' f- fTr iT" """" -f ' i WIIJLAMETTE FARMER. ' i HR1VBR GI.KN ALL ttJTKNDINCl TO PLANT THIS SEASON ahouid call at thl Wnrrry, ami farof he A cent' commlfston. Gr. xv . XX'U XNTT, no7pd BUIIi-IMlTY, ur PIERCE'S PATENT MAONKTID. ELASTIC TUUs.- TM (treat linen. Uod I bulng ado ti'd by thu lead inn rhyelcliins nnl Nuiceun nil ocr Iho 'nud. C3T" u would recpcctnil y caution (lie rulilltf agalnrt curtain fraudulent and worthlcpn Imitation which nro now In ilm markit llcwaro of them Send lor II laatratnl llnolc and 1'riro Lift. MAUNK71C KL'H TIO THUSH Co.. COU Sacramento itieet. up flair, Kan FmlcIpco. dciRy T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... Tatton'a Block, State rtreet, Balcm, Oregon. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHK acrlptloni, and all ordcra by mall or exprcit tilled promptly and accurately. Phttlclana and Country Dealer will ravo money by examining our ttok, or procuring our price, before purchasing eltewhere. no5-tf. Steamer A. A. M'CULLY, dipt. J, XV. COCIIIIAN. Partloa desirous of engaging freight or psgo, -will apply to W. .T. I1KUI1KN, Apcnt. nnvT) Fnrinir' Wharf, N.W.EM. Dfi. SGUVILU MAIEIIEU. Tldi eminent French Physician and Surgeon, and inventor of the PA HIS SPI- ROMETfiR, which has given relief to thousands of sufferers in JUiropc and the United States, has treated success fully several hundred cases in Oregon, the most remarkable of which was that of Mr. J.V Adkms, a well-known business citizen of Salem, who has been suffering for years with a partial paralysis of tho right side, and was materially improved by a few tlavs of Dr. MathlciCs treatment. The right side of the face and right shoulder in which there has been a constant sensa tion of coldness, and the nerves jarllally paralyzed, have become warm and re sumed their natural action and feeling. Mrs. Adklns, who has been oltctcd with catarrh in the head, has been entirely cured by a few days of the Doctor's treat ment. Hohas testimonials from a number of persons well known in J'ortland. Dli. MATJHEU has permanently lo cated at the corner of Third and Morrison strcccts, J'ortland, Oregon. AN ANNUAL ME8IA6E. FRIEDMAN'S Annan! M.asnE to ike f copl or tbe Ureal lilty os Salam. I fo I very muolt alighted ot tho rwont People' great convention, lu which Counellinon wero nnm'iuilril by them, without coiuultlnir 8. Frlcdmiin, whobcllovotlmt ho win ouo of the People, iKcniuo ho ileal a with tho I'enple; iir Frolitmnii iloea not lullovo lint tlio buslnenH of tho l'enploMicmld be done only by ufow, hut any conio ill I yo People nnd meet In grand con venllon and vote Mint B. Frltdiiuu should be palrnnlied by nil tho People, bccuiuo ho dots ell hla good nliko to tho poor Pcoplo n well lis to the rich People, nnd tnkca tho worklnxinnn'H seventy-live centa for n pair of uood Ovcrulla n well na thu rich man' flvo dollar font pair ot locdpmitH.nnd will tell npulrofgocdalioea for dolliirntnl aliulflotliorlcli I'coplo na won n to tho poor People. In muting your nomination for city oflleera you ahould propound thu qucillou to themt Where do you buy your clgnra nnd tobacco? Vo you buy your collars nud necktie at Fried- man' T In caae you ore caught In a rain do you buy