ilSfUW3ft.M eK-WJKtrer. i .vu sacs "Wffif?!,f"fi 6 I ' K "X PK0Hs op HSBAHpllY' pireotohy. OFFICEBSoflUo NATIONAL GBANOB. Muter John T. Jones, Barton, Phillip. Ark. 3ww-3r. J, Woodman, hw Paw. Van Duron, " A. n. Bmcdlcv. Crcsco, Howard, la, Steward A. J. Vaucnn, jnanijiiun. ." A4't Sleward-Xotllmer Wbiuneaa Mlddlebusb, Somerset, N. J. (pMplaln-S.'tt. Kills. Sprlnghorongb, Wnrrcn.O. maurer-V. M. McDouxll, Wayne, Htenben.N.i. secretary u. it, ie cy, iiuuiiimu, (IU.hVvr-0. lilnwfd.llo, Orchard rfroye,Ind. tV-es-Mr. John T. .Tones, llirton, Phi Ids. Ark. Flora-yitf. Samuel K. Adams. Montlccllu. Minn, ytwwia- Mrs llancy Ond.lard, Nor h Uranby. C I. ,'y ',tWanf Sfsttxrd-JIIss Caroline A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. EXrCUTtTB COMMlTir.B. J). Wyalt Aiken. (Chairman,) Cokcsbury, 8. C. K. 11. HIianklaLiI, Dubuque- Ijwf; Dudley T. Chase, Clarciiiont.N.II. Alonrb Odder, liock Kails, Whiteside. 111. W. II. Chambers, Oswcichco, Russell. Ala, Offlcom of Oregon 8tte Grange. Matttr-Vfm. Cyrns, Hclo. Otmter-A. K. Shipley, Oswcbo. Ascftirtr-Mn. K. N. limit, Sublimity. Kecrttarti-H, W. Handali. Oregon Cfty. SSiwrrf-W. B. Tbomaj, Walla Walla, W. T. AiMant SUward-O. v. Riddle, Uanyonvllle. Chaptaln-Yf. II. Gray. Astoria. TrtiwirtrS. P. Lee, Portland, f7.Awr-Danlel Clark, Salem. Urn-Mrf . B. Mill", Jacksonville wnono-Mrs. 8. D. Durham, McMinnvitle. FUvra Mrs. r. a. ivmiy. ".-"-.; rlv Ain't SUward-Xn. GeorU 8 Bmltli, Hood River, Wssco eouny. . AfcKiiHM VommllUt-Vfm. Cyrns, Sclo n Dallas; K. L. Smith, Hood lllvcr. u JIufltiMt Attnt-B. P. Lee. Poriuaa. Clow, State Grange Deputies for 1877 roitOJIt. Ezprm, K il-ld""0": Corv.lll. Co.r.Ul. Enoch Hklrvlno natte Creek N W Handali Oregon city J W Hares '. Myrtle Creek... O M "ufdner.......... Drain's Station MULTNOMAH. ,. . riympton Kelly East Portland.., .Eact Portland p F Oistleman ' ,11 i.L Hiiain q v Hunt Mubllmlty Baiom JN TMIMe8"".' .lacksanvilto Jacksonville FAIWlSSJIi Itlckreil BIon J J Charllnn"'. 0""" ke Jacksonville Danlcl'to?.'. Kerbyvl.l Jacksonrlllo t tVI James W Matlock Goshen II A Irrlno Lebanon taj:o. John End Tysh.... 1 IUU Albany .Tho Dalles YAMHILL. ., ... J) 0 Durham .McMlnnvlUa J Supplnuton (lastoli D II ItliuimuV. Canyon City Canyon City K W CiiKvurs Columbia City II V H.Jittn!?.' Tillamook North Yamhill UMATILLA. JS While .Weston Weston mm. J lltiiiryHlirucder.... Olt WASIIINUTIIN TlllllllfOIIT. d.AnK. B W Hrow Vancoiirer COLUMBIA. Ill' Klein Dayton whitman. r,,if.T Lbltlnner CoHax Coirax MX (looilnlii Hlina I'IKIIt'R. , ,, H8 .Miiiklmm Chehulls Point TIIIIIISTON. nlrmlita I, O Abbott Olympla Olympia K LiiiiKinlr ! JuIIuh Hur'lol.' 8U'a BUto i.nwis. I.M Plcrson CUquato YAKIMA. , OP Cook LHcnsnutK In nnynmnlr where the Deputy ajpolnti1' is 11 l the , innsl ! tilde. cd tho flranues ofilui I.K-iillty will i nil i"?ly In lei n to mo cblco. I will bo pli-d, for 2 In. lances I liavBhwn oWlirn to make ap. Iiulniuiuiiu wllhout kiiOMlcdsa aV-M? OVKllM. Master Oroiron Hiato (lr'ani:, P. of H. Mooting of Subordinate Gransoo MNNCOIJNTY. Ilnp'i,, inootM l Albany, oil i tho IbI nn.l SiliinUvH or i-Holi uiiintb, Ht 10 . m. Oik I'Ulii, S'o. Hi l HaUuy, aniluml Itli U ...., I,. tiiA tat II U. 111. piilnted Is not lUnmir. No, ItW, In OrAwfordHVlllo, tat .ml Mnl H.ltimlllVM. lit 'J P. ID ........... v . . , SvmaUMii r. Kl, lit 11 oil Ullum atutlon, Itli ..r. .i.... ..i i .. in l.otmiion No. SI, t Uubanon, JI mnl -Itli Hatunlity. t 10 . in. (Jr.ti.if lirl Nn. 10, Hli " Knox lluttu No. 