J?Kjfci-r ilT w5SE flliF"TT -ft W r . B m M K .aMB B BH BBiBLBLiBBkV B A tL. fc. a vVBA UT ' " 'f'Tiz!'' fjStL jfe $2,50 per Year. BY TELEGRAPH. New York, Doo. 10. Baroness DnBusslero daughter of Ban Holladay, ths California millionaire, dlod to-day at the New York kotelof pseutnonla, aged 'J3 years, leaving ono child four years old. The vexatious null brought against her father by her surviving brother( Ben, Jr., and herself, under her hus band's Intluenco, la still pending, awaiting Judical deolalonton aorao preliminary motion. Hho was attaobed to tho Roman Catbollo faith. Her funeral will lako placo Tuesday from St. Ann's churoli. Nbwsof her doath has bcon telegraphed to hor hutbaud, la Pari, and her father, who la In Orogon. Georgetown, Col., Deo. 15. Eirly till morning a mob surrounded the county Jail, forced the keys from the Ullnr, took Schitmlo, tho notorious outlaw and uuiidurer fiom tho (all and hung hi in. Alexander, (colored) who murdered Thos. Dougherty, a whlto nun. was taken Ironiihe Murfrcosborn Jill nt 2 o'clock this iiiorulug and hung and ula body rlddlid with shot. Galveston. Doo. 18. Mexlcom at Kl Paso aovoral htindrod strong, havo the Main troops surrounded, ami llio runners nro doomed tin lc-KH thoy comply with Urn dinmula of tho Mexicans. Tho demand Is that Howard ntmll bo delivered In thoin to Ito beheaded, thin manner of ixscutlnti having been de termined on beforehand. Tlmbborlirnf tho county despairs of nMslaiicn In tlmti In pro vent a. ninsncro. Ucnral H'eolo thinks tlm rangers will not. euneniler Howard, hut Mill def-nd him Willi their llte-H Tho Now' AikIIii spools! sya: Adls patch received liy tlm governor from Iho Hhcrlll (r Kl IM mi rntiniy stn'etl that lltti Main tronpi had surrendered to the Mexican mob nt!) p. in. yos'orday. Their ammunition whs exhausted mid thoy wnro unable lo hold nut longer. After Ilm surrender Howard, At kinson nnd MoUndu wuru shot to (loath by Mexicans. Now York, Dpo. 18 Tho funeral of tho Into Dsronoss Do Dui.leiro t.ink place this morning fun in Nt. Ann's ohuri-h. Tho at tendance of mourners was hiihII. Mr. Hot laday was unable lo be prei-ent. nnd do coanvd'x husband la In Parla. A solemn requiem maca was clohrutod. and Iho re main wero then tuki'ii in While Plains, where Ihey went interred in tho fntnily vault on IhuOphlr faun. Haoramontn, Dto 10 IJIniora Grander, an omplnyo at tho railroad shop", cntnmtltrd suicide at tho shops Saturday nf criinnn by shooting hlniMilf through Hut head with a pistol. Aged 37. Ho had bt-uti drinking freely. Tho wind liaa hnen sonlhrrnly nil dny,nky ovfircusl, air humid and aiiliry. with appear oncoof ndii, but thus far thoro has buon only it alight eprluklo. Naorumouln, Deo. 17 Fa ley wna noml natod for HetiHior nu Hie 7th ballot. The volo stood, Farloy 4'J, McDonald IS, Ilagor lb. FOREIGN. Ijondon, Deo. 10. A Berlin rorrrapondenl telegraphs thnt Germany has replied lo tho Turkish nolo that Qerinau participation In modiallnn depnnda upon ltula conHpntltiK to tlw parley. Tho North German Garutto and Ntlonil Gnr.utto cnnotir in deoUrlnc that tho powers won't listen to Turkish ap pca'n. A Bora correspondent say: Tho Turkish government obviously feel ila capability of roHlssaneo exhausted and would uludly make pcaue upon reaaotublo ttrma, but it appeals to have no definite proprammo. Vorbltza, Dfo. IS. Forty tboutand Bus alarm leave for Orrhanle lo day. Belgrade, Deo. 10. Bunco Milan haaatait ed lor AlixIraiK PorylatiH under General Iieachkjanie, occupied with artillery Iho heights of Lopollnllzi and Secanka, com matidlnp! Fort Maramer, near Mirrh. Buuhareot, Deo. 17. Colonel Welloaley, British military attache. aya Uaman Baaha bad less than SO 000 men at Blevna, and in bis aortlo