your umbrellua UiereT And If you alart trnvel- Ing will you prouilio to go there for your truuks ad vulliea. And wnlto you remain hero you ahould buy jou a good pair of calf boota for flvo dollars at Pried tnnu'a. Be aure to get your overcoat, aocki, handkei cblefa nnd neck lien of Friedman. You cun get you u good aull of clnthra at from ten to twenty. Hvo dollars of Kieldmnn. For it good lutnrtmenl of hats go to Fried man's. Ladlea will find It to their lntctcat to buy their embroidery, laces nml ribbons of Frlcdninn. Hhoeirmkera will Unit kumcroua nrllclea In their line nt Frlcdiimu'. Tho mi'Jurlty of tho IVopIo will vote, from now until the tlrst of J tniinry. Unit It U Iti thu Inter est of the V oplotnhuy Ihflr Ioh for the bi.ja and ilnllH for the uirlw, uud ChrMinas glfta ut FrlciliMiu.'J. Fried mini thinks It la proper for the City Coun cil to pin nil ordinance tliutall thel'ioplohuve right to buy their gnda or. -. Frlediinu, 'llltS PKOPLb'S FIUKND. 1'lauo Tuuinc. Frank A. Owen, Just frnm San FrHtioIsco, taHcoine hero to rtnlilo pertnaiifiitly. lie 1 a flrfet class piano and or,'n tuner and ro patrer, being highly recommended lis Midi by two of tbo loading niuulo liousesnf Saii Francbco, bebides of thu Gardner Urottiern, -of Salem. Ho RuarcnU98 BallmacUon or no pay, lilt prima will be for ouo tuning f5 00. lly tbo year, two tunings, $3 00; thrte tun taK I c0, Leave order at Uarduer Ilto'a uuilo stDre, dcldw tf Bound Over A boy by tbo name of Archie Shepherd, aged about 15 years, waa brought before Ills HoDor.HquIre Jobnion, Iblamornlnir, chhr; d with breaklDK into A. A. McCully'HWre houet. Just beyond the del ot, and kidnap olnit 8- vral little articles. The boy waited hlaemmln'Mlfln.and M ball whs fixed t iiOaiil In ilHfKUltof which he wuh commit, utd to thH o-.unty Jail to await the aotiou of (be grand Jury. t 'y Anniversary Exercises, Election, etc., of Salem Qrango. Salem Grange met on Saturday, Dto. 15th, having previously ordered that part of tho time of its meeting should bo devoted to commomoratlng tho orlln of tbo Ordor. Tho exercises began by tbo niumbora nnd their frlond listening to an able nud in structive nddrass by lion. U. P. lliiso. Be ginning with tho cau.nn of tho origin of tlo Ordor In tho Wcatern StAte, tho spcakor pasiod in review tho claecks It lmd nlrundy bcon instrumental in giving tho monoroll.. lng and oppressive tendencies of concentrat ed capital ongagod in tho carrying trado be tween tho Western States and tbo Atlantic soaboard. Llo thon passed to tbo bouoilctal lnlluenco It had exerolsed wlthlu our own State, In preserving a healthy competition for freights on tho Willametto and lower Columbia rivers, and pointed oat tho Impor tance of seourlng tho aarao measuro of free dom for commerce on the upper Columbia. The benefits of co-operation In Improving aud extondlng tho means of transportation; In offering produce for sale In tbo beat possi ble condition aa to quality and quantity; and In buying goods aud machinery; tbo spoak or especially commending tho plan of buy ing goods for cash, as boat calculated to In duce coonomy and maintain independence. I do not prctond to repeat nil points of the dUcmirso, but itclcHcil with