fflflli0itS!mKamwmmaTfaa)iissniim :s: WILLAMETTE FARMER 3- t: M J k fi.W SfMMl UIIIjM'IK JffM M P WW I Ml'MTTVMjiKThWJ A-RV !Wsv .vx., ra Sfis? hided cvinr rniotY, nr LA-HICK to OBAIG, roBi.innitiis aud rnoiiUETons. H. A. CliAIIKK. I. W. OUAIO. Tcrmn or NtibMcrlptloii. Ono copy, ono year (52 nnmlicrr) .$2. Mi Onecopy, fljc month (Sl number) 1.25 Onoronv. thnin month (MnnmluirM RA1,I3M, FKIDA ', ')KU. 21, 1877. Plantlncr out tfrult Trees. Tho fall season, until or lute, was not favorable to putting out treee, an wo kftvo had bo much rain that tho ground has boon too wot to work. At this time, when w much attention is pnid to plant ing orchards with a viow to raising drying frultfl, prunes, etc. it is dcsirablo to havo tho exporionco of good orchard" Ifitfl with regard to planting out and cultivating trees, aud wo Invito atten tion to that subject as ono of great im portance Wo can tako tho following facts as well established: (ho Idea of digging dcop holes has become obsolete; tho host orchards are whoro tho ground has boon plowed deep ami tho trees sol no deeper (hun they emtio from (ho nursery, and as good a nurseryman as Both Iitielling (oils in that ho would us lief sot a tree on (ho (.'round and throw dirt around it as to dig any hole at all. Mr. W. H. Hlinpson, who had a farm In Iho Waldo ililN twenty years ngo, informs us (lint lie (lion sot out an apple orotund by back furrowing ground and fottlng trees on (balrldge. Jlohcrapcd away (ho dirt thrown up by tho plow and placed (ho trcu on (ho sod ridgo thai remained iiuerdneath throwing up tfrl around tho tree, and of con no plowing to wares tho treo. This orchard is yol thriving, and most of Iho trees living. It has been moro successful than oiehards set In holes and planted donp. If this course succoeded in hill land, c( rlaiuly it shows that deep plant ing aud too much cultivation aro use less. Tho true Idea seems to bo, to plant out, not too deep, not quite so deep in fact, us tho trees stood in tho nursery, and each year plow and harrow In tho spring, and in Juno and July run twlco through with a cultivator and then har row well, aud if tho ground can bo rolled after each working and harrow ing, all tho butter, to retain tho moist ure. Tho trees should bo hoed around, to koop tho ground llnuly pulverised, and no doubt such cultivation, not to contlnuo aficr tho (lrst of August, will Insure rapid and vigorous growth through tho propor growing boason, and give tho wood time to thoroughly ripen boforo winter which, After a tow years of such cultivation, say four years at most, tho orchard can bo heed ed down to clover, tho tiocs mulched and thou left alono. Every throe or four years tho clover can ho turned over mid will enrich tho ground, and keep tip (ho growth and bearing capac ity of your trees. Hhcep, goals, horses aud cattle havo littlo business in any orchard, (.louts aro destructive and cattle tho same, sheep will browse on tho bending limbs, and an orchard properly cultivated and trimmed, when loaded with fruit should havo limbs near tho ground. Horses are loss trou ble than any of tho anlmuls enumerat ed, but wo havo fouud that oven tho horso will biowsooir tho young growth of wood and do great damage. It Is a great help to an orchard to koop turkeys and chickens running in it, for they will make great part of their living on tho clover aud destroy nil tho vermin, insects, Ac. lliat aro mi destructive to fruit culture. Even tho curcullo, buck East, Htuiuls littlo