lost 0,000 killed and the wounded have been u.uou more. Bogoi, Deo. 17. The Russians, after occu- SyinK K!cna, pusbod forward their troops to alorova yesterday. Constantinople, Deo, 17. It la anowlnir beavily In Iho Balkans, and It la belloved the passes will be rendered linpaaaable. Etrorouin, Deo. 17. Two Kuaalan dlvl alon aro movliiK in nut Turkish communi cation with Treblicnd and attack Krzeroum from tho south. Bucharest, Dso. 10 The report of the sul oidu of Osman Baaha la false. Tbero la no foundation for the report of his death from any cause. A telepram from Bucbnrost announces the arrival of the rr.tr at that place, but does not mention the death nfO inn Baaha. Si. Betersburir, Daa 17. The Husslan loss to I)f 09mher 13th was 77,C.'.0 mn. Conslanllnople, Deo 17. It i generally believed hero that the BoreV appeal for me diation of tho powers will liavo n remit. Ityurd, the llrillsh ambii'Hador, lias In formed tho Turkish government that UotJ laud will continue to observe neutrality. Buohartst, Deo. 18. It la known lo many that tho czir was privaUilv warned last Au gust that II Kuiionterid on a becond cam lialcult would Im impos.lble lo restrain England from hostile auilnu. Inltueutlal Biuslana eonsidor the present mo'iient hlghlv favoMbl lor direct negotia tions between Busala and Turkoy. Constantinople, Deo, 13. l-ranci has re- - piled to the Turkish note. The lemm of the reply aro almost identical with tbobo ol Allien, Deo. IS Tt h aaid the Porto has decided to grant fuller autonomy to Crete to allv discontent In that Island. Vienna, Deo. 18. A corree pnndent tele- praphslhaTurkey'a first pscilto etTort may berKrd.l a afalluw. Hermany hinted (bat treating dlreollywllh lawla would be the ahortwt 'way of coming 'to an under SALEM, standing. It aeems that when the note wan first mentioned iho Austrian government replied that It couldn't bold out any hope of successful mediation on suoh a basis. London, Deo. IB A telegram from St. Petersburg, aemlotuolal In character, says tho statement that Germany and Austria havo refused tho Turkish request lor media tion has produced a favorablo Impression here. The universal sentiment Is that after the great sacrltlcea of Russia, peace on the conditions foreshadowed In tho Porto's cir cular would be illusory, and that tho quni lions raUod by this sanguinary war must be definitely ami exhaustively solved. Alexlnatz, Deo. 18. Brlnco Milan baser rlvod hero. Bucharest, Deo. 18. Brlnco Gnrlsohakofl has instrucled Huaslan representatives abroad to nbxurve tho greatest possible re serve lelatlvo to tho conditions of poaco which Ituiala mlyht bo disposed to advance. London, Dto. 10 Tho morning papors ofllclnlly nnnounoii that parliament will meet .Ian. 17. It Is stated tho cablnot has do oldodton'k pirllniiiout to vote a grant of money forsuab lncrean nf tho British nrniy as the present slate of Kurnpe demands. The .Standard In Its leaiNr explains that the victory of tint IltKHlans is not tliocnmo of Ibonitniniinlni. of pHrllameut, but thn llceiun given In HihU by Geriuauy end Austria lo use tho vlulory In her own way Thin Ih wliatcorklliiitrH Iho danger lo Brit lh Interests. ICuylsud ran never cnioont to thenuarrol liettig nrr.inged on Ihoso terms, She my oven have caims lo demur to it pe-tcn tltrectlv Intwenn the bellizerenlH. Hho ulalniH a voire In tho snttloineut, and It Is that she may bo prepared lo Insist upon that voice that Iho invernment is adopting Ihoso moaMirr-H wblcli parlUmuut will bo Invited to sanction. Nsploi, Dy. 18 Thn nro'en. of Naples nud Oonerals Sapnh and Palllnlnl and their hialfs to-day wont nn hmnl ttvi U.S.msn or.war Vnnilall.k to piv their respects to ex Preside!! Ur.int. Hiilutes wern exclmrged between Iho