Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 21, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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    I y
tillttuMtt Jtarttur.
imusd xrxnr mtiuY, nr
ruaunnins and rnorjUBTong.
Term of Niibacrlptlon.
One copy, ono year (52 nnmbcrr) $2.0
One copy, Fix month (l numbera) 1.26
One ropy, three month (13 number) .76
HALKM, FHIDAY, DEO. 21, 1877.
"Wo have received tlic prospectus, for
1878, of this publication, which appears
every two months, nntl is a largo and
liaiidHOtuely printed pamphlet, devoted
to impartial discussion of all prominent
toplcH of our time, scientific, religious
and political, national and International.
It occupies an important field and will
ailbrd Interest to all who aro well read
in, or oven disposed to Investigate tho
questions of the time wc live in. Its con
tributors are distinguished men of letters,
found in Europe as well ns America. Its
reviews of books, published in vailous
languuges, are prepared by ablo critics,
niiil convoy u careful Idea of tho literary
progress of tho present time.
There arc many persons, besides men
of Htrlctly literary tables, who should
pntsecH such u publication as The Inter
national Itevlew, and will derive benefit
as well as Instruction from IN perusal;
mid there Is need of the means of culti
vation and progress thus o III' red to a Hon I
Intellectual growth and matter for
thought, on which to perforin enllght
onwi opinion, not only in towns and
among professional men anil scholars,
hut as well among tho sound thinking
mid best minds of those wlioillirnlfy tho
pursullH of Agriculture, for tho farmer
lias time and means to investigate the
questions of his day, and ought as a
t tinker to equal, or ovnt surpass, the
professional or business man, whoao life
Is onu of constant mutual excitement
and activity.
All oror tho world, if n rnnn hns plenty of
properly, is perfectly solvent nnd ablo to
pny his debts, when duo, his credit In at par.
Ho If tho United blatoH, containing tho wealth
of the Western Continent, Is good for its
loans, It In a burning aliamo that Ita credit Ih
bolow par. I have alwaya thought that If
Hueh a man as
Instead of Oouoral Grant had boon President
aftortuo warclonod.and tho nation waace
woutod In 1808, It would not bavo beou three
year until ho would bavo had the credit of
tho cation at par. What was to hinder It,
and whathlniloralt yetT Was not tho country
worth It dobUT la It not worth thorn now,
and a thouaaud tunes overt What Is It that
makes ua tho only Insolvent nation on earth,
but tho
Of Kuropo and Amorlcii. Thoy Uoop our
money and credit bolow par, In order to
accumulate fortunoa In bualnoa and njioo
ulatloiis between Its luarglnH.
Germany, fattening on tho spoliations of
Priwico, ittur 1H70, loaning hor money on
national, railroad und State bondu, In Atnor
lea, which wero being paid oil partially In
silver, or went llablo to bo ho puld, llrst do
monotlr.o(l that metal. Ttion, In self protcu
lieu, poKslbly, Kagland followed, and Amer
ica, controlled by hor bond holders, brokers
uud bankers, committed Holf deatriicllon In
the aaitin direction.
At tho time that Uomuny comnioncod this
gaum It was known (hat ourHlerra Nevadas,
mid In fact tho wholo back bono of the conti
nent was full of silver, enough lo supply
curronoyaud a iiiotalllo basis for all tho
banking wo could over need. HuppohIiik
that then our Congriws had said "l'mo wo
aro dlgRlngout somogold, btitallver la our
It la belter for ua, in self protection, to do
monetlto gold, make our silver coin our
lawful money, with a autllolent leuo of
greenback Interconvertible with silver to
carry around In our pockets, and mako both
of them legal tender In all future contract,
and on all bonda not specifically payable In
gold by tho term of their Wane.1' Instead
ofthlit our Congress, soared by tho hostile
attitude of Kuropo toward our silver mines,
and negloctl'ul or our groat American Inter-cstr-tho
homo production of
Weakly suicided under the wheel of the
Kuropcau Juugeruauot of gt)l(l,uml foolishly
and criminally raised the coinmnn bonds
of the government lo geld ones. Thus add
ing to the burtherua of tho people who luwo
to pay tho Intercut and the prhuiliml of tlmso
lunula, not less than live hundred iiillllium
of dollars luforo it la ended. And worfco
than all mom of this
i,i:iih.ti:i niiiii'
Went to enrich Kuropoaiie. Mipioliijr, hi
that eveultul aweUm our C'oiiKrwMiitui had
beta frie had not been haunted liy the
vamplrea of "wall htrwl"itiid "llrttlsh Inter.
oitN," and had replied to I tin greed and self.
