1 I p 1 1 h VJ H 2 HE H3H.SUIEB AWARD. Tlio Fishory Commission, sitting at Halifax, Nova Scotln, htis decided ad versely to tho United States, and voted an award to Great Britain of $5,000,000. Jlofercnco has occasionally been mado to tho matter, but tho generality of Americans aro totally ignorant of any disagreement with England on this or any other point. Tho Canada or Now ioundland fisheries always huvo boon tho Mihjpctof treaties, and treaties aro finnans for giving Batisfaulion to nei ther .side. In this case, it appears that by tho Treaty of Washington in 1871, tho fisheries of both countries wero thrown open rceiprocafly, but lis Great Britain claimed that the privileges she nccoruou wero oi groator value than those sho received from us, tho dls- Eulo was referred to a commission, to o composed of a representative from ouch country, and a third from Aus tria. Sir A. T. Gait armoured for Eng land, Judgo E. II. Kellogg for tho United Status, and M. Do Forxo for the neutral power. On tho part of Great Britain it was claimed before tho commission that tho privilcgo of fishing tn American waters Is worth loss, and $12,000,000 was asked for a compensation for tho uso of tin Canadian Inshore fl-diories, and $2,280, 000 for thoso on tho Newfoundland coast. Tho Austrian Commlss'r sided with England, and tho award was fixed as above, (ho um to bo paid within one year. Judgo Kellogg, tho American Commissioner, dissented. If wo follow England's example in tho Alabama claims casn, wo havo oniy to ncqulcsco and pay up promptly. GREENBACK MATING. Tlm ItecorJ, Woilm inlay, eava: Tlio Oro( nlmck mooting at th- Opora Houso wan lariroly attnndmt laat nlftlit, anil vrai nd drownd by A. O. Klmtitiilfi, of tlio "Lalior World," Hon. O. W. I.HWflan.of this olty.and I). K. Myelin, of California. At tho rnti3liif)ii of tliowaklnjr i tompo' rary nrgiuilz itlim (if u (Jrcenlaek Club whb formo'l liy tlio olentinn or Hon. O. W. Inw eon I'roiililoiit, and I. A. Oravui, lliq., Heo rciNrv. Klf'.V'Hliin niiniCH worn put ilnwn mi tnnin. liur ol'thii iiiiw nroiix tilmi, wlilnli will do Iii'rfiiflitil a hoc n its tlin iwiiUHiiiry ilni'innmiift nru rocoi viul fro.n tlm .V.t'l'inul nruHtil.iUOfi A Vnat Minn of IVmiltb. In tlin Siiitlxin iiiiiilii'X ilMrlir, ntur tho Wlilin Hull iiinr'r. loiln, MiyH tliiiNttliminttu, lau itnivtil l)id of iiiiouitwo IimiiiIk il iicroM In oxlo'it, known ns Dry (liilcm. Tli-j dnplli of tliN lii'il U mil ktiD'Vii, iIioihIi 'i p'ctwpiwi liolo Ihih lii'on Hiitilc to lint ili'pili nC Nlsiy foot. Colors oT giild liiivn Imtiii found In ovnrvptu of dirt tint Is washed, mill It it tliotwln tlmiii Ish vast uinuiint oi inmim' In tlm itlalin. A luilf In'iiriHi In th'i tironiid h owni'd by tint IVIutii II ill M Inline niiiiMiiy. Tlm tiiltiiiniii I'n nislly wo Ic d wlnni nillmh IhiIiiu lliat will convoy wntur on It. Till ImprovoniHiii. will (oil ulioitt thirty or lorty tliotminl itnllnra. Ochiikn, IANi; Co , Deo n. Kn. Faiuihu : Tlm IVhIkii of (loud Tun. jilnra lit Closhull In prnnporinn. Wo huvo 11 plnndlil lii(ln. Tlnro havo licim nltitt Ink. en Into tho Indno durliiK tlm lust month, hoviiii liy lidllntlon mid two liy raid. W had u hiippnr on Tlmnksclvlnir ovdiilni'.coii diluted us lollnwf: I'm.vir ht Ilm. .Imi(.Y.xs a alitirt i-pi'icli liy llro. Ji-hn Hniuimki'i, whom I.ihIko Di'iu'it HIiiuIhk ol ilm lld, Whim, noil lllui', liv iln mi iiiln ihj ihiin Hiippur. O Iioim In Hliltx iiii)iiilini wnr In vI'ihI. Tlin hlii('r wa Hpli-i dill, I'lid till ( u Jovnd llH'liiMihiH well. 'Unit iitnlii i lulll.itcil Imir iiitiiiliora. A CJooii Ti:mi'i.au, Iiht. NVQilniikday, Dto. I'.1, on tho rtnl botwunii AiiuiHVlllo mid inilli'rt l'Vrry, it black IihvcIIiih Irni tlidittoiind wild uoord, oontiilnliiK' iiiidt'rulolhhiK, nicks and otlxn arllulim, Tho llndnr w'll roofer h fitvor, hiiiI hoMillUtily mw-tiilfd, turrolllrnliiK khiim to KAIiMUtollIrn Soldi), or loitvliitf li wllh Mr. Jtitiuorlhviit AuiiinvllUi,orulih Mr Smith nttjnillh'rf Ktirry. H.A.Clarko. Curlitmas nnd Now Year'a. John O. Wrluht, at his old aland, Conunrr tal Htrcft,Hli)iu, Iimn reculvrd iijircataBHOrt montof Toy a, (,'niullek, and Holiday (lift?, and la fully proparod for tlio Holiday Trado ot IB77. uoU0w4. W. W. Martin'a Juwelry oktabllHliniont, bank bulldlnn, la tlm pUco to purchato oholcsjat islfta fir the HolliUya, Loo WIUU' book atore.onHiataKt., laanp plloil with a aplondldatook of Holiday Roodi, Hand maduKIp boota for J.50. Hoo tho adverllNonu'iitof J. W.OIIhcrt. AutorU had two uliiulit Uhi wiwik; oin I M. Pantiiirn, foriiiHily of Porilxtnl, ahol hliCKfir through tlin heart laxt .S4inrda avonlnu't tlmoilmr was a l)ir knpi'r tor ltiiV Marlon, nnilnd Ida llf . IuhI Hiuulsy '.miIok toy uniting hU tliro.tt with a knlm or rxir A riiiini'r by th namoof (lorro W. W'nl don, hii ilroAiifd at llmhuadot Smi llnd lN'.SUird-v nth rnooii.bv tlo iipiilli' t a akltt ihtt l' whs In, whllo nituiiip lu lo got on lo.ml lint cUmiiut AIIoh. Tlm mitv kti'Minsliln S'a o of Orcrnn. wl tiall from t'lifHttr, lVons IviiU.iim oratiiuit tlm I3'.li or Jannsry for Mil i'iiiii(iino. Kiva t'hlminxo wero iirriHtml In Portland for vlnlutlnn of Uio cublo .lruitliiiino and flntul f. cat'li, UitidiMty, llmiiHii wlit ila'ini'd u hao tiuon ilriwk!id mi I r'iilii it Alii nv it1 tvitillv, Into iIi''."mI, I nvlim Iwliiud mull lior of cu'di'')' in nn ii Ms ' s , WAK1UED: On l)io, Klh, 18m, hi Dm lotiniMfMr. Vf lllain Cooiiri, in Yamhill county, Oir-Hi "i liy Hv, S. Illnlnvir, Mr. lUrvcv SrniU ami Ml"" Mary Crlmj huh ot Yamlilil Co, llKCI-rHNK v'Btuit'.v rwittnr. lofinrr li.li, IWJ, at ilic ia 'ii 0" f, i-iiii I y lti'. t H. Jv "Kii . v, . ion t to ait, juio unuo uoo lUfl .in), ull iittl 1 roiiniy. HKKfcKll-srorT-mnilav, I'ffml rr lstti, ln, Ml liio imlilHiir or ih" h'ii'i'4 (Milter, K. It HrsiH. K . Mr finirii v, lfl"uriiulrpuU. uc ana MUa Alio M. Boot t of Ualtm. TrE tfiVltyCETS. The