nwrrr....., ... 1 .-im WTEJLAMETTE FARMER. 3 I r - . wtistt h - & IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES j&jp- m m TO THE PEOPLE: Having dotcrmincd ta maintain tho position herotoforo occupied by mo for the Largest Retail House in Oregon, I havo tnkon this incnns of announcing- to the public tlint I nm now displaying tho LAUUEST and UEST STOCK of General Merchandise north of San Francisco, consisting of a ilno stock of LADIES' AND GENTS' 'FURNISHING GOODS, JESintm, Oap, Triiiiltw, 17"ilmomf to., which is surpassed ly none in the city, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, And to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found in any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give value received in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M: MEYER. Plows! Plows! FRANK BROS. & CO. Buford Cangji Iron and Wood mack iiawk PHL-PiI Beam Single plows. iMmMimSmmt pmw. JL JL4 r WW Ul A10 Tim nUSawHBtJC' . l'nou CALIFORNIA. 8ULKY &mZ$ 8-inch (o lG-incli. Champion ' Browno " Sulky, (Sorer been beaten In tho Held.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho MoShorry Grain Drill and Broadcast Scodor. THIS MOST COMPLETE LINE OK PLOWS, HARROWS, DRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. llKl'ORE PURCHASING, CALL ON lra-xxlaL BxrotHesra cfc Oo., 104 and 106 Front Stroot, - - - PORTLAND, OB. k efT Gilbert IB WU H OKFJSIIS TO THE COUNTRY TRADE Gum Boots Tlo DcNt over Mndo. AN EXTUA QUALITY OP Ladies' Calf Shoes, Jmt tho thlnz for our Oregon winter weather. 'Fine Kip and Calf Boots, Wbleh re eorfly made f.ir our trad., of different qualities, to ault cuatotaar. All goed Hold by mo are GDAR ANTKtSD to be it lint I recom mend tlicui, or I will at any time make It good to the pur cbUNcr. J. W. GILBERT. Salem, Oct. 12, 187T. It. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Healer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, COMMERCIAL STREET. Salem, April 20, 1915. dAwtl $1200 Salary. KiWaotuudUMiiiir iiibcbm.!"' rwrmMBj Mr M.luOnH B. A. GSAST CO. J, t, Uaaa fcb, ClnfllilnM. U. Good Farms G37 FOR SALE. AOnKH OF LAND IN MAIUON COUNTY, (lrur-iin. tun mil Hit north of Haleni. on thu Dayton anil Wucitlaml ro.ilj I n iicautlliu location, mm Ik ttiu Tiiy bot Unit In thu Stato Can b divided Into hreo ennd farm. Wo haro nn nfTor f.r a part nf thl placo at il) por aero, which would lure th hat men of tho laud In a tntiaro body of 60) acre. M0 of which In under cultivation: loo, am-a ttarhed, Joining the cultivated field, that cohM booallygot r.ady for tho plow. lining been xbelicd 'rom tiro io ton year. All Iho bulldlnvH aro ou tho DUO aero tract, and for which we only ak f 33 per aero, Tho' who are In aetrchof tioodland (hould go and mo llili placo. For particular, call and see tho proprietor. iM, 200 ACHES OF LAND IN MARION COUNTY. Oregon, two and a half mile from Oervala, and about the tamo distance from Woodburn, lylm: on the lluttu vlllo road. I a der-lrable locatlou; la the very bert qaallly of land, arknowlcdod to bo onu of tho be tarm on French 1'ralrle by all who aro acquainted with tho country. SIS acre of thla tract la under cul. tlvatton; tho bahuceof tho tract. 60 acre. U timber. There la a tolerable cood dwelling houre ou tlili" place; two cood btrni, with plenty of ahod room for lock, Kor fall particular, go and act . D. X S. T. NOTIICUTT.. On the prouilaes, or addrera them at Wheatland, Or, Nor. id, tyn. Jrap'd. Llttlo Grluiit GRUBBING MACHINE. We wlnh to Inform the people of Oregon that wu have purchased tho palont of "The Little Olant OrubbluK Maotilne," and that we are now prepared to supply any number of them at a viiry ro&touable prloe, The ub Joined testimonials of tho superior qualltloa of these maobines and their