WILX.AMETTE FARMER r u i P1 x ; i t J. . y t ii Ml J If 1 00 NutKlu by tlui lUllroad $70.1 (K) And ho makes tliut ovory year JuU (hat way, ami proportionately nioro, us t ho fariuor lias morn ltintl to cultivate, uiid dot's not work hlmsulf or tennis as hard as ho doe.s without the Unllroad. And ho you boo It Is plain as u piko HtatV, that tho value of a man's farm and thu amount of money ho can make oil' of it, depends more on his facilities of Kettin to market than tho quality of mill or tho amount of labor. Tho other day, Mr. l'ulmer sold 100 acres of land near Dayton for forty-llvo dollars an aero, without anything hut a feneo on It. Van can huyjust as good land In Jackhou or Union counties for one third of that price. Hut In Jackum and Union couutio wheat Isoufy worth llfty cents a hushel, while wheat at Dayton is worth one dollm and ten and tho reason ef this Is the steamlxut at Dayton every tiny In tho year, while wheat cannot bo shipped from Jackson or Union at all. The miiKultudu of photography as nu indiistiy has received wtrlkiiiK illustni tlon fiom thu Ilk' u n h rcHiMitcd at (he InM pension of thu llurlln l'liotoranlilo So cloty. DariiiK Hut past year U),tHK).0 0 cartes do vUltes wre produced In (Jcr iiianyitho r.umbcrnt nliotoKraphers cm ployed wusBOOO, ami ilu quantity of ni trate of ullye r was almil iKXH) pounds. "My dearloy," Mild a mother to her you, hh he bunded round his plate for more turkey, "this is the fouith time you've boon helped." "I know, mother," replleil the key. "hut that turkey pocked at me once, and I wiat tojjot Miuuro with him." He got his turkey. The wheat pro'u 't of tho lending coun tries o Kuronoiltustluproiliiiv l,tiOtl,(XMV 000 huilielH, Ueimuuy 74-.VVXl.OtH), Franco (WT.ftOO.OOO, Austria MO.OtW.OOO bushels. The United States produces l,tSl,7W,"26 bushels. o -ajaaill Narrow Gauge Bailroad. Ulltor Wlllametto Farmer: Thinking your readers might bo In terested In hearing of tho progress of this work, I drop you a fow lines. This proposed .Railroad from Dayton to Grand Rond by tho way of Amity and Sheridan has been projected by farmers nnd wholly for their interest. Tho first meeting was called by a notice In your columns, on Oct. 120th, and since that tlino It has been gathering strength and force ovory day. The company is duly incorporated by three citizens of tho county, who nro direct ing the canvass for subscriptions to tho stock. The capital stock is rapidly be ing taken, and when ono hundred thousand dollars is subscribed an elec tion of Directors will bo had, and that sum together with tho subscriptions In labor and cash, repayable In freight, will build tho road from Dayton to Sheridan. Over thirty thousand dollars is now subscribed and pledged. Cross ties for ono half tho lino nro offered on tho track for twonty cents each, a largo part payable In stock. Tho road will bo built nnd its advantages are not over stated In this extract from tho compa ny's circular: Tho boncllh of this itallrond would 1)0 too numerous to mention. Thoy, of courso, already largoly appear In what has been said above. Hut Just for cxamplo, tako tho case of a farmor who lives fifteen or twonty miles from Dayton. Suppose that ho has ono hundred acres of first class whcatland, with pasture, meadow, otc. Ho is farming fifty acres of this in wheat. Ho has ono team, and after inrcsuiug no turns mat no can nam an (iverago of one load of ono ton (as tno roads aro good) to Dayton every two days. At that rate It takes sixty days to get off his crou of a thousand bushels or wheat. There is hardly over sixty days of good weather and roads after harvest, and If there Is, (hero is