vesan and fortllleatlons. Oin. Grant la now vMUng Mount Vosiiviua. Tho prelict PCConiraiii'H him. London, Dec. Ill It Is said thn Chinese ffnvnriiment In'euila lo nppal to Great Britain utid the Uulteil Htatta fur pecuniary aid to meet tho famluo in tho northern prnvlceH. Homo, Dfo. 17 Tho eenrt of Bppnals ha aentenotil the publisher nf ()i.era Krvators, organ of the Vatican and clerical puty, to six months' imprisonment for libeling tho mill' Ulers of the Italian Free churoh. Tho popecoiilluiifH improving. Koine car dinals deslro to removo tho couulavu to Trent. LETTER FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Ban FiuNcihco, Deo. 11,1877. " C.U.U'OItMA WKATHKIl" Has hrlghlened tho horizon slnco my arrival here, nnd wo liuro only had onoahower, and that wan of fchort duration. The dust is vory plentifully ecattered uround tho streots ol San Franolfco. Tho coming holidays aro causing tho busi ness Iiousp.hIo eprlng to activity, and one can spend an ovonlng vory profitably in looking at tho show windows of tho various variety ntorea, and jewelry ahops ono can sea plenty of beautiful apenimens of dia monds and othor precious atonos to dazzlo the oyo. Thoro aro a groat many Oregon lana com ing hero evory week, and it would bo ueoless to try to koep track of them for they are oon. stantly com Ing and going. The average Oro gnnlan stays hero until they are caught "short" and aro obliged to return. Every one who comes seems lo be pleasod with the oounlry and climate but at tho same time are glad to get back to old Oregon again. I might right here say a llttlo In regard to OIIKOON KHUITH, And apples In particular. I am surprised to see applea which are very Inferior and ol poor quality, both In alzo aod flavor, Belling bote for from f I 60 to 2 00, and r variety of apples called tho "Iuly apple" aro celling for from 5 to $0 por box. It is true they are of One flavor (for tbey are raised and brought from Oregon.) We cannot see tho ploamre In eating npplea oosllng eo union, aa It look. Ilko throwing money away. To-day I saw In a show window aome half d)9n psars, of tho "pound pear" variety, from somo Into rlor orchard, which weighed as high aa three pounds each, Thoy wo ro offered for talo at 50 cents each. The Palaco Ilotol, of which you nil have heard so much about, la simply grand, and I would beaorry to te tho government get 11, although Btuator Suaron says ho knows nothing ubout the proposed purebate, as they would not be ab'.o to keep It looking so nice as it now Is. Thero aro plenty of places of amusement In this city, and one oan see a good play, as wellasRee tplendor enough lo pay them. IUldwln'a theatre Is a beautifully titled up placo, and even on the stage the most h?au ilful and elegant apartments aro atiown, as floe aa any parlor. The place where tbo German element delight on (Sunday, Is at Woodara'a Gardens. I have not as yet been there, ao will leave a description of it for auother lime, Oakland Is a beautiful place, and tbe ride iritfwujtfvdvs OREGON, DECEMBER 21, 1877. aoroaa is very pleaaaat. Tha C. P. R. B. Co owns tbo rerrlea, and they bare built a pier (or bridges as the people hero call It) on spiles out Into the bay for a couple of miles I understand that every spile that was driv en cost the Company f 100; so you on Im agine what amount It must have cost. It is belngeaten by the toredo (or some kind of an Insect), no that It la not the aafeat In the world. Tho ferry-boat ntarta from tho foot of Markot street, and lands at tho aforosald plor. It takos about fifteen minutes for the boat to go across, and tho dlstanco Is eight or nlno inlltH. Tbo Co.'h cars run from thereto Iho suburbs of Oakland, nnd yet; can rldoon thorn for nothlug tho only cheap