Islinc of capital In Loudon and llorlln,
'Here, now, you work lor jour Interest, wo
Mill work for AmericaIt it a great portion
of the world wo wlllduinoiittlr.it gold, and
wo inuko hlhcr, as II always has been, a
money of ihu world. We can Irado with
Asia, Alrlcaaud the indlea, with our silver.
What wo cannot get of them wo canraUeor
luskHaiuong ourelvea. What we owe yon
In gold wo will coin out of our inlue, and
pay you, but in all
pimmit Tlt.UlK
Ilemember silver and griHiubaek aro our
inedluuiH of American eiohanKo," You say
this put America against the world. Well,
what la thu opposition? Kngland shakes ai
ua hor yellow Ingots, from Australia; Hussla
her red gold Item the Uial, and Spain her
doubloons from Peru. Those mlnea aro all
falling. The gold of the planet la pretty
well worked out, and will aeon, and easily
pans Into a commodity It America demonu
llxe it, America U a great country; It baa a
Urue slare oi the trade of the world. Her
maudate that
aiLVaa and obkk.mucks,
Hlialt lit tiwforlh be her money; will become,
law over tho world of trade aud (Inanoo, and
thus digging the one oat of her mountains,
and stamping the other with her National
credit, she will produoo hor own wealth and
build up her own prosperity for centuries
to come. Hut, says one, old parties nnd
old fogios aro in tho way. Mr. Tllden, Now
York and Now England States aro for gold.
The great Northwestern States and the Paclflo
aro ror siivor ana greenbacks, xno soum
having had no money for years, will bo In
different, gladly taking anything, but con
federate scrip. Tho Republican party, going
Into tho minority, will disintegrate and go
anywhere for power. Now thoro aro three
yoars to an o'octlon for tho Presidency. Mr.
Thurman, of Illinois, or somo loading sliver
and greenback man as ablo, may bo hoist
ed up on a well defined American I'lnanco
policy, beforo that time, and our glorious
country may then bo rodoomed from the
bondago of gold traditions and tho senseless
strlfo of ellbto parties upon dead and useless
Issues. Vado Itepubllcanlsm, vade Democ
racy, andglvo us ilvo Amorlcan lssuoa,
Of Jonos and Sharon and Ralston and La
tham and Flood andO'Ilrlon, and othor sii
vor klDRB of the Comstock Bonanzas, are fast
scattering among tho people, and anyhow Is
It not better that some of our Americans
should make fortunes by a change in tho
currency, than that Europeans should make
them as they did when an Amorlcan Con
gress and Executive bowed down to the
golden calf of Europe and put our own silver
ueiaa out in tne com to starve ana uie7 sup
posing England should say, you ralso
Than wo, It Is to our Interest to demarkot
your groat staplo product. Iloreafter wo will
tako no grain of you but corn, ryo and rlco.
What would our farmers do but toll thorn to
tako our wheat or starvol and ralso tho moro
nnd Bond It to thorn? Thoy would tako It,
wcro wo tho mastors of tho situation, Instead
of Ihem, and thoy will gladly tako our silver
and groonbacks In oxohango for their manu
factures, whon worofuso thorn coined gold.
Prosldeut llayos, carrying a white flag of
truce anu waving too
wiiiti: 1'i.umi:
Of frlondshlp has been down South nnd has
shakou hands for tho North with that great
section. Slaverv Is dead nnd no longer
mournod. Tho Nation has fratorul.od, and
Amorioi is to-day tho leading power on eiirth.
Old parlies ought to die, nnd Hrl.lsh Inter
ests ought no longer lo control our Congress.