no time loft to sow a fall crop. So tho far mer is compelled to how spring wheat ovory year, or to own an extra team and hire a man (o run it; mid whenever ho gets tho extra team and goes to hir ing, 1 1 way goes all h Is pro I Is. Now then, suppose you build tills Railroad up along by that farmer, and seu how tho thing works for him then. U'ho nearest station may bo one. two, or live miles away. As soon as the thresher pulls up stakoi, and before over moving u suck from tho Held (saving .several days' hauling to tho barn), that farmer eommunces hauling his wheat to the Clrauger.V Warehouse at tho railroad station. Tho haul is Hhort, thu road Is level, ami the horses nro fresh, and ho loses no pieces of daya; and ho puts In on an average of distanecH, six loatln of fifty bushels each ovory day, or his wholo crop In less than a week. Tho Railroad then saves that farmer about llfty-llvu days of heavy hauling to Dayton ovory year. What Is that time worth to him'.' It Is worth four dollars a day as wages, or two hundred ami twenty dollars cash ovory year, and that Is ton percent. In terest on twenty-two hundred dollars. Heretofore tho farmer has cultivated only llfty acres of his hundred of wheat laud. Ho could not eultlvato any more without extra teams mid hired men. Jtitt now, with the Railroad, ho takes the lime saved In hauling to Dayton tho llft.v-llvo days with his own team puts in llfty acres In fall wheat, and then tho other llfty acres in spring wheat, making two chances for a crop, and harvests two ttoitvtml bushels of wheat with the aid of thu Railroad against tho ono thousand without tho road, and does not work as hard to do it. Now, what is the extra thousand bushels of wheat worth? C.iunt tlitiwIioHtul $1000 CO Uouul Ihoheod nt S 7ft IN) lUrviiituikr tixpoiihu.'Miity iiOO 00 Fire day' huulliiK to Matron,. 110 0O-$-.'5 i-leotloB at Solo Last MmiJh,y toe city election took tilace In Sclo, ami the following are tho ofllcer elected for i li' onnulrjg year: Mayor, F. P. Jonea; Marshal, Poter Uilyeu; Recorder, J. O. Dickey) Troaaurer, Daniel Morris; Conn oilmen, Wm. Logan, D. P. Mason, . M. Brown, L. O. Millor, G. N. Johnson, J. L. Martin, J, L. Chapman. A Slight Accident. A workman by tho name of J. J. McFar land bad tho misfortune yesterday while grlndlog'somo of his tools nt Drako's foundry, in homo mannor to catch his hand fust In the tjciuliiKR of tlio H'onn, and tho unit of his thumb on his left linud whs ground oil' ngulnst tho Krindstnno. Tho boom across Pudding rlvor, at Dwls Hro's mill, broko during tlui rocont high water, and several thousand feet of logs woro lost. Tri fr1vvETs. The Wheat Market. An oxchango says: "It takos hours to got ovor a too huddon rising." Yes, wo are aware of it wo havo sat down ou bonded pins hertoforo. y,tt'i Xjlfo 3Qo.laia.xxx. As a conqueror of Khoumatism. Oout. Nou ralgla, and euro tor Hcrotula and all dlseasos arising from impurity or eioou, tno oiu anu reliable Family Medicine, Juatt'n IJtt Hat- tarn, stands unequaled, as proven by over 300,000 great ourea during tho past 30 years. la a radical vegetable Compound oftiarsapa rilla, Dock, Oualacum, Ao., and a permanent cure. Hold by all drugglata and country urocors. Tako nothing else, and If thoy haven't It we send by ox press, boxed, every where, at fl and $1.25 per bottle: $5 00 and to 60 hair doz. Hyatt & Hyatt. 