show to live aud prosper, when turkeys and chickens havo their run. Swine, too, I aro calculated to thrive on clover and ' todchtroy troublesome iiiMH'ts as well. I grafted on plum roots, and 200 trees of I'olKo Prunod' Agen on peich roots, purchased of Mr. P. F. Bradford. All received tho same cultivation, and our experience goes to show that plums and prunes grafted on tho peach all llvo and make good growth not a sin glo ono dying, and wo aro sorry wo cannot say as much for tho others. This year wo take all varieties wo need of plum and pruno with peach stockp, and wo believe It Is tho safest method. Tho poach root Is healthy and long liv ed and thoso who havo tried them for years past bear out our belief that thoy make healthy, longllvedand good bear ing trees. Wo notlco that nurserymen aro generally proparedjto suit tholrjcus tomcrs with either. Mr. Henry Den linger Informs us of a fact that ho bears witness to in tho cataloguo of II. W. Prottymnn's Railroad Nurseries, at East Portland, that ho procured over 3000 plum and pruno trees, of Mr. Pret tyman, that had boon grafted on tho peach, and that with scarco an excep tion thoy all lived and made vigorous growth. Wo know that such is our own oxperlenco and wo glvo our read ers tho boneflt of it, and wo prcsumo every nurseryman has discovered that plum and pruno grafts on peach stock aro saleable. Marlon County Pomona Orange Will meet on tho first Friday in Jan uary, at. 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, at Grango Hall, Snlcm. A full attend ance Is desired. Tho Installation of ofil ceM will tako placo during this meet ing. Work in tho fifth degree. G. W. Hunt. G:rcr:3L.-5r $6.50 w I can tell' 70a Shearing Sheep in tho Fall. Ed. Fahmkm: I wiw an article In your paper of Nov. Slid, taken from Iho Mottnfn iiircr, with regard (o shearing Hhcep twico 11 year, from which I beg to differ entirely. As I have bad con siderable experlenco In tho sheep bus I n osv, ami with yniir permission, r will make 11 few remarks on that nil loot. In the (lrst place, I would Miy thai tho kind of wool that is most in demand, Is combing or long wool, huch as Mr. Wilklusol Lane county, and Mr. In gram, of Linn county, aud several nth er enterprising sheep farmers over (ho country, produce. Now I say ns sheep farmers all know, (hat If they shear tho sheep twice a year it is Impossible to produce that sort of wool, and like wise, thooftonor (ho sheep Isshoiircd Iho coarsor tho wool gets, and ns far ns curing tlio scab is concerned, my expo nonce nas proven to mo unit it is mucii easier curing thorn of that disease, when tho llecco is long, than when shoit, and it Is a great deal easier to do it In tho winter than in tho mi mm or. becuuso when tho ficcco is long and tho weather cool Hallows tho ingredient to remain so much longer at the skin. and thereby irlvcs It a bettor ehanco to destroy parasites than it does in tho summer season when tho llocco is short and tho weather is hot. Tlmo will not allow mo to writo moro on tho subject Just now, but I will do so by anil by. A. A. Cluekamas, Doc. 1, 1877. Our correspondent Is no doubt correct 113 to tho ill .policy of shearing sheep in tho full, in Oregon, hut Mr. II. L. Uudd, or Peoria, Linn county, a cele brated brccdor of Colawold sheep, in forms us tlrt ho makes a pructico of shearing his lambs in tho fall and (lads thoy aro bettor for it. Ho says that when tho owes aro sheared in tho spring tho ticks leave them and go on to tho