'il, Jut nnil 3rd Satur- l,'HVuitl.un No. 37, ami itml Itli SatnnUiH, "MrtiwitHvlllo No. 10, 1st nnil anil S-ttnr. '''rtiiKont, No. 7, Ut nil 3nl Krhlayfl, nt 10 'luVrUburK, No. 11, lit ud 3rd Satur iIuvh, nt 10 a. in. ,..,. ..... ., ,n Slimlil, No. 11, Ut anil 3.1 Saturdays, nt 10 "'lVippy lie mo No. -W, lt nnil 3d SaturdayH In imilt inontti from Ootobor to Juuo.aud on tho Ut Halurilay tint lalanon of tbo yr. Harmonv No. 83, 3rd Saturday, rriiuUrly, oxiHipt In Nov. Ddo., Jan.. Fob,, and March, whou thoy meet tho lt Friday. HKNTON COUNVV. Koaii Crook No II, tat Saturday at 10a. in. Wlllamntto No.fiJ, iiTiium nay, " . l'hlloiuath, No 13, 4th Saturday, at lOu.m. LANK COUNTY. Or.mwt.ll. No. Al, -Ith Saturday, lp. in. i:iuonn, Nu. W, Hi KiiKouo CUy, 3rd Sat day, at 10 n. in. CJliarlty, No. 7rt, 'Jl Saturday. UiHlioii, No. 101. UtSatunUy, at 10 o'clock Junotlon City, No. 13, and Satuulay, ut I Slti'ioUw. No. Al, lMt SAturday In caoh luoulli.iit 10 a. in. .. MuKuiulo, No. 107, CMtnp Crook, ad batur- tU'' VOMC COUNTY. 0.ik 1'olnt, No. 3, 1st and 3rd Haturdayu. MAUION'COUNTY. HiUmi (IrauK, No. 17, 1st and 3d Satur diyt In owl! month, except In AtigUMl, Hop t iiiilior, and Ootobor, whou It mww only on tlui Ut Saturday al tbnlr hull In balom. n, i:n. -itli saturituy ......I..-., --. --- - .... , .. ... , .. Uiwk 'o nt. N , ai iuruy, i p in. llulto Crook, No. Ki, 3rd Saturday at 10 "' '"' WASIUNOTON COUNTY. lltuvoitoii No. 100, inoeta 1st, Saturday, at lOo'olook. OrsiBU Calabratloa. Sal nn (SratiKo, l'. of tl will wlebratotho nnnlvoiaarv of ll.o tlabUih limit of tho Oiolr Hall In .Slein, on the third Natiiidavof n.ointor. 1877. oimimenolua at in .. u. Mr,iihnra from otrrr Urail- ui art Invltact. Judge llolo v 111 deliver the adiirixa, anu oiuir iiFwuoi i -looted. EJSl'il03PECnVE. Interesting to Oregon Wheat Growers. Several hlnla hayo boon given through tho Fahmkii that much Is to bo galnod by habits of retrospootlon, a truth which la so plain as to bo considered Bolf-6vldent. Tho best re sults cannot bo obtained, howevor, without uniting our exporlonoes, nud this can bo ac oimpllshod through tho Faiimkii. The lime hvi come; tho roads aro lmpassabls f6r freight, tho rain continues, and although our firming oporatlons are not suspsndul, nt In tho colder Statos oT tho Union, thero 1 sulll olont spare tlmo to pais In rovlow tho opora tlons and results or last year. It It not to bo denied that tho prosont systom of grain rais ing on tho Paolllo coast is one of thoft and robbory, for nothing Is roturnoil to the soil in place of tho untold millions of wheat that havo boon ohlppod to England and other parts of tho world. As n consequence our crops aro steadily diminishing in the yield per aero, and tho cost of production per bushel Is Increasing. In tho first settlement of this country volunteer crops, yielding 23 bushels per acre wore common; now we boar no more of volunteer crops, but wo do hear of crops upon wbtoh baa boon bostowed much labor, tbatylold as llttlo as 10 bushels por aore. The land upon which heavy crops may be expected Is narrowed continually. Wo havo boon plowing deopor