210 Grand St., New York. The Salem Market. Wheat In farmers' bands ft, 10 per bushel; oats, 47Ko for good, loss whore eclored by exposuroto woather; butlor, 30c; egRs,35o nor doz.; applos, 30j to 37o (per bushol ; pota toes. 30u to 3724c per bushel; bscon, sides, l-o pnrlb.i hams, 12c; shoulders, 8o; lard, 12otollo. Hay JI8 par por ton, balled $20 por Ion. Hugar has docllnod from Into figures and It Is a good thno for farmers to lay In a sup ply. OREGON MILLS, Xorlli 31 III Creek, Salem, Anr now in Complete Running1 Order, AND INVITi: Custom Work, WELLER & WALDO, NX I.U.TI, Nov. 1. ISH. nf NOT I-'Alf. to iMxt for nur Ncnr CiU.itoiiuc It ruti triliimnliii.liluliil'.if liutlori fur I'wry lii'i'xoii I'onlrla I'latlng ttio pur i li.nf uf nny nrdcla r.ir tMriin if. fjlllltv or agricultural mo, I'rro to miy .VIilrvM. , sioATa.in:itv waiii a co - ()rlKl:iul()rani.'uHiiplr llounp, 23 it VT.-J Wubat. Act., CIIICAUO, MI. DO S. IIEKBIAN. (Uuccettar Id H. A. Htinehunr,) WIIOI.K3AI.S AND II&TAIL DKAl.EIt IN Dry Goods, 0LO7HING, H.IMll)N Dl'UKM Oooclix, HOOTS, BHOKS, HATS. (MI'S. KIIOCKIIICS AND rituVlblONS. Tho liK!irt ctli prlca Mlil fu. Ml klr.ili of country jiroiliici1. Cr 1'lrft and Msillrun rttoi'lu. lim-JOintl IMUtTI.AMI, or. Fk-Seei 4 8 AN INDUCICMKNT TO INCItCAKr. Tlin J.X. iro1iictlim of I'i.an Skkk, lliu uiiilorrlj;iicd gio iiuiu'i) iiiai lavy win purruuru ai mo Highest Mnrhct 1'rlco, or will contract f-ir ll that mty lio oirorctl of nrxt fcmxin' crou. Iliioiiuh their ru'cnti". Meir. AI.I.KN V l.KW'IH, of I'iiiitlanii, from wliom recti ctu 1)0 tud upou application, JOIIK . KlTTLi:, Manacrrof tlio I'aclric Oil mul I.rn I Wnik. Nov. 81, ISITuill tf.l.V 'JIAXCISCO. Portland Produco Market Wo copy tho following from tho Oregon!! u of tho lli'.h: Wheat-i! 07J,Q'2 12J4. Flour llfti. UiHiuis ?il SO por bbl.; outililu and uuinirv braudif, ?'! 00; llnu and siip(rlln, ' U3a3 60. Hay C'holto tlmoihy, baled, ?1'J13; looso Oith Ilnttt ."1O0, common, 47. llieon Mil., MMllnU. huniM " liv shnnl. I dors, l)j, I.ird Ort'gnn.mndo, fresh, In 101b tins, llu; lu lilt's, Millc. uiiicKoiit si 0081 a. por dozen. Iliiltcr ISaiOo; Cheese, K'ttltle. Kggs i"o pr iloz, lUrloy-Choice browing ?l Q'ii; feed, ?l,60 per owt. Wool Dull salo nt '.J23o. I-K'1 Torulors in Portland buying 00; selling, 07's. Silver Com 3j4 per cent, discount. Nuii Prnnrlaco iiliirkct. 1st TiLiunAru. Ban Kraucirco, Dee. 1). Wbtat-Shlpptpo 7a9.-: mllllnij 34iJ -10. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT -or- Willamette University. fllUK TWKI.FTU ANNUAL OOUItSK OF I.KC X lure wlllcommuncA Moudajr. Dec. 17, 1STT. Stuileut. on arrlvluc In ttio ell;, uiu rciiuetitl to call at one on the I)i-an. IJt L. I.. IIUHLAMD, n. D Dean. J $2500 AV:IU AgenU wanted. Hull. luiiHlnuli, "nrtlcuUrtfrfo. 4Jl...JTOaTIIC().8tUU.llt DR. SOUVILU MATHIEU. Thi eminent JVcmci Physician ami Sttrueon, ami inventor of the PAMSSPI JlOMtiTJill, whli'h ha uivvii relief to thousamlii tf sufferer in JZurojic ami the L'nltetl State, uiu treated muxetafully several hundred case in Oreyon, the most remarkable of whlvh was that of Mr. J,C. Adktns, (i well'known business citizen of Salem, who has been suffering for years with a partial paralysis of the right side, ami was materially improvtd by a few lays of Jh .Vathlett's treatment. The right side of the face and right shoulder, in which there has been a constant sensa tlon of coldness, and the nerves partially paralyzed, hate become warm and re sumed their natural action and feeling, Mrs. Adkins, who ha been ajjllch d with catarrh in tho head, has been entirely cured by a few days of the Doctor's treat' ment. Jlehas testimonials from a number of tterson well known In JWtland. J)K, MATJITKU has permanently lo cate'tl at thecomcrof Third and Morrison strceett, lirtlanft, Oregon. SALEM MARKET. MONETARY. Lieut Tkndiiu, buying, 00c z.seUlng, OTC. FLOUR, GRAIN Xo. Wheat, belt whlto V buihcl ft UV X V ""MMIMIIIMIMIM.IIIIIMI, aitS 43 roruMcal, v ft Q, i Flour, bct, W lack. (V bawl) fcl c UucLwbeat Flour, V S ft a Uran.Wton 15 ooa la bhort. lton 30 OVft SO Oil Cake Meal, N ton 33 OV.... KlMhtfwJ, per W.... Uaj, V too, new 15 at) baleil, )l tun tOO 5 ouoceIues. 