Ainorlca oughtto dictate money tnlho world
Let us keop tho coin value of tho silver of
our fiithers. If wo raise it to-day to weigh
with cold, ns gold gots scarcor wo may ralso
It again to-morrow, nnd If gold gots as scarce
as diamonds, wo see tho folly of changing
our standard at nil; domonotizo gold and gat
Rout of tho way. Atallovouts
lot Tin: rnorr.i:
Acquaint themsolvos with theso questions.
Who known but wo may vol have a system
that will do away with banks nnd brokers
and all monov shsrksT When tbo govern
ment, having an olllco In every county shall
loan Its silver nnd groonbacks direct to tbo
pooplo upon their local socurillos at throoor
lour porcont, and tho covornmont bosun-
ported olfof tho amount ovoroxnonses of tho
olllcors, lustoad of by tarill or taxation. It
tho pooplo will but sond old partlos and old
issues to their graves, nnd got Into tho pres
ent, ana study out tbo truest and host Inter
ests ofour own day and generation; wo cer
tainly can do something towards settling tho
voxod problom of tbo apparently irreconcila
ble oonfllot betwixt Labor and Capital.
Lot evory American citizen study and
think, and truth, Juslloo and right will como.
Hoping to soo that star rlso over the West,
I am, etc, a. W. Lawbon.
From the Daily Record, Dec. 10.
Last evening tbe spacious rosldence of
George H. Jones, Eq., South Salem, was the
locale of one of the most pleasing events
of tho season.
That gentleman and bis accomplished
lady Issued a large number of invitations to
the elite of tbe city to welcome home Rev.
P. S. Knight of the Congregational church,
who has rocontly returnod from an oxtended
trip through the Ewu-rn states, and at tho
time fixed, 8 o'clock, thoso Invited com
menced to arrivo.
For an hour or moro lauios wun tnoir es
corts camo in a continuous stream. Lvory
ono as thoy came in, without tho usual at
tendant confusion, wore receivod and shown
to waiting rooms where thoy wero mado pro
sontablo before entering tho parlors whore
thoy were received in due form by tbo host
and hostess and Mr. Knight and lady.
After tbe company had fully assembled a
short welcoming address was made by Mr.
James Walton In his usual happy manner,
which wu rpnnnmled to bv Mr. Knight In
Just such a style as that gontleman knows
now to do the thing.
After which general conversation, chit
chat, music, etc., were Indulged In until
supper was announced when the large num.
oer present par toon oi an iohui iuuuu
served In the largo dining halls of the
The festivities lasted until near midnight,
when thoso attending dopartod to their sev
eral homos wellploasod with tho ''reception"
of both their pastor and tbomsolvos,
Wo cannot cluso this Horn wlthoutspoaklng
oftho tastoful mannorwlth which tho sov
oral apartments wore trhnmod with Ivy Bnd
autumn loaves Interspcrsod with suggostlvo
mottoos. And Mrs. Jones, in tho tastodh
playod In tho lloral nrrangomonts of tho
evening, shows her to bo possessed ofraro
nrtislln skill as well as a natural love for tho
Papers Filed.
Sinoo Decombor 1st tbe nocessary papers
Incorporating tho following named com pa
nics hayo boon fllod In tho Secretary of
mato-a omoo: uouar fiai uravei Mining
Company; principal ofllco at Koaoburg; cap
ital block, 500,000; incorporators, I). II.
Lovlns, Sol Abraham, W. It. Willis, Roso
burg Ilenovnlout Society; placo of buslnons
Rosoburg; capital stock, $1,000; Incorpora
tors, E. O. Day, W.Q. Woodward, 8. Whit
more, L. F, Lauo, Stay ton Cornet Hand:
location, Staytou, Marlon county; capital
stock. ftiOO; Incorporators, J. P, Quooner, W.
P. Mills, S. II. Ilurson nnd others.
Certificate of Piano Instruction.