thing I havo struck so far, outsldo of walking. You pay 15 conls n trip,, or you can buy n month ly ticket for S3, good for two trlpu a day, on tho ferry. Tito working nun nro having infetlngn In dlffdrent parts of tho city, ami I understand that It is to protect thomselvos from tho Chlnoo ulotuent. Thn (-nvoial lenders nro haying n lltlln trotil.lo for leadership. So far n man named Kournov Is ahoad. with auvoral ntlmr agitators following uloio In tho wake. Iji month rtiatikmviugii.iv, limy h.vl u procession, about 10.0(H) were in line, and everything pna-tid ell quietly although trouble wnscxpeotnl, Ttio six Chinese com panies hao l-ut!il an order fur all t.'hlnamen id slay In tholr Iiouhs. The wholo rl'Uhliia town was, to a rtaln tixtent. bmloadcd. .and only u lew Chlimutoii wero visible. A treat iimny people Ivf tho city on uccouutof expeciiiig trouble. A in vim tho many Institutions In Sm Fran-cl- o, that of lloald'M I!ulnus U;)lloi',tHiil(H among tbo Hut, undeery djiy b hear of omiicH gHiiut.K iiipiimias. Thov teach u thorough btislitiiiH mid (iotumeicI.il oourM), huiI iiiiv ono whoso early educatlnn has boon iiegbcted inn lonru all tlm rudiments nfan Knglish education I hern. , The college Issues a iii(iriii)iitalilnuti;(mrwtsludv, rat.i, o'o., whleli uan Im had br nildlertlrig'theni. tneir uniuge la nt -I t'ost. etriet, nnd any young man who wishes to obtain a thorough business education would do woll Intaknu counoof instruction there. W. J. C. Dr. Guard's Leoturo. Ono of tho most iiilnlllgmU. nnd npprcola llvonudlcticeH that ever cutigrrgitcd together In Kalem was nHnumbled last csonlng In the lecture room of tho Methodlat uluiroh, to Ihton to K-jv. riiomis Guard, of Man Fran otsco, who, as iinnouncod. delivered his famous lecture on ''Mental ActlvltlrH of Iho Aku." For two long ho lira tliodlallnguluhod orator held in profound and listening tillonco bis bearers, by liU wolrd and forulblollliiH tratinuH, his logical deduotlonaund his magic word weaving. His delivery Is pleasing, although In the rapid passattoaof hlsaddrosa an occasional hbiiIoiiou la shorn of iui beauty and forco l3 tho loss of un cxpresslvo word Takon altogether, Salem bad an Inlollcotual feast that w ill bo long romrmbared by those who attended, and a oourae of lectures, with such orators as Mr. Guard, each winter, ami the oapltal of Oregon would, like the largor allies of the New Kugland MUtew, eoon be come famous for its literary taatta audioclal ratlnomeut, Uecnrd, Deo. II). Leg Cat Yesterday morning a Gorman by tbe name of Bro winger, was in South Salem, near tbe old Cross place cutting some 11 r brush to re pair tbo dam at Kinney's Mill; while In the act of striking a limb, caught the axe in such a manner aa to make It cut a aevero gash In his right leg Juat above the knee and causing tbe blood to (low pretty freely. Mr. B. continued on with the work fur a time, thinking that the flowing of tho blood would soon cease; In this he whs mistaken, for in a short time thn blood hail filled the boot on the rluht foot; ho Ihen bi came alarmed ana started fur town to have the wound dressed. Ho was tracked by parties who ha;pnfad to come lo thespot when theaccldorit Lupptccd cltar Into town by tho blood. AttcmptoJ Burglary. It h finite evldi lit lli( re Is it ngular organ ized Imul of petit larreny thieves nuking raids In every town in this Slate, with prob ably tiolr headquarter at Portland. A shjrt Mine ago Mr. Ho) hort's candy manu factory was nibbsj, and last ulht inmu per son uttempted to enter the atom of Mr Hugh Owens, In Nuuth Milam; limy sun oeded In cutting out ono :na of gla-s in fie Uiek window, nnd broke off one of the bolts In the door, but was frightened awav bo ore tho door could l;e