8uKar,8n Fnnciicoreflnol, 1 bbl UaJI 11 llauil. , l'JCin cruihcit ll.Wft liS pondered ;,a 11 01 Kfuuled iMj 11 Sirup. Vital J ftVTsl SJ Tea, Japan. V ft Mil (O Imperial j aai to Coffee, t'oita Ulca, V ft aifa .. HIO... ............. ..a.............. li(i ,. ivuno,..M.. .................... ..... . 35u& .. -ava. ......... .......,........ .... Hm .. Salt, Carmen Ifland, per cw 7.VM (to Liverpool, cturae ill 00 uairy... ................. .. ,Clil 73 y . o ot FRU1T3, VEaETAULE3.:Jto. Appiee... ........ ....... .................... 50 dried, l ft....... , Mi S I'eacbei, dried, V D I'Xi 13 I'lutui, " Kkjj ) rear, ..c. prbu..., . u'a ,, llvaiii, Vft s 4 eotatoe. W buihel 37 Onion. V to.... .. .13 .. Cabbage, i dsa , 71U.I CO BUTTERrKaaS. Ac. llitter, freibrolli, ) ft so& JO pacW , Ecs,V (toien.,.., Soft ,. Cheee Ori'irou prime, V ft MTi ., Lard, V ft.................................. 1?$ 13 oilsTac, LlntecJ OU, boiled, V ration 1 icvt,t S3 raw, " 1 cvii Laid oil, VrUon 1 hifti 75 coal oil, .......................... 7V) ., NeaUfout Oil, V gal 1 J.VM 10 Tallow, y ft................................ t lu Tho Liverpool wheat market seems to havo beon almost without change for a month or more, and whatever changes wo havo hitherto recorded havo beon caused by local conditions, lall of freights both Inland and on thoccaau and a prossnro of vo&sels waltlog for cargoes. Wo gather from the S. F. Commercial Herald of last wook that freights havo dropped oven lower than her -toforo lower than over woro known, by far loss than $9 a ton from San Fmucl'co to Liverpool. It Is claimed tbnt vessels nre fist llndmg cargoes Irom Portland, tho low freights from San Francisco will bo lu our favor, and wo noed not foar that thoro will Lo scarcity of tonnage at a lowrato. About Friday, Doc. 7, quotations for wbuit alvancod, both at Salem and Portland, $1.1124 por bushel being tbo flguro hero. Since then tho fallofPlovnahasputadlfler ontaspooton tho TurcoRusslan war, and poaco may result as evldenco is given of tho hopelessness of the Turkish cauBO. It Is not Improbable that the Great Powora will offer modiatlon, to seouro honorable, and It Is not Impossible that complications may yot arise to still further involvo the peace of Europs. It has been supposed that any sorlous Turk ish reverse, that would render reaw prob able, would affect tbo market for bread stuffs , or at least deprive It of all specula tive force and leave the national supply and demand to regulate prices. Should tbo war continue it Is probable wheat will bear fancy prices in the spring, and again, If tho war comes to sudden end we may look for a sharp decline, or even a partial collapao of the whoat market. Wo do no l anticipate a docllne to any low flguro, simply because tho natural demand will Insure a good prlco until noxt harvest, and It Is moro than probable that tho next yoai'scrop will brio; good prlco. California is again throatetiud with n dry season and apprehension provalls In ovory direction ana farmotsalroady grow gloomy at tho prospect. As yet tho rain fit I has boon much to light to Insure a crop, and It almost Invariably occurs that If thoro Is not n hoalthy rainfall provlous to January 1st tuoro is not suuicioui auer mat timo. Etuopeun Grain Market. London. Doc II. Tlio Mark LanoKtproas ravs lu spltn of heavy ImporlN of foreign wheat, nnd tlionbitnco of speculation, trade H'touiNto