Onu day last week Miss Myra Holt, of this
city, waa awarded a cortltloaleby horablo in
structress, Mr. E, M, Walto, who Is gener
ally recogulzod as tho finest performer nnd
Instruotoress, within tho State, alio bolug a
pupil of tliooolobratodOrolliuan,ofIIanovor,
(iormauy. Of course Miss Ilelt ha a lust
causo to bo proud of tbo proflolonoy
she has acquired, aud tho beautiful
certificate alio has rooolvod will long bo
cherished by hor aaa bright rouioinbrauoo of
days that are gono by.
Brlok Purchased.
The brlok for the furnace of tbo Lucky
Queen mine, waa yostorday ordered at the
Penitentiary, and teams were Immediately
put to hauling them to tho donot, aud the
Soulhorn bound freight train will tako them
to Roseburg thlsafternoou, from thenco wag
ona will bo employed to haul thorn to tho
ml utts.
Going Home.
Mr. (1. J. Ilasket. of Polk county, loft horo
yesterday for Portland where ho will tako tho
outgoing steamer lor the Ray olty, from
thence ho will start the "plains ncrosV'for
tho purpose of visiting his niothor, relatives
aud friends, in Howard comity, Missouri.
Mr. II. will probably bo alisont from this
Stato somo two or three mouths.
Repairing Dntuncoi.
A forvo of workmen under tho supervision
of.Mr, J, Craw lord wero busily repairing
the damage done to the roof of thocapltol
building by tho lato heavy storm. About
ouo hundred and fitly square feel will hayo
to bo ro-tlnued,
Petition inl Circulation.
A petition was In circulation this morning,
ami was being numenuisly slguod, asking
for the pardon of one Jake Cooper, of Yam
hill county, lately sentenced to tint xtnlion.
Mary for ouo year for tho crime of selling
whisky to Indians.
Pudding river mid Ita tributaries aro higher
now than for two or threa years past. Ow
ing to tho late very heavy, warm, rains, the
miomh on tho Cascades seem to have melted
oil', hence tho Hoods. Several bridges on
somo of the smaller streams are washed up
or much damaged.
Saver bielcaass.
Wo are pained to learn that Mother New
some 1 dangerously alck at her homo on
Puddlug rlvei. Medical aid and every kind
iifMs are furnished her, but all to no purpose.
She la fast sinking, and seems near her
. NkaepKllUd.
It aeema that tbe cunt are bavlnga general
goou time, In North Howell Pralre and on
Pudding River settlements, lu the slaughter
of sheep. How long will auou nuhvancea be
toleratsat '
Tlgor Englno Company, No. 2, hold their
regular monthly mooting Doo. 12th. Tho
regular routlno business was transacted.
UharlosS. Rlco was olectod Second Assistant
Fireman vlco Sainuol Clluo, resigned.
Tho following proamblo nnd resolutions
woro offered by Foremnn, Goo. W. Holt, and
adoptod by a voto of 21 to 1:
Wiii:iii:ah, Wo doom tho notion oftho Hon
ornblo City Council for tho city of Salem, nt
IU Inst mooting, In disbanding tho Alert
Hook A Ladder Co,, ono of tho oldest and
most rollablo companion In tho service, ns
tending to demoralize tho effiolonoy nnd de
stroy tho harmonious action of the Flro Do
partmontoftbo city; nnd
Whi:iu:ah, Wo aro not assured In our own
minds that said Council had sufficient causo
for so doing; therefore bo It
Resolvod, That wo, as mombors of Capital
Englno Company and oltlzons of Salem, ro
spictlully ask that said City Council rocon
sldor their notion In regard to said Alort
Honk and Ladder Company, and reinstate
said company to Its former position in tho
Salora Flro Deptrtmont.
ltosolvod, That a cony of this resolution
bo furnlshod thuClty Counoll and the dally
papers of tho city by tho Socrotary of tbo
Sataa Gave It Up.
Ono of our cltlr.ons, who evidently had
an over dose of rolnooplo, relatod to us tbo
following dream that ho had the night boforo:
"I sold mysolf to tho dovll," said out dream
1st, "who was to posses me at a cortaln time,
unless I could propose a question to his
Satan lo Mnjoatlo, which he could not answor,
I being allowod to put three questions lo
him. Tbo time camo whon tbo dovil was
to claim mo, nnd bo consequently appeared.
Tho first question I asked was coucornlng
theology, which tho devil easily answered.