and deoper; wo commenced with 3 inohos, thon tol,on to 0, 8, 10, 12 and 1 1, just as tbo necessities ol tho case Boomed to require, and as wo go down wo must admit, undorour prosont sys tem of cultivation, that deep plowing t'.i deep ttealinq. Wo are noting as though our soil woro Inoxbaustlblo, or that ovory thing do pends upon climate. Our obildron will wnko to tho bitter truth, If wo do not, that " always taking out of tho moal tub and novor putting In soon comes to tho bottom." Thoy may curso us, as do tho prosont Inhabitants oflho boaullful, but lm ovorlahod Shenandoah Valley curso tholr ancostors for leaving tholr chlldron nothing but storlllty for unj Inhorltauco. This year Is said to bo a favorablo year for tho produc tion of grain, and If so, comparo thoylold porncro with a corresponding toason 10, IB, nnil ao yours ago. Will any ano iy that tho docrodHO has boon an llttlo as ono bushol per ncro In 5 yonrs 7 Ono man nonr hero, on tbo good IiIIIh, ralood l.'-JM bushels on over 100 noros. Tho ylold upon tho namo hind K yiurs Hgo, was incro than 35 bushols por aero. As groat n dltlurunco U noticeable In othor pliicos. Twonty joarH ago wo rulfiod Hiinual crop, now wo mimmor fillow, nud our ornpi nro of course blonlaly. This s'lould bu taken Into tbo nccoout. And If wo, by doing twlco as much work, cun ralHu 30 or 10 busliols ovory i year, tlintUonly lOorao IiuhIiuIh yearly. In Llnu county, tho farinoi'rt beau ulvitl, tho dorrtnso has boon equally groat, nud wh Ho from many places In nil of tho valley counties wo boar of largo rnturiiH, tho unwolcomo truth, of a ripldly exhausting noil pros.ios upon us In a variety of wnyH. It ih not alouo In tho ill mluUhod ylold that wo sro It, for with tho exhausting of tho olemonts of uutrlllou comes weuknosH, nlotviirsi of growth, In ability of resistance to mbtoorologlcnl clmngoi, and n long cxposuro to tho thou- sunt Insocts and pirasltos that proy upon tho plant. Wo hoar ol rust, blight, unllllod IiciuIh, Umber straw, and othor nllmentH un known lu this country a.i years ago. Wo may ox poet inoro. What la tho remedy 7 Artlllolal fortUIors and gtiilns nro tald to bo out of tho question. Son wood Is l on fur uwny nud wo cannot havo tlinioKirt.'i cltliH, for ourcitloi aro only vllliigos. Wo huvo but ono resource, to return what wo havo within our ronch nud thus dlmlulih us ns possible the nmnunt annually taken Irom tho soil. In tho Stn'.os oil, this consists In tho cultivation of grain urops to bo turned under, and In producing a large amount of animal mauuro, both of which nto ns yet uulrltd and Homowhat doutitful problems In Orouou. To produce animal manures nt such rates as to bring thorn Into use as gouoral fertili ser, requires nevoral clroumstauros as con dition prooodout, which do not exist In this valley. Animals canuot bo kept for tholr mauuro aluno In any country. Catllo must ylold milk, butter, cbeoso, hoof, hldo, etc., beside, and upon the value of those depends the quoatlon of Its mauuro aa a fertilizer. The production of milk, butter, or cheese, hero, can be only in very limited amounts, Inasmuoh a iur market Is small and Isolat ed, lloefls already below what we cau af ford, for with beef at 3 conta per pound, tho mauuro or that animal for wheat-raising would be, practloally, as Impracticable