Whoat Market. Thoro la noohango to reoord, Salom buyers atill glvo?l.HJi pDr bushel, and at Portland prlcos range from $2 10 to $2.14 por contal, tho lattor for round lots, the lower llguro fcr wagon loads. Tho cablogram to tho assoolat ed press, giving extracts from Mark Lsno Kxpreasof lasi Mondy, aho-vs that tho Liverpool inaiket romalha firm, notwltl- hUndlngllmt roace is In prospuot botwein IttiNila and Turk )7. Wo hoo no roison to antlulpito any doollno tho present amison. OaIh romalti dull. Wo hoar of 45a boirg nalil lit Toriinr. and WA Is nald lioro fct Silem forBhlpmont. Tno Orcyonian glvs Mo to 570 por bushol as rango of prices at Portland. California MarkoU. J'rom tho 8. F. Commercial Herald, ot Deo. 13, wo gathor tho following items: Much dlioouragoment was felt at tho pros pect ofanothor dry year, for tho rain fall at that time waa eutlrely Inadoquato tn tho ne eoaaltloa of farmers, except In a fen favored localities. (Tho dlspttohes toll of aorao rain alncethen. and In SJtitbarn California a great doat follafuw days ago, so that f0 mlloa of railroad was carried away on tho Yumadeaert. Mr. John Savage, who has lustrotarned from California, roports lees rain than at the aamo tlmo last year ) The grain market was without material oharfge, In faot, we do not romembor a yoar when so little ohango has oeourred during tho aamo longth of tlmo. Oats woro In plen tiful supply and no olmntro In prlrxa. Or egon nam woro quoted 100 to $2 05ur cental, freights wore at tho lowtMt and vessels In excess of tho Wants of tho port. Foily thousand tons of dlHuugagod vobsoIm were In tho harhor. lly was abundant at 917 tn 2.1 per ton. Itnt'on from Oregon Is quoiod V2.yA for sides California uncovprod liarnn, llSi; Ktst. ern hy tho oar load, lOio to lio par pound. Lard Ho to 12o per pound. European Grain Market. London, Dno, 18. Tlio Mark Lnno 15s; iiiuhH mil-: Tho Kiiu'Mi wheat In Mark Inu Is hkiiIu .siiiall. mid lor dry lots a roady kiilo la cxperluiirMt, opuoUlly for rod it lolly lato ruttH. Iinponn of tornlgii wheal Into L'iihIoii lsi wenk worn lilionil. In Hpllnol'tliii heavy HiippllcN, wlilcii initislHtod iiialnly of HiiHil.in ami Kit Iiullt donorlp. tiou-, it Nin uly fd'illu w.is appArnut In irmlii. .Mlllnrs haVJ ovliiccil IncroiiiHd iliiklrolo cijiur.ilti, tuiil ills proti.ihlv us noon 4i Itiisslun Mipplli'M otiisii prlcmi may raily Miiiio fiiw.slilillngs pur qinirtnr. Tlio rMpiiitiinuiilH of Krant'i) and tint dohlrn o liuvo tho lurid' tuuiporsrlly roiulltid on lorflgn uraln oxpirtud iiom lliHoouiury irn iv hi MiroiiK points-In iho (ratio wliluh Is IkhIiIus upheld liy a vory fair outwurd niotiiiui'iit, ihn oxporm Usi week excued ulng llflJl) qiiarmrs, Tho dmiroiHit In hliipini'iiiH fioni Annirloii, which villi now ho nxportniiciid, nlionld N') Imlp trailc. U Isui'rliilu our own liiurcimud witiinr ion Miinptlou iiiiinoi liimlliul upon NUlllulumly as Urn p iwnr to (iiili.iiKio ilm viiliin of