lambs, and In tho winter, being young and tender, tho lambs suitor so much from that causn that many of them die, and fow of them do really well, whllo If they aro sheared in tho lull tho ticks leave them, and thoy llvo and thrlvo through tho winter far hot ter than thoy would carrying full llcecea and a full supply of ticks, besides which ho gains about two pounds of wool from each ono by tho operation. A No. 1 Hand-made FARMER'S Boogga -ron- Six Dollars and a half I A. PATH, Miuiufjctnro'l nut nf" tho IIKST QUALITY of OAK-TANXKI) LEATHER. HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Portland, Oregon, Offer for Sale, at the LoweBt Possible Prices, a Pull Line of AGRICULTU R AL IMPLEMENTS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE OELE1JRATED ODF Which coinblno tho greatest strength, DEERE Is the solo PatciKeo of tho Wrought Block and Welded Frog, and their Plow Is tho only Plow so made. Tho Plow's mouldboard and Hbaro aro burdened by a Patented Process PECULIAR TO THE DEERE PLOW. THE DEERE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS,, With or without Breaking-Plow Attachment. ""g" '" MOLIN,IJLl4, extreme lightness, and durability. 5QHN W. Hilem, Iht). lit. GILBERT. 3in 1 jAvWHHP'7ti ?"'-,i" FOR SALE, FKW DAKIC IIHAIIMAH ami IJI10WN LRU. IX horn Von In, from the bet tralr In thti Uiiiitd State. UUUSiu&MBon. C. It. WIIHF.LUlt, dec. 13,'tl. Kbcdcl. Orccon. Notes from Faloaie. Ei. Farmer: Havo Just received a letter from E. L. Cornelius, Into of Tur ner, of which a fow extracts may bo of interest to tho many readers of tho PAiiMKiiuud thoso seeking homes In this seemingly far-nil West, Tho lot tor Is dated Nov. 27th, Wo wero llfteen d lys on iho trip, and only four days without rain; thul weather Is clear aud very lino now, vo aro very comfortably housed at proont Holiday fr" o Tliey can no ptovonuni ironi doing t Mr. Eunstons. There Is plenty of damage by cutting oil tliu rim of tho land fur everybody, that is good, well' H snout, which dues iiwiiv with he r tiuioereii. well waseroi, unit is noon rooting pmver, but makes (hemdept'iid. r MMtleiueut." In speaking of I1I1 ...I in a great measure ,... ,e. jStTllnH,!. S tomtom Wo aro planting out I'JOO trees this Oilf.ix, plenty of plno and balm timber mouth, having bcun obliged to wait for on II." llo was lucky in milling nnno Hiiltnblii weather, and iirndlliiL' bv our dksut tolled luchelor, .bought him & vu CONN'S NEW STORE J. W. CONN AND WIFE HAY-IngpurcinsiUlliuMllllit-try slock or Mm. 0. 1'. BtNirdslc), and havlrijrjust re turned wltli (lid FINEST SELECTED STOCK Kver brought to this ruarkft, consisting or Slaplo. A Fancy tiootlH. Millin ery or all kind:'. Bird Cages, Valises, Crockery, Glassware. LAMPS AND FIXTURES, CllHtoi'H, lMutort Waro, AND ORNAMENTS. VAUS ..ALSO.. own oxperlenco In the put we havo pursued the following plan, Plow dead furrows, throwing two furrows each way, so as to hcrapo out the dead furrow deep us possible; loosen the Mill under tho treesa little, when the furrow Is nut dee. enough, and then set your tteo well up, so that It Isa little higher than out for Sl-. bus .siuco con-ldcruhlo miiii for his rk'lit, nod ends by Miylng: "It IiJu(ibo place 1 want for 11 home." Turner. 