poltitlugouttho gravity of thu responsibilities Unit rested on thu Order, and tho unctstity of uatng nil tho nids of Its orKnnl7.it Ion to increase know ledge, so thnt its itilltionco mny nlways ad vance tho Kuiuinil wulfuro of tho Industrial (il.icfrox, of which thongrlmillurnt Is tho most imincrouuniul tho moit nomplo'.oly idutitl Hod wltli tho pnbllo woal. it wim it good Mpocch, nml will tlcaorvod a larger ntiillonco. It could not liavo lmd it moro at'.ontlvo ouo. At tho oloso of tbo hjh'hcIi, tho tublen woro oaf, and bountifully ujvured with tho good things of tho season. Thu proprietors of the FAitMim mul their wives woro sjiuolally in vltod, nnd woro prosont, with tho oxcoptlon of Mr. H. A. Uluilto, who was ubaunt, poor man, Hcolng to thu welfaro of liln fitouK on tho liirthdxt outlying of IjIh tlirco farms; nml tho mumborr, with tliolr yMtorn from xev nr.il granges in Marion nml mljuliiltig conn lies, spent nn hour uud u half of boclalon Joymuut. Tho gritugo was thnn called to ordor, and by unanimous voto Judge ll)lo was thank. cd for hlHuddrosi. Tho election thon took place, with tho following rotult : V. Master, U.CJ. Ulonn; Lecturer, Mrs, M. A.MInto; Ovirienr, V. Uiglrty; Secretary, A. (J. Donr dorlH Chuplaln, A. Stovnns; Treasurer, Low In Johnson; Steward, G. II. Croysantt Pay no, Aslktant Stoward; Hobnrtaon, OatO' Keeper; Mrs. P. Strong, Cores; Mrs. F. Il.tglev, Pomona; MIsh Nolllo Taylor, Flora; MlfH Melllo Pottyjohu, Lady Assistant Stow nrd. Ily unanimous voto, tho Pomona Gran an of Marlon county was Invited to mnot with Salem Onintro at Its next meetlmr (tint Sat urday in January, 1878), and membors of tho Ordor wero Invited to visit at all meotlngs, when convenient to thomsolvos. Tho offer of tho hospitalities of Salem tirango acoom pauItB thoso Invitations. Com. REV. THOMAS GUARD. Tho following U from l)r. K. J. Dawno,of this city, who hoard Dr. Guard In llaltlmoro several yeara ago. Gront mon aro scarco. Like diamonds, only a few aroovor keen. Great orators aro rarer still. Now and then one an wars upon the brow of Intervening ngoi as a boacon cf inspiration, ur. uuarn is ono or ttieso iar Intervening lights. Thuro Is no doubting tho fact that ho poiaoasos tho raro npiltudi for Imprest-Ins: a pontiur assembly; that his preaching makes llm pulpit a socrot placo of imuiuer, vintitcaios us nuoioni ciuim to am tlon among tho most powerful Institutions which oxHltand ounohloa pooplo, covers it with trophies resplendent as virtue, vener nblons goodnoss, precious as tho hopes of Immortality. In what does his great strength lie? What nro tho pooullarlilcH of his puipiteioqunnceT Aro ttiero uny uoteoui among his oxcolloncletT Thoso are questions easily naked, but oxceodlngly dlltloult to answer. I should say Ills orations nro poifdct hi thoir kind though open to orltlcltm as to structure and btylo. It Is no written composition which addresses tho mind through tbo medium of tho oyo. nnd thereforo does not attest perfection of art In composition. On tbo other band, It comes direct from tho living volco, the progeny, it imsy bo. of doep nrovious reflection, but thrown otf at the moment In the clothing of extemporaneous utterance, and meant not so mucn to