whom, mil ahoiild prluus rlmi Ilm iinprovriiitini will 1 (Iiiii, lie f4i'iiHH4U liu noon tl irnsKiit, o delliilwil wops, iMjulrlni: In hn tipphi oiiiutml hy liiipirtsiiuu. In ni)b;hioriuK ICurnpt'iiu couuirliN, fortHlod by tlmso oon .nlcriiildii", holdi'ia Mill mfialti Irom ims.lug hiIcw, and In tlm iinu-niln htalo .fpotliliHl irilrs tlm fuliifo iioui-mi of tlm Uraln lrnlol uioro dltllmilt to lurneo thun it hus liiiun lor u loin; lliim klncn. I'ortlaud Produco Markot. Wo copy iho lollop lu Irom tho Orcgouiun if tho l'J;li: Wheat UIOO'J II. Klour IltfHt liraiidH 0 TO per lib!.; intsldn mid ("iinnrv brand', fil 00; lino mil Niipiiillini, & 'Sit!i M, I lav Uholco timothy, baled, l'Jil3; looto 3111112. Oiia Itnst r7i', isiinmnu, W, II icon Stilus lUlluJi, Imins l-illoj alioul di'ra, l)j. Linl Orfgnu-niadi), fiOf.li, In 101b Huh, Hi; In kiKi i:till'. Chickens 1 1 OOiSI il por dnr.'in. Itiitttr IKa'JUit; Uhucso, l.'.alllo. I'us 'J."ij pr iln!. Itarloy Ubolcu browing 1 OTA; food, 1.50 per cwt. Wuol-Diill walo at a'.Ht323o. Legal Tnndera lit Portland buying 00; ntllliig,07). Hllvorfoin-aKQIJi paroent.dlaoouut. Mau Praut'Ucit niaruet. iBV TILKUlUI'll.l Han Kruncifco, Oce. la. Wtmat-Shliplp s nji'J.'lr. nillllnn $2 tonVJ 37. OREGON MILLS, Hortb Mill Creek, 8alf, Ana now in Oomploto Running Order, ANl INVITK Custom Work. WELLER & WALDO, NALIC.TI, Nov. t.tsn. S'lf Oldest Houso in tho Trade. ,1. It. CONGEE, MANUKAtrrUKKIl. Wholtwxlo and llnlall Dctlor In ll klndao SADDLES, IIII1ULUH, WHIPS I I.nslio4,Trunk ,Vo. "JU rruitt StrtH'l, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. t Uot'ii cuiilutljr o t liaiul a lat;o aMOttmcnl of AND SADDLERY HARbWARE. c.TSj!i Auenl In llrton for the Carbollud Hoh, tSn FranoNco price, wllh FrolKbt added. llupnli'lttK I'ruiiiptly 4(la1cd to $3 OLD rMWBWATOHIta.rkMtl uilhs known votli. oaw wo.-jrr u Harness WILLAMETTE FARMER. SALEM KAEKET. MONBTAHT. tiieix Tairnnui, bnjlng, 96c :litMng, 97e. FLOUR. GRAIN Ac Whoat, beat wblto tf buthtl t Wt Oats, bn & 43 RoinMeal.fi B Q 4 Floor, best, W gaclt. (If barrel) fill 62 Uackwbeat Flour, S S ." Ilraii. U ton IS (Wi IS HhortM) Ion 20 (W9 SO Oil Ciiko Meal, W ton M 00a.... Klax Heed, per S ?X Hay, ton, new ,SJW baled, U ton i03 a aROCKUIES. .Snear. Hitn Franciaco roHncd. Wbbl 13s'ifl 14 Matid i'J;ifel eninliud 1W& 1J powdered. " " granulated 1. I Hlrop. V cnl 1 Wlt n Teu.Japnn.'S Ot , MK41 00 Imperial 1 avjal 60 tonco, i;oBta mca, y v -j9 ltlo -t) Kono lifJ .. Java. :Wt)D .. Salt, Carmen Irland, por cw 'W o9 Liverpool, coarao W 0 dairy BUS Bay 87 FRUITS. VKOBTADLK8.:4o. Apploe BO anca, v id Pcachei, dried, V S. Plams. " " 8 12& IS io is ..(ft .. & 4 Pcarr, .c. prbu Heana, f) th I'otatoca, V baahel Onlona.f) to Cabbage, fl dsz BUTTBnrKaoa, o. 37 73$: too Bitter, frenh rolli, V V packed RioT, 9 doaen Choose, Orecon prim. ft. Lard, n a.:...........;..... 