanied by "many hand-shaking,
Joyous reunions, aSid wolcomlngofntw
niembers." Twenty-two States wore repre
sented by forty members.
The address of Master Jones, of Arkamtaa,
oisimsinattao uraor nas ojen in.irumon-
lal In cementing nnlon hetween tbe seotlons
and procuring a rstunm of g)od feeling.
Retrospect la full of sgeoassgssissl In ad
vancing tfcsiskjBty .rtoW4aWir-'TB
Order has advanced In good works while
freeing itself of dead branohea. It now
staodf, a healthy body, oonflJent In Us
strongth and yalue to tho nation.
Cooperatlou is now regarded as a science
needing exposition and definition simply;
It psys a common interest on ths pro-ra'a
contributions of capital, and divides a com
mon pro-rata share in tbe prcflta, proportion
ate to tbo trade of the several mombers
yielding that profit. Tho address olios ano-
cess of tbo Rochdale plan, which tbe Grange
hasadoptod, and which Is spreading from
ocean to ocean, providing for Intor-etate and
international co operation, He contrails
tlioagonoy systom with this uniform system
of co-oporatlon to show that tho latter posses
ses tar the greator advantages, because lutor
otlng all In common for united ao'.ion to
socure Its success, Tbe constant Intercourse
required among members also develops
business capaolty.
Tho addroas la largoly devoted to tbe mat
ter of co-operation, International aa woll as
at homo and we caunot do Justlco tolls
masoning with tbe space at our command
Master Jonea considers It unfortunate for tho
Order that any Grange buslnota agonolos
should have beeu established until tho truo
principles of cooperation were bolter under
stood with us.
Thn Order has not made muoh progress In
Europe but has been received with fortunate
ausploes. Deputies have beon appointed for
tbe United Kingdom, France and Germauy.
Cordial relations exist with the Dominion
Grango of Canada, they expressos a strong
desire to unlto la carrying out tho purposes
ofthe Anglo Amorlcan company,
Tbo amondment proposed to tho constitu
tion, allowing each State Grango to fix Its
fees for membership, han fulled, lu his ex
tended acquaintance be wat led to bullet o
such amendment to be advisable.
Tho report ofthe tx?cutlvoominltteo was
published lu a jiapor which never reached
Tho Lsolurei'a report slaled.lhat only four
months had boou devolod to tbo work tho
paAt year, most of which whh txpeuded In
Pennsylvania, Now York and Indiana, The
Orange Record haa slnco been fcubsllluud
for tho work of tho Locturar.
Thuuhday, Nov, 22,
The TroisnrerM report shown 33,!(M CS in
tho troaiury, Iwslibw which there uppuam lo
bo a fund nf $Mfi00 that draws 0; or cent.
Interest. Drafts au the treuury the past
year have beon, for all purpohtn, $i.'),43'J4H,
We flud that Mastor Cyrui, of Oivgon, U
hervlngon several important committees,
eapeoMlly thouoof acoounU, uud claim und
The report of Secretary Kelly, tho eleventh
he has made, having served from thn firs ,
Is full and Interesting. Alluding to tho
errors that have been made In cbaeglng
lawatoohasUly.be aays there lasmlesta-
! blllty left; ths Order is fixed instUutloa
and must exert a strong and permanent Influence,
"It Ian satisfaction to know, with all the
laws and amendments that have been pass
ed, ws are gradually returning to tho consti
tution aa 11 was uerore toe ueorgetown ses
sion. Ths Order was built upon tbe consti
tution of 1872, and It cannot prosper under
any other. Oar members generally are be
lng convinced that a successful secret or
ganisation cannot be run upon tbe great
American convention plan. We have other
suooesemi secret societies, such ss the
Maaonloand Odd Fellows, and It Is vory
doubtful If we can make our Institutions
success by runnlngsdlreotly opposite course.
We can profit by their years of experlei ce,
and thereby add groat strength to our
While It wss very sgreeable to soo our
Order spread rapidly, aud every effort was
encouraged to make It the largest soulety
that ever existed on this continent, and while
It still holds that rank, yet we must ao
knowlodgo there was a premature growth,"
Alluding to tbe haste with whlob the
Order was originally Introduced, besays:
"Now It becomoa our duty to do all wo
can legitimately to reduce our numbers, by
oousolldatlou , revoking of charters, and
soliciting tho surreader of the feeble ones,
until we can get In eaah Slate a suitable
uumborof good, solid granges, and com
monoe work fresh on a solid sud permanent
Propose and advooato whatever plans you
please in tbe soveral Statos,to advance the
Interests of tbo Order, and let the National
Grango cull out and adopt the "boat lor the
Ordor at large; but whatever you do, Diat re
duce the numberof granges, until none but
stroug ones aie loft, and by Ibis I mean
granges with halls, llbrarlos, museums, and
money In their treasuries; such wlllbopei
tnanent. With Ave thousand such graigea
aoattered over the Uulted States, we will
have a foundation on which to bultd a mag
nttlloeiit structure."