graury tuescnotary tastes or me man of letters, as to move and persuade the multi tude. It Is an oratory which rushes forward un der the pressure of mighty thought and glowing passion; makos its energy felt In ac cumulated Illustrations which deplclt rather than discuss, and at the lull, thunder strikes homo to tho heart. I would not o.tro to rend his orations. "Did the speech road well when reported? " asked Charles James Fox, "Ifdoltwnsa bad one." I could read Ur. Guard'soMtions oooly enough, but iioonn can near him unmoved, when tho very tones of tho voles aro llko tho murmering broe.ot blown Iroiu "tho spico Islands of youth uud lovo." Quarautlued. Tbo Citv of Cliimtor on her last trip to San Franulico tho ofl)crs on board dUuovxred a Olilnarnan on boAid with tho famuli pox anil ho wns ut nshoro buforo the Htmmor pasted outover tho bar. ly our dNpitoluw thh iirtrnlug wnlnnrn that on tlm arrival of the ChrHtitr at 'Frlaco, iho llealtli u III cer t hero would not allow her lo land or discharge her paskongers until after It is HM-ertalfied that thero aro no oilier cases on boaid, Tho Chester at prosont is quarantined, Nothing Shout ot tinmistsKablo benefits content"! upon tens of thousands ofsuittir ers could oriy Ins'e and maintain the reputa tion which AYKit's 8AhBAl'AlilLl. onjoys. It is a compound of the best vegelsble al teratives, with tbo Iodldrs of Potatlum and Iron, uud is Iho moat etlocttial of all remo dlfH for HirnfMlou. mercurial, or blood (lis. orders. Ui lformly successful and certain in its remedial etfociH, it produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples Eruptions, Skin Dlteases aid all disorders arising from Impurity of Ihe blood. Ily its Invigorating etfeots it always relieves and often cures Liver Com plaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregulari ties, and Is a potrnt renewerof vitality. For purifying Ibe blood it bas no equal; It tones ud the yatem, restores and preserves the healib,and imparts vigor and energy. For forty years It has been lu extensive use. and Is to day the mokt avallablo medicine for the xufWing sick, overy where. For sale by all Dealers, From Clackamas County. Tualatin, Deo. 8, 1877. Ed. FAnitBit: Thinking perhaps a few lines from tb Is locality might bo nucoptablo to somo oUpur roaders of what we nro do ing In thjMfcirt of Claekimas county, Or egon, w-0tt$rbo Wlllamotto rlvornndsotith ofTunlariVer. Itisgotllng to bo pretty tblckloy ittled up, on an average ofono settler lo 100 acro of land, nnd fully ono half undor cultivation. Tlioro is not much Vicantland In tho vicinity, Tho mnstof thoso have bought nnd have settled here among us for tho past coven years, have boon Germans f.oui tho States, and tlioy aro gcnorally industrious and good oitlzsns, send and support our common schools, the foundation of good govornmont. Tho crops hero for tbo last year was hardly an average, owing, I thlnkt for tbo extreme lato wet spring, very few were materlly Injured by the early rains In sowing their crops. School Dlttrlot No. 10, Clackamas county, In oon noxtlon with Tualatin Grange No. 11, Clack amas county, have built together the past season. Tho building is 22x40 feet, two stories high, the