oomparatlve obeapnoM should recomended tbotn to all thostt Uoilroua of olearlnjt off land at but trl (line expenao. For further partlcnlarn apply to Frank Cooper or Wiu, Dtlaney, Salem, or Albert Urlggs, Sclo. Bcio, March 10th, 1S77. ThlR !h crllfy that we have used "The Lit. tie GUnt Grubbing Maohiue" nnd found it xuporinr to anything of the hind ever used In t hlu part of the country: I'reHton Muukers, Win Iroland, Henry Iiley, J S Morns, A DivIh, J It Irvine K Baldwin, B F Brigfj, Henry .T Hare. We tho uninralgnnd havq eyon "thn Little Glaut Grubbing Maoblno" work and oau tmurn tho puhllothat Ills the host mnchlne of tho kind wo have ovor oen working. M.Aleiandor, G W Hamilton, JOJobnsou, I'eterHmlth, J M Brown, Wm U McKnlght, P Iillyeu, I) 1' Mason. Scio, May 2flth 1877. r. O. SX7XaZJVAI7. ATTORNEY AT IiAW OPEKA UOUSE, BALEM. H. K. comer, at head of rtalra. f13r Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. THAT OLD PI.OW OK YOl'llS HAN HE MADE aa roodaa new at JOHNNY KNinnrtf Black, rmltb Shop, oa Commercial it.. below Wade'a hard war ator. for a f mall outlay of coin, llrlng to .jour old Plowt. a ad e If I don't do aa I ar. ocUKU JOHNS V KNIGHT BY TELEGRAPH. Father Martin, Catholic missionary, who spent several weeks In Sitting Bull's camp beyond tbo Canadian line, called on Gen. Crook In Omaha and said that the ozporl enoo or one good winter north of tho line would cure Sitting Bull's Indians of tholr loyalty to their leader and tboy tbon would bo glad enough to return home ellhor as bos tiles or willing to surrender. Father Martin pronounens Sitting Bull an arrant douia gogue and In no sense a leador, bnt shrowd In anticipating the wishes, plans ami schemes of bis band. Charlestons C , Deo. 12 Tho munlolpal eleotlon hero to-day, resulted In the election of W. W.Sole, Mayor, and tho entire Demo cratic ticket by a large mnjorlty nvor tho Inilopondent tlckot, hoadc d by D. F. Flout ing. San Francisco, Deo. 11. A. Chinaman named Ah Lang, holding the position of bonUwaln on tho Occidental and Oriental Co'o steamer Oceanlo lying at tbo I'aclllo Mall dock, had an altorcatlon with ono of the Chlneso crow .who refused duty this morning during which the boatswain stabbod the sailor, killing htm almost Instantly. Ah Lang was arrested. Washington, Deo. 12. The department superintendents of tbo National Association called In a body at the exeouttvo mansion and were received la the east room by the president and Mrs. Hayes. Mr. Wicker sham, on behalf of the visitors, expressod satisfaction for the paaaagM In the mossage In relation to education, and thanked the president for the same. The president, in reply, promised to aid their great work by every means whloh lay In his power. The Tribune's Washington special says: Secretary Evarts Is reported saying to night when some foreign appointment was rocom monded, that tho administration had pretty nearly concluded it was usoloss to maxe more nominations; that tbo senato would not confirm anything and that tho president saw llitlo use In Bending names totbatdlgnl Hod body for rejeo'ion. Should such a stop bo adoptod most of theionators will bo muoti disturbed as they all want nominations, Senator Blaine n going to Hot Springs a week to try the tiTocts of the baths. He wants to drive tho malarial poison out of his system. Ex-SocreUry Koboson will accom pany him. Louisville, Dec. 13 The Conrler- Journal' loading editorial to-morrow Is strongly denunciatory of the cotirao pursued by Doni ooratlo sonators in noting with Senator Conk ling against tho administration. San Francisco, Deo. 11. A society has I)pcii Incorporated for tho purpose of employ ing peaceful measuros to ox Del Chinese from the ileitis and footorlosof thontato. Articles of Incorporations were some