"Where some have been reported to my
offloe at ''deanY' tu following quarter tbuy
navs paia up, in over two nuuarea oases
t, iiIhiImh hAhaB tuntti J ail ao M
oordedeo say books, and ',f&a- rstssalion j
sent to Btats secretaries, ins next report
shows the grange la good working order.
Ours is a psoullar association; Its member
ship knows no law, understands no law (poa
albly tbe laws are past oomprehenalou), la
flooded witn law, ana cares nine aoout it
Those who are true Patrons at heart and be
long to strong subordinate granges, are gov
erned more by tbe precept In tbo ritual
tban by orgaDlo law; they need but little,
whllo thoMe who need much law make but
paasable Patrons."
During the year ending Sopt, 30th, 105
new granges havo b:eti established In tho
Unltod States. 70,000 copies of tho Orango
Record have been published.
"It lea subject of congratulation that tbo
National Graugn has not been committed In
any ofthe serious falluron that havo taken
place among grango' agents and grange on
terpriioH. Strong efforts have beon inado
repottodly bv Individuals to coouro tho en
dorsement ofthe National Grango and Ex
ccutlvo Commlitco, but fortunately wo have
beon kept outside of all alllaucos, und as tbe
Order Is not, and never can be, auoiuinerulal
organization, I sincerely bono you will keep
aloof from all such enlauglomenls. If you
depart from such a course failure will con
tinue to follow, and the very first will empty
your treasury. Keep tbe Order, aud build
It up purely as au association ol agrlcultur
IstB, aud never pledge a dollar In any com
mercial enterprise.
Let tbo education of the masses be tho
great object. An Intelligent aud aollvo sub
ordlnatu grange will exutt a powerful intlu
encolatbe community where It Is located.
Our membership generally Is comosed of a
class who nevor havo been orgaiilzed before;
It is rough material to work with, and U
will require time before they learn the ne
cessity and advantBse of bolng prompt.
Snnh a body has lo be educated lor yearn
before It will bo ready to embark In any
great enterprise, and Itiosprobablllly la thai
tho rising generation now cominir on the
MlntMi. thubovHund lilrla of our farms, will
be tbo first to roally itpproclaln and derive
the real una permauoniiieuMiinoi inu uruer.
I nxHiira vou when I look back ntor ten
yearn, and sco what wo have utUunp'cd to
accomplish, tho tirrors wo bavn nivde, the
exoerlmcnlH that havo been tried nod tailed,
tho various aiii6tidimniH to our constitution
and lawK, thouhuoa und confusion that has
beti aeon, to 813 nothing ot outside Inllu
encea Mimed tn destroy tho Order, It la a
aourcoof hatlafao'liiii to know un htlll hav
tho largest sterol orgunlzilion lit thu United
It haa been moat truthfully eald: Let the
educational and a( clul foaturcs of tho uihiiko
syMeni bo paramount to all otlmr coiiHldura
noun. Lei the Petrous first cnnylno tho
world tlmt thtdr prtcoptu and motlioli con.
dure to tho linprovnciiuiit of rational farm
ing, lo Increased cjop-i Hi lessened t(it, to
tho dlirusiuii of iiiudern und progrutMvu
nleas cnncnrnlug tho culture of tho aoll, to
the beautifying of hnmes and villaH, tn
tho eiicourH(.'(niientof that neighborly enll
uiont which shall make men oiuritablu and
A publlo recoptloti was given tbo National
Grange in which tho civil authorities of the
city participated.
Delegates were allowed 6 cents a mile
traveling expenses and 3 per dkmforall
time expended.
Satuudav, Nov. 2 1.
A resolution that only Master of tboStato
Granges shall cast votes with National
Grange, (thus making their wives only
honorary members) was voted down 35 noes
to S ayes.
Resolutions wero introduced In favor of
having a oablnet ofloer to represent the De
partment of Agriculture.
It was resolved that tbo next session of ths
State Grango be held at Klohmond, Va.
Monday, Nor. 20.