gotten open, Then are M-yer.il stray lo'iklug i-byi a ai present in thU city, and it vo ihl be well I'ornurtilil.Hns losro ibat their wlurtowit nro uatled down and tbeehot gun Is lo.idnJ '.v.lli liuiik-shnt, and tlioflr-t prton that U caught loating around your place after a ron-otmlilo bnur, and can giv.i no good escuio, Jint till him so full of holes tint IN bide won't makua good be.m boive. ''Them' our uMitlineula." Stookholdcrs take Notice. TboktockhuldorunlthetpitalMlnlngCo,, will please besr In mind that the anaffcuiieul No. l,on thoroiiipanj'aatoJV, will expire on tho 'i'ld of thin mouth and will be delinquent. Stockholder will find J. H. Haas, the Treas urer of tbe company, ready lo lus to taem their reaelpu when the coin Is paid. mmiiun tnm SAXJGM TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. CKNTnAL Sottooii, Doo. 10, 1877. Tbe Association met and was called to order by ths President, Miss llalllo L. Powell. Boll call Miss Warrlner tardy, and Mist Smith abaent. Mr. Steevea was appolntod apeolal critic. Minutes of the prevlout meeting read and approved. Under tho'head of General Business, somo discussion orcurrod In regard to vacation and tho next meeting of the Association. Then followod the regular exorcises of the meeting. Miss Taylor read an article from a school lournal, nn tho duties of (eauhers, to themselves and lo their profession. The wrilor urged teachers to make a life work of their profession, and If thoy did not Intend to do that to leave tho school room aa Boon aa possible. Teanhlng should not bo made a "stepping stone" to something elao. Teach erssliould band logHlher for their mutual boni'flt aud thus assist enoh other. It has been said tho most prominent traltof a toacher's character Is Jealousy. Jealous of tho success of another tenchor. This, of course, should bo guarded ugalnst. Teachers should thor oughly qualify thomsulyes for ibis work. I'he Munuaid of pndloleuuy should bo raised by law, and every person desiring lo tenth should be r quired to pas iilhorouglioxitui liuitlon before be Ih grnuttd n certlllealo. This would keep luiflicleut persotm otitof tho HChocI room, and oIomUo and maku moro romuurratlvu the piofusslou. Mra.C'uil read a Milucllun untitled, ''Totio"." This la an ndiu. -bio nrtiulo dtuiiHslinj tho dlllereni tones oftho voice, and which Is tho bet to tco In tlio Hjlionl room. Miss Win Inner read rule', "Duties ol trnubern to their pupil", to themselves and fo their r-clionl," found In a uiiuular publish ed for tho te.iohers' uao, by Supt. Doty, of tbo Chicago puhllo schools. Mr. IttMiillo read n khiii by llowon, enti tled "Crown the Toaulicr." This la a beau tiful poem, and waa ably lend by Mr. Handle. MIhs Powell lendn vory prntly iioem, on tltliil, "Tho Jolly old Pedagogue.'' It con tained Hiuiih consolation fur tbo poor poda- uotiiin. wh ult was tsurodlv ainu elated bv those prennt. Tho poum was very well read and was listened to with profound attention, riiooruiu was cniiiHi upon lor ins report, whereupon he iiroto In IiU place and said bo had no report lo make, It wns u, lived that tho next mciitliiir be an liilormal one. held at tho UMial place, Friday Deo :-l itii:uu l. M., wiuuti motioii pievau- id. 