tlmoaco Issued by Iho secretary of stnto. Tho nrlglnntorn claim Unit tho Inporlng clasnnH will co ope ratowlth thotu and adopt tholr plan; will lawfully proveut Ohlnosocotnpotltlon In nil mercantile branches of IhibIiii'h, nnd Hint munufrictureMwlllMmiiltHnrou!ilyltscuftrt'o all Chluoxo In tholr otnploy. No aid la required from Washington, stnto lawn not ootitllctlng; with fedoral uctH being tho loverago thoy proposo to brluj to bear on tho subject. Now York, Dno, II. During tho Vnndor hilt will triitl to day, Arthur Ullmnn, arch! loot, toi tilled that thu cntnmodoro consulted him about plans of a monument In Cent ml Park, to Washington, to ovortop ovory other monument In tho world, to bo C'i5 fcothlgh. Tho least cost would bo fToO.OOO. Tho houso oommlttnoon foreign atlalrs to day oxnmlned Gen,. Ord, tho chief polutHof his (osllmony being thntcoasitlon or diminu tion of Mexican rnlditou tbo HloGrandowaa atlributab'.o to the large American force, nud revocation of the eslstingordura would olnto dangerous oloraunla In Mexico Hud cause morn raldH, It la an Interesting Net that Blalno wnnld hnvo boon ohalrman of Conkllng' committee on Mexlrnn nlUIrs mid that too b.vlhodtHlro or Iho latter, if his ill health had not previ ously determined him to bo nbsont from Washington for root during tho holiday rnrcsti. It kremn to ho generally conhltlvrod tho twelvo yrnrV feud bolwoon thtHotwo gentlemen Ihh'.hii ond. Chlcaiso, Doc. 13. Tho Times Washington special caj 8 tho prttMdont sa h in regard to tho action of tho senato that ho noes nn roa bon for changing his course of action on tho subleotofNow York ofllcorn. Ho inlomU to go nn and nomlniMo Mich men hh ho hcos lit nnd upon the senato must tetit tbo respon sibility of rejecting them, Foster, of Ohio, thlnkH thoprcxldont will ocuipt no com promise but contlntio making nomlnatintiH to tbo seuato for Now York custom homo positions. At a consultation at tho While Houso to-night HQveral of tho president's frlonds, Including tho vice presi dent ami Chas. l'ontor, are presont. Conklln to-day rtcolvrtl scoreH of con gratulatory telegrams from all parU of tho country. New Orleans, Deo. IS. Tho Galveston News' special reports that tho El Faso trou ble has broken out anew, and lighting bo tween the state troops has been going on for two days. A dlapatoh received by ttio gov ernor from tbo sheriff of El I'aso county states that thero was lighting all day yester day at San Elxarlce botween state troops and Mexicans from both sldosofthe river. The govoanor Bent a dispatch to the presi dent asking the aid ot the U. S. troops. Mexican troops oontlnuo to marou to the Rio Grande, More than one thousand cav alry are between San Luis Fotosl and Saltlllo and others are following In the same direc tion. Several battalions of infantry are on the road to the same point, and one thousand Infautry and Borne artillery will be sent by sea from Vara Crux to MaUroona. The troops are said to be well oflkored and arm ed with improved guns. New York, Deo. 1. Ben Uolladay's youngettand only living daughter, Baro nes de Iltifhlrrre, la at tho point of death at the New yotk lioioi. tier decease i mo mentarily expected. Her Illness originated In hemorrhage whll voyaging froui Eurojx, aggravated by a severe cold. Washington, Deo. IS. Tho prospect In the bouse now teems quite good for lite passapn ol a bill extending for tu yearn the time al lowed to the northern I'acltlo K. II, Co. Io compluto Its line. Sympathy for tho procnt bouboldera In that unfortunate enterprise is yery marked. This haa secured the support of tho eudlng application, by many who are truestopponentaof subsidies. U is ex pected to receive Its worst opposition Iiomi Senator Mitchell In tho Inform of tho Port land, South I'at-s and Salt