The second ho also answered without any
hosltatlou, Now camo tho critical momont,
my fato doponded upon tho third
question, aud If I failed, I was lost.
What should thoquostlon boT Tho cold pros
plratlou stood In globules on my fo ro
ll ad, whllo my limbs trnmblod with anxiety
and torror. Just at that critical momont my
wife camo lu from shopping, aud niton her
bead was one of thoso now fangled hats. She
saw tho condition I was In and demanded
tho causo. I Informed hor what had takon
placo, and she laughed and said, 'I can pro
duce a quostlon which Old Nick hluiBolf can
not answor. Just ask him to tell which Is
tho front of this hat.' " And to my great re
lief tho dovil shook his hoad and retired In
Ha waa a Stockholder.
Yesterday whllo tho atoamer S. T, Church
was at tho Farraera' wharf loading, a farmer
drovo up to tho door of tho warebouso with
a load of wboat, and commencod lo unload.
While thoro ho learnod that the boat loading
was tho stoamer Church, as soon as that
Intelligence broke upon his oar, bo dropped
tho sack ot wheat he was handling and out
of thn wagon and down on tho stoamer ho
wont, aud there was not a room, hole,uook or
cornerou that boat but what hla scrutinizing
oyea gazed upon. On being asked when he
returned to tho wagon If that was tho first
steamor ho ever saw, he replied, "First
steamer, h 1 no, but I am ouo of tho stock
holder In that boat, I have ouo share in her.
sir, If il and I wantod to soo If everything
thing was found aatlsfactory to him, and ho
waa satUtled.
. Remarkable Bridal Tour.
Last Saiuruay, aaya the Hoe, a young man
from Marlon county was married to a young
lady from Washington territory, and the two
started tho following day for their future
homo at lltittovllle. They walked tho entire
distance, twenty. Ilvo miles, through a big
rain storm. They woro serenaded with tin
cans aud like Instruments the evening of
their arrival.
"Out of tho Wlldoruess."
Col, I, R, Moores has had workmen busily
employed l.tr sometime, In bringing bis rrs
ideuco on Front street out of tho wilderness
by having somo of tho fir trees grubbed up
thatsurrouuded hla place, and thoso that aro
allowed to remain nave had thoir tops cut
out, and trfmed up, which sots thu placo otl
to a great advantage.
Removing nnd Eularulug.
Mr. Oeo. W. Epler, who has just returnod
from San Fraucloco, is eugaged lu removing
his soda establishment to tho vacant store
opposite the Opera House on Court street.
Mr. Epler will enlfrgo kiseMablUhment to
neirly double tho capacity of last year aud
will Immediately commeuce manufacturing
for a large Spring trade.
Let the People Bejoice,
For the bountiful harvest of 1877 has now
placed In tho hands ot the people the goldec
coin, that they may fieo to W. P. Job nion
A. Co, and secure such pictures aa will please
them aud their friends, and be a bletslng to
generations to come. Remember tho place,
oyer Willis' Uookslore, State St., Salem. Or,
The mnle is tho only animal that that early
voyager, Mr. Noah, didn't take Into the ark
with him whon bo set out on his forty days
trip. We bavo examined the way. bill and
tho freight list vory carefully and coulJ find
nosuchanartlclo as a mule. Noah was a
smarter man than tho majority of pooplo tri
willing to glvo credit to him. he know that If
betookainulo on board, that somo of the
dock hands wouia got mueu, or iuu mum
,i,i,i kink n. holo through his boat in less
llmo than a week, and swamp tho whole con
corn. Tho origin or a inulo is envoloped In
amystory. Tradition tolls us that when
Noah landed his boat at the dock on Mount
Ararat, that Noah was surprised tho next
mnniinir to find n half grown mulo standing
on thotop or an ndlJiuIng mountain.