111 K. been uttVrod 11 t m Tao National Grange. I j ton. win. i.yrns, Piaster 01 our Mate Or.irge, has kindly font us copies of Hut Vfi'.i ?iin.t Uitllstiit itiililllinil it grow In tho nursery, and hill around , t (lu.,mia lUt'riuK ,e ,osslon of ,l0 tho tree, l'low out a dead furrow ex-1 .. , ,,.., , w. ui..,n 1..,..., . ... ucly In lino with tho trees and then colvo tho fuMUo l)0foro another week. sot blakes to sight across ho row, and TJ0 ,, irregular ami Mi.noof tho trees can bo sot out with less than hair (,ary number aro not 011 hand. Wo tho eost, anil moro correctly than In tlnd much of Intoro-t and shall give all any other way: that Is If the plowman (ho important , non, with extracls from uiuleriiliiiids hU builnovi ntnl nnw iii, , reporls or Maxtor, Secretary, and unili rsianus lis i.uslno.ss alid runs tho cpu'dvu CuimlUee, If received in funows oxacl. Two years rgo we set n,ne, as some papers with tbeu reports out plums and prunes, mo.u of (hum 1 in, havo uutyut u:me to hand. a Dolls 1 Jewelry IN KA'JT. A GENERAL. ASSORTMENT. Calico Wrappprs : $1.00 Best Prints 15 yds Tor $1,0 Gull uuil Kxtiruhic our Good? anil convince ) ourselves tint weareHeU'rig cheap. Trusting that by fair dial lng In Iho FHture, ns In the Past, w solicit a riiara of the Public Patronage THREE DOOM EAST OF BAM, IN 1'ATTONVS I1I.0CK. 6 w a O o o SALKM novSD-tr OltKGON, Tlio Rrctcpt Labpr-SavfiiK ImplnnrnlPjTtlnvoiilcd. Vlly lmprrrd for Tall of 1877. CCO Sold lax Oi.of;oa3L ixa. Ono "ITci-. plf Krrv lHriiu'r liiii'ieMnl. Mho Diero Sn'kv N ih oniv sihcIh .tr Plow tnadn. IHiMjY Ol'i:iUIKD SofouMmt'iid Uuil by h kIIkIiI iiuhikii ti il lf.r t)n Plow 19 run w t r ihti ground nnd rmi cliar. U 1 1 tto- InMind orm-ii xmcr. I h htioi-ijorund ICkucuiniiliualLd th&u my oilier. Solo A,'cdIh (or tlo well I.m.wn SOUTH 3EWS CJIU.Z.EE-3HOZ7 3?2iOV7S. BUGKEYEJDRiLLS and BROADCAST SEEKSERS Tho most.succobhful in iibu. Too well known to need comment. "4 1 WW "c1 ' lu" - 1 : if.S j JQ rrTWKC"wr'Tj,J -lis 11 BLxpp9FIte gMtik, --ir Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. FAKM GltlST MILLS, nil tlylcBand prices. FAN RtlLl s. Send lor Special Circulars.. TJSJE3 THE3 IN THE WORLD! El not Deceived ! See that our Trade Mark is on eachPaokagef u 1 03 o O o 0) o o S1 PUKE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK Jet Blaok ; and AT.T. COLORS. 3VtiZKioa. DFtec3L3r for AND EASILY APPLIED. "Us,. AND NO. 75 I'HONT 8TIIRRT. the AKoutN: JOHN For Sale l3' HUGHES. Salom, HODGE, SNEMi & CO WIiolrHnlo I)niKlitx, and UcuIoih In Pulntx, OIIn, timl CtawH, 3FQ3?1.1'XiA.3Ti. Or, EDWIN ALDENQ ADVERTBINGAGENCy3 j 174 ELM STREET. CINCINJNATI. OHIO. Advertisements inserted in any paper, Before advertising send for mj catalogue WOODBURN NURSERY feutt, KKEPJ Full Stoclc ....or.... SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, NUT TREES, ITlxxom and SluruToliory. Stoi tot rrlce LI it and CtUtoeur, Addrei KttSrnC J. U. RKTTLKqiBB, Woodbura or. SAVE YOUR FRUITI GEORGE EAHK.IS' PORTABLE PREMIUM FRUIT DRYER Uet, t'liraiient nna inot Krouonilral. fr,!l'l!,,lri11BVU.t,lmtE.rU,!L- I,rle M.KINS or 1 .SJ"1!0, Und''r M'""". T by any o'her )lem. I?... I,?n,he,',,1t o,.olw on work wlille jou ylcei '1 l.o drytr U miila of ill0Vrei.t capacltlei), and U noM from ' jfirs to gtaoo. There U one of Hie Dryrr In opertlor 4mllr tut or .saiem at (,wani piicb. Tho.e wlihlne Dryer hould not (all to rxamlne IIAKUIV btfore porchia Ine e)e tere. Htate and County Illjhu for aalo on reasonable ti-rmf, For furtter information, addrcta NEWToN BIIADLKV, Salem, Orrgon. $1200 Falsrr. fuji.lj4i uMm, K.tMlUu. BiWnniuMUMI. Wl hkUna . A. oNT a coL x. . a . sl, . -.( o7 $55? AWf aWtektnairmti. 914 I'.O.YICKlsy.AajputaTMaW 10 ouyu rm it I'tf ffmat VMaWMf tat. V-w