Lake Itailroad, whloh many believe lus no real purpose but to rrlpplo the Northern Panitio. Washington, Dws, II. Several days ago, Gen. Hawlev, In au answer to it telegram from Secretary EvajtH.buld It would bo Itn- Doshlble for him stot-pi thu aptiolnlmout of oommlssloner general to tho ParU exhibition- It is reported to day that Gov, McCor mick had doellued, but authentically report ed mler thst h baa reeonsldorod tho mat tsr and his uuiua will probably bo sub mitted to the senate 'juiurday. San Francisco, Deo, 11, Dispatches from various points in tho southern portions ol tho state indicate a general light rain with a prospect of more. fc'au Franc'aco, Deo. 16 -It has been raining most of the day, with fresh southeast wind, and every prospect of continued om. Dlf patchea from the Interior Indicate teneral rain probadle. FOREIGN, New York, Deo. 12. The Herald's London special says a profound sensatlou was pro duced throughout England yesterday whon tbb announcement of Plovna's fall was known. The London Stook Exohange at once recognized tbo financial Import of tho groat ovont and a rapid rise In Kusslan bonds ocourred. Prices or all Kusslan securities rose and maintained n ronnrkablo tlrmness. Tho pressor London speaks iu no uncertain tono regarding tho gravity of the situation In which O Jinan's defeat placed England's tor mcr ally. All the afternoon Journals yesterday appear to have taken their cue from tho editorial ol thn Times oftho morning. Tho moment, It dolaris, has arrived when Knglnnd Istoselr.o the opportunity or using her Inlluouco with Turkoy. The Globo says after a roslstanco whloh has enlisted tho admiration of the whole world, thn Impregnable fortress which the (renins of Osman creatod out of a small tin torlltlod town, has surrendered. Tho defen sive poworor tho Porto la temporarily ship wrecked by this tromondoUs disaster. It is impossible to exaggerate the probablo conso quenoe. Sotla will certainly bo captured by the Russians before long, after whloh no ob stacle worthy of serious consideration to tho rapid advance upon Adrlanople exists, and wjien the Rnsslans are there, the Porto must accept any terms the Czar proposes, or stake the very oxistence of the Ottoman empire on the defonse of Constantinople. It is the duty of our minister to impress upon the Saltan the urgent expedlenoy of giving fall weight of his nls Influence' In all counsels In favor of Immediate peace bsfore the resources of Tm k Ish power Is utterly exhausted. Ail telegrams received at London agree In declaring that the attempted sorties of 0 man from Plevna toward Wlddln wnro mado with a deaparatlon whloh haa won for him tho respect of his enomlos. His men endur ed all manner nf privations within tho In vested town. They had suflored torribly rom cold, owing to Insumolentolothlng, and from disease, nolthor doctors nor .modlclne being t hand, and from famlno. London, Doc 12. Tho Russian official ac count or the capture of Plevna soys tho Turks fought llko lions. Seven Pashas woro capturod. The counting of prlsonors and trophies Is not yot completed. London, Deo. 13, A telegram from Ver hltza states that tbo Czar will start for St. Petersburg Saturday. Ho has vlsltod Osman Pasha and returned to him his sword In recognition of his bravery. Constantinople, Deo. 12. A grand council was held to-day at tho war olllco. It is said It was resolved to carry ou tho wae to tho last oxtr mity. Now York, Djo. 13. Specials from Paris say tho crisis Is endod and MoMnhon hns arrived at understanding with tho left. A deputation oftho right waited upon hint nnd told him It wns Impossible to form n minis try. Tho marshal was dnenly moved nnd said thoro wns nothing to do but toslgu, but subsequently yioldod. London, Deo. 1,1, Parllamont has