lower story for sohool room and tbo upper for grango ball, at an oxponso oft300 to (1,000. but it Is a good building and Is a crodlt to all that aro Interostod nnd tbo country. Tbo sohool district has not failed to have six months school, per year, lor tho past sixteen yours, nud two years out of Iho tlinn nluo months per yenr, nud tho canto was taken up last Monday with thirty four scholars. Tho monoy jnlod for tlio bu lid. ng was by dlrcri lex by the tubal dhtiht, nndby Htibiurlp lm for Ibogratica lull, but when tho building w.ts completed thognuigo wns minim about CIO.). Thero wns n proposition made nnd carried lo glvo a grango ball on tho l.itThtiridny in Nuvnm bar, nnd for otolt ono to donnto wlutlover tlioy pluDHMl for tho Mippur, nud it com. mlltcu appointed of nirAiictuenti to Intvo tliltiftn In order, nnd tlio proceeds to i;o toward tho piytnontof tlio biilldln,'. Tho CQiisrqtionco was, we had u largo crowd nud it good supper, plonty to unt nil night, nml nntotiO'ttilrd of tho provisions consumed; everything passed oil harmoniously nnd nl moit money onsiigh to ulnar im of debt. Tho Worthy Overseer, nnd noting Master, of tboMinto Grange, liro, A. H, Shipley, was prosont with his smiling laco nnd doomed to onjoy lilnseir first rito, nhv.tyu wolcomo; nnd bo Is always ready to loud it holplng hand to nny good ciuso. Tualatin Grango, No, 11 1 , has been organized about four yeaiH, and has about forty membors, and Is ouo that might bo called a llvo grango. Wo havolost throo membors by death; aomo llftcon havo withdrawn by card to Join other grangos. Our grango has boon a succots socially, and bas been worth all tho money paid out without any olhor consideration, It la useless for me to write of the benefits of the grango; thero are many that aro morn ablo who ought to take tho pon lu hand and write fearlessly tho truth and glvo encour agement to all that are faltering. Our work is not completed; thero Is a wide field open beforo us for labor; that much good bas boon accomplished is plain to many dlacern log mind outsldo the gae as well as In: If not acknowledged; "la harmony and union ihoro Is strength; never falter In a good cause; 1st each individual member do1 his or her duty; hope nnd pornovcro, and act our part well, nnd futuro generation may glvo us tho prulso. Joh. 11aiutow. P.U03KH Station, Deo. 10, 1877. Kd.Faumkh: I send you tbo list ofofll orseloctod to sorvogtbo onaulug year In Hound Prulrlo Grange, No. 100, P. of II,: M,,W. G. Eraut; O, S. O.Massey;L., Wm. M. Collard; S., Oliver lleora; A. S., H. J. Jones; Soo., A. M. Ltfollotl; Chsp,, Win. Harris; 1'., W. U Hubbard; O. K., D. if. Lafollolt; O., Mrs. W. G. Evans; P., Mrs. Silas Jono; F., Mrs, D. II. Lafolietl; L. A. U., Mrs. Wm. Harris, Hound Prulrlo Grango moots ovory Ihlid Saturday, ut ouo o'clock, nt Urooks Station. W. O . IIumiAitu, Seo'y. Nkw Eua, Deo. e7. Pomona Grango, No. 4, Clackamas county, held their annual meeting at this placo on Tuesday Deo. 11, and olected tbo following oflleera for the ensuing year: E. Sklrvln. M.s A. Warner, O.; J. Kruss, H.; U. N. Walt. A.S.; E. O.Noyer, Chap.; W. W.Jeaaee; T.; P. It. Eves, Sec; Kobt. Irvln, O.K.; Mrs, J, Kruse, O.; Mrs. M. V. Eves. P.; Mrs. A. Jetseo.F.; Mrs. E. Irvln, L. A. 