as tho more costly phosphates or guano. The pioducts of tho .sheep, upon which depend tho availability of lis mauuro as a gonoral fertilizer, nro less valuable than In tho states aforemoLtlouod. Wool oati be rated fair, but inutleii Is worth ns llttlo as boef, and for the IndetUitto luturo both can bo raided Ut below what we can ailiml by tho herders .uid dock-masters of that great but never changing country east of the Cascade inotui Wins and Kistern Oregon and Wahlngton. Nothing then toem to bo left us but the r.iUlugofcrten crops, tho leaving of every btraw, chat!, etc., upon tho ground, and tho supplying of as muoh manure a h con slsleul with tho wants of our increasing population. In this connection It would be wtdl enough to say that far too little atten tion Is Riven to tho raising of sheep, tor, al though our protlts upon mutton ate reduced u. a minimum, by our Kih'oui Oregon brothers, the tlseco Is unatfectid by the com. petition and beam transportation to tho mils of the earth ocklng a mauunicturer. There is no animal that can oompjte with the sheep as an assistant lu lie wurU osummer fallowing land, or that yields as much bene III to the succeeding crops. It hi a uo equiv alent. 1 mutt quote lUlpu Qeer with one of the WTTT.AMRTTE FARMER moat pungent aaylngs upon this subject. Speaking in the Highland Club, In reply to the remark that we can never expect to get more than ono crop every two years, Mr. Geeruald, ''I dony that, Mr. Presidents we can have a crop ovory yoar." How bo, says one. Mr. Oeor answered triumphantly "tho first crop, Blr, is mutton and wool, and the next crop Is all the better for it." Since then I havo talked with a good many farmors who have lost lots of money bocauso thoy did not fully apprtciato that speech. I bollovo It was publhhod In tho Faiimkii at tho tlmo. I would liko to register, lu somo conspicu ous placo In tho Faiimkii, tho following question, viz: "What is tbo cost of raising an aoro of wheat?" According to my figures, thb host, oxoluslvo or tho Interest on laud, U not loss than JO, and of this sum only about ono-third of It Is payable In tbo farm ot's own labor. AdJ tho lntero3t on land, at ton por cent., with a valuation of ?20 por aero, and we have the iimu, twP w wmuu our ylold can doollno and pay exponsos. If a blonnlal crop is asiumod. This Is a vory Important factor for the Oreaon farmor to consider, especiallywhen ho knows that ho mustonler into competition with a great part of tho world and that most of his com petitors are nearer market than himself. Onoorthe items ol tbo cost of raising an aero of wheat Is the harvesting; henco the dobato between the hoador and harvester mon, In whloh the headers seom to have the advanUgo In Immediate cost by 1 per acre. One advantage of tho hoador Is, that it loaves more .straw upon the ground where it grew, and any machine which would loavo all, except tbo wheat grain, might be considered a fertilizer also. In the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and somo otbori-, wheat is generally cut and bound, and the straw and chaff aro usod to food and bed stock, and after bolng carefully compoUed Is returned to tho ssil lu an improved condi tion, Instoad of being burnt In pllosona small partortho land, according to tho cus tom horo. Until tho farmors