03 80 noa .. ina .. ia is OILS, Ac Ltotoed OU, boiled, V mtlloo 1 10A1 33 raw, j vmtp Laid OH, V ration 1 Otftl 75 Coal Oil, " 1a .. Ncatufoot Oil, V gal 1 C0C&9 00 Tallow, Tift f in (Carminative J For DlarrhoBa and Dysentery uso r. Jayno'a Carmlnatlro Ilnlanra. Aa changoa of cllnmto or wotor, nnd in dlacrotioriH In eating often prodnco Uicaocomplalnto.trnvolorflnndollicni iiliould nhvnya keep n bottlo of tlii.i romody by thorn. It novor fulla to Rtibdiio tho most violent nttnckn, nnd It Ih equally sorvlccalilo for Cramps In (ho Stomach or Iiowolti, Griping Palm?, Ac. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In fantum and CollC uso r. JuytioVi Cnnitliiudvo itnlaiim. Jt remove:! nil Horoncs.1 of tho abdomen, allays tho irritation nnd calms tho notion of tho Stomach. It inny nlwnya bo rolled on to glvo linnicdlnto rollof, nnd basldoH bolnj; effectual, U n pleasant and safo remedy, eaally nd inlnistorod to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowol Affection8 uso promptly r. Jajnn'a Curiiilnntlvo Bnlanm. It cheeks tlio Dlnrrliwn, HtipprcHHon tho Cramps wlilob Kcnorally accompany attacks of riiolora, and couquor tho illscaso in U iuelploncy. It has froiitiontly been ndiuinlstcrod In nolslihorlioods wlioro tho Cholom bos been rnslnKcpldomlcally, nnd It luw HCldoin falietl to glvo lniniodlnto nnd pormancnt relief. Tho Carntin nllvu has maintained Its reputation ni it Curat I vo for noarly forty yeara, U equally oll'crtlvo In nil latitudes, nnd ns a Standard Ilotiaohold Itnmo- dy, Hhonld bo kept in ovory faiully. T A. DAVIS 4 CO..iWholeinlo Agsnta. TortMr.d Oa't'im. o!5ml ATTENTIOM hSHEEP GROWERS!! A bUItK UKATIl TO 8c?.b, Screw Worm. Foot Bot, AND ALL Parnsitos that infest 8hoop. TT la BAKKH. BKTTKIt and VASTLY cnKAI'KIl THAN ANY OTHKIl I'ltSPABATlON FOB THE TKKATMKNT OF 8I1KUI'. IT Improves the Health OF THR ANIMAL, AND TUB QUALITY OP THE WOOL. tW" One gallon la enough for ona hundred to two hon trttl bacip, according to their age, atrengtn, and condition. II I put op In FIVK-OALLON CANS and In I1AH ItrU.3. Suid for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co., PORTLAND, OBKOON, VhoIeal Acenta for (tin Ntat Or to your ncarff t UetaU Prua;lt or dealer rota Jtlxocutrlx' Notice. rilltK nr,l i-.liruisl liirb-u duly appolnlcl ei l x-iiirlx nf th M.t ml lftTnnt ir Jatnra McOibhlu, h'eof Uiloit emiiiijr, ilrcanl, thenforo all p rni litvlu.' cliiiti iritiit a'd diced m' ; lato will pro out bnt projerl vrlal, to th-un-ilcnluni, al Iiit rl -uce, It North iAlem. within fix mintli. Ir ni tht rate. m all rim In-lebtfd to tld t riHtu will nli'fl ratio Immediate payment Id thx 'in tc rln'iirt it the raatt Ue i. Dtlodal jtlim, MjilotitMiintv. Orri-on. Nn. !9th, 1. DAUUAU.V MoOUBUIN. novtlwl Kxrcetrlx. $2500 ATI AM. AnaUwaatad.BBat. nr Ulllmt. rutleaUnnra. kutm t. voara ca. at lmu. m K 1877 H x ra 1878. oUdayGood& XjiEso TiriHiXiiis. At his Eook Store, on State Street, offers this season, unusual attractions in NEW AND ELCGANY GIFT BOSKS, FLORA!, AUTOGRAPH