boon formally reprorrguoit to January lilti. Mr. Welch, the now American mlnlotor. left Liverpool at noonyoslerday. A number orgentlemon witnessed his tloparturo nnd thn band pluveil "Tho Star Spangled Ban nr" and "Hall Columbia." Ho arrived at the St. PatirraH hotel, London. Iu tho ovon Ing, where ho wns received by by Mr. Plerrepont, tho retiring mlnlstor, tho socio tary of legation, and a few Americans. Plevna, Don, 12 For tho last throo days the Russians knew thatOamnu Pasha's pro villous w oo exhausted, nnd that a sortie w.h preparing. They rocoiyed the iiowh on Sunday that ho would concentratohls whole nrmv noar the brldtrn ovor tho river Vld. This news was confirmed during tho ttittht by Sknholeir, who discovered that tho Turks had silently evacuated tho Grlvltsa redoubt und ell their posttlflnn on Gronn hill, (Inn. Skoboletr occupied those. At 7 In thn morn ing Osman crossed tho Vld by two bridges ntul nttHaked thu Russian nosltlons with such tury that thoy otpturod eight cannons In a minutes ami hi mosianntuiiaietiiueiiiuorsKy Grenadier rculment. The Turks round them selves under tho tiro of w hundred cannon of tho Russian second line mid woro attacked by tho Grenadiers, who resolved to reoapturo their guns. Thu Turks worn driven back nftiirn tlltcon minutes' bayonet light, hut continued to tiro from thn sholturof tho banks oftho Vld until 12:30 n. m,. whon the llrlng ceased ou both sides, and a quarter of tin hour nrtcrwanl osman Hint nn onyoy to treat for surrender. Osmau's wound In the leu- Is not serious. A dispatch from Athons Hays thn full of Plevna causod demonstrations In favor of war, A tolPgram received In Paris snys the Greek cabinet Is Deliberating on mo cottrso to Ixi purauod. The king will HUH soon fj thn camp at Chalsls. London. Deo. 12. A Vienna correspond ent says tho Porto Is astounded by tho fall of I'levna as it was uopou in taai until auioi mail Pasha would bo nblo to relievo tho Jilace. Tho fact that KJhelm aud Mahmnnd )amoud Pasha still retain powor is ovldenco ot tbo illsposlllon to negotiato. A Barlln sneolal says tho policy of Gor nanv seems to ba thst the Porto must make tho first overtures for peace. It is thought very doubtful whether Russia would accept n v offeror meditation until then. Constantinople, Deo. 13. A roport prevail ed last night lusi a great uattie nau neeu fought boiweon we'ctiKeranu iuaiouuK,rH a u It unknown. Olllclal reports from Turk Ish beadquartors only mention an all'alr with six Russian battalions. The fall of Plevna Is still unknown to the Turks gonnrally. The Turkish parliament was opened to day by the Sultan. All the Turkish digni taries and foreign ambassadors were prraent The speech from tho throne was reserved Iu tone and alludes neltbor to peaco nor media tion. No ovortures fir mediation have been made to any foreign embassies, Bucharest, Deo. 13, A correspondent (olo graphs the roport current hero that thn ltus slans havo gilued a great victory uear Elena, taking 12,Xx prisoners, A snwUl from Alexandria, Egypt. reporlH that tho British Iron-clad Rupert has Mid dsnly been ordered to proceed to Boslka Uiy. In Russian ofllsltl olroles It Is not thought likely that either Turkey or any power In her behalf will proposo peace negotiations. Berlin, Deo, 14, Tho Rusiianu aro expect ed to oroMH tho Bilkaus In force, alter vWilch they will bo ready to open negotiations. II tho negotiations unsuccessful Hio result will tocoaimuuluutcd to Iho slguutory poweiH, Further Rusxlau reliiforcetneiits have been GQuntortnuuded, Iho czar bullovlug thu present army Is stilllrient. Buchuret-t, Deo. 13 According to olllclal returns tho Russian Iossch Iu thollghtint! preoedlng tlm surrentlor or Plevna, were 10 IHcrHand 112 men killed nnd -ir.oHleors and 1,207 men