8. Tbo olllcers will be Installed on the 2d Satur day of January 1878. En. Fahmkii: Below Is list of olllcers of Shedd Grange, Mo. 0, for the year 1878: M., John Carnolt: O,, J. 1). Smith; S,, Hon John son; A, S., W. Fiotcher; L., W. M. Powors; T.,John Morgau; Chap., M. Thompson; G. K.,T. li, Spronger; Cares, Mrs. J. 3). Smith; Pomona, Mrs. M. A. Powors; Flora, Mrs. Sarah Cornell; L. A. H., Sarah Fur well. P. OakPeliitarango,No.a, p. of II., Dixie, Polk conty, elected tho following. named olllcers for tho ensuing year: G Hubbard, M; J Oitmrn, O; H T Huron. L; H W Liiohh, S; U W Hurry, A S; J O While, Chap; F A I'Hliemon.S; T II Lucas, Sec: G Taiorn, O K: Julia Gootlell. C; O M ICIrkiand, P; Alice Tutom, K; Mary Talom, LAS. Bound (Ivor. Tho Chinaman pokon or In yesterday's edition as lining bo'oro Judge Johnson lor larceny, thu ovldenco was found Nulliclent lo convict him, nnd ho was held In tho mini of two hundred dollars to await tho notion ol tho next Giaod Jury. In default of bail he was turned over to the tender mercies of the Deputy Sheriff for nam koph-.g. How it is Done- The first object In Ufa with tho American nsonlo i to " Kt rich " : the second, how to roKlo Kol health. The first ran bu obtain ed by energy, honeatyand saving; lne.se ond. (i,'ooa haslth) by unlui- Qiikkn'm Avo ut Ki)WKK. HbouliI you be a lewH)rid)Dt autlerer from any oftheelTects of Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, IndlgMtlon, Ao., surli as Sick Ueadacbe. I'slpitatlon of thu Heart, SaurBtoinaoh, llatiitual uost.vannsi', Dlrzl nuKM nf the Head. Nrrvons Prostration. Iiw Spirits, ko.i von need not anff-jr another day. twouoibuoi Auuuai rujwKn wpi ni'eve youutouc. Sample Jiotlles, 10 cants. Keg itar sire 75 cnt. J'onitlvlv sold by ail tlrst class Uruggiats la the U. B. T. CUNNINGHAM IN SALEM A PORTLAND, Tmnortcm oi Agricultural OfcNERAL AGENTS I OU Garden City Sulky 3Et 3 AND THli HIISHAWAKA CHILLED -IRON PLOWS Superior ta anything in thin State; Monitor Force-feed Seeders and Cultivators Combined, FARMERS' FRIEND GRAIN DRILL, e-wton IrVaonsi Hstol5.s ixxL Carriages. Sond for address. Ciroiilnvs, whicli ldel4tfj 1II1II1JMMH1WI C. A. r.r.ui). Notary 1'uliUc, T. l. Cos. KEK2D & COX, Real Estate and Insurance AGENTftl. Loans negotiator! on Pavorablo Terms. Buy and Sell Gold nnd Silver. Slate, County, and Ci'y Warrants. r Agent for Itocd'N Oprru Ilooac. CST'Offlcc. nt tho corner of Itecil'a Opera Ilnutc, H-'IS XAI.KJr, Oil. 33jrl J, L. 1UIIMAIU), BA.RNARD I. t.KU. & LEE. PRODUCE & COMMISSION 3VEero33.o,xxts, FROST NTUKa', I'OllTL,MMD, Went tldo Duck, corner Balmon and Front 8ta. Hpcctal attention elrcn to Farmer' I'rotlncc of ai.i. HINDU. uoLHitnmriiN noucitPU, liavo cotincciioiia lu H-in Francltcu vthlcli enable ua to KOt tlio lot market price. ocl'J OREGON STOAMSHIP 00. UKOULAU LINK Between Portland and San Francisco. TIIHOUail TIOKRTH Can bo purchaced at the nrlnclpal Btatlona of tho O. & U. 11. It., at Xtoduood. Xlntoasi. Bteamcra lcaru both Portland and San Franctaco about Every Fivo Days, can ItA' 7 lng I'afaenKcr and Fieleht at tha L( Ki. It la tlm nnlv lino etnylni Iho U. H. I WKI.LH, FAKUO A CO.'H KXl'ltKHS. and Tho Utcamthtpa