Wo noyer owned a mulo lu our life, but
wo always had a desire to bocomo solo pro
prietor or ono, nnd came near buying ono
once whllo wo woie In Vancouver. Uo was
a boautlful looking animal, his oars stood
erect like tbe spires of the Cumberland
Presbyterian obnroh in this city. Hiutail,
It was a perfect boauy, It was trimmed down
bo that It looked like a tar bruth leaning up
against him. Whllo hla logs woro striped
round and around, with black stripes, and
lookod as though be was dressed to
dance tho Highland fling. Ho was
a perfect picture of lnuoconco, though
he wasn't so In any sonse of tho word. Wo
had bargained for the mule and ho was to bo
.,., a .. , .. .Um amamIm. Tha man
uouvereu ui iu uo mnv oou.mk " ..
got Into the dump cart to leave, when by
moro ohance, wo asknd If ho was gentle and
kind, or If he would kick. "Kick?" said tho
man, and thoso wero tbo last words that ho
evor uttered. Ho reached tho stick that had
a brad In It ovor tbo cart and stuok tho brad
Into tho mulo It makos tho blood curdlo
In our veins to soo a man snutTod out as
nulokl v hh bo was: It almost took our breath
ho wont so suddenly. Wo novor saw tho
thread of llfo snapped so abruptly ns it wns
on this occasion. Ho didn't Imvo tlmo to
uav "Tnkn u mossnen to mv brother." Tho
mulo simply duckod hla hoad nnd a pair of
heels How out behind: thoro wns a crash, n
flying of splinters ami stones, nnd that was
all; nnd tho uoxt morning tbo mulo and
ourself stood nlono, our faco wnH covered
with us'.onlshmonttwo feet thick, nnd his
wllii part of an old bridle. Tho next day wo
read an account In tho telegraphic nows, ofn
sliowerof flesh In tho lower part of Califor
nia, Wo woro tho only porson thnt could
account for tho phenomena, nnd wo did not
ilaro to, lest wo should bo Implicated lu the
afiilr. Wo novor ownod a mulo aud never
o a poet to. ir wo had our cholco to olthor
work hi a nltro-clvcorlno factory, or tako
care of a mule, wo would talto tho factory; It
Is not such a cortaln dentil, anu n man migiit
stand some cbanco of cscapo, but with a
mulo novor.
A grand ball is to tako placo at Uoryals
Christmas ovonlng, tho 2'Hh Inst., ut Galnos
Hall. Tho not procoods will bo usod towards
procuring flro apparatus for tho city. Tho
music will bo furnlshod by tho Aurora string
band, and tbo bill will bo $2, Including
Tho following aro tho sovoral commlttoos
soloctod for the occasion.
Commlttoo of Arrangomonts. J H Cooloy,
S V Fuller and John Pattorson.
Invitation Commlttoo. S Harkloroad, s v
burn; L Fried, Hubbard; Wm Greenwood,
Uowoll Prairie; D J Cooper, Sllvorton.
Rocoptlnn Committee. N Goodman, J II
Cooloy, B A Nathman, Charles Stewart, S L
G tinea
Floor Managers. John L Taylor, J II
Coolo, 6 V Fuller, Jake Lsldengor, 11 D
MOndAN-OWENSHY At tho Commercial Ho
tel.Halem, by II. A. Jobnion, J. P.. James 11.
Monranori.lnnconnty anil Mrs. CM. Ovreui
by or Marlon county, Decombor 12, 1877,
McOAULEY-On Krhlay, Decombor 7th, 1877, at
H'hvioii, Candaco It., (laugtilfr of Dr. 8. D.
MrCaulcy, HjfeU about fourteen and ono-half
Tho following Is a list or loiters and packages
remaining unclaimed In tbo above-named
olllco In this city:
Roy Mr Alklnson, D DSholl Gordon,
Ooorgo IPmhannon, Maggio Uardnor,
M Highaui or itugb MIssNoIlfo Hartmus,
1.M nl ., u
Mra Ruth Drown,
Rlohard V Chadd,
Mrs J First
M J Fostor,
L HJudson.2
W W Langdou,
John Paulson,
Julo Stratton,
OK Stewart,
Daulol Whelan,
W Q Adams,
U O Druco.
A P Uouzey,
Robert Coburn,
It Purber,
Mary O Starr,
I) U Voddor,
Jas Hlood,
N Wright,
Walker, Uakor A Co,
W H Ohaney,
Cllne it Co,
Buona J W Fostor,
R M Uolden,
L M Jlllisen,
It Kelly,
N Keyser,
Melville Lano,
Lottie Leo,
W H Lewis.