of Orogon nr rlvo nt that point occuplod by tholr brotbron In tho last nnmod Stales tho hoader mon will hnvoonohtrong argument In favor of their mothod. Thoro are somo objections to this method, but I wilt not tirgo tnotii nt prosont, ns I prosumo thoy will bo fully hot lorth by tnoro com potent persons. Coino forward, brethren or tho plow; don't bo iMckwurd; let us discuss our ix perloncoH, that wn may bo tho hotter prepar ed for utxt year's labor. Homo Ulll, Mnrlon Co., Doo. 1st, 1377. a a II. .11 D1.1A. a B fl 14 Orango Celobration. At tho Inut regular mooting of Salem Grunge, 1. of II., It vras ugruod tocolobrnto tho iisulvercary of the Ordor, at tholr hall In Snlutii, on tho third Siturday In December, 1877. commencing at 10, and continuing un til 12 in., wlion tho mombors nro oxpoolnd to botngrnugo tnblo for nil present. All tbo members are requested to attend nnd Invito their enpocial friend. Members from othor Uriuigesnre respoctfully invltod. Jlrolher H. P. ISslie was InvlUd, nnd con sonted. to dollvor an nddross; after which Urothor John Mlnto will sing good old Hon nto I)oon, whin volunteer speeuues, songs, mid toasts will bo lu ordor. Tho word will not bo lukon up In the forenoon, so that members mty invito non-1'atroin. A spo ol tl Invitation It extended to tho prnpriotorH of tho Wlllamotnt Farmor, and tuolr wlvia, bv tho Maxtor ol tieui uranuo. Tho alinriioon will bodoioted to tbo annu al oltotlon of ulllcors of tho tlrango, lo sorvo tbo oiiiulmcyoir, together with oinur regular hiisliiiixH, during which it Is hoped overy member trill remain tind nrtljluto. Urn tilers ami Slaters, lot iu Imvo n tult attend ance, and IhUH M-oure u good tlmo and hu effi cient but or ollk'ors. G. G. Ui.knn, M. Stuselaw Orange Kn. F.itMi:it: Slusolnw Grungo Is In n ll3urlkhlng condition and wide tiwuko. Wo Uko tho Faiimkii, which keeps us thorough ly potted lu rcspoctto prices, and tho doings of other Granges. Since our Grango 1ms boon oritaiiliod thoro baa not boon n law-suit In tho preclnot, whloh I think Is speaking well for tho Ordor hero. Wo are maklug grand prep-triillons to colobrnto our natal day, whloh Is tho -ith of December. We aro to havo n big oystor dinner, with other good things too numerous lo mention. At the regular mooting of this month wn elected tho following officers for the year 1873: Win. Itussell, Master; W, I. Coleman. O; Mrs. A. J. Nlghswander, Lecturer; Cbnrios 11 ad ley, S.; I. F. Davis, A. S,s John White, Chap.; Marlln Wingard, Treas ; F. M.'NIghswan. der,Seo.; Thornton Doak, U.K.; Juno Simp son, Ceres; Kiuma Hutsoll. Pomona; Mary MUnor, Flora; Katie Itusjoll, L. A. S. Deo. -I. F. M. THE LIQUOR TRADE. To an outnlder facU relative to this branoh of trade are but llttlo known and whou tbey are pried Into cannot help but attonlsh them. The liquor trade or Wan Frnnolsco to ilayrtanda liulin ioremost ranks of mercan tllo enterprise mid the homo engaged In the triulonro among tho oldest and wealthiest lu the city. S. F. Commercial. TlKsotluUquander their dally earnings for poisonous whiskies, should read the abovo and pauso. With tbo dally depletion of your purses ihey build mtnslons, and revel In luxury. You grow and sweat tin dor a heavy loud, and, porohanc, n weening wile nud helplets otNiriug waut for the common neceiwarlos of