'i Hero luting no motion, mlluuriibd, further hiistuiMs, on J.T. Githoti, .Secretary, Send tho Stnuipi. When you want it copy of n nov.spjpor, senil tbo value of It In Htnmps, then you will not bo dlsappoliitid. If you ara n corres pondent or havo sn iidvertUenient In tho pa per, you aro entltltd u it complimentary copy oftho paper containing It sent (o your poriollloii, hi tint tliuoof publloatloii; for It takes tune to hunt up it oopyj three or elx montliH after It la published, and tlmo cohIh money In a printing olllue, so tend enough stamps to pay the publisher for tho pair ami tlmo required lo hunt it up. Another point: When ) oil write lo it man foryourown In formation and benelli, and which you are satisfied would hoof no Interest or hnueililn him, enclose stamps to pay bnth postage and thn value of the writing material used, and you will, vory likely, got tho information desired. Haa off tho Sldawnik. . Yesterday a gentleman by tho namo of Henry Gentry was wheeling lila ifttleoherub, about ono year old. aud when noar Commer cial street, at Johnny Kught'H blacksmith shop, he stopped and commenced to exam ine some cultivators, leaving tho carriage to stand nn the walk, tho lltlln fellow aoon got tlrtd of tills examining cultivators and commenced topronel the can lage by Jump ing up and down, the sidewalk at that place la on tho down grade, and about two feet high, aud the wagon having got fairly started, ran for about ten feel And Ihen pitched head foremost off tbo walk into a piteor out ruooisti, upsiiiu iiuwu. 'inn uauy roceivod tvo gashes, ono ust over tho oyo, and the other In the tomple, whluh brought tho bliod from the little Inunoeui'a head in streams. Tho wounds aro not couaidored dangeroua, but rtlhor painful. Money iu Poultry. A good little boy over in Houth Halem, tho othor day, heard his ftther remark that ilmre was innny in hens, and after lint old gen tleman had gone over lu town, this good lit tle boy took his (log nud went into the poultry yard to invostl&to tho matter; alter be had killed nud out open about k ball dozen of the fiiUHt hens, bo concluded that the old man was Joking. When the old gtnl MiiruoJ home and letrnod vim', had hap. poind, ho III upon that gor.d llplu hoy In a manner that soon convinced him thnt, Iho old gMit was not Joking. That boy now won dura if lliero Is a balm lu Glleud. Paralytic Strobe. Wo nndsratand Hut Miss C.trrlo Lsngbrad ncelVnd it parllil s'roko or paralyeia Jai-t Saturday, lu thn left side, and for h shon Hum It was supnrie-tl that the stroke was permanent, but ibis morning wo burn that h'io Is In a fair way to r cover, and will aoon be itblo to be uround again, Tiiia Is tlm sec ond nnnof those strokes that, Miss (,'arriu hus had within tho Wat four years, Aaad 'J'hroutih. ThoSborlfT of Lac county pawed up tho valley to-day on the morning train, huvlng In custody one 8, lw la, alias Herman, uho was arrested at Seattle a few days ago, on the nharge of bavlog committed a murder in Coos county some two years ago. TTTJfTV - - mT,,r,nWnr"Tiai'mT'm'',imt'nB'''f;''l't''1'l''l'w Volume IX. Number 45. Letter from Ohio. I have delayed my correspondence soma in order to seo If your poetically named cor respondents woro going to give mo a literary shampooing. But the nice, easy, and very courteous manner In which Aunty Squash oamo down, and the grammatical dlatlnot noss with which aho designated my sex, showed hor hoad to bo level, and that X would politely surrender my seat In the cara to Magglo Mountain Sprout, Miss Vander pcol, Felicly Carrot, or Jennie k'qiush, with or without cornels, you may tot down as n standing rule, and ho who would not do that, is I think unworthy to bo noticed by any lady, whether they may havo culinary names or not. But I pasu to notloo othor topics. This to November Dth, cloudy and cold, portentous o'nuda nro constantly looming up In theaoulhweist and twisting winds blow frantic freaka in overy quarter. In all my observations, whloli of courao aru i.'onllno:! to tho ovor-gono past, I havo novor notlcod that ami, stolid iiidifleuii to nil moveable faMs nnd fonsts, whluh now stems so readily poro-ilvcablo lu tho pooplo ol'Olilo. It I.i Iruo that pollllra lias nlmoat wholly lost Its Interest In tho minds of