Mid PHOTOGRAPH All POCKET BOOKS AND iiiDums, am cases, TOIIiETTH SZ317JSV Id Great Variety, and many other To which he Inv tcs (he STATE STREET, ,v fa The Finest in the CAPITAL CITY OF OiEdON. WSrfei Oiocls of JEWELRY OF THE VfcRY (LATEST STYLES. SIT.VWlIJTar A I"? IT 8lldnnt!P,r.tol,rnlttNoMfcnfiin,qnonnil rln t piiiierns. IJU 1 JliX W 2 HjCj9 TPrioos to uit tXxo 'rixirto-.. IKMKSSCW A 8 AN INDU'KMRNT TO INCtinASR TIIR pro'iicli.'ii of Klax-eu. IhnuudunU'iK'duivo nollco that they will imrclia-o nt the Ugliest Market Trice, or will contract fir all that may bo offered of next rra.or.'arrop, thiiiiii;li their at'tiitH. Meter. Al.LKN A I.KW1S, or 1'oiiti.jlNIi, from whom acid cau be bad upon apjillcatioi), JOBIK . ItlTTMJ, Manajrruf the I'aclHc Ollandlal U'okf. Nov. 81. It77ni0 tf.ttf MUXCISOO. Great Reduction! HARDWARE 11BTA1LKO AT Wholesale Prices, for Caeh My Stork oonMa'a of HHHLP anil BUILD ERS' IlanlMan, Meclianlch' TuoU, ShdVfls. Nail-, Hoihi, uto, ,IOII ROOSTER, n-Mm3 cor. Static A Front tit. PUIIDblND DO NOT rAIC to aenrt for our Kew Cntalnptr. It coa taint valuable Inf. r lii.illuii lur every lirrnou contri'i. (lal.ns tl:o imr dusoof ai!yr(lcl8 (jrenoeai,iaiuuy ur acrlculturat me. I'reo to nityAUUrcti. MO?.Ti;o.iii:i;v waku .1 co - Ortlnat OnnsR tupplj Itwue, I tS Sa M'uJ Atv., CHICAGO, CT SALEM F0Uin)RY, & Alaolilno Shop, BAL5X. OREGON. B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. .TRAK KNQINES, SAW MILLS, GUI3T MILI& 9 Keapeit, I'ampa, and all klnda and Hjlti of ila taluery made to order. MacalnerT repaired at a rhort notice. Fattern-maklne done In all tta Tarloni forma, and alt klnda of Brat and Iron Cattlnre fumlthedat ahort notice. AJao, mannfactnrer of ENTKIU'HIBB PUfN a XATCOKU, and 8T1CKRUS and Diaries a0lD -ws VMt3E3JVCIIJS Toys articles suitable lor Presents, Inspection of Purchaser?. SALEM, OREGOIT. ic ieiy, Every w m ssz2ZTrmrzixsisss?ivsisz7ssa NJBW GOODS. Mamninlh & Turn-'Mlu Applf-l'arere FlelchtT Pust-Holo Aunurs, Mcat-d'uUer.s and SluHcis, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-Bondors and l3p-ottorp, truniog-aws, Huivos?, and WiVVCra. NOKTHRVP & THOWllSON, WlIODCaAI.K ANII ItaTAIL UlALEIU IN Hardware, Iron, Steel, & "Wagon h"il tJurriiiKo Mattrlil OK ALL KINDS. 420 & 131 FroutHt.. POIITLA1I, WHEAT A1D OATS Chopped into Foed, 3SVx Ono-Tont3i Toll. ....Auo.... Sash, Doors, Blinds Turning. Slnlr tvorli, Itftlxtcadi, lliirvmiK, MuudM, TiiIiU-n, pamning mills. And all UtnilN ol rtirnlluru, t riTD-ltO' K 1'lllCSS. Shopa AjHcnl nal W'otka btilldluL-, Mtluiu. t0 U P. UKINMS. S. HERMAN. (8uctor to 8. A. Sfnabory ) W1IOLU3ALB AND ItKTAIL DBALKIl IK Dry Csods, CLOTHING, XadlOM Di'css Gnoilw, HOOTS, BIIOES, HATS. CVl'S. OBOCEUIE3 AND l'KVIIO.S. Th Vchirit cih price paid for all klnda of country pr duce. Cor KlrM and Madlf on atrertr. co30n,a PIIHTUMI, or. J. A. STRATTOIV, Attorney at Law. SALEM. OREGON. 0ca oa Suit atraatJoppotlM toe Bennett TTr-n R .-v.