life. It the abovo nxtraot Is not sulllolont lo mko a man wheel Into rank, and march with tho tomporauce army, the c.v In tinw- lohS, X. Drlluquont Tax Ltit. District Clerk Cox has turned over tbo ile- Itnqiienl tax list of District, rso. ai, to tlio Comity Clerk, who will turn tho siue ovr to tho Sherlll for rolleoUon. Mr. Cox li.a colltuled of the levy the mini orjlOOi 14. Vhe delinquent list ainounis to only tiM 5S. Tlio tax has been collooted closer tilts year lhau over before, United Siato-s Senator MoDanald ospnsses Iheoplcion that tho railroad hao ouign wn theii.rniw llmlta or ibe State authoilty whloh created them, and that tho uatlenal Government will have to protect tin no, preoUtly a It doeaooranaercoon Ukei md rivers. Sheep and Farming. Editor Willamette Firmer: The keeping efBheep on the farm cannot bo over estimated. Thoy eat eul the briers and brush lands where tho brush has been cutofTandthoshoop properly confined on those places, and they eat up tho foul weeds and pests that aro an annoyance to farmers and help to clean up bis summor-fallow lands whore thoy aro properly managod, nnd thoy enrich tho land moro than any othor stock, tholr food is chowed so flue, and tholr droppings so small that It enters right Into tho soil and decs not ovaporato as does tho droppings of largo stock, such as cattlo and horsos. Then they nro so much moro easily managed and controlled than largo stock they can bo changod from Held to field so muoh easlor and can bo coutlnod wltk very muoh lower fnncos than large stock, and the returns from them aro so much quicker, thoy coming to maturity so much quicker and yielding a lleeco as well as moat. Thon thoy nro handy tor fresh moat to tho farmor genorally so far from market as to be com pelled to raise bis fresh moat at home. Now perhaps some or thereaders or your paper will any what Is tbo use or filling up the paper with that that we already know so well. But when we atop to think that the great tondenoy or Oregon at the presont tlmo Is to produce wheat and sell It off without returning anything back to tho soil, and also that wo must summer-fallow our lands or they will grow so roul that wo cannot raise aaythlng but wild oats, sorrel, cockio.and all other foul woods. Then it becomes a matter of Importance how wo can enrich and clean our lands In the quickest and cheapost way, and got paid for It as wo go along. Tho fact U, sheep will convert more worthless borbago Into monoy and put it into tbo farmer's pocket, than any othor stock . A farm that is kopt continually well stocked with sheop will grow richer, while ono that koops nouo and annually sells all UsgtalnolTand sonds It away, will grow pooror. Ii. D.J. PLEASANl ANNIVERSARY. Mkiiama, Doc. Ctb, 1877. About thirty coupios convened thisovfii lug at tbo houhoof 1'hllmoro Morris, K'.q., to extend to him friendly greeting, nud wish him "Jod speed" In his sovouty-Ilrbtyenr, (this being his birthday.) Mr. Morris camo to Oregon '2H yoar? ago, and hos snout most of his time in Marion county. As ono of tbo early pioneers, his mind is replete with all thoso trying ncones nud Incldouts that tried "moil's souls" of that period, having been compolled tho first wlutcr horo, lo loed out his straw buds, and fell treos for his oittlo to browo upon , to savo tliem from