tho pooplo, nml thirty (housaiid voter lu our dtulo refiikud to volo. In Delawnio county alonooluvoii hiintlred voted at homo. Agri cultural Interests havo all dwindled, money matters havo uoutr.toted spasmodically, htook has rjpldly ikcilued in prices In ron sispiiiiiiu', ituil somo wbouculd havo realized 8 per hundred for hoga cannot reitllzoDJl cuntH per pound. In Madiaon oannly thou sands luvo tiled of olioleni, Htid enino down thero wrd dotug somo lull talking ubout tha oittllo pest(ToxaH variety) having moved In also. One louudory nud all the IUx lntoresla InDilawaro aro laid low. Property tlui cost S70.000 sold ,Ust wink at furoed salo for 81' 000, leaving Iho hnrrllliid stockholilera lo strike it dividend on the other f.VS.COU. Fruit, ctbl'age, nnd ralo-wutor, aro as miarcona hen'a teeth, and for tho last two months it has not been considered much out ol order by somo lo omit regular weekly uhuiigia of purploaiid lino linen. To broak tho fatiguing monslony which has oxlsted, I attempted to e-UVct tlm Intro dilution of a uniform hj sttni or lohool hooka In ourt-uhotls, Thiily 3 cara of pedag(gue ing iimld tho almost oudlos variety of school books, hud Millleod to dhgustms with tho prollcluiioy iittaloablo In each suo coaslvo elfirt. Commonly, threo to live olasaoa lu oanh depirtmnut, where ono would batter answer alt practical purpoim. Tho houao of Wilson, ilh.klo A. Co,, of Cincin nati, en) lying 11 monopoly lu Iho McGufllo publloutluii, Hiid every six mouths tbey wero undergoing ravlslou and changes, rendering them aa it sarlo but llttlo bettor than u medley of publication-, Tho mer uiiuary agoutor tlm Ohio huusii btatlrred himself under tlm Inlluonoo of big pay and tho prouuso of moro, went to ami iro, up and down, to thwart all attompts lo effect a uhaugo. At last 1 proourod from tho house of J. 11, Butlor A Co. the atraw that broke tho camel'a back. That house, on tho Amerl cau Itoadore, Oxford Speakers, Tune a Geology, Mitchell's New Geography, (brought down lo dato full series) Mmltb'a PealalozzlauGrainmtr, (thu bail thing otil) Honor's Pictorial United Hiatus History, Tbo Now Amerloiii Pronouncing Spellers and Mlichnll'ri Piiyslcal Geography. By llrockehby, theabltat book on that bube)t In Amuriua, soul 11111 a scale ol prions on itio utori-aald books which swHinptd the Clnelu uatl hoiiati ttnd llmlr II fuel -I Inch agtutatid several olherf, as iluy bound llieiiiMilves to malntulu thalMialuot prices fir lltuyeaiK. I'ovMishlli alter township adopiad, to tbo great salUfaolluu ol uoseil nnd o her leaeli iii. 'I'he hooka count sliurn ol ut least two prullta as wo article dlieclly with iho bouse. I aui no agent, Intvn 111 fish lo fiy, neither ask nor reonlvo ompriuailiiu, Ki.tt now if you waul it biullby IIiuhij ihenjjo f pas turn over In Urn I mil of Main l-',.ir 'I h rl imIn, 1 will willlni'ly loud you my alii to get II cheaply. Yours In MmmMiIi-, John Waikim. Leontrilsburg, O , Nov ft, Ih77, Kurd Ciiaea. MefJ.i.v, all 11 IliauKiocK, who once resided -it Salem, la now K-nlrir out u ti-ini lu llio I'lKiltontlary. 1' II. DpL'ish, wlmwassnit to iho Pniil!eiiiiary I om tt.l oily for fjiuery, la also sert lug out bis llini at llio place inr a llkii crluiH DaL'iss while In Ibis NU'.', had every advantage olfi-red, I tit he pioveil iilmoll it kleptoiiumlau nud ur ed tw o tui 111s lu tho penitentiary ul Orettnti. Uaaonlo Elocttcu, Atar'-uular couimuuloailon of Jninluu l.-idi(H. No 0, A. F A. A. M., held at Dalian inn o lowing (jllli'era were elected fur tbo ensuing Minion lu year; T. G. Klelimoud, ' V.', M ; N. U. llutlor.M. W.; Warreu Trevln, J. W.; .M. M Kll'a, Treasurer; O. W. To.l4 S-.xe e.ary, aud Joaeph DtBerry, Tj ler. II .1 M vJ 1.1 1 "i - Xl "l- r L v ? 1 i r