Goo MoDanlels,
j u rauisen,
13 AiA,
Franols White.
Lucky Queen.
Tho nows from tbo Lucky Queen mlno
contlnuos to be oncouraglngto tho stockhol
ders. A gontleman residing in this city re
ceived a dispatch from tboro yesterday,
which gives somo very flattering re
ports ol tho work in progress, and of tho ore
at present being taken from tho mine. We
boilovo that tho owners of this mine will
eventually bo fully rewarded for all their
money expended, and for tho energy dis
played lu thoprob03iitlou oftho wcrk neces
sary to Its developement.
lilt, K. Y. OlIANBt
ltnVKT Lt.Col., UtoSurKUoaU.H. VoJaatcer. -
Mm, jinimn' mors, nit suint. r7T
-TOT.YKY 1IIIILI Ileal H.tato Audit,
11 and Collector ul' Claim. wltlDromntlviu
liU care. MaKING
toiitl to iu, lm.-iu'. vutruttixl to
Pott oalce, Xjolsrtuoxi. Ox-.
H.Uornl Tornisj!
Tbo Oregea and California and Orcsoa
CeBtral Kallroad I'ompaBles
OKKKIt their Land for laleupoa the following lib
rl term: One tenth of tho price In caih; Interctt on
he baunce at Uio rmto of ttitn per cent, one jeai
aner file; and each following ycr one-tenth of the
prluclpal and Intoreat on the balance at the rate of
percent eerannuTi. Uoth principal and Inter
l pajable In U. S.Currtncjr.
A dUjoant of ten per ent. will h allowed for cash
. vre,Ur t0 ba adareeacd to P. SCUULZK. Ua
Asiat O. 4 C. It. K., Portland. Ortcon. '
Agents nr tbe Willamette Farare.
Albany t'I??ft,lnn
Amity v.. S,u8ImP"a
Cottage Grove J II ahortrtdee .
BoUvue V.f .f",i,!f,ffDTls
Uucna Vista WmVclls, JWHobart
llrownsvlllo VNV.Y.Khk
Uuttevillo W Uachclder
Canyon City 1 II IUilnehart
Canjonvllle ;,.W T UtKgt
Cole's VaUoy VW 11 Clarke
Clatsop JMorrleon
Crawfordavllle Itebcrt Olats
Hnvc II V Ki-mlnll
Corrallle K Woodward
Crcpvu'll ItosrouKnox
Clacknmiii. W A JIDln
Camp Creek 0 It llnmtiicrclcy
I)al!a J Dtie. V M Outlirlo
Dexter K Handrakcr
Drain's Krtwron & Drain
Dama;cus KFoibcs
Dojtou B U lladftwny
Elklon A U UsIiicb
Kui;une John JtcClnnir
Fox Valley AD Uardoer
Forest Grove Sllnghee, WLCnrtl
Oorhen J Ilandsaker
nervals B M GMnen
Halrcy T J UUck
Ilarrleburg Hiram Smith
HUlsboro A LnelHng
Hcnncr Morrow & Ucrrcnj
Independence W L Hodsln
Junction Bmltu. Uratflcld A Co., WL Lemon.
Jackronvlllo M Peterson
King's Valley Conner A Cretno
Jefferson John W Roland)
LevrlivlUo 11 OUcTlmmonde.
uiiayciie ur luvpieiun, a u ricnrr
Lebanon 8 II Clanshtoiv
Monroe Joa Kelter
McMinnvlllo J 1) Morris, A llekd
Monmouth W Waterhonne-
Mill Plain, WT David Stamp,
Needy Wm Morcland
New Bra J Caitc-
NcwclHvillo PF Cattlemaa
North Yamhill D 0 Stewart-
Oakland 9 K Itaymond
O'wigo AH Bhlpley-
Ott J1I Schrordcr
prciroti City i M Bacon
Pendleton W A Whitman
i;or'"; Dr J II Irvine
Pilot Itoclc K Gilliam
Portland. S P Lcc, Agent State nram
Prlnrolllo OMPrltiglo
i rrriiuir .MrurCH'8 btoro
.FA Pattcmon
;, ...Th( smith
...,F V .Tones, Tho Mnnkors
:v,-v, Tltlllbbard
...WM Pou ere, UK Wheeler
A O Dover
John Downing
Surcct llnmu ft..,, tn.i,.