Communication from tbe Dominion Orange)
showed there exist 025 Granges In Canada.
Resolution to abolish all degroea above ths
fifth woa lost.
A paper road by Samuel Adams, contained
the following:
" All thn rational alms of our people may
be accomplished, but toe mutt remtmbtr t
mill take time. We should go slow ; walk
olrcumspooily; and. weigh well what we say
and what we do. Let us know no North, bo
South, no East, no West. 110 large States, no
small States; but let us be animated solely
by tho desire to boa united household, labor
ing only to accomplish great good for all.
May we so leglslato that we aball be enabled
to hand Ibis Order down to future generations
1 the ponn.'vn'a theme and the post's Inspira
tion, challenging through countless yeara the
Jubilant pralsos of an emanolpatod people,
and the plaudits of an admiring world,' "
A resolution of Chambers of Alabama,
against resumption act and tho dotnonotlalog
of sliver, after a sharp oontost, was adopted.
Tho vote bolng 30 ayeH against 14 noes.
Tiiuiuiday, Nov. 20.
After strong dobato It was passed that oaoh
Stato be allowed two representatives In ths'
National Orango and ono more for osch 10,
000 paying mombers, In excois of 10,000.
A resolution was adopted that oaoh State
Grange shall herealter retain 7,r0 from tbo
entrance fee paid by each Grange newly organized.
We havo In the foregoing, eelooted tbe most
interesting and Important sols and seyuaaja
or that oame tojuja tbs National Oraag
proosedlsgs, bnt several, eoplas'ars kalsatag,
anil In ths latt received, lbs Grange bad no
then adjourned,
Wards for ths Season.
ItlsuotoPen that December visits oven
thla favored clime with ao mild a touoh of
winter aw we have known tbo present month.
During tbe shortest days of tho year, when
tho huh bangs low In the wost, the earth
fools so much less Impulie of light aud heat
upon Its surface that tbo presence of clouds
and fogs Is a matter of couise, but for all tba
days and weeks of tbo present month ws
havo known out tiro rainy days, with no
aovoro oold, tho grass growing and tbs
strawberry vines blooming tho white over
hill am! plain. So far wo are having a mild
Wlnter,uoiwlthstandlng the prognostications
of tho weather-wise and tho fears of many;
thn farmer plows In Docember tbe fields
that were too wet In October and Norember,
aud w? havo every Indication of a reaper
ous aossnn tn como.
While Kistorn Europe and Western Asia
are resounding with thu rosr of cannon and
fdrtlle fluids changed to scenes of blood and
carnago, our oountry has enjoyed all the
blessings of peaoa, and tho graco of recon
ciliation la replacing tho bitterness of spirit
that followed our own oivllwar. While ths
eistern portion of our own country haa
known tbe stringency of "hard tliuoa" aud
poverty and extreme hardship have fallen
ovor many, tho rloh as woll as the poor; aud
whllo our sister Stato, to tho (outh, has been
Impoverished by famine, we have trod fields
of plenty, llyod under benignant skies, bar
vented tho Holiest glfm of Cere-1 and l'ou otu,
aud been more prospered and favored than
uny other of tho great Amorlcan sisterhood
of HUtox; more, no doubt, than any laud or
prnplo that ibofiun huIiihi upon through all
hla Journeying past tho zones of earth.
For all theaii things that M011 us In thn
present, and Tor tho further fact thut wo am
so naturally favored In our wealern iilliim
that wo feur Tor the future no visitation from
"war, pestilence or fauiliiH," wo need to bo
thankful, und these entitle ui more tluti
many of our follow mortals, to enjoy (ho
holldiy sosaon, wish etch othoi tho "Merry
Chrlfctmas"and thu "Happy Now Yeir,"
aud vntor fully Into tho rejoicing Hpljltof
this ioyoiiH tlmo. Through tbo clouds and
storms or winlor few can look so surely ui
wo upon tho promise nf sprlng-llmo and thn
cMtaluiy of harvost. Whllo wo are removed
from tho prusu.-.o j nf great ovonti uud do not
reuogulKe the reality of wealth and magiiltl
cencuasthuy exist In eil'bta and older ctv
HUatloiis and more populous lands, neither
does the bitter ourau of poverty lay tin
blighting hand hero un .ijtuwhero. Thero
fore wo can with rontldenco wish every
retidor or the FanMKit a Happy New Year.
Hay what you will agaiuit tba "heathen
Chinee," but you never saw one that parted
hU hair In tbe middle.
. -a.