posoks intieri'iit Mrongth. It Is worthy of nototbatexporteof wlio.it during tho j ait six weeks woro ncatlv -13,000 quar ters, nnd should tho potlllou or I-Vouo'j mill ers and iiiorohauts bo uruutod with respect to thu tax on wbou Imported from this country, u tnuah Uiger ou ward movement may coutldnntly bo looked lor lo supple inont acknowledge ilollultinoy of Froli cerea crops. In rplto of ihn dullness of trmlo, holcoiN evinced little dhposltlou to prossalus nud prices havo uiidrgonn but tiitfllng oliangis. Hiiislau whoat provi sionally given way slxpenco to u shilling a (iimr.or, but Anieilcsii rciniilns linn. Prlcos generall inalutalnea their values. A dfoldedly htronptono 1ms btou nppsrout la maize, of which Imporis continue light, Mid further rise In thlt vnlunMs feodlng siuiVHpjxinrs liiimrneiit. iSound corn on llin spot Isbllmo-itexlmukted and quoted at 31s til. In barley and ontilusluua Is quiet at abou: provlous curroncltH. ATTENTION kSHEEP GROWERS!! A 6U11K PSATII TO Sce.b, Hot, Screw Worm. Foot AND ALL Parasites that infost Slioop. TT IS SAFER. nETTER and VASTLY CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER PREPARATION FOR THE TREATMENT OF SHEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. New Goods! -AT BREYMAN BROS.1 AT THE WHITE CORNER. t& Ono gallon it enough for one hundred to two hunlred Hbeop, according to their ago, itrengUi, and condition. It U put np In FIVE-GALLON CANS and In BARRELS. Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.. 'G PORTLAND, OREGON, Wtisleaale Agents for the Htate, Or to vonr ncarctt Retail Druealf t or doaler mrfl Clothing:, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. EATS AND CAPS, ROCERIES, Uxecutrix' Notice. THE nnuVrti-neil Imlnir hecu duly appointed ex ecutrix of tno l.t will and tcnUment of Jamen McCabbln, latoof Marlon county, ilcccarcd, therefore tato will proent all pron liavlne claim ncaliift faIiI decedent's c; tato will iroent them, nronerlr vermeil, tu dor Isncii, at her ro.ldonco, In North Halcni tm. nrnnorW vcrtfled. tu thit un Idoiieo. In North Halcni. wltliln fix mnnthK from thin dale, and all perron Indebted to util estate will pleaoo mitkn Immediate payment to tno nuuurtiKneu ai 1110 tame pi.ice. at salem, Marlon county. Oroenn. Nor. lilted itm. novilwl UAIUIAKA 10th. McCUIIIIIN. Executrix. Etc., etc. Final Settlement. NOTICE l hcrohy.'slvcn that Mary J. WcMon, nd mlnlftratornf thu rtnto of Uavld Wciton. do ceaacd. ha till day tiled In tho county court of ttio Hlato nf Orrenn Inr tho cnuntr of Mnrlnn her final ac count In raid cj'ntu. and aid court In appnlnttd Monday the ievenih dnvof.Ianuary, 1878. nt II o'clock a. m , rortliu henrlntf of olilectlon tliercto; therefore all perron Interested In inld ctntu nro rciitilrul to apticarnt raid datu nt tho court hotirn In Hnloin. In raid courty. then and thera to tnnku objection) lo thu allowance oi raid account, If nnv they nvn MAllYJ WKSTONl Itw I Admlnlftratrlx of Estate of Darld Wcrton. Notice. PETITION hsTlns liccn llled In tho county court is. or thu Mnto of Oreu-on fur tho county of Marlon, rorthtnptiolntnimitor K, 8 Ore'o'ren Rtiardlan of tho cMtu of frank Stone, n 1 on. resident minor, and Paturdiy, December 1.1. 