starvation. Mr. Morris camo from Illinois to this Stuto, was well acquainted, and lu fct at ono tlmo om ployed tbo lato Umentori Abraham Liu. coin as a common "laborer, and necrodlts to tho Htini) lllustrluus doad that tiilent, wit ami manly uunuroblty which nil uubluscd wit. ue.shes accord. Mr. Morris was In tho war with Mexico, In 18111-17, under Gonoral Price, nud was on duly hc Scott's headquarters when iho HWiirthy Mexican General La Vegos wa brought in u prUoner; uud remembers welt that the U.istllllan wild to Gouoral Scott, "HyU dUeuorutScoit,!!lvonioin thousand or jour YilllKeo uevun ami nu iicu uunuiiri tuKo Cerro Gordo." Mr. Morris has din grume of tattle lltldrt where bo, with hi tro-jps, wniumigaxed hiiHtho company roll of eacii eompiuy of his rolmeut andii con tinual dl.irv or leading evtiiils or tho om -i.iUn, (if killed, wounded, olu. An hoiirN mile wlui tno eld veteran, Is a feist or mind worth an iiiigol'rt time. Hut hold, I have leftu eoinpiny thnt were tu the helghtnf exuberant spirits, while hero inn I ut this hue hour, lu my "little old ctbm," on tho stream alone all alimi. II. BUENA VISTA ITEMS. 1). M. C.iltiroRtb, our enterprising drug gist, has opened a now book store lu connec tion with Ills othor business. Jetl'erson Miller has eulaiged nud rcpilroJ his bom shop. Mr. J. T. Flotoher, ono of tho plnnoer toschers of Oregon, has been appointed assistant lu ihograiled fchnol. Mrs. Jnmes Smith whs badly salivated a a faw days Mnco, but Is now fast recovering. Mr. 1'. W. Pra'.uor has Just finished ami moved into bis uew home lu tho edge of town. Steamboats are running dally. They come f quailing for more wheat. Mr. J. W. Ilobart shipped l,fl10 sacks of wboatyosterday. Maivti.n Fuatuku. Independent Maotlng. Quito a largo gathering nt tho Indeptn dents of Polk connty met In Dillas, Wed nesday night, December, 5th 1677, lo discuss the political situation. The greenback Idea prevailed unanimously, and a motion was madoaud carried that the Chairman call the Central Committee, nt an early day, to make the necessary arrangements to uomlna'.o a county ticket for the coming June election on that Issue, and such other matters ol political raomout ut may come before thorn. D. i. ii')u., uuuiruiuii. ROLL OF HONOR. Tho followlnfr students of St. Tanl's Acad- omy, aro entitled to plaos on the Roll of Honor far the term beginning September :t 1, 1877: Ilctbe. Clm 100 ivpr. MiCKto Wi Kerr. Fnncl l'O AUrn. Davis 1 heyscr, Anna ...ICO HoveDilfu, A mm, tti t'txpir, OiM w SliUon, Vic.) ! Knol4. Kte '. Tludcll, Alls IH Billot...."" IM Minor, Emma W Uruwn. tifo..., ....... W Dor.dTor, I'aUy- KS llonham, Clinton 8? Alli'u, Uar...... Kl Conoxcr, Krauk 83 llarUomtn, etii..... KS Mickey, Oram SI Tlumou, hatrmau... 6J llrxiwn Asa M strauj;, Clara SI Van Warner, Tiieo h hhavr, Sallln '....,. tU Cbimh. I.II W lkmlmm llurlon...... .. Ui Carpenter, I.tlUo IK Orares, CUrs Ul Hrlstow, Kjccna ih Iini'mrr, Anule n Hiss, Din n; lloobsai. Frank. ("nnnlnslun, llenn.... ' Morris. I'u.flo , SI Kenttlor, Kriuk... 