Jannt V H llarr.eo
Th ""He S I, Brooks
Turner w M lllllcary
Vancouver.... B W IlrowS
Jv,ll',"nU; Forkf M Wllklim
a la Walla J p Browcr
JJat'l'V, TOKldcr
i onrnlla .! n Ulll-on. US ,ppecatr
I'ttyN OiinIi for
Hides, Furs & Pelts.
selll Commorolal st., SALKM.
For Visiting Cards I
Ca'davrlth anv name neatlv nrlntml thnnwn
lent to any sddrcta upon receipt of 25 Cents.
uu m irvvui finuipi AUUICFSt
w. d. ULAHKt:, ealcm. Ordon.
I have Hie L,argcat Slack ot Fruit
TrccN lu Oregon !
200,000 Plum and Prune Trees,
and I will acll them from
10 lo $2G per Hundred.
. WI call tpcclal attention to my AMSDKN JUNK
PKACU TKUKS. 1 had IVacbc of till, variety rlpo
Joty 8. 1877. and they are of excellent quality. I bavo
alan feven other varieties of Pcachen. and a cencral
variety of ther Frnlt Tree and Hhriitn. Aleo, a
lurco lot of PKACU SliBDLINUd, at (UO per 1,000.
5 JMalarkcy, Portland 8 Berry. McMlnnvlIle.
KW Whipple, Cottago Mre B A Judklni, Euctnc.
, Grove, LMIchaol WheatlamT,
W M btccie, Turner, N. Ucrolx. Sublimity.
A Jonea, Stayton, J Morrla, Mefaama.
' Grabe, Ilalney, A Wheeler, Shcdd.
W Shuman, Sharon, V T I) W Klledge, lfowcl Pr,
W",1 r1."' "ffoKa. W II Drako. Sllvorton,
Dr II D Gden, HanUburj;, J A Hunt, Oakland,
J) ,M?.,.1, BoM 8cln A Irvlnir. Woolen Mill Co.,
U II ltoland. Jeirerron. Ilrnivnavllln
Joncj A l'olter, Salem, Jaton Royal Waahlngton Co
nrar vreiu, i raveling aeni cart of tho Wlltoiaetto
s. w. rnsiiTK ait,
Proprietor of Kallraad Nuraeilet,
onjB3-o3sr sxiiua'os
Capital. $300,000.00
Assots, - . $568,547.45
Income, 1875, - $465,904.29
Losses paid out since organiza
tion, - . $1,137,367.60
au3tf 72 IMrat M.. l'OKTI.ANP.
nnxesEii or
rilAKES pleasure lu offerlnt; to tbo Wool-Grower ol
L uregouand tho adjolnlneTerrltorl tho chance
to purchase TllOHOUllltllltEI) MUHINOS, and a
urlng panic lnterented that they can, and will en
S.'y.UJir ,0, c" h,1'l' of tho ame quality and valuo at
MUCH CHKAPEK JtATKS than .uch can polbly
bo Imported. Kxamlnatlon and comparison with oth
er Sheep offered lu tbe market aro cordially lntltcd.
uAddrea JOHN M1NTO,
Salem, Oreeon.
N, D. Tho Kama and Itam Lambs of the flock can
be aeon on tbe ISLAND FA KM, adjoining Balem.
1 he hwea can be i;en at the came place, or at tho
HILL PAltM roar and a hall mllca couth of the city.
balem, September 10. 1H7.V
Trust Investment Company-
TITT8 Company la preptred to negotiate toaaa la
auma Irom V to iW.OOO aeturea over IltPKO
fixed perioda of year, or repayable by half-yearly tn
atallmanta. For terau, apply to
WILLIAM RID), Manager,
noviSr 9 Ftnt Street PorBaad.