wounded. Tho TurkM loit 4 000 killed aud wounded, and tho prisoners In cludo 10 pashas, 124 suil' olllcers, 2,000 ofll cors, 30,000 iulanlry and 1,200 cavalry. Snenty-NHveu cannon wore also captured, The llrt ba'ch or prl.ouors, nuinberliig 10, 000, have already stuited for Iluuliareiit. Loudon, Deo, 13 A dispatch from Bi cha res I, referrlmr Io the light near Metuhki, re ports thst 30 battalions or Turks attatkod Mefobkaou the lllh, but wero brilliantly ro pulsed by the forces under Vladlmer and the i-tirowltz. Belgrade, Dec. 11, A proclamation cf tie Servian government haa Just been Issued an nouncing that tho Servian army has been ordorod to crow thoTurklsh frontiers. Turk ish troops are concentrating on the Servian frontier. New York, Deo. 1 1 Tho Times' London special says the publication or tho terms upon whloh Russia will mako peace, viz: Independence of Houmanla and Servla, autonomy or Bulgaria under a forolgn prince, Troepassago of tho Dardanelles, do llvery orttio Turkish Meet as war Indemnity and cession or i largo portion or Armenia, has created a good deal or oxcltoment In England. Copenhacon, Dec. 1 1. It Is bellevod that tho Russian minister Is negotiating with Denmark with a view of proposing Prlnco altemar, of Denmark, or Prlnco John , of Gluckborg, as ruler or Bulgaria. Paris, Deo. It On'y two of tho proposed cabinet aro new to olllco. Gen. Borol. minis ter of war, was formerly President MaoMn lion's chiof of statV, nnd is a skillful and laborious soldier. M. Bor-ioaux, mlnlaterof publlo Instruction Is one or tho most popular niOUlbori oftheillnilflratn Infr. ITn wu nn. tier secrotary and minister ofjnatlce to M. 1U..UI1-, iU, vvauiiington's appotntmont. to be minister of forlon niTlr. ,iii i,nM. oalved with warm satisfaction by tbo wholo diplomatic body aud constitutes a happy and paolfls omen. Ho Is tolerant and mode rate, liberal In politics and religion. London. DOC. 14. Thn P.t In a. In.illntr editorial says: It In understood tho British oablnet yesterday had bofbrethem a circular from the Porte Intimating Ita willingness to accept the mediation or Europe. The' Porte asserts that tbo guarantees For good govern ment lurmaueu vj toe constiiuuon are far more advantageous than tho establishment of autonomous states whloh can only lead to disintegration of the empire. The Porte nowever, considers there aro no present prospect or acceptance of mediation as Ger many l hostllo thereo and any offer on tho partorEngland Is not likely to be woll re ceived by Russia. ino Scotsman's London correspondent writing on Thursday says: To-morrow Lord Derby will havo to annnnnm in his colleagues the all-Important fact that both iiussiaanu xuriey aro anxious to maito poaco. Belgrade, Deo. 15. War was announced today by salvos or artillery. Prlnco Milan will leave for Aloxlnatr. to-morrow. Ho has Issuod decrees proclaiming a stato or sloge, and announcing that publlo functionaries who agltato'agalnst war wR bo dismissed. Constantinople, Deo. 15. A clroular note dispatched by tho pnrto to thn signatory poworsoftho treaty or '71 rovlnws tho origin and progress or tun war. calls attention to tho aggiosslvo cottrso or Russia and the dis position shown by tho porto to grant reforms, and Ntugesta that thn presont Is tho auspi cious time for thnpownrs to Interpose In favor or poaeo. Tho norto hns not yot ox liMisttul its rosouioes but du.lrcs to stop thn further elTuslcn of blood. Thn chamber of doputles has elected n ohrlstlsn prosldent, Bogot, Doo. 15. Tho Turks burned nntl evacuated lClena Friday and tho Russlaus ro-ocouny It. Semllti, Doc. 15 Prlnco Milan's procla mation rccountsTurklshatrooltlesand vlolu lions of flllislnco In treaty or peucO tuailo last Fobruary end cnuoltiuei: Lot us move forward alongside