1ST,, at 10 o'clock In tho fore noon, Imvmtr been appointed for hrarlnir tho snmu, now, therefore, all iieriont Intcrertnl nro hurehy re quired 10 appeir In said court, nt tho cHtirt-hoiifu In Mlem. In ild county, nt rnlrt tlmo then nnd there to rho'v cnuso why aid K, H. Oreolru thould not bo appoluttd n i:h utiardlaiu JOHN C. 1'EEIlLES, no-i.13 Omiuty JuiIl-o. nni.npi.ATr.DiVATcnr.M.cheipeit lit thu known worM. Sampl K'aleAt'rtt tit igtntt. Adilrcu, A. CoULtxn & Co., Chicago. Carminatives For Diarrhoea and Dysentery uo nr. Jnyiio'n Carinliintlve linKnni. As cliaugcH of cllninto or water, nml In (lbcrotlons In eating often produco tlicsocoinplalntH,travclcrAniiil others Hhotild always keep n bottlo or tlih remedy by thorn. It never fills to Hubduo tho most violent nttnckx, nnd It Ih equally scrvloenblo for Cramps In tho Stomach or UowoIh, Griping Pains, Ac. For Cholera Merbus, Cholera In fantum and ColiC uso Ur. Jnyne'M C'nrmluiitlte llnlanin. It romovcM nil Borencss of tho nbdomou, nllays tho irritation nnd calms tho action of tho Stomach. It may always bo rolled on to glvo Immedlato relief, and besides bolng effectual, is a pleasant and safo romody, easily ad ministered to children. For Asiatic Cholera and all Bowel Affections uso promptly Jojrne'M CarnilnutUo Balanm. Dr. It checks tho Diarrhoea, suppresses tho tramps which gonorally accompanj' attacks of Cholora, and conquers tho diseaso In Its Inciploncy. It has frequently boon nrluiinlstorcd In neighborhoods where tho Cholera has been raging epidemically, and it has soldom failed to glvo Immediate and pormanent relief. Tho Carmln ntlvo has maintained its reputation as n Cumtlvo for noarly forty years, Is equally elVectlvo in all latitudes, nnd ns a Standard Household HtMiie dy, should bo kept lu every family Jfc CO.lWholojaJa Aissnts. Portland T. A. DAVIS Oresou. Great Reduction ! HARDWARE HETAILED AT Wholesale Prices, for Cash My Stock omslsta of SHELF and BU1LD- l.US' lUidwarf, Mtrhanlcs' Tools, Shovels. Nallt, Hope, etc. JOIIK rTfoster, eaimS cor. StaiScA fr.mt m. 1OU17LANO J. A. 8TRATTO., Attorney at Law, SALKM. OHEOON. OCce on State 8tet,;oppolte tie Beacett IIoum. TUlfl Stock ban Just been pur chaNCd by Mr. WERER BREY AIAIV in Sew York nnd 8nn FrnnclNco, nnd, owing lo tho extremely low prlccn In Good nnd FrclffbtM, tvo nre nble to give better bnrgnlns thnn ever. WB ALSO MAKZ A SPECIALTY OP Carpets, Oil-clotlis, CurtuluH, iMuttlujw, vSco. FARMERS' PRODUCE Taken In Kxchniico Tor Good. est Call at tlio White Cornor. BREYMAN RROS., Snloin, Oct. 10 Or.l Oldest House iu the Trade. J. B. COJVGIiE, MANUFACTUltmt. Wholosalo aud Retail Doalor In nil kinds o SADDLES, BltinLKS, WHIPS rlaslics.Trunks Ko. "J3 Front Street, POHTLAND, - - OKSGON. Wholosalo aud Retail Doaloi Harness.1 Alio, keep comtantljr on Lanil n largo flrottmcnt of XJES-A.T,3EIJE3R. AND SADDLERY HARLWARE, tTSolo ARont In Oregon for tho Curbollzed Ilosn, at San Franolxco orlcos, with Freight added, Rcimli'lux riomptly Attended to NEW GOODS, Mammoth & Turn-Table Apple-Parers, Fletcher Post-Hole Augers, Meat-Cut ters and StuOers, Blacksmith Brills, Tiro-Bondors and Up-Setters, Pruniog-?aws, Knives, and HAWfl, IVORTIIRUJP & THOHIPSON, WllODEAl ANO RTAIL OEALCBS IN Hardware. Iron, Steel, & Wagon Imd Carriage Material OP ALL KINDS. 420 A; 131 Frout St.. POUTIiATlO. SALEM FOUNDRY, & Alaoliiuo Shop, SALSM OREGON, B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. jITEAM KNQINKS. SAW MILLS, GRIST MILL8, p Keapeia, Puinpa, and all klnda and etylea of 1I tUnery made to order. Machinery repaired at a bort BOtilc n J "ern-msUog done In aU It Tarlona forma, and all klnda or Uraea and Iron Catlntr fnrnUhedat nfl1.15"' Al' ""nnfactorer or KNTKIU'KISB ai,iAS5SaaB MATCUK. and bTICKKKS ani SUATWW ila4wU WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Food, For Ono.Tontli Toll. AXJO Sash, Doors, Blinds Turning. Slalr work, Rcdwlcads, llurcauN, standi, Tabic, EAlViIiG IIII,LS, And all klndN ot Furniture, At D80-ROCK FUICSS. Bhop t AKflenl'n'al Wwla fcaUdlii:. Salem. t'J; O. V. BUN MIS. l! - Sr j. wltc.t.: