WILLAMETTE FARMER 9 ar tsr IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES :S -A.T TO THE PEOPLE: Having doterminotl ta rarUntnin tho position heretofore occupied by mo for tho Largest Retail House in Oregon, I havo taken tills menus of announcing to tho public that I am now displaying tho LARGEST and UEST STOCK of General Merchandise north of San Frnnclsco, consisting of a fine stock of Oents' fviad. Boys' OlotHing, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ECnts, Onpa, wVxruua3x.m, "XTaJAmomf oto., which is surpassed ly none in the city, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. It shall continue to be my aim to give THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, Anrl in nlnnn hftforo my natrons a variety of articles not to be found tin any other house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by .advertising goods which I cannot produce upon, inquiry, bnt to give value rcceivod in every instance. Soliciting a. call from every pur--chaser, at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, M; MEYER. BY TELEGRAPH. Now York, Deo.5.-Tbe Herald's Bismarck (Dakoto) special Bays: Orders are recolved to-day at Fort Llnooln for companies I, E, L and M, of the 7th cavalry to move at once to Deadwood on forced marohes. Tbo battalion will only mustor 184 men, followod by 32 wagons and their teamsters. The troops aro In no condition to move, and will bo worse oft when they strike the Indians. A courier has boen dispatched toStandlngRock,ordor Ing the Infantry now stationed there, to the seat of war. Companies from torts Srtellng and Slssatou are expected here via lightning trains. Important messages have been Hying In overy diroctton from Bismarck to-day, nud tho nlr is heavy with rumors orblonly times botweenhoroaud Deadwood. Tho report Is that Deadwood Is completely Investod. A heavy wagon train on the (Juster road lies beon captured, and Bismarck's Josephs aro Plows! Plows! FRANK BROS. Buford Gang, JMack Hawk Single PLOWS. CALIFORNIA BULKY AXD TUB mmMwt 9w-mL tniBIftir & CO. Iron and Wood $fo Beam Single PLOWS. FIIOM 3-Inch to 16-inch. Champion Browne " Sulky, (Sever brcn beaten In tho Held.) THE LA BELLE WAGON, Champion Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and Tho McSborry Grain Drill and Broadcast Seeder. Tin: most completi: line ok PLOWS, HARROWS, BRILLS, AND Other Agricultural Implements in the Market. lllifORE PUllClTASIXa, CALL ON "sjtslTs. Brotners c3 uo., 104 and 106 Front Streot, PORTLAND, OB. Jno J . Gilbert Good Farms FOR SALE. Q IT AORKS OK LAND IN MAItlON roUNTY. M.-f I Hf.tmn. ten mile north of Htleui.on tho iMvtnnind Wheatland real: I a licjiitllul loiyUlon 0FFEP.3 TO TUB COUNTRY TRADE Gum Boots Xlic Host over Mndo. AN EXTRA QUALITY OP Ladies' Calf Shoes, Joit the ttilnz for onr Oregon winter weather. Farmers' Fine Kip and Calf Boots, imiUI HAttirut nnrt u tho vi iv but 1an1 1 the Htato Con b- atvlikd .- 1 .. 1 . M 11 ( MM I Into hrouoi)dfar.n. w lure an ewr ir pi or acre, which umu un.. " art of lull it.l 1.. s !' n ance of tho land In a auro body of 50 cri. SOO of which U under cultivation: lw arrta inmea, joioihk .1... niil.i,.,l AAA: that coh d lio rilfllr cot r-hily for thu Plow. hnInc been ilitued irotn five to ton yearn. Alllhu buiMliitfi aro on tho COO aero tract, nml for which wo only ak f 30 per aero. Thi who aro In ea rch of sood land should go and co thla place. For particular, cju ana co tuo urupnuwri. AUO, QOOACItK OF LAND IN MA1UON COUNTY, uftvoii, two and a hslrmllc from (larval, and aboat .U ':..'. .11 J(.nr. frnm Wmtdhlirn. Willi! Oil tilt IlUltO viUeroad. la de.lrable. location; la the icry be.t n iianA t inn inn. mi dltci. is iu J UHI1MVV wi "--TT-" . ." .t rr-i d I.. tntAf ia innil (1 (! iinfj UOUfO IJU IM1P pUce; tuo cootJ birnn, with plenty of bed room for .lock. For full pllcuUi . rOXllcmn On tho nrcmlea, or eildre them at WhiatUnd, Or. Noy.il.lo7T. Irap'd. banqueting upon tho blood or delenseless men ana wotuon. ma wiuw mwmauu wludy.andlt wlllbea hard tlmo for troops If a campaign Is tbo Issue of tho trouble. Tho 7th cavalry battalion will not be able to leavo until to morrow night or Thursday morning. . , . , . , , Later The Deadwood itage which arrived to-night reports a train of eight wagons load ed with provisions captured by Sioux Indl ana near Sulphur Springs. Four horses were killed and afx driven off. The provisions were all taken. The Indians, estimated at COO. passed north. The stage and its pasaen gers were unmolested. Capt. Kdgerly's oom pany of 7th cavalry lately poeted at Sulphur Springs lemarohlng In, not having heard of the Deadwood trouble. Kdgerly bimielf arrived by to-day's stage, .... Augusta, Deo. 6. The election In this Stale to-day for members of the Legislature and the ratification of the new Constitution passed off quietly here, 'mere was no op position fbrmemoers of the House. Indi cations aro that the Constitution will bo adopted by a large majority and Atlanta will bo tbo capital. Atlanta, Deo. 6. Returns from dlaerent soctlonn Indicate that the new Constitution and homestead aot or 1877 was adopted uy 16,000 to 20,000 tnaorlty. Atlanta Is tho cap ital by tho samo majority. Deadwood, Deo. 0 There will probably bo a lively contest between the old aud newly eloctod county officers, tho old board of oonnulsslotiorB having failed toqunllfy tho officers elected in November, as the now bonrd organized today and qualified. l'assengors arriving on to-day'a Dlamarck coach, roport that whllo crossing tho MIh aourl river tho coach and four horses broke through tho Ice. Tho four horses woro drowned. Tho drlvor and pisaougerH os- rnnml. A man named Snelcol, who formed nno of tho party of six that woro nttuckcil by In (llniiH a short tlmo Hlnco, rode uptoMyora' rancho, yostordnr, nx tulloi from Urook Cltv, with un Indian corpao t!nKKluff at tho endorn innai, tno outer onuoi wniou wbh fastened to tho pommel of his aaildle. Ho roportH havo ongaed in n running tight with thrco Indlnnx, two of whom ho wounded nnd tho third accoiiipanlod lilm ai nbovo Hinted. This evonlug about 8 o'clock Hoinuul Cur loy nhot and killed his wll'o nud thou ahot and killed imiiHOlf with tho hiiiio pistol. Jealousy vnn tho csuso. Columbus, O, Deo. 0. During a lrcluro to night by Prof, llakor, of tho Unlvoralty of 1'onnsyivanln, boforo tho Tyndall Amocla tlon, musical xoundM transmitted Irom Chica go, over a circuit of 375 mlIoi,ly moans of Uroy's harmonlo telophoun, woro heard by tho audience, but tho particular tuno could not bo recoK'7.d. Tiilo, It It clnlmed, It the loiiBoitdiatnnoo which thla lnsitrumeut hns bouti aticcoHHfully worked. Pouohetula, La., Deo. u A school toRchor natuodVurney wax nrrostod audjlodud In jxll ou a chargo of drmikeune hut night Tho )4ll was Hot on lira aud Varnoy was burned to death. (JhlcaBOX)fln-lL TiKT-Ault nualnnl. James O'Nell.notor, begun by a woman alUglug honjclrto bo Mrs. O'Nell, for alimony, wan illMiilsMid to-day ut pla'ntllPrt oost, the court rullnc thoro was no proof aufllclont for no tion. Tho Times' lllsmarolc special says ono company ofoavalry left for lh Dlack Hllla today, and throo moro will follow ou Sun day. Two othor banks a savings and a prlvalo bank run by tho (Jreenbaums hero aro imnh ombarroHsed by tbo Ntoptago of tho New York Oiunnbaum bank, and a consider ublo run la beltiK nudo ou tho savlugs In htltutlon. KllMbeth, N. J., Deo. 0. Mrs. John Hllov, wll'o of a prominent oltlzon In tho outsklrtH of this city, who has tn-qiienily brutally beateu an orphan girl in nor employ, tuts at. inrinnn In n lit of riiL'd tiourud a nallfill of scalding water over the girl, from tho elleotH ot which ilm will protiably die. Atlanta, uoo. v. runner reiurna iouay Indlcato Atlanta as the capital by 4,000 ma jority. Thd now constitution was adopted by nearly the same vote. Homestead of 1 970 adopted by a small majority. opringneiu, Mass., uev. u. .ur. xhjwion in executive commlttoe of one senator or repre sentative from each state. It was arranged to have a permanont room at tho capltol, Tho house Judiciary committee to day di rected Ben Uutler to report a bill allowing women to practice before U. S. courts. Tho Times' Washington special says: No more nominations will probably be sent In to the senate until tho holidays aro ptssod, unless absolutely necessary for puullo In terest. Tho Inter-Ocean's Washington apodal nays: There is strong feeling In tbo cabinet favoring recognition of Diaz., It will proba bly bo decided on shortly. Thoro la no truth lu tho slory that Lerdo has retiouucod his claims to tho presldenoy of Moxlco. Tho story Is bollevod to havo been sotatloatby partisans of DIsr. for tho pur posoof promoting tho latter'a recognition by tbo United States, It will not havo tho slightest Intluoncn In thatdlreotion. St. Louis, Dec. 0 Dispatches from Grand Tower, III, sotno 70 uillos down tho river, sava Charles Mulrlch shot and killed his wlte In Fountain Bluff township. Randolph coun ty, yesterday, and then blew his own brains out. Family difficulties the cause. New York, Deo. 8, The case of the United States against Ex-Governor Tllden, to recov er alleged arrears of Income tax set down for lo-day was adjourned lor two weeks. Dr. Albert T. Bledsoe, editor ol the South ern Review and former professor ol the Uni versity of Virginia, died at Alexandria, Va , last night of paralysis. F0EEIQH. Belgrade, Deo. 6. Prince Milan on ad d rosing the departing troops dwelt upon the certain prospect of a better issue of toe new campaign which Ser via was obliged to un dertake for this time. Ho was better armod, having a powerful ally. Iionaon, dm. o. a uispaicn rrom rent save Suleiman Paaha captured Elena and six cannon. He hopes to capture Tlrnova shortly. AdUnatoh from Suleiman Pasha vester day confirms the roport of tbo capturo or Elena, with 11 guns, "20 ammunition wagons and 300 prisoners. The Russian loss Is ostl mafd at 3,000 klllod and wounded. Mobemet Alltolegraphaas follows, dated yesterday: "Wo have advanced boyond Ka marll. Our lines now confront the Russians, who havo fallen baok on Wrotobesh. London, Doo. 5. A special from Adrlano pie says the victory at Elena removes all danger of attack by llogahar. pass, bv the urvj-h . KrnrrK.lT made fir oar trade, qnalltle, to autt cnitoaara. of different AH good Hold by mo are GIIAll ANTKEO o bo whnt I rcconi uicnd tlicm, or I will at any time maKo It good to the inr- .cuaner. ciXBEirr.S Salem, Oct. ia, 18TT. JOHN G. WEIGHT, Dealer In !FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Woodea and Willew Ware, 'Tobacco and Cigars. COM-HERCIAIj street. Salem, April!. 15- dAwti S1200 aiirr. (WimtnDUdliHilHr liiMinr" rKiiiSf "fftSiTi. a. oiul cd, ,, IUmX..Ciii(liaiii.O. Llttlo Ginnt GRUBBING MACHINE. w n-uh in Inform the Doonlo of Orogon that vi havo purchnsod tho patent of 'The Little Giant Grubbing Macnlne,"and that wo are now prepared to supply any number ol them at a very rewouablo price. The sub inini tuiiiinnnhiRnf tho feiiDerior dualities of theso mHoblnes and Ihelr comparative .i,.nni.ia uhnnlil rtwvimflndeil them to all those dealroua of clearlnjr off land at but tri fling expense. For further partloulara apply to Frank Cooper or Wm. Delaney, Salem, or AlbojtBrlggs.Sclo. Hoio, March 10th, 1877. Thla Is certlfv that we havo used "Tho Llt tlo Giant Grubbing Maohluo" and found it superior to anythiug of tho kind ever uaod In this part of the ouuntry: t'resion Munnern, " " i Honry Ile7, J Morris, A Ilivlii, '"',l" EHaldwIn, U F BrJgg, Henry THaro. Wo the underalgned havo soon "the Little Glaot Grubbing Maohlno" work and can assure tho publlothat III tho best machine of tho kind we havo ever Mcn working. M Alexander, " W Hamilton, JOJobuwn, Poter Smith. J M Brown, Win II McKnlght, P Bllyeu, U P Masou. Ecio, May 25th 1877. 7. O. SXTLUCVAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPEItA UOU8E, BALEU. B. E. corner, at bead of ilalra. bW Farmers, Take Notice. PLOWS REPAIRED. ti.d. xvassrjS gffi mtth Bhop, on CosisierrUt at., below Wade a hard warn rtore. for a until ootUy of coin. Drtnj la joox old Plow., sod eet U I don't Jo a. I ar- omaclatlne rinldly from falluro of asslmlU tlon or food aud grows perceptibly weaker. New York, Deo. 0. Tho World'H Wash ington special say: Army o Alcorn have boen In a considerable state of excitement to day and this evening over the immodlato prospector aerious troubloon tho Mexican frontier. Four foot companies or the 2d ar tlllerv. which are ordored to Texas from Carlisle, are directed by orders from here to loave tholr families bobind, as no ladles could bo permitted to go. A fresh outbreak ofSloux -has complicated affairs, and all army men unite In Baying It we aro to havo any trouble wltbMoxlooorr avallablo force In too ridiculously Htnwiia enoov auyunng. There is greal anxiety to hear soirothtng atithentlo from Lieutenants Bullls and Young, who crossed Into Mexico over three weeka ago with a command of Somlnole fcouts, but have not hlnco boon heard from. Many bolleve tbey bare been captured and killed by the Mexicans, and others, that thev have been sent at prlsouors ta tho City nr. Mexico. All is iu a state or excitement, audtoveral requests bavn made bvolllsers to liuve their commands ordored to the nceno cf tho expected dlhturbano. If an out break ocourn, inoveoients will bo mado slinultanoouitly fromllrownsvlllo and Ring gold barracks aud Fort Clark. Gon. Ord, commiodlnfj on tho Texas frontier, who U still bere consulting with tho authorities, told an oflkrr this morning, who asked why the officers oould not take tholr families with Item, that thoy noed noj worry ubotit that, that they would bo glad enough before long, u ho would bavn heavy work for them very oon. It ban become known that thftte fonr foot companion mo to bo mountod and furfllnbod with Hold plecws. Tnoroaro military sovements which foro tell upeedy action to irmy men. Gen. Miles. Coloiinlortho fttli Joiautry, wbooiptured ChlefJosephandtheNez Peroes, I hero on leave of absence, anl Intendol loavlng this morning for hla comnand, but wm ordered to remain and await tae arrival of Sheridan, who will ba hero to-morrow unmlng for consultation. Washington, Deo 8, A confcronco was held lo-nlht with old door In the senate end of the capltol bwmators, repreaenta i... .mi tmnular letders, favorable to the greenback movement A permanent nation - - t .. fa-mail . twltn ar aigreenuacK teagua " w , wlto an ltnrslntis. and osnsrnueutlveuablos 10 Turk lah battalions which havo hitherto boon guarding It to Join Suleiman Pasha's army. Russians nowhaYo2S0 guns iu position beforoErzoroum. London, Doo. 0. A Russian official dis patch admits tl.o capturo of Elona, and says Prlnco Mlrsky bolng attnokod by 'JO. 000 to 30,000 TurKs was compollcd ar or a stubborn resistance and heavy lois to full back, first from Mahren to Elena, and thou from Klona to a forllfiod position at Jacontlx, at tho head of a mountain gorgo. Tho Turks ronowod tlm attnek nn Wodnosdav morning but ac cording to latest ndvlccH, which woro to 6:30 o'clock Wodnomlay evening, tho attack had coa"od and Russian rululorcomouia woro arriving. Constantinople, Doo. 0. A Turkish divis ion from Odtnan Pasha under Salon Pasha yoslorday occupied KorHOva after souio can nonading. Six battalions of Russians, fear ing Isolation uro retreating from thoro to Tlrnova. Suleiman Pasha's hoadquartcra aro still at Elena. Mukhtar Pasha tolograpltH that tho snow around Err.orouiu Is three foot doep. JQTIio RuHlatiH havo posted aoorpH of obser vation on tho Dovo ltoyun and quartored the romaludor or their troops in adjaoont vil lages, Vienna, Deed. A Belgradodlspsch denlos that Servian preparations havo botnuhock ml. MnlilllzUlon ol tho inalltU rrom tbo .OMmok. Moravajiod Jaypjr corps wns order ed to-day. it m announcoii inai ooininsiius will bo distributed among olnhtof tho Rus sian Mntl' aud 'M other Russian officers. Twonty formur Prtisolau olllcora will outer thoSorvlanhervloe. Turnu Mauurelll, Djo.0. It Is rojorted ID pontoons of Nlkopolli britlgo has boon aut.k by a storm and moro oxpsctud to sink. It Is blowing hard London, Dao. 0. A Vlonna correspondent onntradlrts rumors of tho ill hoalth of tho ('7.i r. ills mnh'Htv'n return, howevor. to St. Potersburc In January Is probable, as It Is nssumod Plovua wilt havo fallen by that tlmo. London, Doo. 8 Tho Times says an un oasy fdellug Is becoming apparent lost tho aotilemmitpf tho eastern riuostlou uufavor- abloto EnaUnd may bo forced upon her by tho throo Emperors1 alliance Tho news or Sorvlaus crosalng into Tur key turns out unfounded. Tho Porto recolvod advlcos, dated NIchIc, yesterday, stating all qulol on tlio Iron tier. A portion of tho Sorvlan troops concentrated noar the frontier havo been withdrawn aud other portions dismissed to their homos. St. Petersburg, Deo.B.-Officiillyannounc-ud Russian loss botween November 10th, to tho 17th was 3,153 mon. Total loss since tho commencement of tbo war. 74 868 Chicago, Deo. 8. Tho Tribune's London tolegram from Slstova states that Tlrnova Is fully seoured avaluat surprise from Sulei man Pasha, and that the reliefer Plevna Is impossible. ,,,,, London, Deo. 8. A Russian ofllolal dls patoh from UogoUaya tho battles of Marlanl and Elena, on the 4th Inst., wero moro un fortunate for the Russians than at first re ported. Fifty officers and 1,800 men woro killed and wounded, and 11 guns captured. The operations on the 0th Inst, wero confined to driving ino iutkisu rigui, ihuiiiwiiuk 000 men, from Slateritia to Bebrova, Tho Turkish left, oonlrouting Jakowllxa, num bers 3,000 men. Constantinople, Deo. 0 Intolllgenco ro celvod from Elena U that operations between that plnot and Tlrnova aro suspended, bo iMiiRn of bad woather. Dondon, Deo. 0 A tolegram from IUgusH says tho inhabitants of Scutari and the Alba uar chlefx have telegraphed to Conhtauilun plo for aid against Montenegrins, declaring that Ifthoriquest is disregarded they will sollolt tho protection of Italy. Berlin, Dec. O.-Seml-olllclal papers deny that tho throe Imperial powors havo recent ly been coc furring togothor In relation to terniH of peace. 'I ho Czar has given notlcoof his Intention to return to St. Petersburg between Decem ber 3d and January 5th. Ears, Dec. 9. Operations against Kt znroum may bo poxtponoil for a fortnlltlit. No at iHiuptwill ba made to establish a strict blockade on account of tho Inclemency of tho weather, but it is supposed comiiiiiiiica tlon with Troblzond will (tliortly bo cut, uh a HumUud dlvLsIon is marching inthatdlreo tlon, Romo, Djc. 0. Within tho past fdw days all Italian political and military autiiorltles have received instructions oiloiilaied lit en sure free aud undUturbed meeting ol tho conclave, , Although newspapers roporls concerning tho pope's health are moro favorable private advices say that his condition la growing worco. He lies helpless, and although his mind is cloar he endures great sutler uir from wblob be 1 expecting and even hoping a sbeedy release, New York, Deo. 0. The Herald's London correspondent, In Rome, telegraphs that the Pope, though still confined to his bed, is oheerful and able to take his food regularly. His logs are still very painful, and he also suffers from pains In his loins, bnt Is able to give audioncein his bedroom. Tho now Is suo on his log baa probably produced a beno Ilcial otloot. Sunday ho gavo audlenco to tho Grand Duchess of Tuncanv. Yostor day he reocivod the cardinals and some In timate frlonds, preparatory to tho conclave He annearod to rally through animation cnusod by frequent meotlngaof frlonds and ongaged Iu conversation with souio vivaolty. Tho caso of Countess Ltmbortls claiming to Inherit as tho daughter of tho late Cardi nal Antonolll, catuo up doforo tho court ycMorday. Tho hearing waa adjournod until Christmas. A ccuospondent remarks that Judgmont wlllcortanly bo ngalnt-t tbo plalntitl untosa sho can produco her mol nor In court. This hor counsel haH edgaged to do tl absolutely necessary. Vlouna, Doc. 0, Part of tho Russian Baltlo ileot has sailed lor tho Modilerranoin. Deo. 7. A correspondent says the dis missal, of Ed hem Pasha frnm tho vlxlershlp has been virtually decided upon. This does not imply a ohango of foreign polloy, but great confuMon provalls In official ol'-oloa rolatlveto Internal affairs. Great changes aro not Improbable. Othor reports deny the existence of a crisis. London, Doo. 7. A Paris correspondent publishes a letter from persons holding positions of trust connected with one ot the highest personages or the Ottoman emplro, declaring that the Turka are hopeless of suo ceas. and as soon as Erzeroum la taken and Adrianople la threatened Turkey will treat separately with Ruaata and cede the free passage of the Bospborua to the Russian rather than permit thorn to advance on Con stantinople. Buoharest. Doc. 7. A Russian statement Is publtshod horo which says It la hotter to continue tho war than to oonolude a patohed up peace which will uooner or lator make auother war necessary. Russia la now la possession of Batoum and Kara and must havo freo navigation of the Dardanelles. Bogot, Deo. 7. Yeaterday Gen. Deltlng hausion, with rolnforcomonts, arrived at Ja cowllz, Simultaneously, a detachment wan sent to Slatarltza and turned the fiauk of tho Turkish main body, which was marching from Kim a to Jacowllz. Constantinople. Deo. 7. Mukhtar Fasha'a army numbers 25,000 men, but this Is con sldorod Insufficient to hold Erroroum aud rolnloiromontH will bosout him. It H reported that Sullemau Pasha has gained nuothor victory botwoon Elena aud Tlrnova. "A TERMINUS FOK OREGON, NOT A STATION." To tho Honorable, iho Mombora of Iho vSon nto and Houso of Roprosoutatlves of tho United hlatcs in Congress assomblod: Whereas, It W proposed that Government aid should bo extended to thoNorthorn Pa clliu Railroad Company to aid In tho con struction of a railroad across tho continent, and, Whereas, Thoro Is sufficient water at the mouth of tho Columbia rlvor for tho lurgCHt sized ships to safety enter and lay at anchor. Thoroloro, wo, your petitioners oltlrannnf tho dlalo of Oregon imy that a liberal aid bo given to tho said Northern Paolllo Com pany only on condition that ono of tho ter mini of said road bo at Astoria, nt tho mouth of tho Columbia rlvor, aud tho road com pleted theroto within throo years. And wo further pray that tho proceods of tho salos of lands lying adjacont to tho road may bo grf uted to tho Company, but that thu lands shall In all cavos bo open (or tho actual settler and not granted to tho Com pany excepting a eullloljut amount for thu right of way. A Cnrloatty. Mr. Jones, living at Jos. Lllo's,a few mllm abovo this city, saya tho Albany Democrat, has boon hunting boos for sometime Ibis Full, and a low weeks ago found quite a ou rloslty iu one of tho boo trees. When ho whh taking thu honey Irom tho treo ho found mlxod up among It a remarkably well-pro-Norvod carcans of ono of our common iiliio qulrro!H. The llillo follow had found hla Wity Into tho hive, and had probably been stung o iloath by tho hoes. Tho boos hail not allowed mis llltlo iiiivoniuror to iiuorioro with their IhinIucn", and had gouo right along depositing tholr honey until thosqulrrol waa completely covered with It. Iu this way tho squirrel had (been preserved almost as well as If it had boon put up In alcohol. Its hair Is ail gouo, but tho goiieril contour of tho body If nerfoot, and the whole has beon ce mented tightly loa.pleco or wood by tho boos. Another New Lodge). W. It. Dunbar, U. W. O. T assisted, by Wlloy Parrlsh, W. U. T., of Lahlsh Lodge, on tun (J.'j lust., organised Battlo Creek Imlgn, at Squirrel Hill College, with thirty members. Prof. A. G. Deardoilf is W. U. T,; Sarah Smith, R. 11. S.; Amv Robertson, L. II. S.: Mary Lauion, W. V. T, 11.11. Smith, W. ,; J. O. Robertson. W. A.S.; Mollie Rodger, W. F.H ; Inaao N. Wagnor, W.T.i Clark Rodgerx, W. O i W. V. Moln tire. W. M.t Ella Wagner, W. I). M. Sadlo Rodgors, W. I. G,; J, T. Robertson, W. O. (J.I A. L. HndHon, P. W. U. T., aud J. O. Robertson, Iodgo Deputy. Lodg Organiasd. W. R. Dunbar, G. W. O. T.. on thn 6th Inst , organized a Loduo of I, O. G, T. at JefforHOii, with forty-six charter members. It Is officered us follows, viz: Dr. W. W. Smith, W.O. T ; S. T. Johnson, It. U.S.; J. A.'lliomas, L. II. S.; ICII.belh Turplu, W. V. T.t Charles Smith. W. S.i Oeorgo Coni-or, W. A.O. L. G. Rogers. W. F.S.; Molllu Johnson, W. T.t U. il. Roland, W. O.j Krank Parrls'i, W. M.j Ira Miller, W. I). M.: Dlllla Elliott. W. I. O.s Arthur Smith, W.O. G 5 P II. F.arull, P. W. O. V aud Jacob Cousor, Lodcu Deputy. Newkpajier Chitii:. Commencing wltn ynstorday mnrnlng'M Issue, tho weokly ntiwH.tior, liirmorly known hh tho Albany RogUter, and tbo Dally and Weekly Olworvor, wnni merged Into two journals, to bo published ami known hemafter, tho ono aa the Albany Morning Van Oinerver, thu other as tho Albany Weekly Van Observer. Both Jour nals will bo uudur tho Joint management and control of tho two firmer editors, E. Curtwrlghtand Colt Van Clenvu. 'Iho form er ha goue to Sin Francisco lor a now power priiss, ami tlm now oulerprlsu promUm to moot wl.li bui'coss. To ko to Staytou. Mr. Martin L Butler, wim has lor some tlmo paiil beon ungHged iu night ulork at tho Choiueketa hotel, leaves to morrow morning to tuko chargo ol Iho tchonl at Niaytou. Mr. Butler came to our city Iuhi Spring and dur ing his rvHldonce among ua bus mado many frluuds by his straightforward manner and exemplary modu of living. Aa a teacher, hu holds hiuli testimonials Irom prominent citi zens of Genesee county, Now Yot k, and wi leel assured that our Siaylon friends havo xH'iul a valuable Instructor for their jhlldren, il I I V 1 !. r. H A i ? M 4 1 A