tho vlolo rious baunerorthoCr.tr, the liberator, with faith In Gnttho protector or right, and suc cess Is sum. Given In thn nsino ofour coun try's welfare, Servian Independencoaud hor horoto siooplo. It la God's will. Constantinople, Deo. 15. Servians crossed tho frontier at Plrot, and nro marching on Kotsovo. Mohomot All has arrived horn. London, Don 15. Events at Ihoaoatof war have moved slowly since Plovna fell, hutthnunntos of Russia's doath grip on tho Ottoman empire was demonstrated at last WndntHdav's Unlit at MotchWa.nlnn miles south or Ituslnhuk. The raot that 50 Turkish battalions uttackd Grand Duke Vladamlrsn perslHtnntly and unsucoossfnl ly, Indicates that tho Kuaslan position ho Iwcnn thn Lorn and Jnuetrl Is Imprognablo, Russia la now firmly mtstr of Bulgaria, and her troops can ptss tho Btlkaus In great force with slight obitructloim whenever thn weather permits. Tho active co-operation of Servla now fully recognized Is equivalent to another Russian victory In tho Held. This has come, (no , nt n tlmn when the.ro Is no longer tlangor that It will load Austria Into thn conflict. Genoa. Deo. 15 Ex-Prosldent Grant reached hern ynstnrday Iu tint Unltod States steamor VumUlla, uud visited tho town dur ing thn day, and afterwards recntved thn authorities on hoard the steamer. Ho Hilled for Leghorn to day. 1'KOM Solo's" MAYOR. Solo has rnrontly had, In common with othor largo citloHof thu valley, hor munlolp al election, and thy gonial F. P. Jones car ried tho city by a handsome majority, for Mayor. Whoroupon he was postal carded by n number or our loading citizens, congratula ting him upon his elevation to Iho honora ble position louco tilled by tho mngulll oont G. M. Stroud, and tho wide awake J. B. Irvine Mayor of the capital nlty ol the forks. Below wo give Mayor Jones' answer to the oomrraliilatory lurds. What he says: 8cm. Deo. 12th, 1877. To H, A. Johnsan, J. A. Baker, Sam. Bass, T. H. Reynolds, A. M. Boll, G. A. Edes, B. F. Drake, M. N. Chapman, Seth R. Ham mor, J. A.Strattou, J. II. Hans Gentlemen: Upon therocelptof your card of the Uth Inst,, I was entirely overcome; In fact I was too full for uttoranco, But now being more calm, I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude and esteem for Ihoaa who appreci ate tho ability that has lulu dormant so long in your humble servant, For long yeira I havo tolled lnoesantly In reach pOHltlou of some kind, aud Iho means used to succeed In n doing are not to ho investigated. Experience haa taught mo that worth, ability, etc ,aro notlhorequUlttM with which to train olllco, consequently I turned my attention to diet, nud ot the suc cess tliai'hss attended my efforts, you aro alreudy Informed. After the propor mastica tion or only onu ton of cod I have actually eat myself Into olllco. It Is true that your osrd boars hut few nanus (and iliedrst three or them In thn saiiin handwrlK) hut genllo moil your apprhulatlvnqualltes lar more than compensate for an v lack or tiumbors. Your Officially, F P. Jonkh.P. M. Which l Phlegmatlo Mayor. P. S. Under my administration Iho "Hooka" shall he protected. Congrogutlouul Guui-oh. Thn attendance at thu suveral t-ervlces tit tin Congr(!stloual church Sunday, weiu .veil attended, particularly so the locturo la-t evening, Tho Indies of tho church had tsHtofully dtcoraleil wlihoergreius,Htituiiiu leaves and mottoew.tlio Interior of the tdlllco, which gave It a beautiful appearati'.-oaud It oould not havo boon otherwise than most pleasing to Rev, P. N. Knight, the pustor, whohasjust returned from a trip towaids tho rising aun. It pays to go away from home when a persou can return and be as kindly nud alloc t Ion Holy welcomed as the member or the Congregational church havo greeted the return of their paster. R ,M.J T