of thla Company nto rated A 1, and aro now, eleyant, aud complcto In ovtry particular. anucuniiBioi iuo State of Oregon, (Now building,) 3.000 toua burden, George W. Elder, (1703 ton,) City of Chester, (I2S0 ton.) AjaX, OUO ton,) SFor freight or piMaire, apply at tha Company' oi :e, corner K and Front HJuete, roiiTl.AND, no'Jlf UEU. W. WBIULEH, AKvnt. w.wftarauurosi). I. W. WSATHSXIOSA. Weatherford & Co.. Wboleaale and Retail Dealtr In DRUGS PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMIC ALS, JR errumery TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINESand LIQUORS, For Mudicinal puroiea. Modlolnos Compounded, Proscriptions Fillod. and Weatherford & Co., FeStf Cnmmftrrlaltni(tt. NAliKfll. The 1'. P. T. C'o.'s Steamer WILL LKAVB Portland iv Jliiomi VlHtii uikI AVay JL'ortw, BVERY TUK8DAY, THUitSDAY, HATUBDAV. People, Patronizo Your Own Boat rrfectfen nnaliiNt IIIkU QaaniBtce! I it ale & CO., - OREGON. Implements h CNjES TUB CKLRUIUTRD Gang and Walking w grP Oixlt -vclXot' s. will bo forw.irdcd froo to any T. CUNNINGHAM & CO. ko. cban & co.: niONP bT., 1'UIITI.AKI), IE:iv Tiow Opcncil Tlitslr MEW FALL STOCK ....ur.... Biplc find Fioioy l 11 Y GO O D S , ....AN). jadies' Dress Goods, An Immonoo Varioty. EVERY DEPARTMEnT Koplo -vltli NOVELTIES. Oct. 7. J !m NEW STEAM-SHIP LINE IIKTWKEN San Franoisoo Tand Portland.' The P. G. 8. 8. Co. WILL I1KKKAFT4U HUN A LINK OF 8TKAM ahlp reuulatiy, every Hvo daja botnecu Baa Franclico and l'ortland , AT GREiVTLY REDUCED "RATES. jr. ni. incoitAuitN tt co. AlIUIIIS. PP" Ticket for aln by II. . IIOON, Afcnt. 8AI.HM. JOHN GRAY, Formerly lu Uurliln'a Illoek, tin Jut npcneil a LirRO and coinplftu Hlutkof Carpots, Oilcloilis, Mattings, AND Houbo - Furnishing Goods. Nftxt to D.tlryiiiplu A llrowu, ATAUKKV'.H IILOCK, - nALKlI, OI, WlllCII WILL MR OLII AT Lowest Cash Rates! Willi OHKGON AND WAMIINCiTON MORTGAGE SAVINGS BANK ((.IMITI'.IU Ofllco In 1'ortlaud, SAVI1VUM IIAM4 llltll,UIC, v9 Flnt .trot. lrrlilcnt of Hroltltli Heard of Dlrrelnro, AI.UXA.NDKIt UUIIKI.A Y, K( Hhlpbuild it. llunileii. Head ODIcr, U7 Hunk vt., Dundee. l'rerlilvnt of()rri:iin lloarl of Director. DONALD MAULKAY, Hx (uf Cnrbllt A ilaeleay,) Mnnni'ln Dlticlur, WILLIAM ItltlD, i:n Furlland. ThI HMlnr Hank nrchin ilepfllta not only front thu It itti'lilal ant firmlutt clnrv of Onyoii but aluu firm Huil In (I, lorlliv urit.ru of unfely I in i 1 1 in' Mm mini- (tlonx wllli lt eapltal) prlMlpully mi llial I'.t ll Morli'ituc ururiil ntu Imiiiiivnl Fiiirii Bud I'urlLtnl Ctj l'npirlli,aiiil loateM It Drpiiillnnt ii'l ullirro li. lIuiMcllin oil. ulliliiurt urn! luipiuro inelita wllliln lliubltttc. I.ouhn iiikiIo on ICt'iil Kxtntr, 10 rrrcent. JUL 1 1 -V7" 1 TJL 13L 1 O NUltSHKY. SETIf LUELLINO & SON, IJKOl'JIIBTOIIH OF TI1K AIIOVI5NVMKD HUlt . nry. bf,' leavu to oill thu a IciiiIjii ol Frult men. and all other whn lli tt ir euro trood, fatal, thy Tree, lo their IMMKNhB bTOCK OF I Kill TKJEES. coauTiNo of Apple, Pear, Poach, Plum, Cher ry, Prune, ml many other roDci-llM.i a vi ileile. tie price Of,' WJkh wo htvo i I'd u oil to uit II etiac. tuud for a catalog lie- 6UTII LUKLLIVO ft HON. o:ll9 nilwanlUe,. s 1 B 4 I i! I V it i i .Arw jl At mW"ftili''"i i