'I llolrat., Mark S'l I'xiforazf, E-dlc. t"l lllrons, Ast si J. A, Sellwoop, Prlcolpal, .V young mvn in Maine writes tn ask ua if w i want to enuuKA n "purlin editor." No h ink you. Wo hsrs a puzzled editor, tnd th-' Is wulllelHiit. He la puzzled to riud cut whrluiUuuder pwp'e don't pay for tbelr pap) t. A Fruitless Ride. Officer J. W. Mlnto went oyer to Dallas, yesterday, for the purpose of bringing over an Individual by the name of West, whom a warrant Issued by the U.S. District Court was out for, and charged with sell ng whisky to Indians. Mlnto learned thathis man was In Jail over there, but when bo got there West had escaped, having dug bis way out nnd Is now at llborty again. John had a long trip for nothing nnd came homo tired, wot, muddy and hungry. Stooltholdora' Menting.' A mooting of tho stockholders' of P. P. Transportation Company, met this afternoon In tho Good Templars' Hall, nnd orgaulzod by tho oloctlon of Mr. Henry Warren, or Yamhill, Chairman of tho meeting. The Chairman stntcd tbo object or tho mooting ns being to placo before tho stockholders tho financial coudltlon of tho Company, and to solicit stock lu ordor that tbo Company may meet its roqulrotneuf sand indebtedness. Tbo meeting was well attended and a lively Inter est manllostod. Aful. report will bo mado to-morrow. XOS4. 1877. The Only Strictly Wholesale Drag Home In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO., 71 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, OFFER TO TUB DRUG AND GENERAL MZB chtndlso trado a complete assortment of Drugs. Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware. Shop Furniture, &nd Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all sizes aud qulltlcs. WHITE LEAD, Of sll tiio lcadlns brands, In tins and kens, COLORS, IN CANS and DBY. Putty, Lampblack, Bod Lead, Gluo. VARNISHES, tnclndlnjr tho finest brands for Coach raln'.cro' nse. Paint, Whitewash, nnfl Varnish Brushes, MN.SKUD fllli, lu Imrcls and cans. Tiirpintlnc, Coal Oils, Castor Oil. Lard 011, Xcat's'lbot Oil, Fish 011. Alcohol, In barrels and cases., nine Vitriol. Sulphur. CnHllle rjoi, C'onccni rated B-ye, I'OtUNtl. 23ittoi'a fill jtr.lTtea. Quicksilver and Strycnnino. TA.3S., In Quart, Half-Gallon, One-Katlon, and VIvc-QaUoB Cans and Parrels, etc . etc. Wcora Aecnts for Oregon and Washlneton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAENT, the near mixkd pai:it in uss for llalllirhr'dt'ft arbn'le Mirrp rip. Wal rice's Mice? Oath and Mul rrl Plson, unit mciM and Jaync's fruprltt.ry JUOIclnc. tTT" Wc buy onr cooils from first bands, thns en- ab Inir im tn corapi to wllb any rnsrkct nn tho Coast, s a compatlton of our prims ulll prove. mjrt) I!UTAUIiIM3SKU MbCi, Willamette Nurserv, G. W. WALLING & SON, I'JtOPltlETOHS, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. WAILINGS .PEACH PLUM, Tlio Itnllnu Prune, And tbo best varieties of I'luiu, Prune, reach, Apple, l'cnr, CUerry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSORTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogs. Salem Flouring Mills. UE3T PAM1LY FLOUK, BAKER'3 EXTRA, XXX. 8UPKRFINE AND ORAnAM, MIDDLINGS, DRAN, AND SHORTS,-Coustantl-j' ou Iinud. Illirstoitft Prloo lu CASH Paid for Wheat ATAZsZsTZMSS. R. O. KINNEY, Bent Mif Aiient B, F. V. Ct ZiUOXUB BEXsZs, Successor to J. M. Euus & Co., S Llbertr at. - - NKW YORK Coiu-mlsMioit tton BnTINQ AND FORWARDING FROM V New York tU Isthmus, Pacific Rallrotd, sntt Cap Horn. U kinds of Merdundls e, and for the al of Vrolacu from Dm Pacific coast, fur tha couectto of monof. Ac octSlf 4 '' M" "JH